What Lies Beyond

Author: Jennnillu

Email: Jenny2278@hotmail.com

Parts: 21 - 31 (End)



~Part: 21~

"How is she?"

"Alright. She's resting."

Spike simply nodded, deep in thought.

"I don't get it, Spike," Angel spoke up, sitting next to him on the leather couch, and pulling the younger vampire from his musings.

"Me either mate. I mean, a vampire living in an apartment full of windows…You're just a glutton for pain, aren't you?"

Angel rolled his eyes, knowing that Spike was trying to get to him. The blond never did like it when his vulnerability showed. "They're tinted," he told him. "And I meant you and Willow. Why are you helping her? The chip is gone, the soul is gone, there's no one here that you're trying to impress, so…"

Spike let out a deep sigh, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. He saw Angel give him a look, clearly not wanting him to smoke in his apartment, and delighted in the puff of smoke that he exhaled in the direction of the dark haired vampire.

"Helping Red…It was never about trying to impress the slayer, or anyone else for that matter. It…she and I…we're kindred souls is all. `Sides, I made a promise…" His voice trailed off at that, not willing to say more.

"You don't have a soul, Spike," Angel pointed out, knowing that there was more that Spike wasn't saying.

"Yeah, well I'm connected to the girl's darkness as much as to her light, I guess," Spike told him, taking a long drag on the cigarette.

"You always did have a little more humanity than a vamp should," Angel stated.

"Hey! Watch your mouth!" Spike shouted indignantly, jumping to his feet.

Angel stood up as well. "It was meant to be a compliment, Spike."

"Well keep your compliments to yourself," the blond grumbled.

"You've changed. I can't believe it, and I never thought it would be possible. I mean, you're still a pain in the ass, but you really have changed." Spike simply raised an eyebrow, surprised at the older vampire's words. "You care and you love without the soul. That was something that I was never able to do."

"Yeah, well, always knew I was better than Angelus," Spike replied with a smirk as Angel rolled his eyes.

"I'm glad you came here," he said quietly, surprising the blond yet again. "You belong here. Both of you."

"You gonna try and kiss me now?" Spike asked, desperate to break up the tension and emotion that suddenly filled the room.

"You wish," Angel replied, rolling his eyes again and smirking. There was a long pause before Angel spoke again. "So Buffy…she's…"

"Yeah," Spike responded softly.

"And you and she were…"

"We were what?" Spike asked, raising an eyebrow and enjoying watching his grand sire squirm.

"You're going to make me say it, aren't you?" Angel grumbled. "Maybe you haven't changed all that much." Spike simply smirked at him. "Fine. You and Buffy…You were in love?"

Seeing the pained look on Angel's face, Spike sighed and rolled his eyes.  "I was a little, shall we say, obsessed? She didn't return my ardor. She loved you right up to the end."

"I'm sorry, Spike," Angel said softly.

"Not lookin for your pity, Angel," the blond growled. "All your fault, far as I can tell, anyway. You always manage to worm your way into their hearts, and then leave me with the broken pieces."

"I mean…I'm sorry about what happened with us," the brunette said, his voice a harsh whisper. Seeing the younger vampire, and hearing what he had done for the group in Sunnydale, Angel was reminded of what the blond had once been like, the good times they had shared, and he suddenly, and surprisingly found himself missing that. They shared a new commonality now, too. They had both loved and lost the slayer, and now were both in need of solace, though neither would readily admit it.

Spike simply stared at the older vampire, not understanding his words.

"We used to be close, you know? We used to be…"

"I remember," Spike interrupted, leering at the other man, "intimately," His voice was suddenly husky with need and something else.  "But that ship's long since sailed, mate. That's in the past."

"It doesn't have to be," Angel told him, taking a step closer.

Leaning in a little, Spike thought for a moment before pulling back again.

"Yeah, it does. What's done is done. We can't go back now, and even if we could, can't say I'd want to. Been there, done that, got the emotional scars, thanks a bunch."

Angel could see Spike erecting the hardened wall before him. The blond always did put up a good front.

"Fine! You know, Spike, you can really be a stubborn son of a bitch at times."

"You wouldn't have me any other way," Spike shot back, just before Angel lunged at him, one hand clamping down behind the blond head, as his lips claimed Spike's, his tongue plundering his mouth. A moment later, the older vampire pulled back and turned, sauntering out of the room, leaving a very dazed Spike behind.

~Part: 22~

"Willow! How are you feeling?" Fred called out as the redhead walked into the research lab.

Willow smiled warmly. "Feeling much better," she told her. "Couple days rest really did the trick." She tried to sound enthusiastic, though her voice was soft and weary.

"I'm so glad. Is there anything I can get for you?"

"No, actually, I was thinking that maybe I could give you hand. I am some what of a science wiz, as you know. Not that I'm sayin that I'm as good as you. I mean, I never wrote my own Theory on alternate dimensional portals or anything, but…"

Fred blushed and giggled sheepishly. "It was nothing, really," she told her. "And you shouldn't trouble yourself here. We have more than enough staff on hand. You should just relax."

Willow nodded and looked down. "Yeah, okay," she mumbled. "Just thought…" Before she could finish, Fred's assistant rushed up behind her with some urgent data.

"I'm sorry, I really have to…" Fred began apologetically.

"No, that's fine. Really, I'll just poke around the rest of the place," Willow said, turning to leave.

Walking into the lobby, the redhead suddenly heard someone calling her name. Turning slowly with a sense of dread, she rolled her eyes and looked up as Spike bound down the stairs.

"Red, you're up," he stated as he reached her.

"Yeah, I did notice that," she responded, the indifference in her voice startling him slightly. He hadn't seen the girl since bringing her in, Angel giving him specific instructions to give her space and let her rest.

"Sure you should be runnin about so soon after…" His voice trailed off as she glared at him.

"I'm fine, Spike. Restless. Looking for something to do." At those words, Willow caught sight of Wesley and called out to him, turning and moving toward the former watcher, leaving Spike behind without so much as a second glance.

"Wesley, hi!" She greeted the man.

"Willow, how are you feeling?" He questioned.

Willow rolled her eyes. "I'm fine. I wish everyone would stop asking that," she told him.

"Well, it's just that, after an ordeal like the one which…Everyone is just concerned," he explained softly.

"I get that," she replied, "but I just want to not think about it, which is why I wanted to talk to you. I thought maybe I could help you out, you know, with the research. I mean, I am, after all, well versed in demonology, and…"

Seeing the Englishman frown, Willow's voice trailed off. "And I'm guessing that you already have all the help you need," she finished with a pout.

"I'm sorry, Willow, but really, you should be resting, and I don't think that Angel would be happy with me if I just put you right to work."

"Yeah, yeah," she mumbled, turning and looking around the bustling lobby wearily. Having one last idea, she sucked in a deep breath, pulled herself up a little straighter and marched into Angel's office.

"Willow? You're up," Angel commented as the redhead walked in. "How are you…"

"Don't say it!" She interrupted. "Don't ask. Angel, I'm fine, but I'm going crazy with nothing to do. I…I have skills. Lots of useful skills. Please, just give me something to do. Let me help."

"Willow," Angel started gently, moving around from behind his desk, "we have more than enough help here. You really should just take it easy for a while."

"I don't want to take it easy!" She shouted. "If I don't give my mind something else to think about…" She let the rest of the statement hang on the air. "Angel, please, give me something to do." Her voice was desperate now, and Angel could feel his resolve beginning to crumble. He began to suspect that there was nothing this girl could ask for that he wouldn't give. "Come on, ya must need a computer wiz for something, right? Hacking into evil corporate files…Other than your own evil corporate files, of course, or…or tampering with email, or…Do you even have a web page?"

Angel chuckled, understanding her need to feel useful. It was one of her most admirable traits: helpful, kind, and loyal to a fault.  "I suppose we could use someone to supervise the technology department… someone I trust."

Willow beamed at the vampire. "Really?" Angel nodded. "Thank you," she whispered, rushing forward and hugging him without thinking. Angel was a little stunned, but tightly hugged her back. Closing his eyes for a moment, he was surprised at how nice it felt to have her in his arms. A moment later, realizing what she was doing, Willow quickly pulled away, her body shaking a little as her mind registered the physical contact. That was still one of the things she was having trouble with, although she seemed better with Angel. She didn't cringe at his touch, and that was definitely something.

"Thanks," she said again, before turning and heading out of the office.

"Harmony!" Angel yelled, the blonde vampire appearing in the doorway a minute later. "Willow's going to be working for us now, so set her up with an office, and let payroll know," he told her.

"Willow? As in Willow Rosenberg?" Harmony questioned, a frown marring her face. "Why is SHE working here?" One look from Angel stopped her rant before it started. "I mean, yay, Willow, goodie. My favorite human…not," she grumbled, heading back to her desk.

"You think that's really a good idea?" Angel looked up as he sat back down at his desk, seeing Spike walking into the office.

"Spike," Angel sighed, looking up at the ceiling for a moment. Everything with the younger vampire had to be a battle. "It's not your concern."

"The girl just went through hell, and you're going to just sit her down and put her to work?" Spike shouted.

Angel growled. "Spike, she wants something to take her mind off of things."

"She's avoiding dealing with her emotions," Spike argued. "She's pretending that she's fine. Seen her do it before. She's a pro, but she's hurting and mourning, and if you aren't careful, you're going to end up with an out of control witch. If she doesn't deal with the things she's seen and felt…"

"Spike, drop it," Angel interrupted. "She's dealing, alright?"

"Like hell she is!"

"Enough! Just leave Willow alone. She'll be alright."  Spike simply scoffed. Angel rubbed his temples for minute before speaking again. "Are we going to talk about the other night or not?"

"Don't know what you're talkin about," the blond lied.

"Spike, don't play games. You know what you're feeling, it's the same thing as me," Angel told him. The truth was that the emotions stirred up by Spike's return, and learning of the things he had done, had been a complete shock to Angel, and something he was still trying to figure out.

"Wrong, mate," Spike replied. "You don't have a clue what I'm feelin, and don't think for a second that we're anything alike."

"You know you felt something when we kissed," Angel argued.

"Repulsion?" Spike replied flippantly. "Disgust?"

Standing up and moving quickly around the desk, Angel came nose to nose with the blond. "Lust, desire, need," he whispered, his arm shooting up as he grabbed onto the back of Spike's neck and pulled him into a searing kiss.

A moment later, Spike yanked his head back, his own hand now tangled in Angel's dark hair, and both vampire's glared at each other for a moment, golden eyes meeting golden eyes.

"You don't know me, Angelus," Spike told him. "You never did." Again, Angel pulled the younger vampire into a passionate kiss, his tongue demanding entrance to his mouth, dueling for dominance with Spike's.

After another moment, Angel pulled back, seeing desire in the golden eyes before him. "Wrong, Spike. I made you. I molded you into what you are." At that, Spike tightened his grip on the back of Angel's head and claimed the dark haired vampire's lips with his own, nipping and biting as his vampire visage slipped forth. Strong hands groped feverishly at hard muscle as the two vampires rediscovered one another's touch, both now thoroughly aroused. Gripping Angel's shirt, Spike tore it open, spraying buttons around them.

"Hey," Angel growled. "That's silk."

"Ponce," Spike mumbled, before their kissing continued, his hands now roaming over Angel's chiseled chest.


Both vampires paused, pulling their mouths apart and turning slowly to see Harmony standing in the doorway, a disgusted look on her face.

"Get a room!" She told them.

"Already have one," Angel growled.

"Oh yeah," she mumbled, "right. I, uh…just wanted to let you know that Willow's office is all set."

"Great, thanks," Angel replied, running a hand through his tangled hair and looking around with slight discomfort.

"Are you guys, like, together?" She asked, scrunching up her nose.

"No!" They both shouted at the same time.

"It's just…It's not what it looks like," Angel tried to explain. "It's a…sire and childe thing," he said lamely.

"I thought Drusilla was his sire," she pointed out.

"Yeah, well…" Spike began. Not coming up with anything convincing, he finally shrugged and headed out of the office, brushing past Harmony on the way.

"He better not get a raise for this," she pouted. "Because if that's what it takes to move up in the company, then I'm more than willing to…" Seeing Angel's glare, the blonde quickly turned and fled the office.

~Part: 23~

Willow flipped on a small light in the kitchen, trying to keep quiet as she searched for something to eat. Most of the cupboards were void of anything edible, and her growly tummy was growing impatient. Finally finding a small box of pasta, she grabbed a pan and started to boil some water. A few minutes later, she leaned against the stove, stirring the macaroni.

"Bit of a late night?" Hearing the voice behind her, Willow jumped, nearly knocking over the pan of boiling water.

"What have I told you about startling me?" She complained, turning her back to the blond vampire.

"What are you doing up so late?" He questioned, trying to keep a smirk from his lips.

Willow rolled her eyes, not bothering to look at him. "What does it look like?"

"Will, we have to talk," he told her, his voice serious.

"I disagree," she responded, her voice equally void of any jovial amusement.

Turning the burner off, the redhead went to the refrigerator, looking for butter or milk. Spike watched as she searched through the jars of cold blood.

"Willow, you need to talk about…"

"Doesn't Angel keep anything around here besides blood?" She shouted, slamming one of the jars onto a shelf and throwing the door closed.

Spike shrugged. "Vampire, pet. Not much need for food."

"Yeah, well, you'd think he could stock up for the occasional human that happens by, you know? I mean, the guy surrounds himself with living, breathing, EATTING people!" She could feel the tears fill her eyes, knowing that her frustration had nothing to do with the cooling pasta, and everything to do with the vampire before her.

"Willow, calm down," Spike said softly, reaching out to touch her arm. "Just tell me…"

"Stop!" Willow shouted, jumping back just before he touched her, her eyes wide with panic. "Spike, please just leave me alone," she whispered. "There is nothing I want to talk to you about. I'm fine."

Seeing her jaw clench and her eyes turn cold, he let out a deep sigh of frustration. The girl was holding things in and it wasn't good… for any of them. Never being known for his patience, or his ability to take rejection of any kind well, Spike resorted to his main defense…anger.

"Oh, yeah, you're fine. I can see just how fine you are," he shot at her, seeing her back stiffen slightly. Anger. Good. He'd take any emotion at this point. "You just keep on tell'n them all how fine you are, and meanwhile, you keep wallow'n on the inside, until eventually you lose it again and try to flay us all."

"Shut up!" She yelled, her hands fisted tightly at her side.

"You can't keep pretending nothing happened, Red," he told her.  "I know you like to play the martyr, but give it a rest already, will ya?"

"What? How can you say that… No, forget it. I'm not going to get into this with you," she told him.

"Right, cause you'd much rather just sit on the pain, let it continue to burn you," he stated. "Let's face it, baby, you've got a bit of a masochistic streak in you, and we both know it, don't we? You know, I'd be happy to help you out with that, if…"

"Spike," she growled in warning.

"Oh come on. Let's call a spade a spade, love. You like the darkness and the pain. Reminds you of just how good and wholesome you used to be."

"Shut up," she whispered.

"Problem is, you aren't sweet, innocent, little Willow anymore, are you?" A part of him hated what he was saying, but Spike knew that she had to unleash her emotions sooner or later, and he figured that if she wasn't willing to talk, he might at least be able to goad her into a good fight.

Grabbing the pan of hot water, Willow spun around and glared at him with what he could only interpret as hatred in her eyes. "Spike, unless you're looking to be scalded, I suggest you shut your mouth, right now," she stated, her voice low and deadly. "I can help you out with your masochistic tendencies too, you know."

"Knew the kitten had claws," he stated with a cocky smirk.

Her face seemed to falter for a moment before she slammed the pan down and walked across the kitchen.

"You don't have to be alone in this, you know," he called after her.

Willow paused in the doorway, not bothering to turn around as she spoke. "I'd rather be alone than to have anything to do with you," she growled before walking away.

Storming into her room, Willow slammed the door behind her, only to hear a knock a moment later.

"Go away, Spike!" She shouted.

"Willow?" Angel called. The redhead let out a deep sigh before opening the door.

"Sorry, Angel, didn't mean to wake you," she said apologetically as she moved to sit on the bed.

Angel followed, sitting down next to her, and they both looked up, hearing a growl come from across the apartment, followed by several pieces of kitchenware hitting the floor.

Angel winced. "He's destroying my kitchen, isn't he?" He asked.

"Sorry," she mumbled, her shoulders hunching forward as she looked down.

"Not your fault," he assured her. "Spike's never been known for his… restraint. He is right, though, you know." Willow gave him a questioning look. "About you holding things in. It isn't good, especially after all you've been through. You should at least talk about it."

"I'm fine, Angel, really," she insisted.

"No, you're not. Willow, I know you. I know that you're used to being the one that others lean on, the one that helps them, but right now you have to let us help you. Remember that time you told me off for not taking time to have a cup of coffee with Buffy? Man, was I ever surprised by you. You were quite the little spit fire when you wanted to be," he told her with a chuckle. "You had all that fire just hidden away, but you know, even then, you were helping everyone else. Please, let me help you."

Willow looked down, biting her lower lip for a long time before suddenly looking up again.

"Do you miss her?" She asked, her voice soft and timid.

"All the time," he told her with a gentle smile. "Buffy, she was one of a kind, just like you are. Always willing to put her life on the line to save someone else."

"Yeah, she always was," Willow mused quietly. "They all were. Seemed like there was always some horrible evil to fight."

"Yeah, but I'm sure you have lots of good time to remember too, right?" He questioned.

"Living on the mouth of hell doesn't exactly make for loads of happy memories," she told him sadly, before a thought hit and her face brightening slightly. "Oh! Although there was this one time when Buffy was fighting a Guarmoli demon, a-and she kept calling it a Guacamole demon, which really just kept pissing the thing off."

"Guarmoli demon?" Angel questioned. "They're harmless. They never go after humans."

"I know! I kept trying to tell them that, but no one would listen. Giles was trying to keep Dawn back behind the counter, and Anya was flailing her arms, yelling that the demon was trying to shop lift from her store. Turns out he wanted to do a love spell to get his mate back, but boy did he ever pick the wrong shop to steal from."

Angel listened for hours, chuckling and smiling as Willow recounted tale after tale of the group demon hunting.

"Buffy was so mad when she found out that it could regenerate itself. Oh! And then, of course, Xander had to play the strapping hero and try to save her. He took an ax and sliced it right down the middle. Buffy complained for weeks about it ruining her new sweater."

"She did always keep things in perspective," Angel mused.

"And Xander felt all manly and proud…until he realized that he'd now created two demons by splitting it in half," Willow said with a giggle.

"That's Xander, always the first one to jump in front of the bullet for his girls," the vampire stated, smiling proudly.

Willow nodded, her eyes clouding over a little, her expression falling.

"They're still with us, Willow. As long as we remember, they're still…"

"Yeah, I know. I just wish…I just miss them," she whispered, swallowing a lump in her throat.

"Me too."

Willow took a deep breath and gave him a little smile. "Oh! And did you ever hear about the time that Giles got turned into a Fyarl demon?"

Outside of the room, Spike stood, listening. He was glad that she was talking, even if it was to Angel. There was a part of him that desperately wanted to be the one to make that girl smile and laugh, but the other, more logical side of him quickly reminded the vampire of exactly what he was and where he stood. He was a demon, and she was a human.  His soul was gone, and though it angered him to think about it, he knew that she deserved more than he could give her.

~Part: 24~

Several weeks went by, and Willow seemed to be slowly healing, with the help of Angel. The animosity between the redhead and Spike was still tangible, and slowly grating on Angel's nerves. He'd lost count of how many times he'd had to break up an argument or reprimand Spike for bullying Willow into another fight. If he didn't know better, he would almost think that they had a thing for each other. The sexual tension was thick in the air, but Angel suspected that had as much to do with him and Spike as it did with Willow.

"Red seems to be doin a little better," Spike commented offhandedly as they were out one night, patrolling an area that was rumored to house a new nest of vamps. Sure, Angel had enough resources at his finger tips to never have to go out in the field again, but the truth was that he actually enjoyed it. He enjoyed "a good spot of violence," as Spike would call it, every now and then, as much as the souled vampire disliked admitting it.  The demon in him relished a good fight.

"Yeah, no thanks to you," Angel replied, clearly discontent.

"What the hell is that supposed to me?" Spike questioned angrily. "That girl wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for me."

"Yes, Spike, you got her out of there, but the last thing she needs is you constantly prodding her weak spots. I've seen you. You nudge her into an argument every chance you get."

"I do not!" The blond denied. "Well…alright, maybe I do, but it's just so damn easy to…"

"Well knock it off," Angel interrupted, stopping his stride for a moment and glaring pointedly at the younger vampire.

Spike arched an eyebrow daringly. "Giving orders now?"

"Yeah, I am," Angel told him seriously.

Spike grinned and took a step closer, leering at the brunette. "And what if I don't feel like follow'n your orders? You gonna make me?"

"Spike," Angel growled in warning. The blond simply took another step closer, still giving the other vampire a lusty grin.

Before Spike could register the movement, Angel grabbed him and spun the blond around, pinning him against an alley wall, their forms hidden in the shadows, as Angel's mouth plundered Spike's. Four hands groped wantonly at dark cloth and heavy leather, pushing away barriers blocking the wanted contact of skin on skin. Both vampires slipped into their demon visage as teeth nicked lips and tongues tasted blood. Just as Spike felt Angel's hands slide up under his shirt, he heard a strange whooshing noise a second before they pulled apart and a crossbow bolt embedded itself  between them in the wall. Two sets of golden eyes shot up, looking for the source of the bolt, neither immediately seeing anything.

Spike sighed in frustration. "Someone's always out to interrupt us," he complained.

Angel simply shushed him, a moment before they caught a flash of movement across the street. The two vampires gave each other a look before taking off after their attacker. It didn't take long for the demons to catch up to the assailant, Angel knocking the person down with a flying kick. Both vampires stepped back slightly as the fallen attacker jumped up and spun around, her long, dark hair flying around her face. They were slightly startled by the fact that it was a young woman that had attacked them, and their uncertainty gave her just enough time to jump and spin, knocking both of them back before she took off running, disappearing around a corner.

The two vampires pulled themselves up and ran again, both stopping around the corner when they realized that she was nowhere in sight.

"She's gone," Angel said, sounding a little surprised.

"You notice anything strange?" Spike asked. "Feeling anything from her?"

"You felt it too?" Angel questioned. He had been thinking it was just his imagination.

"She was a slayer," Spike said, his voice barely above a whisper.


"The spell. The spell I did, with the scythe…It must have somehow called another slayer. I mean, we thought we had all the potentials with us, but there must have been more," Willow mused in awe. "There could be more of them out there."

"The spell?" Angel questioned. "What kind of spell was it exactly?"

"Well, we didn't know specifically what the scythe would do, or…or what it was for, but it had something to do with the source of the slayer's power, and I kinda just tapped in to the weapon and released the source," she explained a little uncertainly.

"We have to go out and find that girl," Angel stated. "She probably has no idea what's happening to her."

"She seemed to have a pretty good idea, mate," Spike interjected. "Saw that we were vampires and attacked."

"She saw that you were…You mean your faces were all…grrr?" Willow questioned, causing both Spike and Angel to smile at her description and the cute way she scrunched up her nose while growling. "Were you fighting something at the time?"

Suddenly both vampires looked down sheepishly, shaking their heads.

"Well, if you weren't fighting, why were you…you know…"

Neither Spike nor Angel responded, and before Willow could repeat her question, Wesley came into the office. "We have a mark on her location, Angel," he told them. "She's been spotted just a few blocks from here."

"Great. I'll go out after her," Angel stated. Spike moved to follow the older vampire, but Angel quickly stopped him. "She knows what we both look like. Two of us will appear as more of a threat."

"Doesn't even one vampire seem like a threat?" Spike questioned.

"Spike, don't fight me on this. I know what I'm doing," Angel growled.

"Trying to get yourself killed is what it looks like to me," Spike countered.


"I'll go," Willow volunteered, before both vampires quickly shouted "no!"

"Excuse me?" She questioned, hands on her hips.

"Willow, this girl has no idea what's happening to her. She's most likely very unstable. I don't want you getting hurt," Angel told her gently.

"Well, hey, big girl here. I've dealt with things a lot worse than this, and me being all human and everything, don't you think I'd have an easier time talking to her?"

"You are not going, Red. Me and peaches will take care of it, end of story," Spike told her.

"No! Not end of story. I can help, and I'm going!" She argued.

"No you are…" Spike began.

"Neither of you are going!" Angel interrupted, startling both the redhead and blond with his harsh tone. "I am going, alone, and that's final. The two of you will stay here, and…try not to kill each other."

At that, the brunette stormed out of the office, leaving Willow and Spike standing alone.

After a long pause, Willow turned to Spike. "You made him mad," she told him, turning and walking out.

"Me?" He yelled after her, sighing when he received no response.

~Part: 25~

Willow pulled on her jacket as she tip-toed toward the elevator, trying to be as quiet as possible. She knew that Angel didn't want her to get hurt, and she understood that, but she also knew that this new slayer was going to be scared and confused, and really didn't think that sending a vampire out to talk to her was the best idea.

There was another reason that she wanted to find the girl, as well. She was a slayer, called by Willow's spell. The girl had been called just when Buffy and Faith had died, and Willow felt a strange connection to the girl. If she had made it possible for the slayer line to continue, that meant that it might be possible that Willow did actually have a greater purpose…a reason to be still be alive, and that sudden spark of hope drove her need to find the girl.

"And just where do you think you're goin?"

Willow paused, her hand on the elevator button, and let out a sigh.  "Out," she stated coldly.

"Thought you were told to stay put."

"Yeah, well…Angel isn't the boss of me," she stated, turning around and rolling her eyes at her own lame reply.

"Actually, he is. You're on his payroll. That makes him your employer… the very definition of `the boss of you," Spike told the redhead with a smirk.

"Don't get all logical on me now, Spike. You were never very good at it," Willow shot at him.

"Oh, right, go on and sling insults, pet, if it makes you feel better `bout yourself," Spike countered.

Willow shook her head, turning around again and hitting the elevator button a few times. Damn thing was too slow. "I don't have time for this," she grumbled.

"You know, you used to talk to me about everything…Things you couldn't even tell your bestest friends," Spike pointed out.

"Things change," she told him.

"Right. Can't confide in the soulless demon," Spike ground out.

"It has nothing to do with that," she said quickly, her jaw clenched tightly.

"Right. You keep tellin yourself that," he replied.

Whirling around, Willow glared at him. "You left, Spike! You left when I needed you! We had a connection, a bond. I trusted you and you left!"

"Oh, give me a break. You know, I really think it's time that you deal with your abandonment issues. Your parents ignore you, you try to rebel with the dark arts. Buffy dies and leaves, you drag her back from heaven. You…"

"Shut up!" She shouted, feeling magic tingling throughout her body as her anger grew.

"I'm not your pal anymore, remember? Don't have to sugar coat it for you. No more sappy soul for Spike."

"I told you, the soul never mattered," she ground out.

"Like hell it didn't!! Buffy only…"

"I'm not Buffy," Willow interrupted. "But then, that was always the problem, wasn't it? She was the only real reason you stuck around. As soon as she was gone, so were you."

"Shut your trap!" Spike growled. "You don't know what your talkin about. You, little girl, don't know anything about me."

"Wrong, Spike. I know you better than anyone. Who's the one whose shoulder you cried on? Who's the one who comforted you when Buffy turned away? Who's the one who fought the voices back?"

"Who's the one who can't even control her own magic?" Spike shot back.

"Fuck you!" She shouted, feeling her control slipping slightly as she shook a little. She knew her eyes were black now, and she clenched her fists, fighting her urges to turn him to dust.

"In your dreams, pet," he stated lowly, with a cruel grin. "Like you said, you aren't Buffy."

Taking several steps toward the blond, Willow raised her hand, just before he saw a bolt of light flash toward him. Spike dove out of the way, and the magic that was aimed at the vampire collided with a lamp that had been behind him, shattering it."

Sitting up and slowly climbing to his feet, the vampire chuckled. "Ohhh…You're in trouble now."

"Shut up, Spike," she muttered, staring with wide eyes at the shattered remains of Angel's lamp.

"Looks like someone's due for a spanking," he taunted in a sing-song voice.

"Shut up!" She screamed, closing her eyes tightly as she clenched her fists.

"But then, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Make you feel all punished and remorseful," he commented with another smirk.

"Enough!" Both Spike and Willow turned and looked up to see Angel stepping off the elevator. "What are you two…Hey! I liked that lamp," he mumbled, seeing the shards of glass.

"Willow did it!" Spike stated, his eyes wide with false innocence, as he pointed to the redhead.

"Spike started it!" Willow countered quickly. "He was the one that…"

"Enough!" Angel yelled again, running his hand through his hair wearily and sighing. "Willow, go to bed. Spike…"

"What?" The redhead argued, as Spike smirked at her in triumph. "What am I? Five years old?"

"You're certainly acting like it," Angel stated coldly.

Willow scowled and looked toward Spike, who merely grinned and stuck out his tongue.

"Angel, you can't just…"

"Willow, go. To. Bed. I will deal with you later. Spike and I need to have a little talk."

Pouting and crossing her arms, Willow finally stomped off to her room in a huff, hating to be treated like an errant child.

Spike chuckled as he watched her go, before Angel turned on him, growling.

"Why do you do it?" The brunette questioned angrily.

"What?" Spike asked, trying to hold up his poor attempt at an innocent act.

"Goad her into arguments. You know how to get to her, and you use it every time! Why can't you just leave her alone?"

"Maybe I don't wanna, alright?" Spike mumbled.

"That's not a suitable answer, Spike," the older vampire told him. "Hasn't she been through enough?"

"Yeah, and that's just it. She bounces around here actin as if nothin happened. I was there. I know what happened. She should be talkin to me about it, not you."

"Ahhh. Now I get it. This isn't really about Willow. This is about you and me. You know, you really need to do something about that jealous streak, Spike."

"Wrong," Spike replied haughtily. "This isn't about you and me. It's about me and her. We were friends. We confided in one another, and she's so damn quick to just forget it."

"She feels betrayed, Spike, and you've given her no reason to feel otherwise." Angel saw the blond wince slightly at the words, knowing there was more truth in them than he liked. "You want her back in your life, you have to work at it, rebuild her trust. Arguing with her is not going to get it done."

"Yeah, but it's a hell of a lot of fun," Spike mumbled, knowing his grand sire was right.


"Willow?" Angel called out, after knocking on her door.

"Can't talk," she mumbled grumpily into a pillow. "Sleeping, remember?"

Angel smirked as he walked into the dark room, watching the redhead as he made his way to the bed and sat next to her. She kept her back to him and ignored the vampire completely.

"I said to go to bed," he told her softly, reaching out to lightly squeeze her side and smiling when she didn't flinch away. "I didn't say anything about sleep."

The redhead slowly turned over and glared at him. "Angel, I really don't appreciate the way you…" Angel stopped her with a finger to her lips, earning another glare from the witch.

"I know that he started it, Willow, but you can't let him get to you. You're smarter than that. You play right into his hand."

"But…well…He's older! Shouldn't he have to be the mature one?"

Angel chuckled at her logic. "He may be over one hundred years old, but he has the mentality of a twelve year old," he told her."

"I just don't understand why he always has to cut me down," she complained, scrunching up her nose a little and sitting up. "And since when did you become one of the `Spike's-so-great' cheerleaders?"

"Willow, what does a twelve year old boy do when he likes a cute girl on the playground?" The brunette asked.

Willow shrugged. "Pulls her pigtails and sticks his tongue out at…Oh no! Angel, Spike doesn't like me. Spike can't stand me!"

"I think you're wrong about that," he told her with a smile. Willow started to shake her head in denial, but Angel quickly stopped her as he leaned down, gently capturing her lips with his own. Her eyes widened before closing as her mind tried to register what was happening. In truth, Angel was just as surprised by his actions as Willow was, but as soon as the kiss began, he could feel how right it was.

Willow felt his strong arms wrap around her, his hands gently pressing against her back as he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping into her mouth and tangling with hers.

When Angel finally released her mouth, Willow pulled her head back slightly, though she made no move to be released from his embrace. She sucked in needed breath as she stared at the smirking vampire in wide-eyed shock.

"Spike would have to be a complete moron to not want you, Willow," Angel whispered, bringing a small smile to the redhead's lips as she blushed and ducked her head down. "I mean, even more of a moron than he actually is," the vampire added with a chuckle. Reaching out, he tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at him again, and gave her another quick kiss. "You should get some rest. We'll continue this… discussion later," he told her in a low, husky voice. Willow simply nodded as the vampire stood up and left the room.

~Part: 26~

Willow tried to sleep. She really did. She figured that maybe she had accomplished all of about fifteen minutes of solid sleeping time, but she was quickly becoming restless, and her mind kept replaying the kiss with Angel like a looping movie. The redhead had to admit that there had been some feelings for the dark haired vampire stirring up in her recently, but she had never dared to think that he might feel the same way about her. The kiss had dazed her at best, and left her with a million questions. A part of her empty, broken heart felt as though it had just been refilled, swelling slightly with the unaccustomed emotions.

The redhead stood up and looked down at her slightly wrinkled clothes as she ran a hand through her hair. Deciding that no sleep would come with her head so full, Willow slowly padded out of her room and down the hall, stopping just in front of Angel's door, which was open just slightly. She raised a hand, about to knock, when she suddenly heard a noise. It sounded like a moan coming from inside the bedroom, and Willow frowned, thinking that Angel might be hurt. Hearing the sound again, she leaned into the door, peering through the crack, gasping softly at what she saw.

Angel, in all his naked glory, was kneeling on his bed, his back to the door, slowly thrusting forward and back.  Willow felt tears immediately prick her eyes at the sight. She could hear him mumbling, though the words were too low to make out. It was like passing by a horrible car wreck. The sight before her twisted her stomach into knots, and yet she couldn't look away. She saw Angel speed up his movements, as another moan was elicited from whom ever was below him, just before he tensed.

"Spike!" She heard him call out, ripping the redhead from her mental haze. A moment later, Angel slumped down and rolled over, revealing the blond vampire that he had just made love to. Spike slowly flipped over, panting needlessly, and leaned back on his elbows as Angel leaned over and kissed him deeply. When the older vampire finally pulled away, Willow was startled by the cold blue eyes that rose to meet her watery green ones. She saw a slow, lazy smirk cross Spike's face before she quickly turned and ran.

Hearing a noise as Willow left the apartment, Angel looked up. "Was that…"

"Willow," Spike confirmed.

"Shit," Angel mumbled, moving to get up.

Spike reached out, stopping the older vampire from leaving the bed. "Don't," he argued. "Let me go." Angel gave him a doubtful look and Spike sighed. "It's time she and I talked…Really talked."

Spike moved to leave, Angel stopping him in turn. "Spike, I want to make a place for her…here."

The blond vampire stared at him for a long moment, deep in thought. "She won't come to your bed for a pity fuck," he finally bit out angrily.

Angel looked slightly startled by the words. "It isn't about that. It's not pity or duty," he explained gently. "It's…Willow is used to being the rock for everyone else to lean on, including me. She was Buffy's strength, and Xander's family, and even with everything they all went through, she would still have that bright, beautiful smile when it was over." Spike nodded, remembering well the perky redhead she once was. "But now, to see her smile, it's like gold, and I want to be the one making it so. I want to be the one that makes her eyes sparkle and her face glow. Do you know how wonderful it is to know that you've made that girl smile?"

Again, Spike simply nodded. He did know, first hand, exactly what Angel was talking about.

"I want her to be ours," the older vampire told him, "both of ours, Spike, but only if you want it. I know you love her. It's clear to anyone looking, but I can't offer her something and then take it away. I can't be the cause of her losing anything else, so if you can't…"

Spike cut his grand sire off with a deep, passionate kiss. "I'll go talk to her," he whispered, finally pulling himself away and standing up, quickly throwing on jeans and a shirt.


~Got a letter from a messenger ~I read it when it came ~It said that you were wounded ~you were bound and chained

Looking up into the dark night sky, Willow frowned, the city lights too bright, obscuring her view. It seemed that tonight, even the stars were abandoning her. The wind whipped around her sharply, and she cursed herself for not grabbed a coat before heading outside, wrapping her arms tighter around herself.

Spike watched the girl carefully, waiting to make his presence known. He had followed her scent to the rooftop of the building, and he could feel the fear and pain pouring from her as she shivered in the cold. Her face was an open book, clearly showing any reader what she was feeling.

"You should go inside, love. Cold out here," he said softly, wincing at the way she jumped and then tensed, turning her gaze firmly away from him as he came and sat beside her.

"Felt a little crowded in there," she admitted quickly, hugging her knees in closer to her body.

~You were loved and you were handled ~You were poisoned you were pained ~Oh no, you were naked ~You were shamed

He watched the girl quietly for a few moments. She had been through so much. Losing Tara, losing Kennedy, and then everyone else she loved. She had effectively lost everything, except for Angel, and he understood that tonight she believed that he had just taken that from her, too.

"Why are you out here, Spike?" She asked bitterly, not bothering to look at the vampire.

"Wanted to bring you inside," he told her.  She gave him a quick glance, disbelief on her face, before turning away again.  "I'm not taking him away, you know," he told her softly.

Willow slowly turned her head, her eyes widening.  "Wh-what are you talking about?" She asked, her voice shaking.

"You love him. It's obvious enough. I'm not tryin to take him away from you."

~You could almost touch heaven ~Right there in front of you ~Liberty just slipped away on us ~Now there's so much work to do

Tears immediately sprung into the redhead's eyes and she opened her mouth to speak, though only a tiny sob came out.  She was shaking now, and Spike desperately wanted to reach out and sooth the girl, but he knew she wouldn't allow it.  She was like an injured animal, make a move too fast, and you would startle her, sending her running off into the night.

"You…you know?" She whispered, another sob escaping her lips.  "How… how do you…Oh god, does he know?" They had kissed, and Willow had thought that her feelings had been mirrored by Angel, but then seeing him with Spike, she had assumed she was wrong, and prayed that the brunette would never realize how she really felt. She thought that if she could keep her feelings hidden, they could at least remain friends, and she'd rather have that than nothing at all.

Spike nodded. "He knows."

"Oh god! How…oh god," the redhead mumbled to herself, beginning to rock back and forth. "No, no, no, no…He's not supposed to know."

"It's obvious that you love him, Red," he told her as she continued to rock back and forth, her head shaking in denial,  "just as it's obvious that he loves you."

Suddenly, the witch's head shot up, and there was a brief look of hope that flittered through her otherwise dull eyes.  She saw the smirk on his face, mistaking it for malice, and turned away again.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She whispered.

Spike was startled by her question and raised an unseen eyebrow in question. "Willow, you don't have to be alone. He loves you."

"And he's with you," she mumbled bitterly.  "I know what you were doing. What you've both been doing. I know Spike! But you don't have to rub it in my face!" At that she jumped up angrily, ready to run, but the vampire was quick and had her arm in a firm grasp before she could even turn away.

"Listen to what I'm sayin, witch," he growled, pulling her closer to him.  "He loves you. He wants you, just like you want him."

"But, you a-and he and…"

"No one ever said I didn't want you as well, Red," he whispered, pulling her up against him, despite her struggling.

~Oh the door that closes tightly ~Is the door that can swing wide ~Oh no ~Not expecting to collide

Willow tried in vain to pull her arm away as she glared at him angrily.  "You made it clear how you feel about me, Spike. I won't be with you because you feel sorry for me!" She yelled. "Throw Willow a few scraps and she'll be happy! God! Am I that pathetic that even a vampire pities me now?"

"This isn't about pity, Willow. It's about need and want and love and… and something beyond all of that! Before, I know you thought it was all about Buffy, but you're wrong. It wasn't about her. In the end, it was all about you. You were the one that showed me compassion and friendship."

Willow looked up at him with a mixture of shock and disbelief.  "Why are you doing this?" She repeated her earlier question, another sob escaping her lips. "Please. I'm so tired. I can't…I just…I just can't."

Spike loosened his hold on her, and pulled the now sobbing girl into him, wrapping his arms tightly around her, as if to offer her protection they both knew no longer existed.

"I was angry. I thought, without the soul, you wouldn't…I should have known better. I know you've already lost so much, love," he whispered, stroking her hair. "Let us love you. Both of us. Let us belong to you."

"I can't," she sobbed into his chest. "I…I don't understand why…"

"Shhhh…Don't think. Just feel." At that, he leaned down and captured her lips with his own in a passionate kiss.  Willow felt her heart break and her walls melt as she leaned further into the vampire, deepening the kiss.

~For a minute i let my guard down ~Not afraid to be found out ~I completely forgot, dear ~What our fears were all about ~Oh no, there's no need to be without

When he finally pulled away, allowing the girl a much needed breath, he smiled softly at her flushed cheeks, swollen lips and tear stained face. She was, at that moment, the most beautiful he had ever seen her. She was the picture of vulnerability and strength, and he knew right then that he could never let her go.

"Let us love you," he whispered again, lifting her up in his arms and heading back into the building. She closed her eyes, resting her head against his chest in defeat, sure that the wolf had just come upon her.

Spike laid her down on the bed, and Angel was immediately beside her, wiping the tears away from her tightly closed eyes.

~If there's a chance I would take it ~This desire I can't kill ~Take my heart, please don't break it ~I will crawl to your foothill

"Willow. Willow, look at me," the older vampire beckoned. Willow reluctantly looked toward him, unable to deny Angel anything.

"I love you. I should have told you sooner, and I'm sorry, but I love you. Let us love you."

Willow's eyes swept over angel and toward Spike, before sudden panic filled her again, and she began to scramble away. The blond vampire quickly knelt in front of her, gently pushing her back down. "Lay still, love," he whispered, kissing her again.

"We're all scared, Willow. We are," Angel assured her. "But this is right. I can feel it." The brunette began to nibble his way down her neck and to her shoulder, while Spike kissed her passionately. The redhead felt the older vampire's arms move around her as he slowly lifted her shirt up, Spike breaking the kiss just long enough for Angel to remove the offending garment. It felt as if they were touching her everywhere all at once, their cool fingers burning trails across her skin.

Suddenly, Willow's eyes flew open as she gasped. Angel and Spike both stopped their movements, watching the young woman between them with concern.

"Willow?" Angel whispered softly.

Spike glanced for a moment at the other vampire before looking at the terrified green eyes before him, wide with fright.

"Love, did we do something that…"

"No…no," she mumbled, shaking her head slightly. "I just…it's too much. I just…" Willow tried to shrug them both away, suddenly feeling like a trapped animal. Both Spike and Angle moved back a little, giving her more space and watching her cautiously as she stood up next to the bed, her head hung low, her arms crossed over her chest.

Angel stood up next to her and gently pulled her hands away from her body, holding them in his.

"Willow, tell me what's wrong," he pleaded.

The redhead bit her lower lip. "I'm sorry, Angel," she whispered. "I just can't…not yet. I can't…"

"Shhhh," he interrupted, understanding finally dawning. "It's alright, Willow. You don't have to do anything. Understand? Just…let us hold you, alright?" The witch nodded slowly as she allowed Angel to envelope her tightly in his embrace and pull her back down to the bed. "We won't push you to do anything you aren't ready for," he told her as she felt Spike move to her other side. She felt the blond's hand run over her shoulder and she flinched slightly despite herself, giving him an apologetic look before trying to stifle a yawn.

"Just let us hold you, tonight," Angel asked again as the two vampire settled the redhead down between them. Willow felt Angel pull her closer and she snuggled against his chest just before she felt Spike spoon her from behind.

The blond vampire felt her tense at his touch before eventually relaxing against him and falling in a deep sleep.  "Won't hurt you, baby," he whispered to her just as she drifted off.

~I'm frightened but I'm coming ~Please baby, please lay still ~Oh no ~I'm not coming for the kill

~Part: 27~

Willow woke slowly, stretching slightly as she looked around the dark room, and then snuggled further into the blankets and the hard body behind her. Suddenly her eyes popped wide open again as she remembered where she was and who she was with. Looking around frantically, she realized that Angel was no longer in the room, and then very slowly, and with slight dread, she turned over to meet the gaze of the blond vampire behind her.

"Morning, love," he greeted her with a smirk, brushing a bit of red hair away from her eyes. He was propped up on an elbow, and she suspected that he had been watching her for a while.

"Where's Angel?" She questioned softly, pulling the blanket up a little more over her chest.

Spike frowned at the mention of the other vampire and the nervous tone in the redhead's voice.

"Went down to the office for a while," he told her. "I think dear old dad wanted to give us a little time alone, to talk."

Willow nodded slowly, biting her lower lip. "I…I think I'll just go and…" She started to say as she moved to leave the bed, but Spike quickly stopped her, gently pulling her back by the shoulder and wincing slightly as she flinched away from him.

"Sorry," she mumbled, looking down at her hand in her lap, no longer caring about her half naked appearance.

"Why are you afraid of me?" The question startled Willow out of her thoughts, though Spike's voice sounded soft and vulnerable. "You aren't afraid of Angel, but every time I touch you, it's like…"

"A lot has happened," she whispered, not meeting his gaze. "I'm a little jumpy, I guess."

"Right, I get that, but you seem fine with Angel, so why am I the one making you all jumpy?"

Willow pondered the question for a long time before finally looking up to meet his eyes. "I don't know," she admitted. "Maybe it's the soul." As soon as she said it, she regretted the words, seeing the pained expression cross his face. The witch expected anger to follow and was surprised when his tone remained soft and sad.

"I know you've been through a lot, and we meant it when we said that we wouldn't push, but you know…I would never bite you without your consent." He had seen the bite marks on her neck and arms when he'd found her in the basement, and knew she had probably been tortured as well as drank from many times, but surely she had to know that he wasn't like those other demons.

"There are other things," she whispered, looking down and biting her lip. "There were marks that you couldn't see. I…I can still feel their touch on my skin, making it itch and crawl." She made a disgusted face at the memory and he could smell the salt of the tears that threatened to fall.

Reaching out, Spike slowly and gently took one of her hands in his, noticing the way her body tensed. Holding her small, warm hand in his larger one, he began to rub slow circles in her palm with his thumb.

"I'm sorry, Red, for everything," he whispered, taking note of the fact that she still wouldn't look at him. "If I had known....If you knew what I thought, the agony I felt over thinking I'd failed you..."

"Spike," she whispered, but he only shushed her. While he continued to make small circles in her palm with one hand, the other very slowly moved to her wrist, his hold barely felt as that thumb mimicked the circular motions of the other over her pulse point. He watched as Willow closed her eyes and swallowed hard.

"When I'd heard that you'd all been…I thought I'd lost you forever," he told her, his voice catching in his throat while one hand moved to her other arm and he continued making circles over both wrists. He could feel her relax slightly, and then slowly started to move both hands up her arms, his touch light and gentle, slightly squeezing the soft flesh as he made his way up, past her elbows, over her biceps and to her shoulders.

Willow tensed as his hands moved up to her shoulders, and Spike heard her heartbeat speed up a bit with nervousness. He leaned in a bit more so that he could feel her now ragged breath on his neck.

"When I found you…I knew I'd do anything to make it up to you…to make things right," he whispered, as his hands slowly stroked up and down her back. Very slowly, Willow began to relax again, eventually leaning a little more toward him and finally resting her weary head against his chest. The feel of his hands moving up and down her back began to soothe her, no longer feeling foreign and cold. Her mind flew back to a few months ago, when this man…this demon had been her strength and her shield, when she had felt safer in his arms than anywhere else in the world.

Spike's eyes widened slightly in surprise as he felt her small arms wrap around him, squeezing him tightly, desperately, and for once, he was happy that he had no need to breathe. Leaning back to rest against the headboard, he pulled the redhead with him, capturing her lips in a soft, tender kiss. Soon, he felt her opening her mouth to him, deepening the embrace and welcome him to explore. His hands continued to roam the contours of her back as she gripped his shoulders tightly, moving to straddle him and rub against him slightly.

Spike moaned softly as she leaned further down and wriggled against him as her red hair hung like a curtain hiding their now fevered kissing. His eyes widened again when he felt her move his hands to the clasp on her bra, inviting him to remove the small scrap of material.

"Are you sure, love?" He questioned softly. The redhead simply nodded with an impish smile and ground her hips into his. The vampire needed no further encouragement, and quickly removed the garment, reveling in the feeling of her warm flesh against his cool chest. Moving his hands over her now bare back, Spike resumed their kissing, before Willow slowly began to trail kissed up and down his neck. Sliding his hands around, he gently cupped her breasts in his hands, very lightly grazing his thumbs over her hardening nipples and delighting in the feel of her shivering at the contact.

Willow stiffened slightly as she felt his hands on her chest, and bit her lower lip hard. Sensing her apprehension, Spike stilled his movements. "Want me to stop?" He questioned softly.

Willow shook her head. "Please, Spike, I want you to touch me, please," she nearly begged, just before Spike captured her lips with his again, his kiss more rough and claiming this time.

"Love you, Willow," he whispered, his voice so quiet she barely heard it. At the words she melted a little more into his touch and kissed him deeply. They continued touching and caressing and eventually the rest of their clothes were removed as they slowly explored each other's body.

Feeling the redhead position herself over his now aching shaft, Spike gave her a questioning look. "You sure, pet?"

Willow nodded. "Make love to me, Spike," she whispered, just before sinking down onto him, wincing slightly as she felt him fill and stretch her. Spike groaned, waiting for her to adjust to the feel of him, and then felt Willow slowly begin to move her hips up and down, riding him at a slow, steady pace. It didn't take long for either of them to reach their peak, both falling over the edge of ecstasy at the same time.

The witch collapsed against his chest, panting heavily and still gripping his shoulders tightly. Spike slowly and carefully rolled them so that she was resting next to him, and he propped himself up on one arm, looking her over as he lazily ran a hand over her still quivering stomach in small circles.

"Thank you, Spike," she whispered, giving him a soft, sweet smile.

"The pleasure was all mine, love," he told her with a smirk.

"I wouldn't say it was ALL yours," she corrected with a smirk of her own. "You give as good as you get."

"Damn straight," he replied with a chuckle, leaning down and kissing her deeply.

"Looks like someone started without me," hearing the deep voice from the doorway, Spike and Willow broke away from one another and looked up in surprise to see Angel watching them, his eyes filled with lust and passion. "I guess you'll just have to find some way to make it up to me," he told them in low, husky voice, quickly stripping off his clothes and joining his two lovers on the bed.

~Part: 28~

Waking slowly, Willow looked at the two vampires on either side of her, seeing that they both appeared to still be asleep. Slowly and carefully, she extricated herself from their embrace, watching with a soft smile as the blond and brunette instinctively moved closer to each other, cuddling up to one another. Dressing quickly, she slipped out of the room and made her way down to the lobby of the building, slipping a coat on.

The three had made love for hours, until even the two vampires were exhausted, and then they had just laid in a tangle heap, reveling in the feel of one another and talking in soft, lazy tones.  Willow asked Angel about the girl, the new slayer. He hadn't been able to find her, and explained that he would go out again the next night to look. Willow had suggested that he give her a chance to look for girl, but both Spike and Angel had been adamantly against the idea, not trusting the confused and probably frightened girl, and thinking that Willow had already been through more than enough.

Of course, Willow had disagreed, reminding them of the powerful witch that she had become, but neither vampire relented. The sun was just beginning to set and Willow decided she'd better head out while she still could, before either of her lovers awoke. She loved them, dearly, but sometimes they could be so damn stubborn.

The city streets quickly grew dark, and Willow fingered the stake in her pocket as she pulled her coat a bit tighter around her small frame. Hearing a noise as she walked past an alley, the redhead looked up, catching a glimpse of a blurred figure running by, long, dark hair flowing behind. Willow's breath caught in her throat as her mind flashed back to the first time she saw Buffy fighting a vampire, but she quickly shook the memory away, running into the alley.

She stopped about half way into the dark, narrow alleyway, seeing nothing and listening carefully. "Hello?" She called out, peering further into the darkness and gripping the stake tightly at her side. Hearing a noise, she jumped and took a few steps further into the darkness, squinting.  Suddenly, a thought struck her, and she mumbled a few latin words, holding her hand up, just before a small ball of light hovered over her palm, bathing the area with a dim glow.

"That's better," she mused with a self satisfied smile. Taking a few more steps, she peered around. "Hello?" The witched called out again, listening for any more signs of life. Finally, she shrugged and turned around, letting out a scream as a figure suddenly jumped down in front of her.

"Conicio!" She shouted, watching as the figure flew back into a wall. The ball of light fell to the ground and disappeared just before the redhead felt someone grab her from behind. She yelled out again, pushing her attacker away from her, and quickly spun around, seeing an angry vampire advancing on her.

"A witch," she heard growled from behind, the other vampire having gotten to his feet and now closing in on her. "And here I thought we had another little slayer on our hands."

"They're all over now, you know," the other told her with distaste. "Like rats."

"Only more bitter-tasting," the other added.

"Look, guys, I'm not really good at the whole witty banter thing, so maybe we could skip that and just get to the part where I dust you," Willow suggested.

"Aw, but the witty banter part is so much fun." Willow and the two vampires turned toward the alley entrance, seeing a young woman with long, dark hair standing before them, stake in hand.

Seeing that the vampires were distracted, Willow quickly grabbed a crate from a pile against a wall and smashed it over the head of one of the demons, before turning to run. The other vampire quickly reached out to grab and witch, while the dark haired girl ran toward the vamp that Willow had just hit. As the redhead struggled with her own vampire, she could hear the other girl easily pummeling her opponent before hearing the scream that came just before they were dusted.

Yelling out in latin again, Willow threw the vampire away from her just as the girl came up along side her, kicking the demon hard as he came at them once more.

"Who are you?" The brunette questioned.

"That was gonna be my question," Willow told her, panting slightly as she held up her arm and threw the vampire back into the wall, watching as he slowly stumbled to his feet.

"How did you do that?" The girl asked her.

"Magic. I'm a witch," Willow told her. "And you're a slayer."

"Slayer? How do you know that?"

"Trust me, I know, just like I know that you're about to deliver a…" Before she could finish, Willow watching as the girl spun around, kicking the vampire hard and knocking him back. "Round house," she finished.

"You're human?" The girl asked. Willow nodded. "Then how do you know about what I am? I don't even know what…" Her words were cut off as they heard a gun shot from behind them. Both girls spun around to see a police officer standing at the entrance way of the alley, holding his gun in the air.

"Everyone freeze!" He shouted.

Before either Willow or the slayer could say or do anything, the vampire lunged for the officer. Seeing the vampire's distorted face and sharp fangs, he let out a terrified scream, dropping the gun and running.

"That was a big help," Willow mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"I certainly thought so," the vampire replied with a sneer, grabbing the gun and pointing it at Willow. The redhead's eyes widened as she saw his hand, as if in slow motion, pulling the trigger. The other girl took off running toward the demon, knocking him over as the gun when off. Just as she saw the vampire burst into dust, Willow felt a funny pain in her chest, clutching it as she fell to her knees.

The brunette slayer ran to the witch's side, looking her over fearfully as the redhead stared ahead, appearing to be in shock.

"Can you hear me? Are you okay?" The girl called out.

Finally maneuvering her way through her muddled brain, Willow nodded, looking down at the blood seeping through her shirt. She pulled her coat off and looked down, surprised at the red that continued to bleed through.

"Are…are you…how do you feel?" The girl asked in confusion. The redhead should have been dead already. The shot seemed to be directly through her heart, and the slayer didn't understand how she was still conscious."

"I feel okay," Willow said slowly, still in a bit of a daze. "Am I alive?" The blond nodded. "I'm alive," she muttered with a small smile. "How…how am I still alive?" She scrunched up her nose, not understanding what was happening.

The slayer felt first her neck and then her chest. "You don't have a pulse and I don't think your heart is beating," she told, jumping up suddenly and taking a few steps back.

"What? Wait!" Willow yelled, struggling to stand.

"No! Stop! What are you?" The girl questioned, holing up her stake menacingly.

"What do you mean? I told you, I'm human."

"Last time I checked, a human had a heartbeat and a pulse," the girl told her.

"Well, yeah, I know, and I do…or, well, I did. I don't understand exactly why…but wait! Don't go, please."

"You're a demon," the girl hissed, holding her stake up a little higher. "I kill demons."

"Huh? Hey, just a few minutes ago, you said you didn't even know you were a slayer, and now you're all `I kill demons', evil…grrrr?" Willow questioned with annoyance, clutching at her chest.

"I don't need to know I'm a slayer…whatever that is, to know that I can kill demons. One day, I just woke up and it was like, boom! I just knew, I was stronger, more powerful, and I could kill things, bad things. Things like you."

"I'm not a bad thing! I'm a good thing!" Willow insisted. "You're a slayer and I'm a...slayer-helper-person." The girl gave her an unsure look. Reaching into her pocket, Willow pulled out one of Angel's business cards and held it out to the brunette. "Here. I…I work with him. Angel."

The girl took the card and looked it over. "Isn't this a law office? An evil law office?"

"Well, yeah, but he isn't evil. He hasn't been evil for a while now." The girl gave her another doubtful look. "We help people and we…well, I used to help the slayer save the world."

"Used to?"

"She…they died." Willow was about to say more, but a noise caught the other girl's attention and she ran to the end of the alley.

"Shit, there's another one," she mumbled, before taking off after another vampire.

"No! Wait!" Willow yelled, knowing that she didn't have the strength to go after her. Finally giving up, she looked down at her chest again, deciding she'd better go back home and find out what was happening to her. "On the up side, I'm not dead," she mused to herself. "On the downside, I have a big hole in my chest and I just ruined my favorite shirt."

~Part: 29~

Arriving home, Willow searched for Spike and Angel, finding that both of them seemed to have left the building. They were out looking for her, no doubt, and she was sure they wouldn't be too pleased with what they found. After she realized that Spike and Angel were gone, Willow had begun to do a few tests. She had cut her wrist, finding that it only bled a little and then closed back up. Eventually her experiments led her to trying electrocution, only managing to make her hair very frizzy. It wasn't that she wanted to be dead…not really, but she didn't understand why she wasn't, and wondered what exactly it would take to finish the job at that point.

Going back down to the offices to check for the two vampires one more time, Willow ran into Harmony just outside Angel's door.

"Why do I smell human blood?" The blonde asked as she walked up behind Willow. "It smells like…" Her voice trailed off as Willow turned around to face her and she took in the large blood stain on her shirt. The redhead's eyes seemed wide and unfocused as she looked at the vampire distractedly.

"Willow, you're…"

"I got shot," Willow mumbled, her tone low and flat, her eyes darting around, searching for something.

"Yeah, I can see that," Harmony replied, licking her lips and trying to ignore the scent that called to her, "and this new thing you're doing with your hair. It's very…um…Shouldn't you be…you know, dead? I can't even hear a heartbeat."

"You'd think," the redhead answered, still sounding distracted.

Suddenly, a thought struck the blonde vampire. "Ohhhh, you are gonna be in so much trouble when Angel finds out."

That seemed to grab Willow's attention and she gave Harmony a questioning look. "He and Spike came down here a little while ago, growling about you leaving after being told not to, and saying something about killing the witch if she wasn't already dead. You are so gonna be punished. Angel does NOT like it when people do things he tells them not to. I mean, just the other day, he told me not to interrupt him during a meeting, but then I had to…" Harmony stopped, pouting slightly as she realized that Willow was no longer listening.

"Hey, that's great, um, Harmony? Do you think you could maybe go up and get me another shirt?" Willow asked as she walked into the darkened office and to the window, looking out onto the city below.

"Yeah, sure," the blonde replied.  "Try not to get blood on the leather," she suggested, pointing at the couch. "Angel doesn't like that either."

A few minutes later, the vampire returned with a soft, red v-neck sweater. "I wasn't sure what you'd want," Harmony told her. "There wasn't exactly a whole lot to choose from, but I figured this wasn't too tacky, and it kinda matches the blood, so…"

Willow took the sweater, ignoring her words, and quickly changed after Harmony left. She tossed the ruined shirt into the small garbage bin and walked numbly to the couch, sinking down and glancing again at her chest. Why wasn't she dead? That question kept haunting her thoughts. She should be dead and gone, but she wasn't. She was here, walking and talking and…well, not breathing, actually, but still…

"Well, I don't know where else to look, Spike. We traced her scent to that alley…"

"Yeah, and there was blood…Her blood." Willow looked up, hearing Spike and Angel walking into the office.  "She's hurt. She could be… We need to find…"

"Willow," Angel whispered.

"Yeah, I know who I'm talkin about, ya…" Spike stopped as he looked up, seeing Willow on the couch, hunched over and weary looking. The scent of her blood assaulted both vampires' senses. Spike moved to sit next to her, taking a hand tightly in his as Angel knelt before the girl.

"Willow, where have you been?" Angel asked a bit harshly as he grabbed the girl's shoulders, shaking her slightly. "We've been looking everywhere for you. I told you not to go out, but you went looking for the slayer anyway, didn't you?"

Willow didn't answer, only staring ahead, as if looking right through the vampire in front of her.

"Willow, are you hurt?" Spike asked softly, trying to get her attention. He could smell the blood and saw small traces of it on her hands, though he couldn't tell where it was coming from.

Willow shook her head numbly before slowly reaching up and pulling at the low, loose collar of her sweater. Not sure of exactly what she was doing, Angel reached up to stop her, pausing as he saw what she was showing them. There, on her chest, just over her heart, was a bullet hole. It was deep and encrusted with dried blood.

Spike immediately jumped up. "Willow! We need to get you to a hospital, before…" He moved to pull her up from the couch, but the redhead gave his arm a sharp tug, pulling him back to sit next to her as he stared at her in confusion.

"I don't need a hospital," she stated calmly, looking back and forth between the two vampires, her voice void of emotion.

"Don't need…Willow, you've been shot…in the heart!" Angel explained, his hand ghosting over the mark on her chest. "I don't even know how you're still alive, but it's only…how long have you been…"

"A few hours," she mumbled, causing both sets of eyes on her to widen with surprise. "It, um, it isn't even bleeding anymore, I don't think. Ruined one of my favorite shirts." She tried to smile at the comment, though the grin barely surfaced and looked more like a grimace.

"I don't understand," Spike mumbled, suddenly looking at her as if she didn't really exist, and Willow began to wonder if she really did.

"I…um, I got shot by…well, it doesn't really matter by whom," she explained. "I found the slayer, and…and I know you said that I shouldn't go looking for her, but I disagreed, and, you know, you guys coddle me way too much…sometimes, and I'm a grown woman, more than capable of making my own decisions, and I decided I wanted to go, but…then I got shot."

"The slayer shot you?" Spike asked incredulously.

"I knew that girl was unstable," Angel growled.

"No, not the slayer, the vampire," Willow explained.

"A vampire shot you?" Angel questioned, glancing toward Spike with a confused look. "Are we carrying guns now?"

"How the hell should I know?" Spike growled.

"Well, technically, you've been evil more recently than me," Angel shot back.

Willow ignored them both, continuing on her tirade. "And the funny thing? I didn't die. Well, it wasn't really funny, actually. Kinda horrifying, really. A-and when I realized that I wasn't dying, well… well actually, I kinda scared the slayer away, but then, I, uh, I came back here, and um, sorta tried to…" She paused, pulling up her sleeve and showing them where she had cut her wrist.

Spike gasped, grabbing her wrist harshly and taking a closer look. "How many more places you gonna show me that you sliced and diced yourself?" He asked angrily.

Willow was surprised at the sudden burst of fury, but chose to ignore it and continued on. "After that, I tried a few other things, but nothing worked."

Spike continued to gape at her, and Angel's glare turned venomous as she talked, the grip he had on her leg tightening to the point of being painful, not that she felt much of anything.

"Willow, what the hell did you think you were doing?" He shouted, suddenly, grabbing the girl and hauling her up from the couch, holding her before him and shaking her again. His tone was low and dangerous, and for the first time in a long while, she felt afraid of Angel. "Do you really want to die that badly? Is it that horrible, being here, with us?" She heard the anger, laced with pain, but tried to ignore it.

Yanking her arms away from him suddenly, resolve slipped across her face. "I was thinking that I'd just found out that, apparently, I can't die, and I wanted to test that theory," she snapped at him.

Angel flinched at her tone, not knowing what to say, before Spike spoke up. "You keep testing that theory, love, and eventually one of those methods is going to work, only it'll be a bit too late for you to celebrate," he warned.

Willow's face crumbled and her head dropped forward as she buried her hands in her hair, the silvery light of the moon glimmering in through the windows and illuminating her face. Reaching out, Angel pulled her into his tight embrace.

"I don't know what to do," she whispered, reaching around and gripping him tightly. "I don't know…" Suddenly, her head shot up and she turned, eyes boring into Spike. She had that look. He'd seen it before. The redhead had just gotten a new idea, and he suspected that he wouldn't like it very much.

"Bite me, Spike!" She begged, startling both him and Angel. Spike took a step back, nearly tripping over a glass table. "Please, bite me, drain me, make me dead!" Deep in the back of her mind, Willow knew that she didn't really want to be dead and gone, but the suddenly realization that she couldn't be, that she had no control over that had scared her beyond reason.

Spike shook his head as the girl pulled away from Angel and advanced on him, her eyes conveying a lack of sanity that frightened him. "No, Willow, I can't," he told her, backing up until he hit a wall.

"Yes! You can! No soul, the chip's all gone, you're all good to go. Come on, do it!" She leaned her body against his, tilting her head to the side with a tantalizing smirk. "Bet a sip of nice, hot blood, pumping directly from the source would be good, wouldn't it?"

Spike swallowed heavily before shaking his head and shoving her away from him. Willow stumbled backwards before falling to the floor in a sobbing heap, Angel immediately kneeling by her. "Please," she cried. "I don't understand and I don't know what to do, and I can't make it stop. It never stops."

Sobs wracked the fragile girl's body and Angel quickly pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her protectively, unsure of what to say or do. He looked at up Spike, seeing a mixture of confusion and horror on his face. What was the correct way to console someone who just found out that they were immortal? They had no idea, so Angel simply continued to hold her, rocking her slightly and stoking her hair, shushing her gently until she was done crying.

"Willow, we'll figure out what's happening," Angel promised her.

"I know what's happening," she told him, rolling her eyes as she wiped at them. "I can't die."

"Not exactly the worst news I've heard," Spike told her with a slight grin. He knew his girl was upset, but the vampire couldn't exactly pretend that the new discovery was all bad. The prospect of having their witch with them forever filled his mind with delightful thoughts. "Having you with us for eternity, not something you'll hear me complaining about."

"He's right, you know," Angel chimed in, smirking at the girl in his arms. "We're both pretty selfish when it comes to you, Willow, and although I know that you're confused and upset, I can't say that immortality is the worst thing to have happen to you. We could have lost you tonight. We came so close…" His voice trailed off as his hand ran over the covered wound before he shifted her in his lap, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her deeply.

The passion-filled kiss took Willow by surprise, but she quickly regained her senses as she melted into his embrace. She felt Angel's tongue glide along her lips, demanding entrance to her mouth, and she eagerly opened to him, her own tongue tangling with his. She was only dimly aware as Spike moved up behind her, sweeping her hair to the side and peppering the back of her neck with soft kisses.

Willow gasped and pulled back from Angel as Spike gently bit down on her neck with blunt teeth, and she turned, looking at him almost timidly. The blond vampire smirked at her before tangling a hand in her hair, tugging her head back slightly and licking her exposed neck. Gasping for an unneeded breath, Willow closed her eyes for a moment, only to open them wide again as she felt Spike pull away from her throat. She looked up to see both vampires leaning into her, their lips locking in a claiming kiss. She watched with lust- filled eyes as the two men dueled for dominance, their hands stroking and groping the witch between them. When they finally parted, both sets of now golden eyes turned on her with predatory gazes and Willow swallowed hard, licking her lips.

"Red was a bad girl tonight," Spike whispered in a sing-song tone, grinning evilly and causing Willow to shiver. "Disobeyed daddy's orders."

"I think someone needs to be punished," Angel growled as he smirked at her with a look that was all Angelus.

"Punished?" She whispered, her voice catching in her throat.

Both vampires could scent a hint of fear mixed with her arousal and Angel chuckled. "That's right, little girl, and I can drag it out for hours. Just ask Spike."

Willow glanced back at the blond, her face uncertain as he nuzzled her neck and growled softly. "Oh, yeah," he purred. "You'll love every second of it. Or, well at least…we'll certainly enjoy ourselves." At that, Spike quickly stood and pulled the girl from Angel's lap, swinging her easily up over his shoulder and heading toward the elevator. Angel stood and followed, laughing lightly as he watched the redhead struggle in his grand childe's grasp.

~Part: 30~

It had been hours. Hours of pure torture and agony. Glaring at the two vampires, Willow squirmed on the bed, desperate and frustrated. She glanced up at her hands, which were chained to the headboard, holding her firmly in place, and yanked on them, knowing all too well that they would not come loose. Damn enchanted chains. It turned out that Angel had used a little spell, ensuring that no magic would release the witch from her bonds. Apparently the older vampire had been anticipating playing these games with her.

Willow knew that she could still have used magic against her two lovers, and though the idea was becoming more tempting, she knew enough to know that doing so would only earn her more "punishment," and she wasn't entirely sure of just how much more she could bear.

For hours, Spike and Angel had kissed and touched and fondled one another, fucking again and again, filling the air with their moans of pleasure, while Willow sat helplessly at the other end of the huge bed, panting and whimpering with pent up need. Watching the two vampires together drove her nearly insane. When they ignored her, it hurt, but when they turned toward her, their eyes fixed and glimmering with lust, she knew that she would nearly die. Time and again, one or the other would make his way toward her with slow, predatory movements, lightly stroking a hand up her leg, squeezing a thigh, running his fingers over her tummy, up and around her breasts, just missing every spot she'd beg for him to touch. Oh yes, Willow was begging. Had been for a while, though it did her no good. She was past the point of coherent speech, now simply mumbling random words, pleading for their touch.

Pulling away from Spike, Angel turned toward Willow and heard her groan as he once again made his way toward her. The girl had been chained to his bed for several hours, and though he was sure that he would be happy to keep her there for eternity, he supposed she deserved a reprieve. He gave her a grin that was pure Angelus as he crawled toward the redhead, flopping down next to her and watching as she struggled against the chains, pressing her legs tightly together.

Reaching out, he easily pried her legs apart, holding them slightly open. "Do I need to chain your ankles as well?" He asked with a chuckle, watching as she shook her head wildly. Leaning over, Angel lifted one leg up and lazily ran his tongue from her ankle to the top of her thigh, delighting in the soft moans elicited from the helpless girl.

Willow glanced up to see that Spike was now also moving toward her, settling himself on her other side and smirking at his grand sire.

"Looks good enough to eat, wouldn't you say?" Angel growled lowly.

"Absolutely," Spike confirmed, leaning over and running his tongue over the tip of her breast, lapping at the hardened nipple and feeling the girl shudder below him. The blond pulled back and grinned at the flushed witch. "Tastes divine," he told Angel.

The older vampire leaned over, repeating Spike's action on her other breast. Willow bucked her hips up against him and whimpered just before he pulled back.

"You're right, Spike. She's divine," Angel purred.

"Please," Willow whispered, closing her eyes tightly and squirming between them.

"Please what, love?" Spike questioned.

Willow forced her eyes open again and looked toward him. "Please...need you...both...please," she whimpered.

"What do you think?" Spike asked, looking toward the older vampire. "Has she learned her lesson?"

Angel looked pensive for a moment before addressing the redhead with a soft smile, casually stroking her inner thigh with his fingertips. "From now on, Willow, when I tell you to do something, will you do it?"

The redhead's face flushed with anger and she gripped the chains around her wrists tightly. "I'm a grown woman. I can make my own decisions. I've been taking care of myself since I was eight years old."

Hearing the resentment and anger in her voice, Spike leaned over and gently kissed her lips. "Nothing wrong with letting someone else take care of you now and again, Red," he whispered.

Willow simply shook her head. She wouldn't take orders and she wouldn't ask permission for anything. "I can take care of myself just fine," she said quietly, her voice wavering slightly.

"You call getting shot taking care of yourself?" Angel questioned, his tone a bit harsh.

"Well that wasn't exactly the plan," she explained, looking away sheepishly.

When Angel spoke again, his voice was considerably softer. "Willow, I know that you are strong and you are powerful, and capable of many things. That's part of what I love about you, but on the rare occasion, you can be a little..."

"Stubborn?" Spike supplied, blinking innocently at the other two. "Pig-headed? Rash?"

"Spike," Angel warned in a low tone.

"Like you're one to talk," Willow shot back, glaring at the blond vampire.

"I'm not the one that got myself shot," he reminded her with a triumphant grin.

"Enough," Angel bellowed before Willow was able to get out her reply. Both she and Spike closed their mouths and looked down contritely.

Turning his attention toward the redhead, Angel reached up and gently stroked her cheek as he spoke. "I don't give orders all that often," he told her, ignoring the indignant snort coming from Spike, "but when I do, there's a reason. I've been around a little bit longer than you, little girl, and I've seen a few more things. If I tell you not to do something, it's only because I don't want you hurt. I couldn't bear losing you...either of you." He shifted his gaze from Willow to Spike, his eyes clearly conveying his message.

Taking a moment to consider his statement, Willow slowly nodded. "I get that, Angel, I do, but you can't always worry about me getting hurt. I mean, I grew up on the hell mouth. I know what's out there."

"Which apparently now includes gun-toting vampires," Spike grumbled.

"Actually," Willow began, ready to explain before deciding that maybe they had talked enough, "never mind."

"I'll never stop worrying about you, Willow, just as I'm sure you'll always worry about us," Angel whispered, before leaning in and claiming the redhead's lips in a firm kiss. Willow once again began to pull at the chains around her wrists as she melted into the kiss, feeling Spike's hands roaming over her body, stroking and kneading her heated flesh.

When Angel finally broke the kiss, he looked down at the woman below him, her eyes pleading. He gave her a questioning look before remembering that her hands were still cuffed above her head and he chuckled. Seeing that the vampire was still making no attempt to release her, Willow whimpered and pouted, just before she let out a deep moan, feeling Spike's mouth close around one breast and suck hard. She shuddered before whispering harshly, "please, Angel."

The dark-haired vampire merely smirked at her. "I don't know, I kind of like you like this, all helpless and vulnerable," he told her in a low, silky tone as he moved to kneel between her thighs, pulling her legs apart. His smile widened as he felt her strong limbs move around him, the heels of her feet pushing at his back, urging him toward her. Brushing Spike aside, he settled himself over the now panting redhead, claiming her lips once again with his own as he positioned himself at her entrance. With one hard thrust, he was buried fully within her, Willow eliciting a scream of pleasure at the action. She looked up with wide eyes as Spike moved behind his grand sire, waiting for Angel to turn and give him a slight nod. A moment later, Angel hissed, burying himself deeper still within the witch below him as Spike sheathed himself within the older vampire.

Beginning a slow, steady rhythm, they all moved as together, melting into one another. Feeling Willow's body beginning to tense with her impending orgasm, Angel reached up, ripping the chains apart and freeing her arms. The redhead responded by immediately reaching up, gripping his shoulders and pulling the vampire closer to her, meeting him thrust for thrust. Arching up a bit, her eyes met Spike's just before the blond leaned forward, kissing her deeply and increasing the speed and power of each thrust. Only a moment later, all three were climaxing together, their bodies shuddering and quaking with release.

As the three lovers began to recover, Spike and Angel both rolled to the side, settling once again on either around the redhead, whose body was still shaking slightly.

"If that's the way you always punish me, I may have to be naughty more often," she told Angel with a sleepy grin.

"Your heart's beating again," Spike whispered from her other side, brushing a bit of sweat-soaked hair from her face. Willow turned and looked at him with surprise, before glancing at Angel for confirmation.

The brunette smiled and nodded. "It's faint, but I can hear it," he told her.

"But...how?" She whispered, glancing down at the already healing wound on her chest.

"We'll figure it out," Angel assured her, wrapping a strong arm around the witch and feeling her snuggle closer. Spike slipping an arm around her from behind, nuzzling her neck as her eyes drifted closed, and both vampire listened as the soft, steady heartbeat slowly lulled them to sleep.

~Part: 31~

"So what you're saying is that I'm immortal?" Willow looked at Wesley with a pleading expression.

The former watcher eyed her carefully before speaking. "From what I can tell, yes. The bullet wound should have been fatal. Your heart stopped beating and you didn't have a pulse, for hours. Eventually, your body began to heal itself and your heart began to beat again."

"Why?" Her voice was tiny and caught in her throat as she sat down in the chair across from him.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure, but I suspect it has something to do with the spell you used to close the hell mouth. I'll have to look a little further into it, of course."

"So I really can't die? Why would this happen?" She looked toward Angel and Spike who were seated next to her.

"Sometimes the powers that be, they do strange things," Angel told her. "Believe me, I don't always understand why they do the things they do, but they always have a plan, whether we like it or not."

"Not the worst thing in the world, to be stuck here with us, is it?" Spike asked, sounding a little sullen.

"No, no it's not," she assured him. "It's just…I'll never see my friends again." The redhead looked down sadly.

"You will, Willow, some day," Angel assured her, reaching out and tilting her chin up, forcing her gaze to meet his eyes. "And in the meant time, we'll just have to do everything we can to keep you happy here."  Willow smiled widely, her eyes crinkling at the corners, causing both vampires to grin.

"Why would the powers that be keep me around?" She asked. "I just don't get it. Is this my punishment for the dark magic?"

"Angel?" Harmony interrupted, popping her head through the doorway. "There's some woman here to see you. She didn't give me a name, but she's really pushy and insisted on seeing you immediately. I told her you were busy, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. Reminds me of Buffy. Hey! Willow, you're still alive. Well, good for you."

Ignoring Harmony's last comment, Willow's eyes widened and she looked toward the two vampires, before all three stood up and headed to Angel's office. Walking in quietly, they immediately saw the dark haired girl across the room, playing with one of the weapons Angel had hanging on the wall. The vampire cleared his throat, causing the girl to spin around in surprise, dropping the heavy throwing ax.

"Can I help you?" He asked, walking over and picking the weapon up, replacing it on the wall before gesturing that she take a seat. Spike moved to sit on the couch while Willow simply stood in the doorway, staring at the slayer.

"I'm looking for Angel," the girl told him, her eyes not yet leaving his face.

"You found him," he confirmed, sitting behind the desk and leaning back in his chair, watching the girl carefully. "How did you know where to find me?"

"There was a woman, redhead. She gave me your card," the slayer told him.

"That would be me," Willow chimed in. The dark haired girl looked up, noticing Willow for the first time, her eyes widening in surprise.

"You're…you're alive!"

"So I've been told," Willow replied with a wry smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, you said that I was a slayer, a-and that you've helped slayers before. I had this card, and…I don't really get what's going on. Figured maybe you could fill in the blanks." As she finished, she looked back toward Angel, her expression reminding him very much of when he had seen Buffy first called to her duty. Fear, confusion and strength all played across her face.

"It's sort of complicated," Willow told her. "Basically, one girl in all of the world is chosen to fight demons…or well, I'm thinking maybe it isn't just one girl anymore. The slayer…she who hangs out in cemeteries." The redhead chuckled and smiled sadly, memories of Buffy playing through her head. "I was friends with the slayer. She saved the world…a lot. She was killed in a battle not too long ago. I did a spell and I guess…I called you."

"What does that mean, you called me?" The girl asked. "Can you undo it?"

Willow shook her head. "Sorry. This is a destiny kinda deal. No control there, really."

"Well, I don't want it! Find a way to undo it. You do magic, right? So do some other spell or something. I didn't ask for this and I don't want it!" The girl was quickly becoming increasingly upset, and Spike and Angel glanced at one another, nervous about what the girl might do.

"I…I know that sometimes things happen that we don't like, don't want, but there's a reason," Willow tried to explain, stepping closer to the slayer.

Suddenly, the brunette lunged forward, wrapping her hands around the redhead's throat and slamming her back against a wall. "Undo it, now! I want my life back!" The slayer screamed, just before hearing a snarl and growl from behind her. Glancing back, her eyes widened in horror as she took in the two demons now in full vamp mode.

"Let her go, now," Angel growled, his fists clenched at his sides.

"What the hell is this?" The girl asked, slamming Willow into the wall again, tightening her grip slightly. "Did you lure me here, just to kill me? They're vampires! I knew you were evil! I'll kill you, and this time, you'll stay dead."

Grabbing a stake from her pocket, the girl held it high over Willow's chest. Up until that point, the redhead hadn't wanted to use magic against the obviously frightened girl, not wanting to scare her more, but now it seemed inevitable. She opened her mouth, ready to use a small incantation, but stopped as she saw Spike reach out to pull the girl away from her. The slayer spun around, slamming her fist into the blond's jaw and shoving him backwards. Spike stumbled and fell back, quickly finding the slayer looming over him, stake held over his heart.

"No!" Willow screamed, just as Angel looked up, seeing Willow hold her arm up a second before the slayer was thrown away from Spike. Angel quickly moved to stand between the brunette and his grand childe, growling at the girl, who looked up, stunned and confused, before jumping to her feet and glaring at Willow.

"Listen to me," Willow told her. "They are not evil. Angel has a soul. He helps people."

"He has a soul? You expect me to believe that?" The girl replied with a sneer. "Doesn't look very soulful to me."

"That's just because you threatened me," Willow assured her. "Believe me, he's one of the good guys. We all are. We can help you."

The slayer took a step back, eyeing her cautiously. "Why should I trust you?"

Willow thought about that question for a moment, glancing at Spike and Angel, before looking back at the girl. "Because we're all you have right now, and because I know what you're going through. I can help you."

The girl's expression seemed to falter slightly, some of her bravado slipping away. "You know what I'm going through? You couldn't possible…"

Willow took a few steps closer. "Everything in your life suddenly seems different? You're aware of dangers you never knew existed, and you'd give anything to be ignorant to them again? You feel alienated from everyone else in your life, lost and alone, desperate? You're fighting, constantly, and don't understand why you've been given this burden?"

The slayer stared at her for a long time, her eyes slowly tearing up before she finally nodded, chewing on her lower lip. "I don't know what to do," she whispered. "I don't understand any of this, or why it's happening to me. Why? Why me?"

Willow moved to stand just in front of the girl, glancing once more at the two vampires who were watching them carefully. "I don't know why," she said softly, remembering what Angel had just said to her. "Sometimes, things just happen. Sometimes, the battle chooses us…maybe because we're the only one that can win, even if we don't know it. Sometimes…" The redhead paused, now looking up at her two lovers as she spoke. "Sometimes we just have to trust that we're exactly where we're supposed to be, even when it seems impossible to go on."

Both Spike and Angel smiled softly at the redhead as she spoke.

"I can help you," she told the slayer. "I think…I think maybe that's why I'M still here, to teach and train and help you. I think maybe that's my purpose…my reason for being."

The slayer slowly nodded as Spike and Angel moved to stand behind Willow, Spike gently touching her shoulders as Angel held one of her hands tightly in his. A bright smile slowly crept across her face as Willow felt hope and purpose, mingled with the love that radiated from the two vampires, and for the first time in a long while, she realized that she would belooking forward to the future, and all that lies beyond.

The End
