"Be My Druidess"
by Jinni


The song was playing when he turned the key in his ancient DeSoto, the engine purring to life. He growled, about to change the channel when the
words started. They were haunting, beautiful and they reminded him whole-heartedly about a certain red haired witch he couldn’t keep off his mind.
Spike groaned, leaning back into the seat to listen to the song pouring from the speakers.

{{Now we’ll make love by fire light
A blaze so high it lights the night
Long fingernails dug in my skin
Yourself so wet invites me in}}

He closed his eyes, picturing what the song was describing. In the theater of his mind he could see himself, lowering Willow to the ground next to a
blazing bonfire. She was already sky clad, for the rites which she had performed, a simple garland decorating her red hair, and he sank into her with
ease. He felt the front of his faded black denims tighten as his arousal grew with the imagery.

It was just a daydream though, the witch wouldn’t have anything to do with him. She was hopelessly devoted to the blonde witch and he had
started to doubt she even liked ‘driving stick’ anymore. He had missed his chance to be with her, missed his chance to make her his and only his the
second those bloody commandos had put the soddin’ chip in his head.

He groaned, opening his eyes again to face the harsh light of reality. With hardly a thought, the vampire found himself driving towards the mall. He
wanted a copy of that song, to have whenever he wanted to dream of his witch, something that reminded him completely of her and the mystery
she gave off.

And, if nothing else, something to toss of to when he needed that little bit of release.

** ** **

Willow stretched out on her bed, listening to the words filtering through the radio. She felt a warm rush of heat spread through her lower body as
she pictured the words acted out.

{{ Our lust increased feeds desire
As we combust, yeah we on fire
I feel you shake so deep inside
Ooh scream my name and squeeze me tight}}

She sighed, the images she had called forth being not of her current lover, Tara, but those of the bleached blonde she had been unable to get out
of her mind since one night long ago in an abandoned factory. Tara wasn’t her soul mate, she knew that for a fact. How –could- she be when the
red head had already given her heart to someone else?

Someone who was utterly oblivious to the affection she showed for him?

Someone like Spike.

{{ I'll do anything to make you come }}

The last line of the song echoed in the room, making the petite witch moan aloud. She could picture Spike whispering that to her as he sunk deep
within her hot channels, could picture his cool hands all over her burning body, and wanted nothing more than to make it a reality. But she was just
a silly human to him. Someone to kill as soon as he got the chip out.

As the last chords died off, the red head listened for the name of the song and the artist, pushing herself off the bed to grab her coat. She
wanted, no, -needed-, to get a copy of it. Something to play when she needed to feel close to the mate of her heart until the day came when he
was able to see and accept her love.

-If- that day ever came.

** ** **

Spike rifled through the CD rack, trying desperately to remember the name of the group that sang the song he was looking for. The name was on
the tip of his tongue, but he just couldn’t seem to recall it.

“Excuse me?”

The vampire turned at the sound of the familiar voice in the small store, his eyes going wide as if he’d just been caught stealing from the cookie jar
as a kid. There she was, the object of his obsession, only a few feet away, chatting with one of the store’s employees.

“Can you tell me where your Type O Negative CDs are?”

Spike grinned slightly, both at the name of the band and for the fact that that was the name of the group he was trying to remember. He looked
around the crowded store, his eyes lighting on just the section it should be in, and making his way there before the red head could. Flipping through
the CDs, he chose one at random, scanning the back for the song he desired. A grin lit up his face as he saw the name he wanted.

“Spike?” Willow asked, both surprised and delighted to see the vampire while she was out shopping. Any chance to see him was a good thing, in her

“Pet,” the vampire nodded, a slight smile forming at the corner of his mouth. “What brings you here?” He held the CD against his chest, remembering
that she was in the store looking for something by the same group. {Could the chit want the same song?} he thought. {Nah. Probably wants some
bloody little dance tune she can listen to with the rest of those morons she calls friends.}

“Just looking for a song,” the red head leaned past the vampire, brushing against his body in a way she hoped was seductive but not obvious as
she flipped through the Type O Negative CDs. She glanced at the back of one, finding the song she wanted and turned to the blonde, her eyes
shining with happiness. “Found it. ‘Be My Druidess’. It’s a lovely song.”

“Right,” Spike whispered, his brain reeling from both her casual touches and the knowledge of what she was there to get. What were the chances
she’d be in the store looking for the exact same song he wanted? “What do you like about that song, pet?”

Willow blushed, her mouth going dry as she tried to think up something, anything to say to the living embodiment of her crush. “It reminds me of
someone…” she finally managed to whisper, partial truth seeming better than making up a lie. She sighed, whispering in a voice her subconscious
hoped he could hear, “It reminds me of you.”

The vampire nearly dropped the CD he was holding. Had the witch really just said what he thought she had said? It was obvious she didn’t really
mean for him to hear it, the words had been much too softly spoken for that. His undead heart ached to confront her on what she had said, longed
to finally make the witch his. That might scare her, though, to know he had heard something so obviously private.

So he did the next best thing.

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” he grinned, the expression looking so much like one of Xander’s goofy grins the red head had to laugh. Holding up
his CD his face took on a whole new look, one of utter seriousness. “The song reminds me of you.” He reached out a hand to brush her hair back
behind her ear.

Willow shivered as his cool fingers rubbed over her face, his words sinking in slowly. The song reminded him of her? Then, in a movement so quick
she couldn’t see it, he was behind her, hips lips brushing against her earlobe as he whispered, “Be my druidess, Red?”

The red head nodded, her eyes glassy with desire. She turned to look at him, her heart suddenly uncertain. “Is this a trick? Because I would never
forgive you if it was. Not after how long I’ve wanted you, how long I’ve desired to be with you and only you.” She shut her mouth suddenly,
realizing she had said too much, babbled too long.

“I promise, luv,” his eyes sparkled with lust as they traveled over her body and again he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Lets get out of here. I
want to do anything, and everything, to make you cum.”

Willow tossed her CD back in the rack, hearing Spike’s land beside it with a sharp clank. She wouldn’t need that to give her sweet dreams about her
dream lover anymore. He had just made them all reality.

                                                      ~*~ The End ~*~
