"Visions of Greece"

Germany had been nice, Willow decided. {Well the five whole minutes I got to see of it anyway.} Those five minutes had included seeing the airport
from the comfort of the jet, but still, it had seemed like a nice place. Maybe she could get Spike to bring her back one day - they would have
plenty of time in the future to go wherever she wanted. She sighed, leaning into the embrace of the blonde haired creature next to her as she
watched the runway lights disapear beneath them, Angel's small jet whisking them towards Greece.

They had all been surprised when Cordelia had collapsed with a vision merely minutes before the jet landed in Germany. After almost two months
without any of the painful messages from the Powers That Be, the small group had become complacent, thinking they would finish their vacation
with no further hassles. They couldn't have been more wrong. When Cordelia had finished shaking in agony, she was obviously frightened, moaning
to herself, tears coating her cheeks. She had let them know in no uncertain terms that they needed to get to Greece as soon as possible, saying
she would give them details of what she saw as soon as they were on their way.

Willow looked over at the brunette snuggled so comfortably against Angel's chest and almost hated to disturb her. She knew that the girl's visions
were painful and that she must be dealing with one hell of a migraine right about now. But, the question of what they were flying off to face
needed to be answered, and Cordelia was the only one who could give the answer. She sighed, calling softly across the aisle, "Delia, when you feel
up to it, can you tell us about the vision?"

The brunette looked up, squinting into the bright lights of the cabin, her head pounding. She glanced at her red haired friend and then up at her
lover. "Angel could you dim the lights or something?" She smiled softly as the dark haired vampire got up, flicking off the main lights in the cabin and
leaving only the small reading lights for illumination. She could feel the pain in her head lessen almost immediately with the loss of the bright lights.

"Better?" Angel asked, pulling his girlfriend back into his arms. He held her against him, wishing he could take some of her pain away. Through the
bond of his claim on her he could feel only a small echo of the true misery she was enduring. Times like these made him wish he didn't need a link to
the Powers That Be for redemption - or at least that that link didn't have to be the woman he loved and cared for.

"Much." Cordelia sighed, sitting up enough to lean her head against his shoulder. She looked across the aisle to Spike and Willow, seeing them
watch her with curious eyes. It would be best to go ahead and tell them and get it over with. "The vision..." She sighed again, gathering her
thoughts around the haze of pain clouding her senses. "Like all my other visions it was vague. We're going to Greece...to the ruins of some sort of

Rubbing wearily at her forehead, the brunette continued. "Theres a group of people...men in robes. Raising some sort of demon in the ruins. Blood,
knives...the usual. Its something majorly bad - that was clear, and it will happen on the night of the full moon. But..." Her voice trailed off, fear
creeping into her face. She didn't know how to vocalize the next part of the vision, didn't know how to tell her friends what exactly she had seen.

"'But...' what, Delia?" Angel asked, worried about his lover. He held her closer to him, rubbing her back with what he hoped were reassuring
gestures. He could feel the stress of the situation etched into every muscle in her body and he began to gently massage her muscles, his strong
fingers bringing much needed relief. The tension in her shoulders and neck slowly eased away and she looked back up at those watching her.

The former cheerleader licked her lips, her voice quiet when she spoke again. "I was in the vision. It was like...I was me...but not. Like someone
else was controlling me." She closed her eyes again, trying to recapture the overall feel of the vision so that she could better explain it to her

"What?!?" Angel growled, his hands stilling at their motions. Something was going to be controlling -his- mate? Not if he had anything to say about
it. He just wouldn't let her anywhere near the temple, wouldnt let her in Greece at all for that matter. He would have the jet drop him and Spike off
and send the girls back to Germany until it was all taken care of. That would best. His mate would -not- be put in danger!

"Peaches...Poof...Angel...SIRE!" Spike growled, reaching over to shake the older vampire by the shoulder. He fought the urge to shrink back when
golden eyes turned on him, his sire's face overcome by the demon. Glaring at his creator, the blonde gestured towards the now scared forms of
Willow and Cordelia. "You're scaring the chits."

{Scaring them...?} Angel realized for the first time that his demon had come out to play and knew he had probably been growling. With a very real
act of will he forced his demon back into its cage, smiling reassuringly at first his lover, then his red haired friend. "Sorry...The thought of something
controlling Delia just didn't sit too well with me."

Spike nodded, in complete understanding. He was sure that if anything was trying to take over his little witch's body his demon wouldn't be able to
sit back and allow it to happen. Their bond was too strong for something such as that to be allowed. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, the
blonde let his fingers trail over the healing bite marks on his mate's neck, delighting in the small shiver of pleasure he felt radiate from her.

"There's no need to get worried, Angel," Cordelia said slowly, watching the dark haired vampire's face carefully for any sign he was going to lose
control again. "I didn't get the feeling that I will be hurt - only that its necessary and for the better good."

The older vampire sighed. If Cordelia felt as though she needed to be there, then there was no way he could send them back to Germany - no
matter how much he wanted to. It just wasn't a possibility. He had learned in his months dealing with the PTBs that they didn't like it when things
didn't go according to their little visions. Looking down into her pretty brown eyes, he couldn't help but want to protect her from everything the
darkness could throw at her. "Are you -sure-, Delia baby?"

"As sure as I can be, Angel." She gave him a small smile, cuddling further into his embrace. Knowing that the PTBs needed her to do this and that
Angel wouldnt let anything happen to her did little to ease her fears of what was to come. Somewhere in Greece something was waiting to take her
over for some reason she didn't yet know. Closing her eyes, the brunette prayed for at least a little sleep before the plane landed.

· * * * * *End Part A

"This one?" Willow sighed, holding up yet another picture of some of the various local ruins for the brunette across from her to gaze at. They had
been at this for hours, the two of them looking through different tourist guides for a clue as to where Cordelia's vision was going to take place at.
The night of the full moon was only three days away and they still had little knowledge about what was in store for them.

Only three nights until something was going to take hold of the ex-cheerleader she was now proud to call a friend. The thought was enough to chill
her to the bone. It made her feel utterly helpless to know that Cordelia was going to be taken over -completely- with something none of them knew
anything about. The brunette had assured them that she didn't get the feeling she was going to be harmed, but that did little to ease the red
head's mind. She didn't want anything to happen to her Delia.

*Her Delia*.

After their near-kiss in the museum in Rome, Willow had forced herself to admit that she had some pretty intense feelings for the girl. She risked a
glance up, watching the brunette as she flipped slowly through the book in front of her. Her face grew warm as the girl's tongue darted out to wet
her lips, wetness pooling between her thighs. Images of reaching over and licking the brunette's lips for her pounded through her mind and she had
to force herself back to the task at hand, tearing her eyes away from the alluring sight in front of her. What would Angel say if he knew she was
lusting after his girlfriend? She groaned softly, trying to ignore the heat spreading through her body. What would Spike say? He was her life, her
future - she would never want to do anything to hurt him. The attraction was almost unbearable though and she wondered if the boys wouldn't
actually -enjoy- them getting together. A sharp gasp from Cordelia brought her out of her thoughts with a bang. "What?!?"

"This is it!" The former May Queen was practically bouncing up and down with excitement, pointing to the book in front of her. She turned it for
Willow to see. "That's what I saw in my vision!"

"Are you sure?" The red head asked, glancing at the caption and then back at the brunette's happy countenance. Her friend nodded and she
couldn't help but laugh. "Delia, that's Delphi...I've showed you at least a dozen pictures of it today!"

"None from -that- angle, though!" Cordelia cried triumphantly. Finding the location of the vision was a good starting place, now they could get down
the research. She patted the red head's hand excitedly, fighting back the spark of lust that flared to life at the simple contact of their skin. The
heat she felt for the witch was undeniable. It was almost frightening to the brunette who had never once found a girl attractive in a sexual way.

Willow glanced at the still firmly shut doors to the bedrooms. "Think we should wake them up? Get some research done?"

Cordelia tilted her head to the side, pondering the question her friend had placed before her. They had spend most of the day searching for the
place in her vision and she was sort of tired of looking through books and websites. "Nope. I have a better idea..."

The red head tried her best not to laugh, her lips tugging up at the corners even as she tried to frown. "No...please...anything but..."

"Shopping!" The brunette cried, reaching into her jeans pocket to pull out Angel's platinum card.

"I *knew* you were going to say that!" Willow cried in mock dismay. She grabbed her purse, standing as she checked in it to make sure she still
had Spike's card. Unlike Cordelia, she had not spent thousands of dollars throughout the trip, no matter how many times her blonde haired lover had
let her know it was alright. She sighed, still smiling, as she braced herself for the next few hours of hell known as 'power shopping'. "I'm ready when
you are."

* * * * *

Spike glared sullenly from the balcony into the streets below. The sun had set enough for him to be outside nearly a half hour before and he had
been waiting out there the entire time. Waiting for Willow to come home. He knew that she had not purposely stayed gone for so long - knew even
that she was perfectly fine through the bond they shared. But that didn't stop him from pouting.

The blonde had found out early on that he liked seeing his little witch first thing when he woke up. He loved to get out of bed, seek her out
wherever she was in whichever hotel they were at, and promptly throw her back in bed and make love to her for hours. Nights like these, when she
was out with the cheerleader, only upset him - though he did a good job of not letting her know that. He knew that *that* kind of possessiveness
would only upset her.

He took another long drag from his cigarette, letting the scorching, chemical-laden air fill his cold lungs. She would be back soon, and then they
could get on with the night. He had plans. Plans that involved her, in his bed, with some whipped cream and fresh strawberries he had already had
brought up by room service. Plans that -didn't- involve talking about the vision or researching or anything else of that nature - something he had
already made clear to his Sire. They needed at least one night of just relaxing and this was going to be it.

Angel could almost hear the tumultuous thoughts of his childe as he moved behind him, resting his chin on the blonde's shoulder as he stared out
over the darkening city. Though he enjoyed Cordelia being there when he woke up, he was happy to get a few moments alone with his childe.
"She'll be back soon, William." He purred, exhaling softly over the Spike's earlobe.

"Sire..." The softly sighed word was spoken with reverence. Spike could feel his annoyance ebb away at the closeness of the darker haired man's
body to his own, being replaced by tension of an all together sexual nature. He shuddered, eyes closing, as Angel wrapped his arms around his
waist, pulling him flush against his own hard body.

"While we're alone..." The older vampire kissed gently at his childe's jugular, smothering his smile in the cool skin. "I wanted to ask if you've noticed
something going on with the girls lately? They seem tense around each other."

"I have a theory. Nothing concrete, mind you."

"Out with it, boy." Angel growled playfully, nipping at the spot he had only recently been kissing.

The blonde sighed in contentment, leaning into his Sire's embrace. "You haven't noticed the little looks they've been giving each other? The
side-long glances? You haven't noticed the way their arousal fills the bloody air sometimes when they are sitting near each other?"

Angel stopped in his ministrations, his eyes narrowing with thought. "You're not saying....?"

"I'm not saying a word, mate." Spike grinned, turning to face the other man. "I'm just stating what I've seen. Make your own bloody conclusions."
Listening to something close by, he threw his Sire another smirk, kissing him quickly on the lips. "Wipe that dumb look off your face, Peaches.
They're home."

The older vampire shook his head slowly, watching as his childe wandered back into the suite. Could Spike be right? Could the two girls be falling for
each other? A slow grin spread over his face. If that was the case then it would make it all the more easier to mold them into a family when they
got home. One big, happy family.

· * *End Part B

The next night found one very bored blonde vampire and his red haired witch waiting none too patiently for their companions to join them in the
small living area of the suite they shared. Neither one had a clue as to what they should do next. Visit the ruins at Delphi? Research? Or just have
fun until the full moon brought the vision crashing to their door? The possibilities were almost endless.

"So...what are we going to do tonight, pet?"

"Same thing we do every night, Spikey."

"Try to take over the world?" Spike couldn't help but finish, his brain flashing on images of talking cartoon lab mice.

"No, silly," Willow grinned. "Try to stop -others- from taking over the world!" She laughed, smacking him lightly on the arm. "Though...I
dunno...taking over the world could be fun, too. Think we could pull it off?"

The blonde grinned at the playful tone of her voice, deciding to play along. "With your brains and my devious mind, I'm pretty sure we could,

"Could what?" Angel asked, walking in the room with a towel around his neck, his normally perfect hair wet and disheveled from the shower he had
just emerged from.

Willow winked at Spike, a playful grin on her mouth before she turned to the dark haired vampire. "Take over the world." Her face was dead serious
as she regarded him, one eyebrow arched delicately in what she hoped was a cool gaze. "You want in?"

Angel felt his mouth open and close and knew he looked ridiculous. He couldn't help it though. Willow and his childe were plotting to take over the
world? He couldn't believe it. Looking into her sparkling green eyes, he saw the playful glimmer that she was trying to hard to hide and knew she
was just playing. Drawing on his demon, he smirked, his voice smooth as silk, "Well...I dunno little one, I'm more for destroying the world than ruling

Spike smothered a smile as his sire advanced on the red head. He could smell the delicate aroma of her fear in the air and knew that the hint of
Angelus the dark haired vampire was showing was making her slightly nervous. A soft chuckle burst from his lips when she unconsciously began to
move back and away from Angel. Wrapping her tight in his arms, the blonde looked up into his sire's rich brown eyes and purred, "Angelus....be
good, you're scaring her." He licked at the red head's pulse point, tasting the salty sweetness of her flesh.

"I am being good, William," Angel smirked. He leaned in close, as if he were going to kiss Spike, only to turn to Willow's ear and whisper, "Though
you would enjoy it so much if I was being -bad-, Little One." He grinned, exhaling softly against her ear, before pulling back to kiss her forehead.
When her eyes met his again, they were total Angel - no hints of Angelus. "But honestly. I really don't want to destroy the world or rule it. I have
everything I need right here in this hotel with me."

Willow looked up at the vampire, her eyes dark with fear and no small amount of lust. She couldn't believe he had done that, being all sexy and evil
- it just wasn't right. Now here she was, wrapped in her lover's arms, and lusting after his sire. She knew Spike could smell her arousal and
wondered how she would ever explain it away. "You big...vampire....jerk...mean...ass...ARRGHH!" Pulling from the blonde's arms, she stormed out of
the room, onto the balcony.

"Wha-?" Angel blinked in shock. What had just happened? He had only been playing with her, after all.

"You turned her on..." Spike snickered.

"And that's a bad thing?" His sire laughed. "I would have thought I lost my touch if I hadn't, after all."

"You turned her on while she was sitting in my arms. And she knows bloody well I can tell when she's aroused. She's scared I'm going to be upset
with her, Peaches."

The dark haired vampire groaned softly, realizing what his childe said was true. He couldn't expect her to understand that he wanted her just as
much as he wanted Cordelia....or even Spike for that matter. The way things were going, he couldn't wait to get back to the states so he could
start trying to get his family closer together. That was neither here nor now, though. "You should go talk to her. Explain I was just playing. Let her
know you're not mad." He looked into his childe's blue eyes, suddenly unsure of himself. "You're not mad, are you?"

The blonde snorted, the smile never leaving his lips. "Mad? No. Jealous that you were flirting with her and not me. Hell yes." He grinned, rising to his
feet. "I'm going to go talk to her. You wake up the cheerleader. Its about bloody time to get the night started."

* * * * *


"I dont want to talk right now." Willow sniffled, her eyes brimming with tears. She was confused and scared. First she started feeling things for
Cordelia...then for Angel? Her heart ached. She loved -Spike-! Why was she feeling these things for the others?

"Fine, dont talk," Spike whispered smoothly. He put his chin on her shoulder, his arms wrapping around her slight waist. "But you will bloody well

Willow tensed. This was it. He was going to tell her how disappointed he was in her for getting aroused because of his sire. He was going to tell her
how she had violated his trust and broken his heart and didn't deserve another moment of his time. He was going to tell her that he regretted ever
claiming someone as unworthy as her. He was going to... "Huh?" The red head said, unsure if she had heard him right amidst her own thoughts.
"Could you repeat that?"

"I said that I am not mad, upset or anything else you could possibly be thinking in that little head of yours, pet."


"But nothing, Red," Spike stilled her lips with a single finger, silencing her. "You have to keep in mind that vampires are different from humans. We
don't have the same morals - especially when it comes to sex and sexuality. Angelus was just being playful. Your reaction was only natural."

"What? The fear or the..." She chewed nervously on her bottom lip, unable to admit aloud that she had been turned on by it all.

"Lust?" The blonde couldn't help but grin. "Both actually. Fear -is- a turn on for us, pet. "

"I -do- love you, Spike, I don't know why I was turned on by what he did."

"And I love you. Forever, remember? You getting turned on by the great poof doesn't change that. Hell, the wanker still gets to me sometimes too."
{More so than you know.} He thought, remembering the close contact he had had with his Sire the night before.

"He does?" She turned then to look at him, her green eyes awash with a mixture of emotions. "You two used to be really close didn't you?" She
watched him nod and licked her lips. "Do you miss being with him?"

Sky blue eyes narrowed, his thoughts whirling as he tried to decide exactly what to tell her. Too much might scare her off, too little might cause
him problems later. He sighed. Better to tell the whole truth than to have it come back and bite him in the arse. "Its no secret that he and I have
gotten back to being friends. He wants it to be more. Much more. Between all of us, pet."

Willow's eyes widened. Angel wanted all of them to... "You're joking right?" She watched in amazed silence as he shook his head 'no', mouthing the
words 'I promise'. "Goddess...that's just...umm...wow... kinky?"

Spike laughed at her rather simplified view of the whole situation, quietly happy that she hadn't run as fast as she could in the opposite direction.
After a few moments she joined in, the joyfulness finally reaching her eyes and making them shine like emeralds. "It doesn't upset you?"

She smiled, shaking her head. "Doesn't upset me. Doesn't make me want to go jump in bed with him either." Her eyes met his. "How do -you- feel
about it?"

"I miss him." Spike said simply. "But I -love- you. I would never do anything to hurt you, pet. You are the reason for my bloody unlife and I
-couldn't- do anything to hurt you."

Willow nodded, understanding. She wasn't totally opposed to the idea of the four of them getting together, but it wasn't something she wanted to
explore for a while. "Maybe one day, though." She whispered, smiling when his eyes lit up with hope.

It was more than he could have hoped for. She wasn't running away. Wasn't mad at him for wanting to explore his old feelings with his sire. She
was saying that maybe one day they could all try things out. He smiled, kissing her lightly on the lips. "I need to run out and get something for me
and Peaches to eat. You coming in?"

"I think I'll just stay out here for a little while."

"K, pet. I'll be back soon." He kissed her again, opening the balcony doors and stepping inside. Angel was lounging on the couch, a book open on his
lap. He was wearing one of his wonderfully decadent velvet shirts, the dark blue looking great against his skin. "You wake the cheerleader up?"

"She's taking a bath. Said she needed some 'quiet time'." The dark haired vampire smirked. He marked his place in the book and turned his body so
that he could look at his childe.

"I'm going to go get us something to eat. -You- stay here and apologize to Red. I think she understand everything now. But she needs to hear you
say you didn't mean it, Peaches. Even if you did. " He patted him on the shoulder as he walked by, grinning at him as he left to seek their dinner.

Angel watched his childe leave, the sound of the door clicking shut seeming very loud in the stillness of the suite. Through the halfway open
balcony doors he could see the red head standing, looking out over the city. He had heard what Spike had told her and knew that the young
woman's mind had to be reeling. The last thing he wanted to do was screw up any chance he had for the four of them to be happy together.

Placing the worn volume of poetry he had been reading on the small end table next to the couch, the vampire stood, the entire movement seeming
liquid and graceful. He pushed open the doors to the balcony with a whisper of sound, moving silently to stand behind the petite witch. "I'm sorry..."

Willow jumped at the softly spoken words. She hadn't even heard the doors open or him move or anything! Quoting something Xander had once
said, the red head smirked, never turning to face him, "We really need to get you a little bell to wear." His soft chuckle rolled through the air, filling
it with a sound so rich it might as well have been tangible. "What are you sorry for, Angel?"

Expelling what had to be his thousandth sigh of the night, the vampire murmured. "Can we go in and talk? Its getting a little cool and I dont want
you to catch a chill." She turned, green eyes boring into his before she finally nodded her assent. Guiding her lightly by her elbow, Angel led her in
to the couch, motioning for her to sit. "I just wanted to apologize for earlier."

"Which part?" She raised an eyebrow at him, enjoying the discomfort he seemed to be feeling. Of course she would forgive him - already had, but
he needed to sweat a little.

"Um...all of it?"

"Oh," Willow nodded sagely. "So you're sorry for scaring me? Which we both know you enjoyed. And you're sorry you got me all hot and bothered?
Also something we both know you enjoyed." Her green eyes flashed with amusement. "Its not nice to lie, Angel."

He grinned at her, relieved to see the playful spark coloring the emerald depths he so cherished. "I'm not lying. I am genuinely sorrry that I made
you uncomfortable in any way." {Not a lie. I'm not denying the fact that I enjoyed it.} He reassured himself.

"Uh huh," Willow smirked, obviously not believing his 'sincerity'. "Still not thinking you're being one hundred percent truthful with me....but I will
forgive you anyway." She case him a look full of pure innocence, her green eyes pools of warmth and friendship.

Which of course turned him on -- immensely. He shifted, trying to both hide and relieve the ache of his growing arousal. The khakis he was wearing
were too snug to get much relief, though, and he grimaced slightly from the pain. {Death...fire...holy water...blood...Willow...bed....} the vampire
tried, unsuccessfully, to think of anything that would calm himself, hoping she wouldn't notice.

Luck just wasn't on his side, though. The red head glanced over at him, noticing the way he was squirming, her gaze wandering down to his lap.
{Pants... bulge... ANGEL!} She gasped, her face darkening to bright red. {Need to talk about something not...sexual....argh!} "It wasn't nice to
scare me with the whole Angelus act earlier. You know the thought of him still scares me, dont you?"

The statement had the effect she was looking for. Almost immediately the vampire quit moving around. "I'm sorry, Wills. I didn't realize you were
scared of me..."

"Not -you-!" She insisted, slapping his arm. "Angelus. You don't scare me. You're a cuddly vampire!"

"Even in game face? Am I still cuddly then? Not scary at all?" He couldn't hide the hope in his voice.

"Um.." She wrinkled her nose, thinking. "I dont know. Show me."


"Do it!" She commanded sharply, her tone daring him to not comply.

He sighed, willing his demon forth for her amusement. The sharp smell of her fear permeated the very air around him at the first sign of the ridges of
his true face and her heard her sharp intake of breath as she gasped. Breathing in the rich scent one more time, he let his human façade slip back
into place.

Willow shuddered in morbid fascination. "Do it again," she giggled.

Angel shook his head with a chuckle, watching her bounce up and down with childlike glee. "Little One, you are quite the odd one."

"Come on, Angel! Do it again! Get all grr!"

Angel rolled his eyes. He willed the demon forth again, feeling his fangs grow, his eyes yellow, and ridges form on the bridge of his nose. He growled
softly, then licked his lips.

Willow squealed in terror, giggling nervously. She tucked her hair behind her ears, never dragging her gaze away from his intense stare. "It's weird. I
mean, you scare me. . ."

"I can smell the fear, Little One," he said seductively, licking his lips again. Being around her drove his demon crazy sometimes. She was all the
epitome of innocence, all wrapped in a tiny redheaded package. {A redheaded package your *childe* is in love with, idiot,} he thought sullenly.
{Might as well admit it, you fool. You’re already a little smitten with the girl.}

"But I'm not scared of you," Willow whispered. "I mean, I know you won't hurt me. . ." She reached up and ran her fingers over his ridges. She
smiled when he closed his eyes, leaning into her caress just the slightest amount.

He licked his lips, knowing he'd rather be staked than hurt Willow Rosenberg. "Are you *sure* about that, Little One?" Opening his eyes, he snapped
at her wrist playfully.

She squealed, pulling her hand away. "Ok, demon, go away!"

Angel willed the demon away. "Are you done?" he smirked. A small part of him was disappointed she had stopped caressing his ridges. It was one of
the most erotic things she could have done, though he sorely doubted she knew that. If she had, he was sure she wouldn’t have done it.

"No!" she laughed. "Demon come back!" She waved her hands, as if it would help.

He sighed unnecessarily, willing the demon forward. He smiled, as the scent of her fear heightened the tiniest bit. She wasn't scared of him with his
human mask on, but when the demon came out to play. . .he was amazed. He hadn’t thought she was scared of him anymore, and yet, she was. It
wasn't much, and he knew she'd never run in terror from him, but she was the tiniest bit afraid when Angelus came out. He chuckled, leaning back
as she continued to command him to perform.

· * * * *

Spike could hear laughter coming from the suite before he even opened the door. The gentle peals were some that he immediately recognized as
belonging to his witch. Shifting the bag of pig’s blood he had managed to procur, the blonde quietly opened the door. He set the bag on a table
near the door, silently slipping through the suite.

Cordelia held a finger to her lips as the vampire approached, motioning for him to remain quiet. She had been watching the scene on the couch
unnoticed by the pair for the better part of fifteen minutes. At first she had wanted to interrupt, feeling jealous that her lover was so greatly
enjoying the red head’s company. That jealousy had quickly faded to something akin to lust as she watched them interact with each other. Willow
was so beautiful when she was happy.

“Yes she is, pet.” Spike whispered, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

“Did I say that out loud?” Cordelia’s eyes grew wide.

“You did.” The blonde grinned, both enjoying the girl’s discomfort and the knowledge that everything seemed to be in place for when the time came
for the four of them to get closer. He stepped further into the room, watching the pair on the couch with wide eyes. From his vantage point, Spike
could see his Sire’s eyes closed in pleasure as Willow once again let her fingers stray to rub gently at the ridges. He felt the front of his jeans
tighten, knowing that the older vampire was probably hard as a rock from the innocent touches.

“Make it go away.” Willow pouted, her hands stilling at their motions. She smiled as the handsome face of her friend once again came to the front.
It was scary to see him in his true face, unlike Spike’s, which was sort of cute. She had to admit to herself that that was probably because she
was in love with Spike and Cordelia probably felt that Angel’s was just as adorable. “No...no…bring it back!”

Angel smirked, again letting the demon slide forward. He hoped she would tire of her game soon, the smell of her fear and the way she kept
touching his face were almost too much to stand. The scent of Spike’s own arousal was thick in the air. He knew his childe wanted nothing more
than to just initiate one big orgy there and now and was surprised at the restraint he was showing.

“Pet…” The blonde haired vampire finally interrupted after observing them for another five minutes. “Are you about done playing with Peaches?”
{Because I bloody well want you to be playing with me!} the demon within him roared. He wanted her. Hell, he wanted all of them , naked and
quivering in bed with him. For now, though, Red would be more than good enough for him.

“Yeah, Wills,” Cordelia joined in, coming to stand next to the couch. “We need to do at least a little research tonight, so stop making Angel get all
‘grr’.” She smiled at the red head, her own thoughts unconsciously mimicking Spike’s – wanting nothing more than to throw everyone in her bed and
make love until no one could move.

“Fine fine fine.” Willow grumbled good-naturedly. She stood, wrapping her arms around Spike in a tight hug, only slightly surprised to feel his hard
length press against her through his tight jeans. She smiled up at him, grinding her hips into him and mouthing the word ‘later’. Stepping away she
grinned at the entire group. “Lets get some research done, gang.”

“Great,” Spike muttered, the ache of his arousal almost painful. “Research. Just what I wanted to do tonight.”

** ** **

“Are you sure this is safe?” Willow whispered, trying to peer through the darkness at the ruins they were approaching. Only one more night until the
full moon and they still had no clue what was going to happen or why. They had spent the better part of the night before searching the internet for
local news articles about anything happening on Delphi – to no avail. There just wasn’t anything going on. No one had even reported any strange
occurrences. It almost seemed as if the PTBs were wrong for once.

“We have two big bad creatures of the night at our side – what could we possibly have to be afraid of?” Cordelia scoffed, her eyes shining with
laughter. She gripped Angel’s arm tight as she maneuvered her way around a large outcropping of rock, trying not to trip or twist her ankle.

“Bigger, badder, creatures of the night?” The red head joked. Green eyes scanned over the darkness, searching for anything out of place.

“Hey!” Spike snorted indignantly. “I’ll have you know there is nothing bigger and badder than Peaches and myself. We were the bloody Scourge of
Europe after all.”

“I don’t recall seeing any accounts of you two causing grief in Greece…” Willow snickered.

“Your point, little one?” Angel purred, his voice like silk in the darkness of the night.

“My point it – if you two never came over this way then you honestly have no clue whether or not they’re hiding something ‘bigger and badder’ than
the two of you.” She stuck her tongue out at the dark haired vampire, an impish grin on her face. She loved to tease the two of them whenever
they started acting like they were the worst things ever to walk the face of the earth – she was just doing her part to keep them humble.

“Will, don’t stick that thing out unless you intend to use it,” Cordelia laughed before realizing what she had said. Her face went from tanned and
perfect to red and embarrassed within a matter of seconds.

“OoOooOo Delia, was that an offer?” The red head smiled, her voice slightly husky as she turned around to face her friend. She could see the
evidence of the girl’s embarrassment in the light of the moon, the way her cheeks were flushed and her mouth kept opening and closing in a state
of shock. The former cheerleader had never looked more kissable. Arching an eyebrow at the girl, Willow smirked, “So was it?”

“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Angel whispered, coming to stand next to his Childe. Cordelia was still speechless, a sight he had only seen once
or twice since he had met her. The fabric of his black slacks pulled tight over his growing erection as he imagined Willow kissing his Delia. They
would be so beautiful together.

“Yeah, mate, I think I am.” The blonde haired vampire was just as shocked as his sire at the little scene unraveling before them. He watched as his
little witch stepped closer to the cheerleader, licking her lips, a taunting expression on her face.

“I don’t think you have the nerve to do it, Willow Rosenberg.” Cordelia finally managed to stammer out. She felt as though her heart was going to
give out when the red head stepped up to her, their faces inches apart. Unconsciously, she licked her lips, preparing herself both physically and
mentally for what was now inevitable. She was going to get kissed by a girl - a girl she found attractive at that – as her boyfriend and her friend’s
boyfriend watched. Amazingly, the thought just aroused her further.

“I don’t have the nerve, Delia?” Willow purred, her tongue darting out of her mouth to lick at her own lips. She could feel the wetness between her
thighs, soaking the cotton of her panties and even the crotch of her jeans.

“Nope. You don’t have what it takes to make this move.” The brunette whispered, daring the girl with both her eyes and her words. She wanted
this so bad. Why didn’t Willow just get on with it? Wasn’t it obvious that she wanted her to do it? She knew this would change their friendship
forever, would change their relationships with their boyfriends. And she didn’t care. She had overheard Spike and Angel talking the week before and
knew that together they could –all- be happy.

“You think?” The witch whispered before her lips descended on those of the brunette in front of her. Her tongue licked declicately at the girl’s lips,
begging entrance into her mouth.

Cordelia moaned, giving the red head access to her mouth. She felt as though her legs were going to give out as Willow gently eased her tongue
into her mouth, running it gently along her own. Unbidden, the brunette found herself holding onto the petite hacker by the back of the neck,
holding her in place as the kiss deepened. Their mouths locked together, hungrily, each one feeding off the passion the other was emitting.

Willow felt as though she were floating. The world had ceased to exist except for the beautiful girl that was standing in front of her, kissing her
heatedly. She knew they should stop before it went any further, but neither of them seemed to have the willpower or desire to break their contact.

Spike couldn’t take anymore. He and Angel had decided, as they watched their little vixens explore each other’s mouths, that they wouldn’t try
anything with them yet. It was still too new to them – they needed time to adjust to liking each other before the vampires joined the fun. But
watching them was just downright torture. He hated to break their moment, but it needed to be done. Both for his sanity as well as his Sire’s.

He saw Cordelia jump when he cleared his throat and didn’t miss the equal looks of guilt the two girls gave them. They needed to be reassured that
they hadn’t done anything to be ashamed of. He smiled at them, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Pets, can we get on with this? I don’t fancy
being stuck outside until sunrise and from the looks of the two of you that’s exactly where it was bloody well headed.”

“Yes, please. I have no desire to have my ashes scattered all over Delphi, as beautiful as it may be,” Angel grinned, trying to hide the discomfort he
was feeling from his own aching shaft. He would definitely need his little brunette to take care of that for him when they got back to the hotel or
even before then if he could find somewhere secluded enough. He smiled at her, letting her know everything was okay – his entire being excited at
the fact that his plans of a family were one step closer to becoming reality.

Spike grinned as he took his place next to his girlfriend, the scent of her arousal heavy in the air. They walked in silence towards the place Cordelia
had seen in her vision, each one lost in their own thoughts – lost in their own rampaging emotions. The blonde could feel the warm press of Willow’s
body against his as he wrapped his arm around her – the closeness only increasing his own state of arousal. “It’s a big place, mates. Maybe we
should split up?”

Angel caught his Childe’s eye, saw the spark of lust in them and knew the reason why he wanted to separate. “Sounds good to me. Delia and I will
take this side…you two look on the other side. Look for anything that seems out of the ordinary, you know the drill.” He grabbed his girlfriend’s hand
and pulled her towards the area he said they would look over.

“What’s wrong?” Cordelia asked after a few minutes of silence, her voice full of fear. Was this the part where Angel told her she made a mistake
letting Willow kiss her? She saw him glance over at her, a guarded look in his eyes. “I’m sorry Angel. I don’t know what came over me. I love you.
Please don’t be mad at me. It will never happen again. Please forgive me…”

The dark haired vampire looked over at the stricken face of the brunette next to him, cursing himself silently for letting her even –think- that he
was upset with her. He stopped, turning her to face him. “Delia, I’m not mad. Not even a little upset.”

“Then what’s wrong? You’re not even talking to me.”

Angel laughed, the rich sounds filling the air and bouncing off of the crumbling pillars of the once beautiful building. He stepped close to her, his
voice low and husky as he murmured, “I just watched two –very- attractive women practically jump each other in the middle of paradise itself
under the light of a nearly full moon. You should be able to figure out what’s wrong with me.” He gave her a small smirk, his eyes burning with

“Oh!” The girl’s eyes widened with understanding. She smiled seductively, pushing him back against one of the pillars, her hand reaching down to
cup his erection. “Let me help you with that, then.”

Kneeling in the grass, the brunette rubbed her face along her mate’s cotton covered erection. Something clenched low in her stomach as she felt
the hardness press against her face and she licked her lips, eager to help him find his release. With expert fingers she tugged on the zipper,
spreading the opening in his slacks enough to bring his pale shaft into view.

Angel moaned at the first touch of her hands on his arousal. Reaching down, he tangled his fingers in her hair, desperate to feel her lips wrap
around him. His whole body shuddered with need as she slowly began to stroke him, her hands barely encircling his enormous girth. He thought for
sure his knees were going to give out when her tongue darted out of her mouth, licking quickly at the small drops of pre-cum on the head of his
cock before disappearing back into her mouth.

Cordelia smiled at the sounds her vampire was making. It never ceased to bring her a small thrill of power whenever she did this to him – he was
utterly at her mercy. She could draw this out as long as she wanted or chose to send him spiraling over the edge at any second. It was all up to
her. And what she wanted at that moment was to make him cum.

Leaning in closer to him, the brunette slowly took the head of his cock in her mouth, her tongue licking lightly at the pre-cum that was dripping
almost incessantly from its tip. She moaned, sending vibrations running along his length as she continued to pump him with her hand. Moving in time
with her hand, she began to suckle on him, her tongue running along the ridge of his head as she gently reached in his pants to cup his balls.

He knew he was in heaven from the moment he felt her mouth on him. Of all the little tricks the former cheerleader could do – this was his favorite.
In more than two hundred years of existence he had never met anyone who could give head as good as the beautiful girl kneeling before him right
now. And she was his – forever. No one else would ever know the talents of his mate. Well…except maybe his Childe. He moaned aloud at the
images that thought brought forth – his beautiful Cordelia going down on his Childe.

Sucking harder at the cool shaft in front of her, the brunette moaned again, knowing the vampire enjoyed the feel of the vibrations she was
causing. She could see his knees buckling slightly and knew that he was in the throes of ecstasy. His fingers were digging into her hair, urging her
to move her head. With another small moan, she began to bob her head on his shaft. Her tongue licked along his length as she sucked up and
down, her moans filling the air along with his own.

Angel felt as though he was going to explode every time the kneeling brunette would moan, the vibration of her mouth pure pleasure. With barely
conscious thought he began to push against her head, moving her suckling mouth up and down his hard shaft in an increasingly frantic pace. He
groaned, releasing one of his hands from her hair to ball it into a fist, his nails digging into his palm as his stomach tightened with his impending
release. Holding her head steady he cried out, screaming her name as he shot his cold seed into her throat. His eyes glazed over, his body
shuddering as his release coursed through him.

Cordelia sucked gently at his rapidly softening member, meeting the passion burned eyes of her lover before swallowing the last of his cum. Kissing
the head of his cock she tucked it delicately into his pants, zipping them up and giving him a small pat before standing to kiss his lips. She pulled
back from him, her eyes sparkling with her own unreleased tension. “Ready to look around now?”

** ** **

“What was that?” Willow asked. She looked around, searching the dark for any sign of what had caused the moaning she had just heard. It hadn’t
sounded like someone in pain or danger, but it would be better to be safe than sorry. Looking over at Spike, she waited patiently for him to help her
get to the bottom of the noises.

“That would have been my Sire.” He grinned at the look of shock on his witch’s face.

“You mean they’re out there…” She tried to keep the shock on her face, knowing it was safer than what she was really feeling. Somewhere in the
darkness Cordelia and Angel were having sex – and she wanted nothing more than to watch them…or join them.

“You’re a horny little thing tonight, aren’t you, Red?” Spike purred, licking lightly along her earlobe. He watched as her eyes closed, lips parting
slightly as her heart sped up, her arousal again permeating the air. “You want to watch them, don’t you?” He moved to her other ear, repeating his
earlier actions. “You want to see my Sire shag the chit?” Stepping in front of her, the blonde haired vampire lifted her chin, his lips mere
centimeters from her parted lips. “Or is it that you want to join in?”

The red head gasped, her excitement at his words undeterred by the fact that he had found out her little secret. “Yeeeeessssss,” she hissed,
grabbing him forcefully and pulling his lips to hers for a kiss. She pulled back, her eyes burning into his. “Fuck me, Spike. Now.”

The vampire grinned, crushing the witch to him before she could say or do anything further. Her body pressed against him, grinding into his
jean-encased arousal with deliberate force. Releasing her, the blonde shrugged off his duster, laying it on the ground to protect her from the small
pebbles littering the grass before plundering her mouth yet again. He reached up, squeezing roughly at her breasts through the thin material of her
t-shirt. She moaned, the sound echoing into his cool mouth as his tongue continued to battle with her own.

Breathing as best as she could in between the firm kisses of her lover, the young woman continued to push against him. She enjoyed the feel of his
hardness pressed against her, knowing that only clothing separated them and that it was easily removed. Her hand reached between them, stroking
him hard through his jeans, enjoying the small moans coming from his lips.

With a growl Spike lowered the red head to his duster, yanking the bottom of her t-shirt from her jeans with a snarl. They were both wearing too
many clothes. He needed to be in her. Now. Pulling roughly at the catch of her jeans he managed to pop them open, releasing her mouth from his
long enough to pull them down – thankful that she had had the fore-thought to kick off her shoes. Her fingers were fumbling at his own jeans and
he batted them away playfully, opening them with one hand as his lips once again found hers.

Willow groaned when Spike pulled aside her panties and placed the head of his cock at the hot entrance to her soaking core. His eyes were dark
and hungry with passion as he slammed into her opening, causing her to scream into the night. She loved this mixture of pleasure and pain that he
brought to her every time he took her roughly. Her body was already screaming for release as he pounded into her, thrusting his thick shaft down
into her very center.

Holding himself up with one arm, the blonde reached underneath the red head’s tshirt, pulling aside her simple satin bra to pinch hard at her nipples.
She screamed into his mouth, her primal sounds expressing to him her pleasure in the pain he had caused. He could feel her heart beating against
him as he continued to tease at her breasts, fondling them with all the roughness he could safely do to the human beneath him. He didn’t want to
hurt her, after all.

“Fuck. Me. Harder!” Willow screamed, knowing he was holding back for her and not liking it one bit. She wasn’t made of glass – he didn’t need to
treat her that way. She wanted, -needed-, to feel him fuck her so hard she wanted to cry. The ridges of his true face appeared as he started to
slam into her with wild abandon and she screamed into his mouth, thankful it was there to catch the noise she was making. She licked at one of his
fanged teeth, tearing her tongue open on it and thrusting the blood stained offering into his mouth.

The vampire moaned, sucking wildly at the sweet taste of his mate’s blood as he continued to ram into her as hard as he could safely manage. She
was screaming in pain and pleasure, the sounds music to his ears. Increasing the speed of his thrusts, he tore his mouth from hers, kissing roughly
along her jaw line and down her neck.

Growling, Spike bit into Willow’s neck over his mark, claiming her anew as he spilled his seed deep in her womb. He heard her scream his name, felt
her body convulse as she found her own release. Through their link he could feel her orgasm rip through her, could taste the sweet ambrosia of her
release in her blood. Pulling his fangs from her neck, the blonde licked lightly at his mark before raising up to look into her face. He smiled down at
her, committing to memory the way she looked after having been brutally fucked.

“That was….Wow.” Willow mumbled, trying to pull herself from the sleepy haze that had settled over her brain. Grinning at her mate, she laughed, “I
guess we should go find Delia and Angel and let them know we didn’t find anything out of the ordinary.”

The vampire chuckled, pulling himself from her dripping core. “You got that right, luv. Everything here was just as it should be. Always.”

** ** **

“Delia?” Angel looked over at his girlfriend, noticing for the first time the faint halo of light that seemed to be enveloping her. He reached out to
touch her when she didn’t respond, his heart filling with fear and dread when he met with some sort of electrical field. “SPIKE! WILLOW!” He glanced
around, seeing them running from across the ruins to him.

“What’s wrong?” Willow gasped, trying to catch her breath. She had barely finished pulling her shoes back on when they had heard Angel’s startled
cry. Her eyes flew to the glowing form of Cordelia and she felt her heart stop. “Cordy?”

Spike could feel his Sire’s terror through the bond he shared with the older vampire and wished he could do anything to stop it. Worried blue eyes
roamed over the shock still form of Angel’s mate, unknowing of what was happening. “How long has she been like that?”

“Just a few minutes,” Angel murmured, the heart he had long since thought dead breaking within his cold chest. “Can’t touch her because of
whatever the glow is.” He stared at her, unsure of what to do.

A sharp sigh broke the silence and they saw the glow begin to fade from around the brunette. She looked around at them, noting their worried
faces. “That was…weird,” she muttered before falling to the ground in a faint.

**Part E**

They managed to make it back to the hotel before the three worried companions started in on Cordelia about what had happened. She looked at
them, slightly amused by their frantic questioning and sat on one of the couches. 'What happened?', 'Are you ok?', 'Does this have anything to do
with the vision?', 'Are you -sure- you're ok?' The questions tumbled from their lips in a neverending torrent.

"Stop, please," Cordelia laughed, holding her hands up as if to deflect any further questions. Their babbling ceased and she continued on before
they could start back up. "If you'll just be quiet for a minute I will explain everything. Can you do that? Be quiet, that it." She waited until each one
had signalled their assent before continuing.

The brunette took a deep breath, leaning back into Angel's arms. She brushed her fingertips lightly over his cotton covered thigh, feeling the hard
muscles of his legs tensed as if he were going to fight. If she hadn’t known how worried he was about her it would have been hilarious. "First off.
Yes I am fine. What happened in no way hurt me or caused any pain at all."

"Good." Angel growled, clutching his girlfriend to him. Seeing her frozen on the island and being unable to help her had been very upsetting for him.
Even the demon in him had been irate at the thought of losing her – she was his mate in every sense of the word. "So what -did- happen?"

"I was..." She paused, trying to find the words to express what had happened to her. One second she had been about to get her lover to
reciprocate the oral lesson she had given to him. The next she was in a trance, talking to a woman in a plane of reality that was overlapping theirs.
"I was communicating with the person that’s gonna take over my body."

"What?!?!" Two very irate vampires and one upset witch yelled. They glared at her, their eyes discreetly checking her to make sure she was acting
like herself. How would they know if she was still possessed or not? The thought was unsettling, but after a moments scrutiny, they could tell
simply by her mannerisms that she was still their Delia.

"Don't worry," Cordelia grinned. She could almost hear their worried thoughts racing through their brains and wished there was a way to make them
understand. There was no need for them to worry. If only they would trust her on this. "I've been assured that I'm not going to be hurt."

"And you believe that, pet?" Spike asked, his voice soft. The brunette seemed to be taking alot on faith. A little too much for his liking in fact. She
was important to both his Sire and his witch and for that reason alone he didn't want to see her hurt. Once he added in the fact that he considered
her a friend to himself as well, he would do just about anything to protect her.

The former cheerleader took a moment to ponder his question. She couldn't explain to him the absolute feeling of certainty she felt about the fact
she wasn't going to be harmed. How could you explain that the PTBs had made it clear when she had never actually spoken with them on the
matter. She just –knew-. "Just take me word on this, I am not going to get hurt."

The group nodded, doubt coloring their eyes. They didn't want to fight Cordelia on something she seemed so sure of, but how could this possibly be
safe for her?

“Anyway. This thing that’s going to inhabit me. She said her name is like Artemis or something. And that she needed me because her family’s power
has grown weak over the past hundreds of years.”

“Hold on a sec,” Willow interrupted, her brow creased in confusion. Her green eyes regarded the former cheerleader as though she had grown a
second head and her voice was small when she whispered, “Did you say Artemis? As in the Greek goddess Artemis?”

“Um…yea!” Cordelia grinned, rolling her eyes good-naturedly. “Of course the goddess Artemis. Why do you think I am so sure I won’t get hurt. She’s
like an emissary from the PTBs themselves!”

Angel glanced at Spike and the two vampires grinned at each other. Only Cordelia would be able to be so nonchalant about a goddess speaking to
her. Angel cleared his throat, smiling patiently at his mate. “So. If she is a goddess, why does she need help? And why does it have to be you?”

“Didn’t you listen? Her family has lost a lot of power over the years. She said it was due to the people not believing in them as much anymore. It
was sort of sad.” The brunette frowned in thought. “The reason it has to be me is that she needs a human host to exercise the little bit of power
she has left. And seers are the only ones that they know they can inhabit. I was the closest seer so…” She shrugged, letting the comment hang in
the air.

Angel sighed, clutching his girlfriend to him. He still didn’t like the situation but it didn’t appear there was much choice in the matter. “Did she
mention what is going to happen?”

Cordelia nodded, chewing lightly on her bottom lip. “Nothing too major. Some sort of apocalypse cult intent on doing a virgin sacrifice to some sort
of nasty demon who wants to send the world to hell. Artemis has to kill the demon childe the virgin will give birth to.” The brunette shuddered,
remembering the time she was almost the mother of a bunch of little baby demons.

Willow leaned into her mate’s embrace, feeling his hard chest against her side and recalling how not too many hours before he had been fucking her
senseless amidst the ruins at Delphi. She blushed, also remembering the kiss she had shared with the beautiful brunette sitting within touching
distance. What had that meant to her? Would it mean something for them in the future, once this whole vision was over? The red head knew she
hoped so and knew by the looks on the vampires’ faces as they had watched that they did too. “So, what do we do now?” The witch forced herself
to say, pushing aside her lusty thoughts until such a time as she could act on them.

“We wait. We sleep. We…” Cordelia blushed, winking at Willow. She wondered quietly to herself for a brief moment if she could get another kiss out
of the red head before the night was over. “Um. We have fun? Whatever we do, it doesn’t matter as long as we are at the ruins tomorrow night at

“Have fun?” Willow grinned, licking her lips. She smirked, not wanting to seem to eager. “Sounds like a plan to me.” Standing, the red head moved in
front of the brunette, leaning down to capture her lips in a less passionate version of their earlier kiss. Her eyes were sparkling with lust and
amusement when she pulled back. “Come on, Spike. I wanna go have –fun-.” She gave the brunette one last kiss, whispering into her mouth.
“When we leave this place. You are mine.”

Spike glanced over at his sire, having heard the whispered words between their mates. The older vampire met his gaze, his eyes dark and full of
passion. The girls would get their night together when this was all over - and they would get theirs. After almost a century he was going to get to
feel the press of his Sire’s body against his own. The thought made him hard instantly. “Come on, pet. We’ve got some shagging to get to.”

Willow grinned, running her hand along Angel’s arm as she passed by. The small growl of passion he threw her way sent shivers along her spine and
she saw her own mate grin knowingly. She smiled, glancing from Spike, to Angel, to Cordelia, her voice almost a purr, “Soon.”

** ** ** ** ** **Part F

Cordelia wasn’t impressed by what she could see of the cultists from her vantage point. They had been dancing around a fire for nearly an hour,
chanting and praying to whatever dark being they worshipped. She wasn’t clear on why they had to let it get to the point of the virgin actually
giving birth to the demon’s spawn, but she trusted Artemis enough to know that if that was the way it needed to be then that was the way it
would be done. This would be their next to last night in Greece, and for that the brunette found herself infinitely grateful.

She watched the figures circle the bonfire yet again and wondered what would happen when her little ‘family’ reached Switzerland, the last stop on
their vacation. Willow had promised that she would get what she wanted after they left Greece and she didn’t think the red head would break her
promise. Turning her head slightly, the former cheerleader looked at the witch through the dim light of the moon. She was truly beautiful. The way
her red hair caught up any trace of light, working it into refraction in a way that resembled fire was almost breathtaking. Alert green eyes looked as
though they themselves were burning with an inner power that none of them could ever comprehend, and Cordelia seriously believed that to be
true. The shy little hacker she had known in high school had disappeared to be replaced by this stunning creature standing only a few feet away
from her.

And in only a few days she would be bedding her. Kissing those perfect pink lips and tasting the honey sweet dew of her mouth, running her fingers
through that mass of red hair, running a hand over every inch of the witch’s smooth, pale body. She had come to terms with the fact that that
meant that her mate and Spike would be re-exploring the relationship they had once had and thought that it was great they could pick back up
where they had left off. That would mean that, eventually, they would all be sharing a bed. One big family with a happy.

Cordelia pulled herself out of her thoughts, feeling the air around her tighten with energy. This had been what it had felt like the other day before
her body had been taken over. She glanced down to the cultists, seeing a woman in white being led into the circle. The actual birth would be
painful for the girl, but not fatal. Not unless they didn’t kill the child immediately. A warm rush of air swept by, delving into her body.

And then there was the goddess.

** ** ** **

Angel knew immediately when his mate had been taken over. He felt the bond of his claiming shudder before fading almost completely into the back
of his mind, like she was no longer with him in this reality. That was what it was, though, he had to admit. The entity known as Cordelia had been
pushed into another plane of consciousness, letting the goddess take over enough to get her job done.

“It is time.”

The voice that came from the brunette’s body didn’t even sound like the former cheerleader to her three traveling companions. Willow glanced
anxiously at Spike and he squeezed her hand reassuringly. This was the will of the PTBs and there was nothing any of them could do about it.

Following the goddess down into the clearing next to the ruins, the three friends kept alert for anything that might damage Cordelia’s body. The
assurance that nothing would be allowed to hurt her during this mission did little to ease their worries as the first of the cultists caught sight of
them, knives brandished. Spike and Angel stepped in front of Cordelia’s body, easily throwing the deranged cultists out of the way of the goddess.

In the body of the receptionist, Artemis easily avoided any possible threat, allowing the vampires and the witch to deal with the cultists. She knelt
down in the dusty grass next to the intended mother of the demon’s child, wiping her brow of the sweat that had formed. The young girl was
obviously already in the throes of labor, her face red and sweating, mouth open in a silent scream as she instinctively tried to push the new life
from her body.

“Shhh,” The goddess crooned, laying a hand over the woman’s engorged womb. She whispered a few quick words, numbing the pain the girl was
feeling with only a small amount of power. “Now push, honey. Let it out. It will all be okay.” The goddess continued to whisper small words of
encouragement, tying to ease some of the young virgin’s fears. The girl wouldn’t remember this, thankfully. That was the one concession that had
been made. She couldn’t abort the child before it was born, but the goddess could make damn sure that the poor mother never remembered. She
would return to the family she had disappeared from months before with a slight case of amnesia. It was for the best.

“How is she doing?” Willow asked, dropping to her knees next to the pregnant woman. She took in the sight with wide eyes, grieving over the girl’s
pain while also feeling a small twinge of envy that she would never know what it was like to give birth. Just one of the side affects of being life
mated to a member of the undead.

“She’ll be fine,” the goddess whispered, more to the girl than to the witch at her side. She could sense that the moment was approaching and
moved between the virgin’s knees. A small knife appeared in her hand and she laid it aside, ready to cut the cord and the baby demon’s life. She
turned to Willow, her eyes full of inner light. “You might not want to watch this part.”

The red head looked at the goddess, heard the cries of the virgin as she cried out from a pain not even the goddess’ spell could eliminate, and
decided that maybe she was right. She didn’t want to see this. Standing, Willow walked towards where her mate was currently dispatching one of
the last cult members. His black t-shirt had been ripped to shreds, by their knives no doubt and she could see cuts on his face and arms. He threw
the body of his assailant to the ground, looking up at her with a small smile on his face.

Keeping her eyes on her bleached blonde lover, the red head walked away from the birthing behind her, ignoring the increasingly loud cries of pain.
She flinched as the girl’s scream pierced the air and fought against everything her body was telling her not to go back to help her. There was
nothing she could do.

Spike engulfed his red head in his arms when she was in reach, knowing the cries of pain were affecting her. He kissed the top of her forehead, his
busted lip leaving a small lip mark of blood on her pale skin.

“You’ve gotten her all messy, William,” Angel purred, stepping up behind his childe. Willow saw the older vampire’s arms encircle the waist of her
mate and hid a smile. The two of them were so sexy together and she couldn’t wait until the day she could get both of them in her bed – with

“So I did,” Spike smirked, tilting his head to wink at his Sire. “Wanna do something about it?”

The smile Angel gave the red head was utterly sexual in nature. He wouldn’t have done this if it weren’t for the present situation. He would have
waited until they were in their hotel room to make any move on her, in front of his own mate. But she needed to be distracted, she needed to
forget the cries coming from merely feet away. He stepped in front of her, pulling her small body against him with one gentle tug.

Glancing into the amazing green of her eyes to make sure what he was about to do was okay, the vampire licked his lips. His lips pressed over the
blood his Childe had left on the girl’s forehead, tasting the sweet blood of the blonde. Licking the fluid gently from her skin, Angel kissed his way
down her face – between her eyes, the tip of her nose, then finally her lips. He felt her tense at the first touch of his lips to hers. She gasped and
he let his tongue slip gently into her mouth, teasing her tongue as he deepened the kiss even further.

Willow didn’t know what to think. Angel was kissing her while Spike was standing there. Sure it was something she wanted, but how was her lover
feeling about it? She sighed, abandoning herself to the pleasure of the kiss. When Spike’s arms wrapped tighter around her, his lips and teeth
grazing her neck, she knew everything was okay. She felt a slight sting as his teeth pierced her neck, reopening the marks he had made when he
claimed her. The world had narrowed down to Angel’s lips on her lips and Spike’s teeth in her neck and she couldn’t be happier.

“The task is finished.”

The vampires jumped away from Willow, so lost in the moment that neither had heard the goddess join them again. The red head blinked,
momentarily disoriented from the pleasure she had been taken from.

The goddess smiled at the creatures in front of her. They had been so kind to help her with what she needed to do. “Witch, come with me. I wish
to speak with you,” Her hazel eyes flickered from the vampires to the girl. “Alone.”

Giving the boys a look that clearly asked what more was needed of her, the petite hacker followed the goddess away from the vampires, keeping
her eyes on the slender back of the body of the woman she called friend and lover. The ordeal was almost over and they could finally move on to a
nice quiet place to end their vacation. She hoped.

“There’s not much I can do to thank the four of you for helping me do what needed to be done,” the goddess said slowly. “I can do this small thing,
though.” She shut her eyes and help out her hand. A small bubble of light appeared, splitting into two glowing orbs that lay in her palm. With a small
flash, the lights disappeared, replaced by two silver rings. “One for you and one for her. I know that right now you aren’t thinking about it. You may
never think about it for that matter. But, maybe, one day you will want to have children?” She raised her eyebrows in question and was delighted
to see the red head nod. “Good. You’re dating the undead so its difficult. But not impossible. Wear these rings when you wish to conceive and it
shall be guaranteed.”

Willow grinned, reaching to take the rings from the goddess. This was too good to be true. If the vampire was willing, she could one day have his
child. It was like a wish come true.

“There’s just one thing,” the goddess warned, relinquishing the rings to the witch. “Each one is only good once. Its all I can do. My magic just isn’t
strong enough for more.” She smiled, knowing that the happiness on the red head’s face wasn’t faked.

“It’s more than enough,” Willow whispered, fingering each ring with awe. “You didn’t need to do anything to thank us… this is… wow.” She favored
the goddess with another of her sun-bright smiles.

“I am glad you are happy with it.” The dark haired woman looked up at the sky. It was nearly three in the morning. Time for everyone to return to
where they belonged. “I must be going. Thank your friends for me.” With a small smile and wave the gleam left Cordelia’s eyes and Willow could tell
the goddess had left.

** ** **

“So the ring will really…?”

Willow looked over at the three people seated around her, a tiny smile tugging at the corner of her lips. They had been questioning her non-stop
since they returned to the hotel. Cordelia didn’t remember anything that had happened and the boys hadn’t been there so the red head found
herself recounting the tale time and again. They seemed unable to believe that they had been given such a wonderful gift.

“Yes it will let us have a baby together,” Willow smiled at her mate. “If you want to that is. I guess I should have asked you if it was something you
wanted. I’m just assuming you’d like to. So if I’m wrong just let me know and I will give my ring to Delia too. I’m sure her and Angel would…”

“You will do no such bloody thing!” Spike roared playfully. He grabbed her hand in his, kissing the knuckles of the hand holding the ring. “I would be
honored if you would have my child. But not right now, pet. Maybe in five years or so.”

Angel watched the exchange between his childe and Willow and squeezed his mate’s hand in affection. He had never thought he would be able to
have a child with Cordelia. The goddess’ present to them had been unexpected and sincerely a small miracle. It was almost worth seeing his
girlfriend go through the mind searing visions from the PTBs to get such a wonderful gift.

Cordelia smiled at her lover, her own thoughts echoing his. This gift was something she never in a million years would have even dreamed possible.
“So, we leaving here tomorrow?”

Leaning back into the soft cushions of the couch, the dark haired vampire nodded. “Switzerland for a week and then we’re going home.”

Spike groaned. “Don’t know if I want to go home, mate. The reasons we left are still there waiting for us the second we get off the bloody plane.”

“Buffy not relenting any?” Cordelia murmured, licking her lips as she glanced over at the red head across from her. They would be in Switzerland
tomorrow night. Things were finally going to heat up between her and the little witch. She had already heard all about what had happened between
her three companions while she was being used by Artemis and wanted to experience it firsthand for herself. But not before she got a little alone
time with Willow.

“No,” the red head said mournfully. “Giles sends emails every other day and they’re all the same. Either she’s cursing all of us and hoping for our
deaths or she’s acting as if none of us exist. “

“And Xander?” Angel asked. He was worried about the red head. Xander in particular had been her friend since she was a little child and he didn’t
want to see her relationship with him spoiled.

Willow smiled softly. “Xander is okay with it all now. He told Giles to tell me that if I ever come home he promises not to be a jerk ever again.” She
was happy Xander had finally been able to accept her relationship with the blonde haired vampire, it would have been hard to lose him but she
would have. The love she felt for Spike was something to last forever and she wouldn’t have sacrificed it for anything. She looked up, meeting
Cordelia’s lust filled eyes. She winked at the brunette, slowly licking her lips. Soon they would be able to consummate their growing attraction.

“Glad to see he finally grew up some,” Cordelia chuckled. Her heart sped up when her red haired friend started to visually tease her, wetness again
pooling between her tanned thighs. Switzerland couldn’t come soon enough for the brunette. That would be when she finally got to taste the
sweetness of Willow’s core, when she could finally fuck her with her mouth and fingers, when she could finally tease each of the red head’s nipples
with her lips. Biting her lip, the former cheerleader shifted uncomfortably in the chair, trying to relieve a little of the tension that had built inside of

Spike grinned at Angel. They hadn’t missed the flirting going on between their women. The scent of the girls’ arousals was thick in the air and
almost over powering to the vampires. Throwing them down and shagging them into oblivion would be the easiest thing in the world. But Willow had
made it clear she wanted one night alone with the brunette before they all started experimenting together.

And she wanted that night to be in Switzerland.

So he could bide his time for the moment, knowing that the night she took the chit to her bed would be the night he finally got to be with his Sire
again. A look of lust passed between the two men and it was obvious they were both thinking the same thing – wild, hot sex. It had been too long
since either of them had felt the company of the other and they had been waiting with almost unrestrained eagerness for the right moment to start
trying to rebuild that relationship.

That night would come tomorrow.

“Well, pets, time for us to get some sleep. Big day tomorrow. Going to Switzerland and all that.” The blonde haired vampire stood, stretching out a
hand to his desire ridden lover. He would definitely need to take care of that before he let her sleep.

“’Night,” Cordelia murmured, also standing. Her lips met Willow’s in the briefest of kisses. “See you tomorrow.”

“Most definitely.” Willow purred, her entire being longing to just go ahead and fulfill her passions with the brunette that very night. There was
nothing stopping her except for the fact she had promised to make the receptionist hers when they –left- Greece, not while they were still –in-
Greece. And what perfect setting than a cozy little cabin in Switzerland?

“And me, little one?”

The red head leaned up, tracing the outline of Angel’s mouth with her tongue. She could still remember the way his lips had tasted on hers. Could
still remember the sexual high she had gotten from having the two vampires touching her and kissing her at the same time. “If Delia’s good
tomorrow, then I say we all play –very- -very- soon.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Cordelia whispered, standing in front of Spike. She had never kissed him before and was hesitant to do so now. His hand
pressed against her back, pulling her body against hers in a brief, passionate kiss and taking all doubts from her mind.

“See you tomorrow,” Spike purred. “Sleep tight, chit…Peaches.”

Willow smirked as she followed her mate into their bedroom. Tomorrow things would all change. Tomorrow they would get to explore each other in
ways some of them had only dreamed of. It would be the start of something much bigger than she had ever been a part of. In the snow covered
Swiss Alps she would start a relationship with a girl who had once been her worst mortal enemy and the vampire her best friend had used to date.
Things were definitely about to get a lot more interesting…in a million fabulous ways.

She couldn’t wait for it all to start.
