Title: Fantasies in Writing
Author: Jinni
Email: jinni@witchslove.com
Rating: R
Distribution: A Witch's Love ( http://www.witchslove.com ). All others please ask - I share.
Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me except the plot. I know, its sad.
Pairing: W/S
Feedback: Please

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      Leaning back into her computer chair, Willow sighed, a small smile on her face
as she fanned her heated flesh with her hands. {When had the room gotten so
hot?} she wondered playfully, knowing that it wasn't the temperature of the
room that had her practically sweating in her seat. She looked at what she had
just typed, checking it for any typos as she took a sip of her ice water. The
erotic scene seemed to play out in her mind, the words flowing together easily
amidst sexual slang her friends would be surprised to find out she even knew.
She felt her body heat up with desire as the tale's heroine managed to work the
main male character into her bed - again.

      "Damn, I'm good." Willow grinned, saving the document before copying it over
into an email. Still smiling, the red head hit send, posting her little fantasy
world for all to see, hoping they would be generous with their feedback. She
always got nervous posting a new story, there was always the chance that it
would be a total and complete flop - though that had yet to actually happen.
Her ability to write romance and even smut had amazed her at first, the
feedback from her 'fans' propelling her to write more, basing the stories often
on those people in her life closest to her, though they would never know.
Smiling, her fingers danced over the keys, hitting the commands needed to shut
down the machine in front of her. She needed a shower now, a cold shower.

      This was the only part about her writing that she didn't like - the feeling of
being unfulfilled at the end of the night. She knew that the scenes she created
were nothing but fantasy, something to occupy her time, but they were also a
way for her to act out her own fantasies. On paper she could be whoever she
wanted to be. She could do whatever, or -whoever- as the case often was, she
wanted. Only in her stories could she take what she wanted without fear of
being scolded, criticized, or laughed at. And she liked that. It was her escape
from the world of being Buffy's pet hacker, Xander's best friend,  or even shy
little mousy Willow.

      Glancing at the clock, Willow hurriedly grabbed her clothes. Spike would be
over in less than thirty minutes to escort her to Giles's house and she didn't
want to keep him waiting. He got annoyed with her too quick as it was,
something that made her sad despite her best efforts for it not to. Her crush
on the self-proclaimed bad boy was almost unbearable at times, especially when
he was teasing her about one thing or another. Which he managed to do everytime
they were around each other. With a small sigh, the red head turned on the
shower and tried to forget about the gorgeous blonde vampire that would be
arriving shortly.

* * * * *

      Spike slipped in through the witch's open french doors, furious that she would
leave them unlocked. Sunnydale wasn't the safest place - especially at night,
and she -knew- that. Sure, vampires needed an invitation to come in, but
Sunnydale contained other demons - not to mention the predators of the human
variety. He glanced at the clock on her wall, noticing for the first time that
he was almost twenty minutes early. Through her open bedroom door he could hear
the gentle spray of the shower cascading in the bathroom. He couldn't help but
think of the red head, standing under the spray of the shower, totally naked,
her skin slightly pink from the heat of the water. He groaned, the front of his
jeans becoming uncomfortably tight.

      Thinking of the witch never ceased to bring the blonde to arousal, much to his
eternal chagrin. She was out of his league, he knew. Something so pure and
innocent had no place with a demon such as him. She deserved better, much
better than he could offer her. For this reason alone he denied his feelings
for her, chosing to cover them with rude jibes and comments to her. It was
easier that way. Besides, she could never want him, he knew that. A human and a
vampire just didn't mix well under any circumstances - especially when said
human was best friends to the damn Slayer.

      Expelling a gust of air in an unecessary sigh, the vampier sat down at the red
head's desk. Booting her computer, he typed in the web address to reach his
email provider, surprised to see that Willow obviously used the same one and
hadn't bothered to log out completely. He glanced at her inbox, noting that she
had twenty new messages. Tilting his head to the side, the vampire listened
carefully to make sure the shower was still running before opening the inbox,
glancing through the subject lines of the emails. {Now what do we have here?}
Spike thought, clicking randomly at one of the emails entitled "RE: Darkest
Needs". Curious, he scanned the email, his lips moving silently as he read.

      ~~~Red - you go girl! This is the best installment in your "DWV" series yet! I
can't believe those two -finally- hooked up! You kept all of us readers on the
edge of our seats for months - but these past few stories have more than made
up for it. It was so nice to see William finally get to dominate Anne. It was
perfect - she finally met her match in the very person she had wanted to have
as her own sub! Classic! I look forward to the next part! ~Jeanna~~~~

      A small crease of confusion appeared between the vampire's eyes as he read
over the letter again, not quite understanding. Willow was writing stories -
about domination?  He opened a few of the other emails, seeing various other
responses from other people who had read the same story - all giving the same
praise of the excellent writing abilities of the author.  At the bottom of the
last email, Spike noticed a web link back to an e-groups site. He clicked it
hesitantly, tapping his fingers impatiently on the desk as he waited for the
page to load.

      "Bloody hell..." He whispered, his eyes darting over the contents of the
group's summary page. "A group dedicated to the fiction of Red and her 'Demons,
Witches, and Vampires' series." If his heart had been beating it certainly
would have stopped then. Willow was writing stories about vampires and
witches...? He faintly heard the dull hiss of the shower stop and hurriedly
exited the window, filing the name of the group away for further investigation.
He had logged into his own email account and was trying to look busy by the
time the red head entered the room.

      "Spike!" Willow exclaimed, almost dropping the towel she was clutching around
herself. "You're early! I'm not ready yet." Her face was flushed a deep scarlet
as she realized she was practically naked in front of her crush. The very same
thought caused the butterflies in her stomach to dance, wishing the vampire
would just kiss her, or touch her or -anything- remotely sexual in nature.
"Please...get out...so I can get dressed."

      Spike chuckled, standing slowly from the chair. Her ability to get totally
flustered over little things sometimes amazed him. It was that kind of
innocence that drew him to her, that made him want to possess her body, mind
and soul. He moved towards the door of her bedroom, deliberately brushing
against her side as he passed by, wishing he could just throw her down and
ravage her. The small gasp that left her mouth was pure delight and a broad
grin found its way to his face as she slammed her door shut. "Hurry up, Red, I
dont have all night!" The blonde called through the door. {Need to get her to
the watcher's then go home and see exactly what my little witch has been
writing about.} He thought, already planning a way to beg off of researching
for the night so he could get home early.

      Willow sighed, pulling her tshirt on over her head. She had been foolish to
think that him brushing against her meant anything. He had probably just been
trying to upset her in some way. {Well, it worked,} she thought morosely.
Running a comb through her short red hair, she threw open her door, pushing
past the blonde and down the stairs. The sooner they got to Giles', the sooner
she wouldn't have to be alone with him anymore, the sooner she could get away
from his beautiful eyes and gorgeous body. She clamped down on her thoughts,
throwing over her shoulder, "Coming, Blondie?"

* * * * *

      It took a little longer than the blonde haired vampire planned to get away
from Giles'. When he finally walked into his spacious two bedroom apartment,
Spike fought the urge to run immediately to the computer. He had been thinking
of nothing but what he had seen in Willow's room all night, wondering what kind
of stories she wrote exactly. Flipping on the kitchen light, he pulled a bag of
blood from the refridgerator. Piercing it with a knife, he poured it into a
coffee mug, watching with sick fascination as the last drops trickled into the
ceramic container. Setting the mug in the microwave, the vampire set the timer
for a minute and left the room, making his way to the bedroom.

      Spike shrugged off his duster, tossing it to the bed. He slowly pulled his
tshirt off, his nipples hardening in the cold air of the apartment. Kicking off
his boots, he made his way into the bathroom. He rinsed a washcloth under the
tap, rubbing at his skin to remove any trace of dirt that might have
accumulated during the day. Satisfied that he was clean, the vampire returned
to the kitchen to grab his warmed blood before settling into his plush leather
computer chair.

      To an impatient creature such as Spike, the computer seemed to take forever to
boot. He sipped quietly at the heated blood in the mug, waiting for the machine
to be ready for him. Finally his desktop came into view, the wallpaper
portraying the logo for one of his favorite music groups. Clicking on his
internet icon, the blonde typed in the address for the site he had seen
Willow's stories on. He read the summary of the group again before joining.
Glancing through the message archive, he found the first story in the series
and started to read.

* * * * *

      By the time Spike finished reading the stories in the archives of Willow's
group, the vampire was in a state of complete shock. He opened one of the
stories again, glancing at the description of William - vampire, blonde hair,
blue eyes, english. She had been writing about him, he was sure of it. Every
little detail was perfect, down to the way she formed the characters sentences,
the use of various pieces of slang. He read on, his mind working double time as
he came to the description of Anne - a witch, red hair, green eyes. It was
Willow, he was sure of it.

      The witch - his sweet, innocent, little witch - had written stories of romance
and smut involving a bleached blonde English vampire and a red haired witch. He
felt himself harden as he remembered the last story. William had claimed Anne
in it, dominating her in an a non-stop night of passion. She had written that,
using characters based so obviously on herself and him. His eyes glazed over,
thinking of nothing more than doing to her exactly what she had written so
eloquently about.

      Was it possible that she had feelings for him in a way other than friendship?
Did she even think of him as a friend, for that matter? He couldn't blame her
if she didn't, he had been cruel to her on more than one occaision. Not to
mention all the times he had threatened to just kill her. The logical part of
his brain argued that there was no way she could write the things he had
written if she didn't have feelings for him already, but the darker side of him
argued that he was reading more into it than was really there - the girl
couldn't possibly love a demon like him.

      There was only one way to find out, of course. Confront her about it. Ask her
if she would like him to do everything she had written about to her...and then
some. His blue eyes sparkled with no small amount of playfulness as he opened
the webpage to a rarely used email address he had once signed up for.  He
smiled, typing for nearly five minutes straight before stopping. Reading over
what he had written, the vampire grinned, hitting the send button. He looked at
the clock on his mantle. Willow wouldn't be home from school for at least
another thirty minutes. Grabbing his duster, the blonde turned off his lights
and left the apartment. If he hurried he could be there to see her reaction to
the email.

* * * * *

      The school day had been a total bore for Willow. She sighed as she tossed her
bookbag on the living room couch, rubbing at her tension filled neck and
shoulders. Trudging slowly up the stairs, the red head couldnt help but be
filled with sadness. She was so sick of coming home to an empty house. Her
parents had yet to make an appearance in the past few months, instead wiring
money directly into her checking account for school, food, and just about
anything else the girl could want. She knew money wasn't everything though - it
certainly wasn't keeping her company on those nights her friends had dates. At
least she had her stories.

      She smiled slightly, turning on her desktop lamp as she waited for her
computer to start. Logging into her email account, the red head was surprised
to see forty new messages waiting to be read. Settling into her chair, the
witch scanned through the subject lines, looking for anything that stood out as
important. She was almost to the bottom of the list before one caught her eye,
the words -Important, Please Read First- standing out. She glanced at the name
of the sender. It was no one she recognized and she debated for a moment just
ignoring it and moving on to the feedback that was waiting for her. The mouse
hovered over the hyperlink and she finally clicked on it, watching the message
open on her screen.

      Green eyes grew wide as she slowly read the letter.


      I found the most interesting site today. These bloody wonderful little stories
about a blonde haired vampire and a red haired witch. I must say - the
similarities between you and I are more than shocking and I couldn't help but
picture us in the fiction...I was surprised to see you had written them...you
have a delightful imagination, luv...~

      Willow gasped, feeling her chest tighten with fear and embarassment. There was
only one person who called her 'pet' or 'luv', only one creature who would know
of the similarities between her and the character called Anne. The same person
who she had so carefully modeled the character of William on. She swallowed the
lump of apprehension in her throat, continuing on with the email.

~You wrote in one of your stories how Anne wanted William to kiss her
breathless. To kiss her until she was begging for air itself. You described in
perfect detail the way his tongue felt as it slipped into her mouth. She wanted
him to take her beath away - I would like to do this to you, Willow. Would you
let me? Would you like that?~

      "Yes..." Willow whispered, tears filling her eyes. How was she ever going to
be able to face him again? This was probably nothing more than a cruel trick to
the blonde she had longed for for months. Why would he ever want -her- when he
could have any woman he chose? Why would he ever want a -human- when he made it
clear he despised every last one them? The tears flowed easily down her cheeks.
This had to be a trick. Nothing more.

~I didn't know you had so much passion within you, Red. I had no bloody clue
that passion was directed towards me. Or is it? Am I jumping to conclusions to
think that these stories are your fantasies written down? I don't think I am. I
think you want me to touch you, to ravage you, to make love to you in every way
shape and form until you are so tired and sore you can't leave the bed. And
then to start all over again, making you scream my name all day and night...~

      Her stomach clenched with desire as she read over his words. She would do
anything for this to be true, for him to want her. What she wouldn't give to
feel his body on top of hers, doing everything he had said. Making her tired
and sore - but in a way she welcomed with open arms. Her eyes closed as she
pictured herself, lying underneath his cold, hard body in a way she had only
written about. No one had ever been able to stir these kind of feelings in her.
She sighed, opening her eyes and wiping the tears from her cheeks with her free
hand before scrolling down to the last part of the email.

~You wrote that William claimed Anne...do you read my mind witch? Do you know
how many days I laid awake wishing I could have you as mine own? I never
thought in a million years you would ever want to be mine, though. And then I
found your stories...and everything seems like its going to fit into place
perfectly. Remind me sometime to ask you how you know so much about vampires
and sex, sweets, I suspect its those Watcher journals good ole Rupert keeps
locked up - but I can't be sure - after all, how would sweet innocent little
Willow get her hands on those? But...for now...if I'm right about these bloody
stories being your way of expressing your fantasies...just nod and say 'yes'
for me, pet~

      Willow nodded, her lips barely moving as she whispered, "Yes..." She gasped,
feeling cold hands reach around her to lay lightly on the trembling hands she
held over her keyboard. Her whole body was shaking with fear and desire as she
tilted her head up, looking into the blue eyes of the creature she had lusted
after for far too long. Was he really there? Had it not been a joke? "Spike,"
she breathed, her chest constricting with nervousness.

      The vampire couldn't stand it any longer, he could smell her desire in the air
and it was driving him almost insane with lust. He had waited months to touch
her, to kiss her, to just hold her in his arms and whisper the kind of sweet
nothings that would make even his nancyboy Sire laugh. Turning her chair to
face him, he cupped her face in his cool hands, tilting her lips up to meet his
mouth. The kiss was gentle, more of a question than a statement of passion. It
was a question she answered wholeheartedly, opening her mouth in invitation.

      She moaned as his cool tongue slipped between her warm lips, meeting and
twining with her own tongue in a slow dance for dominance. She rose to her
feet, her lips never leaving his as she wrapped her arms around his back,
pulling his body tight against her. His lips were as soft as silk as they left
her mouth, kissing gently across her jaw and down her neck. He licked at her
pulse point, nipping at it with blunt teeth and relishing the moan of pleasure
he caused. Kissing his way back up to her ear, he took the lobe gently between
his teeth, pulling at it slightly before releasing it to whisper, "Be mine,
Red? Let me do everything you ever dreamed of?"

      "Please," she murmured, her hands caressing his back as he lifted her
trembling body and placed her on the innocent-looking bed she had had since
childhood. She stifled a moan, watching as he walked back to her desk.

      Spike paused for one moment, watching the play of light on the beautiful body
of the human witch he had fallen head over heels in love with. She was truly
beautiful, something he knew she didn't realize - yet. She would, though, with
his help she would come to know herself as the beauty she truly was. With a
small, lusty smile he flipped off her light, returning to the warm embrace he
had desired for so long.

      After tonight, she'd have no trouble finding material for the next stories in
her series - he was going to make all her fantasies come true.

* * * End Fic * * *
