Title: Friday Night Video Club 15: Queen of the Damned
Author: Jinni (druscilla@cox.net)
Rating: PG13


‘Opening day – at last!’ Willow thought happily, staring up at the movie
times showing in front of the theater. She had waited for this day for so
long – dreamed of the movie being made years before it happened, even. This
was one of her all time favorite books – and it was finally going to be
shown on the big screen. Not to mention the fact that it would be a great
diversion from all the

Scoobie’ work they had been doing lately. ‘All research and no fun makes
this little hacker a dull witch.’ She squeezed her lover’s hand, gesturing
for him to go up to the window.

“Two tickets for ‘Queen of the Damned’ at 9:45,” Spike sighed to the teller,
making his distaste for the entire proceeding crystal clear. It was bad
enough the movie was a *vampire* movie – something he generally detested,
but it was also an absolutely horrible one from what he had heard. He didn’t
have the heart to tell the excited little witch next to him that the reviews
in the paper had been bloody awful.

The clerk snickered, pitying Spike, and handed him the two tickets in
exchange for eighteen dollars. Willow was, for the most part, unconcerned
with the vampire’s reluctance to see the movie. This was her night to choose
the movie and, damnit, she chose this one. ‘ ‘Sides, it has to be better
than that awful “Rollerball” thing he took me to see last month.” Linking
her arm through her lover’s she waited none too patiently in line for
popcorn. Finally, soda and popcorn in hand, the red haired witch led the way
into the theater – the nearly deserted theater.

“Oh…wow.” She murmured, glancing around. There were only – maybe – five
other couples in the entire theater. She had thought for sure that this
showing would be packed. Her eyes scanned the rows of available seats,
trying to determine where would be best. “Is the back row okay?”

“Whatever you want, pet.” Spike grumbled, resigned to his fate. There had
always been the off chance that she would change her mind, though he knew it
was unlikely. Now, though, his fate was sealed – she had purchased her
popcorn and chosen their seats. He allowed her to lead him to the back row
and sat down with a sigh. Draping his arms over her shoulders he leaned
back, trying to get comfortable enough to endure the entire movie. “I must
really love you, Red.” He whispered into her ear, kissing it gently.

“Uh huh – oh look! The previews are starting!”


It hadn’t been all *that* bad – or at least that’s what Willow kept telling
herself. She made her way slowly down the stairs, feeling Spike’s smirk at
her back. He had hated the movie, she knew. The kisses he insisted on giving
her throughout the entire proceeding had been nice, though. She smiled,
making her way out of the theater, their hands intertwined.

To his credit, Spike waited until they were out of hearing range of the
theater to start complaining about the movie. “That was the worst bloody
piece of inane dribble I have ever seen in my entire life, pet. I don’t know
how you could stand to read the book if it was even half as bad as that

The witch giggled softly. “The book was actually much, much better. The
movie wasn’t that bad, either, you know. It was sorta romantic in a twisted
way. I mean…she wanted him to be with her forever – for him to be her King.”

Spike snorted. “Forever really isn’t all that its cracked up to be, pet. Dru
and I promised each other forever – look where that got us. She’s still off
shagging random demons and I’m with you. Not that I regret that for one
second, mind you.”

Though the words were meant to be comforting, Willow felt her heart drop
nonetheless. His words weighed heavily in her heart. ‘Forever really isn’t
all that its cracked up to be’. She bit her lip, holding back the questions
that burned in her heart – the same ones that plagued her during her most
private thoughts anyway. ‘Does that mean there’s no ‘forever’ in my future
with him?’ She thought sadly.

“Pet?” Spike asked softly, worried at the sadness radiating from his witch.
He could tell she wanted to say something and was holding back on him. When
she didn’t immediately answer he pulled her onto one of the benches along
the sidewalk. “What’s wrong, luv?” His cool hands encircled the warm ones of
the human sitting next to him.

Willow shrugged, her eyes roaming over the darkened landscape of the city
streets. “Nothing, really. Just being silly old me. Yep…just silly little
me.” She sighed, hoping that if she avoided the question long enough he
would give up. There was no reason to discuss this – not when she was sure
she knew how he felt already. Within a matter of moments her paranoid mind
had worked things into a full out tragedy. ‘He’s a vampire. I’m just a
human. There will never be wedding bells in my future. He won’t turn me
because he loves me just the way I am – no matter that I can be souled. He’
ll watch me grow old and die and then move on to another woman, vampire,
whatever – someone who will make him just as happy if not happier than I
ever did. He won’t marry me because there is not going to be a happily ever

The blond sighed. This was the most difficult thing about his relationship
with the red head – getting her to open up to him when something was
bothering her. He watched the skin between her eyebrows crease in thought
and couldn’t begin to imagine what was going through her mind. “Red – I can’
t begin to make things better until you tell me what the problem is in the
first place.”

Green eyes turned to meet blue ones. She took a deep breath, determined not
to show him exactly what she thought and felt. “Did you… Did you mean what
you said – that forever isn’t all its cracked up to be?” Her words were the
merest of whispers on the night air – but she knew he could hear her.

Spike was stunned. He leaned back against the bench, one hand still holding
her warmth. “Why?”

Again she shrugged. “Just wondering if that means there won’t be a forever
for us – since you’re so jaded and all.” Tears threatened to spill over at
the corners of her eyes. She searched his face, his eyes, for any sign of
understanding – any sign that her fears had been for naught. What she found
there made her heart drop. He looked upset. Had she been right to not want
to discuss this? Had their entire relationship been meaningless? Almost two
years for nothing?

Spike knew the look on his face was one of absolute disbelief, and yet he
couldn’t help it. He leaned in closer to her, breathing in the delicate
scent of her perfume. Was that all this was about? She didn’t think he
wanted to be with her? What did she think – that he would run out and find
someone new? Someone better? How could anyone be better than her?
“Red…Willow…have I ever in one bloody second given you any reason to think
we won’t be together for all of time? ” He squeezed one of her hands, trying
to convey his feelings through not only words, but touch as well.

“Well…no.” She admitted, for one brief second reason coming through her
sadness-hazed mind. Then paranoia overtook her again. “But its not like we’
ve been planning a wedding or anything, either.” There – it was said. Though
in reality it was only half of the question in her mind – the other half
being would he watch her grow old and die or would he do something to stop
all that?

For once in his life Spike found himself utterly bewildered. “Sorry, luv.
You’ve lost me. Isn’t the whole being proposed to thing supposed to be a
surprise? Why would we be discussing it ahead of time? That doesn’t mean I
don’t intend for it to happen – just means I’m waiting until the time is
right and everything is in order.”

Willow felt her face flush. “Oh…well…um… I guess you do have a point there.”
She gave him a weak smile. The point he made was valid – how could they plan
a wedding when there hadn’t been a proposal. And proposals *were* supposed
to be a surprise.

The vampire grinned. “Of course I have a point, pet.” He searched her face,
reading the pain still deep in her heart. “What else?”

The red head cursed herself as, again, her face heated up. She cleared her
throat, stalling for time. How could she phrase the other worry in her mind
and heart? The direct approach seemed best, in the end. “Willyouturnme?”

Spike blinked, absolute surprise coloring his face. Surely she hadn’t just
said what he thought she said… “One more time, luv, a little slower,

The witch looked up, her eyes wet with tears. She took a deep breath,
resolving to lay everything on the table. Better now than in another five or
ten years. “I said – will you turn me. As in, will you turn me or just watch
me get old – leave me for a newer model one day. Like I said originally – is
forever in our future.” She held her breath, waiting for his answer.

For the third time that night the vampire found himself speechless. His
little witch really had thought that he would find someone else. The demon
in him wailed in anger – how could she ever think that he would leave her.
She knew she was his mate – didn’t she know what it meant. “Red, we are
already bonded – now and forever. How could you think I would just let you
get old and wrinkly? Things will happen when they happen. Don’t worry
yourself with it. We will be together until time itself bloody stops,” He
grinned. “And maybe even longer than that.”

The weight in her heart was lifted with those simple words and Willow
smiled – the first genuine smile she had given him since they began talking.
She leaned into his body, wrapping her arms around him in an impromptu hug
before planting her lips on his. Though the kiss was short, the love and
promise behind it was immense and left her breathless. “Shall we go home?”

Spike grinned and stood up. He swung Willow into his arms and tossed her
over his shoulder. “Home sounds bloody marvelous to me, pet.”

After all – the best thing about his little witch getting sad was making her
feel better afterwards.

