~Chapter Twelve~ If You're Gone

The bloody bitch staked Red.

That’s the only thing I can think of for one soddin second before I am up,
rushing her with a roar as I clutch my fire goddess’s body to my chest. I push
past the stupid cow and race through the deserted. streets. Xander is somewhere
behind me, I can tell. But he’s the only one.

I guess the effin Slayer is too shocked that she staked her friend to come
after us. Good. Let her stay that way. I hope she bloody well freezes to that
same spot and dies of exposure.



Worthless bitch.

“Come on baby.” I can feel the tears sliding down my cheeks. Slutty needs to
die and I will find someway to do it – whether I die in the process or not.


I stop, turning to see Xander struggling to keep up with me. Stupid whelp.
Can’t he see I need to get her… Where? To the hospital? They won’t be able to
save her. The Slayer’s mark was true – my goddess is bleeding to death in my

“Do it, Spike.”

I can’t help it. The look on his face is too much and my heart is breaking. I
don’t understand what he is telling me to do. “Do what, mate?”

The boy flinches and I’m almost sorry I snapped at him. Almost. This is his
best friend. He stood up to the Slayer for us – punched out commando boy. He
doesn’t need my anger.

“Turn her, god damnit! I would rather have her as a demon than not have her at
all!” The tears streaking down his face are dripping onto his t-shirt and I can
smell their saltiness in the air. He’s begging me to turn her into a demon.

Why the bloody hell didn’t I think of that before?

“Over here. Hurry.” My tone is short. She’s dying in my arms and I try to be as
gently as possible as I lay her down on the cold concrete of the alley.  I
think she’s already gone and I’m finally scared now. Bloody hell, I know she
would think I’m weak but I think she’s wrong. I just don’t want to lose her. I
don’t want to give up that fire that I wooed so passionately and made love to
so many times. She’s my mate, my match in every way.

“Forgive me, pet.”

She jerks as my fangs enter her neck, her hands clutching blindly at my duster
as she tries to comprehend what is happening to her. I savor the taste of her
blood rushing over my tongue, knowing that this is the last time she will ever
taste this sweet. This is the last time her soddin innocence will ever shine on
this godforsaken planet.


The whelp is too close to me and I growl. Only then do I realize he’s just
trying to bring me back to my bleedin’ senses and I pull back from her, gashing
my own wrist with my teeth. “Baby, if you’re gone – maybe its time to come
home.” I whisper, watching the crimson drops spill over her deathly pale lips.
“There’s a whole lotta breathing room, but I can hardly move. C’mon, Red –
drink. You’re the only thing good in my unlife and I am –not- going to lose

Then she’s drinking, suckling at my wrist like the newborn that she is. I let
her take all she can, gazing into the emerald orbs of her eyes as the light
fades to nothing. She falls back, releasing my wrist and I moan aloud,
expressing my grief.

Standing, I kick wildly at some of the trash laying on the floor of the alley.
My Childe is laying there, still as death, with her best friend sitting next to
her. He’s crying still and I can understand why. He’s afraid that this really
will be it. She won’t be with him ever again – not the way she was before and
probably not ever.

I know different.

The love she has for the whelp isn’t going to die with her soul. It’s the very
thing that our bloody demons cherish because it –does- transcend life and

“I think she’s so mean!” Chubs is whispering, referring to the Slayer. It is
obvious he doesn’t mean me to hear so I won’t comment. Not now.  “I think we
should try….I think I could need this, the two of you, in my life.” He sighs
and I almost interrupt him. I need to get Red home. But he’s not done yet. Not
done pouring his soul out over the body of a dead girl who can’t even bloody
hear him. “I think I’m just scared. I know, I know – I think too much. I –know-
this is wrong, it’s a problem and I’m dealing.”

My demon doesn’t even care when he leans forward to kiss her forehead. “I need
to get her back to my apartment.”

He nods and I bend to gather her still form into my arms. Only a few hours
before sunrise and at least a mile back to my place.

Just bloody great.

I start walking, losing myself in my thoughts.

What will she be like now? Oh – I heard stories about the other her. The one
from the alternate universe. The one that could make even my bleedin Sire bend
to her will. Is that what my goddess is going to be like? All hell fire and

I certainly hope so.

The changes have already started in her face. Paleness sweeping along her skin
as the cells in her body surrender to death. This is the part that is most
amazing to a Sire – watching his newborn Childe undergo the change. Its bloody
fantastic to see someone you care about give up the last of their mortal
trappings and surrender to the darkness of the demon.

But still. I bet she’ll be hard to get over. I bet the room won’t shine like it
used to. No, now it will glitter with her unholy fire. No more delicate little
innocent. Not this red head.
Now she really is my fire goddess, my dark lover.

Cor, I can’t wait to shag her.

I toss my keys to Xander, letting him run up ahead to open the door to the
apartment. I carry her immediately to the bed, laying her under the covers and
smiling down at her. “You’re gone pet, but its time to come home. I’ll be here
when you wake up.”

“What now?” The boy is asking me as I shut the door to my bedroom. I look up
into his eyes and know that he doesn’t want to leave. I don’t blame him. Where
in the bloody hell does he have to go now? Now that the Slayer will be out for
his blood to? I give him a crooked smile.

“Now, mate?” Pulling a cigarette and lighter from my pocket I light up,
inhaling deep on the smoke before letting it out. “Now we wait.”
