Life and Death
AUTHOR: Just Jessie 74 (
RATING: PG-13/R (I guess)
DISCLAIMER: I own none, Joss Whedon, WB, Fox, Mutant Enemy (Grr, Arg!) own them all. I promise to put them back when I'm done playing with them (Oh how I love to play!). These are my own ideas and do not necessarily represent any actual story lines (How about it Joss?).
FEEDBACK: Yes! Please! It definitely speeds the whole writing process up. Just e-mail me at:
SPOILERS: General season 4. In my world Tara does not exist. Can anyone guess the pairing? ^_^
SUMMARY: Willow is captured by a psycho in the woods.

Chapter 1


Willow crept through the darkening woods, trying her hardest to keep
her senses up. Who was she kidding? She didn't have any sense
apparently. Who in their right mind goes into the woods to meditate
in the peacefulness of a spring day, and ends up dozing off? What on
earth was wrong with her? The only plus was that she had been there
often enough that she could find her way back even through the
twilight. She clutched her backpack like a shield in front of her,
forcing herself to stay calm and not give into her fears. She stopped
dead in her tracks when she thought she heard something from behind
her. Turning around she had just enough time to let out a short
scream before blacking out.


Spike wandered at the edge of town, as far away as he could be from
the bloody commandos and their mad scientists. He woke up craving a
good fight and knew that the majority of demons had also kept their
distance from the center of town. Maybe he could find some demon ass
to kick. Spike stopped suddenly and sniffed at the air. There was a
familiar scent that lingered on the breeze. "Red?" he said softly. He
turned toward the woods to his right and took a few steps closer. He
sniffed again placing the aroma, "Red." Not knowing exactly why, he
strode off into the trees, following her scent. He wondered if she
was in some kind of trouble; and then wondered why he even cared to
find out. <Well, because you dumb git, she's the only one who is ever
even nice to you. You at least owe it to her to make sure she's not
stranded somewhere with a broken leg. > Satisfied at the chivalrous
of his thought, Spike continued on his way, allowing the breeze to
lead him.


Willow woke up and touched her tender head. "Ow." She hissed. Looking
around the dark, dank room she wondered where the hell she was. There
was not much light at all, only a dimly lit candelabra set by the
wall outside the bars of her apparent cell. Where the hell was she?
She stood up slowly and ran her hand along the side of the wall. She
thought that she must be in a cave judging by how the walls felt. She
could hear the faint sound of water trickling some where in the cave.
And since when did caves have jail cells in them? Willow could feel
her fear getting control of her and she fought it with every ounce of
strength she could muster. Sinking to the ground, she began to cry
silently. <Buffy will come, Buffy will come, Buffy will come…>
chanted over and over in her head. She had no idea who it was that
was holding her there and tried to keep herself quiet until whoever
it was showed himself…or itself… to her.

"Well, well, well, awake are you?" A man's voice called from the
other side of the bars. He took out a key and opened the door. He
watched his new prize stand, obviously unsure of the situation. He
loved feeling the vibrations of her fear in the air. He moved closer
to examine his newest toy, lighting a cigarette as he did so.

Willow had never felt such complete fright in all her life. He was
human, of that she was certain, but that didn't necessarily bode well
for her. He was very dirty. Willow guessed he was probably in his
thirties. There was a very distinct odor about him and Willow
assessed that he must be a hermit. "W-Who are you?" She stammered.

The man walked slowly toward her, taking in her young form and pretty
face. "Oh don't worry little girl, we're gonna get to know each other
real well." He blew smoke in her face and smiled as she cringed.
"I'll ask the questions around here. What's your name little girl?"
He asked, backing her up against the walls of the cave.

Willow felt herself trembling in fear. The hermit came so close she
had backed into the wall and scraped her back along its jagged edges.
The hermit pressed his body up to hers when he asked his question.
She didn't answer, her mind reeling through possibilities of escape.
This man was rather large and she knew she couldn't fight him. At
this point there was no way around him either. She closed her eyes
tightly as she felt his dirty fingers travel up the hem of her
blouse. Willow's instinct took over and she cried out, "No!" and hit
the hermit's hands away. She saw anger fill his eyes and he grabbed
her shirt collar. He ripped her blouse open, sending the buttons
flying across the dingy floor. Willow screamed again and began to
fight him off; smacking and kicking out wildly until a strong blow to
her face knocked her down.

"Feisty little girl aren't you?" He leered at her and dragged her up
off the floor. "Go ahead, fight me, I like to fight. But remember
this little girl, I always win." He took his cigarette out of his
mouth and laughed.


Spike heard a faint cry coming from the north and headed that way. He
was certain it had been Willow. It stopped abruptly and Spike found
himself more afraid of what had stopped her from screaming than of
what caused her to scream in the first place. He quickened his pace
and came to a cave. Sniffing the air he could sense Willow close by
and some other odor emanated; human, male and very smelly. He stepped
into the cave, unknowingly tripping a hidden wire.


Willow struggled with the weight of the man on top of her. She could
feel the hardness of his erection and felt sick to her stomach at the
realization that she was going to be raped. Part of her was surprised
she even kept fighting him after what he had already done to her. Her
body ached and her flesh burned. Finally she gave up and, turning her
head, began to silently cry. Vaguely she registered the sound of cans
rattling from outside her cell.

"Fuck!" The man seethed climbing off of the girl. Someone was in his
cave. He rushed out of the girl's holding cell and ran down the

Willow blinked twice before she realized what had happened. He had
left. She gathered herself up and huddled in a dark corner, hoping
that he would forget about her. She once again found herself praying
for Buffy as sobs raked through her body.


Spike wandered slowly through the dark cave, thankful for the ability
to see in the dark. Willow's scent grew stronger with every step he
took. He whirled around at the sound of footsteps and faced the
human. "'ello mate, I believe you have something of mine."

The man looked over the blonde who had intruded on his playtime. "And
what would that be?" He stared at the intruder hatefully.

Spike walked over to the smelly human, "Cute little redhead about
this tall." He raised his hand level to his shoulder. "I want her
back." He demanded. He silently cursed the damned implant. If this
guy didn't go for the whole scare-him-into-it routine, there was no
way he could fight him. Just as he was about to let his demon show,
Spike's head met the bottom of a cast-iron frying pan.

The intruder fell to the floor in a lump. Seth wondered what the hell
to do with him. He could kill him and bring his body outside. But
someone would find it and his hideout would be found also. He decided
to put him into the cell with the little girl and figure it out
later. He lifted the blonde's arm and dropped it immediately,
surprised at the coldness. Looking at him closely, Seth realized that
he wasn't breathing. He put his ear down to his chest and heard
nothing but silence. "Shit!" he muttered. He had already killed him.
He had only one holding cell. He certainly wasn't going to keep the
body with him. Little Girl would just have to get used to her new
roommate until he figured out what to do with the body. He dragged
the man's body along the floor of the cave and into the holding cell.
He briefly glanced at the huddled form of Little Girl and entertained
the idea of finishing what he had started. He shook his head, not
with a dead guy lying there. He left, locking the door behind him.

Willow didn't dare look up when Hermit came back. She heard him leave
and lock the cell. She continued to hug her knees and cry quietly.
"Buffy will come, Buffy will come, Buffywillcome, Buffywillcome…"
she chanted.

Chapter 2

Spike groaned as he sat up, his hand going to the already healing
bump on his head. He noticed two things at once; first, that he was
in some kind of cell, and second, that Willow was in there with him.
He turned to find her huddled in a dark corner of the wall, hugging
her knees with her head down. She was muttering something that Spike
could barely make out, "Buffy will come, Buffy will come…" She
sobbing and smelled of sweat and blood and something
that reminded him of cigarettes. He crawled slowly over to her, not
wanting to frighten her any more than she obviously already was.
"Willow?" He said softly. Willow quickened her chanting at the sound
of his voice and cowered further into the rock wall. "Willow." Spike
said a bit more firmly, this time touching the side of her head.

Willow jumped at the contact and cried out, "No, don't touch me!
Don't touch me! Don't touch me!"

Spike grabbed her in a tight embrace and attempted to soothe her,
"Shhh. It's okay Red, Spike's here now, nothing to worry about." He
felt Willow's weak struggles fade and she looked up at him with
confused eyes. He had never seen her so utterly frightened. He smiled
at her, "'Ello Luv."

"Sp-Spike?" Willow hitched. She grabbed onto him for dear life. She
had been found. She could get out of this awful hole and go home. She
continued to cry as she took in the scent of him; leather and
cigarettes, an aroma that would forever make her feel safe.

"There, there now Pet. We still gotta figure out a way out of here."

Willow backed out of his embrace, "You mean, you're not here with
Buffy? We're not getting out?"

Spike shook his head. He brought his hand to Willow's face and she
recoiled at the touch. It was then that he noticed her condition. Her
face was badly bruised and her blouse had been ripped open. There was
a bloody gash between her breasts where her bra had apparently been
cut away. Willow put her head down at his inspection of her and
wrapped the ends of her blouse around her to cover herself. "My God
Willow, what did that bastard do to you?" Spike said in disbelief,
knowing what the answer was. She had been raped and beaten. He hadn't
gotten to her in time.

Willow shook her head and started crying again.

"Did he rape you?" Spike demanded in anger. When She didn't respond
he grabbed her arms. Willow cried out in pain and snatched her arm
out of his grip. Spike gained control of his rage and held her wrist.
Slowly he raised the short sleeve of her blouse to find 3 small,
circular burn marks going up to her collar bone. Spike pushed her
blouse open to reveal another set of burns around her left breast. He
sighed sadly and gently pulled Willow closer, "I'm sorry Willow."

Willow nodded her head and latched on to him. Spike wrapped her in
his duster, trying to figure out how the hell they were going to get
out of the mess they were in. He knew one thing for sure, that human
was not going to live much longer. He noticed Willow's breathing
become steady and decided to let her get an hour's worth of sleep. It
was still early in the evening. Once daylight came he would be stuck
in this bloody hole for at least another day.


Seth paced inside the entrance of his cave. His little plan had taken
a turn for the worse. He was waiting for the night to get darker so
he could dump the body of the man that had interrupted his game with
Little Girl. He would have to kill her sooner than originally
planned, but not before he had his fun at least once. 2 hours had
passed since he had dumped the dead guy in the cell with Little Girl.
He'd give her a little more time to contemplate her own mortality and
by then the night would be dark enough to work in.


Spike brushed Willow's hair away from her face and tried to wake her
gently, "Willow, time to wake up Pet."

Willow stirred and winced in pain at her movements. She lifted
herself up and looked into the blue eyes of the vampire. "Spike? I
want to go home."

Spike caressed her cheek with his finger. "I know Luv. We need a
plan. I can't hurt this bastard because of the bloody chip in my
head. I need you to be strong. Can you do that for me?"

Willow nodded. "He thinks your dead. He doesn't know what you are."

"Maybe we can use that to our advantage then." Spike couldn't help
but glance down to Willow's opened blouse.

"Hey!" Willow quickly tied the ends together in a double knot so her
breasts were covered, leaving her midriff bare.

Spike smiled wickedly at her, thankful to see the spark back in her
eyes. He traced a lazy finger around her belly button and took notice
of the gooseflesh his motions caused.

Willow smacked his hand away, "Enough gutter-head, let's work on
getting out of here." They both smiled.

"Holy mother of God!" The hermit breathed when he opened the door and
walked into the cell. "You were dead, I know you were dead."

Spike filled with rage and charged at the human, momentarily
forgetting about the impending piercing pain it would cause. He threw
the man up against the wall and fell down, holding his head, crying
out in pain.

Seth stared down at the man on the floor. He was clutching his head
in obvious pain. Seth kicked him in the ribs and then in the face.
Little Girl came at him full force and scratched at his face. Seth
easily gained control of her arms and pinned her against the wall of
the cave. "Ooh, there's that fight again Little Girl. Whatta ya say
we pick up where we left off before." He began pawing her and Willow
tried to knee him in the groin but failed and was rewarded with a
smack to the face that caused her to fall to the ground.

Spike got himself up and saw the hermit pinning Willow against the
wall one minute and then smacking her to the floor the next. He
couldn't hit the guy, but he could still save Willow.

Willow started crawling away from the hermit in a futile attempt to
escape. She desperately tried to block the kicks to the ribs and gut
she received from the bastard. Suddenly Spike was on top of her,
putting his body in between her and the hermit. He covered her
completely, shielding her from any further attack.

Seth was furious! First, he gets interrupted, then the guy he thought
he offed turns out to be alive, then, just as he was about to finish
playing with Little Girl, Dead Guy here interferes again. He
continued to kick the shit out of the guy covering Little Girl. By
this time Seth had lost all other interest in the two of them that
didn't center on torture. He could still have some fun before his
time was up. After about 5 blows to the head, Seth, realized that
they were both unconscious. He walked out of the cell and came back
with some equipment. It wouldn't be any fun until they were awake


Willow was the first to come to. She looked over at Spike and winced
at the new pain in her wrists and shoulders. Looking up she saw that
she and Spike were both in shackles that were connected by a single
chain. The chain was looped through an iron eyelet embedded in the
rock above them. "Great." She muttered. Spike was inches from her,
hanging on his chains, pulling hers. "Spike!" she yelled quietly.

"Hmm?" he stirred. He came to quickly and looked up to find Willow's
concerned green eyes looking back at him. He looked up and saw the
chains. Looking at Willow he smirked, "I always wondered what you'd
look like in bondage Red."

"Spike!" Willow admonished, "This is serious. We need to get out of
here." She paused, "Are you…okay?"

"Yeah." Spike answered. There was an odd dull pain in his head but he
assumed it was from all the kicks he took. "You?"

"I'll live." She answered, "Thanks to you."

"Don't worry Pet, I'll think of a way to repay me. Think the bloody
bastard will let us keep the chains after we beat the shit out of
him?" He smiled wickedly.

Willow shook her head and laughed, "You are so bad. Now, can't you
use your demon strength to get that thing out of the ceiling so we're
not strung up like fresh kill?"

Spike grabbed hold of his chains and yanked them down. He loosened
the eyelet and had it out by the third try. He tried to break open
Willow's shackles but had no luck. "Sorry Pet, can't budge em. Why
don't you try some of that magic of yours?"

"What? I can't produce super strength."

Spike sighed, "That's not what I meant. I mean, you try pulling them
apart with your pretty little head while I pull them apart."

The two managed to get one cuff off of each of them but were still
connected by one chain. They had about 3 feet worth of space allowed
to them by the chain. Willow was mentally exhausted. Spike prodded,
"C'mon Luv, just one more."

"I can't Spike. My brain hurts." She sat on the ground. "We'll just
have to stayed linked for awhile."

Spike nodded, he still had that dull pain inhis own head. At least it
was a pretty long chain. He sat next to Willow and cupped her face
with his hand. "We need to work together on this one Red. It's time
to fight." Spike cocked his head to one side, "He's coming. Stand up
Red, it's show time."

Chapter 3

Seth entered the holding cell pleased to see that Little Girl was
conscious and even more pleased to see that Dead Guy wasn't. He
smiled when he saw Little Girl cower from him. Her arms hung over her
head and Seth was instantly turned on by the sight of her in such a
compromising position. He walked up to her and pressed a knife
against her cheek. "Well, hello there Little Girl. We keep getting
interrupted but this time I think we can finally finish our little
game without Dead Guy interfering." He pressed his body against hers
and covered her mouth with one dirty hand. "Hush now, wouldn't want
to wake your boyfriend over here."

"Too late." Spike said from behind the smelly human. "Now Red!"

Willow brought her arms down in one swift motion whacking the chain
across the face of the hermit. He fell to the floor and Willow kicked
him in the ribs. "Take that you dirty pervert!" She yelled.

Spike smiled at her, "Let's go Luv." Spike led her out into another
part of the cave.

"Which way?" Willow asked, "I can't hardly see a thing in here."

Spike took her hand, "I can." he said, leading her down a cavern. He
was fairly certain that this was the way. After about 10 minutes they
came to the mouth of the cave. Looking around they saw various
weapons, including a rusty ax. Spike picked it up, "Perfect." he said
laying the chain that linked him to Willow across a large stone. In
one swing of the ax, Spike shattered the links of the chain. They
each still had a shackle and about a foot of the chain attached to
their wrists.

Willow smiled and turned to the opening of the cave, letting out a
short scream before being pushed to the ground.

Spike turned and faced the hermit. "You know, you're really starting
to piss me off!" He seethed through clenched teeth. "You strike that
girl one more time and I'll break your pathetic little neck."

The hermit laughed, "Oh really? From what I can tell, you can't fight
at all." He punched Dead Guy in the face, surprised to see that he
barely moved. He punched him again, this time a little nervous at the
insane smile that he received in response.

"If you're done." Spike began, "I think there's something you should
know about me." Spike let his demon come forward, his eyes shining a
golden hue.

Seth nearly pissed his pants as he backed away from the monster he
saw in front of him. "What the hell are you?" he stammered.

"He's a vampire." Willow said from behind. She pushed him into Spike.
She was surprised at the feeling of pleasure it brought her to hear
him scream in terror.

Spike braced himself for the coming pain and punched the man in the
face sending him flying across the cave. Spike put his hand up to his
head but felt nothing. "No pain." He said, looking at Willow. "Just a
little buzzing sound, but no pain." He didn't see the wariness creep
into Willow's eyes as he strode across the cave and picked the human
up by the throat. "You are a very bad man and certainly do not
deserve to live." Spike contemplated allowing him to live but visions
of Willow's beaten and burned body flooded his mind. He jabbed his
fist into the hermit's chin, breaking his neck instantly. Again that
annoying buzzing sound filled his head but went away in a matter of
seconds. He turned to Willow and found nothing but the rock she had
been perched on. She had run from him. She knew he could kill her and
she had run. "Shit!" he cried, running out of the cave.

Chapter 4

Spike followed her scent through the woods and found her limping away
from him. He sighed heavily and caught up to her. "Willow…" he

Willow attempted to run but cried out in pain and fell to the ground,
clutching her right ankle. "Dammit!" she yelled. "I suppose now that
you can hurt people you're gonna kill me." She said angrily.

Spike laughed as he knelt in front of her. "What makes you think I'm
going to kill you Red?"

"Well, you know…that's kinda how our whole relationship started
the first place, remember?"

Spike helped her stand. "Well, that was before." He said.

"Before what?"

Spike sighed, "Before I…you know…"

Willow smiled, "No I don't."

Spike looked at her, "Let's go home Pet." He lifted her in his arms
being careful not to hurt any of her tender spots, and walked out of
the woods.

"No really," Willow persisted, "I really don't know what you mean."

"Oh just drop it witch!"


Spike carried Willow up to his doorstep. "Here we are Red."

"Where are we?" Willow asked as she limped across the threshold and
plopped herself down on the soft couch.

"My place, where'd you think?"

"But I thought you had a crypt."

"Are you kidding? With all those nancy army boys running around the
cemetery? Not bloody likely." Spike walked over to an oriental-
looking box on an end table and took out some sort of key. He
unlatched his own shackle before releasing Willow from hers. He
scooped her into his arms again and brought her into the bedroom.

Willow absorbed the Victorian décor of the bedroom with its four-
poster king sized bed covered in black satin sheets. She watched as
Spike gently removed her sandal from her sore ankle, glad that she
had taken the time to paint her toenails.  Spike got up and went
through the door attached to the bedroom. Willow heard him running a
bath and assumed that it was for her. His actions rendered her
speechless. She didn't move, but waited there for 10 minutes until he
emerged from the steamy room. He walked over to her and said nothing
as he untied the knot in her blouse. Willow didn't stop him when he
brushed the fabric from her shoulders revealing not only her breasts
but also her wounds from the past 5 hours. She saw nothing but
tenderness in his silent actions and helped him get her out of her
shorts, wincing at the pain in her sore muscles.

Spike could hardly contain the emotions whirling inside of him.
Elation at the thought of the implant malfunctioning, hatred at the
man who hurt Willow so badly, sorrow that he could not prevent her
from being afraid of him. She had every right to be, yet she had
stayed with him. And there was something else that tugged at his
still heart, an emotion that he couldn't bare himself to even think.
As tenderly as he could he undressed her, careful not to touch any
sores. In the bright lights of the apartment and with her clothing
discarded, Spike finally saw the extent of her abuse. She was covered
in bruises. Her face, her ribs and her thighs were the worst spots.
She had at least 10 cigarette burns on her arm and breast. The gash
between her breasts where the hermit cut off her bra was obviously
infected. Spike didn't think it was deep and was confident he could
clean it up. And then she had twisted her ankle while running from
him. The first thought when she saw that the chip no longer worked
was to run for her life. Scooping her into his arms, he cradled her
naked body to him as he carried her into the bathroom. Gingerly he
placed her into the tub filled with healing oils and began running a
sponge along her back, noticing yet another set of bruises and
scrapes from the walls of the cave.

Willow relished in the hot water of the bath. The mixture of pain and
pleasure caused by the oils' contact with her burns was just barely
endurable. Spike's tub was deep and the water came up to just below
her shoulders. She allowed him to scrub her down, not wanting to
break the serenity of the atmosphere. He even washed her hair,
kneading his fingers to her roots, almost making her doze off. She
was so utterly exhausted. She felt like she could sleep for days.
Spike lifted her effortlessly out of the tub and toweled her off. He
carried her naked form back to the bed and lay Willow under the
covers. The cool of the satin felt heavenly on her sensitive flesh.

Spike kept silent throughout the entire ordeal of bathing Willow and
putting her to bed. She looked so small in his huge bed, so small and
tired. He gently brushed her hair from her face and stood to leave.

Willow's hand took his before he could turn away, "Wait." She said.

Spike sat back down next to her, "What is it Pet?" he asked softly.

"Just don't leave me." Her pleading eyes were more than he could
take. He nodded his consent and went over to the other side of the

Willow could hear him undressing and wondered if he would wear
anything to bed at all. Somehow the thought didn't freak her out like
it would have yesterday. She felt the bed dip and then his cool arms
enveloped her. She breathed in the aroma of leather and cigarettes
and smiled. She felt safe. "Spike?"

"Yes Pet?"

"Promise me something."


"Please don't kill me."

Spike couldn't help but smile a little, "I promise." He vowed. "Hush
now, get some sleep." He listened as her heart slowed and her
breathing became rhythmic. He held her as she slept, until he
eventually fell into a slumber as well. The scent of her filled his
senses as he slept, visions of his redhead arousing his most primal

Chapter 5

Willow stirred slightly, her breathing coming in short breaths. Her
whole body tingled and she was having the most wonderful dream.
Loving hands caressed her erect nipples and she could feel his hard
erection slowly rubbing in the wetness between her legs. She
whimpered as one of his hands found her throbbing clit. She burned
for release. She didn't want the dream to end; she teetered on the
fine line of sleep and wakefulness. Without even knowing it she
whispered his name, "Spike."

Spike was having the most delectable dream of his unlife. He was
fucking Willow over and over, ruining her for any other man and
claiming her for all to see. The demon inside him demanded release
and Spike felt the excitement build in his cock.


His eyes flew open at the whispered sound of his name. He froze,
taking in the situation. He was in bed with Willow, they were both
naked and she had whispered his name. He cradled her in a spoons
position, his left hand gently pinching her nipple and his right hand
stroking her swollen clit. His rock-hard cock was bathing in her hot
juices. Spike could tell she was still asleep and briefly entertained
the idea of stopping before he began a steady rhythm of slow thrusts.
"Willow." He whispered in her ear.

Willow was on fire. She had never had such a real fantasy before. She
heard her name and fought against waking up. She held onto her dream
and fell into the steady rhythm her dream lover had started,
relishing the delightful friction it caused. She whimpered slightly,

Spike couldn't wait for her to wake up. He knew she was at the edge
as much as he was. He had to have her. He could always feign sleep,
although somehow he didn't think that would go over well. He guided
the head of his wet cock into Willow's tight passage and continued to
thrust into her. He heard her gasp and knew instantly that she had
awakened. He squeezed her nipple with one hand as his other pinched
and released her clit over and over.

Willow woke when she was invaded. She hadn't time to think about what
exactly was happening, only that she was so close and that if she
didn't get satisfaction she could swear she would explode. Her left
hand covered Spike's and joined his efforts on her clit and she
wrapped her right arm in back of her around his neck. She pulled him
closer to her, her body tingling at the sensations he gave her as he
nibbled her ear with blunt teeth. Her breath came in short gasps and
their pace quickened. "Oh God, Spike!" she cried.

Spike struggled to contain his demon. The rush of sensations he was
receiving was nearly overpowering. Willow wrapped her arm around him,
bringing him closer. He eyed her pulse points and nibbled at her
earlobe. She cried out his name and bent her head to one side,
bearing her neck to him. The temptation was too great and Spike bit
into her, causing them both to climax at that very moment. He heard
Willow cry out and retracted his fangs quickly, lapping at her
shallow wound. He held her close, not wanting her to try to run out
of his bed. Turning her on her back, he hovered above her, searching
her green eyes before capturing her lips in a searing kiss. He heard
a muffled cry from her before she relented and returned the kiss
passionately, wrapping her arms around his neck. Spike's tongue
assaulted hers inside her hot mouth. They both moaned when he entered
her again. She was so tight that Spike briefly wondered if she had
been a virgin. He thrust once, causing Willow to open her eyes and
cry out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. "Willow." He moaned, "I
want you."

Willow closed her eyes and bent her head back when Spike thrust hard
into her once again.

"Look at me." He demanded. She immediately obeyed. "That's my girl,
tell me what you want." He said as he slowly pulled himself out of
her and rested his cock just outside her soaking entrance.

"You." Willow breathed.

Spike pounded into her twice more, causing her to scream out. "Tell
me more." He commanded, once again pulling himself slowly out of her.

Willow's mind was reeling. God, why didn't he just take her? She
needed him to be inside her. "Spike…" she begged.

"Tell me," he played.

Willow bit her lip as he pounded a single thrust into her. She cried
out again and pleaded for release. "Spike, I want you inside me, fast
and hard." She threw her head back as soon as he started an urgent

Spike watched her intently, wanting to see her face when she came. He
felt her walls contract at her orgasm but didn't let up on his
actions. His pace sped up as he neared his own climax. Willow
screamed his name as her orgasm intensified and she wrapped her legs
around his waists, her hips meeting his every thrust. Spike morphed
and bit into her breast when he came, spilling his cold seed into her
a second time.

They remained in each other's embrace and Spike listened to Willow's
heartbeat slow to a normal rate, along with her breathing. He smiled
when she quivered as he slowly pulled his cock out of her (probably)
sore pussy. He finally looked up at her and smiled wickedly, "What a
way to wake up, eh Pet?"

Willow giggled, "You bit me." She accused.

Spike held her eye contact when he said, "I will never hurt you, and
I won't turn you unless you want me to. You must believe that."

Willow nodded, she did believe him. Her gaze fell from his and she
suddenly looked frightened again, "Now what?" she asked timidly.

Spike kissed her tenderly, "Now," he said as he rolled them over so
Willow was on top of him, "we rest. And in about another hour or so
we do it again." Spike closed his eyes and smiled contentedly.

Willow smacked him playfully and laughed, knowing that EVERY part of
her body would be sore for days, "An hour?" she teased, "What
happened to all that vampire prowess? You need a whole HOUR to

Spike flipped them over in a second, "Oh you naughty girl you." He
said as he captured her lips in a passionate kiss.


Willow walked in silence with her friends toward The Bronze. She
thanked the stars once again for the healing spell she had performed
the day before. She had stayed with Spike the entire day, telling the
rest of the gang that she had gone to go visit her Aunt Beth two
towns over. All traces of her beatings were gone now and she was no
longer sore anywhere…well, almost anywhere. Willow stifled a
as thoughts of the last 24 hours rushed through her. Her friends were
completely unaware of the events with the hermit and Spike saving
her. They were also unaware that his chip had malfunctioned and that
Spike was able to hurt living things now. She still wasn't sure if
she could completely trust him yet, but the danger was part of the

The gang found a table and Xander and Riley went to the bar to get a
round of drinks. Anya watched after Xander longingly and Willow
couldn't contain her laugh. "You're pathetic, you know that?"

The ex-demon sighed, "You have no idea the power he has in the sac."
Buffy and Willow burst into a fit of laughter. "What?" Anya defended,
"You really have no idea!"

"Please," Buffy laughed, "I so do not want details."

"What's so funny?" Riley asked as he set the tray of drinks down and
handed them out. He gave Willow her drink, "Kinda surprised that you
actually ordered alcohol this time Willow."

Willow simply shrugged and gulped at her whiskey sour.


An hour later found all three of the girls hysterical laughing and
very drunk. Buffy whispered loudly at Willow, "Hey Wills, don't look
now but that guy has been staring at you for the past like 3 hours."

"Buffy! We've only been here for 1 hour!" Willow laughed. Her head
swam delightfully as she turned to see who her admirer was. "What

Buffy pointed to the bar, "That guy, the one with the fluffy hair, he
sure does stare a lot. He's kinda sexy though."

Willow blushed, "Are you nuts? He's not looking at me." She downed
her third drink.

Xander stood, "Well, let's go find out then, shall we?" He walked to
the bar and struck up a conversation with the fluffy haired man.

The girls all laughed. Willow said, "Wait a minute, I'm really not
interested in getting to know Mr. Fluff any better."

"Why not?" Buffy cried, "You should date, even if it's just for fun."

Xander walked back over to the table with another tray full of drinks
followed by Willow's admirer. "Hey everyone, this is Kevin, he's from
Canada." He proceeded to introduce everyone at the table, saving
Willow for last.

Willow smiled politely and tried to ignore him. It wasn't easy
considering he would ask her an annoying question every 5 minutes.
She finally gave in and turned to him saying, "Canada, huh? How do
you feel about witches?"

"Pardon me?" Kevin asked.

"Witches? You know, witchcraft, spells, charms, that sort of thing."

"Oh well, I've done extensive studies in American history and
folklore and I find it all very fascinating." Kevin explained.

"Willow?" Buffy warned.

Willow ignored her friend and continued her conversation with Kevin
the fluffy haired Canadian. "Folklore huh? What do you know about

"Vampires?" Kevin looked to the others for help.

Xander suddenly burst into a fit of laughter, "Oh Willow!" he cried
looking to the others to join him, "You're such a kidder! Vampires!

Riley, Buffy and Anya joined him in laughter, putting Kevin at ease
with Willow's *prank*.


Spike sauntered into the club, he knew his witch would be here and he
could smell her as soon as he walked through the door. He bought a
beer from the bartender and leaned against the bar, surveying the
dimly lit room. He let out a soft growl when he saw some twit talking
to Willow. He was sitting very close to her, too close. He watched
from a distance at their interaction. He could tell immediately that
Willow was shit-faced, along with the other girls. Riley and Xander
tugged their girlfriends out to the dance floor. Spike saw the ugly
man ask Willow to dance and was relieved when she shook her head no.
Anger struck him suddenly as the man practically dragged her out on
the floor. Spike downed the rest of his beer and strode out to the
dance floor. "'Scuse me mate," he said as he grabbed Willow's hand
off of the other man's shoulder, "I'm cutting in." Spike swung Willow
into his arms.

"Hey!" Kevin exclaimed, "Find your own dancing partner asshole!" He
attempted to free Willow from Spike's iron grip.

Spike smiled, "You wanna make something of it?"

Kevin wound his arm back and threw a punch. Spike caught it with his
left hand and squeezed it, causing Kevin to fall to his knees. His
cries of pain were drowned out by the deafening sound of the band.
Spike continued to squeeze until he felt the snap of bones.
Satisfied, he picked the other man up and warned, "I think you should
leave now mate."

Kevin nodded frantically, cradling his swollen hand. As soon as Spike
put him down he ran out of the club.

Spike turned to Willow, "Now, how about that dance?" He took her into
his arms and swiftly danced out of the visual range of the slayer and
her band of merry morons.

"That was very mean of you Spike." Willow sang into his shoulder.
"I'm not so sure I approve of this new able-to-hurt-people Spike.
You've been a bad boy."

Spike smiled wickedly, "Then maybe you should come over to my place
and punish me." He whispered in her ear before suckling on her lobe.

Willow whimpered at the sensations and tightened her grip on his
shoulders. "Maybe I will." She moved her body against him in time to
the sexy rhythm the band played. She felt his erection begin to swell
against her hips and he growled low in his throat.

"You little tease." He said, bending lower so that his hardened cock
pressed into Willow's pelvis. He grabbed her ass through her knee-
length skirt and joined her motions. Willow closed her eyes and
dipped her head back. Spike licked her throat up to her chin and down
again to her breasts, moving one of his hands up her thigh under the
front of her skirt. Willow giggled and let her own hands wander under
his black T-shirt, covered still by the ever-present leather duster.
Spike was surprised to find that Willow wasn't wearing any
underpants, "You really are being naughty, aren't you Pet?"

"I've been influenced by a sexy, bad-assed vampire who I can't seem
to get out of my head." Willow began to whimper at Spike's expert
touch on her clit and responded by nibbling on Spike's ear. "How does
it feel to be turned?"

"What?" Spike stared at her unbelievingly. He knew it was the alcohol
talking, but her sauntry voice in his ear was one of the most
powerful aphrodisiacs he had ever experienced. "Willow, you don't
want to know that." He closed his eyes at the husky sound of her

"Are you scared? Is it sexy? Does it make you feel powerless? Or
powerful?" Willow bit at his neck and Spike shuddered in pleasure.

He separated from her and looked at her lustful form briefly before
leading her out into the alley behind the club. Whipping around he
captured her lips in a commanding kiss and pushed her body up against
the brick wall of the building. Willow wrapped her legs around
Spike's waist as she desperately tried to unfasten the button fly of
his black jeans. Spike assisted her, releasing his marble cock.
Willow cried out as Spike bit into her neck, drinking her life force
as he thrust into her soaking passage. There was a slight buzzing in
his head that turned into a steady whine as her hot blood slid down
his throat. Spike spilled his cold semen into Willow's weakening body
and suddenly tore himself from her and watched as she slipped down
the wall. Spike pushed his demon down and wiped her blood from his
lips. "What have I done?" He asked to the darkness surrounding them.
He ran to Willow and listened to her slow heartbeat. She was alive.
Spike didn't know how much he had taken from her but it wasn't enough
to kill her. He lifted her up and placed her into the front seat of
his Cadillac and sped off to his apartment.

Spike placed Willow's unconscious body on his bed and searched the
text of the book of spells that Willow had consulted the day before.
Her materials were still strewn about and Spike lit the candles and
placed her in their circle. He had only dipped into magic over the
past 125 years and found himself praying to whatever god would listen
that it would be enough. Spike's voice cracked as he read the Latin
and sprinkled the enchanted herbs upon Willow. He closed his eyes,
squeezing out a single tear, and blew out the center candle. "So mote
it be." He said. Spike stood staring at Willow while a cold wind blew
about the circle of candles surrounding her. He watched in amazement
as her cheeks returned to their natural pink hue and the moisture
glistened once again on her lips. She blinked and sat up slowly.
Spike was at her side immediately, embracing her. "Willow, are you
all right?"

Willow nodded, "What happened? The last thing I remember is that
Canadian guy was making me dance with him. I feel really tired."

Spike tightened his jaw; "You were attacked. You lost a lot of blood.
I tried the healing spell from yesterday."

Willow smiled up at him; "You saved me again." She kissed him gently
and pulled back when she realized that Spike was crying. "What is

Spike looked away, "I thought I was gonna lose you." He embraced her
again; "I don't want that to ever happen."

Willow smiled over his shoulder and rested her tired head against his
neck. She felt safe, even if he could hurt people again, she trusted
him with her life.
