by Karen U.
Rating: PG
Distribution: Charity, Carla, Fever of Fate, Willow's Guys
Disclaimer: Willow, Spike, and all their friends belong to Joss Whedon, the WB, and 20th Century Fox
Summary: 5th in my W/S series; comes after Observations. The gang's researching...but what's really on their minds?
Feedback: Makes me write more
Notes: This took less than an hour to write, so I'm sorry if it sucks.


It was a dark and stormy night. Okay, so that’s a complete lie; it’s a perfectly nice Saturday afternoon. Which, of course, is why this is so ridiculous. I mean, here I am, a healthy young male, and what am I stuck doing? Research. Now, don’t get me wrong, usually I have no problem with research, especially when there’s something really big happening. This, however, does not fall under that category. Not even close. Giles, in all his infinite wisdom, has decided that we should research why nothing is happening on the Hellmouth. Yes, I’m serious. We’re researching the lack of mystical activity in Sunnydale. And, to top it all off, Willow brought her pet vampire.

I hate him. I know it’s irrational. Or, at least, I know that Buffy and Anya claim it’s irrational. Speaking of Buffy...she actually approves of the fact that Willow’s dating one of the fang gang. Probably because it makes her look better about the whole Angel thing.

And that’s another thing. Why are Angel, Cordelia, and Doyle still here? It’s been three weeks. Shouldn’t they be fighting evil someplace else?


I wish I were back in LA. If I was, then I wouldn’t be stuck here doing research. Is it really research when you’re pretty much looking for nothing? No, I think not. God, when will this day be over? When will my dad’s stupid tax evasion trial be over? I want to go back home. Research, Cordelia. Concentrate on your book.

Ugh. This is totally not fair. I’m sitting here, doing all the research, and the guys are all staring at Willow. Okay, not all the guys. Oz is doing his best to at least pretend he’s reading, and Giles is, as usual, oblivious to what’s going on. Spike, Angel, and Xander, however, are all staring at Willow. Even Doyle’s looking at her.

God! What is it about that girl? Why do all the guys want her? I mean, come on. What’s so special about her? She’s Willow. And why isn’t Doyle looking at me?


I hope the little redhead knows what she’s doing. Bringing Spike here...well, I just hope nothing happens. Angel looks like he wants to rip Spike’s throat out. That kid, - what’s his name? Xapper, or Xander, or something - looks about ready to snap as well.

Ooh, Spike put his arm around her. Not good. Did Angel just growl? Or was it that Oz kid? I know he’s a werewolf. Can werewolves growl when they’re in human form?


Oh, my God. I think I just growled. That was me, wasn’t it? Maybe it was Angel... maybe I was just imagining things... maybe...

Okay, Oz, get a hold of yourself. Just because you think you may have growled does not mean you’re going to lose it and go all wolfy on everyone. Just concentrate. Everything’s okay, you’re fine...

Gosh, Willow looks happy. I don’t think she ever looked quite so happy when she was with me. That’s good, though. Not the whole “I didn’t make her happy” thing, the “Spike makes her happier” thing. She deserve to be happy. She’s a pretty amazing girl.

I just wish Xander would get over it and stop staring at Willow and Spike like he wants to stake somebody, preferably Spike. Poor Anya. I wonder how she feels about this.


Why did my powers have to be taken away? If I had my powers, I would kill Xander right now. He would die a slow, painful death. Maybe I could find a way to incorporate hot coals. Or knives. Knives are always fun. I mean, he’s supposed to be MY boyfriend. Why the hell is he staring at Willow? Why won’t he look at me? Is there something wrong with me?

Damn. I think I’m going to cry.

I’ve got to get out of here.

Being human sucks.


Today is certainly going well. You can cut the tension in the room with a knife. I have never seen the guys act this way. They’re like a bunch of jealous boyfriends, which is funny, because, you know, they’re not. Boyfriends, that is. At least, they’re not Willow’s.

Oh, man. Is Anya crying? Damn Xander. He is such a fool. I guess I better go after her. I wonder if Xander has any clue what his actions are doing to his girlfriend?


His hand is on her thigh. Can you believe that? Spike has HIS hand on MY Willow’s thigh. Oh, my God. Did I just say my Willow? I think I did. Damn, I thought I was over that. I guess I’m not. Face it, I still love her.

I wonder where Anya went?

Did Angel just growl?


I can’t believe this. Spike and Willow. Together. He has his hand on her thigh. God, I want to stake him. Okay, that’s not true. What I really want to do is rip him to pieces. That would really endear me to Willow.

Am I jealous? Is that what this is?

Yes, I am. I haven’t felt this way since I found out Buffy was dating that idiot Scott, and that was right after I came back from Hell.

Wait a minute. Maybe I never really came back. Maybe this is still Hell. Why else would Spike and Willow be together?

Man, I really want to kill him.


If Xander and Peaches don’t take their eyes off my woman, I’m going to rip a few new holes in their bodies. Do they think I don’t see them staring at her? She’s mine. She chose me. They both had their chance. Peaches chose the Slayer and Xander chose half the female population.

God, that boy’s an idiot.


This obviously was not my brightest idea. Sticking the ten of them in a room together was a mistake; I see that now. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about it. I can only hope that the day can be completed without any bloodshed.

Xander, Angel, and Spike look like they’re about to kill each other. That half-demon Doyle looks almost amused. Oz, well, you can never tell what Oz is thinking. And poor Anya had to leave.

Thank goodness Buffy is behaving herself.


I wonder if I could break up a fight if the guys decide to go after each other? Maybe I should just let them fight it out. Yeah, Willow would just love that. I can see it now. ‘So, Buffs, why’d you let the guys kill each other?’ ‘Oh, I don’t know, Will. I guess just to see if they could.’ If I said that, she’d probably turn me into a rat.

I can’t believe how Angel’s acting. I expected him to be all protective of Willow, sure. I mean, he knows the way Spike is better than any of us. He made him. He was around him during the days Spike earned his nickname. But Angel’s not acting all protective. He’s acting... jealous? Oh my lord, he’s jealous. Wow, Angel wants Willow.

I wonder if she knows?

I wonder who she’d choose?


This is so boring. I wish Giles would let us leave already. This is pointless. Besides, I can’t concentrate. I mean, Spike’s right beside me. I really want to kiss him. I’ll have to wait until tonight, though. I’m so glad Buffy agreed to go out with Riley. The four of us are going on a double date. I hope Spike behaves himself. I’ll have to remind him not say anything that Riley would find strange. The other day, he started telling a story about World War I. That probably wouldn’t go over too well tonight. God, this book is so boring. I can’t concentrate. The others don’t seem to be paying much attention to their research, either.

I wonder what they’re thinking?

The End
