It's All in the Translation.

Author: Kat


~Part: 11~

The offices of Angel Investigations were unusually quiet for this time of night. Ordinarrily Cordelia and Angel would be arguing about the lack of paying clients or the most recent demon to splatter all over her new shoes. Tonight however Wesley had convinced them to go out for a while. Gunn was back at the old neighbourhood checking in on things and Fred was up in her room. Wesley was frustrated, he sat at his desk reading through a book on witchcraft. He had no idea what spell Willow had used as the basis for her current predicament there fore he really had no idea what he was looking for. He assumed that they would arrive shortly. That was the other reason he was in such a flustered state. She was bringing 'William the Bloody' aka Spike with her. One of the most feared Vampires in history. Only second to Angelus, his current SOULED employer. Yes he was aware that Spike was rendered harmless by a chip in his head. However that did not alleviate any of his aprehension. He didn't put much stock in modern machinery, if that contraption on Cordelias desk was any example to follow. The damn thing was always freezing up, rendering itself completely useless. One more reason to break this link the girl had formed with the Vampire.

Wesley was so deep in his inner thoughts that he didn't hear Willow and Spike enter the building. Spike took the opportunity to sneak up on the man and scare the Hell out of him. After the initial screaming, mostly Wesley although Willow did yell at Spike for scaring the man, the three of them sat down and talked at length about the spell. Wesley, still very much a Watcher at heart, wanted Willow to record everything she learned about Spike so that it could be sent to the council. Spike of course growled at the man and clutched his head in pain. Willow politely refused Wesley stating that Spike and her had an agreement and that she would not go back on it. Spike gave her a genuine smile and squeezed her hand. That of course was the moment Angel decided to walk into the room.

Angel looked at Spike, then at Willow, then at their joined hands and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Before Willow had a chance to speak Angel had Spike against the wall with a stake against his chest.

"NO! Angel stop. It's not what you think." "Willow. I saw you holding his hand. If he's done anything to you..." "He's my friend. Let him go and I'll explain everything." "Fine. But he stands over there."

Spike stayed quiet during this time, but only because he knew that if he provoked Angel he'd be a big pile of dust. Willow told Angel what she had just finished telling Wesley and waited for his reaction. Amazingly he turned to Spike and looked at him for a minute before dropping his head.

"Is it as bad as I think it is?" "What do you think you bloody sod? She feels it, just like I did then." "Oh. Willow I'm sorry." "Why are you apologizing to me Angel? You didn't do anything to ME. Besides, it was Angelus, not you." "I know, but I remember everything that he did to William, Spike." "We can't change the past Angel all we can do is forgive and move forward." "So Spike is getting your memories as well?" "Yes." "That's got to be a bit unnerving." "We have a deal. Don't we Spike?" "You bet Red, I keep your secrets you keep mine." "Willow, why didn't you ask Mr. Giles? Why come here?" "Because you pillock, she'd only get yelled at for trying to help in the first bloody place. You remember how forgiving those sods are don't you? Well Red here has messed up a few spells before and they all get after her not to use her magic. Of course they don't bloody say thank you when she pulls their asses out of a jam by using a little mojo... What?" "Spike, you're babbling." "Thanks pet! See if I try to stand up for you again." "I didn't say it to be mean. I think it's kinda cute. Oh, in a totally bad ass evil demon way of course." "Of course. Nice save luv. But I'm not cute, and I don't babble."

Angel and Wesley looked at each other and shrugged as Willow and Spike continued to argue back and forth about his 'not babbling'. Finally Wesley interruppted and asked for the spell and translations that she had used. After looking them over he returned to his books and dismissed the other three people in his office.

Angel, Spike and Willow left the office and sat in the lobby of the hotel. Willow was starting to feel a bit tired and yawned. Angel immediately asked if they had a place to stay and offered them rooms. Spike almost laughed out loud when Willow replied that they only needed one room. The look on Angels face was priceless. After explaining about the nightmares and that they had been sharing a bed the past few nights already Angel gave in to her request. That didn't stop him from looking at Spike in a very threatening manner.

"Right then. Why don't you show us where we'll be sleeping and I'll get Red here settled in." "Fine. Follow me." "Hey Red? You want me to run you a hot bath before bed?"

Willow blushed, Spike chuckled and Angel watched in confusion.

~Part: 12~

Angel showed them to a very nice room, it was the one Cordelia uses when she stayed over. After putting her bag down by the bed Willow went in to use the bathroom. She got one look at the massive whirlpool tub and decided that mabey Spike had a good idea after all. She started the water running and went back to the room for her pajamas. Spike told her Angel wanted to talk to him and that he'd be up shortly, then he left. Willow went back into the bathroom, stripped down and got in the tub.

Angel and Spike glared at each other for several minutes before Spike finally spoke.

"Well Poof? You wanted to talk to me, talk."

"What are your intentions towards Willow?"

"What? Are you bleedin serious? Your not her father you know."

"No I'm not. I'm her friend, and I'm your sire's sire. That give's me every right to ask."

"First off, Red is my friend. Second, my intentions are my business. I'm not going to hurt the chit, and third, Angelus is my sire's sire. You may have his memories but you are not him. Don't try pulling rights on me mate."

"Hurt her and you'll find out just how much Angelus is a part of me. I mean that."

"Yeah yeah. Are we done here? I'm gonna go see if Red needs me to scrub her back."


"It's Spike now mate! Don't EVER call me that again."

Spike left Angel in the lobby and went up to his and Willows room. She was still in the bath so he knocked on the door.

"Need any help pet?"

"No thank you Spike. I'm fine."

"You sure? I could wash your back for you."

"I'm sure. I'll be out in a minute though, do you think Angel has any food here? I forgot to bring anything and I'm a little hungry."

"Don't think so pet. You want me to run out?"

"Would you? Ice cream would be good."

"Sure luv, chocolate okay?"

"Yep. It's my favorite."

"Right, back in a bit then."

Angel and Wesley were talking in Wesleys office.

"It seems that Willow's translation of the spell has some dire effects."

"How so?"

"Well she has in fact bound herself to Spike and him to her as well. I don't think that there is any way to stop this."

"There has to be, Willow can't spend the rest of her life with Spike in her head."

"Well actually she will. But that's not all of it. Angel, I think they may be partially immortal."

"WHAT?! How?"

"Well the wording of the spell for one thing. Willow is very powerful, she lacks control but the power she posseses is amazing. She asked for the spell to bind her in life to the one in her heart. It bound he to Spike, therefore she must have feelings for him. He has to feel something for her as well or it wouldn't have worked on him as well. She would have his memories and live as long as he lives but for him to share her memories as well he would have to care for her as well."

"Okay, I get that. But what are you not telling me?"

"Well, I think, and this is just speculation mind you, that Spike may very well have gained some measure of humanity from this bond. I'm not sure how it will manifest itself yet."

"Okay, lets keep this between us untill we know more."

"If you think that's best."

Willow had gotten out of the tub, dried off and dressed in her pajamas rather quickly. She didn't want to take any chances of giving Spike a free show again. By the time Spike returned with the ice cream she was covered up in bed reading a book. He stripped down to his boxers and climbed in beside her. They ate the ice cream and talked a bit.

"So what did Angel want to talk to you about?"

"Oh the usual, hurt her and I turn you to dust. That sort of crap."

"Oh. And I assume you were your usual charming self?"

"Of course. Told him to sod off and mind his own business."

"Good for you. I'm a big girl. If I want to share a bed with a Vampire that's my business, not his."

"As long as I'm the only Vampire I'll agree with you. Seeing as how the only other Vamp you might consider sharing with is Peaches. Sides, one shag and he's all evil again. At least you know I won't be any different in the morning."

"Very funny Spike. You know what I meant."

"Yes luv, get some sleep now. We'll both be keeping human hours for the next couple of day so I'm gonna get some sleep too."

"Okay, night Spike."

"Night pet."

Willow turned off the lamp and Spike pulled her into his arms. She didn't even stop to consider why he would do that or why she felt so right being held by him. All she knew was that she felt safe and oddly comfortable there. For his part, Spike was feeling quite content. He hoped that he'd have a few more nights to share her bed and hold her close before the spell was broken. With an unneccesary sigh he drifted off to sleep.

~Part: 13~

Willow was pretty sure that she now had the majority of Spike's memories. Last night she had relived his capture and experimentation at the hands of the Initiative. If she ever saw Riley Finn again she was going to punch him in the nose, or turn him into a frog for a day or something equally gross and belittling. She now knew exactly how Spike felt about the Scoobies as well. This was a little unsettling to say the least. The fact was that Spike either didn't understand his own feelings toward them or he was a brilliant actor. She was leaning towards her first guess. Chipped or not she now felt pretty safe in assuming that Spike would never hurt them unless in self-defense. He liked them, some more than others, but he liked them all.

He found Xander amusing and felt a kinship with him because he was the only other to hate Angel as much as he did. Giles was a fellow country man, they shared an appreciation for all things 'English' and a hatred of 'Bloody rude Americans'. Then there was Buffy. Spike fancied himself in love with the Slayer at one point. He wasn't. As far as Willow could tell he had admired her, she's very pretty, but it was her strength, her compassion, and even her ability to dominate him that drew him to her. That plus the fact that he couldn't kill her now that he was crippled, he responded in the only other way he could. Thankfully he came to his senses. Anya was never an issue as far as Spike was concerned. He identified with her after all. She was demon before, a demon who was robbed of her powers. Much the same as he was, he wouldn't kill her. He hadn't liked Tara very much. Willow wasn't sure why, mabey because Tara was so quiet and Spike never got to really know her. Mabey it was jealousy. After all, with what she had learned about his feelings for her it made sense.

And just how did Spike feel about Willow? Cofused would be a good start. Now that she had most of the picture she could figure it out. It started back when he took her to do that spell. There was the whole 'Having' incident while he was drunk. She stood up to him then, even in the face of her fear she told him off. The demon respected that. Then she had tried to comfort him when he was miserable and crying, that appealed to the part of him that was still William. The night he'd gone looking for Buffy at the dorm and Willow had been there he was compelled to keep her. He'd told her she had a choice but he never planned on letting her stay dead. She would have been his if it wasn't for the chip. Then of course she kept letting him try again when he couldn't bite her. Now of course she had befriended him. She stuck up for him when the others were mean, she talked to him like he was important and she listened to him.

She had no idea yet what he had been thinking the past few days, those memories she didn't have access to yet. She did get a feeling that her little crush on the blond Vampire wasn't one way. He liked her in a more than friendly way as well. Of course if she knew all this about Spike then chances were that he knew her feelings toward him as well. That was a coversation she wasn't looking forward to. Mabey she should have ammended that blood oath to include never mentioning to each other what was learned as well.

Not being able to stay still any longer Willow extricated herself from Spike's embrace and slipped out of bed. She grabbed her bag and headed into the bathroom. After brushing her teeth washing her face and getting dressed she quickly ran a comb through her hair and went back to the bedroom. Spike was still in bed and she asumed asleep.

She assumed wrong. As soon as she sat on the edge of the bed to put her shoes on he grabbed her aroound the waist and pulled her back down with him.

"Where you off to pet?"

"Downstairs. Coffee. Let me up."

"Nuh uh. Not going any where just yet."

"Um, why?"

"Cause, I had some really interesting dreams last night and I want to talk."

"NO! I mean, no talking until I have coffee. Please?"

"Why pet, if I didn't know better I'd think you were trying to avoid me?"

"No, I just really need coffee this morning, I had a long night."

"Alright. Coffee first but then we talk. Let me get dressed I'll go with you."

Ten minutes later they were in Angel's kitchen having breakfast. Willow found some muffins in the refigerator and made some coffee. Spike helped himself to the blood in the fridge and was also enjoying a muffin. Spike waited until Willow had finished her first cup of coffee before trying to talk to her.

"Luv, you've had your coffee can we talk now?"

"Spike I think we should make an ammedment to our earlier agreement. We shouldn't talk to each other about what we've found out either."

"What? Why? I mean what's the problem? I know everything about you as well as you do and you know me as well as I do. Who the bloody hell else can we talk to?"

"Oh. Okay, but can we agree not to use this new found information to embarrass the other person? I don't want to be reminded of certain things as I'm sure you don't either."

"Yes right. I get your point. So how much do you know?" Mmm, pretty much everything up until this spell started. You?"

"The same."

"Do you think that's it then? Mabey it won't go any further?"

"Don't know. Seems to mostly happen when we're sleeping. Guess we'll find out tonight eh?"

"Yeah, guess so. What I don't understand is the understand is the dizzy spells. We see what the other sees then. Sorta freaked me out."

"Oh I don't know, kinda got me all hot and bothered."

"Damn it Spike! Be serious. This could be important."

"Sorry ducks. Just trying to lighten the mood. You think it'll happen again?"

"I don't know. I hope Wesley was able to find something out. I don't like not knowing if this is permanant or not."

"What if it is? What then? I mean will we continue to remember everything the other person has done?"

"I guess so? I don't know."

"Great. So if I fancy a toss you'll get a good seat."

"Well there goes my sex life."

"Please. Not like either of us have anyone right now for that to be an issue."

"Yeah well, at least you don't hear me talking about 'tossing' now do you?"

"No but feel free. I'm all ears."


"Oh and pet?"


"If you do, you know, make sure you keep your eyes open."

Willow threw the closest object she could find, which happened to be a muffin, at Spike. He ducked and it flew over his head. Unfortunately for Angel that was the exact moment he walked into the room. And got hit in the face with a blueberry muffin.

~Part: 14~

Angel had overheard the last part of their conversation and was heading in to rescue Willow from a potentially embarrassing situation. Unfortunately all he did was cause one, for himself. Getting hit in the face with a muffin isn't exactly dignified. Add the fact that said muffin was the kind with the filling in the center and it takes in a whole new level of demeaning. Of course he got no help what's so ever from the Vampire who was curently lying on the floor holding his sides and laughing so hard he had tears streaming down his face. Willow wasn't much better. Oh she tried to help. She just wasn't very successful what with the laughing and all. Angel finally decided to muster what little dignity he had left and head back to his room to clean up.

Spike finally calmed himself after Angel left the room. He hadn't laughed so hard in ages. Willow looked a little pissed that she had missed him and hit Angel but she was still smiling anyways.

"You know, that was meant to hit you."

"I know, but this worked out much better don't you think?"

"I know I shouldn't say this but it was kinda fun. You know Mr Broody Vamp with jam in his oh so perfect hair."

"Knew you had a bad side Red. Don't forget the pieces of muffin that stuck to his forehead."

"Yeah! Oh and the stuff up his nose!"

"Oh yeah, how much you want to bet he'll still have it up his nose when he comes back down? No reflection, no need to breath. I bet he won't even notice."

"Okay, I say he doesn't have muffin up his nose. What's the bet for?"

"Winners choice?"

"You're on!"

Angel had to reshower in order to get the sticky muffin substance out of his hair and off his clothes. It was even in his nose for gods sake! After twenty minutes in the shower he dried dressed and headed back to the kitchen. He noticed that Willow had made coffee and he wanted to get some before it was all gone.

Before entering the kitchen he listened outside to see if they were argueing again. What he heard instead puzzled him somewhat. They were laughing and talking like a couple of old friends. Angel felt a little jealous. Why was it that Willow seemed to be so comfortable with Spike? He was a soulless demon, she shouldn't be friends with him. She was never that friendly with him when he lived in Sunnydale. None of them were. Even Buffy, as much as they loved each other, never had this easy relaxed acceptance of each other. He almost didn't want to intrude on them. He did anyway, the coffee smelled too good. Of course that could be because Cordelia didn't make it.

"Hi Angel. Sorry about before. It was supposed to hit Spike."

"It's alright. I survived worse."

"Ha! I win Spike. You owe me!"

"Yeah, yeah. Want do want for your prize then?"

"I don't know yet. But I'll think of something!"

"Why does that thought scare me luv?"

"Uh, excuse me? Win what? What prize?"

"Oh, sorry Angel. We had a bet and I won."

"A bet on what?"

"Wheather or not you'd still have muffin up yer nose. Git."

"You bet on my having muffin up my nose? Why in the hell would you do that?"

"Because you bloody wanker, it was funny. 'Sides I figured with you not breathing or reflected it was a pretty safe bet."

"Well I'm glad Willow won and I hope she makes you do something awful or embarrassing. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to see if Wesley's arrived yet."

"Bloody poof!"

~Part: 15~

Angel went to Wesleys office noticing that the ex watcher was indeed there and concentrating heavily on a notebook in front of  him. He didn't want to interrupt but he needed to know if he had any new information on the spell.

"Morning Wesley."

"Oh, Angel. Yes, goodmorning to you as well. Everything go okay here last night?"

"If you mean did I refrain from staling a certain annoying blond Vampire? Then the answer is yes, everything went fine."

"Hmm, you sound like things are fine."

"Wes, they're sharing a room, a bed. Have been for a few nights now."

"Oh dear. Are they um...intimate?"

"NO! No it's not like that, not yet at least. Willow's dreams, the memories. they're frightening and having Spike close by seems to help I guess. I wasn't happy about it but she's an adult. She can make her own decisions."

"But to share a bed with a souless demon such as Spike?"

"I didn't say they were good decisions. Did you find out any more about the spell?"

"I'm afraid so. Angel, what she's done....It hasn't been done before. She has magically bound them together in minds and hearts. In life and love. I don't think this can be reversed. I don't know all the ramifications. However I do believe she has made herself immortal in a sense."

"What? How? And how does this affect Spike? Is he immortal as well?"

"I I'm not sure. As I said this hasn't been done before. It isn't an everyday occurence for a Vampire to have feelings for a mortal. As I said before Spike has to have feelings for her or this spell wouldn't have worked. If  it were common, surely this sort of thing would have happened before."

"You're right. Spike isn't like most Vampire's. He always carried more humanity than most. He loves, and when he does, it's completely."

"We have to tell them Angel."

"I know, but not yet. Give it another day, lets see if we can't find something first. Even something to stop the memory sharing. I mean it's got to be tough on Willow."

"Very well then. I'll keep looking."

By the time Cordelia Showed up for work Angel was in his office going over their newest case, Wesley was still in his office - although Willow had brought him in some coffee earlier - researching the spell ans Spike and Willow were playing cards on the floor of the lobby. Seeing as how nobody informed her of the fact that they were there she was completely shocked. Not to mention a little scared. Last time she'd seen Spike he was torturing Angel over a ring.


"Hi Cordelia. How are you?"

"Good. Why is HE here?"

"Oh, SPIKE is here with me. Don't worry he's not going to bite. Angel's okay with it."

"Oh, how long are you two staying?"

"Don't know. We got here last night. I hope you don't mind but Angel let us use your room."

"Us? You mean you slept together? Eeeew! What is it with you Sunnydalers and sleeping with the dead?"

"Geez Cordy! Get your mind out of the sewer. We shared a bed, we didn't have sex. Besides that's none of your business anyways! And who are you to talk? You dated Xander!"

Cordelia was speachless. She'd never heard Willow yell before. Spike was cracking up laughing. This was turning out to be a fun trip, pissed off his sire, saw said sire get plastered with a muffin, shared a bed with his witch, and saw the cheerleader speachless. Yep all in all a good time.

"Way to go luv. Never seen anyone manage to shut her up before."

"Thanks Spike!"

"Are we still playing here?"

"Oh, of course. You got any two's?"

"Go fish luv. Next time I choose the bloody game!"

"Fine. But no 'strip' anything!

"Aw, pet don't you trust me? Honestly I wasn't thinking of that."

"We'll see."

"Damn! Keep forgettin about that memory deal. Fine you got me!"

"I already had you."

"Trust me pet, you'd know if you'd HAD me."

Willow blushed and fidgeted with her cards. Spike chuckled at her. Cordelia just shook her head and walked away. This place got stranger every day.

~Part: 16~

By the time the sun had set Willow and Spike had played every card game they knew that didn't involve stripping or dismemberment. Cordelia, Angel and Wesley spent the day working and pretty much left them alone.

"Spike, I'm bored."

"Yeah, and?"

"I don't know. Entertain me."

"Well...I have a few ideas on how to keep you occupied."

"Stop leering at me! That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Alright pet. Why don't we go out for a bit. Mabey a club hey?"

"Um, okay. I'll go get ready and you tell Angel that we're going out."

"Sure pet."

Willow went upstairs and pulled a dress out of her bag. She packed it in case she actually got to do something fun while in LA. Turns out it was a good thing she did. She headed off to shower and do her hair. Spike stood on the front steps of the hotel having a cigarette and trying to figure out the best place to take Willow. Most of the clubs he knew were demon hang outs. Not that she wouldn't be admitted, she's a witch after all but he figured she'd want to go some place normal. He put out his smoke and went back inside. He figured the easiest solution was to ast his sire's secretary.

"Hey, Cordelia?"

"What? And did you just call me by name?"

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Okay Spike, what do you want? And don't tell me you don't want something or you wouldn't have bothered with my name!"

"Christ luv, you always this trusting?"

"I work for a Vampire who has identity issues. What do you think?"

"Point taken. Where's a good club around here? I told Red I'd take her out tonight."

"Hmm, that depends. What kinda club you looking for? There's a Jazz club a few blocks over and there are a few good dance clubs near by."

"Dunno. I'm not sure where Red'd be more comfortable. The only place in Sunnyhell she ever goes is the Bronze."

"That's because there's no where else in Sunnyhell to go! Tell you what, give me half an hour an I'll go with you two."

"Nah, don't worry about it. We'll find our way around."

"Oh I don't think so. I highly doubt Angel will be to comfortable letting Willow go off clubbing with you. If I go too he'll relax about it. Otherwise he's just gonna follow you. You choose. Me or tall dark and broody?"

"Yeah fine, half an hour."

Cordelia went upstairs to the room she keeps at the hotel and knocked on the door.

"Willow? Can I come in?"

"Come on in Cordy."

"Hey, heard that his bleachness is taking you out tonight. I hope you don't mind but I kinda invited myself along."

"No I don't mind, but why?"

"Angel. I know if you two go alone he'll follow you and make Spike angry and then they'll fight, you'll be miserable and working here tomorrow will be hell!"

"Ah, so it's purely selfish."

"Of course! I have some clothes here in the closet so I was just gonna change before we leave. Spike has so graciously given me half an hour to get ready."

"Damn! You better hurry then!"

"Is that what you're wearing?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, no reason but can I show you something?"


Cordelia went to the closet and opened the doors. Inside were actually alot of clothes. Everything from jeans and tee shirts to formal wear. Plus shoes! Cordelia rummaged through the vast amount of hangers and pulled out a pair of black leather pants and handed them to Willow. She then pulled down a silver glittery halter top and a sheer white blouse. These items she also handed to her.

"What are these for?"

"Well, the pants I bought on sale and couldn't return, they don't fit properly but I think they would work on you. The top and blouse are because they look good with the pants. Besides you don't want to go clubbing in that dress. Not the kind of places we're going."

"Okay, What are you wearing?"

"Something similar, don't worry. You'll look great! Now go change."

Willow headed back to the bathroom and changed into the clothes Cordelia had given her. She was right, she looked good. She put on a bit of make up and did her hair. When she came back into the room Cordelia had changed into a pair of tight red leather pants, and a black silk blouse. She looked good.

"Wow, Cordy you look great!"

"So do you, what do you have for shoes here?"

"Uh, sneakers, sandals and a pair of green pumps."

"Uhg! None of which goes with that outfit. What size are your feet?"


"Me too! Good I have just the thing."

Cordelia pulled a pair of black leather boots with three inch heels out of the closet and handed them to Willow. They were very similar to what Cordy was wearing only the heels were higher on hers.

"We better hurry or blondie's gonna leave without us."

"Yeah. Spike's not the most patient man I've ever know."

When the girls got downstairs Spike was nowhere to be seen. They looked out front and then around the main foyer, still no Spike. Then they heard Angel yelling in his office.

"Looks like Spike told Angel we're going out tonight."

"Ouch. Mabey you should have told him."

"Yeah, mabey we should have just gone and not told him."

"Probably. Lets go rescue your Vampire."

~Part: 17~

Meanwhile in Angels office Spike was up against the wall with Angel's hand around his throat. A place he seemed to be alot since they got there. Apparently telling Angel he was taking both the girls out on the town wasn't such a great idea. As soon as the words left his mouth he found himself against the wall with a very pissed off sire in his face.

"Soddin' hell Angelus! Get off me!"


"Why the bloody hell not?"

"You are NOT taking the girls out to some club where god knows what will happen to them! I know the kind of clubs you hang out in, no way are Cordy and Willow going to some S&M club or demon hangout with you!"

"You stupid git! The cheerleader's picking the club! I wouldn't take Red somewhere she'd get hurt."

"Why don't I believe you? If you didn't have that chip in your head you'd probably have killed her by now or worse."

"No, you've got me confused mate. You're the one who was into torturing your victims, bleeding them for days. Driving them insane, raping, beating, this ring any bells Angelus?"

Just then Willow and Cordelia walked into the office.

"Angel! Let him go! How dare you?"

"What? Willow, how dare I what?"

"Look Angel, you may not trust Spike but I do. It's really none of your business if we go out tonight. I only asked him to tell you as a courtesy. I forgot however that you can't seem to understand that he's my friend."

"I was only trying to protect you."

"From what? Going out and having fun? Gee thanks!"

"No from Spike. Willow he's a souless Vampire. He'll hurt you."

"No Angel, he won't. Even without a soul he won't. You on the other hand have. You hurt me by not trusting in my own judgement. I know what Spike is capable of, I have all his memories. But I also know what you are capable of. If you try to hurt him again Angel, friend or not, I will turn you into a rat. Come on Spike, let's go."

Willow and Spike left Angels office. Angel held Cordelia back for a minute.

"Why are you going with them?"

"I thought you'd feel better if I did."

"Oh. I guess Willow's kind of angry with me huh?"

"Duh! Willow is very loyal to her friends Angel. If she considers Spike her friend and by the looks of things she does, then she most likely will turn you into a rat for hurting him. Angel?"


"Willow has all Spike's memories now right?"


"Then she knows everything you've ever done to him. Everything. If it was as bad as I think it was..."

"It was worse. Angelus tortured William. In every way possible. Horrible degrating things. Starvings, beatings, rapings, disfigurements. It was worse than anything you'd ever imagine."

"And Willow now shares Spikes pain and humiliation. He can't fight you because you are still his sire, she isn't your childe Angel, but she is your friend. Otherwise she would have probably ratted you or worse already."

"Thanks Cordy, I never really thought about from her point of view. Have fun tonight, keep an eye on her?"

"Sure thing Boss. Don't wait up!"

Cordelia joined the other two in the hotel lobby. Spike put his duster on and they headed out into the night. As soon as they left the hotel Angel went into Wesleys office.


"No I'm afraid not. As I told you before, I don't think there is anything I can do."

"Damn! I was still hoping we could reverse this."

"Angel, I think it's time we speak with Willow and Spike."

"It'll have to wait for tomorrow, they went out with Cordelia."

"Oh. Well then if I'm not needed anymore than I think I shall return home and get some sleep."

"That's fine Wesley, you do that. I'll see you in the morning."

Wesley gathered his things and went home. Leaving Angel alone at the hotel to do what he does best. Brood. He was of course thinking about what Cordy had said earlier. Willow had every reason to hate him for what he had done to Spike. Of course he was Angelus then and Spike was William, but that doesn't excuse him at all. He never felt sorry for what he had done to William, not as Angelus and not as Angel either. Spike was just a demon after all, and Angel fought against demons. He himself didn't really feel like a demon anymore. Sure he had to drink blood, avoid sunlight, crosses and holy water. Oh and there was the whole being dead thing, but with his soul and his mission he felt more self righteous than others. Spike was just an uncaring demon, he was beneath him. Except Spike was far from uncaring.

Angel remembered just how caring William had been. The most pathetic Vampire he'd ever had the misfortune of turning. He cried for hours after his first kill. It took him days before he would hunt again. Angelus finally had to force him to feed each night. He was far to human in the early years. Eventually he got past the killing, but he still acted more human than he should have. He fell in love with Dru, would have done anything for her. It only enraged Angelus further. He beat him, raped him, left him for days without feeding. He tortured him physically, mentally anyway he could. He took Drucilla to his bed and made William watch as he took her repeatedly. He tortured Dru till she could hardly keep her eyes open, and he made William watch. One of the worst things he did was when he made William hurt Dru, it was hard to tell who was being tortured.

There were some memories that were so horrid that Angel refused to bring them to the surface. He would not remember them. For if he did surely he would go mad from grief. No one should be able to keep their sanity intact knowing they have caused such pain and enjoyed it. Yes, Spike had every right to hate him as well.

And so it went. Willow Spike and Cordelia were out on the town having fun. Wesley was at home sleeping, and Angel, he was sitting in his office trudging up a past he had long since burried. Who knew if things would ever be the same for him. It was hard to feel self righteous when you're no better than the scum you fight against. At least that's how Angel was now feeling.

~Part: 18~

Spike sat at the table sipping his beer and watching the girls dance. He was glad to be away from the hotel and Angel for a while. He didn't like to think about the past, it was too painful, but with Willow's crying and screaming in her sleep it brought it all back to the surface. He wanted to go home. Back to Sunnyhell and away from the Poof.

He tried to get his thoughts off of Angel and the past by turning his attention to the two very beautiful, leather clad women he came with. They were dancing with each other, he assumed to keep the male patrons from hitting on them. It suddenly occured to him that Cordelia had no idea that Willow was into girls. This could be fun. Oh he knew she wasn't immune to the charms of the male gender, her feelings toward him were proof enough of that. He almost understood why she preferred women after receiving her memories. The wolf didn't know what to do with a women. But Tara, well she certainly did. He enjoyed those memories when he got them. Who knew the shy quiet little witch was such a good lay? Too bad she left Red for another witch. Her loss, my gain. He watched as Willow moved closer to Cordelia and trailed her hands along the other girls sides. She slid her hands up Cordelias body and pulled her arms over her head. Spike saw Willow look at him and wink before sliding her hands back down and resting them on the brunettes ass.

Cordelia was beyond shocked when Willow started touching her in such an intimate fashion. She never knew Willow could be so bold and sexual. One glance over at the table and she saw Spike grin at her. She realized that everything Willow did with her, Spike would experience first hand through their bond. She didn't know whether to be repulsed by that or excited. Who was she kidding, Spike was a hotty even if was technically dead. She decided to go with it and started touching Willow as well.

Spike was enjoying the show they were putting on. Cordelia seemed to be enjoying the attention her dance partner was giving her. Spike couldn't wait to see her reaction when she realized that he would know exactly what she felt like. Before he could contemplate that any further the song ended and the girls came back to the table. Willow grabbed her drink and took a big swallow. Cordy sat and sipped at hers. Willow sat on Spikes lap and stated whispering in his ear.

"I know what your thinking, you can't wait untill you get all my memories of tonight. You want to feel her ass under your hands, her breasts brushing up against you. The feel of her hot little body pressed to yours. She smells good too, like wild flowers. Her skin is so soft and smooth and her hands feel sooo good when they touch me. I bet your getting hard just thinking about it aren't ya Spike? You don't have to answer that, I can tell you are. Just know that every thought you're having right now about Cordelia and me is going to be mine soon. Make sure it's worth my effort here, hey?"

Willow climbed off Spikes lap and pulled Cordelia back onto the dance floor. Spike swallowed the lump in his throat and shook his head to clear it. He never expected her to talk dirty to him. Especially about the cheerleader. He was so hard right now he thought he might poke a hole through his jeans. Still, he couldn't stop himself from watching them together. Watching them and thinking all sorts of naughty things. He made a mental note to himself to get Willow to drink more often, it loosened her up.

Cordelia wasn't sure of just what happened back there at the table but if the expression on Spikes face was anything to go on Willow was getting him all hot and bothered. She decided that this could be alot of fun and decided to play along. So when Willow pulled her back into her chest and started running her hands across her body she responded by throwing her head back onto Willows shoulder and wriggling her ass into her.

Willow was shocked by the way Cordy was dancing with her. She looked at her inquisitivly and Cordy nodded toward the table. At that moment Willow realized that Cordy had figured out what she was doing and wanted to play along. She smiled at her and pulled her in tighter against her.

Spike wanted to go. Right now. If he had to watch them much longer he was going to combust. He had finished his beer, both of their drinks and gotten up and ordered more. If Vampires could sweat he was sure he would be doing it right now. He drained the beer in front of him and stood to go to the bar for another when the girls came back to the table.

"Where are you going Spike?"

"To the bar, need another beer."

"Okay, could you get me another rum and coke? Mine seems to have disappeared."

"Yeah sure Red. Cheerleader, you want anything?"

"Yeah, same as Will."

"Right, be back in a bit pets."

"Okay, now that he's gone. What were you whispering to him?"

"Mmm, naughty things. Got him all hot and horny."

"Are you drunk?"

"No, not yet, just feeling really good right now."

"Oh, Okay then. So how long are you planning to string him along before you jump on him?"

"What? Spike and I are just friends."

"Mmm hmm. Friends who whisper naughty things to each other? Friends who share a bed? Friends who can't stop looking at each other when the other isn't looking?"

"Oh. That obvious huh?"

"Please, he soo wants you. Don't be surprised if he tries to move things beyond friends very soon."

Just then Spike came back to the table with their drinks. Willow drank half of hers down in one gulp. Spike watched her do this and looked at Cordy with a raised eyebrow. She just smiled at him and took a sip from her drink. The three of them sat quietly for a few more minutes before Willow finished her drink and slammed the glass down on the table. She grabbed Spike and pulled him up out of his chair.

"Dance with me?"

"Uh, I don't dance pet."

"Uh uh, I know better. You do dance, lets go."

"Damn! Fine but no one in Sunnyhell finds out."

"Told you Spikey, all your secrets are safe with me."

Cordelia watched as Willow led Spike onto the dance floor. She was surprised at how well Spike actually moved. They looked good together, and if she was right about the two of them Angel was going to be in a very foul mood tomorrow. Vampire hearing and all that. Oh well, mabey she'd call in sick. Yeah definately a good idea.

Spike was glad she dragged him out to dance with her. He'd never admit it but he was starting to get a bit jealous of the cheerleader. That and he was enjoying having her in his arms, touching him and rubbing her body against his. He wasn't to keen on the music but at least it had a decent beat to it. He pulled Willows back against his chest in a parody of the dance she'd done with Cordelia earlier. Willow responded in much the same way by resting her head on his shoulder and wriggling her ass into his crotch.

"Bloody hell Red! Keep that up and I'm going to take you right here on the floor."

"Nuh uh, floor's too hard. Want a bed."

"We've got a nice comfy bed back at the Poofs hotel."

"Yeah, I know."

Willow continued to dance with spike, not grinding herself into him any more. After the song ended he tried to take her back to the table but she pulled him back. The next song was slower so he pulled her close and put his hands on her lower back. She responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head against his chest. They swayed slowly to the music, his hands rubbing small circles on her back, and her fingers playing with the hairs on the back of his neck. When she looked up at him he slowly lowered his face to hers and kissed her.

Back at the table Cordelia watched the couple as they danced. When Spike kissed Willow she knew they would be leaving soon. She finished her drink and grabbed their coats. When the song ended the couple broke apart but reached for each others hands. Cordelia met them half way, handed them their things and told them she was calling a cab to get home. Willow and Spike smiled at each other and headed back to the hotel together.

~Part: 19~

By the time Willow and Spike got back to the hotel Angel had been brooding something fierce. He blamed himself for every person Spike had ever killed. True, Drucilla had turned him but Angelus was the one who trained him. He blamed himself for being to weak to kill Spike when he had the chance. Now Willow was paying for it, she was bonded to his Childe's Childe. Reliving his lifetime of killing and torture. It wasn't fair. These were the thought that led him to take that first drink. Unfortunately one drink turned into two and before he knew it he had finished the bottle. With no regard to Willow's saftey Angel decided to end this spell the easiest way possible. He would kill Spike. Angel waited behind the door for them to come back. He heard them outside and wondered what was keeping them from coming in.

Willow stopped Spike just as he was about to open the front door. She pushed him up against it and pulled his head toward her. She kissed him softly but passionately. He returned the kiss and pulled her body close to his. She could feel  his erection digging into her stomache, he wanted her as much as she wanted him. They broke away from each other smiling. Spike took Willow's hand and led her into the Hotel.

Angel lunged at Spike as soon as he entered. He plunged a stake into Spikes chest and Willow screamed. Angel  grabbed Willow by the arm and tried to pull her into his office to talk, she tore her arm out of his grip and rushed to Spike. Spike was lying on the floor, blood was flowing from the wound in his chest. Willow grabbed the Stake and pulled it out. She pulled her blouse off and pressed it to the wound.

"Spike? Oh Godess, Spike are you okay?"


"I'm here Spike. It's okay, you're going to be fine."

"What the bloody hell happened?"

"Angel tried to stake you, he must have missed."

"No. He didn't."


"Yeah, help me up eh? I need to feed."

Willow helped Spike up and took him to the kitchen. Angel came in behind them and Willow just glared at him. She heated some blood for Spike and then walked over to Angel and slapped him across the face. Hard.

"How could you?"

"I was trying to..."

"What? Kill him? Possibly kill me? What exactly were you trying to do Angel?"

"I was thinking that I could end this spell if I killed Spike. I was trying to help you."

"Help me? If this is your idea of help Angel, I think I'll just take Spike back to Sunnydale."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, I sorta got drunk and it seemed like a good idea."

"Oh well then that excuses everything. You were drunk!"

"Why isn't he dust? I know I didn't miss."

"I don't know. But you're lucky he isn't or you would be too. I warned you not to hurt him and so you try to kill him instead."

"Willow I..."

Angel didn't get a chance to finish what he was saying as Willow decided to make good on her threat and turned him into a rat. She reached down and picked the Angel rat up. Spike watched the whole thing in fascination. He was still stunned that he was still there. By all rights he should have been a pile of ash in the front lobby.

"Now Angel, I'm not going to leave you like this forever. I will turn you back in the morning after I have coffee. Trust me, you don't want me to try it before I get my caffine fix. Now I'm going to put you in a box and then I'm going to take Spike up to bed. That okay with you?"

The Angel rat looked at her and hung it's head. Spike laughed out loud at the sight of Willow talking to a rat. A rat that was up until a few minutes ago Angel.

"Do you think he understands you pet?

"Oh yeah, I think he understands real well."

"Alright then, put the bloody thing somewhere and lets go to bed."

Willow put Angel in a box and set the box in Angel's office. She then helped Spike upstairs to their room. When they got in there she helped him get undressed and into bed. She went into the bathroom and got ready for bed. She came back into the room with some bandages and alcohol. After patching Spike up and putting everything away she climbed into bed beside him.

"Well luv, I guess the mood's been ruined huh?"

"Gee you think? Besides, you mister bad ass Vampire are in no shape tonight."

"Hey! I may not be 100 percent but I can still shag you!"

"Yeah well I expect 100 percent, so you're just going to have to wait until you feel better."

"Fine. But this isn't finished. I want you, and I plan to have you. Repeatedly!"

Willow turned off the light and cuddled into Spike being careful not to touch his chest. After a while they both fell asleep.

It was just before dawn when Willow sat up in bed screaming and clutching her chest. She startled Spike who jumped out of bed in game face growling. He looked around the room quickly before seeing Willow. As soon as he saw her he knew she had caught up on his memories.

"You okay pet?'

"Yeah, it still hurts though."

"Let me see."

"You're just trying to get me topless. I know all about your lusty thoughts."

"Yeah, you caught me. Come on lift up."

Willow pulled her top up and Spike looked at her chest, she didn't have any marks at least.

"Everything looks okay, there are no bruises or anything."

"Are you still in pain?"

"A bit. Why?"

"Mabey that's why I hurt."

"Could be."

"What time is it?"


"Okay, I'm going back to sleep."

"Good idea luv. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Spike. Oh and by the way, I'm not having sex bent over the front seat of your car so don't even think about it!"

"Already thought about it luv, too late."

"Well, don't think about it again."

Willow tried to go back to sleep but her mind kept going over everything that happened last night. Angel tried to kill Spike. By all rights Spike should be dead. Did this spell make him immortal? What about crosses and holy water? What about Sunlight? Was she immortal too? It was too much for her to deal with. She would talk to Wesley as soon as he came in, she wouldn't even de-rat Angel until after she talked him. With that settled she rolled over and cuddled into Spike. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Go to sleep pet. We'll talk to the Watcher when he gets here."

"That's what I was just thinking."

"See? Now we're reading each others minds?"

"Oh yay! Lucky me."

"Funny pet. Go to sleep."


They both fell asleep wondering what exactly was happening to them.

~Part: 20~

Spike heard the sound of movement in the hotel. He listened closely figuring it was either the watcher or the cheerleader. He was hoping for the cheerleader, after lastnights round of memories he could have some fun with the girl. She knew exactly what she was doing when she flirted with Red. He had to admit that brought her up a few points in his book. He had no idea she had a wicked side, a bitchy side most definately but this he wasn't prepared for. Now ha had to actually like the chit.

Willow knew Spike was awake, she also knew he was concentrating on something. That could only mean that they had company of the non rodent variety in the hotel. She knew it was time to get up but she was so comfortable lying in bed, in Spike's arms. But they needed answers and they weren't going to get them staying in bed all day.

"We should get up."

"Don't want to. I'd rather stay here."

"Yeah but you're not 100 percent yet remember?"

"You won't be saying that later, by tonight I'll be good as new."

"Works for me. So who's down there?"

"Not sure, hope it's the chit though. Planning to have a little fun with her."

"Yeah, who knew Cordy could be so wicked?"

"Hell luv, I didn't know YOU could be so wicked!"

"Mmm, you don't know the half of it."


"Right. Now out of bed you lazy dead man."

"Hey! Not lazy, I was fatally wounded last night remember?"

"That's exactly why we have to get up. I have questions to ask and a few experiments to carry out."

"Experiments? Like what?"

"Well, stakes don't work right? So I was thinking mabey sunlight and holy water might not either."

"True, never even considered it. Knew you were the smart one luv."

The witch and the vampire got dressed and went downstairs. Wesley was in the kitchen shuffling around trying to make coffee. Willow set about warming some blood for Spike and getting herself some breakfast. By the time the coffee was ready Spike had consumed three mugs of blood and Willow had eaten two of the blueberry muffins. Wesley brought Willow some coffee and asked about Angels whereabouts. Spike cracked up laughing and Willow scowled at him before giggling a little herself.

Willow filled Wesley in on the events of the night before. Spike interjected a few times with some very colourful words and phrases much to Wesleys embarassment. By the time Willow finished her tale Wesley was quite distressed.

"And you say that you can feel his injury?"


"She woke up screaming and holding her chest watcher what do you think?"

"Spike, be nice. Wesley's trying to help."

"Sorry luv, I just don't like the idea of you in pain."

"Thanks. That's..."

"Don't you dare say sweet!"

"I wasn't going to! I was going to"

"Sweet. Admit it ducks, you know I'll find out."

"Fine! I was going to say sweet. Happy?"

"Not particularly."

"Sorry. So, um Wesley? Do you think mabey Spike could be like unkillable?"

"Well, the uh, staking didn't seem to work so...mabey. We should test this theory."

"Well I was thinking about that, you know start small. Crosses and holy water first."

"Ooooh fore play luv?"

"If you want to call it that go ahead. But I'm not sure Wesley here swings that way. He will be testing your impervious state while I go and de-rat a certain broody vampire we all know."

"NOT fore play! Yeesh, just the idea distubs me."

"I'll have you know that I am no more attracted to the thought than you are! The very idea of it, I mean I was a watcher! I would never, not with a vampire!"

"Hey ducks? You notice he isn't opposing because I'm a man?"


"Alright pet. You go fix up the 'rat king of brood' and old Wes and me will play 'try to burn the vampire'."

Inside Angel's office a rat sat in a box on the top of the desk. The rat formerly known as Angel was doing the one thing he could still do as a rat. Brooding. He had tried to kill Spike last night. He would have killed him, hell by all rights and reason Spike should be a big pile of dust in the lobby. But instead, Spike spent last night curled up in bed with Willow and he, Angel spent the night as a rat in a cardboard box.

Sure, Spike was en evil souless bastard who probably should be staked. At least that's what he keeps telling himself. But why did Angel stake him? He told himself it was to help Willow. But after a whole night to think on it he knew that wasn't the only reason. That was just the nobelest one he could find. Part of it was guilt, he was a warrior for the light he shouldn't be housing and helping soulless demons. But the biggest part, the part he tried to drown away in alcohol, was that he was jealous.

Angel was jealous of Spike, Spike was souless yet he was accepted into the lives of the Sunnydale gang as a friend. Mabey not by Xander but that boy hates all things male that get near Buffy. And Buffy herself trusted Spike. She trusted him to care for and protect her sister, not to mention the gang. As for Dawn, Angel knew that his memories of the girl weren't real and he'd never met her before but they seemed real and the fact that she looked up to Spike, trusted him, worse even, she was crushing on him. That bothered the hell out of him. Spike had everything that Angel was denied when he lived in Sunnydale. Friends, family, a sense of belonging. Angel was always on the edges of their lives, a casual observer. Spike was smack dab in the center of them and they didn't seem to mind. Some of them were even happy about it. Hell, Rupert allowed Spike to live in his apartment with him. Even before what happened with Jenny, the Watcher was always distant toward Angel.

Angel decided that if he could admit to himself that he was jealous of Spike then he could also admit he was jealous of Willow. Willow had something he had never managed to achieve, not even as Angelus. She had Spike's complete devotion. Willow now knew everything about Spike, every thought, every feeling, every memory. Good or bad, she had experienced them all. She knew him better that anyone, she understood him, and she accepted him. All of him. Spike wouldn't brush that off as nothing. If Willow needed him, for any reason, Spike would be there for her. He would never turn her away, or belittle her. They were closer than friends, closer than lovers. They were one with each other. And he had tried to kill her other half. What was he thinking? He was lucky he was still alive, well he was undead before but you get the point. He would have to apologize to Willow if she ever changed him back. But he wouldn't explain, not when Spike would eventually find out. He wouldn't that boy any more ammunition to use against him.

Willow entered Angel's office and watched the rat that was huddled in the darkest corner of the box. She almost smiled when she realized he was still brooding even as a rat. Too bad Spike wasn't there to see it. Then she realized he didn't need to be. She concentrated really hard on Spike and the next thing she knew she was looking at Wesley. She listened to him prattling on about something English and thought that she'd rather be watching Angel brood than listen to this. Then she was. She ran out of the office and back toward the kitchen. She could hear Spike laughing before she even opened the door. She also heard Wes asking him what was so funny.

"Oh my God! It worked!"

"What worked? Miss Rosenburg, what are you talking about? And why is he laughing?"

"He laughing because Angel broods even as a rat! You really should see it, it's very cute. He even has his little head hung low and puppy eyes."

"Oh. Well, what exactly did you come in here for?"

"Well I was watching Angel brood and then I thought 'Spike should see this' so then I just concentrated on Spike and we switched. That's why he's laughing, he saw rat Angel brooding in his cardboard box."

"Facinating! You are able to affect a switch when ever you want to?"

"I don't know. This is the first time I've actually tried. The other two times it was an accident."

By this time Spike had stopped laughing and was paying attention to the conversation.

"So you just thought about me and bang, we switched?"

"Yeah, pretty much. I wanted you to see Angel."

"Thanks for sharing luv, it was priceless. But watch when you do that hey? Unless you're in the tub again!"

"Yeah, cause I'm always thinking about you when I'm in the tub."

"Hey me too, but I'm more of a shower guy if you get my drift."

"You think about me in the shower? Why? ...OH! I gotta go back to Angel's office now. Bye."

Willow turned and went back to the office and closed the door behind her self. She walked over to the box on the desk and looked in on Angel. He was still brooding.

"Good morning Angel. I hope you slept well. I'm going to change you back now and then you and I will have a little chat about how I don't like the feeling of being staked. That sound okay to you? Well seeing as you can't answer me right now I better fix you up."

Willow set the rodent on the floor and waved her hands at him while chanting. Angel turned back into a Vampire and waited until she looked at him before he spoke.

"I'm sorry, I won't try it again."
