Playing with Fire
Author: Kermet
Rating: PG
Paring: W/S
Authors Notes: The whole Dawn being the key thing never happened, Buffy never died.  Also if you like Buffy this fic may not be for you.
Feedback: Feedback gives makes me want to right more.


"Here are the pictures you wanted." The blue Dergoin demon handed the
package to Spike. Tearing open the seal the blonde vampire flipped
through the pictures with a smile on his face.
      "Very nice, here keep the tip" Spike said giving the demon a
wad of hundred dollar bills.  <Well I just may have to add three
Slayers to my list> Spike thought.  Looking at the pictures again.
All of them were of Buffy devastated and tormented.  All because of
      <All of my hard work paid off, about bloody time too.> If he
stayed with the Slayer any longer than he had he might have staked
himself.  It was a good thing he had resolve.
      It was really a fantastic plan.  Make the Slayer think you're
in love with her, then make Slayer fall in love with you.  Of course
the latter took some more time, Buffy was more than willing to sleep
with Spike but to get her to say openly she was in love with her
former enemy took forever.  But once she did everything fell into
place.  Everyone was dead set against it.  Especially Willow, it was
one of the few times she yelled at Buffy, threatening to call Giles.
Xander was almost as bad, yelling along with Willow but the only
phrases they could make out were "Holy crap" and " I wish I were
blind again".  Anya was worried not about Buffy but if this would
divert attention from her wedding.  Dawn was stunned and would hardly
say a word.
      Since that time the group had drifted apart, coming together
only when Hellmouth was going to open again, which wasn't often so
soon it was just Buffy and Spike.  And one night on a routine demon
ass kicking, one demon got lucky and shoved a wooden spear through
Spike's heart, killing him instantly right in front of Buffy.  Or so
she thought. In reality Spike had the whole thing planned for weeks.
Making a deal with the demons and having glamour spell ready. Buffy
truly believed that her love had died.
      Which was absolutely perfect, Buffy was beyond her hurt. And
the best thing was she wouldn't accept any condolences from any of
her friends because she felt that they were not sincere, causing the
rift between them to be permanent.
      Even since then Buffy sprit was slowly dying, and soon her
body would follow.  Lot's of people died from a broken heart, and
soon the Slayer would join those numbers.
      <Just because I'm chipped doesn't mean I'm not the Big Bad>
Spike lit up another cigarette.  Picking up a picture of the Slayer
crying for endless hours.  He wished he could've been there to see
the anguish himself, but he would just have to be content with
pictures and the eventual death of the Slayer called Buffy.

"Great three hours in London and I'm already lost" Willow muttered to
      <This is * not *  going to look good in front of the Counsel>
Willow thought trying to figure out the map in front of her.  She
didn't want to call Giles just yet.  She really wasn't ready to talk
to him, because she knew the first question out of his mouth would
be "How is Buffy?" and then she would be forced to tell him that the
Slayer that he had trained for years was now a shell of the girl she
used to be, and that she hated them all now and that the one person
to blame for all this was already dead.  No sireee she was not ready
to speak to Giles yet.
      But she had to be ready sometime; the Counsel had offered her
a job ever since she was in college.  With the break up of the group
Willow decided she needed a change and she could do that and still
help people if she were in the Counsel.
      < I really tried to get through to Buffy but she won't listen
to anyone> Willow thought.  The Slayer had all but cut herself out
from the world only coming out to patrol. Dawn was the only person
Buffy would acknowledge and barely at that.  < I should have been
more supportive of Buffy and Spike's relationship, but how could I
react any other way? > Willow pondered once again.  As always
thinking about Buffy and Dawn made her guilty, on top of being tired
from walking around the city.  It was a good thing she was a light
packer, having only on suitcase.
      Strolling into the nearest Pub the first thing Willow
realized it wasn't a humans only kind of place.  There were many
demons, vamps and only a few human looking kind of people.  But no
one paid attention to Willow so she figured this must be the kind of
place Lorn had, Cordelia told her about some kind of places of
sanctuary that people couldn't be violent at.  The only difference
here was that there was no karaoke bar.  Sitting on the nearest chair
Willow looked at the map again, trying to block surrounding
conversations from her mind.
      "William old boy good to see you." A Rethrok demon slapped
Spike's back.
      "Rekhin, it's been a bloody long time, last I saw you were in
China eaten those poor villagers." Spike said.
      <It can't be.> Willow thought, he was dead Buffy saw it
herself. <I have to look there's no harm in looking> Willow slowly
lowered the map right below her eyes only to see a blonde vampire
joking with a very scary looking demon.
      Spike was un-alive and well. But as far was Willow was
concerned he wasn't going to stay that way.

