Out Of Time

Author's Name: Knightie

Email: knightie@knightflyer.zzn.com

Parts: 31-40


~Part: 31~

Virginia stared at the empty room. Willow had gone; She noted, glancing at the open window. The curtains flipping in the light breeze acted almost like a sign saying 'She went this way'. The vampire closed her eyes. She knowing that had to gather some trusted minions and find her. She scanned the room, hoping the young mortal had taken something as protection.

Her eyes landed on the bed and saw the note. She picked it up and turned toward the door. That's when she felt it. The masters had returned. "Be safe," she murmured and headed out of the room to face her masters for what would, in all likelihood, be the last time.


"I don't trust him. We can't let Willow out of the house without protection," William insisted as he and Angelus walked into the house. "There is something wrong with him."

"I know," Angelus agreed, as he tossed his coat over a table and sank down into a large leather chair near the fireplace. "I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is something not right with him."

"You bloody well don't have to tell me," the blonde muttered.

Angelus opened his mouth to say something, then paused. "Virginia?"

William turned and frowned at the look on the woman's face. "What's wrong?" he asked, his demon coming to the fore. He reached out with his senses and heard, minions chattering throughout the house, the floor boards creaking, the wood in the fire snapping, but no heartbeat. "Where is she?" he snarled as he stormed toward the blonde female.

"Master, I-I don't know," she murmured, lowering her head as she held out the envelope. "She left this."

Angelus was there, a low growl rumbling through him. "What happened?"

"She asked me to fetch her dinner and I did," she explained, nervously. "I went back to bring her down and she-the window was open and that note was left lying on the bed."

William quickly opened the letter and read it to himself.


      I'm sorry. I know you won't understand, but I have to go home. Ican't stay here. I have to find a way home. If I could, I would stay.Honestly, I've enjoyed the time I've spent with you more than I can say.Except for the whole people dying. And while you're a vampire so that's partof the big fun for you, I'm mortal so... not so much.

God, I even babble in letters. I don't have time to rewrite this, so ...forgive me.

I will miss youWillow

PS. Don't hurt Virginia. I made her leave me alone.  Please don't blame her.It's not her fault. I'd feel terrible if you killed her because of me. It'sthe one thing I ask, please.

He finished reading the letter and growled. "You get to live."

Angelus sighed and shook his head. "Willow does have a way of getting what she wants."

"She's not getting away. She can't leave," William snarled, he whirled toward his grandsire and added softly, "She could be killed."

Angelus explained to Virginia what had happened and he was proud to see the protective gleam in her eyes.

"I was about to gather some of the others and go out in search of her," Virginia explained.

"Then do it," Angelus told her. "We're heading out now."

William was already gathering weapons. "Are you about bloody ready?"

Angelus stifled a proud smile at the young vampire's impatience. "Careful boy," he warned, "We'll leave when Virginia is ready."

The female vampire headed for the door, "I'll be ready in a moment."


Winston Giles stared at Peter Travers in shock. He stood there, with a redheaded woman unconscious in his arms. "Don't bloody well stand there all night, move so I can come in!"

Winston moved out of the way then checked to make sure no one had seen Travers enter with the woman. How he'd managed to capture the witch was beyond him. "What have you done?"

"What we've been planning the whole time. She's a witch. She's evil. It's our job to make sure evil doesn't take over," Travers reminded the young Giles.

"Now that you have her, what are you going to do?" he asked. He knew the answer. He'd seen the book. He just wasn't sure how to stop him.

"Kill her, of course."

~Part: 32~


Spike walked into the Watcher's apartment. "Rupert?"

Giles stepped out of the kitchen, a surprised look on his face. "Anything?"

Spike sighed and shook his head. "Nothing. Not a bleeding word. They're either scared, or they truly don't know anything." He tossed his duster over a chair and dropped to the couch. He'd been growing more concerned as he'd searched for information. It was almost unheard of for something to affect the Slayer and her friends and no one know anything.

"The others haven't learned anything. The last time she was seen was when we dropped her off at the dorms."

Spike drew himself up. "I'll go look around. Slayer might have missed something."

Giles nodded and picked up an old watchers diary. "I hope we find her soon."

"Same here," Spike muttered and started toward the door, pausing as he passed Giles and glanced at the book. Something caught his eye, the words, 'Jack the Ripper, London, 1888' were blazoned across the front of it. "Red got you to thinking about the Ripper murders?"

Giles nodded. "I thought she might enjoy this. I'd forgotten about it," he admitted. "I hope she will be able to enjoy it," he added softly as he flipped open the book and leafed through a few pages.

Spike stared at the book. From where he stood it was upside down, but he did see his name and Angelus. He frowned and took the book. There was the mention of a witch that had been with them. He frowned, Dru wasn't a witch, she was a seer. "Who wrote this?" he asked, thumbing through the pages, as a half memory of a mortal woman floated into his brain.

"An ancestor of mine, Winston Giles," he replied, holding his hand out for the book. He closed it and placed it on the table.

Spike growled as another memory lurked just out of his reach. His fingers gouged at his temple and he snarled softly. "Bleeding chip, stirring up -"

"Is the chip firing?" Giles asked, frowning.

"No," he snapped, not wanting Giles or any of the Scooby gang knowing something was up. Well, that wasn't true. Red knew, but he could trust her not to throw it in his face. "I'm going to search for bit longer, then crash." With that, he turned and left the Watcher standing in his living room.


Willow groaned softly as she woke. She tried to lift her arm, but found it tied. She began to panic as the memory of what had happened just before she passed out returned. Okay, calm down. Panicking wasn't going to get her anywhere. She could get out of any situation, if she kept her wits and used her brain. She smiled slightly remembering how everyone told her that she thought too much. "But it just might keep me alive," she murmured aloud.

"I wouldn't count on it," the man from the street informed her. He smiled at her. "You're wondering who I am. My name is Peter Travers."

"Why doesn't that surprise me," she muttered.

"What's that?" Travers asked, without moving from his place by the door.

Willow took a moment to look around. The room had nothing in it except the bed she was tied to. "Nothing," she replied, hoping she was keeping the contempt from her voice. She'd never cared for the Mr. Travers from her time and she was beginning to think that ran in the family.

"Yes, well. I want you to relax. You're an essential part in my plan."

"What plan?" Willow asked. Something felt... wrong. Very wrong. She glanced around, looking for anything she could use to get out alive.

Travers smirked, sending shivers down her spine. "Now that would be telling. Don't worry, little witch. It'll all be over soon." With those ominous words, he turned and slipped out of the room.

She heard locks clinking into place and shuddered. "I should have stayed with William and Angelus."

~Part: 33~

October 5, 1888

"You're wearing a hole in the floor, lad," Angelus' voice boomed from his seat at the desk. The papers were still filled with the news of the Ripper's double murder. "I'm certain there was at least one more that the papers don't know about. The night Willow disappeared, her friend Gwen was found murdered; not like the others but still," he informed the younger vampire who was currently pacing in front of the door waiting for the sun to go down.

"I don't bloody care about any other mortals," William snapped.

Angelus smiled softly as he rose. "I know, me boy. The sun is setting and we have a witch to find. Virginia brought us a lead this morning. I think we should follow it."

The blonde vampire simply glared at him in a way that seemed to be typical of those his age. "The wanker hasn't made any kills since the day after Willow was taken."

"Yes, but others where killed." He paused and eyed the blonde. "The very next night. I don't believe that the Ripper has her."

William nodded his agreement as he began pulling on his coat. "He's been seen since then as well. He's still searching."

"I believe his double event the other week was a result of his frustration at not finding the witch he sought." At least that's what Angelus hoped. The thought that he'd gotten the redheaded witch, killed her and found she wasn't what he needed didn't sit well with the Irishman. He rose and snatched on his great coat. They had to find her; he couldn't keep William from tearing the town apart much longer. And if he went up against Jack in his current state of mind... he would lose.

"I've got a couple of leads I need to follow up," William mumbled without looking back at his sire.


Willow woke slowly. She couldn't remember how long she had been there, and she hated to admit that she was beginning to lose hope that William and Angelus would find her. Travers came every day, sometimes several times; on each visit he would chant a few words and shove some god awful tasting liquid with even worse tasting herbs down her throat. Sometimes he would mumble about it taking so long to get the ingredients he needed. Today, or tonight or whatever time of day it was, it was different. This time he was mad.

"Stupid fools!" he snapped as he walked over to the bed. He glared down at her and something in his eyes scared her more than Angelus had back in the future. She couldn't help but giggle at the thought of the silly movie. It had been the wrong thing to do. "Oh you think it's funny?" He roared as he drew back and punched her in the gut.

She couldn't help but scream, which only served to enrage him more. He was a flurry of fists; she bit back the urge to scream more. It would only make him angrier.

"What are you doing?!" a shocked male voice yelled from the doorway, just before Willow lost consciousness.

~Part: 34~

Winston Giles couldn't believe what he was seeing. For the first time since Peter Travers had brought the young witch here, he'd forgotten to lock the door. When the sounds of her pain-filled scream were heard, Winston found he couldn't stand by any longer. He'd rushed to the door and tried to open it, and was surprised when it did. Now he was staring at Peter maliciously beating the young woman. "What are you doing?!"

"What are you doing in here?" Travers snarled as he turned toward the door.

"I heard ... her."

"Get out. She'll be dead soon enough. I have to wait... just a little longer. The last of the rare ingredients are on their way. Another week at the most and it'll be ready."

"This isn't right!" Winston exclaimed, looking at the now unconscious woman. Blood was spilling from her swollen and busted lips. A nasty cut on her temple was bleeding profusely. She would barely be recognizable by morning.

"Right?!" The tone of his voice bordered on hysterical, "What isn't right ... is that something like her is alive with all that power."

Winston quickly realized that Peter was far past the point of reasoning. He clenched his fists. "Of course. It's just... she looks so harmless. I know it's an act," he added quickly, seeing the look of anger that was now being directed at him. "I'm going to pick up the Calamus Root and Witches Grass. It should have arrived today."

Peter seemed to calm slightly, then turned back to the girl. "Yes. Yes. We do need those. Nearly out," he murmured nodding to himself.

Winston closed his eyes as he pulled the door shut behind him. He had to find help. Travers had lost his mind. You killed evil creatures, not beat them and hold them prisoner.

~Part: 35~

William was nearly blind with rage and three unfortunate Camputa demons now lay in a orange bloody mess at his feet when Angelus walked up and shook his head, "Feeling better, Boy?"

"Not even six more of the buggers would have made me feel better," William snapped, as he wiped his hands off as best he could. They'd had a meeting with some little purple git and he'd given them nothing, then these demons had smarted off and he had lost it. "Wanna find my witch."

"I want to find her as well," Angelus assured him. "Now, why don't we go back to where we know she was last seen."

"Where that friend of hers was killed? We've been there already and the bobbies have trampled all over the area. Won't be able to find a thing."

"Maybe we'll get lucky," Angelus told him as he clasped his shoulder and drug the younger vampire out of the alley and in the direction of Gwen's murder.


Winston Giles hurried through the darkened streets, he couldn't help but see that young woman's face, bruised and bleeding. Who knew what Travers was doing to her as he hurried through the streets trying to think of who could help him.  He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, not something one could usually accuse a watcher of. He stumbled into the large solid form of a man. "Excuse me," he mumbled and started to step around the man.

"Angelus," a voice to his left snarled as a hand closed on his throat.

Giles' eyes widened as he looked up into the face of Angelus, he knew then the voice had been none other than William the Bloody. "Bloody hell," he sighed.

"I smell it too," Angelus growled, prying Williams hand from the watchers throat. "You have our witch."

"Your witch- The girl? She's... Travers you idiot," Winston growled, then pleaded with Angelus. "You have to help me-"

"Help you?! Help you?!" William snarled, "You take her away from me and then you want my help?"

"I didn't take her! It was Travers, he's planning to kill her! I want her safe."

Angelus pushed William back and held him in place with a look. "What do you mean you want her safe?"

"No one deserves to be beaten," he heard William's growls growing louder as he spoke, "He's kept her locked in a room. I didn't know what he was doing until... just a short while ago." He went on to explain what he'd just recently witnessed. He'd nearly wet himself when Angelus and William reacted to the news of the witch's condition. "I don't think witches are inherently evil. I don't like Travers and I don't want her at his mercy any longer than I have to."


William's first thought was to torture the git until he told them where Willow was then kill him. It really would be best to keep him alive until he had his witch back, the more rational part of his brain reminded him. He took a deep breath and shuddered. Slowly, what the young man in front of him got through the anger and fear. Willow was hurt. She needed help, and this man would help her get it faster.

"Where is she?" Angelus asked, quietly. To anyone that didn't know him, they'd just think his tone was polite, but to someone who *DID* know him, knew that the wrong answer would get you killed.

Giles swallowed then motioned for them to follow as he began to give a detailed description of the layout of the house.

William and Angelus began to discuss rescue plans and Giles offered his opinion and it was actually quite good, for a mortal, and very useful.

~Part: 36~

Pain was the first thing that Willow became aware of, it was quickly followed by cold. It hurt to think about moving. She tried to open her eyes, but found her stomach tried to crawl out her mouth as the dark world swam. Did you know even with your eyes closed you can practically see the blackness spinning? Even with her eyes tightly closed, Willow nearly puked. The crazy man keeping me hostage might get a little ticked about that.

She flinched when she heard the bolts on the door slide and the hinges creaking. She couldn't handle this again. She didn't do anything, no matter what she said Travers was never happy. He'd curse her and beat her; the throbbing of her entire face told her he'd done a good job. She waited for him to begin, she tried to relax, it hurt a tiny bit less if she just went with the hit. She almost began to laugh as she wondered if she had a concussion.

A new voice whispered almost directly in her ear. "Do not scream. He will hear you. I will get you out of this place."

The voice almost sounded familiar, but her head hurt too much to try and place it. "Please," she chocked, through swollen, cracked lips. Pain lanced through her jaw and she whimpered softly.

"Quiet now, Miss," the polite if slightly gravely voice whispered as hands released her bonds and her slight body was lifted from the bed.

"Oh god," she gasped swallowing the screams of agony that threatened to spill from her mouth.

There was a soft chuckling as the smell of blood filled her nose making it harder not to wretch. She wondered if the blood was hers.

"Remain quiet as you will be away from here soon," the voice of her savior whispered. "All will be as it should very soon," he chuckled as she slipped back into the peaceful darkness.

~Part: 37~

Winston opened the door and walked in on a scene that sent him stumbling back out the door, heaving what little he'd eaten that day into the flower bed by the door.

"What is the-" William's words died as he took in the scene before him. There were bodies strewn around the room. Actually, there were parts of bodies. He didn't see more than one intact body. "WILLOW!" he roared, panic filling him as his senses searched for the sound of a heart beat, but found none.

Angelus was on his heels as he flew through the carnage, following the faint trace of Willow he caught. "William," the dark vampire growled grabbing his arm as he stopped, nearly snatching William off his feet.

They stood at the door of a dark room. The windows had been boarded up and there was only one unlit lamp in the room. It reeked of blood, pain and misery. Willow's blood. Willow's pain. Angelus growled, then closed his eyes. "William, search the rest of the house. See if you find any . sign of the witch."

William started to protest, until he saw the look on the elder vampire's face. "She's not dead," he muttered as he backed away.

Angelus watched as the young vampire strode down the hall kicking open doors. He turned back to see the young human that brought them here standing in the doorway staring at a head. "Someone you know?"

"T-t-travers," he mumbled. "He's dead."

"That's man you were with in the alley a few weeks ago." Angelus watched as he nodded. "He's the one that had our witch?" Again the man nodded. "He was torturing her. Did you know that?" The vampire asked calmly, smiling at the fear and shock that filled the mortal's eyes. He grabbed the human and dragged him into the room showing him the tools of torture that were still covered in blood. Angelus laughed and released him as the man began to gag and wretch.

The room was thick with her scent. She'd been here the entire time. All this time they'd searched the city, and she'd been here, being carved upon by an amateur. His demon roared and began to trash the room. He knew if William had truly seen how bad the room was the younger vampire would have been insane with anger. Pulling the door closed and stepping into the hall, Angelus followed the rapidly evaporating scent of Willow. He found William standing at the doorway that led to small alley.

"I can't smell her," the young vampire murmured, an angry growl rumbling in his chest. "It's too . I can't tell which way."

Angelus growled, "Neither can I." He stilled, sniffing the air.   A second almost familiar scent drifted just out of memory. "Let's get the gent that brought us here, maybe he'll remember something. after he pulls himself together."

William turned and followed Angelus, as the elder began barking orders at the human and herding the group back toward the house.

~Part: 38~

"I want to know what the bloody hell happened there!" Winston Giles bellowed from behind the locked door.

"Shut up!" Spike snarled as he slammed his fist into the wall beside the door. "If you don't I'll come in there and make sure you never say another word!" His face was rippling back and forth between its human and demon visages. The anger and fear he was feeling was unlike anything he'd felt before, even waking up in a coffin. When he was convinced the man, who Angelus was sure was a watcher, was going to be quiet for a bit, he turned and walked down the long hallway snarling at every minion that dared look his way.

"Master William?" Virginia's quiet voice called.


"I-I was wondering what happened? I heard the man, Giles, saying something about Mistress Willow. Was she hurt badly?" Concern was visible in her face and stance, and fear as well.

The fear and a request from Willow were all that kept him from ripping her head off. "Yes," he whispered his response, "and I couldn't follow her scent. There was too much blood."

Virginia's face shifted to that of her demon and she shook and growled as she glared at the door at the end of the hall.

"He didn't do it. He came looking for us because he wanted her out of there," William reluctantly admitted.

"I will go out again once the sun sets," she vowed, turning on her heel and heading toward her room.

He watched her go and then started down the hallway. Who had his witch? Who could he make pay for any harm that came to her? He only wished he had been able to take a little revenge out on the bastard that he KNEW had hurt her. The smell the blood and filth and fear that filled that room still filled his senses. It all belonged to his Willow, and his demon wanted to dismember the monster that had hurt her. At least when he hurt someone there was generally a reason, they'd pissed him off, taunted or humiliated him at some point or he was hungry.

"William, we need to talk," Angelus called, interrupting the younger vampire's thoughts. He motioned in to the study he'd taken as his own when the acquired the house.

William growled and stomped into the room like a petulant child.

"I might know who has her."

Those six words caused William to still for a moment. He slowly turned and looked at his sire expectantly.

"There was a scent. It was familiar to me."

"All I smelled was Willow."

"I know, me boy, you're a bit young yet," he said, earning himself a growl from the younger vampire. "Enough. It's true. You were concentrating on her. It made it hard to catch the lighter scents."

William sighed, "So leave off with the lessons. Who has my witch?!"

Angelus smiled for a moment, but it faded quickly. "I think it was the Ripper."

William's pale skin grew paler and he fought the fury that was welling within him at the thoughts of what could be happening to his witch. "We'll round up the minions, gather a few demons and go---"

"No. We won't. I'm not certain it is him, but the scent was similar."

"I'm going to get her."

"We need to find a way to make sure she's there without tipping him off or angering him in case he doesn't have her.

~Part: 39~

Willow felt like crying, she'd been rescued, only to be locked in a lightless room with nothing more than her clothes. Her only saving grace was that she was only staying conscious a few minutes at a time.

She had no idea who had taken her, but at least he hadn't beaten her . yet.

She groaned softly as she heard the locks on the door and before the door opened, she slipped into unconsciousness once more.


William sat in the carriage opposite Virginia, the minion dressed in her 'Sunday' best. She was to be a 'gift' to the Ripper, and while she was there she would act as a spy, and if possible, get Willow to safety.

"I will find her Master William," she assured him, "I will or I will die, again, trying."

William knew Willow would be upset if something happened to the vampiress, but he was still angry that she had let a mortal trick her when he had ordered that she was not to be left alone. "I know."

Angelus cleared his throat, "Virginia, remember you are being presented to the Master of this City. You're his gift. You will do anything he wishes you to do."

"Except hurt Willow," William growled.

"Including hurting her, if there is no way to avoid it, or if it would cause her more harm for you not to."

Virginia sighed.  She had been thrilled to hear that the Masters had a plan and that she was a part of it, but she hated the idea that she might have to hurt her Mistress. "I understand," she murmured.

The carriage crunched to a stop on the crushed stone drive and the driver prepared the steps and held the door as Angelus stepped down, followed by William and lastly Virginia, with her head down. She shivered as she looked up at the lair of her new Master. The fog swirled around the house, causing the shadows to move as if alive.  Even her enhanced eyesight couldn't cut through them. She shivered and wrapped her arms tightly about herself. "This place is . frightening."

"This from a vampire," William muttered, shaking his head.

"If I knew what I was walking into, I would not mind," she countered, then realized her tone and swallowed, waiting for the stake.

"A smart minion. I didn't know those existed," Angelus chuckled.

William growled and shook his head. "Do not fail me or Willow."

Virginia knew she'd never be able live with herself if she failed her Mistress. She was a bit surprised that she had these feelings toward a mortal. She was, after all, a demon.

"Into the lion's den," William murmured as he fell into step behind Angelus, glancing over his shoulder at her.

~Part: 40~

October 7, 1888

Angelus, William and Virginia were led into the sitting room while the slight, quiet vampire that had greeted them at the door asked them to wait and slipped away. The eldest of the trio scanned the room and frowned. If Jack had Willow, he could only hope that she was still alive.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Virginia move towards the nearby bookshelves.

"Mistress Willow would love these books," she murmured.

"Shut up," Angelus growled, causing the young minion to jump in surprise. "Do not mention her," he breathed.

"Remember your place," William added. He walked to her side and whispered, "She's the only reason I didn't stake you when she disappeared. If you want to help her, remember that you now belong to dear old Jack." He stilled and turned toward the door.

The double doors opposite the bookshelves opened with a flourish and The Master of London, also known as Jack the Ripper, strode in. "I did not expect the pleasure of your company again so soon, Angelus," he announced, with a twisted grin. "And you've brought your childe and a . guest."

Angelus bestowed his most flattering smile on the vampire. "My childe and I will be here a bit longer than I had expected, so I thought it only proper to bring you a gift." He held his hand out to Virginia, who quickly took it, and he led her forward. "This is Virginia. She's one of my top minions. Quite resourceful. Intelligent. Loyal. And now she belongs to you." He could see the surprise in the young minion's face at his praise.

Jack smiled and walked to the young vampiress. He circled her slowly, like a shark circling its prey, and stopped in front of her. He touched her cheek; if he noticed her flinch at his touch he ignored it. "She is to be mine? To use as I please?" he asked. "Use and dispose of when I decide?"

Angelus grinned, "Of course. I turn her over to you, for whatever use you may have for her."

"She's a hell of a shag," William added with a smirk and sigh. Angelus knew the vampiress was skilled in the bed, but he knew for a fact that William had never touched her. He was almost certain that the younger vampire had never even noticed her before she was assigned to assist the witch.

Victoria smiled, "Master," she murmured, bowing her head to her new master.


She wanted to brush his hands off of her and rush behind Angelus. Hide from this creature. When she had been human, he would have appeared to her as a handsome upper-class gentleman. Now, he made her skin crawl with the power that surrounded him; his age and strength sent shivers down her spin. He didn't feel stronger than Angelus, but he felt much, much older.

She stood still as his hands traced her body. He was speaking of destroying her as if she were nothing more than . than . She sighed internally, she could not even think of the word. He repulsed her. If this creature before her had Willow, she shuddered to think what he might do to the friendly, caring, young witch. She called him Master and he smiled at her.

"Such a lovely creature. Charleston, find her a room, clothing and anything else she might need."

She had to fight the urge to strike out at William for his comment on her 'skills', especially when she saw the look in this monster's eyes. That she, a demon herself, thought he was a monster, was saying something. He would take great pleasure in hurting her, she could see that easily.

"Thank you for the gift, Angelus," he glared at William and with a barely concealed snarl, "William. Thank you for the gift."  He shoved her toward Charleston, the quiet vampire that had let them in. She stumbled a bit, regained her footing, and followed the silent one from the room.
