TITLE: Strange Bedfellows (1/?)
AUTHOR: Kylia (kylia_bug@yahoo.com)
DISCLAIMER: Nobody belongs to me, unfortunately. They belong to Joss & Mutant Enemy, and a few other people I don’t know.
RATING: NC-17 - Eventually.
SPOILERS: Nothing Specific; Season 4 BtVS;
CATEGORY: Willow/Spike
SUMMARY: Mix a spell, a dangerous situation, a vamp and a witch, what do you get?
DISTRIBUTION: Fire & Ice, WitchFanFic, BBA, Of Sire & Childe, anyone else, ask, and you shall receive
DEDICATION: To W/S shippers everywhere. :)


Part 1

Willow opened her eyes and smiled slightly, as the flames seemed to extinguish themselves. She watched in wonderment as the two candles began to merge together. The purple one, which represented herself, seemed to dance in the darkness as it melded with the black one, which symbolized the other. She was soon staring not at two separate candles, but one. The two separate colors seemed to entwine around one another, creating the illusion of a perfect union.

After a moment to center herself, she began to clean up her supplies. She stood up and looked around her empty living room. She sighed. Her parents had gone away on sabbatical shortly after graduation and told her she could stay there instead of at the dorms, if she wanted. She had decided to live there, but recently she had frequently wished she hadn’t. She felt isolated from everything, alone.

Willow knew she wasn’t really alone. She had school, and she still did her research thing to help Buffy, but when disaster was averted, she always came home, to an empty house. That was why she had cast that spell. She was tired of spending the nights alone.

It wasn’t that she was jealous of her friends’ happiness. Or maybe she was. She wasn’t sure anymore. What she did know was that she wanted to know what it felt like to be loved, even for a little while. The spell was supposed to be temporary. It would help her find someone. It didn’t specify who the someone was, but she supposed it wouldn’t matter. In a few days time, it would be over. Once the spell was over, the effects would be forgotten to all but the caster. So she could feel loved, and no one would remember anything about it.

The sound of a telephone ringing brought Willow out of her thoughts. She sighed as she went into the kitchen.


"Hey Will!" Buffy’s perky voice sounded over the line.

"Hey Buff. What’s up?" Willow asked trying to sound cheerful, although she wasn’t sure she was successful.

"Can you come over to Giles? We need help."

Willow smiled to herself. "Sure. I’ll be over in a bit." She hung up the phone and ran upstairs to change her clothes. She grabbed a vile of holy water and her trusty stake and left the house.

As she walked over to Giles’ house she found herself in a better mood. She was glad that she wouldn’t be spending the night alone after all. Somewhere deep inside she knew that if they hadn’t needed her help, they wouldn’t have called, but she pushed the negative thoughts away, concentrating on more pleasant thoughts.

Willow froze as she heard a sound from behind her. She swirled around, raising the stake up.

"Whoa there, Red." Spike chuckled as he came out of the shadows.

Willow breathed an audible sigh of relief. "What are you doing here?"

Spike shrugged. "Chubs called. Said there was some demon running around loose. Thought I’d lend a hand."

Willow raised an eyebrow. "Since when to you come when Chubs… Xander calls? I’d say it’s more accurate to say you’re hoping to find said demon and pulverize him. She looked at him closely, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Am I close?"

Spike took a long drag on his cigarette and brushed past her, ignoring her question.


Giles looked up from his text when the front door was swung open and Willow and Spike entered. "Oh, good you’re here." He looked up at the blonde vampire. "Both of you."

"What’s up, Giles?’ Willow noticed the empty room and frowned. "Where is everyone?"

"They, uh, had plans." Giles explained as he handed a book to Willow and pointed to an open page. "I need any information you can find on this creature."

Willow nodded absently as she took a seat on the couch and pulled out her laptop. "Plans? I thought we had to research? Or are they out doing the slay thing?"

Spike snorted. "No, Luv. They’re out doing the shag thing, leaving you to do all the research." At Willow’s scowl, Spike turned his attention to Giles. "Isn’t that right, Watcher?"

"I, uh, well that is…" Giles glared at the vampire. "They, uh…"

Willow shook her head. "It’s alright, Giles. I don’t mind." She turned her attention to her laptop and started typing, trying to keep her mind away from the hurt she was feeling.

Spike watched the witch as she through all of her energy and concentration into what she was searching for on her computer. He wanted to take that hurt expression out of her eyes, and make them sparkle again.

Giles observed the two. It had not gone unnoticed all the times Spike watched his young charge. At first he was concerned about the attention the Vampire seemed to give her. But over the past several months, Giles seemed to spend more time with Willow and Spike than anyone else. Buffy was constantly busy with Riley, and Xander spent most of his time with Anya.

The watcher had found he actually liked the vampire's company. He was quite amusing one you got past the fact that he was a soulless demon. He was actually quite intelligent, and knew his way around a computer. Not to mention he knew about more species of demon than Giles had even known existed.

He had begun to realize that between the three of them, they could actually get more accomplished than if Buffy and Xander had been there. That didn’t make Willow’s hurt go away, nor should it.

Giles sighed as he noticed Spike’s clenched jaw. "Spike. Why don’t you go see what you can find out? Elsewhere." When Spike didn’t move, Giles stood up. "William!" He nearly shouted. When both Willow and Spike turned to look at him, Giles lowered his voice. "Sorry."

Spike shrugged. "I’ll go see what I can find." He stepped over to Willow and whispered in your ear. "I can still feed the Slayer to that Koval demon we saw last week."

Willow giggled. Spikes suggestion had brought a smile to her face. Lately it seemed he was the only one to accomplish that. She watched him leave and idly wondered why she felt more comfortable with a killer than she did her own friends. She shook her head at the thought and returned to her search.


Outside, the demon smiled. The girl had power. More than he would need, but she would do nicely. He had hidden himself in the shadows when the vampire had left. There was something about that one. Something dangerous. He would have to keep him away from the witch. Otherwise the vampire could ruin everything.

The demon smiled, his decision made. He made his way to the house he had seen the witch come from earlier in the week. After letting himself into her room, he took a look around, trying to decide what object would best suit his purpose. He looked carefully through her desk, her dresser, and finally her closet. Nothing! He groaned. He needed the perfect object for the ritual to work correctly.

The demon left the room and headed back down in to the livingroom. He grinned widely as he saw a candle sitting on the counter. It seemed to hum with power. In an instant, he knew this was what he was looking for. He took the wax creation and silently left the house.


Part 2

Willow’s head flopped back against the back of the couch, her body sliding down until she had almost fallen on the floor. Giles looked up from his book and
smiled slightly. He walked over to her and lifted her off of the floor, carrying her up the stairs to his bedroom. He lay her down on his bed, covering her
slightly. He left the room and returned to the living room just as Spike was returning.

"Well? Anything?" Giles asked when it became apparent Spike would rather pace around the room and scowl than tell him what he found.

"Not much. New demon. Wants power. Come to get it." Spike looked around the room. "Where’s Red?"

"Upstairs. I put her to bed." Giles nodded towards the staircase.

For a brief moment Spike’s eyes glowed golden, until his common sense got the better of him.

"Your Slayer ahs yet to make an appearance." Spike noted.

"She said she’d patrol after her… plans." Giles defended.

Spike snorted. Giles looked up at the vampire. "It must be difficult to slay vampires from in between her soldier boys sheets."

Giles was tempted to defend Buffy, but thought better of it. Spike was right. Buffy spent more time in Riley’s company than did on anything Slaying related.
"You’d better go. It’ll be sunrise soon." Giles looked at the clock and then back to the vampire. "Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she gets home safely."

Spike nodded once and left the watcher's house. He walked briskly to his apartment. Aside from the coming sunrise, he had the distinct impression he was
being watched, but he couldn’t place by what, or where his observers were. He shook the feeling off as he went into his kitchen and heated a couple of bags
of blood. Once he had finished feeding, he made his way into his bedroom, undressed and climbed into his cool sheets.

Not for the first time, he was glad he had taken willow’s advice and gotten something a little more comfortable than a crypt to sleep in. She had teased him
saying if he lived in the dank crypt she wouldn’t come and visit. Unknown to her, that was the main reason he had agreed. He liked her. There was something
about the redhead, which called to him. That reason, more than any other was why he continued to help the watcher, even when it didn’t directly benefit him.
That, and he liked the stuffy British watcher, who wasn’t nearly as stuffy as he tried to pretend.

The three of them had spent a lot of time together recently, researching the latest catastrophe to enter the Hellmouth. And despite his continual complaints,
Spike rather enjoyed their company. They were both highly intelligent and could hold down a conversation that consisted of more than the latest fashion news
from Europe or what Xander’s latest job entailed.

However as much as he enjoyed Willow and Giles’ company, he absolutely hated to be in the same room as any of the others. Xander was amusing to watch, but
that quickly wore off. Anya only talked about one of two things. Sex or her glory days as a demon. And the Slayer was the epitome of all that he detested.
Aside from the fact that she was a Slayer, which of course demanded his hate, she was a whining, sniveling brat. The more he watched her, the more he
wondered if his sire was more insane than Drusilla. He had to have been to have fallen in love with her. Angelus had the right idea. And on occasion he had
wished he had let the old bastard kill her. But that was only on occasion. He was demon enough to realize that without his truce with the Slayer, Angelus
would have succeeded in sucking the world into Hell. Plus it was highly doubtful he would have gotten to know the little redhead as well as he had. And that,
in and of itself, was definitely worth all the grief the Slayer put him through. Although he’d never admit it.

He sighed needlessly as he let his mind drift. He closed his eyes and drifted into peaceful slumber, images of one redheaded witch dancing in his head.


Willow turned over in her sleep. Her dreams filled with the image of one lean blond vampire. Her dreams were filled with him. Things she didn’t dare think
about during her waking hours. Things she would never admit to thinking about. They filled her dreams, haunted her sleep.

Tonight was no different.


The demon chanted softly as he sprinkled the herbs over the melting candle. The candle he had taken from the young witch’s house. Tonight, the spell would
be completed. He would have the witch’s power and the vampire would be in position to stop him. None of them would.


Part 3

Willow rolled over in her sleep. And hit something. Something hard. And cold. She tried to remember where she was. She didn’t remember going home the
previous night. She searched her mind for the answers. She had come to Giles house to help with research. She must have fallen asleep. But if she was asleep
at Giles house, where exactly was she? On the couch or in his bed? And if she was in the bed, who, or what was with her?

She opened her eyes carefully, not sure what she would find. Whatever she had expected to see, was no where near what she actually saw. Spike. Asleep. In
bed. With her.


Spike felt something brush against his chest. It was warm. And soft. And smelled of vanilla and honeysuckle. And something uniquely… Willow? He turned his
head slightly and opened one eye. Sure enough, Willow was sleeping in the bed with him. His eyes were riveted to her sleeping form. She had an arm draped
over his chest, and one of her legs was entwined with hers.

He could hear her heartbeat speed up slightly, telling him she was awake. He closed his eyes and feigned sleep wondering what she would do. He didn’t know
how she had ended up in his bed, but he didn’t really care. She was right where he wanted her.

Spike felt her stiffen slightly as she realized that she wasn’t alone. He could feel her eyes on him. He tried not to smile when he heard her heart rate slow
after the initial shock. She apparently wasn’t freaked out enough to run away screaming. That was a plus. He waited to see what she would do.


Willow tried to extricate herself from Spike, without waking him. She felt him tightened his grasp around her waist. He must still be asleep, she guessed. <I
wonder who he’s dreaming about> She felt a slight twinge of jealousy at the thought that Spike was dreaming of someone else. She shook her head slightly at
the thought. He was probably dreaming of Drusilla, or Harmony, or… She groaned at her mind's capacity to babble incessantly, even when her mouth wasn’t

She tried to pull herself loose once again, but found Spike’s grip just strengthened.

She sighed. "Spike." She whispered. He didn’t move. She groaned. She couldn’t tell if he was awake or not. He was perfectly still. Perfectly dead, she
realized with a giggle. She knew the thought that she was lying in a bed with a dead man should have been disgusting, or creepy at the very least. However it
was neither. It actually felt right, comfortable.

She leaned back into his embrace, enjoying the feel, if only for a few moments. She felt his grip relax slightly, and realized he was awake. She didn’t wonder
why he didn’t allow her to get up earlier. That was something she didn’t want to question, not yet.

When she opened her eyes again several minutes later, she took a look around the room, and realized for the first time she had no idea where they were. She
tried to sit up, but Spike’s grip was firm.

"Spike. Let go." When he didn’t budge she growled slightly under her breath. "I know you’re awake."

Spike opened his eyes and found her staring at him with this exasperated expression on her face. He found it completely, and undeniably adorable. He pulled
her down on top of him and kissed her firmly on the lips. She gasped in surprise, allowing him to slip his tongue inside. After her initial shock, Willow
returned his kiss with equal fervor, devouring his mouth with her own.

When she remembered where she was and whom it was she was kissing, she pushed Spike away.

"We… we… What was that for?" She asked and then when she realized how that must have sounded, she continued. "Not that I didn’t enjoy it, because I did,
but… what was that for?"

Spike chuckled and eased his grip on her. He was enjoying the enticing shade of pink that was covering her cheeks. "You looked like you needed a kiss." He

Willow shook her head, not wanting to think that the incredible feeling that kiss had brought forth was only one-sided. She climbed away from him and off of
the bed and looked down to noticed she was only wearing a T-shirt and panties. She blushed to her roots.

"I seem to be missing something."

"Not from where I sitting." Spike raked his eyes over her form. The T-shirt stopped just below her belly button leaving an enticing view of the lower half of
her body.

Willow scowled. "And what about you? Are you dressed under there?"

Spike’s grin told her he wasn’t, and she had to fight away the images that started to play in her mind. She took a look around the room. It was obviously a
bedroom. But whose? She didn’t recognize it. Aside from the bed, the only thing in the room was an antique dresser. There were three doors. She walked up
to each one and opened it. The first belonged to a walk in closet, which was completely empty. The second, to a bathroom, which was also devoid of any
personal items. She approached the third door hoping it led to another part of the dwelling. She sighed in relief when it led down a hall.

She turned towards Spike. "I’m gonna go take a look around." She watched how the sheet was draped dangerously low on his body. "Stay here." She had no
desire to see the rest of him. Who was she kidding? She had the desire, lots of it, but considering they had no idea where they were, she took the reliable,
practical route. She turned away from him, ignoring the amused expression, which had settled itself on his features.

As she walked down the hall, she noticed a couple of closed doors. The first one led to another bathroom, as empty as the first. The second was a closet. It
however was not empty. Hanging on a solitary hanger was a black trenchcoat. She leaned in and sniffed it. <Yep, Spike’s Duster> She looked down and found
his boots sitting neatly on the floor. Shaking her head at the bizarrety of the situation she closed the door and continued down the hall.

They appeared to be in a small house, or cottage of some kind. In addition to the bedroom she had awoken in and the two bathrooms, there was a kitchen and
a small living room with a fireplace. The living room had furniture but nothing else. There weren’t any personally items of any kind. No pictures, no
knick-knacks, nothing. There wasn’t even a television. Just a couch, a couple of endtables and a coffee table, all antique. She did notice, however that all of
the windows seemed to be covered by heavy drapes. She filed that information away as she moved into the kitchen.

There was a bag sitting on the counter. She unzipped it and pulled out a couple of pairs of black jeans and a few black T-shirts. Judging from the size, they
appeared to belong to Spike, or were left for him at the very least.

Hearing her stomach growl she walked into the kitchen. She opened all of the cupboards and drawers, searching for some kind of food, and finding none.
Finally she opened the refrigerator. It too was empty, with the exception of several days worth of blood bags. She sighed and slammed the door shut.

Picking up a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, she headed back into the bedroom, hoping Spike had listened to her and remained in bed. She didn’t think she could
concentrate if he was walking around completely naked.

Sure enough, he was not only still in bed, but appeared to be asleep. She tossed the clothes to him. When he opened his eyes and looked at her curiously. "It
appears you were expected." She sighed as she sat at the foot of the bed, "I however, was not."


The demon snarled. The witch was gone. He didn’t know how or where, but he she wasn’t in Sunnydale anymore. So was the vampire. But that had been
expected. He had cast the spell to keep the vampire away, so that he couldn’t ruin his plans. But something had gone wrong. Now the witch was missing as well.
Everything was ruined.

His options were limited. He could find the witch, and continue on his original plan, or he could find another. He was running out of time. He didn’t have any
idea where the witch was. She could be anywhere. Another state, another country, even another continent. For all he knew she wasn’t even in this dimension

His best option was to find another witch. But despite the fact that he was on the Hellmouth, it wouldn’t be easy. He did know of a couple of others that
would serve his purpose. Not as well as the fiery redhead, but they would do.

Unhappy with the latest turn of events but satisfied with the conclusion he had come to he headed towards the dorms. He had seen another witch in his
observations of the redhead. She wasn’t nearly as strong, and seemed uncomfortable with her power, but it didn’t really matter, she wouldn’t survive the
ritual. And her death would insure his immortality.

Part 4

"So, now what?" Her mind racing as to how they possible could have ended up in this situation. Where were they? Why were they there? And why did it appear that Spike had been expected but she had not. And most importantly, where were her clothes?

She lost all ability to think when Spike pulled her body down on top of his and devoured her mouth in a hungry kiss. She struggled slightly before relaxing into his embrace. The feeling of his cool lips over her warm ones, driving her, causing her to seek more intimate contact. She whimpered in protest when he pulled his lips away, only to sigh blissfully when they attached themselves to her neck, licking at her salty skin.

"Luv, you taste divine" he murmured as he nibbled on her flesh.

Willow groaned low in her throat as she felt his hand cup her breast under her shirt. He ran his thumb over her pebble nipple. She ran her nails down his back, reveling in the coolness of his naked flesh. She felt him shiver slightly and smiled to herself. She was affecting him. She liked that. She sucked on his ear lobe tenderly, feeling him moan against her throat.

Spike flipped them over so that her back was pressed against the mattress. She looked up at him in surprise. His blue eyes were glazed over in passion as he raked them over her. Her shirt was hiding her body from his view in an offending way. He grabbed the collar and tore the shirt off of her body.

"Hey! That’s my only shirt!" She protested, groaning as she felt hip descend on one of her pert breasts.

He sucked the nipple into a stiff peak as he removed her panties, tearing them as well. She gasped as she felt him slip a finger into her slick passage. S he bucked her hips up to meet his questing hand. Her hands were wrapped tightly around her body, her fingers trailing down his back. She cupped one ass cheek firmly, pressing his erection into her stomach. He moaned as she scraped her nails against his ass. He inserted another finger into her, and then another, stroking her, causing her to writhe beneath him, begging for release, but he wasn’t go to give it to her, not yet. He pulled his hand away and licked her juices from his fingers as he watched her breathing heavily, whimpering beneath him.

Spike lift himself over her body, positioning her rock hard erection at her center. Her rubbed against her slit, causing her to arch up to meet him. She gripped his shoulders firmly and pulled him down on top of her, causing him to thrust into her deeply. He chuckled at her forcefulness as he pulled out of her slightly and then thrust in again, going as deep as he could. She moaned at the feeling. She had never felt this way before.

She had had sex before, but it had never been like this. She had never imagined it could have been like this. She felt his lips descend on her as his fingers once again found her clit, sending her into a mind numbing frenzy.

She met him thrust for thrust and as she neared her climax, she saw his face morph out. It only excited he more. She pushed his head down to her neck, giving him silent permission. They climaxed together, feeling the world explode around them in a flurry of lights and colors, and emotions better to not think about.

Willow’s breathing was ragged as Spike nuzzled her neck and licked at the puncture marks he had made, staking his claim to her. He wondered briefly if she knew just what she had gotten herself into. It didn’t matter, she was his, whether or not she realized it.


Giles made his way into his bathroom groggily. He passed by the empty bedroom, and then stopped. He turned around and went back into his bedroom. He looked at the bed. It was empty. He hadn’t heard willow get up and leave. His eyes found the clock and he frowned. Sure she wouldn’t have left so early? He shook his head as he made his way back to the bathroom.

She was fine, he realized. She probably had something to do this morning, and hadn’t wanted to wake him. Satisfied that all was well, Giles proceeded to get ready for his day.


The demon snarled as he dropped the dead body of the witch. He had completely drained her of her power, and still it was not enough. He needed to find another. He only forty-eight hours left in this dimension and if he didn’t gain enough power, he wouldn’t have the strength to return.

This was all the vampire’s fault, he realized. Something had gone wrong. Somehow the spell he had worked to keep the vampire away had instead drawn them together. Now instead of just getting rid of the obstacle in his path, he had lost the one sure source of power.

The spell had been temporary. They would be back, but by then it would be too late. He had tried to reverse the spell, return the couple from wherever it was he had inadvertently sent them. But, it was too late. Something had happened. Something had changed, and now he was powerless to fix his mistake.

He left the cavern in search of another witch, maybe two. If only he could have had the redhead’s power, all would be well. But now, he had changed things. He didn’t know what it was that had changed, only that it was something that would no doubt alter everything. It didn’t matter, once he gained enough power, he would leave this dimension, and they would not be able to stop what was to come.


Part 5

“Where are we?” Willow demanded the moment Spike had entered the small cottage.

“Canada of all bleedin’ places.” He told her as he tossed her a bag of some things he had picked up for her.

She opened the bag warily, her eyes growing wide at the contents. A pair of burgundy leather pants and a black cotton tank top, with a low neckline, and fringe around the bottom, and a pair of black suede boots.

“I can’t wear this.” She exclaimed.

Spike shrugged. “So don’t.” He grinned suggestively at her.

Willow looked into the bottom of the bag, searching. She pulled out a bar of body wash and some shampoo and condition, vanilla, and wondered briefly
how it was he knew her brand. But what had caught her attention more than what was in the bag, was what wasn’t.

“No underwear?” She asked.

“Couldn’t find any.” He told her with this expression that clearly told her he hadn’t even looked.

“Fine.” She scowled and began getting dressed. She couldn’t believe she was stuck in some cabin in *Canada* of all places. And the only clothes she had, were now in pieces strew across the only bedroom.

Although she had to admit the shredding of her clothes hadn’t been entirely his fault. She was an active participant, but still.

“So, what now?” Willow asked as she pulled the top over her naked form.

Spike frowned momentarily as his delicious view was hampered. “Now, you eat.” He told her grabbing her wrist after she had finished lacing her boots.

After getting her something to eat, they decided to walk through town and see if they could find out anything about this town, and the cottage they were staying at. Several hours later, the trudged back to the house, exhausted, and more confused than when they had left.

Apparently, they were in a small town just north of Thunder Bay, and the cottage they were staying at, as well as half of the town was owned by a trust. A woman named Meghan Aineal who had come to Canada to escape the witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts had bought the land nearly three centuries ago. She had died forty years later, after putting the cottage, and the rest of her property in a bizarre trust, run by a law firm, who strangely enough was still around, and apparently reputable.

That wasn’t the most unusual thing though. The town’s people were very superstitious, for a group of twenty-second century Canadians. They swore that the town was haunted, and that the cottage was the center of its power.

They claimed, as Meghan had before she died, that someone would come one day, from fire and ice, and break the spell of this place. A pair of evil and purity that would be brought against their will. It was only at this time that the town could be freed from the power, which enveloped it like a cloud.

Both Spike and Willow had agreed that the entire town was crazy. There was no such thing as a haunted town. A house? Maybe, but even that was
somewhat doubtful. Neither had seen any evidence of any kind of supernatural occurrences, with the exception of their arrival there.

“What now?” Willow asked as she flopped down on the floor, too exhausted to even make it to the furniture.

“Well Luv,” Spike spoke seductively as he sauntered over and picked her up off of the floor and carried her into the bedroom. “I can think of one or two things.” He whispered into her ear.

“Really now? Like what?” She grinned as he began stripping her clothes off of her, careful this time not to shred them, seeing as they were her only ones.

Spike trailed kisses along her heated flesh, stopping every once in awhile to whisper into her skin, telling her of all the ways he could distract her until the next sunset and they could go out again.

Willow moaned as she felt his tongue enter her and lap up her juices. Arching her hips into him, she felt his fangs scrape against her sensitive flesh. Her fingers pierced his scalp as she came with a scream, his names on her lips. As her breathing slowed, Spike licked the sweat from her body as he crawled up her, eliciting more moans of pleasure from his fire goddess.

Positioning himself at her entrance, Spike looked deeply into her green ors with her heavy with want. She grabbed his ass firmly, driving him deep within her body. Spike groaned and then chuckled. “Impatient tonight, luv?” He asked huskily.

“Shut up and fuck me.” Willow demanded.

“As you wi…” His words were cut off as she attacked his mouth with her own, arching into him at the same time, driving him deeper still. They found a
rhythm together, steadily climbing to that place where everything stopped, and they were blinded by the force of their passion, allowing it to engulf them completely to the point where no one knew where one ended and the other began.

Willow was only vaguely aware of his fangs as they pierced her flesh, just like she was completely oblivious to the fact that she had pierced his skin with her own blunt teeth as they climaxed together. Their orgasm made all the more powerful by the sharing of blood.

They drifted off to sleep, feeling whole for the first time, in either of their lives.


As they slipped into slumber, the couple was unaware of the small tremors, which shook the house. It too was a peace for the first time in three hundred years.


The demon paced frantically around the cave. He was losing his grip on this reality. The world would soon be lost to him. He had drained and killed three witches since he had lost the first, and he was no closer to gaining his power. He was quickly running out of time.

He briefly wondered if the legends were true. About the one who had escaped his dimension four centuries previous. The legend told of a woman who had made a home in this dimension, which in and of itself was nearly unheard of. However her true nature was discovered by a fearfully suspicious people, forcing the demon to flee.

The Legend said she took steps to ensure that she would never again be discovered. By the mortals in this dimension or by his own kind. She warned that should anyone come looking for her, a curse would be placed o this world, and only those born of fire and ice could reverse it. However they would lose something in the process.

Had he inadvertently delivered the chosen into the destiny the legend spoke of? He shook his head. No, that was only a legend, none of it true. There was no demon who had lived among the mortal, no curse which had been activated, no chosen born of fire and ice.

It didn’t matter anyway. Once he found a witch with enough power, he could return home, and leave the mortals to their own mess. That settled, the demon snarled and left his cave in search of another witch. He was running out of time.


