Jade (Willow) walked up to Giles door. Knocking on it softly she had a short wait till Giles answered it. Getting over his initial shock at the apparel on the girl that looked so much like Willow he invited her in.
Willow followed him into the living room where the extended Scooby gang state. As she walked in Angel, Wesley, Gunn, Xander, Riley, and Graham’s mouths dropped. Before them Jade stood her hair had been cut short and was gelled in a wild gothic style. She wore a tight blood red leather halter dress with black go-go boots and a black leather duster with splits up both sides and the back. All in all she looked exactly like Willow’s doppelganger.
“Willow?” Angel asked as an act.
“No, I’m Jade, Buffy’s new roommate. You must be Buffy’s ex the fine ass vamp Angel, aka Angelus the one with the Angelic face.”
“Hey Buffy, while I was on my way over here some big burly bastered grabbed me and told me to give the Slayer a message that his Master was claming this town and that you better stay out of his way.”
“Did he say who this was?”
“Nope just called him master.”
“He didn’t try to kill you?”
“Well he was planning on taking a sip, but when I looked him straight in the eye he just backed away and told me to give Buffy the message.”
Giles pondered the new information. It seemed very odd that a vampire would have backed away from the petite redhead.
“Do you know why?”
“Yeah, I was not afraid, I was willing to fight, maybe he had already heard of me from any vampire who seen me kick ass. I don know.”
Willow noticed Riley over with Buffy and the look of distress on his face.
“Hey what’s up?”
“One of Riley’s friends was killed tonight and left in his room in a rather morbid manner.”
“Got any suspects?”
“Not as of yet?”
“What kind of sick bastered would take pleasure in killing his friend and then display it?” Willow said looking dead in Riley’s eyes grinning in malice, but since everyone’s attention was focused on Riley they did not see this. This angered Riley.
“How do we know it’s not you?”
“Why would I kill your friend?”
“I don’t know, where were you tonight?”
“With William. Why am I getting the first degree?”
“Because I don’t trust you.”
“I don’t give a fuck.”
“There’s something about you and I’m going to find out what it is?”
“What I don’t fuck you in the closet so your going to pin this all on me?!”
Everyone was shocked into silence, even Angel, Wesley, Cordelia, and Gunn; this was not part of the original plan. Angel concluded that Willow must have been bored with it.
“You crazy Bitch what the hell are you talking about?”
“Yeah, Jade what are you insinuating?” Buffy said angrily.
“Riley wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole, Bitch?” Said Graham.
“You know what ever you are insinuating, I would not do, how could you say something like that especially after what happened to me tonight?” Riley fiend hurt.
“You know that’s just what Walsh said before she died.”
Willow heard Buffy, Riley, Graham, Giles, Xander, and Anya gasp.
“You’ve taken innocent life?” Giles asked.
“Innocent my ass.”
“She did nothing to you.” Riley yelled.
“She created you and your bastereds and she hurt my William.”
“The Initiative are the good guys.” Buffy cried.
“The Initiative are monsters.”
“I must phone the police.” Giles said as he reached for the phone.
“No, I’m going to kill the bitch.” Riley screamed.
“To later Lover you have already done that.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“You know I really didn’t expect this plan to work so well, not as intelligent as Giles is but hey sometimes your wrong.”
“Jade, what are you talking about?” Asked Giles in true confusion.
Willow walked into the center of the room. For a moment she turned her back to them as they waited for her to say something. Riley wanted to kill her then and their but he was still so confused as to why she had done this, he needed her to explain.
“Why?” He asked.
She turned cold hateful eyes toward him.
“Because I wanted you to know what it felt like to have people special taken away from you before you die, I want you to suffer a fate worse then death. I want you down before me on your knees begging me to take your life.”
“What could you possibly have against Riley, you just meet him?” Buffy asked angrily.
“Come on Slayer piece it together already, well I guess I shouldn’t expect you to after all you have been blind for some time now. So I guess I get to play story teller.”
She looked Riley straight in the eye.
“You should be careful when you kill someone, next time make sure their completely dead. WILLIAM!!” She screamed.
Everyone hears the door open and into the living room comes Spike.
“Hostile 17.”
“His name is Spike but you can call him Master.”
“You’re crazy.”
“No Riley I’m serious, the only way your getting out of this alive is if you submit to me.”
“No actually I’m going to stake Spike and kill you and everything will be solved.” Buffy seethed.
“You would kill you best friend for this worthless asshole, poor choice Buffy.”
That’s when it hit.
“You got it G-man.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I do Spike destroyed her and turned her against us.”
“Wrong Slayer, if it had not been for Spike right now I’d be dead.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Riley hurt me and left me to die in my house a slow and painful death.”
“Hurt you Willow, what do you mean?” Asked Giles.
“He beat me, and raped me. But it hadn’t been the first time; the only difference had been that he did it until there was no way for me to survive even if I had made it to the hospital. Then he left me there to die slowly. But Spike found me and turned me.”
“You’re a vampire, but how we seen you in the Sun?”
Willow pulled out her pentacle and showed it to Giles.
“But I thought Angel destroyed the ring.”
“He destroyed the base but not the stone itself.”
She turned to look at Riley.
“But I was never yours Riley and you know what you could never make me moan like my Spiky here.”
She watched as Riley’s eyes blazed with rage.
“You fucking whore.”
“Oh you wound me with your harsh word.” She said sarcastically.
Graham went to grab her from behind when he had just grazed her arm he found himself on his knees in front of her, his head positioned to break.
“What’s your answer Riley his life for yours.”
“Do you think I care?”
“I know you do, why do you think I choose them to die?”
“Does your vocabulary ever go beyond that word?”
She squeezed Graham’s neck harder, he cried out in pain.
“Last chance Riley, show your precious Slayer, the possibility that you may have some shred of humanity.”
“Why? You don’t.”
“I’m a vampire that is expected of me, but if you want to get truthful, I still have my soul.”
“No, that’s impossible not with what you have done.”
“Are you telling me you have no soul?” She countered.
Riley saw Graham’s face begin to turn blue as the flow of oxygen was being cut off. Looking into his friend’s face he knew what he had to do.
“Ok let him go, I’ll submit.”
Willow dropped Graham’s body to the floor, he lay there coughing while his deprived lungs filled with much needed oxygen. Willow walked over to Riley and smacked him in the face. Spike came up behind him and punched him in the side forcing him to his knees.
“Kneel before your Mistress, Bitch.”
Willow bent down and placed a collar on his neck. Then she turned to her friends. Walking up to the Slayer she hugged her.
“Buffy I’m truly sorry that you had to find out this way.”
“It’s ok Wills.”
“No, no it’s not, I should have come to you before he killed me, forgive me my friend.”
“No need, I don’t blame you.”
“Friends forever.”
Willow went on to hug Giles, Xander, and Anya. The LA Gang followed them as they headed toward the door. Then Willow turned around and looked at the remaining group.
“Don’t worry about the supposed new Master in town, we’ll take care of him, if we need your help I’ll let you know, then we plan of claiming the town, and helping to keep the hellmouth closed. Tomorrow I will call and give you our knew number, k?”
“K, Willow.” Said the Slayer as she watcher her friends leave with her ex-boyfriend being pulled by his leash.
Once they were outside Willow handed the leash to a near by Minion.
“Take him back to the house and put him in his new room, no one, and I meant it is to lay a hand on him, unless of course he tried to escape, then I will let you all fuck him.”
She watched as Riley blanched, and laughed at him.
“What’s up Luv?”
“One upon a time there were some naughty vampire who that they where stealing my mated throne. I think they need to be taught a lesson.”
“What you got in mine, Luv?”
“Lets show them how you got your name?”
Willow and Spike walked up to the old abandon warehouse. They knew this is where the supposed new Master would be. As they moved into the plan Spike kicked down the door and rushed in. He made his way into the den where he found this new Master and some of his followers.
“Who are you? And how dare you barge into my home with such a lack of respect. Knell you insolent fool, or die for you disrespect.”
“Slightly over dramatic don’t you think. Well, you see I’m not kneeling to the likes of you and furthermore, you’re not going to be killing me. You see I am the Master of this town, so I suggest you leave now why you’ve still got the chance.”
The other vampire looked at him as if he were an idiot.
“You are surrounded by my men, this is a fight you can’t win.”
“Between me and my mate I’m sure we’ll leave here quite a little dusty.”
“Mate? I see no one here.”
Willow walked into the light in complete battle mode. The big burly vampire she had seen earlier whispered in his Master’s ear, suddenly he laughed.
“She’s just a girl why do you fear her so?”
“Because I’m more then a vampire and have brought down greater then you.”
The vampire looked at her in disbelief. Willow eyed him while she use her power to scan him. Suddenly she burst into laughter.
“Your all but a hundred if that.”
“And your but recently made, no more then a year, you see I have been checking out this town for a while, and when last my men watched you, you where but a child, friend of the Slayer.”
“And you’re obviously not very perceptive, have you any idea of the Master you challenge?”
“Some blonde arrogant little bastered, who ignorantly believes that he can take me out.”
He eyed Spike in humor and irritation. Suddenly he looked back at Willow as she whistled loudly. In came a tall dark vampire, in leather pants looking very angry.
“May I present Angelus.” She said with a smile as she then pointed to Spike. “And Spike, aka William the bloody, the Scourges of Europe, favorite of Angelus children ”
The vampire immediately recognized the names not that it was hard for their reputations preceded them. Willow then walked to the center of the room.
“We intend to make an example of this arrogant bastered who dares to challenge my family. Anyone who wishes to stay and serve us do so, anyone who doesn’t leave now betrayal will not be tolerated.”
Willow smiled as none of the vampires left. Turning to the big burly one who had given her the message earlier she pointed to him.
“You, bring him to me.”
The vampire immediately obeyed. Picking up his recently denounced Master and roughly bringing him to the small redhead. Once he was before her the vampire forced him to his knees. Willow looked up at the large vampire.
“What’s your name?”
“Well David, thank you. Make sure to keep him still.”
David shook his head in acceptance, as he watched her reach into her pocket. Willow pulled out a pair of leather gloves, before reaching in her pocket again. He gasped as he saw her pull out silver spikes. Taking the first she thrust it, near the kneeling vampires heart. He screamed in agony and confusion. Though such a thing would surly hurt, it was far worse then it should be. She saw the confusion in his eyes.
“Oops, I must have forgot to mention that I had theses blesses and dipped onto holy water. My bad.”
Spike and Angel laughed at the seen before them. For a minuet this frightened Angel, that with his soul, he would enjoy such a thing. But as he watched Willow, he understood. Willow had her soul, but like she had told him before she was what she was, a vampire. She only used cruelty where cruelty was due. Most of the time she never killed her meal unless the world would be a better place with out them.
He finally realized that he could be one with his demon, and that he would not have to fight every vampiric urge. He was a vampire and still he could live life fully, enjoying both parts of him. As he looked up, his eyes meet green ones.
“Had I known that a blessed spike would get you to realize that I’d have done it much sooner.”
“Luv, what in bloody hell are you talking about?” Came Spike.
“Angel finally realizes what it means to be a vampire with a soul. I think daddy’s coming home Spike.” She said before she brought her attention back to her victim.
His death was slow and even Spike watched Willow in fascination. Their new followers looked at her with a sense of both fascination, and fear. They truly had a Mistress, but remember to never piss her off. Finally the vampire exploded in a pile of dust. Spike saw as Willow’s face contorted into a pout.
“Princess, what’s wrong?”
“Spike I still want to play.”