Doctor how can this be, my lover is dead you see.


Author's Name: LADYCAITLIN

Author's Email:

Disclaimer: Joss Whedon and UPN own Buffy the Vampire Slayer in totality. Joss Whedon and the WB own Angel: the Series. No profit is made from this piece of fiction and no copyright infringement is intended.

Distribution: if you want it take it. Previous parts at and at

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Feedback: Yes! Please let me know what you thought! Please feed my feedback

Dedication: to Joss for writing such awesome characters! To my beta Alex for her help and encouragement. To Janet, Knightie, Shannon, Susi for all the support and encouragement they give me. Author's Notes: AU sequel to Lovers and Li'l secrets. Spoilers Angel season 3



Cordelia tentatively stepped forward and touched Spike on the shoulder,

"Who are you miss?" the doctor said curtly.

"Miss Cordelia Chase." Cordy said indignantly

Spike turned to leave, Cordy grabbed his arm, and just then he saw Angel standing in the hall.

"What the hell…"Spike growled, but before he could continue the doctor interceded.

"I think you should both step outside and let us do our job."

Cordelia kept hold of Spike's arm as they walked out into the hall. All Spike could think, was how could she lie to him and who was the father.

Cordy stopped were Angel was standing forcing Spike to be face to face with him. They just glared at one another.

Angel spoke first, " how is she Cordy." Angel enquired of her.

"Pale and unconscious, just like my vision. I think you should explain to Spike here, before he jumps to any conclusions. I'll call Buffy."

"No! Stay with Willow she'll need someone" Spike spat startling them both.

" Angel explain to him now!" Cordy stated insistently as she walked back to where Willow lay, now alone.


Spike and Angel stood in the hospital parking lot.

"Well soul boy, explain" Spike growled, as Angel removed his coat and handed it to Spike, who grudgingly accepted.

"There are cigarettes in the pocket I thought you may need one." Angel said casually. "Spike, Cordy had a vision, from the powers, Willow is pregnant"

"Well I figured that bit, but who is the father? Cos it certainly ain't me."

" That's where you're wrong. You are the father, just like I am to Connor."

"What, you lost me peaches." Spike said confused.

" I got Darla pregnant, she gave life to a human boy, I named him Connor, he is my son. So in certain circumstances even dead men can breed. " Angel tried to explain as simply as he could he figured the details could wait for now.

" I thought being dead got you out of the whole reproduction loop?" Spike said trying to make sense of what he was being told. His cigarette burning his fingers, he instinctively let it drop to the floor and lit another.

" Spike, Willow doesn't even realise and it will be to early for the doctors to tell. If Cordy had not had the vision, no one would know. I figured the vision was to stop you from jumping to conclusions and leaving Willow or worse."

" But we have only been together a fortnight?" Spike said lamely

" Now Spike don't tell me you have forgotten how humans reproduce." Angel joked.

"Not a bit, ME a father, I must be dreaming or something. Well at over a century old, I suppose it's about time. Hey, rule of sire and all that, does it make you a granddad?"

"Knock it off, William." Angel laughed, "I think we should go inside before Willow comes round, to a baby shower."

Spike threw his cigarette to the ground and both turned to re enter the hospital; Spike couldn't help a large grin forming across his face as he strode down the hall. Towards Willow, who was now sitting up looking anxious?


Spike walked up to a confused Willow, and Angel followed.

" Willow luv how are you feeling?" Spike asked softly his voice full of concern

" I think I'm going mad, one minute I'm in the crypt getting dressed and the next in a hospital bed, and I have seen Cordy, Angel is standing behind you. And the doctor said he took some blood and my sister was right I am pregnant." Willow babbled. "I haven't got a sister." Willow whispered almost in tears, " Please tell them they got the bloods mixed up they won't listen to me." Willow whispered conspiratorially.


Spike sat carefully on the edge of the bed, and kissed Willow's forehead.

"Willow, I love you and what I am gonna explain, does not make much sense to me either yet."

Angel closed the curtains around them, as Spike began to explain the night's events to a perplexed Willow.

Cordy touched the curtain as Angel grabbed her arm.

"Cordy, leave them to it, Spike will explain it all. We have a Mansion to prepare and a Slayer to delay. Ok."

Angel and Cordy turned and walked out of the hospital whispering conspiratorially as they walked back to Angel's car where Gunn and Fred where waiting. Baby Connor in his seat between them.
