Untitled 2



Disclaimer: Don't sue me please. The characters belong to Joss  and the song belongs to Ill Nino.

Summary: Another short fighting story, Spike is helping Willow train.

Spoilers: None i don't think other than the start of season four.

Rating; Pg-13

Comments: This is a fun short snappy story and belongs to all those who sent me mail.


Her foot swung out and hit him sharply in the back of the knee; he blocked and swung her leg round. Ending up behind her head; before he had chance to do anything she had back fisted him in the nose. “Bloody hell pet.” He muttered; continually but that was all she caught. Her leg snap kicked him in the stomach, if he did breathe he would have lost it by now; but being of the un-dead his will was slightly stronger than that of mortal man. She missed as he moved backwards, the circling began. Music throbbed through her ears; it was something upbeat by Ill Nino

These are my fears
I fear
If you still hate me
You’re thinking of me
I’m fear

And then he pounced, yeah you really are fear, his hands caught her shoulders, and he pushed her to the ground landing on top of her, making her lose her breath. His faced changed; demon roared conquering his humanity for a while and moved in for the kill. While most of his balance and weight was put into getting her neck, she shoved her knee upwards catching him in the groin while her hand momentarily left unattended caught his jaw sending a defiant crack that they both caught, she winced. “Fucking hell” she used his surprise to her advantage and rolled him over poking him in the chest with a biro.

“Ha got you”

“You’d be dead now if I wanted it” he replied moving off the floor and turning off the CD player.

“But you don’t want it do you Mr. Spikey”

He just grabbed a towel. “It’s no fair you never try hard with me, you let me win, how the hell am I meant to bet a real vampire if the one I practice on takes it easy.”

Rubbing the towel through his hair. Just as he was about to answer the phone rang, being the closest he picked it up.  Willow took the opportunity to steal the towel he was holding, well it wasn’t really stealing as it was hers.
