A Time For Blood And Roses

Author: Lucinda

Rating: PG 13/16

Pairings: W/S, D/A, B/Scott, X/Amy, Giles/Jenny

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone from BtVS.


~Part: 71~

Willow found herself having difficulty sleeping without Spike. She rather liked the feeling of him sprawled in the bed with her, although they had found the bed a bit small for a few things... Willow felt herself blushing at some of her memories of their weekend escapades. She didn't regret a moment of them, but they had been very intense. He was off hunting for an apartment, and had mentioned the idea that they could move in together, to have their very own place. She liked that idea a great deal.

She had planned to finish her homework and get some sleep. To rest and prepare herself for school tomorrow. That wasn't working. Spike's scent was all over her bed, and every time she laid down to try to rest, his scent started her thinking along all sorts of interesting lines of thought that were definitely not restful. Frustratingly, he was out looking for a prospective apartment, so her interesting plans for him would have to wait. Sigh.

Sleep was not working. She had to do something to occupy her mind. Hmm... the soul spell was completed, maybe she could check out the contents of that box? The one that had been sent to her by Ardeth Bey (that explained Dru calling him the water guy) and his wife, the Desert Rose. Maybe looking through the contents would help her figure out why the handwriting had seemed so familiar.

Carefully, Willow opened the box. It had been carefully packed with things; a few books, a medium sized bowl made of hammered copper, carefully wrapped bundles of herbs, a package of what had to be some sort of resinous incense, and what appeared to be an old sketchbook, with additional papers stuffed between the pages. She carefully pulled out the books and the sketchbook, deciding that the herbs and incense and bowl could stay in the box for now.

The slender leather bound books proved to be about magic. Magical theories and laws, neatly and systematically presented, hand written onto the pages in that same familiar handwriting. There were sections about summoning spirits or creatures, and along with the explanations of how were explanations of the possible risks and dangers that were associated with those spells and rituals. There were charts with acceptable substitutions for ingredients. The last book proved to be not another book of theory, but a volume of actual spells. Most seemed fairly straightforward, and there were notes that said that with enough practice, simple magics could be preformed without the chanting or diagrams or herbs, but simply by focusing the will towards the result.

  There was a caution written in very big letters. WHEN CASTING A WILL BE DONE SPELL BE VERY CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY AND HOW IT CAN BE TAKEN.

That was odd. Why would she ever be casting a 'will-be-done' spell anyhow? But precision in magic made a lot of sense, as did the caution to think of how a statement could be taken. Maybe this Desert Rose had encountered some sort of trouble with a will spell once upon a time? She could already see how some of these spells could be useful, and part of her wanted to start practicing immediately. But more of her was curious about the contents of the sketchbook.

Carefully, she opened it. Some of the pages were falling out, the edges yellowed with age. To her great surprise, it started with sketches of people she knew. Buffy, Xander, Giles... even Angel, Spike and Cordelia. There were also sketches of other people, someone that seemed vaguely familiar labeled Oz and two women labeled Tara and Anya, and a young girl called Dawn. But the sketches of her friends showed them older, as if they had been drawn a few years in the future, instead of many years ago. Some of the pages had small notes along the edges.

Turning through the first section of the sketches, Willow felt bafflement and a dawning suspicion fill her. The sketches and notes hinted of another world, a different future and present for Sunnydale. They hinted at Angel losing his soul, and Xander dating Cordelia. The very idea of those two together made Willow smile and shudder. Xander hated Cordelia, why would he ever date her? Why would she be involved with someone called Oz when she had her Spike? And the idea of her dating some girl/woman named Tara... she wasn't gay. Buffy didn't have a sister named Dawn; the Slayer was an only child.

Her suspicion was confirmed and turned into amazed wonder. The Desert Rose was Willow, from Sunnydale, in a time where Spike had never become her lover. That Willow had dated Oz, and then Tara, and been flung back in time by an angry and powerful figure that had come to Sunnydale, someone called Glory. She had gone back in Time, and found herself with the O'Connels, teaching their son Alex. Judging from the pictures, Alex had been an adorable boy, full of intelligence and mischief. She had then met, fell in love with, and married Ardeth Bey, and gone away with him to live happily after.

The Desert Rose, a person that Giles spoke of as a powerful and mysterious sorceress was her... sort of, in an alternate possible future sort of way. She had found herself.. err, the other Willow had found herself flung into a strange time and had salvaged wonderful happiness for herself. It made Willow smile as she sat in her bedroom. What a strange and frightening time the other her had lived in. Hers made so much more sense.

~Part: 72~

  Willow was still thinking over some of the things from the sketchbook and journal that had been in the box. Eventually, she decided that as long as she had this information, she might as well try to do something with some of it. She could ask Giles if there was some way to get rid of the statue that the museum had found or would find that was the demon Acathala before someone used it to open a portal to hell. She could use some of this as a way to remember that she could learn the more difficult spells. That Xander could graduate... and what was that about a demony mayor Ascension anyhow? The picture had looked like a really big snake. Creepy.

She arrived a bit early for school, and went right to the library, certain that she could find Giles inside. She had some of the pictures from the sketchbook with her. "Giles?"

"I'm in my office. Is there something wrong, Willow?" His voice carried through the air.

"Morning Giles. Nothing's wrong with me or Spike, and I don't think anything's wrong with Angel or Dru either. I um... I got a package, and there was some stuff in it that I thought you should take a look at." Willow shuffled through some of the pages, and put the one with Acathala on the top before placing them on the desk in front of Giles.

Giles glanced at the paper and stiffened. Carefully, he picked it up, looking at the drawing, and the careful notes along the margins. Notes saying that the worthy must spill their blood on the blade, and that the blood of the worthy could close the portal again. Another note, underlined, said that only a small portion of the worthy's blood was required for either action. He then looked carefully at the paper, noting that it had yellowed slightly with age, and the ink had faded a bit, indicating that the page was several decades old.

"Willow... where did this come from? This looks almost like your handwriting, but... it's to old." There was puzzlement and worry in his voice.

Willow fidgeted slightly. "Umm remember I said that Dru and I cast a spell to send a letter to a mage she'd met? His name is Ardeth Bey, and his wife is"

"The Desert Rose." Giles voice interrupted, his eyes growing wide. "You received a package from them? This was inside?"

"Yeah. You might want to sit down and look at the rest of the pages. There's an explanation, but it's sort of freaky weird." Willow's voice was a bit hesitant. What if he didn't believe her? What if...

"These pages... they have Buffy and Xander. Angel and Spike and a few other people... How could someone have known unless... Willow, is there a connection between you and the Desert Rose?" Giles' voice was filled with confusion.

"Umm... turn a few more pages. There's a section with someone called Tara, and there's an explanation in the margins of those pages." She felt a bit awkward explaining this. It all seemed a bit unreal.

There was the sound of a sudden sharp intake of breath as it finally clicked for Giles. "The Desert Rose is... you? Or an alternate possible version... good heavens. I know that you said the spell to transport the letter didn't tire you... goodness."

"Yeah. Goodness. Some of the stuff seems so unbelievable... like Xander and Cordelia dating. Or Vamp Willow. But some of it made me worry a bit, like Acathala and the demony mayor Ascension thing." Willow was feeling a bit better now, a bit less nervous.

"To blatantly change the subject, how are you and Spike getting along? Have you encountered any problems due to his being a vampire?" Giles sounded a bit flustered.

Willow looked at Giles, a bit surprised by the words that had just emerged from his lips. "You know about... when did you figure it out? You aren't going to freak out and give me a lecture are you?"

Giles removed his glasses, polishing them absently as he tried to phrase his reply. "I suppose a lecture about the risks of becoming involved with a vampire would be rather pointless at this time. I'm sure that you heard it many times as I attempted to explain it to Buffy, and I have no doubt that you felt justified in looking through some of the books to gain further information. As for when I discovered his health, it was the night of the soul anchoring. It was in the way he moved, and how pale he was. I have been trained to spot vampires, you know. There is more to being a watcher than having big books about demons. I also noticed the mark on his neck, and assumed that it was from you ahmm... Claiming him. Please spare me the details. Please."

She managed to smother the giggle that his words provoked. "No, no problems. Things are wonderful between us, and we're thinking about what to do after I graduate. He's thinking that I should see some of England before I go to school, and that I should pick somewhere away from here. I think he just wants to avoid Buffy, or maybe the Hellmouth. He's made a few steps towards rebuilding a relationship with Angel, who's close family, either his Sire or Grandsire, your Angelus Chronicle was a bit uncertain on that point. Dru and Angel are... umm... bonding or something, and I don't want any details from them."

Giles couldn't quite manage to conceal the shudder that went through him. "I have come to value Angel as an individual and a researcher, and he has many good points, but I assure you, I have no desire to know any details of his err... sexual activities."

He drank from his teacup, and returned his attention to the papers that Willow had brought. "I think it might be best if I take a few steps to look into these matters. Acathala is a serious matter, and the idea of an Ascension... this definitely bears a bit of research. Fortunate that it looks like we have time."

~Part: 73~

Willow was feeling good about things during school. She had Spike, who loved her, and would never leave her. She had Dru, her new friend, someone that had promised to teach her about magic and languages. Willow was pretty sure that her future was looking up. She had people in her life that cared, cared far more than her biological parents ever had. She had a wonderful man that loved her, that wanted her to be happy with her life, and could take care of her so that she would never be forced to hold a job that she hated simply to pay for the household expenses.

Xander was still her oldest friend, and he wasn't complaining about her choice of partner, although that might be more because he knew it wouldn't work than from actually liking the idea. Which reminded her, she would have to introduce Xander to Spike. Xander seemed to be happy with Amy, so he was finally having some good luck with romance as well.

Buffy was getting more involved with Scott.  They were seeing movies, and going for coffee together, all the sorts of things that 'normal girls' did with their boyfriends.  She seemed to have finally decided to be happy that Willow had a boyfriend, and was operating on the firm belief that Willow's statement had been purely a fabrication for the shock value. Willow had sighed and decided not to argue with the blonde. Why waste her breath?  Instead, she sat there and nodded as Buffy talked about Scott, and how much fun it was to spend time with him, how nice and normal it made her feel.

Willow had to hide a smile when Buffy had brought up the idea of group events, with all of them bringing their dates along. She had simply claimed that Spike had a tricky schedule, and let Buffy and Xander plan double dates, confident that this wasn't the best way to explain Spike's health to her friend the Slayer.

She would eventually have to explain it. Willow wasn't naive enough to think that she could keep Buffy from finding out forever. She was confident that she should be able to figure out a good way to let Buffy know, a way that wouldn't result in the impalement of her boyfriend. Possibly let her know in a very public place? Somewhere that Buffy wouldn't be able to go all Slayer on him?

T hat had possibilities.  Maybe it would be better if Xander and Amy were there?  Friendly witnesses to reassure Buffy that Willow was safe? Hmm... maybe Giles would be a better witness then.  Giles at least understood that since she and Spike had claimed each other, he wouldn't hurt her.

Actually, that might be a good idea. Maybe she could talk about it with Giles, see if he had any advice for how to let her friend the Slayer know about her boyfriend the vampire. She made her way towards the library, and on the way, she noticed Cordelia talking to Owen, and Owen even looked like he was smiling. Maybe he was getting over his crush on Buffy... maybe Owen could move on now. Willow wasn't certain that Cordelia would be good for Owen, or anyone for that matter, but at least she wouldn't be comparing him to her secret vampire.

Willow giggled slightly, trying to picture Cordelia hiding a vampire of her very own. Spike was so passionate and intense, she was certain that she would ever be able to hide him, not that she wanted to. If he was normal in that regard, and judging from how little she'd heard from Dru, she was guessing that he was, Cordelia would never have time for her social life and a secret vampire lover. She would probably have been a lot mellower if she had her very own vampire.

She went into the library, still amused by the idea of secret vampires, and settled at the table. She pulled open her math book and started working on her assignment to explain why she was in the library if anyone not aware of the bumpy things in the night stopped in, which was actually pretty unlikely. The last time anyone had voluntarily come into the library was actually Owen, looking up poetry by Emily Dickinson.

About the time that Willow was finishing her assignment, Giles came into the library, looking slightly rumpled and smiling slightly. He looked over at Willow and gave a small smile, and offered a greeting. "Good afternoon, Willow. Is there something in particular that you needed?"

"Advice, actually. I know that eventually, Buffy will have to know about Spike, more than just he's my boyfriend.  She'll find out about the... umm... not tanning part.  I'd really like a way that I could sort of break it to her gently, and in a way that won't send her off trying to stake him."   Her voice was quiet, betraying the seriousness of her words.

"That does sound like a reasonable thing to hope for.  Perhaps a bit tricky, but a good idea. Hmmm.... what have you come up with so far?" Giles was taking her request seriously.

"Public place, fairly crowded, enough that she can't do slayage because of witnesses. People she trusts to vouch for my safety from him, because he wouldn't hurt me. I thought maybe I could have Xander and Amy explain, but then I thought that since you know more about..." Willow paused slightly, hearing footsteps outside. "Englishmen, you would be the best choice to explain things to her. He loves me, and he wouldn't ever hurt me. I just want her to understand that."

Giles gave a small smile. "Yes, I suppose I am the local expert on... Englishmen. Let me know when, and I will try to be there so that I can explain things to her."

~Part: 74~

      Willow had told Spike about her concern over explaining things to Buffy.  Her fears that Buffy might try to hurt him, or that she would get upset about Dru and Angel, which would be a bit hypocritical on account of her dating Scott before and after dumping Angel.  He had chuckled a bit, and called Buffy a daft chit, but he understood her concerns.  It could be a bit tricky to introduce vampires to a Slayer.

     They had discussed that for a while, going over Willow's concerns and fears, and trying to figure out a plan for breaking the news to Buffy. Willow had also mentioned asking for any advice that Giles could offer on that matter.  Spike had laughed at the possible witness caused change of the word 'vampires' to 'Englishmen'.

      Willow had suddenly looked thoughtful, and had spoke again, a twinkle in her eyes hinting at plans.  "I'm going to have to introduce you to Xander at some point.  He's been my friend forever, and he wants to meet you.  He also knows about you being a vampire... he hasn't tried to say anything against it.  AND" Willow put her hand over Spike's lips, forestalling his possible protest about meeting the boy that his Willow had once had a crush on.  "he's dating Amy Madison now."

     "So, he's got his own bird?  Good.  You are my Willow now, he missed his chance."  Spike then pulled Willow onto his lap, kissing her lips in a passionate reminder that she was with him, not someone else.

      Eventually, their lips parted, and Willow regained a measure of breath.  "A bit of jealousy?  You don't need to be.  I love you.  You've Claimed me, and I've Claimed you, so I'm not going anywhere."

      "I know... I... love you too.  Just worry more than I should.  There's been to many times when something good was taken away from me.  It makes me worry about good things now being taken away as well.  You, this new family thing with Angel.  It almost seems to good."  His voice was soft, his words spoken into her hair.

      "I know that feeling.  Before I met you, I was just... mousy little Willow, the person that nobody wanted, pretty much nobody really even thought of me as a girl, and now..."  Willow's voice was soft edged memory.

      "You were never a mouse!  You are the most gorgeous creature in this whole miserable town.  You have this hair like fire, and eyes like gems, filled with beauty and passion and life, and skin like fine porcelain.  I've only seen one person in my whole bloody existence that could come close... and I was mortal then, and to obsessed with some worthless socialite to see it."  Spike's voice was almost angry, fiercely defensive of his Willow.

    "Umm... Spike?  Remember how Dru and I cast a spell to get in touch with this sorcerer that she knew?  The one she called the water-guy?  He's this powerful desert maji, mentioning him made Giles sit up and look very interested, and his wife is called the Desert Rose."  Willow wanted to tell him, she had the feeling that the other, older Willow might have met Spike's human self.

      "Yeah, powerful fellows, those desert maji.  They guard these ancient tombs and some serious curses from people... some very nasty stuff.  Most of them don't have much to do with the rest of the world.  That one, the one we met, he got involved with a British couple, something about a mummy and an old curse... he married this european sorceress.  Never met her.  He knew Dru and me for vampire though.  Didn't seem to be afraid either."

      Willow carefully moved from Spike's lap, picking up the old sketchbook full of pictures.  "This came in the box from the pair of them.  I think... it might be interesting for you to look at it.

      Looking a bit puzzled, Spike turned through the pages, his puzzlement only growing.  "Luv, these... these are your pals.  Only... they look older.   Handwriting looks like yours too... paper's old though.  And who't this Tara anyhow?"

      He kept carefully turning the pages, and suddenly stopped, gaping at a page with what appeared to be a poetry recital, and a sketch of a young man with thin glasses and a sheaf of pages held crumpled in one hand.  "Oh bloody hell... this... it was her?  She was you?  But... how?  That was years ago..."

      Willow sat beside him, her hand resting on his.  "As near as I can tell, some evil major nasty sent a Willow back in time from her second year of college, and she ended up in the thirties.  She drew pictures of the people she ended up with, and now... she's the Desert Rose."

      "Well, that makes me feel a bit better.  She was one of the most striking women I ever met, gorgeous.  I had a bit of a soft spot for her then... kept thinking about her, didn't want her to know how I'd changed. She'd liked me, remembered me as I used to be, the shy poet.  I didn't want her to see me as a ruthless vampire."  A smile hovered almost on his face, the expression so close.

      "I like all your parts.  And that sounded... not like what I was meaning."  Willow could feel herself blushing, and the smile spilled over Spike's features, becoming a sensual invitation.

     "So, you like all my parts... any particular favorites?"  He brushed his fingers over the side of her throat, a hint of more intimate things that they could be doing.

     "Your eyes, and your cheekbones. Not to mention those rippling muscles."  Willow smiled back, her own expression hopeful.  "And umm... I picked up some more ice cream."

      With a delightful grin, Spike picked her up, his expression hinting at delights to come.  He stopped in the kitchen long enough to grad the ice cream, a spoon, and the chocolate sauce.  "I say we have sundaes then."

~Part: 75~

      The plan eventually was worked out to catch a movie at the local theatre with Amy and Xander.  That way, they could meet each other without Xander or Amy feeling very threatened, and there was a new movie that Spike was practically begging to go see.  It was a horror movie, in a historical setting, and was supposed to have extensive and graphic fight scenes.  He had spent a few hours persuading Willow to go with him to watch it. Honestly, she hadn't objected to the idea that much, but it had been so much fun to let him try to convince her...  they would be meeting Xander and Amy for the nine thirty showing, the only one that started entirely after Sunset.

      Willow smiled, stretching her stiff muscles.  She was taking a lot more hot soaking baths now, a side effect of her relationship with Spike. The occasional hours of passionate sex could leave her feeling stiff and sore, and a long soak in scented bubbles would make her feel better.  She wouldn't give up her Spike though, even if it meant that she never had a single muscle ache again in her life.  Instead, she let them serve as a reminder of who she had in her life, and she made an effort to make certain that he wouldn't forget either.  She was his and he was hers... all that she was for everything that he was.

      She got herself a bit of a snack, and sat in her chair, leafing through one of the books of spells sent to her by the Desert Rose, the other Willow Rosenberg, or would she be Willow Bey now?  That sounded like some resort, a vacation hotel.  There were healing spells, and several types of binding spells, as well as a few basic barriers and detections.  She was smiling, already thinking of all sorts of ways that those spells could be useful as she turned to see what was on the next page.

      The writing at the top of the page almost leapt out at her, 'To Conceive a Child with a Vampire Father'  written in bold, flowing letters. Willow felt her breath catch as she looked over the page.  She had come to truly appreciate the notes that were always placed underneath the spell's title or description, and immediately turned her gaze to them, curious what sort of requirements this spell would have.  The woman had to be of adult age, a woman, not a childe.  She had to want to bear a childe by the vampire in question, that specific vampire, it wouldn't just work for any vampire. He also had to have some sort of emotional bond to the woman, and there was a potion, mixed under the night sky, that was divided into two parts and drank by the couple before they went off and... umm... did the physical part to help conceive.  Her eyes were growing wide, and she felt her mind spinning with the implications.  She and Spike could have a family with this spell...

      But what sort of family? Would the children be human?  If they were, would their father consider them weak?  She turned her eyes back to the text, hoping that the details would be there.  Sure enough, they were there, although they were much less precise.  It said that the resulting offspring would be stronger and faster than a human, but not as powerful as a vampire.   Their senses would be better than a humans, and they might have a craving for blood, but should be able to live without it.  The offspring would reflect as a human does, have only the affects of holy water or symbols that a human would experience, and could go into the sunlight, although they would be more vulnerable to it than a normal human.

      She felt herself smiling with happiness.  She didn't want to have children right away, she was still to young for that.  But, there might come a time when she would want her very own child to love, and this would enable her and Spike to have their very own child.  She couldn't contain her delight, and went to find her vampire and tell him about the ritual right away.

      As it turned out, he was asleep.  She smiled, and ran her fingers over the outlines of his muscles, touching with feather light caresses over his skin.  She explored once again his now familiar body, tracing over the curve of his ribcage, the slight edge of his hip, the line of muscle along his stomach...  He woke up, his eyes golden with desire, and it was actually some time before conversation was possible.  Not that she minded in the least.

      Finally, he looked at her, his pale hair tousled, the darker roots showing through the ruffled locks.  "What did you have in mind when you came in here, Red?

      Smiling at his hair, Willow settled herself against his shoulder, shifting her position slightly until she felt entirely comfortable.  "I was looking through the spell book.  I found a ritual... if we use it, we can have children.  Our children, yours and mine.  I thought we might want that in the future, but not right away, on account of I'm still a bit young to be a mommy and everything."

      "We... kids?  Of our own?  My kids... really?  Do you want... That isn't something I ever thought would be possible."  Spike's voice was surprised, and full of tangled emotions.

      "Yes silly, our very own flesh and blood children.  Ours, not anyone else's.  There are a few stipulations for the couple, which we have, and a potion that needs to be mixed under the open night sky, and then we would... umm.. need to go and umm... put in some effort.  The spell enables, the rest has to be our own efforts.  As for do I want children... not right now.  But maybe in the future, after college and a bit of travel, I'd like to have a family."

       "That sounds... amazing.  But not something for right away."  Spike's voice was almost a purr, and his eyes were golden again, reminding Willow of an overgrown and playful cat.

      "Did you have something else in mind then?  I could study, I have a math test monday.  Or I could go back to looking through some spells..." WIllow's words were cut off when Spike kissed her, his hands tracing patterns over her back.  She sighed into his kiss, melting into his embrace.

      As it turned out, they were almost late for the movie.

       Xander and Amy were already standing there, waiting in the lobby for them to arrive.  They had thrown their things on hastily, which was much less apparent on Spike.  Willow's hair was a wild tousle, and her loose blouse had merely been dropped on over a floral skirt, and a scarf wrapped over her throat as a flimsy barrier between the gaze of the world and the freshly renewed Claim on her throat.  Spike had left his mark open to the world's sight, although it wasn't as if there was much that could be done to hide it.

       "ummm, Wills, there's this handy thing called a watch... they tell time to keep us from being late.  See, just like mine?"  Xander held his wrist up, his words teasing.  They came tumbling out before he noticed the mark on Spike's neck, which caused him to stare at it with open mouthed shock, small movements of his mouth indicating that he was making an effort to speak and failing.

       Willow could feel herself turning crimson.  "We ummm... we lost track of time.  Something... we were otherwise occupied."

       Spike looked at Xander, his gaze clearly evaluating Willow's oldest friend.  "Your staring, most people think that's a bit rude.  In case you don't know, that little love bite there means I belong to Red.  All binding and permanent like."

       "But... you.. she's not... umm... does it stick?  I mean umm..." Xander was clearly floundering for words.

       Amy was looking, and she noticed the similar mark on Willow's throat.   "That's serious... and permanent."

        Spike grinned, his arm going around Willow's shoulder.  "Yeah... permanent.  Red's easily powerful enough to make it stick, and I am happy with her.  All that she is for all that I am.  I'm just not quite the traditional ring sort of guy."

       The movie went well, although Xander did swat at Spike's hand when the vampire tried to steal a bit of his popcorn, sort of awkwardly stopping as he pulled his hand back when he realized who and what he had just swatted.  "Hey, get your own popcorn!"

       Spike had just shrugged, looking unworried.  "You can relax, I'm not about to go eating Red's friends.  She hasn't got that many, and I want to encourage her to have people other than that daft chit... fluffy."

~Part: 76~

      Xander and Amy had been surprised how normally the evening had gone. It had been so easy for them to forget that Spike wasn't just a normal guy. By the end of the evening, after watching the movie, Xander and Amy had come to the conclusion that it didn't matter, as long as Willow was happy. Besides, it wasn't as if they would be able to persuade her to change her mind.  So, Willow's boyfriend wouldn't be taking her out for a sunny day on the beach.  She sunburned anyhow.

      After discussing the movie on the way out, it was suggested that maybe they should go to another movie together, next time there was something they all wanted to see.  To their surprise, Spike and Xander both thought the idea sounded okay.  SPike had been prepared to dislike Xander, simply because he had caused Willow so much frustration, while Xander hadn't expected to ever find a vampire anything like enjoyable company.  Spike had found a measure of acceptance from Willow's friends.  It also pleased Spike that Giles, who seemed to be the closest thing to a father that Willow had, excluding Ira Rosenberg on a technicality, seemed unopposed to his relationship with Willow.

      They had split off into couples, waving cheerful goodbyes as they parted company.  Watching the mortal teens walk away, Spike hugged Willow close to him, smiling at her.  He was wondering how he had been so lucky. He had his Willow, the most wonderful woman that he'd ever met.  He had Angelus back in his life, without the difficulties that had been present before.  He had the potential to gain friends, or at least, Willow's friends.  All in all, the only possible fly in the ointment was the Slayer.

      "Red, how much trouble do you think your friend Buffy will be?"

      Willow leaned against him, considering the question.  "On the one hand, you haven't hurt me and don't intend to, and it's my life instead of hers, so she shouldn't get too upset.  There's also the whole she had this thing with Angel.... glass houses and stones, you know.  Except that Buffy has never been a particularly logical person to begin with..."

      "Which would explain the Angel thing."  Spike couldn't quite keep from offering the comment.

      "Exactly.  So, I think she won't like it, even though there's no real cause for alarm.  As for how upset she gets... I think that will depend on how much other stuff is bothering her.  If she's had a bad day, she'll be more upset than if it's been a quiet day."

     Smiling, Spike changed the topic to getting their own apartment, talking about some of the idea that he'd had.  Like the huge four post bed with crimson silk sheets, and a garden tub to fill with steaming scented bubbles, and a few of the suggestions for what they could try in those bubbles.  Still whispering naughty suggestions, he took her by the apartment complex that he'd looked at, thinking that if she liked it, she could talk to someone there in the day, and get a look at the inside to see if it still looked promising.

     Willow was all in favor of them having their own apartment, and some of Spike's suggestions for what they could do sounded down right hedonistic. She grinned, hoping that they could get their own place, maybe even a two bedroom apartment so that she could have some more space for practicing spells.  Life was looking better and better for her.

    In the end, Willow found herself reviewing her math homework in the library while Buffy came in during study hall.  Buffy was complaining about some annoyance or other from Principal Snyder, and then she turned and saw Willow.  Unfortunately, Willow's shirt collar was just low enough that Buffy caught sight of part of the bite on her throat, and in moments, Buffy was at Willow's side, tilting her head to inspect the mark, her fingers poking at Willow's throat.

    "Hey, hey!  WHat are you doing?  Buffy, stop poking me.  What is wrong with you?"  Willow was not quite certain why Buffy was kneading her neck as if it were a lump of dough, but she didn't like it.

     "You... that's a bite mark!  When did some vamp sink their teeth into my friend?  Where can I find them to stake their miserable..."   Buffy was worried and angry and afraid, all rolled up into one frantic bundle.

    "Can you please calm down?  I'm perfectly safe.  I promise.  Umm..." Willow floundered a bit, trying to find the words to explain this to Buffy.

     "What do you mean, you're perfectly safe?  That bite looks pretty deep."  Buffy was at least sitting still for the moment.

    "Ummm right.  Remember I said Spike's schedule made group dates a bit tricky?  It's a bit more complicated.  He's a... well, he's actually a vampire.  That's from him."  Seeing her friend about to loose her temper, Willow jumped up, her hand resting for a moment over Buffy's mouth in an effort to delay her friend's outburst.

    "He's NOT GOING TO HURT ME!!!  That's not a hurty full bite, it's a Claiming bite.  Sort of like the vampire version of an engagement ring.  He loves me, and I love him, and I'm NOT going to let you go stake him!"

     "Exactly what were you doing that he managed to Claim you!?!"  Buffy's voice was shocked and concerned, but she wasn't trying to get a stake.

    Willow turned crimson, trying to find a way to explain THAT to Buffy. "Ummm... we were... ahhh... you don't want to know.  Trust me.  You DON'T want the details.  I'm just going to say I wanted him to Claim me, and I Claimed him as well."

    Buffy's eyes got very wide, and she sat down with a thump.  "You... Claimed... but... vampire... sex... bad."

    Willow smiled, her mind returning to some of her memories.  "No, not 'bad' at all.  Really really... good.  Giles can explain the whole Claiming thing a bit better for you, I'll just go get some lunch.  Bye, Buff."

~Part: 77~

   Willow headed for the lunch area, meeting Xander and Amy with a cheerful smile.  "Hey, glad I could find you.  Umm... maybe I should give you a bit of a warning...   Buffy just found out about Spike's umm... health, and she's taking it ... not well."

   Xander gave a small shake of his head.  "And is this a surprise to any of us?  She doesn't like that sort, except for dead boy.  How'd she find out?"

    Willow blushed, staring at her sleeve for a moment before the words came out very softly.  "She saw the mark on my neck."

    Amy looked up, startled by the statement.  "Oh dear.  Is she freaking out?  Threatening harm and sharp pointy things?"

    Willow nodded.  "She started with that.  I told her it wasn't like that, he wasn't going to hurt me, and said that Giles could explain what a Claim meant.  She'd umm.. she asked what we were doing when it happened."

   Xander paled before speaking, his words faintly pleading.  "Please say that you didn't tell her.  Please don't tell us either..."

   Willow had to giggle at that.  "I just said that she didn't want to know."

    Things seemed almost alright for a while.  Willow and Spike were happy, and the apartment had seemed promising, although there wouldn't be a vacancy for another two months.  Xander and Amy were growing closer, and also becoming more comfortable with Spike.  Spike and Angel were rebuilding their relationship, becoming family and friends once more.

     Unfortunately, Buffy was having serious problems adjusting to the idea that her friend was involved with a vampire.  Especially since it seemed that Willow was willing to let her Spike bite her, to taste her blood.

    Angel showed up at Willow's house one evening, Dru at his side muttering about sticky taffy and trees.  Angel was scowling, his expression not the previously normal brooding or the more relaxed expressions he tended to have now.

    "What's wrong?"  Willow didn't know what had them so upset, but there was a feeling that it would become her problem as well.

    "The nasty taffy girl wants to put out your fire, little tree!  She wants to take away your tiger, and replace him with a miserable mutt!"  The words would have seemed almost nonsensical except for the seriousness that Dru had when she spoke them.

    Glancing at his lover a moment, Angel gave his own answer, which was a good deal less cryptic.  "Buffy is having a fit about you being involved with Spike.  For some reason, she thinks that I should do something about it."

     Willow sank into her chair, stunned by the actions of her friend. "But... why would she think you would do anything?  She broke up with you, it's not like you owe her anything.  Besides that, it isn't any of her business who or what I'm dating or anything else as long as I'm safe."

    Angel was scowling, clearly unhappy with Buffy's behavior.  "I almost think she was forgetting that I'm a vampire, the way she was going on about things.  'oh, he bit her, it's terrible, somebody has to talk some sense into her...'  Did anyone explain that he Claimed you, and you Claimed him?"

    Willow sighed, reaching out for Spike's hand.  "I told her it wasn't a hurty-full bite it was a Claiming Bite, and that I'd Claimed him.  I umm.. I left after telling her that she really didn't want me to explain what we were doing when he bit me... Giles was supposed to try to explain Claiming to her.  I bet she just didn't listen."

    Dru looked at her, her expression puzzled.  "But why not explain to the taffy girl what you were doing?  Obviously, she must need a few tips, or else she wouldn't be so cranky..."

    Spike collapsed into helpless laughter, and Angel simply looked at Dru, as if he couldn't quite believe the words that had just come from her mouth.   Willow giggled, trying to picture that conversation in her mind.

    "I don't think it would go over very well, and I know I'd be absolutely crimson.  I just don't think she'd understand the part where sharp teeth running over skin can feel really really... ummm, nice.  Or why I let him bite me.  You both understand, but..."  Willow knew that she was blushing as she remembered some of the things that she and Spike had done together.

    Angel smiled, the sort of eye glazed expression that said he was remembering something involving sharp teeth playing over naked skin as well.   "I don't think she'd understand either.  She's to busy trying to be dominant all the time... maybe we should give her a leather crop to use with her new boy toy."

    Spike shuddered, his expression one of intense dismay.  "Oh, that was cruel, you bloody... I do not need pictures like that going through my head!   Enough to give any self respecting vampire nightmares... glleeeuuugh."

    Willow looked at Angel, her expression now teasing and full of mischief.   "Well, Angel, if you have a thing about riding crops, I'm sure that Dru will be delighted to take care of all your personal needs... And if Buffy bugs you again, well, you expressed a measure of concern about the situation, I insisted that I'm keeping my Spike.  Everyone can be happy, except maybe Buffy.  I need to have a talk with her, she should be worrying more about her boyfriend than about mine or her ex, emphasis on EX boyfriend."

    Dru laughed, and whispered something into Angel's ear that caused him to look at her in surprise.  Then he pulled her close and nibbled lightly over the side of her neck, producing a delighted squeal from Dru.  She clung to him, her arms sliding around his waist, caressing the curve of his muscles suggestively.

    Willow cleared her throat.  "Ahh, Dru?  I know you like having Angel all to yourself, and I know he's got great muscles, but... I do NOT want to see the two of you having naughty vampire sex in front of me in my bedroom. Okay?"

    Angel looked as if he was trying to blush.  Dru gave an exaggerated pout, and then with a wicked grin suggested "You could turn around."

    Spike threw a pillow at her.

~Part: 78~

    Buffy seemed normal on Monday, wearing something very fashionable, talking about Scott and this movie that they were planning to see later that week.  She had a new  deep red leather jacket, one with numerous pockets that probably let her carry a considerable slaying Arsenal.  Willow wondered just how much Buffy had in those pockets.

    She even did her usual thing of paying minimal attention during English, the one class that she and Willow had together in the morning.  Things seemed almost normal, but Willow still had a feeling...  Angel and Dru had said several things about Buffy's persistent efforts to convince Angel to try to separate her and Spike.  Could Buffy have given up so easily? Somehow, Willow doubted that very much.

    Xander had gotten in trouble for dozing off to sleep during biology, so the new teacher had made him come in during his lunch and help with some of the cleaning after the dissections.  It was Mr. Weiss' theory that a detention merely served to promote boredom and a lack of thought.  If the punishment instead involved some actual thought and effort, it would have a more lasting impression.  He also seemed to be rather knowledgable about biology.  Willow hoped that he wasn't a) killed by a demon in his first year or b) some sort of dangerous demon himself.

    Amy had been sitting beside Willow in the courtyard, asking for a few details on Claiming, which Willow had been willing to share.  Looking up, Willow saw Buffy approaching, and her words faltered to a halt before a slightly weak 'Hey Buffy.' emerged.

    "Hi, Wills and Amy.  What'cha talking about?"  Buffy settled to the ground beside them, a bright smile on her face, one finger twirling slightly around a lock of hair.

    Smiling slightly, Amy spoke.  "I was just trying to get Willow to share a few details.  She accidentally said something about a Spike sundae..."

     "Oh, girl talk.  Sounds good... tell more, Wills."

    Their discussion over lunch was most definitely one Xander would be glad to have missed.  Buffy had a few things to say about Scott, and she explained a few of the differences between how Scott and Angel had kissed. Amy had shared some about Xander kisses, and a bit of slightly embarrassed speculation about a few more personal things.  Willow had found herself with the most details to share, although she was actually quite careful what she mentioned.  Nothing involving sharp teeth, nothing involving being tied up with silk scarves, or tying Spike up either.  That had definitely ruled out some things, and there was a lot more that she simply didn't want to mention during the semi crowded lunch hour.

    Even if she was keeping a great deal to herself, their jaws still dropped from her words.  Something between shock, envy, jealousy and surprise...  It was obvious that even the few things Willow had been willing to share were a lot more than they'd expected.  Buffy just sort of stared, clearly trying to match the Willow she remembered with a person indulging in passionate sex with a vampire.  She didn't seem to be having much success.

     "Go Willow."  was Amy's stunned response, her eyes a bit glazed.

    With an almost wicked smile, Willow's words seemed very clear to Buffy and Amy.  "I intend too.  I found my wonderful guy, and I promise, I intend to keep him."

~Part: 79~

     Buffy caught up with Willow in the library after school, where the Slayer was supposed to practice her staff work with Giles before patrol. Buffy's expression said that she was intent on a goal, and it seemed that her goal was to talk to Willow.  "Hey, Willow... just the person I was looking for.  I wanted to have a word or two with you about that boyfriend of yours..."

     Giles stopped in the stacks, able to hear Buffy's words clearly, but not actually within sight for the Slayer.  What did Buffy want to say about Spike?  He'd met the vampire, and while he didn't quite feel comfortable with him, he seemed utterly devoted to Willow.  Giles held no doubts that Spike would take very good care of Willow, quite possibly in ways that he did not want to know about, judging from the Claiming bite on her neck.

     Willow would be very safe with Spike, and she seemed to be very happy with him.  What more could Buffy want for her friend?  Part of him was afraid to find out, another part had him listening with drawn and nervous breath.

     "What did you want to say about Spike?"  Willow's voice was calm.

     "Why?  I mean, why Spike?  Why a vampire at all, Wills?  Why not find a nice, breathing human guy?  Someone that you can grow old with, have children with, you know, live happily ever after?  I mean, he's a vampire! What if he decides that he's tired of you and just goes away, or that he wants a younger girl?"  Buffy sounded serious, and perhaps she was.  Perhaps these thoughts had been plaguing her through her relationship with Angel.

      "I'm not with him because he's a vampire.  I'm with him because I love him, and he just happens to be a vampire.  I don't want some guy just because he's alive, I want someone who loves me, someone that will smile like I'm the most wonderful person in the world, someone that notices what I like and what I don't like, someone that will offer me flowers and poetry and chocolates, and also let me explore passion and desire and try out new things without trying to tell me if it is or isn't me.  My Spike does all of that for me.  We've claimed each other, he can't just decide to go away, and if for some wild reason he tried, I'll track him down, chain him up and beat him into submission!  But he WON'T LEAVE ME.  That's sort of the point." Willow was glaring at Buffy, her expression one of barely controlled frustration and anger.

     "But... happily after, and kids and... sunshine!  He can't give you kids and sunshine!"  Buffy's words had almost a desperate edge to them.

     "Buffy, we live over the Mouth of Hell, how normal do you think anything's ever going to get?  He loves me, I love him, and he's going to be with me forever.  I found a spell that will let us have kids later, and you know I always burn in the sunshine anyhow, so that's not really a big loss."   Willow sighed, sitting in one of the chairs.  "Why are you spending so much time worrying about me and my boyfriend anyhow?  Haven't you got a boyfriend of your own?  Does the name Scott sound familiar?  Why don't you let me manage my own love life and you can worry about maintaining yours?"

     "There's a spell to let vampires have kids?"  Buffy sounded stunned.

     "Yeah, although it does require a sort of elaborate ritual and certain moon requirements and a potion and, umm... biting.  I don't think you'd like it very much."  Willow sounded far too casual about the spell.

      With a muffled sound that might have been a sob, Buffy fled from the room, ignoring the fact that she was supposed to be training.

      Giles emerged from between the shelves, a small frown on his face. "How complicated is this ritual that you found?  I don't want you endangering yourself."

      Willow gave a small smile, almost apologetic.  "Not as complicated as I made it sound.  It suggests the formal blessing of the Sire if possible, another vampire relative if not for the vampire, and there's this potion that has to be mixed under the night sky, with the moon present in the sky, and sort of a chant in Latin... drink the potion, and then umm... the sex, which is where the biting would have to come in.  Umm..." Willow was blushing now, and she couldn't quite look at Giles.  "It only works if both people really want to have a baby, and the mommy to be has to accept that daddy is a vampire, which calls for letting him bite her... and I really can't see Buffy letting that happen.  Wouldn't want to see it..."

      Giles made a small sound, sort of like 'hmmmmm' as he polished his glasses.  He looked at Willow, his expression a bit restrained, sort of thoughtful.

      Sighing, Willow translated the little noise.  "You aren't certain you approve of me crushing Buffy's lingering hopes that someday, she and Angel will end up back together and live happily ever after, except for that little part where he's a vampire?  Angel isn't going back to Buffy, not now, not ever, and he has Dru to keep him company in all sorts of naughty ways. Buffy figured that she wanted a normal life, now she gets exactly what she said she wanted, Scott Hope.  It was her choice, I'm just trying to point out that she has to live with it."

       "That does sum things up.  It did seem a bit harsh the way you phrased that...  You think that she's still... that she still has feelings for Angel?"  Giles sounded dismayed.

      "Do bad things creep around at night?  Of course Buffy still has a thing for Angel.  I just don't know how much she realizes it.  She's been asking him to do something about me being involved with a vampire, and complaining to Angel that I let Spike bite me.  Exactly what does she think he should do about it and why?  I'm happy, Spike's happy... and Angel and Dru are happy together as well!  She doesn't need to worry about us!  What she should be focusing on is slaying dangerous baddies and her relationship with Scott."

      "Hmmmmm."  Giles didn't look particularly happy at this confident announcement.  "You say that she's been bothering Angel about you and Spike?"

      "Spike and I had been considering getting an apartment here in town. She's definitely been bothering them, bad enough that Dru's asking if we can hurt her, or if the 'nasty taffy girl' needs to be told exactly how to have a satisfying sex life.  Please don't ask, it was Dru's suggestion, and I don't think I want to know."

     Giles gave a small shudder, as if he didn't really want to know but had a few ideas.  "Please, try to persuade Dru to avoid giving Buffy instructions for improving her sex life.  I don't think they would be helpful, and I most assuredly do not want to hear about them."

~Part: 80~

       Willow started to notice that there seemed to be guys watching her when she and Spike went places.  Various guys from school would be there, and she could feel them watching her, although she had no idea why.  Buffy hadn't spoken to her for two days, and then had resumed asking her 'why Spike? Why a vampire?' as if the idea was completely incomprehensible to her.  It was exasperating, both to Willow and Spike.

      They had gone to the Bronze, planning to meet Xander and Amy.  Spike had gone to get Willow a drink when she felt someone standing behind her. Turning, Willow saw Percy West, one of the football players.  She had also helped tutor him with his math.  His gaze sort of flickered to someone over to the left and went back to Willow before he spoke.  "Hey, Willow.  Maybe you can clear something up for me?"

      "Percy... umm, what's the confusion?"  Willow was wondering what he could be referring to.  Wasn't he doing all right in his classes this quarter?

      "Seems that Buffy is trying to set you up with somebody, she keeps trying to send guys your way.  Thing is, I've been watching, and you seem pretty tight with that blond guy.  Care to help me understand?"  He had a smile, and from a distance it might even look as if he was trying to pick her up.

      Willow sighed, feeling as if something inside had just cracked, perhaps a bit of trust?  "That's Spike.  He's my boyfriend, and we're very serious.  The problem is that Buffy can't stand the idea that I'm with him and happy.  I just had no idea that she was... oh dear."

      "Willow, who's this guy?"  Spike had made his way back, and he wasn't certain that he liked some other male talking to his lovely Willow.

      Smiling at him, Willow reached out for Spike's arm, pulling him to her side.  "Spike, this is Percy West, one of the guys from school.  He just told me something very interesting."

      Percy looked at Spike, and as he wasn't a complete idiot, he could tell that Spike wasn't the sort of person to try to push around.  "Her friend Buffy is trying to toss guys towards Willow.  Making comments like "Willow needs a good guy in her life' and 'I'm sure she'd love a guy like you asking her out'.  I was asking Willow why someone would be doing that when it's very obvious that you and her are involved."

      Spike pulled Willow close to him, a low growl rumbling into the air. "She doesn't need anyone else.  I take very good care of my Willow tree." There was a hint of gold in his eyes as he looked over to Percy.  "It was good of you to let us know what the Sl... Fluffy's been up to.  Thanks for that."

      Looking a bit unsettled, Percy gave a weak smile.  "Sure.  Willow's a nice person, I want her to be happy.  As long as she's happy with you, I have no room to worry."  SHaking his head slightly, Percy made his careful way over to the bar, getting himself something to drink.

      Spike leaned down, whispering into Willow's ear.  "How far can we trust this guy?"

      Willow leaned back against Spike, feeling comforted by his concern. "Percy's not a bad guy, just sort of... well, a bit self centered, and he tries to do as little as he needs to get by.  I doubt that he'd make up something like this, and it would explain why there have been so many stray guys everywhere we've been lately... it's worse if I go somewhere in the daytime.  I just don't understand how she could try to do this to me."

      They danced for a bit, and noticed several other guys watching Willow, some of them looking annoyed by something, possibly the fact that Willow was dancing with someone else.  Glaring at the room in general, Spike noticed Xander and Amy, who were dancing over to the right, apparently amused by something.  Looking back at Willow, he sighed.  "Maybe an apartment here in Sunnydale wouldn't be such a good thing after all.  Maybe the best thing would be to go somewhere far away from this miserable little place.  Tell me, luv, anywhere catch your fancy?  London, Paris, Rome... anywhere you want to go, we can travel there."

      Willow sighed, leaning in to Spike's arms with a smile.  "I think I'd like to travel a bit, maybe see some of the world before we find another place to live.  Maybe see London, Paris, Rome, Venice, Athens... see a lot of places that I've never been to.  And we never have to come back to Sunnydale... although if Xander and Amy stay together it might be nice to go to their wedding."

      Spike felt a wave of relief wash over him.  "Not going to worry about Fluffy?  What about Xander and Amy?"

      "They will be safe enough, they both know what to watch out for, and Amy's got a few tricks up her sleeve, sort of like my tricks.  As for Buffy... she's so fond of bringing up her destiny, let her have it.  Giles said it was normal for the Chosen ones to be all alone, if she keeps this sort of thing up, she will be.  She's pushing me away, this wasn't my plan. But I won't let her play with my life like this."  A single tear slid down her cheek as she remembered how nice things had been when she'd first met Buffy.

     Spike leaned closer, kissing the tear from her cheek.  "I know it hurts, luv.  But I'm here for you, now and forever."

      She clung to him, feeling as if all the things that she'd thought that she could count on were slipping away, her world changing around her.  He was her point of stability, he would never leave her, never abandon her to face things alone and confused, not if he had any say in the matter at all. One hand traced patterns on his back, having slipped under his slightly faded black shirt. She loved the feeling of his skin, smooth and cool, yet supple.

     "Spike?  Take me away from here?  Can we go home now?"  She managed to keep her voice from trembling too much, although the pain was audible.

     Her soft words were the only prompting that he needed.
