~Part 6~

"My husband, Spike.  Mackenzie is my husband."

I knew I shouldn't have asked.  A lot can happen in a hundred years, but I never expected something like this.  Tara, the ex blond chit of Red's, told me that she was in love with me.  'Course that was before Darla killed her,  but I never expected her to go out and get married.  I thought she was in love with me, he thought.  If she loved me, why did she marry some other man?  And to the first man she met after leaving too.  And now, to find out that he's an enemy.  What's wrong with this guy?  "Bloody fuckin' husband, she says.  Mistake she say."  Spike muttered, all the while taking his frustrations out on the punching bag.


Tall, dark and handsome, she described him.

Jab, jab, punch.

Reminds me of the bloody poof.

Jab, forward punch, low kick.

Was a soddin' witch, too, she says.  They had a lot in common.  He understood her.

Jab, punch, side kick, feign right, then left, roundhouse back kick.

Was happy with him.  Happy!

Front kick, side kick, punch, jab, switch punch, high back kick....

The next thing Spike knew, the punching back was all the way across the other side of the room.  Apparently he had kicked the bag so hard the chain had broken and the bag had flown and landed against the opposite wall.

Still tense and filled with pent-up energy, Spike did the only thing he could do.  He picked up a weapon and started to workout, going over
practiced moves that were both beautiful and deadly, then again anything that controlled life was always beautiful and lethal.

For each fatal blow he executed, he imagined Mackenzie's painful death.  For every other move he imagined it was either Dru or Darla still amused by their botched plan to get Angelus back into the family fold.

Hours later and still wired, Spike dropped his sword, took a couple of unnecessary breaths and began the nine stances for the basic forms; hisoko- dachi, misubi-dachi, heiko-dachi; strikes from the hands then block - open hand, closed fist. From there the first kicks; mae-te-geri, oi-geri,
mawashi-geri. Then the flowing motions that took him into the first kihons and then into true kata - body and mind struggling to meld, to become as one, trying to calm his chaotic thoughts.

Going back to Asia forty years ago now seemed like a good thing, but at the time it didn't.  It had taught him control, mastering his mind, his body and his emotions.

He had no idea what he was going to do now that Willow was here.  He hadn't expected her to be alive, much less married and trying to get away from him. He hadn't expected feelings for her to come to surface, either, but there they were.  And he had absolutely no idea what to do about them.

She was still beautiful, but now she had the look of experience and age about her even thought she couldn't have looked more than twenty-seven.  She had grown her hair out long, down to her waist if he guessed right.  Her skin was still flawless and clear but somewhere on her journeys she had attained a tan, it looked good on her.  Her eyes were the one thing he was most interested in though.  Her eyes, those beautiful verdant colored eyes.  They held too many lifetimes.  Too much.  They were the eyes of a warrior, an elder and a woman all in one and he was entranced.

Finally, hours later, exhausted but calm, Spike walked into the kitchen to get some blood.  When it was warmed, he took the mug out of the microwave and walked into the livingroom to watch newly installed large tele-vid screen.

Half way into the sitcom program Willow walked in and said softly, "Angel called."

"Oh, yea?  What did Peaches want?"

"He left a message on the answering machine.  He said that someone named Alex had a vision."

"Well then, Red.  Expect some company tonight," and I should expect no time alone with you, he thought.

"All right."  Willow said, then walked out to the back yard saying on her way out, "I'm going to do some meditation out back, Spike.  Call me when
Angel gets here."

"Sure."  Spike said watching her backside as she walked out.

Ten minutes later bored with the programs on and curious about Red's methods of meditation, Spike got up and walked towards the glass door separating him from the outside.  What he saw was almost as amusing as watching his Grand-Sire get piss ass drunk.

Red was meditating all right, but in the most fascinating way.  She was floating about three feet off of the ground, her eyes were closed and she
was upside down.  Her beautiful fire red hair was hanging down, almost touching the ground.  Grinning Spike knew what to do, if Angel arrived while
Willow was still 'meditating.'

Having no idea when Angel had called Spike had no clue as to when he would be arriving but thirty minutes later the doorbell rang.  Grinning Spike
vaulted over the sofa and went to answer the door.

Opening the door Spike greeted his guest, "Peaches!  It's not good to see you.  What brings you here to my part of the Hellmouth."

"One of my...friends had a vision that led us here."  Angel said.  From his vantage point Spike could see the other humans behind him.  Two young men, an Asian woman, an old man and woman, and one other young woman.  Stepping back Spike watched as the humans filed and grinned evilly as he saw that Angel couldn't come in, blocked by some unknown force that indicated that a human lived in the house now.

"Well this call for a celebration then."  Walking away from the door, still grinning when he heard Angel call out, "Spike." warningly.  Laughing now
Spike turned, bowed mockingly and invited Angel in.

"Spike, what's going on.  The last time I was here, I was invited in and now I'm not?  Explain."

"Simple really, peaches, then there was no human living here and now there is.  End of story."


"Well if you really want to know, follow me."  Spike replied walking out to the backyard.

Still floating upside down in the air, Willow had her back turned to them so she didn't see them walk out.  "Who is she?"  Angel asked.

"What, you mean to say you don't recognize her hair?"  Then turning back towards Willow's figure he yelled out loudly, "HEY RED!  ANGEL IS HERE!"

What happened next just made Spike laugh and laugh and still laugh some more.  Willow was so deep in meditation that Spike's yelling at her
disrupted her concentration, therefore causing her to fall on her head. Hard.

"Damn it all the Hell Spike!"  She yelled at him.

"Red?  But Spike it's been a hundred years.  Willow's dead."

Still laughing, Spike chuckled, "Look again peaches." Pointing as Willow turned around and Angel was able to see a long lost face from a time that
was almost forgotten.

"Do you still care for her Spike?" Angel said so low that only Spike's enhanced hearing enabled him to hear what Angel was asking.

"What's it to you?"

"I'd never presume to give you advise Spike,"

"Good then don't.  I don't need any."

"...but I'll give you some anyway.  Never let a good thing get away from you.  You'll regret it later on in your unlife."

Nodding his head, still looking at Willow, Spike thought he knew what Angel was alluding to and Spike himself had a plan.  He wanted Red, and he was going to get her.  Now, how to get around the husband without hunting him down and ripping his guts out through his nose and feeding them back to him. Then maybe he'd bring out his spikes, for old time's sake.

~Part 7~

Texas 2009
Six minutes after The Offer

"You little *bitch*.  I've spent the last two and a half *years* with you, and you go and betray me like this.  Do you have any *idea* how much time, and effort and power I've invested in this spell.  In YOU?" Mack yelled at Willow.

The next thing Willow knew Mack was violently kicking her in her solar plexus all the while cursing her, his luck and the powers that be.  "You
fucking, worthless no good for nothing brainless twit.  You've messed everything up.  All my plans, GONE!!  It should have been me.  I'm the one
who found the spell.  I'm the one who translated it.  It was me.  ME!  And now you've gone and done it."

Confused, in pain and with her vision blurring, Willow whispered, "Did what?"

"You DUMB ASSED COW!!  Don't  you get it?  The powers were supposed to make the offer to ME!  ME!  Not you.  You're nothing.  Just the vessel.  Just the conduit for the power to flow through.!"  And bringing his heavy fist down on her, he proceeded to rain blow after blow on any and every exposed part of Willow.

Willow, not having any idea the power and the gift bestowed upon her from the powers, curled herself into a fetal position trying to protect her face and head with her arms.  It did no good though.  Enraged and out of control Mack continued to batter her until the pain became too much and her body racked with unending pain Willow let out a bellow and power rushed through her tired body knocking Mack back into the wall and Willow passed out.

Later Willow would learn that that was the first time she had died while immortal, but in that moment all Willow knew was that she had to get away
from Mack.  Had to escape from this brutal betrayal of her trust.  In all the time she had known him, Mack had never treated her like this.  It was a
harsh awakening that even human mortals could act like demons too and that essentially Willow would have to trust her instincts more often.

Sunnydale 2102

"Damn it all to Hell, Spike."  Willow yelled at Spike.  That was when she noticed a dark haired, muscular vampire next to him.  And then she
recognized him.  A huge grin spreading across her face Willow squealed, "Angel.  Oh goddess.  It is sooo good to actually see you again."  And ran
to give him a hug.

A slight growl could be heard from Spike at the sight of Willow wrapped around his Grand-Sire.  The demon part of him raged inside to rip Willow
from Angels arms and run away as far from here as possible.  But his more rational side prevented him from doing so because an angry Willow was not something he wanted to contend with, especially since his grasp on his own feelings were so tenuous.

"So, Peaches." Spike said, "What brings you to Sunnyhell?"

Darkly Angel said, "Alex had a vision.  About you Spike.  About someone wanting to steal something and about a red headed woman.  I'm thinking he
meant you Willow."

"Well, I've already got some of that vision down. I know who the Big Bad is this time.  I know what he wants and I can most certainly find him if
needed."  Willow commented as she walked back inside the house.

"Who's she talking about?" Angels questioned Spike.

Growling, his yes slightly glowing yellow giving his blue eyes a green tint, Spike said, "Her bloody fuckin' husband is who."

"Willow's married?"  Angel asked incredulously.

"Yea.  Come on.  Let's get this bloody Scooby meetin' over with.  I don't have all night."  All though, that was what he did have.  Spike had no idea
what to do next.  And he hated that.  The uncertainty was slowly driving him a little mad.  But not as mad as Dru was, singin' to the stars Spike thought smirking.

Inside, Willow was greeted to the sight of six strangers peering at her questioningly.  It was one of the young men who spoke first, "You're the red
head in that was in my vision."  He didn't question, he just stated it for her and for everyone else around her.

All of a sudden her supernatural senses went off.  Hissing she looked around and said, "Vampires."

Lana, ever like her great-grandmother Cordelia, said, "Well duh.  There are two right there behind you."

"No, no." Willow said, shaking her head. "There are vampires coming toward this house."  Willow noticed that the Asian woman stood up, alert and in
what Willow termed Warrior Mode.  Looking at her Willow's eyes widened, "You must be a Slayer."

Mey didn't say anything but nodded her head in acknowledgement towards the red headed stranger all ready dismissing her as a threat towards the people she tremulously considered her family.  She had seen through the glass door the way she had thrown herself at Angel and the way he had embraced her so familiarly.

Spike walked up to Willow putting a hand on her shoulder, as she looked at him he asked, "Can you tell how many?"

"No, but I can tell that its going to be a lot."

"Well then.  It seems that I'll get a spot of good violence and bloodshed out of this."  Spike remarked.

Grinning Willow said, "That's what I like about you so much Spike.  You don't seem to have changed a whole lot."  Perhaps that's why these feelings
have come back after being dormant for so long.  Noticing the people around her Willow realized that everyone present was ready and waiting for the coming battle.

You'll pay for  this Mack.  All I wanted was some peace and quiet to find myself again.  Just some peace and quiet.  I had no intention of fighting at
all.  Now you go and ruin it too.  Glowing red slightly Willow's eyes took on a look of grim determination.  Walking over toward the front door Willow
picked up her sword from the small table by the door.  Hefting its familiar weight Willow said, "If any of you happen to see a tall, dark, male figure
who seems to be in charge, leave him to me.  He's mine."

No one said anything to counter her words.  She sounded like death, or at least the man in charge's death.  But Spike had other plans.  He still
wanted to rip Mack's gut out through his nose.

And they waited.

But not for long.

~Part 8~

Looking around, Willow saw each and everyone present was ready and waiting for the coming battle.  The two young men were each holding stakes, the new slayer was also holding a stake in each hand.  The older man, who Willow took to be her watcher was quietly reading a leather covered book with the older looking woman while the outspoken one, who looked like Cordelia, was pacing back and forth and she too had a stake tucked into her back pocket.

In the lull before the vampires were to come, Jesse asked Angel, pointing towards Willow, "So, Deadboy, who's she?"

Before Angel could answer, Willow looked at him and said, "My name is Willow Rosenberg."

"Wai...wait a minute, wait a minute.  Are we talking the same Willow Rosenberg who disappeared a hundred years ago?  The same one who was best friends with Alexander Harris the First?"  Alex asked.

"Alexander Harris the First?" Willow asked laughing.

Grinning Angel said, "Willow, let me introduce you to my rag-tag family."  Pointing to each he introduced them, "The slayer, you've already guessed is Mey.  That's Ventris, her watcher.  That's Margret Summers, Dawn's grandchild.  Those two clowns are Xander's great-grandchildren Alexander and Jesse Harris."

As Willow realized that these two young men were her best friends relatives her eyes watered  a little.  She had missed her friend over the years.
Looking closely she could see the slight resemblance in both to both Xander and Anya.

Continuing Angel said, "And the outspoken one is Cordelia and Gunn's great-grandchild Alana, but call her Lana."

Looking around her and spotting Spike leaning against the wall watching her Willow was very happy that she had come back to Sunnydale.  I thing I just found whatever it was I was looking for, Willow thought.

Jesse walked up to Willow and threw his arms around her giving her a very Xander-like hug.  "It's nice to finally meet you Great-Grand-Aunt Willow."  Chuckling at the same time.

Wrinkling her nose at the formal title Willow looked at both Alex and Jesse and said, "Just call me Willow, please."  At the sight of this impromptu
family that Willow knew that she was a part of already a snippet of a song from long ago came to her,

'Another ditch in the road,
keep moving,
Another stop sign,
you keep moving on,
and the years go by so fast,
silent fortress built to last,
wonder how I ever made it.'

That sounds so appropriate now.

They all talked among themselves for the next couple of minutes, getting to know each other and aquatinting themselves with each other.

It wasn't long before the happy moment was disrupted by the arrival of the vampires.  Looking outside, Willow counted about twelve vampires and  behind them as if watching the show was her husband Mack.

Grinning maniacally Spike said as he walked to the door, "It's show time kiddies."

Outside the vampires were standing quietly while they waited for the command to attack.  Looking at him Willow could see that the years of evil power that radiated from him had actually been good to him.  He still looked at charismatic as ever and he fairly radiated power, and a lot of it too.

There were nine of them against only twelve vampires and one lone man who was bursting with power.  It seemed like the numbers were on their side but Willow knew that if they actually won this round it would be with a fair amount of injury to their side.  Willow also knew that the vampires across from them had been given magically enhanced strength.

"They're more powerful than regular vamps," she informed her new found friends.

"You're right Willow, dear."  Mack said smoothly.  "Now, either give me what I want, or I'll send these vampires to attack and don't think that just the nine of you will actually succeed."

"Save it, Mack.  It's not actually something I can just *give* to you.  You'd actually have to kill me for it.  And in all the years I've known you
you've never been able to kill me."

Angry at the insult, Mack sneered and said, "Well then, you'll just have to watch as each and everyone of your friend here die a slow and painful

Growling and impatient Spike snarled, "Shut up, you bloody prick."

Ignoring Spike, Mack yelled, "Attack.  And leave no one alive."

Suddenly the nine of them were surrounded.  Looking at Mack, Willow broke free and with sword in front of her she lunged at Mack.  Easily able to
block her move, Mack and Willow began a deadly dance of attack and  block. Swinging her sword in a hard arc from under her she sliced at Mack's left thigh.  Momentarily stunned, his inattention allowed Willow to turn her head to check on the others.

Lana and Ventris were easily warding of three vampires while protecting Maggie while she cast fire spell after fire spell.

Jesse and Alex were smoothly fighting in tandem against another three vampires while Mey was fought off three vampires of her own.  Staking one of them Mey was left to fight the two remaining vampires.

Back to back Angel and Spike were fighting off four vampires.  Angel was busy fighting off  two vampires, when one of them managed to slip in a lucky punch to Angel's abdomen therefore distracting Spike from the two he was fighting.  This allowed for the two vamps he was contending with to jump him and wrestle him to the ground.

Seeing Spike fall, Willow yelled out, "Spike!"

Turning fully around Willow made to go to Spike when someone yelled out to her, "Willow!   Look out!  Behind you!"

~Part 9~

The vamps were easily dusted but Willow never found out what happened after someone yelled out that warning to her.

Upon waking Willow could see the night sky dotted with millions of stars and surrounding her were Angel, Jesse and Alex, Mey and Ventris, Maggie and Lana.  But nowhere was there Spike.  She couldn't even feel him somewhere around like she could Angel.

"Where is he?  Where's Spike?"

"The big man in charge took him."  Lana said.

"What happened?"  Willow asked.

Angel looked around then said, "After Mey yelled her warning to you, Mack impaled you with his sword.  You went down.  By the time all the commotion was settled the two vampires that Spike was fighting had taken him and Mack had left.  We think the vampires were just a test.  We looked around and saw that there were tracks leading to and from this house.  It's possible that you were being watched and that all of this was..."

"A way to distract my and test my abilities all at the same time."  Willow finished.

When he nodded Willow's suspicions were confirmed.

Willow felt a boiling rage sweep over her body, shutting down every part of her brain that cried out safe and calm objectives.  The only working part of her mind was the terrible urge to confront Mack and take back what was hers. Spike was hers.  She had no idea where all these emotions were coming from but long ago she had learned to trust her instincts and right now they were yelling at her to get Spike back.

A murderous rage was the only feeling she could identify and all she knew was that without Spike her light, her reason, her purpose, one she had just recently found, would be gone.  She had to get Spike back.  And she would do anything, anything to get him back.

Looking up she asked, "Do those tracks lead anywhere?"

"We believe they lead strait to where Mack and his vampires are."  Ventris ventured [1] to say.

Coldly Willow replied, "Good."

Fire Oracle's Temple 2009

"Warrior of Fire?"  Willow questioned.

"From now until your end, whenever you perform for the Powers, you shall be known as The Power's Flame."

Thinking, Willow asked aloud, "Do I have any weaknesses?"

Smiling the Fire oracles replied, "Only two.  The first is blade impalement strait to the heart and the other is still undetermined by your own heart."


"Your soulmate."  The female oracle clarified.

Sunnydale 2102

Spike was tied up.  But not with rope.  Rope would have made it too easy.  No, for some reason he was chained instead.  With magically enhanced chains at that.  Any unnecessary movement that would help him escape caused him pain.

The demon in him roared in helpless rage at not being free.  He felt caged, trapped.  And he wasn't happy about it.  The main was almost reminiscent of the chip that had been in his head.  The demon hadn't like that either.

Looking around Spike saw that he was in a large room richly decorated with ornate furniture redolent of the twentieth century.  The curtains were
tightly drawn shut, 'At least I have *something* to be grateful for, not being dust' Spike thought.

"Ah, good I see you are up and aware."  A smooth, rich voice said.

Growling, Spike looking in the direction of the voice.  It was Red's husband.  Soon to be dead, ex-husband, he thought.

With a guttural snarl he sneered, "Let me free."

With a contemplative look upon his handsome face Mack said, "I don't think so.  You see, I need you chained.  If I let you go, you just might run back to my bitch of a wife."

"Let me free."  Spike said again.  "And I'll rip your throat out with my bare hand and feed your guts back to you through your nose."

"My, my, how graphic."  He said chuckling.  "Hmmm, I still don't think so.  So, why don't you stay there and be a good little dog."  With that Mack
walked up to Spike and violently kicked him.  "And shut up, you good for nothing demon spawn."

Snarling, Spike lunged at Mack with his hand curled into claws.  Instantly he was racked with violent, metal sharp pain shooting from his wrists all
through his body.  It invaded his head and the pain being so overwhelming Spike passed out.

"Good.  Stay that way."  Mack said.  Walking out of the room Mack said to the vampire at the door.  "Don't let anyone in and especially don't let him out."

Nodding, the vampire stood by the door a look of fierce concentration on his face.

In the next room, filled with vampires and demons alike Mack addressed them, "We'll be expecting visitors soon.  Kill them all, torture them, I don't
care, but the red head is mine.  No one touches her."


Following the trail, Willow stopped mid-track.  "You all do know that this is a trap?"

"Oh, we know."  Said Alex.

"And we're ready."  Said Lana.

"We were sent here to help and that's what we're going to do."  Said Jesse.

Mey didn't say but she did let slip a feral grin that looked more like a hunter's smile than a normal girl.

Ventris and Maggie didn't say anything either but they both had resolved expressions on their faces.

Angel said, "They have Spike.  He may be someone that I can barely stand, but he is still my Childe.  Besides, it's because of Spike that you're here. And you're my friend Willow."

"All right then.  This is what you can expect.  Lots of vampires, lots of demons, and Mack.  Leave Mack to me.  I know him.  Most likely he'll send
everyone after all of you and leave me for him.  I'll go after Mack.  Maggie, since you're familiar with magic you'll have to go after Spike.  Most likely he'll be restrained by magic."  Seeing everyone was ready she said, "All right then.  Lets go."

~Part 10~

The battle was pure chaos.  Everyone was everywhere, spread out and unorganized.  It was a free for all for heads, blood and body parts.
Immediately upon arrival Alex and Jesse paired up and started to fight the nearest enemy while Mey ran head long into the fray.  Someone will have to talk to her about staying close to the rest of the group, Willow thought absently while Maggie and Ventris headed up the stairs to find Spike.  That left Lana, Angel and herself.

Looking around she said to Angel, "I can't see Mack.  I don't like this.  It's bad enough that he knew we were coming...ung, "she grunted as a
particularly icky green Moltar demon landed a lucky blow to her abdomen.  Angry, frustrated and worried sick to her stomach Willow let out a stream of French and Japanese curses respectively, 'Merde, k'so."  Then turned her full attention to beheading the demon before her, two dodges, a few blocks, lunges a wild swing and a calculated slice and the demon went down.

"I don't like this at all," Willow muttered continuing her search for Mack among the masses of vampires and demons.  Turning to Angel again she said, "I'm going to look for Mack."

"Wait! You can't go alone, " Angel protested.

"Don't worry about me.  Worry about the rest of your family."  Willow said pointing to Lana as she dusted another vampire.  "Go help Lana before that demon there gets her."  Willow warned Angel.  Then she turned again, dusted another vampire on her way up the stairs after Maggie and Ventris.

At the end of the stairs the hallway split into two directions and not caring which one she chose knowing one would lead to either Spike or Mack
Willow chose one and started to walk down the hall.

Walking down the dimly lit hall Willow knew that whatever else happened the event that were to take place would be nothing less than life changing.  It wasn't until Mack had taken Spike that she had had to face her growing attraction and thereby her dubious feelings for the loud mouthed and enticing vampire.  He was everything she wasn't, outspoken, experienced in everything she probably wasn't except of fighting and surviving.  He, unknowingly, forced her to realize that no matter what she had a destiny and made her hope that perhaps he would be there to share the rest of her life with her.

She didn't want to have to live the rest of her life alone, living in the dark, fighting the growing darkness of evil all the while hoping that the
evil didn't somehow get the upper hand and engulf her.  She had come back to Sunnydale looking for a reason to continue fighting...she had no longer known what she was fighting for and in under three days Spike had given her a reason.  She had found her light.

It was the light of new love and hope.

It was a terrifying realization.

Especially since at any moment Mack could take that all away from her in mere seconds with a wooden stake, and probably would given half a chance.

Keeping at attention the whole time, sword poised to strike at a reflex's notice she walked all the way down until she came to the end and stood
before a tall wooded double door.

Seconds ticked by as she stood before the heavily ornate door and below she could hear the battle below.  The human battle cries, the sound of vampires being dusted and the bellows of the fighting demons as well.  Willow knew she would have to open the door and go in.  But she had no idea what to expect.  She had no particular qualms about fighting Mack, after all he had no idea what her weaknesses were.

Granted he had Spike, but the only way he could hurt her was to pierce her heart with her own blade or to actually kill Spike.  There was no question about him loosing his soul.  Which brought forth a whole new set of personal problem.  Pushing those to the back of her mind  Willow concentrated on the problem at hand.

Which was behind the door in front of her.


Ever since Maggie had joined up with Angel she had known the risks.  She was aware of the evil in the world, weather it was demonic or human but
still...since she was very small she had always heard of stories about her Great-Aunt Buffy.  A once great slayer who had died while saving the world...again.  She had grown up with stories about saving the innocent, protecting the world and the great love between Angel and her.  Grandmother Dawn had been a great storyteller.

When she had been old enough she had left home to go to LA, seeking out Angel determined to help fight evil.  She had left home at the tender age of seventeen to go to Angel, the last of the Summers' line.  She wasn't aware then, as she was now, that that decision would foretell the rest of her life.  She would fight evil, help Angel and form a family of her own through companionship and battle, but initially she hadn't known that her life would turn out like this.

Magic had been a way for her to help.  A way for her to participate without endangering the others while they too battled alongside Angel in his
seemingly never ending quest for redemption.  Along  her chosen path she had learned much and had become very a powerful witch.

Now she found herself helping out once again, relying on powers that were all her own and hoping and praying to every know and unknown entity above that somehow everything would turn out all right.

Walking down the dark corridor she looked at Ventris, now there's a strange creature if ever she had known one she thought, and raised an arched eyebrow as if to ask, 'This door?'

Shrugging he gestured at the door with his body tensed for an attack, "Why not?"

Opening the door they were immediately attacked by a vampire.  What was heartening about the situation was that it was only a lone vampire.  Swiftly Maggie erected a protective barrier around herself and Ventris while Ventris ran strait at the vampire.  Surprised that a human, a rather old looking one at that, was heading right at him the vampire was momentarily stunned, allowing Ventris the upper hand and enabled him to stake the doomed vampire before it was even able to attack.

"Do you suppose that this is the right one?"  Maggie asked.

"Let's hope so.  We've checked every room so far.  This is the last one," and so saying they walked forward.

Before them was a small, single, wooden door plain with a brass doorknob. Looking at each other and looking at the door Ventris grabbed hold of the knob and turned.
