A Game

Author: midnight

Email: goodnight_sg@yahoo.com

Rating: pg 13

Summary: a game--that's all I can really say

Distribution:redssoulmates.com or www.redssoulmates.com/spike/swm.html#midnight

Feedback: No feedback..no fic. Lots of feedback..I write more.

Disclaimer: Don't sue. I don't own any of the characters. I don't make any money from it. All credit goes to Joss.

Spoilers: to be safe--mid season 5

Notes:<> character's thoughts

Dedication: For Em cause it's her birthday. Happy Birthday sweetie. I hope you like it. This is what my muses came up with.


Willow had been watching Spike, Buffy and Xander arguing for the last thirty minutes. It was always the same thing. Buffy would tease Spike about human blood and violence. Xander always tried to compare him to Angel and constantly remind him of his chip. And of course how fast he could stake him. Then there was Spike. Spike would try any cutdown he could think of. It was about the only thing that didn't make his chip react. The three of them would cut down each other constantly while Willow sat back and watched. She would glance every now and then over at Giles who kept his nose in his book. Researching.

Willow shut the book she was trying to research and walked over to Giles. "Considering there's not a particular evil that we're researching." She glanced over at the three still arguing. "Well that me and you are researching..would you mind if I went home?"

"You do have a point. Very well. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I'll be here." Willow walked over to her laptop and put all of her belongings into her bag and placed it on her shoulder. She was walking towards the door when she heard a voice.

"Red? Pet where are you going? We're researching."<Why is she leaving?>

"You haven't been researching. You've been arguing. Bickering."

Xander decided to jump into the conversation. "Wills, he's the evil dead. It's almost our job to make fun of him. It keeps things interesting."

Willow could feel herself fuming on the inside. She walked casually over to Xander. "You know what Xan? You know what's gonna be real interesting?" She saw Xander shake his head no. She pointed to Spike. "When his chip shorts out and you suddenly find yourself as a meal." She took a step back. "When the time comes between you two and him, I think I'm gonna put my money on William the Bloody." She looked at Buffy. "Buffy, he's killed two slayers. Most vampires don't kill one." She then looked at Xander. "And you. He's killed more people than we will probably know in our life." She glanced at Spike, who had an evil predatory smirk on his face. She turned around and left the room, hearing nothing but silence.

She had been home for a couple of hours when the lock on her front door started to turn. She was so used to him coming over, she had even given him a key. She looked up just as the front door opened. "Hey Spike."

"Hey luv." He walked in the house, shutting the door behind him. Spike kicked off his boots and sat down next to the redhead on the sofa. "Quite the show tonight. When you left, the slayer and moron were shocked. They tried to say something but actual words just weren't formed."

Willow started to smile but suddenly the frown disappeared. She turned her head to look at Spike. "Why do you let them treat you like that?"

"It's not like I could drain then luv. What do you want me to do?"

"You want to play a game Spike?"

"A game?" He raised his eyebrow up at her. "What kind of game did you have in mind, luv?"<I could think of a game luv. You wriggling under me, screaming my name.>

"A little payback. A spell."

"No no no no no. No witch. No spells. Last time you did a spell, I was kissing the bloody slayer. Don't really fancy that again."

She placed her hand on his arm as she tried to ignore the flutters in her stomach from touching him. "It's only temporary. Stakes won't hurt you."


"You can think violent thoughts without headaches."

"No headaches?"

"Not one." She could see him considering it.

"Alright, but under one condition."


"I stay here tonight, witch."

"Don't you always."

He leaned over and looked her in the eyes. "In your bed."

"My bed," she squealed. "I don't think..."

"Don't worry pet, I can be a gentleman." He saw her turning red and couldn't help but to add the following line. "Unless you don't want me to be a gentleman luv."

"Gentleman is fine Spike."<Calm down Willow. Think about something. Computers. The computer is next to my bed. Bed. Spike will be in the bed. Not helping.>

"When do you want to do the spell luv?"

"Oh..um..well we can do it tomorrow." She glanced around the room and stood up quickly. "And since you're a vampire, I'm sure you have evil things to do. Vampire things, so I'll just be going to bed and leaving you to whatever you do."

Spike started to smirk. "Actually pet, I think I'll stay in tonight. Wouldn't want anything to get you in the middle of the night, do we?"<Except for me>

"Oh well ok. There's blood in the fridge. You know your way around."

"Acutally I was thinking of coming to bed." He saw her eyes widen as he said his last word.

They both made their way to the bedroom in silence. Willow turned quickly around to Spike. "Are you sure you don't want the other room?"

<The chit dosen't even want me near her.> Spike walked past her and held the door open for her. "Shall we?" They both entered the door when Willow realized Spike watching her.

"You want to turn around so I can change for bed?"

"Sure pet." He turned around and found himself in front of a mirror. Because he cast no reflection, he found himself watching the redhead. She was more beautiful than anyone he had ever seen. Her voice was the only thing that pulled him out of his trance.

"I'm done." He turned around and saw her in a pair of boxer shorts and a tshirt.

"Well then." He pulled off his shirt and let it fall to the ground. He undid the top button of his jeans but left them on.

"Your jeans?"

"If you want me to remain a gentleman, the jeans stay on." He started to walk towards her. "I don't wear anything underneath, luv." Willow silently climbed into bed and under the sheets. Spike climbed in after her and also slid under the sheets. He placed his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.


"Shhh luv. Just go to sleep." And then he knew. <Bloody hell, I love the chit.>

Willow tried to go to sleep but couldn't. She was trying everything in her power not to turn around and pin him to the bed. Moments later she fell asleep.

She woke up the next afternoon and found herself still in Spike's arms. She was now facing him and her arms were around his waist. She started to smile when she felt him nuzzling her neck. "Spike?" she whispered.

He tightened his grip on her. "Mine," he breathed into her ear.

"Spike we need to do the spell."

"I'm waking up. Just give me a minute."

"What were you dreaming about?"


"Well you nuzzled my neck and said the word mine. I was just wondering what or who you were dreaming about."

Spike wasn't sure on how to answer. <Do I tell her the truth. That it was her. That the man in me loves her and the demon even fancies her.> "Don't remember."

"Oh." <Like he would dream about me. Do I want him to dream about me? This thought is now pushed out of my mind.> "Do you need blood before the spell?"

"I'll do it after the spell."

Willow began to set up everything for the spell. She made a circle of black candles inside a circle of white candles and had both of then sit in the middle of it. They joined hands as she whispered the words she had memorized the day before. When she stopped chanting, all of the candles went out. "Spike?"

"Yeah pet."

"Did it work?"

"Don't know. How will we know if it works."

"Umm...you could always think of violent ways to kill Xander or Buffy."

"Good idea." Spike was silent for a moment when he suddenly jumped up. "It's gone. It's gone. The bloody pain is gone."

Willow couldn't help but to smile. She never wanted him to be in pain for something that was so natural for him. Violence was natural to vampires.

"What should we do now pet?"

"Actually I need to go out and get something to eat. Human here. I need food. I'll only be gone for a little while. Will you be ok by yourself?"

A plan started to form in his head. "I'll be fine pet."

She left to get dressed and moments later was headed out the door. "If you leave before I get back, we'll meet up at the Magic Box. And remember stakes can't hurt you."

"Bye Red." He waited till she left and made his way to her bedroom.

When Willow got home she knew Spike had already left. The atmosphere in her house felt different. She made her way to her bedroom to change her clothes before heading over to the Magic Box. She opened up her closet and gasped. Everything she owned was missing except for one note taped to a hanger.


You have your game but I have mine. There's an outfit on the bed. I hid the rest of your clothes. You only have to wear the outfit for tonight. For me?


She walked over to the outfit and very carefully picked it up. A pair of black leather pants, boots, and a lowcut green sleeveless top. "Not like I have a choice," she mumbled. Twenty minutes later she found herself outside the Magic Box. She took a deep breath as she pushed the door open.

"VAMPIRE," Xander yelled. "Giles get in here now. Willow..vampire.."

Buffy and Giles came running to the front of the store. Giles held a cross at her trying to keep her away.

"Guys, I'm not.."

Buffy took a stake out of her jacket and started towards Willow.

At that moment Spike turned the corner and saw Willow. She was breathtaking. He froze until he saw the stake aiming at Willow. "Slayer she's not a vampire."

Buffy froze but did not turn around. "What?"

"The chit is not a vampire. I hear her heartbeat. Besides if she's gonna be turned, I'm gonna be the one to bloody well turn her."

Buffy looked at Willow. "Wills?"

"Yeah it's me." All of a sudden she saw Buffy drop the stake and engulf her in a hug. "Oxygen."

"But why are you wearing that?"

Willow glared at Spike. "I didn't have a choice. Something evil hid my clothes."

Giles became interested. "A clothes hiding demon. That's quite interesting." Willow shook her head and rolled her eyes.

Everyone sat down except for Willow and Spike. Spike made his way over to Willow. "You're stunning."

"You don't have to say anything."

"Yeah pet, I do." He pulled her closer to him. He could feel the slayer watching as he had his back to her. Spike took a deep breath and leaned over to Willow's ear. "You're everything I ever wanted." At that moment he vamped and ran his fangs along her neck.

Buffy was up in an instant with a stake in her hand. "Let go of her now Spike!"

He turned his head and snarled at the slayer. "Sod off."

She held on tighter to the stake. "I've been waiting for this for a long time."

"Then go ahead and stake me slayer." No later had he said the words than Buffy put the stake in his chest. The stake went right through him.

"What the..?"

"Lost for words?" He turned his attention back at the redhead as they shared a smile. He reached down to kiss her neck as he heard Buffy arguing with Giles. Spike then looked into her eyes, pulling her body against his. He reached down and kissed her with passion and emotion. He pulled away from the kiss. "You were always supposed to be mine," he told her.

She gave him a smile before she replied. "I always wanted to be." She felt him nuzzle into her neck. "Spike there was one thing about the spell I never told you about." She saw him look up at her with curiosity. "There is one person you can bite."

"The chip..."

"You can bite the person that did the spell."

"That would be you luv." He thought about it for a moment. "I could claim you as mine. I would love you forever."

"If you wanted to. If you want me as yours."

"I never wanted anything more in my whole unlife pet. Let's go. I have a witch to claim."

The End
