The Wedding

Series: In Love And Life

Author: midnight


Pairing: Spike/Willow

Rating: NC-17

Summary: This series is for the Vampyre Haven ficathon

Distribution: redssoulmates, poetry-in-motion, vampyre_haven

Feedback: No fic. Lots of feedback..I write more. I thrive on it.

Disclaimer: Don't sue. I don't own any of the characters. I don't make any money from it. All credit goes to Joss.

Spoilers: no real spoilers, once you read the first chapter, you'll understand, also takes place after season 4

Challenge: Must include: I wanna see romance. No character bashing.

I'd like Willow to stumble upon some of William's poetry. What is her reaction? What is his reaction? And how does Willow get Spike to write her a poem?


Spike glanced around the house for any sign of the redhead. She hadn't come out of her bedroom yet and it was already three o'clock. Walking over to her door, he knocked lightly. "Pet? You ok?"

"You can open the door, Spike. I'm just getting ready to go see Anya."

Spike slowly pushed the door open. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, with her hair pulled back. He noticed the bag on the bed. "I thought we could talk before you left."

"What about?"

Spike was annoyed that she wasn't even looking at him. In fact, she was ignoring him completely. "Just wanted to talk." <It's not like I can tell her how I feel when she won't even look at me.>

"Is it important? I mean, can it wait? I have to go to Anya's. Then we have to do the spell and I have to get changed for the wedding." Suddenly her body went still and quickly turned around. Spike could spell her fear. "You're coming, right?" she continued. "I mean you're gonna be there, right? You're not gonna suddenly decide not to show, are you?"

Spike took a step forward and placed his hand on her arm. "I'll be there."

Willow let out a huge sigh. "Ok. So we can talk tomorrow. Spend the day together and all that?"

"Yeah," he said softly. "I'll see you later on tonight."

Willow picked up her bag. "See ya tonight."


After they finished performing the spell, Willow pushed herself up from the floor but found her body swaying. "It took a lot out of you," Anya told her. "Rest for a minute. I need to go get changed. Xander is against having a nude ceremony."

Willow started blushing. "Yeah, ok."

Anya stopped as she reached the doorway. "Thank you so much, Willow." Seeing her smile, Willow returned one of her own. After sitting there for a moment, she grabbed her bag and headed towards the bathroom to get changed.


About an hour before the wedding started, people started gathering. Willow had become nervous as she glanced around and didn't see Spike. She took a deep breath and started walking around the yard. It was beautiful. There were flowers everywhere. Willow looked up into the night sky. It was a clear night and the stars were bright as fire.

Spike glanced around the yard, looking for his witch. After scanning almost everyone, he saw she had walked away from the group. As his eyes raked over her body, he felt his breath catch in his throat. She was wearing an emerald silk dress with a slit that ran up her thigh. He walked up behind her and placed a hand on the small of her back. "Beautiful," he whispered.

Willow turned to face him. "The stars? They really are."

"Wasn't talking about the stars, luv."

"Oh. I'm glad you're here."

"Are you?" he asked sincerely.

Willow gave him one of her smiles that he had gotten used to lately. "Yeah. Um.we should probably sit down. The wedding will start soon."

"Lead the way, pet."


Willow and Spike watched as Xander and Anya repeated their vows to each other. When the request for the ring was brought up, Spike took Willow's hand in his own.

When Willow felt Spike grab her hand, she turned her face to him. She was a bit surprised and comforted. And nervous. <Why should I be nervous? Oh I remember. This is Spike! The vampire I'm in love with!>

Spike leaned his head down to her ear. "Sshh, luv. Just relax. He let his leg graze hers and continued to watch the ceremony.

The rest of the wedding was quiet. There were no fights. No arguments. It was nice and peaceful. Spike put down his cup and reached out for Willow's. "Spike, what are you doing?"

"Dance with me, pet?"


Spike wrapped his arms around her body and held her close as they swayed to the music. He closed his eyes for a moment and concentrated on the way her body felt next to his, her warm breath on his neck. Opening his eyes, he leaned back and caught her lips with his. Spike moved his hands up to her hair as he deepened the kiss, tasting Willow for the first time. When he pulled back, he wasn't sure what to say. "Um.that was."

"The liquor?" Willow asked. "The liquor in the punch."

"Right," he agreed. "Just a moment thing." Spike looked around and saw most of the guests had already left. "Maybe we should get going, Red."

"Yeah, just let me grab my bag and we can leave."


About twenty minutes later, they were both inside Willow's house. She placed her bag down as Spike kicked off his shoes. She was just about to head to her room, when she turned around and faced him. "Thanks for tonight. For coming with. I had fun. Did.did you have fun?"

He walked towards her and took her hand in his. "I always have fun when I'm with you." He kissed her knuckles and them dropped her hand. "Goodnight, Willow."

"Goodnight, Spike," she whispered.


Willow made it to her room and changed quickly. <What's going on with us? The kiss at the wedding and then that...Not that I'm not happy about it cause I'm all kinds of happy. Lips of Spike are tasty.>

Spike made it to his room and pulled off his shirt. He laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He wondered it he had taken things too far? If she regretted kissing him back?

They both fell asleep that night, thinking about the wedding and each other.

