
Author: midnight


Pairing: Spike/Willow

Rating: between PG-13 and R

Summary: Willow has a request.

Distribution: redssoulmates, poetry-in-motion

Feedback: No fic. Lots of feedback...I write more.

Disclaimer: Don't sue. I don't own any of the characters. I don't make any money from it. All credit goes to Joss.

Spoilers: mid-season four, Willow never went to college

Notes: Spike has the chip, Willow is living in her parents house

Warnings: sexual situations, blood-letting, talk of death

Thanks to Gabrielle for the beta!




Spike shoved his hands into the pockets of his duster, mentally cursing each and every member of the Scooby gang. He hated them all and knew that one day he would have their blood on his hands. He would drink them dry and rejoice in it and that would be the day that he would feel complete. The day when he no longer would have a chip. When he could feed as he liked. Kill whomever he fancied with no regrets. But this was not that day.

Standing at Willow's front door, he knocked hard twice. He couldn't believe they had sent him after Willow. Like an errand boy! He was a Master vampire. They seemed to forget that time after time. Spike heard nothing moving in the house but could hear a strong heartbeat coming from the front room. He knocked again, harder than before. "Red, open this door. I've been sent for you." He still heard nothing. "Last warning, Red. Open this bloody door!"

Spike waited five more seconds, then he kicked the front door open and strolled in, acting like he owned the place. The house was quiet, too quiet. There was one single light on a small table, casting shadows across the room. Making his way farther into the house, he noticed the figure sitting on the floor. Willow had her arms around her knees, and her knees tucked into her chest. She had been crying. He could smell salt in the air and could see her red-rimmed eyes. "Red, you ok?" he asked softly; but she didn't respond. He could see the far away look in her eyes and it went straight to his unbeating heart.

Taking a seat next to her on the floor, he made sure not to touch her. He didn't want to startle her. "Your friends sent me for you, luv."

"I don't want to see them," she whispered. "Not right now."

He nodded his head. "Works for me. I don't really want to see them either." He took a deep breath. "Heard your parents were in town."

"Yeah. Great," she replied dryly. "They left."

"Short visit," he commented.

"They never stay long. They don't have a reason to stay."

"What about you? You're their only daughter."

Willow turned her head slightly to face him. "You help us with research, see us everyday, but you don't know us. You don't know me." Her voice dropped even lower. "Please leave."

"Can't do that, luv. You're upset. You shouldn't be alone."

"Not like I'm worth anything anyway," she mumbled.

Spike frowned hearing her statement. "Not true, luv."

"I can never do anything right. I always screw up. Never good enough. Worth nothing."

"Your parents tell you this rubbish?"

"Does it matter?"

"And you believe them? You're smarter than that."

"Remember when you were gonna turn me, Spike?"

The memory brought a smile to his lips. "Course I remember. Was only last month, pet."

"Would you still?"

"Still what? Turn you? Kinda hard with the chip, huh?"

"What if I wanted you to?" She looked at him. "Turn me, Spike."


"Kill me. Drain me. Bring me back."

"You don't mean that, pet."

"You have no idea what it's like here. What I deal with. What I put up with. I hate it here. There aren't even words to describe how much I hate it here."

Spike made a decision that moment. "Let's leave."


"Me and you. We'll get in my car and get the hell out of this town."

"Where would we go?"

"Does it matter?" He watched her shake her head no. "We'll leave and I'll take care of you. We can both get out of this hell. What do you think?"

"You'll turn me?"

"Is that what you really want?"

"Yes. It's what I want."

Spike stood up and extended his hand to her, lifting her up and pulling her to him. Swiping her hair away from her neck, he took an unneeded breath. "Mine," he whispered. "Always." Then he morphed and bit into her neck. To his surprise, the chip didn't activate.

He felt her blood slide down his throat. The taste of magic, of untapped power, and of innocence. But it also had the taste of confusion, hurt, and anger. He bit down harder, holding her body to his. After a few moments, he pulled away, satisfied at what he had done.

Willow turned her confused eyes to him. "I know, turning me."

"Not yet."

"I don't understand."

"I claimed you, luv. For your protection. You're mine now and always."

Willow took a step back. Her eyes were fixed on the floor. "You don't really want me."

"They messed you up good. What will it take for me to prove to you that I want you? Should I fuck you against the wall? You are mine now. I can do with you as I please." He took a step towards her. "That's not how I want things though. I wanted to turn you that night for good reasons. Those reasons haven't changed. But now all I want to do is get the hell out of this town and you're coming with me."

"How do I know you just won't leave me somewhere?"

"You don't. But anything has got to be better than this." He watched as Willow stepped away from him. He let out a low warning growl. Grabbing her wrist tightly, Spike pulled her back to him. "Want reassurance, do you? What do you want from me?"

"I don't know," she said softly.

Taking a fingernail, he cut into his throat, letting the blood surface. Staring into her eyes, he told her one simple word. "Drink."


"Drink. Blood is life. It's everything. Go on and drink from me."

Willow took a couple of steps until she was standing directly in front of Spike. She felt his arms around her waist as she leaned forward. Letting her lips graze the wound, she tasted the coppery substance flowing from it. When she felt Spike hugging her body to his, she grabbed his arms to steady herself and started to do the one thing he requested. She drank from him.

Spike held Willow close, wanting her to feel him against her. It had been too long since someone had needed him. Since someone had drank from him. And it had never been a human. Willow was the first. "Don't stop, luv," he whispered. "Never stop," he breathed.

After a couple of minutes, Willow pulled away and looked into his eyes. She could feel his blood flowing through her body. Her emotions were confused. She needed him, even wanted him. And if he was to take her at that very moment, against the wall, the floor, the couch, she wouldn't refuse him. She could see his eyes becoming stormy.

"We're leaving. Grab your laptop and whatever else you want. I'll be back in five minutes with the car." Seeing her shake her head yes, he grinned. "It's me and you now, luv. I'll show you the world."

The End
