The Plan

Author: midnight


Rating: rating will vary from PG13 to NC17

Summary: Demons have become secretive, how will it change? or

Feedback: No fic. Lots of feedback..I write more. I thrive on it.

Disclaimer: Don't sue. I don't own any of the characters. I don't make any money from it. All credit goes to Joss.

Spoilers: None really..targeted around season 4 or 5...all you need to know is Spike has a chip.

Notes: Anya and Xander are a couple. No Dawn, Tara, or Riley. Spike has the chip but the Initiative has left town. Angel is Spike's sire. Buffy and Spike were NEVER together and basically hate each other. :)

A/N: I know I still have wip's going on and I'm still working on them but this idea(and others) would not go away. It's not beta'd so fb would be greatly appreciated. Tell me what you think!!!!


~Part: 1~

Giles looked around the room and smiled. The people he had surrounded himself with had become family over the last couple of years. He watched while Anya straightened up items in the shop as Xander and Willow flipped through various books.

"So G-man, are we looking for something specific?" Xander asked.

Giles rolled his eyes as he heard the nickname. "Must you call me that? That nickname is dreadful." He took his glasses from his face to clean them. "And no, there is nothing specific. Just research."

"Just research," Xander whispered mocking Giles.

Giles glared at the young boy. "Are you quite finished?"

Xander let out a loud sigh. "Yeah, yeah. I know, research." Willow and Anya both tried to conceal their laughter.

Moments later the front door opened. Giles looked up and saw Spike and Buffy enter in from patrol. "Anything interesting happen on patrol?" he asked his slayer.

"Nothing but the norm. Saw the vamp. Dusted the vamp."

"Watcher, it's..." Spike started.

Buffy interrupted him quickly. "He was asking me evil dead. I'm the Slayer."

"I can cure you of that nasty habit," Spike responded. "Drain you right here? If your blood isn't already rancid."

"Enough!" Giles yelled but Buffy and Spike ignored him.

"You know what one of your problems is Slayer?" he spat out the last word with venom in his voice. "You slay and then you want to ask questions. Dust dosen't tell you a whole lot, does it?"

"Maybe you should be the next thing I dust."

"Maybe you should try," Spike challenged her. They both stood there glaring at each other in fighting stance. Each of them ready to fight till the end. The other members of the room waited for one of them to strike but the vampire and the slayer each held their own.

"You only wish you could drain me. Chip, remember?" Buffy turned around and joined her friends at the table.

Spike's eyes flashed golden as she mentioned the chip. He pushed his demon down and strolled to the table. "Watcher, there's a situation."

Giles looked up at him and saw no sign of a smirk or a grin. "Spike, what is it?"

"For the last three nights, patrol has been slow," he told Giles.

"How slow?"

"Really bloody slow. Something is happening."

"Oh dear. Buffy how could you not mention this to me." He turned his attention back to Spike. "What do you think is going on?"

"The demons are scarce." He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "I don't bloody know. Every thing is quiet. Informants aren't talkin either."

"You're supposed to be a demon. Can't you just find out?" Xander questioned him.

"It goes like this Xapper. Demons don't look too kindly on me helping a Slayer, therefore no info."

"You mean working for me, don't you?" Buffy snapped.

"No," he snapped back.

"Both of you, stop!" Giles looked at his Slayer. "You've always gotten information from demons. It's sort of a link, it helps us. And you're a stronger slayer because of it. We need that back. To live. To survive. You have to know what is happening on the hellmouth at all times."

As Buffy listened to her watcher, she knew he was right. "What do you suggest?"

Giles took a moment to glance at each person before he answered. "I have an idea."

~Part: 2~

"What kind of idea?" Buffy asked cautiously.

"The kind of idea that I'm sure you will hate," Giles responded. "Quite sure, actually."

"Giles, don't be all cryptic with the message. What's the what?"

"Buffy, maybe there's another..."

"Giles. Tell us!" she demanded.

"Bloody hell, mate. Tell the bint your bloody idea so we don't have to be stuck here all night."

Giles took a deep breath as he felt all eyes upon him. "We could use Spike."

Spike raised his eyebrow at him. "I don't think so, mate. You're the bloody white hat, leave me out of it."

"Giles, isn't there another way? A way that doesn't't involve the evil vampire?"

"No, there really isn't Buffy. We need Spike."

"I'm touched," Spike replied dryly. "Here's the thing. I could care less whether your Slayer lives or dies. In fact, if I can't kill the bitch...I want a front row seat."

He could hear Buffy gasp at his last remark as Giles continued. "We are all aware of how much you hate us, Spike."

Willow looked over at Spike who was sitting next to her. "Maybe there's more," she softly added.

"Maybe I don't care," Spike told her. He watched as her eyes darted away from his gaze.

"You don't have to be nice to him Wills," Buffy told her. "He's not worth it."

Spike was about to speak up when he heard Willow stand up for him. "Buffy, back off a bit. Don't be so mean. He doesn't HAVE to be here." Spike couldn't help but to smirk at the Slayer's fallen expression.

He thought about the witch for a moment. He knew the demon in him was intrigued with her. He could feel the fire in her that was screaming to come out. He could feel her power. The man in him was equally fascinated with her. He could sense the passion and devotion within her.

"There is more, Spike."

"Watcher, I already told you. As long as I work with the Slayer, demons see me as a traitor. My reputation only precedes me so far. Besides, with this bleedin chip..."

"What if I could change that?" Giles interrupted. He watched as Spike glared at him. "Your chip," he clarified.

His eyes flashed golden. "You can remove the chip?" he asked slowly.

"I can't remove it without turning you into dust. I CAN deactivate it."

"Like hell you will," Buffy told her watcher.

Giles heard a low warning growl coming from the vampire. "How long have you known that you could deactivate it?" Spike asked as he gritted his teeth.

"A couple of months. I didn't really fancy myself being drained, though.

<Human blood. Killing. Being a Master vampire again.> He could sense the fear in the room. It was intoxicating. "You're willing to deactivate the chip, Watcher? What do you want in return?"

"First you need to think this decision over."

"Nothin to think about, Watcher. I have a chance to become a real vampire again."

Giles looked at the vampire, knowing Spike had already come to his decision. He pointed around to the people in the room. "Their necks are off limits."

"What?" Spike asked in bewilderment.

"Off. Limits." Giles took a deep breath before he told Spike his next demand.

"What else?" he growled.

"You will keep a human."

"A human? I don't think so. For what purpose?"

"Maybe that way you will remember what the living is like. For you to remember what you once were. You WILL keep a human at your side or this discussion is over."

Spike scowled at the watcher. "Any human?" he grumbled.

"Any human. With time, I figure you will establish yourself as master again. I assume you don't want the world sucked into hell. I'm not a fool. I know you will kill again. With your title as master, you will have control and power over demons. And we will have a link back."

"We can't trust him," Buffy cried out. Everyone else in the room remained quiet, a loud silence.

"When I reclaim my title as master, eventually I'll have to fight the slayer. Only one of us will walk away."

"I know," Giles replied. "Considering what I'm giving you, I hope that day is far off."

"Alright. I'll abide with your demands, Rupert."

"Really?" Giles felt there was something more.

"Now I have a demand. Wherever I decide to stay, you keep your damn slayer away. You know what I'm capable of. You've read the Watcher's diaries." A smirk started to form across his face. "And I have just the human. I'll be takin Red here with me." He heard a chorus of "What?" and "I don't think so!" while he leaned back in his chair. He listened as everyone argued over his decision. Everyone but Willow. Spike saw Willow get up from her chair out of the corner of his eye. He grabbed onto her arm. "Going somewhere, luv?" he asked her quietly. Their eyes met as he allowed her to pull away from his grasp. Her eyes clouded over with various emotions. He watched as she left quietly and walked out the door.

~Part: 3~

Spike sat there for a few more moments, watching the other occupants of the room arguing over his demand. Arguing over his choice of a human. As he watched them, his mind drifted to deactivating chips and a certain redhead. "Bugger this," he mumbled under his breath. He stood up and started towards the door as he heard the Slayer yell at him.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" she questioned him.

Without even turning around, he answered her. "I'm leaving," he said as he slammed the door behind him. His eyes glanced through the darkness as he searched for any trace of the redhead. When he didn't see her, he closed his eyes for a moment and focused on her scent. When he opened his eyes, he followed the scent down the street.

About ten minutes later, Spike found himself standing in front of her house. He walked up to her front door, feeling the night air surround his body. Spike turned the knob slowly, surprised that the chit would leave the door unlocked. He placed his hand up to the door testing the imaginary barrier. <The chit never did an uninvite spell.> "Pet?" he yelled out.

"Right here," she replied quietly.

He walked through the threshold and looked in the direction of the voice. He found Willow sitting on the couch against the far wall. "Umm...shouldn't you keep your door locked, Red? Ya know this being the hellmouth and all."

Willow shrugged slightly. "I figure if it's evil, it'll need an invitation."

He started to walk slowly towards her. "Luv, I know I'm a vampire and all but don't you want some light in here?"

"Luminate," Willow whispered.

Spike sat down next to her as various candles throughout the room became lit. "Nice trick. Candlelight, pet?"

She nodded her head yes. "I figured it would be easier on your eyes."

"That it is, Red."

They sat in silence for a few moments before WIllow spoke up. "You chose the wrong girl, Spike. The wrong human."

"I don't think I did, pet."

"Spike, you don't like me. You can hardly stand me."

"Hey now..I never said that."

"You tried to kill me!"

"Minor details, luv."

"You tried to kill me more than once!"

Spike stared into her eyes for a moment. "You wold have been bloody magnificent as a demon." He watched as she broke their gaze.

Willow looked away and scrunched her nose. "You're not giving me warm and fuzzy feelings."

Spike leaned back into the couch. "It's like this, luv. Your're my one chance for me becoming a vampire again. A master vampire."

"Can't you just pick someone else? Someone other than me?"

"Who exactly do you suggest, pet? Listen, if I have to pick a human to be by my side, I'm not gonna pick someone at random. You have a hidden fire within you and I want to be there when it comes to surface."


"Just hear me out. You don't really know me. You only know me as a chipped vampire. There's so many other sides to me."

"Yeah, like the side that wants to kill me."

<More like the side that wants to possess you. Where did that come from?> You have the chance to see me as a demon without that bloody chip."

"Yay me," she replied dryly.

Spike placed a finger to her lips to let her know he wasn't finished. "You also have the chance to see me as a man. The human that I was." As he took his finger away from her lips, she realized that the conversation had become serious. "And you, Red. You'll be able to get away from You won't have to hide in the Slayer's shadow. You can be who you really are. Who you really want to be." Spike watched as she considered his words.

"If I agree to this plan, what do you expect of me?"

"I expect you at my side. You will not argue with me in front of other demons. You will follow my orders. They will see you as mine."

"It sounds as if I'd be your pet."

"In a way." She watched as his expression softened. "I will offer you my protection. I'll take care of you, luv."

"W-would you have to claim me?" she asked. Willow saw his expression turn to one of hurt before he voided his face of all expressions.

"Not at first, if that's what you prefer." <She should want me to claim her.>

"How-how will they know that I belong to you if you don't claim me?"

"I have a necklace in my possession, pet. A symbol of the Order of Aurelius. If you wear it, demons will see you as claimed."

"When this plan is finished, will you let me go?"

Spike started to smirk and leaned in closer to her. "When this is finished you won't WANT to let me go." He stood up from the couch. "You should think it over, Red." She watched as he walkid out the door into the darkness.

~Part: 4~

Willow got up from the couch and went to the front door quickly. She shut the door and locked it while glancing out the window. She watched as the light from the overhead lamps reflected off of his duster. Willow continued to watch him until he blended in with the rest of the shadows.

She turned around and exhaled, a breath she never realized she had been holding. Willow made her way back to the couch and grabbed the flannel blanket that was resting on it. She wrapped it around her shoulders, trying to sense a form of comfort from it. As she relaxed on the couch, Willow tried to absorb the conversation. The conversation she had, had with Spike earlier in the evening. <Why couldn't he of just picked someone else? Why did Giles think of this plan? Why was she being forced with this decision? It really wasn't a decision though. The only way to find that link again, to possibly prevent her friends future deaths was to go along with this plan. To be at Spike's side. If she did go along with the plan, what would become of her? What would she become? When it was done, could she really return back to her old life?> She decided there were too many questions and not enough answers. Her thoughts drifted back to the words he had spoken to her. <'You have the chance to see me as a demon without that bloody chip. You also have the chance to see me as a man. The human that I was. You can be who you really are. Who you really want to be.' Did she want to see his demon without restraints? The power he held. Did she want to see the man, the being that he once was? Did she want to live with a master vampire and his minions?> That last thought sent chills through her. <I would be living with vampires. Not just one, but many. 'I will offer you my protection. I'll take care of you, luv.'> "I don't think I can do this," she mumbled to herself. <'You have a hidden fire within you and I want to be there when it comes to surface.' Hidden fire. I wouldn't have to be what everyone expected. Maybe I'm just kidding myself. He would have said anything to convince me to go along with this plan, just so Giles would deactivate the chip.> That brought a frown to her face. Willow decided not to think about it anymore tonight. She closed her eyes and willed herself to go to sleep.

Willow woke up the next afternoon, feeling just as confused about her decision. She kicked off the blanket and sat up, noticing she only had an hour before she was expected at the Magic Box. "Ughh...I overslept." Willow jumped off the couch and went to her bedroom to change.

About forty-five minutes later, she slipped a stake and cross in her bag; and made her way out the door. It was still sunlight outside, feeling the warmth hit her skin. Before she knew it, she had already arrived at the shop. Willow knew Giles would want an answer from her as soon as possible. Quietly she opened the door as she took a deep breath. She looked around the room. It seemed that no one even noticed she entered the room. Almost no one.

Willow noticed Giles researching as usual. Anya was counting the money the store had made during the day while Xander hung on her every movement. In the far corner of the room she saw Buffy attempting to meditate. And then there was Spike. He was sitting on the stairs with a book in his hand, but not actually looking at it. He was the only one that noticed her in the room. Willow's eyes locked with his for a moment until she looked away. Slowly she walked up to Giles.

When Giles saw the redhead approach him, he looked up from his book. "Hello Willow."

Willow could feel Spike's eyes on her. "Giles, I've made a decision about your plan."

~Part: 5~

"Willow, I wasn't expecting a decision yet. You need to think about this," Giles told her.

"I have thought about it." She glanced at Spike who was staring at her intensely. She couldn't look at Spike for more than a moment. She didn't want to see his facial _expression. Willow turned her attention back to Giles. "I-I can't be part of this plan, Giles. I'm so sorry." The next thing she heard was a low growl coming from Spike. He stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him, causing Willow to wince at the noise.

"Willow, we'll figure something out," Giles assured her.

"I'm not really geared for research tonight. I'm just gonna head home."

"Of course. Perhaps we'll see you tomorrow?"

"Maybe." Willow turned around to leave but stopped. She looked at Giles one more time. "If you see Spike, tell him....tell him I'm sorry." Willow turned away and walked out of the Magic Box, headed for home.

She made it to her house, without any vamp activity. As she walked into her house, her mind started to wander. <Did I make the right decision? Why didn't I say yes?> When she opened her bedroom door, she jumped as her heartbeat quickened.

"Hello luv," Spike said. He was sitting at the end of her bed.

"Spike! You surprised me."

Spike grinned at her. "I know. I can hear your heartbeat."

"I didn't expect to see you tonight after...."

"Why did you turn me down, luv?" He interrupted.


"What are you scared of, Red?"

"Just leave," she told him.

Spike stood up, shrugged off his duster and threw it on a nearby chair. He kicked off his boots and leaned back on the bed. "No."

"No? What do you mean no?"

"Not leaving."

"Spike, I just want to go to sleep and're in my bed."

"I am, aren't I? Suggest you put a blanket over your window, luv. I'm not leaving."

Willow glared at him and then left in search of a heavy blanket. When she returned, she found Spike laying on one side of the bed on his back as he leaned against the headboard while his other arm stretched across the other side of the bed. She walked over to the window, put up the blanket and turned around to her bed. "Are you gonna move your arm?"

"No." His eyes met hers.

Willow kicked off her shoes and sighed in defeat. Reluctantly, she crawled into her bed. She tried to keep her distance from him as she faced away, keeping her back to him. After a few moments of silence, she spoke up. "I made my decision."


"You would say anything to convince me to go along with this plan. Just so Giles could disable your chip. You're probably thinking..."

"Bloody hell, Willow! Is that what you think? Who put that bloody idea in your head?" Spike let out an unneeded sigh. "Red, turn around and look at me." He waited but she didn't turn around. "Please, luv." He watched as she slowly turned to face him. He kept his arm on her side of the bed, which Willow was now using as a pillow.

"Luv, listen to me. The chip is man made. It'll short out sooner or later. But this plan, I chose you for it." He paused for a moment. "What are you afraid of, pet?"

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe the thought of a Master vampire draining me," she dryly told him.

Spike pursed his lips together before he responded. "You don't have to tell me, luv. We don't even really know each other." He paused for a moment. "You should get some sleep."

"Not really tired. I came home cause I didn't want to be around everyone else." Willow looked into his eyes. "I'll tell you if you really want to know."

"You don't have to, Red."

"What if...what if I go along with this plan and...what if I like living with vampires more than I like my own life?"

"It'll be a very different lifestyle for you, luv."

"If I enjoy living with vampires, what does that make me? What do I become?" She asked.

"You. You become you. The girl you were meant to be. I won't lie to you. It would probably be unlike anything you would ever live through. They will not only see you as my mate, but my pet. Like Rupert said, you will be at my side. You will be protected from others, but a part of demon will be rough with you. Especially in front of others. The demon will want to possess you. Everything you are, everything you have will belong to me.

"What if..."

"What if what?" Spike noticed as she looked away from him.

Willow lowered her voice. "What if I enjoy, what if I like being at your side?"

Using the arm that was already around the redhead, he placed his hand on her back and pulled her to his body. Spike tilted her chin up to look at him. "What if I like YOU being at my side, Red?"

Spike saw Willow blush as she ducked her head down and rested it against his chest. He smiled at her innocent action. Spike rubbed small circles on her back until she fell asleep.

~Part: 6~

As soon as he heard her even breathing, indicating she was asleep, he let himself relax against her. <Could she really enjoy being at my side? Bloody hell, what am I thinking?> Spike leaned into her neck, inhaling Willow's scent. He felt it surround him as he drifted off to sleep.

Willow woke up a couple of hours later. The first thing she noticed was Spike, a master vampire, way too close to her neck. Her eyes widened a bit as she tried to inch away. <Don't wake up the vampire. Don't wake up the vampire.> Slowly, she tried to climb out of the bed. Willow had almost made it when she suddenly felt his arm, around her waist pulling her down onto the bed. <That didn't work very well!> At that moment she felt the grip on her waist loosen as Spike rolled to lay on his back. Willow took this as her cue to escape from the bed. She walked across the room and looked back at him once more. <He looks so peaceful.> She let out a soft sigh and turned back around, quietly leaving the room.

Spike waited until he felt her presence leave, before he opened his eyes. <Did the bloody chit really think I was asleep? It was fun to mess with her a bit. I could feel the blood flowing through her body.> Spike rolled over on his side, glancing around the room. <I know Red has better taste than this.> His eyes came across a picture of Willow, Xander and Buffy. He let out a warning growl without even realizing it. Spike shook his head, wondering why he had growled. <I must have growled because the Slayer was in the picture. I hate that bloody bitch! But..but I know what Red can become. The strength inside her. She shouldn't be in bitchy's shadow. But..hell, Red is everything that I shouldn't touch, including being the Slayer's best friend. What the hell are you thinking, mate? This is Red. Willow.> Spike's eyes darted towards the door as they flickered golden. <Where is she? Why is she staying out there? She will NOT ignore me!> Suddenly a frown came across his face. <She couldn't wait to get out of bed, away from me. Wait, why should I care? She's just a human chit. Yeah, keep telling yourself that, mate. Keep trying to convince yourself of that. There's a reason you CHOSE her to be at your side!> "Bloody hell," he mumbled under his breath. He kicked off the sheets and climbed out of the bed, heading for the hallway.

Willow sat in one of the chairs in the main room. Her mind was too busy to sleep. She lit the white candle beside her, smiling as the flame appeared from the match. She closed her eyes for a moment, relaxing from the candlelight next to her and the moonlight coming through the window.

Spike stood in the hallway, leaning against the door frame. He watched as the moonlight surrounded her body. The candlelight next to her, danced across her features. He noticed how her red hair looked like fire against her pale skin. He instantly let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Spike took a step forward, leaving the darkness and shadows behind him. "Red?"

Willow's eyes flew open when she heard his voice. "Spike!"

He raised his eyebrow and tilted his head slightly to the side. "What are you doing, pet?"

" I was..well." She suddenly lowered her voice. "I didn't mean to wake you." Spike stared at her, waiting for an answer to his question. Willow didn't know why he was staring. "I didn't mean to wake you, Spike. Sorry," she mumbled.

Spike didn't want to tell her he had woken up the second she left his side. "Actually, I was waiting for you to answer my question about what you're doing."

"Oh! I was..well, I was thinking."

"Bout what, pet? You were pretty deep in thought."

"Why should I tell you?" She asked with caution.

"Well...we're not doing anything else. So?"

Willow let out a frustrated sigh. "Why did you choose me, Spike?"

"Told you already, Red. You have fire." <You will not be like your poofy sire. You will not be a sap.> "Besides luv, a witch full of fire as my mate/pet--it'll be good for my image."

"Oh," she replied in a whisper. "So you're using me?"

"I'm a vampire, luv. What did you expect?" When she looked up at him, he could see the hurt written on her face. He felt the strange urge to comfort her, but knew he couldn't back down from what he was saying. He had an image to keep up. "That's not really what you were thinking about, was it?"

Willow shrugged. "Does it matter? You said it yourself--you're just using me," she spat out.

"Bloody hell," he groaned. "Look Red, I'm not a patient vampire! And since I'm standing here, and not doing anything else at the moment, you might as well tell me."

Willow glared at him through her slitted eyes. "Maybe my thoughts didn't concern you." She could feel the anger and hurt coursing through her body. "You know it's nighttime, Spike. You can leave and never come back."

"Pet, your words wound me," he told her sarcastically. "Now tell me," he demanded.

Willow looked away from him so she wouldn't have to meet his gaze anymore. An action of defeat. "I was thinking and wondering why I was so honest with you. I mean, I'm not that honest with any of my other friends."

<You're a demon, mate. You will not act like William.> Spike shrugged. "Probably because with me you have nothing to lose."

Willow still refused to meet his eyes. "What do I have to gain?" She mumbled.

Spike took a deep breath. "Me," he answered in a low whisper.

Hearing his answer, she looked up, but he was no longer standing in front of her. He was gone. <Maybe his answer was only in my imagination.>

~Part: 7~

<Great. Now I'm imagining master vampires answering questions in my living room at some weird hour in the morning. Maybe I should get some sleep.> Willow blew out the candle and headed towards the bathroom. <And how am I supposed to get ANY sleep with Spike in my bed. Spike with the sexy eyes and yummy body and...stop! Don't think about him like that.> A frown came across her face as she turned the bathroom light on. <When did I even start thinking about him like that?>

Spike layed down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. <What the hell do you think you're doing, mate. You should have just kept silent. Convince the chit to go along with the plan. She's the key to getting rid of this bloody chip.> Spike let out a low growl. <When the hell did I start to fancy the chit?> "Does my unlife ever get uncomplicated?" he mumbled.

Willow changed into a pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt. She glanced in the mirror and took down her hair, letting it flow around her face. <Remember, he's just using you. He even said it himself.> She let out a sigh as she turned off the light, heading towards her bedroom.

As the bedroom door opened, he was pulled out of his thoughts. He stayed still, letting his eyes move across her body. Her long legs were partially covered by the short boxer shorts that she was wearing. His eyes continued to travel up her body, stopping only at her neck and then her hair. Her hair fell around her face and looked like fire. He knew she was a scooby but at that moment, to him, she looked like a goddess.

Willow walked through the dark to her bed. She sat down slowly, not wanting to disturb the vampire next to her. The vampire that she thought was sleeping. She crawled into bed laying on her back as Spike rolled to lay on his side, facing her. She never noticed his eyes were open. "Could my life get anymore weird?" she mumbled. "I'm laying in bed with a master vampire who basically hates us. He's suddenly pretending to tolerate me so I'll go along with Giles' plan so he can get his chip out. He's using me and yet he won't leave. And my imagination has him answering 'yes' to questions that I mumble to myself."

Spike was actually hurt for a moment when he heard her mumbling to herself. He also knew that in a way, most of it was the truth. <Hell, I told her I was using her. She's never gonna trust me. I was just angry when I told her that. She was ignoring me!> Spike took a deep breath. "Maybe it wasn't your imagination luv," he whispered.

Willow's eyes suddenly became wide. Her body froze. "You're..awake," she said slowly.

"Funny thing about vampires, Red. We don't tend to sleep at night."

~Part: 8~

After a moment of silence, Spike began to wonder what she was thinking. As he listened to her breathing, he knew she wasn't asleep. "I can even see you blush in the dark, pet." When she didn't say anything, he tried again. "Red?"

"I thought you were asleep," she whispered. <Why didn't I just keep my mouth shut? Why doesn't he just leave?>

"Well, I wasn't."

"Obviously," she responded back. Willow started to climb out of the bed, when she felt a hand grab her arm. A shiver went down her spine.

<Where does the chit think she' going?> "Where are you headed, luv?"

"Leaving. I'm gonna sleep in the other room."

Willow never saw his eyes flash golden when she said she was leaving. "No!"


<Think, mate. Come up with something to tell her.> "You shouldn't have to leave your own bedroom, Red."

She allowed him to pull her back onto the bed. "Does that mean you're gonna sleep in the other room, Spike?" she asked part hopeful and partly of fear.

"Not bloody likely, pet. I have a nice bed and a warm body here."

Willow shook her head in response. "Spike, let me go."

"Stay," he growled.

"Like I have a choice," she mumbled. She layed back down on the bed, this time facing Spike.

"You always have a choice. You chose to turn down Giles' plan. You chose not to be at my side. You have a choice, luv."

"Did I have a choice when you decided to campout in my bedroom? You have a choice too, Spike. You can choose another girl."

"There's no choice in that, Red. You are the only choice."

Willow softened as she heard his words. "I don't understand why you're doing this."

Spike frowned in confusion. "Doing what?"

"This. You're here and goddess knows why. You hate us. You've tried killing me more than once and here you are trying to..I don't know.. convince me to take your side vampire land. Like you said earlier, you're a vampire. You're..."

"I'm what?" he demanded angrily.

Her voice dropped low. "You're using me. You said it yourself," she whispered. Her voice was full of pain and emotion.

Spike pushed a lock of hair away from her face. "I'm not."

Willow tried to adjust her eyes to the dark, making out his face. "You're not what?"

"I'm not using you. Not in the way that you think. I know that's what I said out there earlier. Red, you need to understand."

"I don't think I understand anything anymore. Sometimes nothing even feels real."

He didn't want to try to explain something he couldn't even put into words. "Try to get some sleep."


"I won't touch you, luv. Contrary to what you might believe, I can be a gentleman."

"I know you have other sides to you."

Spike gave her a small smile, even though she couldn't see it. "Try to get some sleep. We'll wake up sometime tomorrow and you can entertain me until the pesky sun goes down."

"Great what fun," she said dryly.

He leaned in close to her ear. "I can be alot of fun," he said seductively. He watched her body as it tensed at his words. He heard her heart speed up and her breath become ragged. Silently she willed herself to go to sleep. <Five days until Rupert wanted to do the spell. Five days to convince her that what she wants is to be by my side. Five days to convince her of everything.> Moments later, he joined the redhead in slumber.

~Part: 9~

As Spike fell asleep, his dreams focused on Willow.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Spike made his way through the house, smirking as his minions kept to the shadows. The rush of power flowed through his veins. He opened the bedroom door, kicking it closed behind him. Spike let his eyes scan the room. There in the corner she stood. He gazed at Willow for a moment. She was wearing black leather pants and a black v-neck top. The top revealed his claim mark along her neck and the collar wrapped around her neck. Each was a form of claiming. Each was a form of protection. Spike watched as she stood still, never moving. Her eyes were directed toward the floor, awaiting permission to speak. "Red," he stated.

Willow raised her eyes and met his gaze. "Master," she replied.

"C'mere, luv." He gestured for her to come to him and she obediently obliged. "I told you luv, when it's just us; you don't have to call me Master." As he watched her smile, he wrapped his arms around her and gently pulled her body against his. Spike let his hands drift along her neck and back. He loved feeling her warm skin under his cool touch. He felt Willow's arms wrap around him and his demon felt content over the gesture. "I'll never let you go. This is where you belong."

Willow snuggled into his chest. "I can't imagine my life any other way," she said in a low voice.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Spike quickly opened his eyes and awoke from the dream. "Bloody hell," he mumbled. He was also unaware that Willow was dreaming her own dream.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Willow was kneeling at Spike's feet as he addressed the group of minions. She could feel his hand drifting through her hair as he spoke. Willow was wearing a short leather skirt and a sleeveless shirt that crossed over one shoulder, leaving her other shoulder bare. Along her bare shoulder, she wore his claim mark.

"But why?" a minion asked Spike.

Spike stopped moving his fingers through Willow's hair and glared at the minion. "Are you questioning me?" he growled.

As the room became silent, the minion decided to try again. "It's just that..." The minion never got to complete the sentence.

Spike advanced towards the minion, his eyes flashing golden. With one swift motion, he reached up and tore out the young vampire's throat. He watched as the dust floated through the air. "Anyone else want to question or challenge me?" he asked the other minions. Spike watched as they quickly shook their heads no. "Dismissed," he roared. He then made his way back over to Willow. Forcefully he grabbed her arm, pulling her down the hallway behind him.

Spike pulled Willow into their room. He needed his mate. As he shut the door, he pushed her against it. He then kissed her roughly as his tongue demanded entrance.

As she felt him kissing her, her whole body arched for his touch. Not only was she his pet but he had become her mate. As his kisses became more aggressive, she reached for his jeans; pulling him closer. She undid the button and slide the zipper down, pushing his jeans down.

Spike pulled away from the kiss and kicked off his jeans. He pressed his body against Willow as he placed a kiss on the claim mark. As he nuzzled he neck, he let his hands slide up her thighs and under her skirt. He pushed the skirt over her ass and picked her up, entering her in one thrust. As she groaned, he growled seductively out of pleasure. Willow wrapped her arms around his neck. Spike started moving within her, moving quicker with each moan.

"Spike," she panted. "Faster," she pleaded. "Harder," she begged.

Spike picked up her body and slammed her down on his cock, sending him farther inside her. As she screamed, he continued to fuck her against the door....

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Willow's eyes flew open. She looked at Spike who was already looking at her. "Oh my goddess."

"Red?" Spike touched her shoulder and she jumped out of the bed. "Luv, are you alright? I thought you were having a nightmare. Not that I would mind but I want to be the one to frighten you."

"W-why would you think I was having a nightmare?" <She wasn't sure she wanted the answer.>

"You were moaning softly."

Willow could feel her face turning red. <That would be the answer I didn't want.>

Spike raised his eyebrow at her when she started to blush. "Not a nightmare, then?"

"Bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom." Willow ran out of the bedroom and into the bathroom as quickly as she could. She closed the door and looked in the mirror. <Calm down Willow. Just pretend it wasn't anything. Don't even think about the dream. Don't think about the way!> She splashed some cold water on her face and then opened the door. And of course there he was smirking.

"You alright?"

"Fine. Why do you care?"

Spike decided to ignore her last comment. She'd probably laugh at him if he told her about his dream. But at least then, maybe she would realize some things. <Mate, you don't even have things figured out yet. How the hell do you expect her to know anything!> At that moment he could smell a light scent of arousal surrounding her. "So what'ya dream about?"

"Not telling you!"

"Why the hell not?"

<I'm not going to be your laugh for the day. Just change the subject.> "Did YOU dream last night, Spike?"

The smirk that he had been wearing disappeared as he looked away. "Yeah," he said softly.

"Well let's hear it. I want to know what the Big Bad dreamed about."

<I don't think you do, pet.> "How about we decide to drop the subject, pet. I won't tell you and you won't tell me. Not today, anyways."

"Yeah. Ok."

"Good. Your stomach is growling. Let's feed it." Spike grabbed Willow's hand and pulled her towards the kitchen.

~Part: 10~

Willow felt herself being pulled by Spike to the kitchen. "Spike, I'm not really that hungry."

Spike rolled his eyes. "When I can hear your stomach, you're hungry. Besides I don't really care. I just want to shut the bloody thing up." Spike finally reached the kitchen still holding on to her wrist. "Sit down," he said calmly.

"Spike, I really don't..."

"Sit down," he growled.

Without even realizing it, Willow returned the gesture with a growl of her own.

He started to smirk. "Chit thinks she's got a bite?" Spike could feel his eyes flashing golden. "SIT DOWN!"

Willow finally relented seeing his eyes. "Issues much?" she mumbled.

"Only when I don't get my way," he told her. "You stay here and I'm gonna find you something to eat."

Willow sat on the barstool as she watched Spike rummage through her cupboards and the pantry. <Remember he'll be gone at sunset.>

Spike turned around to face her. "Bloody hell, girl. Where is your food?"

"You saw it."

"That's not food, pet. Real food. This is really it, isn't it?"

Willow shrugged. "Well, yeah. I just usually eat pizza or something, usually when we're all together for research."

"Hell, if nothing else; you need me here to take care of you."

"I don't NEED you for anything. You're here because you chose to be, Spike. I sure as hell didn't invite you."

"Such language. What should I do with you?"

"You could greet the sun," she retorted with a smirk of her own.

Spike chose to ignore her last comment. "Doesn't matter. We'll get some groceries after research tonight."

"We won't be doing anything ever again. There is no we. And as of sundown, I will get to become an I again! That means without you."

Spike was becoming annoyed at her defiance at him and if he was truthful, a little turned on. <Block it out of your head, mate. She sure as hell doesn't even like you and she's the Slayer's best friend so you sure as hell aren't interested in her. Remember..master vampire...chip out.> "Look, pet..."

"I'm not your pet, Spike."

"And whose bloody fault is that? It was your choice, Red." Spike couldn't help but to smirk at the redhead in front of him. "Oh and we're stopping by Willie's."

Willow stood up from the barstool. "I am not going to a demon bar."

Spike walked over to her so he was standing inches in front of her. "Yes, you are."

"YOU can't tell ME what to do."

Spike took a step back from her and cocked his head a bit to the side. "And there's that fire. It dances in your eyes, luv."

"After sundown, I want you out of my house. You're not welcome here."

"Luv, if that were really true; you would have already done the uninvite spell way back. You never did."

Willow could feel the blood rushing through her body from anger. "You're"



"Hmm, what was that?"

"UGGHH," she yelled. As Willow walked past him, she pushed him out of her way.

Moments later, Spike heard her door slam. "Does the chit really think she's gonna get rid of me? She's got another thing coming." He grabbed a bag of chips, a large bowl and a couple of drinks. Then he made his way up the stairs to her room. He thought about knocking but decided against it. <She'd probably just yell at me again.> Spike opened the door slowly, glancing in her room. Willow was sitting on the bed against the wall, with her knees tucked into her chest. He saw her glance up at him and he held out the bag of chips to her. "If you wanna yell, fine but your stomach is still growling." When she said nothing in return, he climbed onto the bed next to her and handed her a soda. He placed the bowl between them and dumped the chips in the bowl. Spike turned his head slightly to look at her. "So I was thinking of staying here for a few days...or five."
