Not My Keeper

Twists and Turns Of Life Series XI

Author: midnight


Pairing: Spike/Willow

Rating: PG-13

Summary: It's a ficlet.just read

Distribution: redssoulmates, poetry-in-motion

Feedback: Please

Disclaimer: Don't sue. I don't own any of the characters. I don't make any money from it. All credit goes to Joss.

Spoilers: Through season 7 of BTVS

Notes: Angel never gained the law firm. He still has his hotel. Cordelia, Wes, Fred, and Gunn work with him. There is no Connor. Spike came back through the amulet, which no one knows where it came from. He was NEVER a ghost!!, character's thoughts ''


Spike woke up the next morning, knowing Angel would be looking for them soon. Looking down, he smiled stills seeing Red lying next to him. Sweeping her hair off her face, he whispered to her. "Luv, you need to wake up. We've got to get downstairs."

"Don't wanna," she mumbled. "Sleepy. Like it here."

"No complaints here but if Peaches finds me here I'm as good as dust."

"Dust.ok." Her eyes didn't open once.

"It is not bloody ok!"

Hearing the tone of his voice, she sat up and looked around the room. Seeing the vampire next to her, she turned to him. "What?"

"Apparently you think it's ok for the Poof to turn me to dust."

"I didn't mean."

"I know," he smirked.

"Arrogant vampire."


Willow typed away on the computer as Spike came down the stairs. Angel stood up as he saw Spike. "Where did you go last night?"

"I guess I missed the part where you were my keeper, Peaches."

"Don't test me, boy. Drusilla isn't here and I'm watching over you."

"Oh yeah and you're doing a great job of it," he replied dryly.

"I want to know where you were."

"I don't see how it concerns you."

"You're family and I have every right to."

"He was with me," Willow spoke up.

"With you?"

"That's right."

"Fine, where did you go?"

"You're a great friend but actually you're not my keeper either."

Spike smirked when he heard her comment. "That a girl, Red."

"Spike, you're not helping," she told him. "Why do you have such a problem with me being friends with Spike?"

"It's not you, Willow. It's him."

"Get over it. I'm not changing my views on Spike."

Cordelia entered the room. "Angel, you have a client that wants to speak to you."

"Not now, Cordy."

"Yes, now. They have money. You can fight with Spike later."

Willow watched as Angel walked away. She then started walking to her own room.

Spike saw the sad lost look in her eyes. He knew she was sick of him constantly fighting with his grand-sire. "Luv? Red?" Hearing no answer, he finally caught up with her as she entered her room. When he saw her grab her bag and start to pack, fear of losing her settled in. "Willow?"

"I think it would be best if I left, Spike. Obviously he can't accept our friendship or the start of it and I really don't have the energy to fight with him anymore. I've done so much fighting in my life already."

"You're not leaving," he told her. "You said you wouldn't leave. You said you wouldn't leave cause of the fighting."

"I just think it's best that."

"Best for who?" Spike took a deep breath and walked over to her. "Don't go, pet," he pleaded. "I need you here. You want me and try to get along with Peaches, I'll try. Just tell me you won't leave."

Willow looked up into his eyes. "It's not you Spike. It's."

"Him. Always is about the wanker. Leave then. I don 't care." He had made it to the door before he heard her outburst.

"You think I want to leave! You think I want to leave you! I thought you died and I missed you so much! You were were gone and I felt so empty. Part of me was missing and I didn't know how to get it back!" The outburst drained Willow of the little energy she had, causing her to fall to her knees.

Spike watched her outburst, listened to her words.  He watched her tears fall and tried to hold back his own. Quickly, he made his way to her and wrapped his arms around her small body. "Sshh, pet." He felt her grab on to him for dear life. Picking her up, he carried them to the bed where he sat down the both of them. Cradling her head under his chin, he rocked her back and forth to calm her down.

The End
