Do you know?

Author: By D. Mysinger


Coupling: Willow/Spike

Summery: Willow's in the middle of a research season, what's she thinking?

Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns all.

Rating: R



Do you know what it's like to sit in a room with the one person your soul craves and not be allowed to hold?

The one person who at a simple glance generates lust like no other within you?

The one person whose most simple touch can build the desire so close to orgasm?

To go through every day knowing that you can't have them.

I do.

He sits in the room with me now as I write this, strange I know. What could be harder than those things, you ask? Him knowing all those things about you and more, makes it all the harder. He knows almost every detail about how my mind works and what my body craves; yet he's here. He's in love with some one else but so close I  could jump him at any moment.

More than that though, at times he feels the same things for me I think. I'm not sure if he feels it soul deep but I do.  When we're alone, we have to fight just to keep our hands off of each other. Tonight we've come so close to adultery but we fought the urge to rip each other's close off, just barely.

We've been together before but know one knows. The crazy sex-a-thons that go on for hours, but now it's been months and I can nearly orgasm from a look my way. Now that he's in love with her, I'm in the cold again.

He looks at her like she's fine wine and I'm that house wine restaurants have. Touches her like  I wish he touch me.

Do you know that at night when I'm in my room alone touching my self, yeah alone, I moved back home again. When I'm on the verge of the sweet release that I'd been fighting whenever he's near, I wish it was his hands touching me. His fingers moving in me bringing me closer. His lips touching almost every inch of my skin. Finally with those thoughts I fall over the edge whispering his name.

