Always Fall'in
Author: Nell
Rating: G <sappy stuff here>
Pairing: W/S <DUH there is no other pairing for me! *g* or at least in the BtVS & ATS world! *g*>
Disclaimer: If only I owned them......
Spoilers: Only if I owned them then this would be a massive spoiler. *g*
DEADications:  Well to Mary and Rylie. You guys are my life support...... To Salice for being a good friend. And for anyone else who likes my stuff.
Authors Note: Well guys....I know I've been kinda absent, but things are falling down around me and the sunlights not shining in my world
anymore.... this is the first time in a week that I've been on my comp more then 5 minutes.......OPh yeah this aint betad, so blame me and Word
for the mistakes! :)
Authors Note 2: I hurt.....
Feedback... please?

On the edge of town, in one of Sunnydale’s least popular bars. A karaoke singer is preparing her voice.

The lights dim almost to a candle light glow. The first few bars of the song start. And almost instantly the crowd is uninterested. And then she sang. Her husky voice drawing the crowd back in just after a line. The lights stayed dim, barley enough light to see by. Everyone one silent, all focused on the voice penetrating the darkness.

*Always hidden
Always fall’in
Tears fall like rain
But you’ll never know
My darling

Always hidden
Always Fallen*

No one even noticed when the blonde man entered. The bar that was usually filled with soft chattering and an occasional fight was eerily silent, except for the guitar riff in the background. Then she sang.

*Hide and seek
Is a game we play,

Always hidden
Always Fallen*

His eyes flew to the stage. There she was his best friend, his fire, and his flame, his Willow. His eyes locked with hers as she sang the next

*I hide away my heart
Never letting you know

But I’m falling fallen
Never letting you know.

Always hidden
Always falling*

He stared speechless at her. Her words and eyes conveying all of the emotion she had been hiding for the past year. His eyes expressed shock,
understanding, and love. His eyes conveyed LOVE. She finished the song and stepped off the stage oblivious to the requests of an encore. The
people cheered and requested that she sing another song. But she only heard one thing the sound of her beating heart, about to bust in her ear. She made her way across the room her eyes never leaving his.

Finally she was just a few inches for him. “I never knew.” He whispered. “Well now you do.” She whispered back to him. “Yeah I do, don’t I?” He
asked.  Now that you know what are you going to do about it?” She asked, fearfully.

The patrons of the bar were engrossed solely on the couple in the center of the room. Someone yelled, “Kiss her!” which was followed by several

“You know, if we take this step in our relationship there’s no going back….” She whispered as she inched closer to him. “Yeah no turning back.” He breathed. And then their lips met. It was like honey, and fire, and spice and millions of other things all rolled into one. All centered around one small kiss.

Whoops and hollers could be heard outside the bar and as far as half way down the block. The couple finally broke apart gasping for much needed
air. “Come on luv, it time to go home.” Spike whispered as her took her hand. “Yeah home…” She said with a sappy grin on her face.

The End
