Just Talking
Author: Nell
Email: nell01@prodigy.net
Rating: Pg
Disclaimer: Believe me if I owned there'd be no such thing as a B/S realitionship.......
Summary: A yell Fest..... *evile grin*


“What do you want?” The redheaded hacker witch asked the tall blond British vamp that jumped out at her from a bush.

“Nothing much just your blood.” He said with a smirk. “Oh is that all? What are you going to do leave my broken & abused body for Slutty to find?
That is if she takes her head out of Oz’s ass long enough to notice that I’m gone.” She spat out. “Oh touchy. Touchy.” Spike said as her went to
grab her arm. “What did I do?? Huh? I was nothing but faithful to him. I NEVER cheated on him. It was him, & him alone!! But am I good enough for
him??? NO! He has to go and screw my best friend! MY BEST FRIEND!” She said angrily. “I’m just tired. I just want it all to end. So please kill me. I
just want to quit feeling, this pain & anger. WHY COULDN’T I BE ENOUGH FOR ONCE??? WHY???” She screamed to him. He unconsciously took a step back as she advanced on him.

“Know what you mean there duck’s. I was in love with Dru for centuries. CENTURYS! But was I ever good enough NO! It was always My Angel this
& Daddy that! For once why couldn’t I be first choosing’s?? HUH?”He vamped out as the anger & pain poured salt over his fresh wounds. “So
you know what I’m going through huh?” She asked staring at his demon facade. He noticed she was staring at him. But it was not fear he was
getting from her but curiosity. This perplexed him. She should be running in fear from him not staring at him. He moved closer to her as if to attack,
but all notions of attacking her were stilled, by a soft, warm hand unsurely reaching out to touch the ridges on his face. She traveled her hand from his forehead, to his scarred brow, traveling over his nose to his chiseled cheekbones, & finally to his lip’s where his fangs were lightly tugging on his
lower lip. She traveled he finger across his fangs, wincing as she sliced her finger open. The overwhelming scent of innocent blood got the better of
him, as he broke the moment by opening his mouth & sucking her finger in. He groaned in ecstasy, the pure, sweet innocent’s blood flowed into his

She came out of the trance & blushed slightly, then paled in fear. Spike opened his eyes as he sensed the fear rolling off of her in tidal waves. He
thought she was about to take a run for it when she promptly fainted. He caught her, & lifted her into his arms. {What the Bloody Hell am I doing? I should be draining her.} {Yeah but your not are you? Admit it she has intrigued you hasn’t she?}{Yes. No. Yes. She has. But she’s the bloody
slayer’s pet witch remember!}{Yeah I know. But she has this beauty. It pours off over her in waves. It’s like an over whelming sense of feeling’s I
thought long ago dead.}

“Hey pet where’s your key’s?” Spike asked her as they reached her house. “Mmmmgrrphm” She mumbled still sleeping. “Oh bloody hell. Willow, thank
you.” Spike said. “Welcome.” She mumbled. He reaching in her pocket and pulled out her key’s. With one hand he was trying to hold her up with the
other he was trying to unlock the door. Finally he found the right key & opened the front door. He walked up the stair’s shutting the door behind
him. The first door on the right was a closet. The next door was a bedroom. But it was just too stuffy to be her’s. Finally at the end of the hall he
found her room.

“Good Night Luv.” And he kissed her cheek goodnight. “Night Spike.” she mumbled. He grinned. Then frowned, bloody hell I’m turning into peaches.
He stalked back through the front door and locked it. “G’night Red.” Was all Spike said as he left the Rosenberg residence.


“What a weird dream.” Willow mumbled to herself as she woke up. “That was just weird.” She said as she climbed out of her bed. Looking around
she noticed something next to her computer. It was a white envelope. “Proof of what you don’t believe. A friend? Who, wha, how?” Willow asked
her self. “Oh my god.” Willow said, as her face paled. Inside the envelope were pictures of Buffy and Oz, in bed. Willow looked at the pictures not
believing. Till she came to a piece of paper.


You prolly won’t believe the pictures. But think about last night. I know you remember.

- Spike

Willow sat defeated on her bed. He was right. She remembered seeing Buffy and Oz together, she even remembered talking to Spike. Sighing she
sat back on her bed and cried.The betrayal of Buffy and Oz, stinging even more, now that it had set in.

