Birds, Bees, and Vampires, Too
AUTHOR: Northlight
SUMMARY: Willow and Spike do the relationship thing, and everybody else interferes.
DISTRIBUTION: Ask and I'll say yes :)
DISCLAIMER: Joss owns all.
Date: April 1 1999

The music was loud, frantic, demanding that all who heard it abandon themselves to the throbbing, pounding rhythm. It was the kind of music that banished thoughts and led the body through a mindless world of sensation. The patrons of the Bronze were making the most of it - hips gyrating and arms swaying overhead.

All save the couple edging along the outskirts of the dance floor. Their dance had them lost in a world other than that of those around them. They barely heard the music that swelled around them.

Spike could hear the steady beat of her heart as she moved in his arms. It was a soothing rhythm that sang of life and vitality. Her warm body was pressed against his cold one, her head resting against his shoulder unselfconsciously. She sighed happily, and he pulled her closer to him.

They were barely moving any longer. They stood there, wrapped in each others arms, swaying to the beat that only they heard.

Her face shone with peace and happiness. When her slitted eyes opened, had anyone been looking, they would have seen the fire burning in her. She felt beautiful and... loved and so very hot.

Spike looked down at the upswept red hair, his lips quirking into a smile as he felt the delicate woman in his arms squirming. 'As good as this feels, I think that we better stop now before I throw her to the floor...' He paused a moment, enjoying the image blossoming in his mind.

The narrow eyed glares directed at him from the table that Willow's friends were sharing redirected his immediate concerns back to ending the dance. Buffy's face was just screaming 'I have a stake, and I'm more than willing to use it'. Ending his unlife at the hands of an overprotective friend was not the way Spike had planned to go. "We have to talk, luv."

"No talking," she mumbled against his chest. "Nice."


She sighed and pulled back far enough to look up at Spike's face. "Right. Talking."

"Good God," Xander breathed, halfway between awe and strangled protest. "Could they possibly get any closer?" He paused a moment, looking at the dance floor critically. "Was that just me, or did they somehow get closer? What in the world is Willow thinking? Is she thinking? This is a place of fun not, not... whatever it is that they're doing!" His mild rant came to an abrupt end as Cordelia cast a glare at him.

"I think Willow's probably thinking something along the lines of what a great body Spike has, and what they're doing is telling each other that they'd more that enjoy --"

"Cordelia!" Xander protested, slapping his hands over his ears.

His girlfriend rolled her eyes, her expression clearly stating that she was at a loss as to how she had ended up with him. "I promise I won't say anything that will offend your delicate sensibilities, Xander."

Buffy fidgeted as she watched Spike's and Willow's movements still. "At least they're right here where we can see them," she said, trying not to think of what she was worried they would be doing were they not there. 'Don't think. Just glare threateningly.'

"And everybody else, too," Cordelia snickered. "Did you see the looks on everybody's faces when Willow and Spike came in together? Harmony practically had a fit!"

"I think that you're finding far too much amusement in this, Cordy." Xander's eyes roamed over the form of his best friend and the vampire. "You should be worrying like the rest of us, not getting all superior over your ex-sheep."

"They're moving!" Buffy exclaimed, her voice strained. She scrambled to her feet and peered into the crowd, tracking their movement.

"Moving? Where's there to move to?" Xander followed Buffy's lead and rose to his feet, dark eyes searching for the familiar stream of red hair. "I never thought that I'd say this, but thank God Angel's out there," he grumbled as the couple passed from his line of sight out the door.

"Sit down, Spike," Willow said, gesturing towards the couch. She perched on the edge of one of the cushions, nibbling at her lower lip nervously. She feared that she knew what was coming, and she wasn't looking forward to it. 'Shouldn't have thrown myself all over him at the Bronze! How skanky could I have been?' She absently ran the pad of her thumb over the ring on her opposite hand.

"Look, pet," Spike began without preamble. "I've been around too long to bother with these games any longer."

"Games?" Willow squeaked, wondering if everything they had been through together had been some strange form of vampire entertainment. The look in Spike's eyes banished that wild thought, although her sense of unease remained.

He sighed. This was going to be more awkward than he had anticipated. He had never been one for romance before being turned, and after that, he'd been with Drusilla for years. He hadn't ever really had to have this type of conversation, nor did he have any idea of what to say. If Willow hadn't been so obviously nervous, and as innocent as she was, Spike would have eagerly foregone the talk and just kissed her senseless.

"We like each other," he stated.

"Friends.. tend to like each other," Willow managed to say, proud that her voice barely quivered. She looked at him, wide eyed and fearful. Rejection was looming over her.

"That's not what I meant, luv--" He looked at her, wondering if after their kiss, the library, and their dance, she was still doubting his interest. He sighed again, forcing air through dead lungs.

'Fuck it,' he thought, casting aside all notions of gradually working past Willow's insecurities and innocence in order to get his message across. He leaned forward and kissed her.



"You mean... _kissing_?"

"Yes, kissing."

Buffy and Xander looked at Angel, blinking at him uncertainly. Xander's mouth dropped open, and he sucked in air wildly. He'd been less stunned after receiving a blow to the head. "Are you sure there was actual _kissing_? Not just... something other than mouth to mouth contact?"

Angel resisted the urge to throttle the boy. "Yes, it was definitely kissing, Xander. Believe me, I know it when I see it." He almost felt guilty for witnessing what was obviously a private moment, and having to peer through Willow's living room window to do so, but decided that it was worth it to make sure that Willow wasn't going to be hurt.

"Maybe it wasn't Spike," Xander said desperately. "Maybe... maybe it's that guitarist guy with the ever changing hair colour. Wasn't it blond tonight? Yeah, that's it."

"Like _that_ would ever happen, Xander!" Cordelia scoffed. "Accept it already, Spike and Willow were having the same sort of fun all the rest of us have been enjoying. And good for them!"

"Good for them?!" Xander choked. "I wasn't even used to the _friends_ bit yet!" He turned his head upwards and blinked at the crescent moon owlishly.

"We have to tell Giles," Buffy stated, her voice strong and assured now that she had decided to let her Watcher handle things.

"And maybe it isn't any of our business!"

"If I had to tell all of you about my relationship with Angel, I think Willow can handle a bit of concern about her relationship. Now let's go before one of them comes out here and catches us just staring at Willow's house!"

Willow was humming. Happy humming. The kind of humming that told Buffy that her friend had been quite thoroughly kissed and had loved every minute of it. It was, in short, the kind of noise that just screamed of trouble waiting to happen.

Buffy smiled, an understanding, friendly look as she settled down next to Willow. The library was empty save for the two girls, and Buffy found herself talking before she realized what she was doing. "So, how was your night, Willow?"

The witch blushed, her eyes taking on a dreamy quality. "Nice," she said quickly. "But, just normal nice. Nothing exciting and wow kind of life changing nice. Nope. Just a regular kind of everyday... nice."

"That's... good," Buffy said, nodding sagely. "Is there anything that you'd like to talk about? I mean, after all, I am your best friend. And I've done... things before. Things that you aren't even thinking about doing. Right?"


"You know that I'm here to talk to. About anything. If there's anything you need me to convince you not to do--"

"Buffy? Are you feeling all right?"

"Yes. Fine. Why wouldn't I be? ...Willow, are you going to have sex with Spike?" Buffy bit her lip and flushed as she realized what she had just said.

Willow blushed right along with her. "Buffy! Why in the world are you--"

"Well, you know. Lots of sexual tension leads to sex. Adding vampires to the mix is a big mistake. And... well, it's Spike, and I just don't like him, and I wanted to be able to like your honey, and it's dangerous and I don't want you to change, Willow! If you go growing up, then that means the rest of us are--"

"No! No... snuggles for me. I'm snuggle free." Willow was still flushing, torn between annoyance at Buffy's interference, or giddiness that her friend cared so much.

"Buffy!" Giles voice made both girls start and blush harder. This was so not something that either of them had wanted to have the Watcher hearing. "Don't you have a meeting with your history teacher now, Buffy?" Giles said, his voice mild.

Buffy looked down at her watch and blanched. "Right! Thanks, Giles. Bye!" The words drifted after her as the Slayer raced out of the library, her face still warm.

"Um. I think I should be going, too," Willow murmured, blindly reaching out for the pile of schoolbooks stacked on the table at her side. She stuffed them into her bag and quickly rose to her feet.

"Willow," Giles said. His voice stopped her nervous attempt at escape. He thrust the book he had been holding towards her. Willow automatically reached out to grasp it.

She looked down at the title and felt herself flushing again. 'The Mating Habits of Demons...? Oh Goddess. Is there anybody who doesn't think that we're--' Her hands clenched around the book. "Giles, I don't--"

"Just in case, Willow," Giles stammered.

