Through New Eyes
AUTHOR: Northlight
SUMMARY: Drusilla's back again, but something is different this time.
DISTRIBUTION: Ask and I'll say yes :)
WARNING: mild language and violence -- just Dru being crazy :)
DISCLAIMER: Joss owns all.
Date: April 17, 1999

Nasty Slayer... Gooey little red witch... Dark Angel made sweet... Spike. All there, looking and worrying. Scared. Of her? For her? She didn't know, she didn't care. Daddy said it didn't matter. So it didn't.

Pretty lips Spike had loved to kiss, turn up, smile. They don't understand. Don't talk, don't fight, don't move. Just... there. Still and pale and lovely and she doesn't care that they're there, watching her, waiting for her.

She doesn't care. She _doesn't_. Dark Angel, wrong Angel, here and lost to her. With the Slayer. Soft little killer, swish and swing and everything goes puff into tiny little sparkling bits of dust drifting away into nothingness.

Spike... strong and dark and still hers but not. Fading away... _changing_. Dark but not. Blood and life and confusion. Change and destiny. Loving her, leaving her.

And the witch. Smile dies, fangs grow. Stupid, cowering little _mortal_. Hot blood thrums through veins, living heart pounds. Took away Spike, took away Dark Angel, brought them to the Slayer. She _hates_ her. Hates her, hates her, hates her!

She'll tear out big, fearful, brave, loving, despairing eyes. Sharp nails tearing through soft orbs. Pop and squash and little witch would scream and scream. Never look at Spike again. Never see the sun, trapped in darkness, alone.

Tear out her tongue, no more whiny, snivelling voice to ring out to her Dark Angel in the darkness and call him away. No more shy, awkward words to weave their way into her Spike's mind and make him leave his Princess behind.

Drain her. Hot blood, pumping out from gapping wounds. She'd watch her bleed away her life. Sweet eyes gone, screams silenced, broken body, twitching and writhing as her life ran away into the dirt.

Shush... Daddy in her head, stern and commanding. She doesn't have to care. She doesn't. Daddy will take away the pain. Silence in her head... stars and air and water and earth quite in her head. Locks away the Dark Goddess, the Princess, the Whore, the Innocent.

Daddy tells her what to be. She is his.

Show them. Let them know. Angel left his innocent, his whore, left her alone with nothing but the longing and the loss, begging for his touch, pleading for the pain. Spike left his Princess, his Dark Goddess... let the stars scream in her head, and the skitter skitter of a thousand little screaming whispers to scurry inside of her... skitter, skitter, skitter...

Shush... Locked away, confusion gone. Princess, Goddess, Innocent, Whore, shush. No more screaming inside her, loud and long and lost without anyone to show her where to go, who to be.

Daddy tells her who she is. She is his.

Show them.

Tilt back her head, cool air a caress against cool skin. Show them. Eyes on her flesh, burning. They see. They know. Shouldn't have left Princess alone. Left her alone, took her apart, broke her inside. Daddy put her back together again. She was his.

They know. She can see it in their eyes. Spike, Angel... sorrow and disbelief and fear shinning from them. They know.

See the sharp, stylized lines of the star on the base of their Princess' smooth neck? Their bites there, marking her once. Angelus' toy. Spike's Goddess. Not theirs. Left Princess alone until the heavy moon pressed her down, until the still waters reached up and pulled her into them.

His now.

Sharp star, burned into cool flesh.

Cool voice, flowing through her thoughts. Shush. Don't care. Don't need them. His now. Take away the Innocent, the Whore, the Princess, the Goddess. Take all of her away because she is _his_ now.



Shouldn't have left Princess alone. She would have loved her Dark Angel, she would have loved her Spike. Just like they'd been always. Love and hate, desire and death. Shouldn't have left her alone.

Daddy wants her to make them drift away, dust on the silent air. They left her alone. Daddy built her back up. They _left_ her.

She is his.

They are nothing. Just... dust.

Pretty lips, red as blood, turn up, smile.

Dark Angel, dust on the wind. Spike, fading away, sparkling bits. Nasty Slayer, dead eyes, empty body.

And the little witch... she'd hurt.

Shush... don't care.

She did. Bad, gooey little witch. Took it all away. Made her his.




Daddy isn't Angel(us), just in case that wasn't clear. Drusilla has a new 'Daddy' who put her back together after her little breakdown in 'The Stars Scream'.
