House of No Escape
Author: Orilon
Rating: R to be safe
Pairing: Willow/Spike
Spoilers: Fool for Love
Distribution: If you want it, take it and let me know where.
Disclaimer: Everything from Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon
and Mutant Enemy. Title and Lyrics come from The Fun Palace by Annihilator
off their Never, Neverland CD.  Characters not from Buffy come from my
Summary: Spike has nightmares.
Feedback: Please.
~Song Lyrics ~

~ Welcome, I invite you off to the other world
You'll have to face this house of no escape
Confront the past, in this psychic house of horrors
I lead you up the path you'll take ~

Spike groaned when he saw the red haired woman dressed in a blood red robe
again, this meant he would face another round of torture you with past sins.
Ever since he had become a ghost warrior, he faced this almost nightly.
Erin had forgot to tell him that if a host warrior killed before they
transformed, they would be forced to face that forever.

The strange woman grabbed his hand, and off they went to a dilapidated old
house.  He shivered knowing what was inside each room.

No escape. She kept his wrist firm in her cold hand the whole time. Making
him face this night after night.

~ Panic, your conscience lied
Trapped inside
Panic, your ultimate nightmare
Welcome to the fun place ~

As a vampire, he had no conscience, just the demon that controlled his
actions.  Plus what he did to please his sire. As a ghost warrior, he did
have a conscience that was after him all the time. No rest, and no death to
give him relief.

He enjoyed the body warmth, and the ability to go out into the sun, but that
did not outweigh the almost nightly torment he went through.

~ Tonight you'll be tried, I invoke the memories
The guilt to be driven from this unconscious mind
Young lives that you've denied, behold their faces
Innocence cut to pieces, just look behind ~

As the door slammed behind him, he knew what would happen next: he would see
all the faces of the people that he tortured and killed in the individual
rooms of the house.  First in line was the living room, and the faces of his
family, who were his first kills.  Angelus had driven him to feed from his
family first; and he relived killing all of them.

All the victims stared back at him in each of the rooms and he was not
allowed to escape. His three slayer kills was also shown, the first during
the Boxer Rebellion, the second in 1977 and Buffy, his third and final.

The last room was the worst.  Willow accused him of destroying her innocence
by first taking her away with him and then her being involved in killing
Buffy.  Showing the monster she had become under his guidance ever after he
had become a ghost warrior.

~ Farewell I impel you back to your other world
You'll have to face your every sin
Take this a painful bounty, representing me
The keeper of the palace and the secrets held within ~

He woke with a gasp and looked down to see the glowing red mark over his
heart.  Then he saw the sleeping body of Willow next to him and sadness
flowed through him. What had he done to the beautiful girl next to him? It
seems like he always destroyed the ones he loved.
