Shades of Grey
Author: Poppy.
Disclaimer: Do I look like Joss or the "grr argh!" guy?
Rating: Basic R, but will be NC-17 in later parts.
Pairing: Willow/Spike, minor Willow/Tara.
Summary: Spike is obsessed with a redhaired witch...
Spoilers/Notes: Takes place in early season 4. Tara has a crush on Willow and Oz is gone. Spike and Dru WERE NOT involved, "Lover's Walk" didn't happen.  This will be a *dark* fic, so be warned.
Distribution: Charity, Chelsea, and Jen can always have my work, Everyone else please ask first! :)
Dedication: To everyone who's asked me lately for a W/S fic...

~Part 1-5~

Spike frowned, taking a long drag on his cigarette,
walking aimlessly around the park and scowling.

Hell, how he hated Sunnydale. The home of the slutty
Slayer, and the rest of the bloody Scooby Gang.  To
him, Sunnydale represented failure. After he had been
run out of town by the Slayer, but even more so when
he failed to get the only thing that mattered to him
more than killing and blood. The sweet, shy little
redheaded witch. She was an enigma. Seemingly fragile,
but stronger than any of her friends gave her credit
for. Demure but with a fire burning deep within her
being. A pure soul on the mouth of Hell.

She intrigued him. She intrigued the demon. He wanted
to corrupt her, take her innocence, bring out the fire
he knew she had deep inside. She would be a true
childe, his first and only. Turn her, make her his,
and show her what the night was for: blood, killing,
and shagging. She would be his masterpiece, his mate;
his Fire Goddess, his Red Queen. But he couldn't have
her. Not yet, anyway.  Spike growled and threw the
cigerette onto the ground and stomped it out with the
heel of his boot.

"Spike!" A shrill voice called.

The blonde vampire ignored it.  Before he could go to
his Red, he had to find the Gem first. He knew it was
somewhere in Sunnydale, and was confident he finally
knew where it was. He was sure he would have it by the
end of the week. The Gem of Amara was fabled to make
the wearer immortal, but not many knew of it's
exsistance. Spike planned to use that to his
advantage. The plan was simple: get the Gem, get the
girl. But there were bound to be complications.

"Spike!" The voice repeated, annoyed.

Speaking of complications.

Spike rolled his eyes and turned to face the speaker.
"What do you want?"

The blonde pouted. "Why are you ignoring me? Don't
you love me anymore?"

Two months earlier, when Spike returned to Sunnydale,
he had come across her in an alley. She was nothing
more than a pathetic minion, but she knew his Red, so
he didn't kill her. He thought she might be useful in
obtaining his redhaired obsession. However, the
brainless sow was completely absorbed in herself. She
spent half her time talking about herself and the
other half whining about how she wanted to go to
France. And Spike made the mistake of getting
completely smashed one night, and wound up sleeping
with her. Ever since then, the bitch hadn't given him
a moment of peace, convinced he must love her.

"Go away, Harm." Spike growled.

Harmony started to whine. "See? You hate me! When are
we going to France?"

Spike started to walk away.

"Spi-ike!" She whined.

The Master vampire whirled around and grabbed the
minion by her throat. "Listen to me, you worthless
little bitch!" He hissed around enlongated fangs. "I
can't stand you, I'm not taking you to France, I don't
love you, and fucking you was the worst mistake I've
ever made in all my 126 years on this bloody planet!"

Harmony pouted, and he let her go, disgusted.  She
backed away from him, rubbing her neck. "Today sucks!"
She sniffled tearfully. "First, Willow gets away, then
you yell at me!"

Spike whirled to face her at the mention of his
Princess. "What do you mean, Willow got away?"

Harmony sniffed. "Well, I was hungry, and I ran into
Willow outside the Bronze, she was with some weird
blonde girl. Anyway, I was hungry, and Willow was
there, and I bit her-"

"You what?!" Spike roared, enraged that the minion
dared touch his redhead.

"What?! I was hungry! Anyway, then Willow threw Holy
water at me and got away. Can you believe that little
bitch had the nerve to-" Harmony huffed, before Spike
growled and backhanded her, knocking her down.

Spike stood over her. "Don't you *ever* refer to her
as a bitch again, you little pissant, or I'll make you
wish you would of stayed dead!"

"But Spike," Harmony whined. "Why would you want her
when you can have me? She such a nerd! And she's not
even pretty..."

Spike swiftly pulled Harmony up by her hair. She
howled in pain. "Shut your mouth! And stay away from
her! If I see you anywhere near my girl, I'll stake
you. Do you understand?" Spike asked lowly.

Harmony nodded mutely. Spike let her go, and she
slumped back to the ground. Then, Spike walked away,
not sparing a glance back to the pouting girl sitting
on the ground.


The blonde vampire followed the familiar path he
walked every night.  He stopped in front of the house,
and quickly climbed the trellis, and landed silently
on his Queen's balcony. He growled softly when he saw
his witch sitting on her bed, talking with a sickly
looking blonde girl sitting next to her. Spike growled
when he saw the look in the blonde girl's eyes when
she looked at his Willow. The bird was in love with
her! Spike snarled angrily. He wasn't about to let
some pathetic scrap of a girl take his beloved from


Spike couldn't remember the last time he was this
angry. Some little witch was trying to take his mate
from him. It was obvious there was something between
the blonde and his Willow. Spike's eyes softened when
he thought of Willow. First, he had to find the Gem.
Then he could finally claim his Princess.


Spike laughed in glee as he took the ring from the
underground crypt. It was a simple ring, with a rather
plain looking stone set in the center. He put it on,
and opened the door to the crypt. He hesitantly put
his arm out in the sunlight, grinning when nothing
happened. He stepped outside, looking up at the
sunlight for the first time in over a century. He
laughed again, and looked around, and finally up at
the sun. "Fuckin' fantastic!" He walked towards the
Sunnydale U. campus, heading towards the redhead's
dorm, the dorm he stood in front of every night,
wishing he could make the redhead his. Now, he finally
could. Spike grinned in anticipation.


Willow silently walked, looking for Tara.

"She doesn't deserve you, pet." A soft voice said.

Willow started, and looked for the speaker. "Who...who
said that?" Willow felt her heart stop, and go into
her throat when she saw Spike step into the sunlight.

"Hello, luv." He grinned at her look of shock and
disbelief. "Did you miss me?"

Willow gasped, eyes wide. "Spike?!?!"

Spike smirked and stepped towards her. He was stunned
by how beautiful she looked in the sunlight. "Yeah,
baby. I'm back." He purred.

Willow backed away, shaking her head, denying what she
seeing. "No. No way.'re in sunlight. You
can't be..." She whimpered, shaking with terror.

Spike smiled, and stepped towards her, still
mesmerized by her beauty. "Oh baby, but I am." He
grinned in amusement as she pulled out a stake. "You
gonna stake me, pet?" He asked, chuckling.

Willow steadied her grip, and held the stake tighter.
"Yes. I'll dust you."

Spike laughed again, and walked towards her, surprised
when she staked him in the heart. He paused, and
looked to her terror filled face, down to the stake,
and back up at her face again. "Oh, do it again. It
tickles, but in a good way." He pulled the stake out,
and threw it aside.

He looked up at the sun, and back to his terrified
redhead. "Say, luv. Do you think I'll freckle?" He
asked as he stalked over to the redhead, who was
backing away, and seemed to be frozen with shock. She
didn't resist as Spike pulled her into his arms. The
blonde vampire purred softly at finally having his
love in his arms.

"How?" Willow asked, her voice soft and defeated.

"Absolute immortality, baby." Spike replied, his lips
brushing against her ear.

Willow struggled, suddenly jolted out of her stupor.
Her hands beat uselessly against his chest. "No! Let
me go!"

Spike laughed. "Never, pet. Never." He smiled as she
tried to get away, screaming for help. "Love, I'm
completely immortal now. No one can help you."

Willow whimpered as Spike nuzzled her neck, and
struggled when he bit  into her throat. He drank
slowly, only taking enough to make her faint. When he
felt her go limp in his arms, he withdrew his fangs,
and smiled in victory. He scooped her into his arms,
and carried her away, purring and nuzzling his mark on
her neck.

