One Night
Author: Rachel
Rating: R, sexual innuendo and mild sex scenes.
Relationships: W/S
Summary: Can’t give you one, sorry. Just read it (please!)
Spoilers: Takes place after the end of season 4, but doesn’t mention any of it in this part.
Disclaimer: The characters aren’t mine....and I’m attending therapy to help me get over the fact that they never will be.
Distribution: Many, many lists. If you want it, take it, then tell me where you put it, (it’s only polite!)
Author’s note: I had this idea in my head all day yesterday and it wouldn’t go away until I wrote it down. So, while ill with flu, I hand wrote the whole thing at 11 o’clock at night, in 15 minutes.
Dedication: To Laura, for being so supportive, but moaning about the lack of evil Spike fics. This one’s for her.
Feedback: If I don’t get any, I may never write again *oh! woe is me!*


~Part One~

She walked quickly through the rain, it was coming down so hard she could hardly see where she was going, but she had to escape him. Tears
streamed down her cheeks, mixing with the smears of dry blood and dirty marks on her once beautiful face. Her hair hung limply by the side of
her head, her loose shirt, now soaked with the rain, clung to her shapely form and her soft, suede boots were splattered with mud from the
puddles forming all around her or the dirt track.

She could hear him running up behind her, hear his feet as he splashed along. Not only that, but she could sense him, feel him as he overtook her
body and then seeped out through her pores. She supposed that’s what made her turn around the first time he called her name.

"Willow," he cried. She stopped and turned around slowly to face him. Glaring at him out of her big, green eyes, now red and puffy from crying.

"What?" she tried to sound intimidating, but her snarl turned into a pitiful child’s whimper somewhere between her brain and her lips.

"I just wanted to help understand? I never meant for that to happen." He stopped next to her and put his hand on her shoulder. She
shook it off with as much strength as she could find in herself, she was drained, emotionally and physically.

"Look!" she yelled. She looked at the ground. "Look," she repeated in a more reasonable tone. "I don’t need help, especially not yours."

"What you mean is, you don’t want help. I was just trying to comfort you, you looked so sad after what Oz had said."

"We slept together!" she shrieked. She took a large pace back away from him, slipped and fell in a heap onto the wet ground, staying there she
began to cry again, the tears of a beaten woman. She knew she could never go back to her friends now, after what she had done, she’d betrayed
them. There was no way she could win with Spike, he was her worst enemy and now he was her lover.

"Willow, I don’t think I’ve ever said this to anyone apart from Dru, but...I love you," he paused waiting for her reaction, when she stopped crying
and looked up at him, he continued. "But, you’re human and we can never be together."

"But I can’t go back to The Scooby Gang, I betrayed them. If I can’t stay with you, where will I go?"

"Do you want to stay with me?" Willow looked away. "Willow?" She sighed, and bared her neck to him. "You’re sure about this? Once you’re
dead, you’re dead."

"Shut up and get on with it Spike!" she screamed.

"Fine you little bitch." He snarled and grabbed her roughly under the chin. Pulling, hard, he managed to lift her off the ground and towards him.
"You wanna play rough, we’ll play rough." She started choking. He threw her against the wall of a barn standing nearby and she hit it with a loud
thud. A nail protruding from the wall of the barn became embedded in her skin and she let out a scream. Spike marched over to her, but before
he could reach her she kicked out, catching him between the legs, he went down and Willow started to run, no longer caring about the state she
was in. Spike was up in seconds and after her, he caught up with her a few metres from where they’d originally started and he dragged her by her
hair back towards the barn. Once inside, he slammed the door and they were in darkness. Spike could see clearly, but Willow was blind. He took
three steps towards her and grabbed her by the shoulders, shoving her against a damp wall. Pressing himself against her, she could feel his
erection through his jeans. He whispered into her ear.

"Is the little witch hot for me?" He moved one of his hands down towards the fastening on her jeans. He stroked her through them. He nibbled on
her ear and she began to struggle, he chuckled. He pressed his mouth against hers and forced his tongue inside of it, she whimpered out of
pain, but gave in. He let go. "See? All you had to do was admit it." His free hand left her jeans and crept up to her breasts. He played first with
one nipple, then the other, rubbing them between his finger and thumb, then gently flicking them. She moaned in pleasure and pressed herself
against him.

"Ah ah ah!" he said, "not until the deed is done." He shifted into his true, vampiric form and brought his head back down to her neck. Pausing for
just a second, he bit into her and let her sweet, thick blood flow down his throat. When she was just about to pass out, he used his fangs on his
own wrist and let a few drops of his blood, drip into her mouth. He let go of her and she fell to the floor. He lit up a cigarette and settled down on a
bale of hay, waiting for his newest childe to awake.


Prequels? maybe. Sequels? definitely.

