
AUTHOR:  Rilja (

COUPLE:  Willow/Spike


DISTRIBUTION:  Archives are ok, just tell me were it went. Others please ask first.

DISCLAIMER:  All belongs to Joss Whedon.


SPOILERS:  I read some spoilers for season 6 finale.

SUMMARY:  Spike keeps his promise to Willow.

NOTES:  This is my first fic ever, please let me know what you think.


She stands alone before the open window, the slight breeze making strands of her hair move on its own accord. While the sounds of the night filters into her conscience she lets her mind wander.  There's a full moon tonight and as always her subconsciense wonders were Oz is tonight, is he looked up in some seedy motel waiting out the night or is he running free, the wind against his face howling to the moon. She knows all about the need to run free, the need to let the demon out if only for one night, the rush of being completely in tuned to the nature and the power surging through you, hunting, feeding, feeling completely free and in control. She knows that she is just one tiny step from letting her own demon run free, untouchable by any human or non, untouchable even by the slayer. It is strange how she has started to refer to her old best friend as the slayer instead of her name. Maybe it is just time, time to leave that part of her life and start out on the next.

As she stretches out with her senses she can hear the leaves of the trees outside her window being ruffled by the slight wind, the faint sound of a car turning down a street, the ever present low humming of the Hellmouth and the presence in the room behind her. She knew he would come, she had been waiting, somewhere in the furthers corners of her mind she even knew it would be tonight, and she is ready, she has never been more ready. He kept his promise.

He does not say anything as he comes up behind her, invading her personal space, close enough to touch, but he does not, he is waiting too. She does not break the silence that has descended on the room, on the wHellmouthif even the very earth itself is holding its breath in awe at the momentous moment. She just tilts her head slightly and feels him sinking his fangs into her neck, slowly almost gently drinking her blood, her life, her very essence of being in preparation to change her life forever. Her last thoughts before she loses conscience are that he finally got the chip out, that he is finally free and that he finally got the chance to keep his promise.

The end/beginning.
