Email: rowsby14@a...
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Josh, except Inell - she belongs to herself!
Distribution: Please ask
Pairings: For now W/S, C/A
Rating: PG (hints of R)
To: Inell, for her 25th birthday challenge. Only for you would I come out of lurkerdom.

~Part One~

"Could you hand me the strainer under the microwave?" Willow's hands were gently moving the cauliflower under the running water. This was the last item for the vegi-tray and then it would be ready for Dawn's party. It was hard to believe Dawn was graduating from college already. It seems like just yesterday they were having her high school graduation party at the Summers' home.

"The big one or little one?" Cornelia interrupted Willow's thoughts. She was reaching under the counter amazed that anyone's kitchen cabinets could be that organized. She let Dennis take care of the kitchen in their home. She and Angel were to busy helping the hopeless to deal with the mundane chores of kitchen work. And when they weren't, they were to busy with each other, she smiled. Anyhow, taking care of the kitchen made Dennis feel useful. As long as he didn't have to pick up clothes to often that tended to get tossed where ever when she and Angel decided the bed was to far and the kitchen table was a perfectly flat surface anyway that...

"The small one should do. There's not a lot since it's mainly for us girls. The guys will go after the buffalo wings and chips and junk food."

"I like junk food, too."

"Yeah, but I can't see you putting it away like Zander." Willow laughed.

The best friends worked together getting ready for the party. It would be here at Willow and Spike's because they had the largest home. Willow's
parents had paid it off and given it to them for a wedding gift on the condition that Willow completed her last year of college. They felt that if she was foolish enough to get married in her junior year that maybe dangling a 'carrot' in front of her would give her incentive to finish her degree.

And finish she did. Not that they bothered to come back for her graduation. But Willow's husband and all her friends were there, cheering her on as she picked up UC Sunnydale's Valedictorian award. They had partied late into the night. The next night Spike and Willow had embarked on a whirlwind 'round the world' tour. Part Spike's graduation gift to his Red, part late honeymoon trip.

Who would have figured that the little bleached blonde devil had enough money stashed away to charter a plane to take them to all of their destinations without having to worry about the pesky sunlight. Especially after he begged off them, all those years ago, for his blood and fags. His explanation to his glaring red headed bride of one year, as they sat on the runway waiting for clearance, was that he never found anything or anyone important enough to spend it on before. If he could use other people's money to get what he needed, why spend his own? The fire in Willow's eyes told him he could have left off the last part as she was the one most generous to him when he was just a poor, chipped vampire living in a dirty crypt. He saw fire of a different kind as he went about to convince his love that the Mile High Club was not an establishment located in Denver. There were, after all, advantages to a private plane.

~Part Two~

Spike loved his wife.
Spike loved thinking about his wife.
Spike loved making love to his wife.
Spike loved thinking about making love to his wife.

Sex with his lovely Red wasn't at the front of Spike's thoughts right now. It was always in the back of his thoughts, but right now trying to keep his temper to a low rumble and his language acceptable to little ears was his foremost priority.

"Rates and bats! Angel, are you sure you don't have the last one?"

Angel smirked at his impatient child and glanced at his 'granddaughter' sitting in her Winnie the Pooh chair across the brightly painted room. The
two-year-old sat quietly, sucking her thumb and clutching her beanie bat, complete with fangs, tightly to her. Her curly red hair was neatly plaited in a French braid down her back. Angel knew Spike had sat with the patience that one wouldn't have expected of the hyperactive vampire and fixed the little girl's hair. He had seen him do it to Dru's many years ago and knew it had a calming effect on both father and daughter.


Spike was a father in every sense of the word except biological. After five years of marriage to his beautiful red head Spike wanted a child. Not that Willow didn't, too. It just never occurred to her that Spike would want to take their love to the next step - having a family that they could share the deep love they felt for each other with.

They had visited Angel and Cordelia and talked over their idea with the elder vampire and the no nonsense, blunt brunette. While Angel tried to ease them in to the pluses and minuses of a child in an undead/mortal relationship, Cordelia shot at them, point blank, everything that could go wrong.

She was also the first one to put the real question into words - who would be the father?

In the end Giles accepted the honor of being the donor. He loved Willow as a daughter and accepted Spike with more than just annoyance when he saw how much the vampire would do and how far he would go for his beloved wife. The quiet, but intense conversation in the watcher's living room as they presented the older man with their request and the reason's behind their choice convinced him. Though Spike's declaration "Because you're a Brit!" was cause for laughter.

*** *** ***

And now Spike was a father. A father used to using language that would put a sailor to shame until about a year ago when his furious wife threatened to turn him into a falsetto if she heard one inappropriate word coming out of an impressionable one-year-old's mouth.

"I don't have it." Sighed Angel. "There were 25 screws when we started. There are 25 holes. What happened to the last one?" Regretting for at least the twenty-fifth time offering to help Spike put Brittany's canopy bed together.

He and Cordelia were here for the party and to baby-sit while Spike and Willow got away for a few days. He was not here to assemble furniture with instructions designed to confound a rocket scientist. Baby-sitting was something they enjoyed doing. Playing for a few hours or days then escaping
the fussing and whining and diapers back to LA. No, Angel thought. No fussing and whining. Brittany was a happy, secure child knowing that she was completely surrounded by the love of her parents and extended family. But, though he loved the pixie, a child was not in his or Cordelia's plans. They had a mission and a child would be a liability. So, whenever they needed a 'baby fix', as Cordelia called it, they would head to Sunnydale and take advantage of Willow and Spike's little one. Diapers and all.

Spike sat back on his heels scowling at the floor when he felt a light pat on his knee. He looked up and into the round, green eyes of his daughter.

It always amazed him that, though he knew Giles was the reason they were blessed with Brittany, it was like all his DNA had somehow become lost. The little angel standing in front of him was the spitting image of her mother at that age. Down to the line of darker freckles coming off one eye. When Spike had first noticed it on Willow he thought she had been crying. Until he had gently tried to wipe them away and had begun apologizing for who knew what he had done to hurt his love. When they didn't disappear and he saw the amused look in her sparkling eyes he'd spent the next several hours showing her just how much he loved her and would never hurt her.

"Papa, I done."

Spike's brow furrowed. "Done what, sweetling?"

"He'pin." She handed Spike her bat and with the serious concentration of a two year old she reached into her smock pocket. A little fist was placed over Spike's open palm and into it dropped the 25th screw.

Spike looked at his daughter solemnly and handed back her bat. "Thank you very much, little one. You were a big help." He nodded to the smiling toddler and kissed her forehead. "Why don't you go down and find Mummy and see if she needs your help now?"

"K." and out the door she headed.

"Not - a - word."

Angel just leaned back against the dresser and grinned as Spike reached for the screwdriver.

~Part Three~

"Can you believe him!!! Buffy slammed through the kitchen door arms loaded with junk food filled bags.

"No, but hum a few bars and I'll fake it." Cordelia grinned cheerfully.

"Funny. Real 'ha, ha' Cordy." Buffy fumed.

"So, who are we having trouble believing Buffy?" Willow stood in front of her daughter who sat on the kitchen counter. They were used to the Slayer's explosive entrances, but it still made Brittany jump and look for Mummy or Papa.

"Ted. Ex date for tonight's party." Buffy started slamming the groceries out of the bags. Cordelia moved in to save the chips. Willow grabbed for the pop before slayer strength shattered the plastic bottles. The popcorn was safe, as it was the microwave variety. If not it would have been reduced to kernels.

"There we are in the middle of the junk food aisle and he starts reading labels. Labels! This is a party! This is junk food! And he's reading labels!"
Buffy was on a roll.

"Well, Buff, you did meet him at the gym." Willow grinned at her friend as Cordelia smirked. It sounded like Buffy's latest flavor of the week had just
washed out.

"Yeah, gym. Keep in shape. Good muscle tone. Nice butt. Not Mister Health Nut, count the atoms of fat in a piece of celery." She planted her feet and pointed at her amused fiends. "Do you know what the last straw was? The very last straw?"

"I'm afraid to ask."

"He took my bag of Fritos, MY bag of Fritos, not 'for the party' Fritos, MY Fritos, and replaced them with low-fat, store brand corn chips!!!!"

By this time Cordelia was doubled over in laughter and Willow had her head buried in Brit's shoulder giggling.

Buffy stalked over to the frig and reached into the freezer. "Will, no Chunky Monkey?" wailed the pissed off Slayer.

"Spike's been behaving so I haven't needed it for a while." Willow inhaled deeply, trying to catch her breath. "Try that one. It's good."

Buffy pulled out the brown container and grabbed a spoon. She tentatively took a bite and closed her eyes in appreciation. Opening them and reading "New York Super Fudge Chunk. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

~Part 4~

Dawn was coming home.

Giles was on his way to Willow and Spike's house. Dawn was coming home and they were going to celebrate. His last child had graduated from college and was on her way home. Wesley had volunteered to pick her up at LA International. Actually, they should be on their way to Sunnydale right now.

Of course, Dawn wasn't his real child. None of them were, but that didn't matter. He was the patriarch of his family.

Xander had needed a father, his being a mean, cruel bastard. Giles smiled at the fine man the dark haired boy had become. An accomplished carpenter with an excellent job in the booming construction industry. He did worry about him after Anya, though. Right now he seemed to spend all his free time on his computer. Not researching, but 'chatting' with friends, as he put it.

Buffy was his Slayer. After a few rebellious years she had finally turned back to him for his guidance and direction. For broken heart problems she
would go to Willow. When she needed an adult, for advice or to lean on, she came to him. He was her rock when her mother's tumor had returned and it was discovered that this time it was inoperable. In the final months they shared the duties of her care. Actually, Buffy he and one other had shared them. Duties that he had willingly accepted.

If he was the patriarch, Joyce had been the matriarch. Taking under her wing more daughters and sons than she had ever given birth to. She was the mom who wiped the tears through each tragedy of the children's lives. Buffy, Willow and Dawn's love life problems. Xander losing Anya when she regained her powers and walked away without a backwards glance. But the most surprising was Spike.

Before she was confined to her bed Giles would stop by in the evening, on his way home from the Magic Shop, and find Joyce and Spike talking in low voices over cups of hot chocolate. It turns out that this was a regular occurrence for them. When Spike needed advice he turned to Joyce. The first time, to Giles surprise, was over Drusilla. From there, he showed up on her doorstep regularly. Sometimes with a problem, sometimes just for the companionship. When Willow had initially rejected his advances as coming from the insincere, pain in the arse vampire he had always presented himself to be, Spike retreated to Joyce and her mini marshmallows. At the wedding of Willow and Spike she was led, with pride, by a grinning vampire, to the front row reserved for mother of the groom.

Spike had taken her death hard. He had shared with Buffy and Giles the care of this wonderful woman during her final months, showing up at night and telling Giles to go home and Buffy and Dawn to go to bed. He had seen Spike with Willow and knew he could be gentile, but with Joyce it was like he was caring for a newborn baby. He was almost inconsolable at the service. Buffy and Dawn weren't the only ones who lost a mother that day. Luckily he had Willow.

*** *** ***


Giles downshifted as he turned a corner. His thoughts momentarily interrupted as he thanked the heavens that he had finally gotten rid of that nasty little red sports car with the automatic transmission.

Back to sweet Willow. She had a heart as big as...well, with all his intelligence even Giles couldn't come up with a word to describe it. It was huge and she was willing to share it with all. He was almost glad that the Rosenburgs chose to ignore their wonderful daughter. That may be selfish of
him, but he didn't give a damn. It was their loss that they missed out on the shy, insecure teen blossoming into a beautiful, intelligent, self-confident woman. He liked to think that he had something to do with that.

One of the greatest honors that he had was when he walked her down the aisle and gave her away to the bleached blonde vampire who for once was at a loss for words as he stared at his radiant bride. The greatest honor was when she and Spike had come to him and asked him to be
the father of their child. Though they felt the need to present him with their case and reasons for their choice, Giles had decided almost immediately to agree. He was mature enough to know that to him they were just a few cells. To Willow and Spike, they were a future full of love.

He just wished that bloody vampire hadn't decided to accompany him to the clinic. It was necessary, of course, to get the proper signatures to assign Spike and Willow ownership of the sperm. But, that damn vampire had insisted on stopping to pick up some magazines on the way. He said it was to help the Watcher along in the job. Bastard! And then he had the audacity to bet that the 'old man' couldn't fill two tubes. He'd shown him. Three! With the help of the magazine with the triplets in red leather, Giles blushed. Plus the movies the clinic provided were ones he was sure didn't come from Blockbuster Video.

Anyhow, Spike was pleased. When questioned as to why the extra, Spike shyly admitted that he wanted to surprise Willow. If they decided, in the future, on more than one child, they would have the same biological father.

Giles smirked as he pulled into the driveway. Spike was trying to be sneaky.

Willow could be sneakier.

~Part Five~

Dawn was relating in her best pompous British voice, "Now see here young lady. We have informed you that we would pay for the completion on your education, including tuition, room and board. We would follow that up by educating you in the proper procedures of research, the complete history of the aspirations behind our society, some limited training in the physical aspects of our-"

"Physical aspects?" interrupted Buffy. "Does that translate into fighting?"

"Yes, Buffy." Giles turned to his slayer. "Translating English into American, that would be fighting. But notice only 'limited training' because Watcher's are meant to 'watch', not go in and sustain concussions regularly."

"Hey! I never gave you a concussion!" Buffy lightly smacked the arm of the Watcher sitting next to her.

"I still can't believe they asked you to become a Watcher." Willow was sitting on the floor between her husband's legs.

"Well, they never did have many smarts, luv.  Hey, don't throw that popcorn at me, young lady!"  Spike grinned as he set his empty bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale on the table next to him. When Dawn announced she had been accepted to Oxford to study ancient languages Spike had taken it upon himself to make sure she knew the names of all the best beers and ales in the British Isles. Dawn showed her gratitude by bringing home a few packs whenever she came back for a visit.

The visits were over and Dawn was home for good. Willow had offered to throw her a big bash with all her friends from high school, but Dawn had declined. When she had turned 16 and had officially become one of the 'Scoobys' the day to day trials and tribulations of high school life became pointless. How could you compare winning a basketball game to saving the world?

"Actually, it would make perfect sense to them, I'm sure. Who better than the sister of the longest surviving slayer in history?  It would be assumed that she would already be familiar with the evil that plagues the world-" Wesley was in lecture mode.

" I'm not a plague."

"Well, that could be debated, Spike. Willow, did you catch anything when you started doing the bump and grind with blondie?" Cordelia teased. She was sitting on the arm of the chair leaning against Angel. His arm was tightly around her waist, fingers rubbing gentle circles on her stomach.

Spike flipped her off.

"What did you say to them, Dawn?" Angel obviously knew that she had told them no, but he was curious as to how the independent, strong willed young woman gave her reply to the stuffy representatives of the Watcher's Council.

"I very politely pointed out that I had a full scholarship to attend the University." Dawn held up a finger as she made each point, " I had probably
done more pertinent research to aid in the success of the current slayer in my short life than they had in their long tedious, British ones.  I knew
exactly what game the Watcher's Council played and how they conveniently changed the rules to achieve their grand aspirations. And that I had probably used more weapons against the 'evils that plagued the world' " a sideways grin at Wesley, sitting next to her holding her other hand, "than they had dusted in their lofty offices at 'Watcher Central'.  And then, while they picked their flabby jaws up off the floor, I told them exactly where they could shove their 'generous' offer.

*** *** ***

...I told them exactly where they could shove their 'generous' offer.

"Well done, Dawn!" Giles chortled.

"Yeah, sis!"

"You go girl!"

The group had known that Dawn had been approached by the Watcher's Council. The representatives had incorrectly assumed she would jump at the chance to join their organization. They should have known better. She was the sister of Buffy Summers and the ward of Rupert Giles. Two names, when mentioned in the esteemed halls of the Council, caused dignified men to cringe.

"It was great!" Dawn settled back enjoying the approval of her family. She noticed Wes also had a smug expression on his face. After his treatment by the Council, he wholeheartedly approved of her response to the bastards.

Dawn was amazed that they were actually sitting here. Together. Finally. She and Wesley had met, of course, when the gang had gone to LA to assist Angel and company. Dawn had shown an aptitude with languages and, before she went to England, had worked with Wes translating a variety of books, parchments, and manuscripts. After she had left, she continued to collaborate with him on various projects over the Internet. The collaboration had led to friendship and daily e-mails. But not love, Dawn reflected, not yet, at least. They wanted to wait until they were together before they moved to the next step. But possible, as she met his eyes and smiled. Very possible.

"Looks like another matchmaking project for you, Cordy." Angel whispered to his mate. She nodded her head.

"Another?" Willow queried.  She and Spike were sitting closest to the other couple and had overheard his comment.

"Well, my first one was a success." Cordelia flipped back her hair smugly.

"What first what? " Buffy and Giles turned to the conversation.

"Cordelia's first venture into the world of matchmaking."

"What venture? You put them in situations where they have to spend lots of time together. They either kill each other or kiss each other. It's simple." the seer reasoned.

"Whom exactly did you match Cordy?"

"Why, Faith and Gunn, of course." Like it was the most obvious couple in the world.

"Faith! Gunn!" Buffy was on the edge of her chair. "Are you crazy?"

"Like a fox. I mean it's so obvious. She's a street kid. He's a street kid. She fights evil. He fights evil. She's…."

"A paroled convict."

"And so is he. He reports to his parole officer every second Tuesday at ten o'clock." Cordelia answered primly.

"You've really thought this through." Willow was amused by Cordelia's confidence.

"Of course, they're perfect for each other."

"So how is it progressing?" Giles was trying to distract his glaring slayer.

"Cordelia's very good." Angel smiled up at the brunette.  "So good that I'm guessing there's not much work getting done around the office."

"I had better not find a red leather bra stuffed between the sofa cushions again." Wesley muttered, blushing.

"I don't believe you are…" Buffy was working up to a full blow out.

 "ENOUGH!" Spike was not going to have this get together disrupted by a slayer hissy fit. "I don't bloody care if the chit is chaining the bloke up
and whipping him 'til he bleeds. If they want to shag in every room of that bloody hotel…"

"They're not vampires, Spike". Willow stated quietly. She wasn't going to have this get together disrupted by a husband hissy fit.

"What?" Spike glowered down at his wife.

"They're not vampires. Chains and whips are vampires. Feathers and silk scarves are humans." She said it so quietly and logically that everyone just
stared at her.

"O…k..a..y. Rather kinky. Well they always say it's the quiet ones." Cordelia just stared at Willow.

"Oh, trust me luv. Willow's anything but quiet." Spike waggled his eyebrows at the seer.

The room erupted in laughter and Willow turned bright red and buried her head in her husband's leg.

"I...don'" came the muffled groan.

Spike tilted her face up and gently kissed her lips. "Oh, you will, luv. I promise I'll prove you're a screamer later tonight." He grinned cockily.

"Woo Hoo! Wills!" The slayer laughed at her friend's embarrassment.

The tension was broken. The group continued to tease the redhead a few more minutes and was over the hump. Willow took it good-naturedly. They were family again. Disruptive thoughts of the reforming LA slayer gone from their minds.

"Speaking of great sex, has anyone heard from Inell lately?" Buffy queried.

"Her job's mucking with her again." Spike ground out. "She doesn't get to write more than one day a week anymore. Doesn't that bloody place realize she's got a life?"

"Yeah, ours." Willow supplied. "I swear, if one more of her fics sound as familiar as that last one, someone is going to be sleeping in the garage for
a week."

"Why pet," Spike looked down innocently, "I would never dream of sharing our bedroom activities with anybody."

Angel rolled his eyes. "Yeah, except with your best friend on the web."

"She's me chum, we chat." Defended Spike.

"We chat too Spike." Willow wasn't going to let him off the hook. "But I don't give her play by play descriptions of our sex life."

"Or ours." Cordelia glared.

"Or Xander's". Buffy injected.

"Hey!" several voices, "Where is Xander?"

~Part Six~

"Remember, he called to say he'd be late." Willow looked at the clock on the VCR. "But I thought he'd be here before now."

"He'd better get here soon." Spike grouched. "We've got just over an hour before we need to be on the road. Don't worry, luv." Spike kissed his wife's upturned forehead, observing the fearful look in her eyes. "He's probably on his computer and lost track of time."

"Do you think he's okay?" Dawn was concerned about the man she'd had a crush on as a teen. When someone was late on the hellmouth there was cause for concern.

"Blast that computer! That boy spend far to much time on it." Giles pulled his glasses off and began polishing them furiously.

"Easy Giles. I'll call him and see if he fell asleep after work. " Buffy headed for the phone by the door.

"Does he really spend that much time on his computer?" Cordelia couldn't believe anyone could get that caught up in the Internet as to forget a party for someone as important as Dawn.

"Entirely to much." Giles grumbled in answer to Cordelia's question.

Willow sighed. "After Anya left he was so lost. I talked him into getting a computer. You know, games, chatrooms, e-mail pals. I didn't think he'd get so involved in it."

"He chats, but he also likes reading the stories about other peoples goings on, luv. Says it keeps him going."

"Well, I can appreciate that." Added Wesley softly. "Sometimes it keeps one's mind off one's own problems." Dawn squeezed his hand and gave him an encouraging smile. Maybe she could do something to help out with some of Wes' problems now that she was back.

"No luck. And he's not on his computer because it rang a bunch before the machine picked up." Buffy slumped down next to Giles then jumped back up. "I'm going to do a quick patrol. Maybe I can swing b…"

The doorbell rang. Willow got to her feet and ran to the door hoping it would be their late friend. Spike moved behind her. It was never a good idea to answer the door alone after dark on the hellmouth.

A quick look out the peephole and Willow yanked the door open. "Where the hell have you been. We were getting ready to send out the marines and…um, Hello?"

"As in the name of Sergeant Buffy." The slayer came up behind the couple in the doorway and joined them in staring at the grinning Xander and the dark haired, young woman standing with him.

"Xander?" Willow stepped aside hoping that her lifelong friend would be able to step across the threshold. Please not him, she prayed silently, please not after all this time.

Xander put his arm around the mysterious young woman's waist and drew her into the house.

"Sorry we're late Will's." He kissed her forehead. "Didn't mean to make you worry, but the plane got in late and I forgot to charge my cell phone's
battery." Xander was still grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey Dawn!" he caught her as she threw herself into his arms forcing him to release the stranger.

She finished her bear hug and promptly smacked him in the chest.

"Don't worry us like that! Did you want to ruin my homecoming just as I've barely arrived? Wait a minute. Did you say plane?"

The rest off the group gathered in the entryway looking over the new arrivals. Xander let go of Dawn and pulled the young woman with the dark
brown hair forward.

"Xander, you want to do some intros here, mate?"

~Part 7~

"No problem!" Xander pointed for the young woman's benefit. "This is Willow and Spike Bradley, witch and vampire. Since we're missing a munchkin I assume she's already in bed. They have the two-year-old, Brittany, named after Spike's home country.  That's Buffy Summers and Rupert Giles, slayer and watcher."

Mouths were dropping open as Xander continued naming those present and the brief portrayal he gave of each.

"The tall, broody looking vampire is Angel with his mate and seer, Cordelia. This is Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, the other watcher. And this lovely lady is Dawn Summers, newly graduated expert in ancient language and guest of honor at this shindig."

The group was looking at each other in disbelief. Not only had Xander brought a stranger into their midst without prior warning, he was also supplying her with information like it was normal conversation.

"I don't see Faith, the other slayer, or Gunn, the evil fighter, I'm assuming they're holding down the fort in LA."

Spike was the closest and first to react. He moved to stand in front of Willow and the others in a protective stance before all hell broke loose.
Yellow eyes were glowing as he tried to keep his otherwise human face intact.

"Xander?" The soft voice was underlined by a low, rumbling growl. "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"

"Why, introducing you to Inell, of course!"

Some eyes narrowed. Some eyes went wide. All eyes turned to the now slightly blushing young woman.

"Hi." Inell wiggled her fingers at the dumbstruck group.

Spike was the first to recover. "It's not possible."

"Sure it is, Spike." Xander grinned. "It's called the miracle of air travel."

"But, how?" Willow asked. "I mean, we've all talked to you over the net, but how do you know Xander? I mean personally know him?"

"We've talked a bit more often."

"Yeah, like everyday."

"You mean all that time he's been on the computer…?" Buffy piped in.

"We've been getting to be better friends." Xander smiled at Inell.

"Well, not all the time." Inell corrected. "I still spend a lot of hours at Blockbuster."

"But, you're here, now?" asked Spike. "How?"

"Well, Xander has been really excited about Dawn coming home and when he asked me if I'd like to come out and meet all of you while everyone was together I decided I needed a vacation and here I am."

"I hope you don't mind, Will, that I invited Inell to your party?" Xander was suddenly concerned.

"No! Come in! Come in!" Willow moved forward to welcome her new guests into their home.

1 hour later


"Beginner's Luck!"

"Camp Out"

"Thing Called Love"

"Passion Series"

"Green Eyed Monster"

"Holiday Series"

"Wild Rose!"

"Yeah, Wild Rose"

"Woo, hoo!" Inell was thrilled. "I didn't realize you guys liked me that much."

"Chit, we bloody love your stuff. However…" Spike stood and pulled Willow up with him. "Me and Willow's got a romantic getaway lined up and unless she wants to be takin' it with a Grecian urn full of ashes we need to be going."

After Willow and Spike checked on a sleeping Brittany in her new bed, hugs and kisses were shared with all. Good-byes were said and the two of them hit the road.

The destination was, like usual, Spike's surprise. Willow had a surprise for him all of her own.

