Hell to Play
Author: Ruby
E-mail: gg_83@hotmail.com
Rating: R (Maybe, language only)
Disclaimer: Joss owns all. I own nothing. Story of my life.
Summary: Spike wants to play. Spike doesn't play nice.

Spike lay thinking as Willow slept beside him. He was way beyond feeling
annoyed at the slayer's interference in his life. She and her merry band
had caused more grief for his little redhead than he could stomach. Now,
he wanted more than to just take Willow away from them. He wanted to
hurt them more deeply than any of them had ever hurt before.

Willow moved closer to him, and he rubbed her back softly as the
beginnings of a plan began to take shape in his mind. Hell, it would
almost play itself out if he got the game started off on the right
track. All the pain they'd caused Willow would be as a pinprick compared
to what he was about to put them through. The fact that they all thought
he was ashes would make their agony all the richer. They'd have no idea
who was really to blame for all their misery. Spike smiled in the
darkness and pulled his lover closer to him.
"And she just walked away from you?" Buffy asked.

"No, she ran," Angel replied sadly. "She's so angry."

Buffy sighed and stepped into his arms, "Maybe Giles is right. Maybe we
need to give her some time."

"I'm not convinced that space is what she needs. She's already so
distant," Angel said.

"I wish I knew what she does need. She's so cold," Buffy replied.

"We'll bring her around," Angel whispered. "We have to. She's too good
to lose."
Willow awoke alone in the bed. She sat up and blinked in the inky
darkness and wondered if she'd ever get used to the windowless room. She
heard the door open, and a soft light from the corridor snaked into the
room, outlining Spike's lean form.

"Where were you?" Willow asked as he crossed the room and sat down on
the bed.

"I had some things to take care of before the sun came up," he told her.

Willow assumed he was referring to satisfying his bloodlust.

"I picked these up for you," he dropped a pair of jeans and a black silk
shirt on the bed.

Willow stared at them, wondering what corpse they had recently attired.

Spike chuckled, "From the shop across from the campus."

"Oh," she released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

Willow picked up the clothes and got out of the bed, "I should get ready
for school."

"No," Spike ordered. "I don't want you going out alone. That blonde
bitch will grab the first opportunity that comes along to corner you."

"Spike, I can't avoid classes forever! After all--"

"Willow," he interrupted her.

"What?" exasperation edged her voice.

"It's Saturday, pet," he laughed.

She grabbed his arm and hauled him close to her, "Very funny! I ought to
fuck you senseless!"

"Yeah, you ought to," he agreed.

Try as she might, Willow couldn't suppress the giggle that tumbled from
her lips.
"Where did you find these?" Giles asked as Buffy handed him the torn
sweater and skirt.

"In the cemetary. I left the house early this morning to look for
Willow. They're hers," her voice quivered slightly.

The watcher's expression was grave, "No sign of Willow, though?"

"No," she shook her head slowly. "Whoever--or whatever--did that, must
have dragged her off."

"Let's not jump to conclusions," he advised.

"Giles, she hasn't been home in two days! And apart from Angel's meeting
with her on that dark street last night, no one's seen her or heard from

"Nevertheless, we should check this out thorougly before making any
assumptions," he told her.

"Alright," she conceded. "I'll get Xander and Oz. Angel can join us this
evening. Maybe he knows someone who can help."

"I'll call the hospital and see if anyone matching her description has
been admitted," Giles said.

Buffy nodded her understanding and left the library to round up the

