Let's Begin Now...
Author: Saileyn
Rating: PG

Category: Willow/Spike
Spoilers: Set at the start of S4, so everything before that. Spike is unbitey.
Summary: After being tricked into reading a spell, Willow and Spike find themselves 'not in Sunnydale anymore'
Distribution: Want, take, have - just as long as you tell me
Authors Notes: I have no comment...
Disclaimer: Joss and Co. own all, know all and see all. Unfortunately I am not one of them. *sigh* But I do own the play 'Reflections'. That is © Saileyn 2000 - if you want to use it, email me and I'll see what we can do.

Part One

Willow found herself standing in a small bedroom. It was lavishly furnished with antique furniture and a thick rug covered the stone floor. She glanced down noticing that she was now wearing an old fashioned long green dress and matching shoes. She walked over to a heavy door on the other side of the room and opened it. It seemed uncannily like her play. Stepping out she muttered, "This is definitely not my house." As if on cure the next lines came from her right, but it wasn't Spike saying them.
"No it's not a house. I think the word castle would be the word you were looking for." It was Ethan Rayne.

"What the hell have you done this time? And where's Spike?" She yelled.
Ethan grinned in amusement. "Oh, your Spike's around here somewhere, so are all the others."
"What others?" Willow asked warily.
"Ripper, the slayer and the rest of your merry men. And as for this, I thought at least you'd recognise magick when it's right in front of you." He grinned again.
"What can I say, I was bored." He shrugged as Willow shot him a look. The expression on her face faintly reminded him of Ripper's 'tell me what you know now or I'll kill you look'. He wasn't sure of the young witch's powers as yet and wasn't willing to take any chances. "Now what we're going to do Willow, is play a little game. So I think you should pay attention."

"Now I'm sure you read the play I wrote and now, seeing as you read that spell, you are in the play." He began, only to be interrupted.
"Who the bloody hell are you? Red, what's going on?" Spike roared storming down the hallway. Willow noticed he too was wearing old fashioned clothing. Ethan turned to Spike and spoke calmly. "Ah, William the Bloody, you do have a temper. I'm Ethan Rayne, the one who gave you a chance to kill the Slayer at Halloween until my good friend Ripper destroyed my statue. If you want to know what's going on I strongly suggest you shut up and pay attention."
"The name's Spike. That was your work was it?" Spike was impressed. Wanting to know what was happening Willow interjected.
"Spike just listen ok?" Spike nodded.

"As I was saying, you're both currently in the play, acting out the parts of Dana and Liam. To leave you have to let the story run it's course. Battle the evil villain and escape."
"That doesn't seem too hard." Spike muttered.
"If you want to leave that is." Ethan smirked.
"Why would we want to stay in some creepy world that you made up in your twisted little mind." Willow shot back.
"Because Willow; this world is like a vampire paradise. It's always night and Spike is a powerful ruler and doesn't have his chip. To leave you *both* have to want to leave, not just one of you."

Willow was unnerved with the idea of Spike being all bitey again and didn't want to be stuck anywhere with him, without the aid of her friends. She took a few steps away from both of them. This is so not a good thing. "No chip, h-how did you do that?" She stuttered. Spike was shocked and attempted to comprehend the whole situation. He was lost in his own thoughts and not even listening to Ethan as he explained how he got rid of his chip. His eyes glimmered at the prospect of the situation; he was in a world that was a virtual vampire paradise, without the chip or the slayer and he was a ruler of a whole town. Things couldn't get much better, it didn't matter that he'd have to fight some other idiot, he wasn't known as William the Bloody for nothing. But then there was Red, she'd want to go. So, I'll just have to do a little persuasion - being here with her's alright. We could finish off what I started back at her dorms.

Willow watched Spike's face carefully and didn't like what she was seeing. Spike was reverting back to his old evil self and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was now trapped in some alternate universe with an evil Spike and no-one at all to help her. Wait he said others before right?
"Wait, you said Buffy and Giles were here right?" She asked hopefully.
"Indeed they are." He said, watching Willow's face light up with hope. He smirked. "But they don't know who they were, they think they're the characters in the play. Also if you die here, it's like you've died in the real world or turned for that matter. If you do manage to get out of here your friend's will remember everything and I'll be long gone. If not, I can cause as much trouble as I please in the real world without having to worry about Ripper screwing things up."
"You bastard!" Willow spat, starting to focus her energy on Ethan. Ethan sensed what she was doing and decided to make a hasty retreat.
"Sorry Willow, but I can't have you killing me yet. If any of this has any consolation, your powers are stronger here than back in the real world. And on that note, I'll be off." He smirked and literally vanished into thin air.

"Well that was interesting. Care to test his theory on the chip pet?" Spike's eyes glittered evilly as he advanced on Willow.
"Spike you don't want to do this. We were friends, I looked after you and was nice to you when everyone else was being mean. So after all that you're going to kill me?" She pleaded, backing away.
"See that's where you're wrong Red, I owe you. I couldn't just turn around and kill you. That's why I'm going to give you the gift of eternal life." She'd make an excellent vampire. Willow's eyes widened as she desperately searched for a weapon. She spotted a suit of armour propped against the wall. Ethan said my power was stronger, let's see if he was telling the truth. She focused on the armour and it was suddenly propelled towards Spike. It hit him with a large crash, Willow gathered her skirts and bolted down the hallway.
"You little witch!" He cursed. Slowly he picked himself up and started after her. Ah well, there's nothing like the chase.

Willow ran blindly. Oh my goddess this is a nightmare. I have to find Buffy or someone. She spotted a large door in front of her and ran towards it. Stepping out she discovered it lead outside to what appeared to be the gardens. She looked around apprehensively before continuing on her way. The gardens were creepy and it was so dark she could hardly see a thing. Suddenly she stopped, thinking that she'd heard a noise behind her. Quickly she spun around expecting to see Spike but saw nothing. Then it hit her, a scene from the play flooded into her mind.

Dana: Who's there?
Nicholas: Well, well, well what do we have here? A pretty little peasant girl? I'm in a good mood so run along, you never saw me. What's that you're wearing little girl, I don't think a peasant would wear such fine clothing. Well, Liam managed to find himself a queen, how nice.
Dana: I don't know what you're talking about.
Nicholas: Your obviously not from this world. I'd be guessing you've just been informed of your situation and are now running away. Not a very wise decision.
Dana: And who are you exactly?
Nicholas: My name is Nicholas and am currently at war with Liam. Now I think I've just gained a new bargaining tool. You.

Willow didn't know what to do, she could stay in the gardens and probably be found by Angelus or she could go back and get killed by Spike. Decisions, decisions. Get killed by Angelus or get killed by Spike? A cold hand grasped Willow's wrist and spun her around. Looks like it's going to be Angelus.
"Why Willow my dearest, what a pleasant surprise." He smiled. Willow stopped short.
"You know me?" She stammered.
"Of course little one. Ethan and I had a very lengthy discussion before you and my childe arrived." His tone of voice was calm and very unnerving.
"But Ethan said that..."
"Shush, it is only the slayer and your other friends who have no memory. I only the other hand..."
"Have no soul." Willow whispered, remembering the last time they had faced Angelus.
"Now come along, there's much we have to do." He directed, placing an arm firmly around her waist. They walked a few steps then stopped short, Angelus bristled and spun them around.
"Let her go Angelus, she's mine."

Willow was relieved at the appearance of Spike. At least with him she had some room for bargaining, with Angelus it would be torture and kill now, discuss later.
"Finders keepers Spike my boy." Angelus taunted. "I found and intend to keep."
"Listen you bloody wanker I don't care what you think but she's mine." Spike took a few steps forward.
"Was yours Spike. She ran away from you." He looked down at Willow "I don't see her running away from me. Couldn't manage to keep them could you Spike, why Dru even left you for a Chaos demon."
"Dru was a halfwit. And Red here would probably be running if you'd take your paws off her."
"You mean if I stopped doing this Spike?" Angelus smirked and placed one hand on Willow's stomach and stroked her cheek with the other. Willow shrank back, which happened to push her further into Angelus' grasp. "Such a pretty little thing aren't you?"

"Let her go now." Spike growled.
"And what are you going to do? You know if you kill me the game's over and your back to normal, all chipper and the slayer's little punching bag." Spike stalked over to Angelus, Willow felt the hold on her loosen. This is my chance. With her new found powers she sent Angelus flying backwards and sidestepped away from Spike.
"You'll pay for that little girl." Angelus growled, slowly bringing himself to his feet. Willow snapped a branch from a nearby tree and held it in front of her.
"Spike may not want to stake you but I sure as hell will." She snapped. Angelus laughed.
"Have you forgotten the rules? You kill me here and you won't have your precious Angel back home. What would dear Buffy say?"

Either way, Willow knew it was a lose-lose situation. She needed time to think and to talk with Buffy. If she had to kill Angelus she wanted to have at least asked the Buffy from this world what she thought. That way Buffy might forgive her, maybe. But then she could just give up and stay here, let Ethan win and never see her friends again. No I couldn't do that, I won't do that. She also needed some time to talk to Spike, without him turning her. Hopefully he wouldn't try anything after seeing her new powers, she'd have to make him a deal. She pointed the stake towards Angelus.
"I know for a fact that a stake through the stomach won't kill you but it'll hurt like hell. So I'll have to settle for that for now." She threw the stake at Angelus and guided it with her powers. Angelus doubled over in agony as the stake firmly planted itself in his midsection. Angelus staggered away cursing and plotting revenge against the witch.
"Good show luv, I'm impressed." Spike laughed.
"Spike come on, we've got to talk." She said, turning towards the castle.

"Alright Spike here's the deal. Right now I could kill you, what I did to Angel wasn't anything. My powers are stronger than ever before. Do you know why I won't?" She asked.
"Why not pet?" He sighed.
"Because I have a conscience, I'd feel bad if I killed you because you've become one of my friends. If you turned me, I wouldn't have a conscience and I'd be really pissed. The first thing I'd do then would be to kill you. And that would be bad." She babbled nervously.
"Right, I turn you, you'll kill me. What do I get if I don't turn you?" Spike asked. Willow hadn't thought that far ahead and didn't know what to say.
"What do you want?" She asked, unsure of what he was getting at.

Spike didn't know the answer either. He'd grown attached to the little witch after she'd taken care of him and stopped Buffy staking him numerous times. When he realised he had his bite back, his first instinct was to turn the little red-head but after a bit of thought he'd decided not to. He was sure he was going soft but didn't care, she was unique and if she was turned everything would change. Sure she'd make an excellent vampire but she wouldn't be warm caring Willow anymore. That was what he liked most about her, her good nature. Oh, actually I could think of a few things you could give me... He stopped that line of thought and decided to say something else instead. "How about we just say you'd owe me one pet?"
"Alright, just as long as you don't kill me." She agreed softly. He nodded and she gave him a quick hug. "Thanks."

