
"Mmm, morning Spike." Willow smiled up at him. He kissed her softly.

"Morning baby." his mouth found her neck again, nibbling ever so softly.

"What time is it?" she asked, trying to ignore the fire, that had started coursing through her veins, as his teeth nibbled her smooth neck.

"8" he mumbled.

"In the morning? " She asked.

"PM" he said.

"You've got to be kidding." Willow got out of bed, and walked towards the pile of clothes on the floor.

"Baby," he said, getting up and walking towards her.

"What?" she turned around and faced him. She wished she hadn't, her skin was bright red, and she saw her lover, standing by the dresser. Spike smiled as he saw her skin, turn the color of her hair. He walked up next to her, and took her in his arms.

"Pet, come back to bed." he whispered in her ear. Willow shivered, but stood her ground.

"I need to call Delia." she said. She grabbed his shirt he wore last night, and slipped it on. walking over to the phone, that was sitting by the bed, she dialed Cordelia's number.

Ring once.

Ring twice.

Ring Three times.

Four times.

"Hello?" Delia mumbled, her voice groggy.

"Took ya long enough to answer." Willow said dryly.

"I was sleeping." Cordy said.

"With Angel." Willow added.

"Oh, and you and Spike weren't just playing monopoly all day." she said, wryly.

Willow blushed, and Spike looked at Willow, and smiled. *What are those two chits, talking about?* he wondered.

"I wanted to tell you, Spike and I are coming, so be sure to be wearing clothes." Willow said.

"Ok, ok. See ya in a bit." She hung up the phone, as did Willow.

"Lets get dressed and go home." She said. She picked up her dress and made way for the bathroom.

"Uhh, Pet?" he asked.

"Hmm?" She asked, turning to him.

"I'll need my shirt." He smirked at her, and she blushed. taking the shirt off, she tossed it to him.


"Cordy!" Willow said, walking into the room.

"You don't have to shout." Cordy said, sitting on the couch.

"Sorry. And hello." She walked over to the couch and sat next to her. "Where's Angel?"

"In the kitchen." She waved towards the illuminated room.

Spike walked into the kitchen, leaving the girls to talk.

"Delia, Spike and I are going back to Sunnydale tonight." Willow said.

"What? So soon?" she said.

"Buffy called me on my cell, she found out the demons dead, and is wondering why I'm not back yet."

"Tell her you have a life."

"I already told her, we're going back tonight."

"Can't you cancel? We've barely talked to each other, we've spent most of this time, chasing our guys, and playing foolish, but oh so fun, games." Willow laughed.

"Willow, I don't want you and Spike to go back." Angel said, walking into the room.

"I already told Buffy..."

"You're point being? Willow, you can change your plans, ya know."

"I know."

"You want to leave?"

"No! It's just, if i spend one more night away, she'll probably come bearing chains, to bring me back."

"Chains... ya know, thats not a bad idea, pet." Spike, grinned. Willow blushed, and the gang just laughed.

"Willow, Spike and I talked, and if you want to, you could live here, in LA. Cordy and I already talked last night, and I was telling Spike about it."

"Thats so sweet, but we wouldn't want to bother you."

"You wouldn't be. And if you wanted, you could save up, to get you guys an apartment."

"Willow, please?" Cordy begged.

"Let me think about this, k?" She got up, and walked to her bedroom.


Sitting down on her bed, she weighed her choices. If she stayed in LA, she would be with people who let her be who she wanted to be, and she could keep on practicing her magick, without the group going crazy, thinking she would blow up town hall. If she stayed, she knew she would miss the gang, a lot. And then there was Tara. *Oh fuck* she thought to herself. Sighing, she picked up her phone, and made her choice.

"Hey, Buffy. Spike and I will be back...."
