~Part 21~ Injured

Willow left early for school so she could stop by
Spike's apartment to make sure he was okay and still
not be missed at school.  She headed quickly up the of
the apartment building, she had his address though she
hadn't actually been there yet.  She still couldn't
believe Angel would do something like this.

She knocked on the door when she found the correct
apartment number.  She waited a moment and no one
answered.  She reached for the knob and slowly turned
it.  Sighing with relief she pushed the door open and
walked inside.  Glancing around the apartment it
registered in her mind that Spike had very good taste.
 The apartment was simple but expensive.

She slowly moved through the apartment calling Spike's
name.  He had to be here right? She thought, after all
Angel said Spike lost a fight not that he staked him.
She moved down the hallway toward what she assumed was
a bedroom.  The door was pushed partially closed.

"Spike?" She said quietly pushing the door open

She stopped when she heard the soft groan from inside
the room. "Spike?" She questioned again. She again
heard the moan.

Willow pushed the door open and saw Spike lying on the
bed his back facing the door.  She quickly moved to
the bed sitting next to the vampire.

"Willow go away." He said quietly when she touched his

"No." Willow said softly, "I'm not leaving until I
make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine. Now leave please." Spike said pleadingly.

"Uh Un." Willow said pulling his shoulder until he
turned to face her. " My god, what did he do to you?"

"You know what happened?" Spike asked surprised.

"Well yeah.  Why do you think I'm here instead of
school." Willow said gently touching the cut on his
cheek. "Angel came to see me after he talked to you.
When he left he said you lost a fight."

"That I did." Spike said trying to smile. The bruises
and cuts on his face making it a painful movement.

Willow sat quietly for a minute running her hand
lightly over the bruises surrounding both of Spike's
eyes.  His cheeks were also swollen and bruised as
well as having several small cuts.  His lip was
swollen and she could see the cuts deep in his lip.

"He had no right to do this." She said softly. "We
need to clean these cuts, do you have."

"Medicine cabinet." Spike said, "He thinks he was
protecting you.  He doesn't want me to hurt you."

"Why doesn't it ever occur to anyone to ask me what I
want first?" She said from the bathroom where she was
retrieving a cloth and antiseptic.

"Because they think you're too innocent and don't want
anyone to take advantage of that." Spike replied
raising himself on his elbows. "And you don't have to
do this.  I can take care of myself." He said as she
sat next to him and began cleaning the cuts.

"I know you can.  But since this happened because of
me it's the least I can do." She said.

Spike remained still as she finished cleaning the
wounds that had already began to heal.  It had been a
long time since anyone had taken this kind of care
with him.  Dru had tried when she was able but most of
the time he was the one taking care of her.  The
concern Willow was showing explained more than she
realized about why Angel went to such lengths to
protect her.

"Will you be okay if I go to school now.  If the
others realize I'm not there." Willow said returning
the items to the bathroom.

"Sure, just need some rest and blood." Spike said,
"Could you warm some for me?"

"Warm some?" Willow questioned.

"There's some in the fridge." He said simply, "Never
know when you might need it for injuries and with me
not hunting I may not get enough so I keep some here."

"O-okay Just put it in the microwave?"

"Yeah." Spike said, "Thanks Willow."


Willow waited by the microwave as the blood warmed.
It still amazed her that most of the time her friends
barely notice her existence, unless they need computer
work done.  Yet one of them decides to beat up her
friend, in the name of protecting her.

Why didn't they all realize she didn't need there
protection? Didn't it once occur to Angel that she
wouldn't just blindly trust Spike.  It's not like she
didn't know who and what he was.  If Angel was
concerned about her he should have come to her first.
Not just immediately go out and attack Spike.

The microwave beeped and Willow removed the mug and
returned to the bedroom.  Spike was now sitting on the
edge of the bed and had pulled on a clean T-shirt.

"I'll stop by after school to see if you're okay."
Willow said handing him the mug.

"No need Luv.  Go home and finish you're homework and
I'll see you tonight for the movie." Spike replied
after taking a sip from the mug.

"Movies? Spike we don't have to."

"We're going.  I'll be fine.  See you around seven."
He said.

"If you're sure.  I mean if you change your mind just
call." She said picking up her bag and heading toward
the door.

~Part 22~ Games

Spike moved down the street slowly.  He still ached
considerably from last night.  Most of the cuts and
bruises had already began to heal.  He was once again
grateful for vampire healing powers.  He was also
moving slowly because he knew Angel was behind him.

Angel was well hidden but had been following him since
he left the apartment.  He was close this time.  Angel
didn't seem to care anymore if Spike was aware of his
presence or not.  As Spike approached Willow's house
he glanced around looking for the older vampire,
seeing nothing he shrugged and knocked softly.

Willow ran down the steps when she heard the knock.
It was taking forever to get ready tonight.  Her
homework took forever because her mind kept drifting
back to Spike and how bad he looked this morning.
Then Buffy called angry because Angel wasn't
patrolling with her tonight, he had called and said he
couldn't make it.  Then Xander called he was fighting
with Cordiela.  By the time she got her friends off
the phone she only had a half hour to get ready.

"Spike, hi." She said opening the door. "Want to come
in for a minute?"

"We should probably head over there.  Movie starts
soon." Spike replied.

"Okay just let me get my coat." Willow said moving
inside to grab her jacket.

Angel followed behind the couple, fuming, he couldn't
believe Spike would just ignore him like this.  Okay
who was he kidding, in a hundred years Spike had never
listened to anything he said. He was sure Spike knew
he was following them. He had seen Spike look around
several times on the walk from his apartment.

Angel followed as they reached the movie theater.
Standing in line a couple people behind them he
quickly asked for tickets for the same movie they were
seeing.  He watched as they got into line to purchase
popcorn and quickly slipped into the correct theater,
for the first time glancing at his ticket to see what
movie they were seeing.

"Aladdin." He mumble under his breath. "Did they
actually come to see a cartoon." He couldn't believe
that Spike had knowingly come to see this movie.

Sitting quietly in the last row as far away from the
door as possible so he wouldn't be noticed he watched
as Spike and Willow entered the theater and took seats
in the middle a couple rows ahead of him.

Smiling slightly to himself he relaxed as the room
started to fill with children. This should actually be
fairly safe, even Spike wouldn't attempt to hurt her
in a room full of children.

"Is that Angel back there?" Willow asked as they took
their seats.

"I'm sure it is Pet." Spike said sitting next to her.

"Angel likes cartoons?" Willow said skeptically.


"Then why are you sure its him without even looking?"
Willow asked.

"Because he's been following me since I left my
apartment." Spike replied.

"He is unbelievable." Willow said angrily, "I'm going
over there."

"Don't." Spike said softly.  Leaning closer to her he
whispered, "Let's play a little game with Angel."

"What do you mean?" Willow asked softly.

"He wants to watch.  Let's give him something to
watch." Spike suggested.

"Spike this is a cartoon the room is filled with
kids." Willow said blushing as she caught on to
Spike's suggestion.

"They're all in front of us.  The only one that can
see us once the lights go out is Angel." Spike said
quietly. "But this can only work if you trust me and
go along with it, otherwise it will just get me
another beating or dusted."

"You're sure no one will see us." Willow said relaxing

"Positive." Spike said as the lights began to dim and
the movie started.

"Okay then." Willow said leaning closer to Spike.

Smiling slightly Spike lowered his head and kissed
Willow wrapping his arms around her pulling her closer
to him.

Angel sat quietly watching the movie for a moment
before glancing at the couple in front of him.  What
the hell was going on? He couldn't be seeing this
right.  No way was Willow.with Spike.in a cartoon for
God's sake.

He sat with his anger building as Spike continued to
pull Willow closer to him.  His mouth never leaving
the girls for more than a few seconds to allow her to
breathe.  Angel wanted nothing more than to pull the
couple apart and once again beat the hell out of the
younger vampire.  He wouldn't however make a scene in
a movie filled with children and Spike knew that.
Spike also knew Angel wouldn't touch him again as long
as Willow wasn't in danger.  And Angel had to admit
that what Spike was doing wasn't actually hurting the
redhead.  By the end of the movie Spike had pulled the
girl out of her seat and into his lap.  Angel jumped
up and left the theater as soon as the credits began
to run.

"Angel left already." Willow said removing her self
from Spike's lap and smoothing down her hair.

"Yeah." Spike said sitting still for a moment, knowing
he had enjoyed this particular game a little to much
but also knew the girl in front of him wasn't ready to
take it further just yet.

"Something wrong?" Willow asked eyeing the vampire.

"Uh, no just give me a second okay?" Spike replied.

"Why? Oh." Willow said in understanding and taking a
seat next to him.

"I don't think Angel liked the game very much." She
said smiling.

"Didn't think he would Luv. Question is did you?"
Spike said pushing hair back off her face.

"Oh yeah." Willow said kissing the vampire's cheek.

~Part 23~ Happy Birthday

Willow walked up to the library door and hesitated
before pushing it open.  Her friends were having a
surprise party for her, they really weren't very good
at the surprise part though, she had known about it
for weeks.  She didn't want them to give her a party.
She had told them that a hundred times since she found
out their plan.  She hadn't told them she knew about
the party, of course, just that she didn't feel like
celebrating this year.  And naturally they hadn't
listened to her, they never did.  So she had continued
to play dumb about tonight, then an hour ago she had
gotten a call from Giles.  Buffy had found some new
demon on patrol and they needed her help right away
researching it.  Spike had called too.  She told him
she had to go to the library, it would hurt her
friends if she didn't.  He finally agreed that he
would come over later, when she was able to leave the

Pushing open the door and turning on the light, her
friends jumped out from behind the table and in the
stacks yelling surprise.  She did her best to act
surprised and happy about this party.

"Wow, thanks guys." She said as everyone gathered
around to hug her and wish her happy birthday.

"We know you said you didn't want a party but." Buffy

"You're the first of us to turn eighteen, we had to
have a party." Xander finished.

"Well not really the first, Willow said glancing at
Giles and Angel who had just emerged through the door
behind her.

"Happy birthday Willow." Angel said quietly.

"I tried to find Will to invite him, but I either
couldn't remember his last name or you never told me."
Buffy said.

"He doesn't like parties much anyway." Willow said.
"Too much noise and mayhem makes him nervous."

Willow turned to glare at Angel when she heard the
small sarcastic grunt coming from his direction.

"Wow look at all the food you guys brought." Willow
said pushing past her friends and heading to the

"Not a party without snacks." Xander said grabbing a
handful of chips. "Wait till you see the cake though,
Cordy and Buffy made it."

"You two baked a cake? Together?" Willow said
skeptically, "And your both still alive, no houses
burned down?"

"Very funny Willow." Cordiela said, "We worked really
hard on that cake."

"Sorry guys I'm sure it's wonderful." Willow said.

Xander and Cordiela had disappeared into the stacks
and Giles and Buffy had left the library to
investigate a noise they heard in the hall, after
Buffy telling Angel to stay in the library in case
they didn't find it before it found everyone else.
Willow was sitting at the table absently eating chips
from the large bowl when Angel walked away from the
door and moved back to the table sitting in the chair
next to her.

"Is this a set up out there Willow?" Angel asked, "Is
Spike waiting out there to ambush Buffy?"

"No!" Willow said turning to look at the vampire, "I
can't believe you even think that."

"It's not like he hasn't tried to kill her before."

"Not that he would try to kill her, of course you
would believe that. But that I would sit here and
watch my friend walk to her death." Willow whispered.

"I'm sorry." Angel said realizing how it had sounded,
"I know you wouldn't do that."

"No I wouldn't, and Spike is not here." Willow said
angrily, "So how did you enjoy."

The door swung open and Buffy and Giles came back in
the library.  Hearing the noise Xander and Cordiela
emerged from the stacks.

"No danger, just a stray cat the must have gotten in
during the day." Giles said setting the stake on the

"You two look really cozy." Buffy said glancing at
Willow and Angel, "What're you discussing over there?"

"Nothing." Angel said quickly.

"I was just about to ask Angel how he enjoyed the show
the other night?" Willow said glaring at the vampire.

"Show? Uh." Angel began.

"What show?" Buffy asked.

"The other night when you were patrolling I. Uh."

"Will and I saw Angel at the movies the other night.
He took off before we could talk to him after it
ended." Willow said smiling, "I just wondered if he
like it.  I didn't think he would go for that kind of

"What kind?" Xander asked.

"You mean when Will took you to see Aladdin?" Buffy
asked then looking at Angel, "You went to see a

"Well, I mean, I." Angel stuttered.

"Hey who would've guessed Angel liked kiddy movies."
Xander said laughing at the image of the broody
vampire watching cartoons.

"Okay I think pick on Angel time is over, let's get
back to the party." Buffy said seeing the vampires
embarrassment, "Time for cake."

Cordiela quickly made her way into the office to
retrieve the cake while Buffy gathered plates and
plastic forks. A few minutes later Cordiela emerged
carrying a large tray and set it on the counter as the
group gathered around.

"It's. Well, I mean." Giles stuttered, "You two did
this yourselves?"

"Must have, I mean, nothing from a bakery could look
this." Angel began then looking at his glaring
girlfriend, "I was going to say original."

"Sure you were Dead boy." Xander said snorting,
"Original is the word you were looking for."

"Watch it Xander." Cordiela said elbowing her

"Stop it guys." Willow said smiling. Okay so the cake
was lopsided and you could see chunks of cake in the
frosting.  And sure the writing was uneven, and the
frosting shells were all different sizes but they had
done it themselves.  "All that matters is they tried,
and that it's not poisoned or anything right?" Willow
finished smiling.

"Thanks Will. I think." Buffy said.

Willow walked into her room and tossed the pile of
gifts on the bed.  Frowning at the pile she headed to
the bathroom and quickly changed into a pair of loose
fitting boxers and an old T-shirt.  She let out a
startled gasp as she came back in the room brushing
her hair as she walked.

"Spike!" Willow said, "My god you scared me."

"Sorry." He said sitting on her bed eyeing the boxes
she had put there earlier. "Lots of gifts I see."

"Yeah." Willow said, pushing the boxes over so she
could sit.

"Don't look very happy Luv." Spike said pushing her
hair off her face.

"It's just these gifts." Willow began, "Spike they
aren't me. Some of them  used to be but not anymore."

"What are they then?" Spike said.

"What I used to be." Willow said, "Look."

Willow reached for the top box pulling it open she
reached in and retrieved a pink sweater. "This is from
Cordiela." She said holding it up.

"It's very." Spike said trying to hold his smile, he
remembered seeing her in things like this last year,
when he first came to Sunnydale. "It's very fuzzy."

"Exactly." Willow said tossing the sweater back into
the box. "She gave me the exact same thing she used to
make fun of me for wearing."

Reaching into another box she pulled out a collection
of biography tapes. "These are from Xander."

"Well Pet, you do watch that show." Spike said

"He has been my best friend since kindergarten, Spike.
And the only thing he saw that just screamed Willow at
him, was a series of programs about dead famous
people." Willow said tossing them into the pile with
Cordiela's gift.

"What about the slayer?" Spike said, "What'd she get

"Boots." Willow said pulling a pair of black boots out
of another box. "Buffy would wear these sure , but
have I ever worn something like this? Do I own
anything that could be worn with these? No."

"I kind of like the boots." Spike said smiling. He
couldn't imagine Willow wearing the kind of clothes
that would go with them.

"The worst part is the only one's who gave me anything
close to something I would like are Giles and Angel."
Willow said grabbing the last two boxes.

Spike reached over an picked up the larger box,
pulling out several books on magic as well as a small
crystal. "Giles?" He asked.

"Yeah.  He said I can learn a lot about Wicca from
these books as well as some simple spells." Willow

"That's good right? I mean you want to learn." Spike
said impressed with the watcher's insight.

"Yeah. They're great."

"What about the poof?" Spike asked.

Willow handed him a book from the last box.

"Willow this is." Spike began looking at the cover of
the book.

"He said it's a first addition." Willow said then
smiling, "But the best gift from Angel was
unintentional on his part."


"Buffy thought she heard something in the hall. When
she left to check it out he said he thought it was
you. And that I was helping you set Buffy up." Willow
said. "Well anyway while we were talking when Buffy
came in wanted to know what we were talking about."

"And." Spike prompted.

"I said I was asking him how he like the show the
other night." Willow said laughing, "You should have
seen his face.  It was priceless. I swear if vampires
could blush."

"Willow that's." Spike said laughing at just the idea
of the shy red head embarrassing the older vampire.
"That's well, bloody brilliant."

Willow walked back into the bedroom carrying two
plates with small pieces of cake on them. She sat down
handing one two Spike who had moved to sitting on the

"Sure it's safe Pet." Spike said eyeing the cake.

"She didn't even know you would have any.  So she
couldn't possible plan on poisoning you." Willow said
taking a small bite of the cake.

"Have to give you my gift anyway." Spike said setting
the plate next to him and reaching into the pocket of
his duster.

"I hope you like it." He said handing her the small

Willow slowly opened the box. Her smile grew as she
saw the small heart sitting on the black velvet
pillow.  "Oh, Spike it's." She said pulling out the
delicate chain so she could see the pendant better.

"Turn it over." He said quietly.

A tear formed in her eyes when she turned it over and
saw the words inscribed on the back.

"Eternal love." She whispered. Setting the necklace
back in the case.  She moved off the bed and hugged
Spike. "Thank you so much.  I love it." She said.

Hugging Willow to him for a moment, glad he had found
something she liked so much after her friends had
disappointed her.

"There's one more thing." He said moving her away from
him. "Can you get away this weekend?"
"Away? How?" Willow asked.

"Yeah. Can you leave town."

"My parents'll be out of town so I can just tell them
I'm staying at Buffy's or something." Willow said

"What about the slayer? Will she miss you?" Spike

"I'll tell her I'm going with my parents." Willow
said, "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." Spike said.

"O-okay." Willow said nervously.

"Red, you know I won't hurt you right?" Spike said
catching the nervousness, "And I won't make you do
anything you don't want to do."

"I know." Willow said relaxing just hearing him say
it. "When do we leave?"

"Dusk Friday." Spike said getting up and heading
toward the door. "Bring warm clothes."

"He kissed her quickly before disappearing out the

~Part 24~ Weekend Getaway

Willow followed Spike into the small cabin. They had
been driving for hours.  Spike had refused to tell her
where they were going.  Setting the bags down Spike
turned back to the red head.

"Phone's over there Pet." He said pointing to a small
desk. "Still can't believe you told the slayer the

"Decided I kinda had too. I mean if my parents call
Buffy's and she thinks I'm with them." Willow
explained. "Just let me call and tell her we arrived."

"Right." Spike said taking the suitcases and heading
down a narrow hallway.

Spike set the suitcases next to the closet and moved
to pull all the drapes closed tightly over the
windows.  He quickly check the windows in all the
rooms making sure they were all closed.  As he pulled
the last one closed in the kitchen Willow walked in

"Tired Luv?" Spike asked.

"Kind of." Willow said stifling another yawn.

"Bedroom's down the hall.  Get some sleep." He said
kissing her forehead and pushing toward the hall.

"What about you?" She said nervously.

"Don't worry about me.  I'll sleep out here." Spike
said then giving her another shove, "Go."

"'kay." She said and moved down the hall.

"She went where? With who?" Angel said angrily.

"Mountains. With Will." Buffy said not sure what had
upset Angel. "What's the problem?"

"Buffy she's. He's."

"She's an adult Angel.  She can do what she wants."
Buffy said, "And she loves him.  And at least I think
he loves her.  God he's just a guy.  It's not like she
went away with a monster."

"You don't know him." Angel said quietly.

"Either do you. Right?"

"Yeah.  I guess.  I just don't want her hurt."

"She'll be fine." Buffy said.  "Ready to patrol now."

"Yeah.  Fine."

Willow walked out of the bedroom, to the scent of
fresh coffee.  Walking into the kitchen she moved
behind Spike who was standing in front of the stove.

"Whatcha doin'" She asked peeking around his body.

"Dinner.  Figured you might be hungry." He said
turning to kiss her gently.

"Starved." She said, "What'd you make?"

"Just soup." He said, "Not a lot I can cook.  Not like
I have to do it often."

"Soups great." Willow said smiling then moving to pour
herself coffee.

Spike ladled soup into two bowls and set them on the
table as Willow followed him.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Willow said, "You said
to bring warm clothes so I assume we aren't staying in
all weekend." She finished sitting next to him at the

"Staying in all weekend is fine with me Luv." Spike
said smiling, "But I assumed you might not be
comfortable with those plans.  So I was thinking just
taking a walk tonight. Ever been in the mountains?"

"Mountains? Uh no." Willow stuttered, her mind having
shut down at the thought of the whole weekend in the
cabin with Spike.

"Great.  I really think you'll love it.  You did bring
warm clothes right?" Spike said.

"Yeah.  Heavy coat and gloves and everything." Willow

"We can go as soon as the sun sets." He said carrying
his bowl to the sink.

"Spike its so beautiful up here!" Willow said wrapping
her arms around her chest to ward off the cold.  "I've
never seen anything like it."

Spike moved behind her wrapping his arms around her
waist pulling her against him.  "Glad you like it Pet,
but we've been out here a long time. Sure you don't
need to get back inside where it's warm?"

"Probably should huh?" She said leaning against him as
she looked out at the mountains in front of her. "Not
really used to this cold and I don't need to get

"Let's get back then." He replied taking her hand and
starting back down the path they had followed.

"Thanks for bringing me here Spike." Willow said as
they walked back to the cabin. "Funny my parents have
been everywhere, but I've never been out of

"Love showing you new things Pet." He said as they
walked up to the porch and he turned and pulled her
against him.

Spike lowered his head to kiss her gently.  She slowly
wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer.
Groaning he deepened the kiss when he felt her lips
part against his.

"Spike." Willow said quietly pulling her head back
slightly. "Spike." She repeated when he tried to
capture her lips again. " Spike.  Cold out here
remember.  Need to get inside."

"Sorry Pet." He said smiling and dropping his arms
from her waist to open the door and gesturing for her
to go inside. Following behind he pushed the door
closed.  "Now where were we." He said reaching for her

Moving out of his reach Willow removed her coat, hat
and gloves.  "Can we have a fire Spike?" Willow asked
hopefully. "I've never actually had a fireplace

"Sure thing Luv. I'll go get some wood." He said
smiling as he turned to head back outside.

"Spike," Willow said sitting next to Spike on the
floor her head resting on his chest. "Why did you
bring me here? I mean is it because you wanted us to.
that we would."

Spike smiled as he ran his hand over Willow's
shoulder.  Even with her face turned away from him and
hidden mostly by her hair he knew she was blushing.
He imagined her face was getting close to the color of
her hair just working up the nerve to ask the

"No. Not that I'd say no of course." Spike said
lifting her to face him.  "I wanted to bring you here
because I thought you'd like it here. Nothing would
make me happier that to make love to you Willow but
that's not why we're here."

"What if I said I wanted to?" Willow asked shyly
letting her hair fall over her face again.

Pushing her hair off her face he put a finger under
her chin and raised her head to look into her eyes.
"You sure Pet?" He asked slowly.

Willow nodded and leaned forward pressing her lips
against his in a gentle kiss. Spike wrapped his arms
around her pulling her into his lap as her arms
circled his neck deepening the kiss.

"Red?" Spike said softly into her ear as she laid
curled up against him in front of the dwindling fire.

"Um." Willow mumbled.

"Willow, Luv.  We need to get up now."

"No.  Stay here." Willow said rolling over to wrap her
arms around the vampire.

"It's almost dusk.  We have to get going so you can
get back to Sunnydale for school tomorrow." He said.

"Don't want to." She mumbled again trailing her
fingers down his chest toward his stomach.

"Don't go there Luv." He said grabbing her hand.  "We
have to go."

Spike kissed softly before raising himself off the
floor.  Willow looked up from the floor smiling at

"No fun." She said.

"Nothing I would like more than staying her and, Uh,
have fun with you." Spike said grabbing her hand and
pulling her up. "But you have school tomorrow."

"Fine I'll get ready." Willow said moving toward the
bathroom.  "I get the shower first."

~Part 25~ Close Call

"I'm going to call it a night and head over to Angel's
for a while if you don't mind?" Buffy said as she and
Faith made a final sweep of the cemetery.

"No problem.  I'll swing through park on my way home."
Faith responded and they headed off in separate

"I really should be getting home. And we need to get
out of here before Buffy comes through here on
patrol." Willow said pulling away from Spike.

"Right." He said pulling her against him again.
"Anything you say." He said kissing her again.

"I'm serious Spike. Buffy always comes through here."
She said moving away again.

"Okay, lets go." He said standing up and reaching down
to pull her up with him. He glanced behind him vaguely
aware that Angel was somewhere nearby.  He had sensed
him as soon as they entered the park earlier that

The walked slowly through the park heading back toward
Willow's house. Spike stopped occasionally pulling
Willow to him for a quick kiss.

"Spike we don't need Buffy to find us." She would
remind him and they would start walking again.

"Shit." Willow said suddenly as they neared the edge
of the park.

"What? Do you see the Slayer?" Spike asked looking

"Yes. Well not the one you mean." Willow said.

"Oh, that other slayer you mentioned." Spike said.

"Yeah. Faith." Willow said, "But she doesn't know you
so maybe."

"Hey Will." Faith said approaching the couple. "This
the new gu." She trailed off looking around
suspiciously. She felt a vampire nearby.  Willow
wouldn't. she thought, and she's known this guy for
months if he was a vampire. Buffy met him.  She would
have. Then she spotted Angel standing behind a nearby
tree. Thank God, she thought it's just Angel.  "So
gonna introduce me?"

"Oh, uh, Sure Faith this is Will. Will this is Faith."
Willow said quickly.

"Nice to meet you." Spike said, extending his hand to
her. Grateful for Angel's presence, knowing that was
the only reason she didn't stake him where he stood.

"Okay well I have to finish pat.I mean I need to get
home." Faith said.

"Right and I need to get home and finish my homework.
See you tomorrow." Willow said as Faith began to walk
through the park.

Angel watched the situation from behind a tree a few
feet away.  He couldn't believe his luck.  He had
promised Willow he wouldn't say anything.  And it
looked like he wouldn't have to. Faith was heading
right toward the couple.

He watched as Willow made introductions.  He saw Faith
hesitate, she knew he was a vampire. Okay now why is
she just walking away, he thought. Why isn't she
staking him.

"Hey what's up Angel?" Faith said from beside him.

Angel jumped at the sound of the voice next to him.
"Faith." He said looking at her.

"Yeah. Didn't know you were patrolling tonight. B. is
headed to your place to see you." She said.  "Did you
see Will and her new man? Don't they make a cute

"Yeah, adorable. How did you know I was here?" He

"When I was talking to them, I felt vamp presence,
then I saw you." She said, then laughing, "For a
minute I actually thought Willow's boyfriend was a

"Then you saw me." Angel said angry with himself for
being spotted.

"Yep. Anyway evil to kill gotta go." She said and
walked away.

~Part 26~ Late Visits

Spike walked through the door of his apartment, and
shut the door. Taking off his coat he sighed, might as
well get it over with, he thought.

"So do you do you get off watching us or just looking
for some tips?" He asked to the seemingly empty room.

"I told you to stay away from her." Angel said
stepping from the shadows.

"Right and I've always listened to you." Spike said
moving into the living room and sitting on the couch.

"What do you want here?" Angel asked, not in the mood
for verbal sparring with the younger vampire.

"Willow." Spike said simply.

"Right. Do we have to do all of this again?" Angel

"Apparently we do." Spike said. "Why is it so bloody
hard for you to believe that someone would want

"I don't doubt that someone would want Willow. I doubt
that you want Willow." Angel said, "Why would I
believe that you are in Sunnydale again because you
just really want a high school girl?"

"That's why you're here." Spike said simply. "Of
course mine doesn't exist for the purpose of
destroying our kind."

"Spike don't start on Buffy." Angel warned.

"Why not?" Spike asked, "You keep asking me why I
would want her. What about her? She knows who and what
I am. She knows I tried to kill all of you last year.
Maybe if her friends treated her better, she would
have told them I was here, instead of inviting me
over, and going away with me."

"Her friends." Angel began.

"Ignore her. Treat her like a little worker bee."
Spike said angrily, "Do you know that you and Giles
are the only one's that gave her birthday gifts she
actually liked? How can her friends not be able to
find a bloody gift for her?"

Angel looked at the younger vampire. He knew Spike was
right. Buffy and Xander were too wrapped up in their
own lives to worry about what Willow was doing. Buffy
should have been able to spot Spike at the Bronze that
night. Spike hadn't made any attempts to hurt anyone
as far as he could tell, he wasn't even killing to
feed.  Still he couldn't bring himself to trust Spike

"You were almost caught tonight." Angel stated simply.

"I know. That slayer sensed me.  Then she saw you."
Spike said smiling, "Actually glad for your recent
voyeurism habits for a minute there."

"She catches you, you're dust you know that." Angel

"Yeah. That mean you're going to back off." Spike
asked surprised at the warning.

"No.  It means I promised Willow I wouldn't say
anything unless you hurt her or I thought you were
planning something. I don't trust you, and I will
stake you myself if you take her away again." Angel
said moving toward the door.

"She's an adult she can go anywhere she wants." Spike

"I'm serious Spike. Stay in Sunnydale." Angel said.

"Right. Glad for the invitation for the long stay. If
the slayer does find out I'm here I'll be sure to tell
her you said to stay." Spike said closing the door
behind Angel before he could respond.

Willow jumped when she heard the knock on the French
doors in her room.  Spike had just left, he wouldn't
be back again so soon.  She turned the light on and
walked over to the peer through the lacy curtains.

"Faith, what are you doing here?" Willow asked pulling
open the doors.

"Hey Red. Wanted to see how your date went?" Faith
responded walking through the doors.

"O-okay." Willow said slowly. "I didn't think you even
knew where I lived."

"Course I know. Know where Xander and Giles live too."
Faith said looking around the room. "Nice place. So
your boyfriend is really hot. Not exactly who I'd
expect you to be with though."

"Wouldn't expect me to be with someone hot?" Willow
asked slightly offended.

"Not what I meant." Faith said realizing how the
comment must have sounded. "He just looks so.so
dangerous.  I would've expected you to be with someone

"I can be bad." Willow said still offended at the idea
that everyone thinks she had to always be a good girl.

"Right. You're a bad ass." Faith said flopping onto
the bed.

"I am.  I do bad things that you guys don't know

"Sure.  I believe you." Faith said rolling her eyes.

"I do."

"Name one."


"One bad or dangerous thing." Faith said sitting up on
the bed and looking at the redhead.

"Okay. Will." Willow said.

"What about him.  He looks bad sure but."

"He's a vampire." Willow said angrily.

"What?" Faith said stunned at the confession. "A
vampire. Have you lost your mind. Okay I can see
having sex with one to find out what it's like. But
you're dating a vampire?"

"Yeah." Willow said smugly, "I told you I can be bad

"Okay so you proved your point. We really have to talk
about this again though." Faith said, "See you
tomorrow." She finished as she slipped back out the
doors leaving Willow alone.

"Smiling smugly to herself Willow slipped back into
bed and turned out the lights. Suddenly her eyes flew
open again as she realized what she had just revealed.
She had to find Faith first thing in the morning
before she could talk to any of the others. She
quickly changed her alarm setting to give her time to
go to Faith's before school.

Faith walked down the street toward her motel still
amazed by Willow's confession. She needed to find out
more about this Will guy though.  Willow may think
she's bad but she's still very naive, Faith thought.
She would have to talk to Giles in the morning.

~Part 27~ Secrets Unravel

Willow knocked on the motel room door.  Damn, she
thought, where the hell is she? Willow checked her
watch again. Faith couldn't possibly be out this
early.  She moved over and peaked through the slight
gap in the heavy drapes on the window. The room was
empty. If Faith was out this early it couldn't be a
good thing, Willow thought.  She didn't have time to
wait around for her though because there would be too
many questions if she was late for school, but she
would have to call her later and possibly call and
warn Spike.

"Giles" Faith called out as she entered the library.

"Giles" She repeated when she didn't receive a

"Faith?" Giles questioned coming out of the stacks,
"You're here early aren't you?"

"Yeah." Faith said, "Need to talk to you." She said
sitting in one of the chairs and putting her feet up
on the table.

"What did you need?" Giles asked pushing her feet off
the table, "Is it a demon?"

"Demon?" Faith said, "No. Well not really. It's about

"Willow's a demon?"

"No of course not." Faith said, "Her boyfriend is."
She said bluntly.

"E-excuse me?" Giles stuttered looking at the young
slayer. "Willow's boyfriend is what?"

"Well a vampire actually."

"Faith that doesn't make any. I mean Buffy's met him
and she would have."

"B. met him at that party right?" Faith said, "Angel
was there. Are you sure she would have realized he was
a vamp if Angel was right there?"

"Well I guess that's a possibility but. Does Willow
know?" Giles said.

"She told me." Faith getting up and pacing the room.
"I ran into them last night when he was taking her
home I guess.  I thought I sensed a vamp then I saw
Angel and assumed he was the vamp. Anyway I went to
Red's after I finished patrolling to find out about
her man and she told me he was a vampire."

"She just volunteered this information?" Giles asked.

"Well no. I told her about thinking he was a vampire
and kind of implied she wouldn't do anything that
dangerous and she got mad and told me he was." Faith

"I need to talk to Buffy about this.  See if she knows
anything." Giles said distracted by the thoughts
running through his head.

"No." Faith said, "Buffy doesn't know. I'm sure of it.
Look Willow told me, and I don't think she wants
everyone to know. I told you only because I want to
make sure this guy isn't going to hurt her."

"Right then." Giles said realizing the girl was right.
Telling Buffy may only make matters worse. "Tell me
what you know, you said you met him?"

"Yeah. Tall, Bleach blonde hair. Hot." Faith said
searching her memory for information, "Willow said his
name was Will."

"Anything else?" Giles asked slowly.

"Oh uh yeah.  He had an accent." Faith said.

"Was it British?" Giles asked already fearing the
answer but at the same time not believing Willow would
be that foolish.

"Yeah, not like yours though."

"You said his name was William?" Giles repeated as he
sat down in a chair removing his glasses and began
cleaning them.

"Well she said Will, but I guess it would be William."
Faith said, "What's wrong, do you know him?"

"You saw Angel nearby?" Giles asked ignoring her

"He was acting weird but yeah." Faith said, "Giles are
you all right?"

"Go get Angel, tell him I need to see him now." Giles

"On it. You will explain when we get back right?"
Faith said heading toward the door.


Spike grabbed the phone on the third ring. "'llo" he
said groggily.

"Spike it's me." Willow said nervously, "I don't have
a lot of time."

"What's wrong?" Spike said sitting up fully awake now.

"I did something really stupid last night." She said

"Can't be that bad Luv."

"I told Faith you're a vampire."

"Okay that's bad. You told the slayer."

"She made me angry."

"Maybe she won't say anything."

"I went to talk to her this morning before school. To
ask her not to tell anyone. I mean she saw you Spike.
If she describes you to Buffy or Giles."

"And what did she say?"

"I couldn't find her. She was already gone. Faith is
never up early."

"You think she told someone?"


"Don't worry Luv. Not until you know for sure." Spike
said, "Go back to class, keep your ears open around
Buffy today see if she knows anything. Then call me

"'kay." Willow said, "Bye."

"Bye." Spike said hanging up the phone.

"Giles, you wanted to see me?" Angel asked startling
the watcher.

"Uh yes Angel." Giles said, "I wanted to know. uh,
have you been following Willow?"

"Willow?" Angel asked, "Uh no." Angel answered, it
wasn't a complete lie, it wasn't Willow he was

"Faith says Willow's new boyfriend is a vampire. Angel
she described Spike." Giles said, "She also said she
saw you not far from them last night."

"Oh." Angel muttered, "Well I wasn't actually
following Willow. I was following Spike."

"She could be in danger." Giles said just as the door

"Damn it I knew you weren't telling me something."
Faith said storming into the library. "Who is Will?"

"Sit down Faith." Giles said calmly.

"Rather stand." Faith said then turning to Angel,
"Spill it."

"Will is Spike." Angel said quietly.

"Should that mean something to me?" Faith asked losing
patience with the two men.

"No probably not." Giles said.

"Spike was. is a vampire." Angel stuttered.

"Got that part already."

"After I turned Dru, she became bored. She wanted a
playmate. Darla and I encouraged her to uh. make one.
She turned William." Angel explained.

"So he's kinda like your family." Faith said.

"I guess."

"How long have you known?" Giles asked.

"Since that party." Angel said, "I tried talking to
both of them. Well more than talking to Spike. They
both insist on seeing each other. The only thing I
could think of was following them."

"Angel she's in danger we have to tell Buffy." Giles

"Actually I really don't think she is." Angel said,
"In danger. Spike hasn't killed in months, because
Willow doesn't want him too. He loves her Giles."

"Are you certain?" Giles asked.

"As certain as you can be of anything with Spike."
Angel said. "He's also not the most patient vampire.
If he was here to hurt anyone he would have moved by

"Is this guy dangerous or not?" Faith asked
impatiently. If her friend was in danger she wanted to
know now so she could take care of it.

"Very." Giles said. "Angel we can't wait to make a
move until he does something."

"He wants Willow. As far as I can tell that's all he
wants.  If we tell Buffy and she goes after him, he
will kill her Giles. When Spike wants something he
won't hesitate to destroy anything that gets in the
way." Angel said insistently.

"So you're saying just ignore this. Let it go?" Giles
said in disbelief.

"As Buffy pointed out to me not to long ago. Willow's
an adult she can do what she wants." Angel said.

"Tell me one thing Angel." Faith said sitting forward,
"Will he hurt Willow?"

"I don't think so." Angel replied sincerely. Then
facing Giles again. "Spike isn't stupid, he knows I
know. He also knows that if he hurts Willow in any way
he is dust. That I will tell Buffy if I even think he
might hurt her. You saw the lengths he went to for
Dru. When he loves it's completely. I really don't
think she's in danger. He admitted to me he came back
to kill Buffy and somewhere along the line his plan
changed and he didn't care about Buffy anymore. I say
we let the relationship play out."

"If Angel says she's safe I think he's right lets just
wait and see what happens." Faith said, "I don't want
Red hurt and killing this Spike guy will hurt her as
much as he could."

"I guess I have no choice but to go along with the two
of you then. I only hope you're right about this
Angel." Giles conceded.

Willow backed away from the library letting the door
close gently behind her. They weren't going to tell
Buffy.  Giles knew now though, it was only a matter of
time before the others figured it out or someone said
something accidentally.  If she and Spike were going
to stay together they had to think of something fast.
She headed for the phone to let Spike know they were
okay at least for now.

~Part 28~ A Plan

"They aren't going to say anything to the Slayer?"
Spike asked in surprise.

"That's what they said. They would just wait and see
what happens as long as Angel thinks you aren't going
to hurt anyone." Willow said a worried look on her

"There's a but here isn't there?" Spike asked.

"I'm afraid if Giles, Faith, and Angel all know it's
just a matter of time before one of them slips and
says something." Willow said sighing as she lay back
on her bed.

"I don't want to cause problems for you with your
friends. Would it be better if I just left pet?" Spike
asked hoping she wouldn't agree with that plan.

"Easier, yes. Better, no." Willow said sitting back up
and facing the vampire. "I love you Spike. I don't
want you to leave, at least not without me." She said

The couple sat quietly for a few minutes each trying
to think of some way around their new obstacle.
Finally Spike grinned and looked at the girl next to

"I think you may have found the perfect plan." He said
happily kissing her.

"What plan?" Willow said pulling away confusion on her
face, "I had a plan?"

"Leave with me." He said matter of factly.

"Right I just pack up and leave. Buffy won't get the
least bit suspicious. Oh and of course Angel won't
jump to the wrong conclusions." Willow said with a

"Not right now Luv." Spike said still smiling, " You
graduate in June right?"

"Yeah but."

"Have you chosen a college yet?" Spike asked, he knew
she hadn't mentioned making a choice to him but he
wanted to be sure.

"No, but I thought I'd just stay here, you know
fighting evil and all." Willow said.

"You've applied at other schools though right?"

"Of course."

"Pick one of them."

"Which one?" Willow asked.

"Doesn't really matter to me. As long as its not
here." Spike said.

"Oh," Willow said her face brightening as she caught
on to his plan. "If I go away to school Buffy won't be

"Right and for the poof to tell her that you left with
me he'll have to admit knowing for months that I was
not only in town but that I was your mysterious
boyfriend." Spike finished.

"That could actually work." Willow said smiling and
hugging the vampire. "So where would you like to live,
I mean I've been accepted everywhere."

"I like big cities myself." Spike answered, "But it
doesn't really matter, pick a school you think you'll

Willow pulled several envelopes out of her desk and
began sorting through them. She really didn't have
much time to make a decision before the deadline. She
had applied to all these schools to see if she could
get in but hadn't really given any thought to leaving
Sunnydale before. She would have to tell the others
she was going away to school tomorrow.

"It's late Pet, and you have school tomorrow, so I'll
see you tomorrow night." Spike said lifting her head
by the chin to kiss her gently before heading out the

~Part 29~ Reactions

Willow headed off to school in the morning ready to
tell her friends that she had picked a college. She
had stayed up long past the time Spike left, wanting
to choose a school so she could mail the paperwork

"Hi Will." Buffy said walking up behind Willow as she
headed into the school.

"Hi Buffy. Uh have you seen Xander I want to tell you
guys something but I'd rather do it all at once that
explain it several times." Willow said.

"Nope. Haven't seen him yet. But Giles wanted us to
all meet in the library at lunch so I'm sure Xander
will be there."

"Great." Willow said, "I'll be able to tell Giles and
Cordy at the same time to that way."

"'kay well gotta get to class. See you later." Buffy
said as they turned to head in opposite directions."

When Giles finished explaining about the latest evil
that had come to the Hellmouth Buffy looked at Willow
and asked, "So Will what's the big news you wanted to
tell us all?"

"Oh uh. Yeah." Willow said suddenly nervous about her

"Big news?" Giles asked.

"Sort of. I mean I just wanted to tell you guys I
finally picked a school." Willow began. "I mailed the
paperwork on my way in today. I'm going to go to
school in New York next year."

"New York?" Giles, Buffy, and Xander said at once.

"That's cool Willow. Great stores there. I mean I'll
have to get my parents to let me visit you just for
the shopping alone." Cordiela said smiling.

"Thanks." Willow said, "I think."

"New York Wills?" Xander asked again.

"Yeah. New York. It's a great school, with a really
good computer science program." Willow responded.

"But your leaving us." Buffy said.

"Not forever. I mean I'll be back for breaks and
summer and visits and stuff." Willow said sadly. She
wanted to be with Spike so badly she hadn't really
thought about it meaning she would have to leave her
friends behind most of the year.

"I know but still. It won't be the same." Xander said
as the bell rang.

"We have to talk later." Buffy said grabbing her bag.
" It's great though Will. You should go to a great
school. Maybe my mom'll  let me visit sometimes."

"Right and I can tag along with Buffy. Stow away in
her luggage or something." Xander said as the group
headed for the door. "Actually probably have to stow
away in Cordy's I'm sure she'll have more."

"Willow can I speak to you a minute?" Giles asked.

"Sure." She answered hanging back and waiting for the
others to leave.

"Are you leaving to be with, uh, Will?" Giles asked.

"I know Faith told you who he was Giles." Willow said
quietly, "And yes. Part of the reason for leaving is
to be with Spike. It's too dangerous here."

"Willow he's dangerous. He's a killer." Giles said.

"I've done all this already with Angel. He hasn't hurt
anyone in months. I love him. I want to be with him.
I'm going to New York in August." Willow said

"Are you sure it's a good."

"Yes." Willow said. "You aren't going to tell Buffy
now are you?"

"No. I can't make any promises for Angel though."
Giles said.

"Spike damn it did you talk her into this?" Angel said
as his fist connected with the younger vampires nose.

"Talk who into what?" Spike asked.

"Willow into leaving town?"

"No." Spike said ducking the fist coming toward his
face once again. "She came up with the idea of us
leaving together. I just proposed the way we could do
it without making the slayer suspicious."

"If you hurt her."

"You'll sic the slayer on me. Or both of them maybe."
Spike said, "Tired of hearing the same threat

"Face it you won't tell Buffy." Spike said, then at
the skeptical look on the darker vampire's face he
explained, "You tell your slayer, she'll feel
obligated to attack me. There's a better than average
chance I could win and you know that. If I kill the
slayer it will crush Willow. On the other hand, if the
slayer kills me it will crush Willow. Either way
you're the cause of exactly what you don't want to
happen. Willow being hurt."

Angel turned and walked out of the apartment slamming
the door closed behind him. Damn it, he thought,
Spike's right. If  Buffy finds out no matter what
happens Willow gets hurt. I have to come up with
something that will protect her without resulting in
the death of Spike or Buffy.

~Part 30~ Angel's Plan

"I don't care what Angel said Willow's in danger."
Giles said pacing the length of the library.

"I really think you're wrong Giles." Faiths said
setting her feet on top of the table in front of her
and leaning back in the chair. "I've seen them
together. He's totally into her."

"He's a vampire!"

"I know but so is Angel." Faith said.

"Angel has a soul." Giles reminded the slayer.

"Lots of evil is caused by humans who have souls." She
pointed out. "'Sides Angel said Spike isn't hurting
her because he cares about her."

"And if that changes?" Giles asked facing Faith. " She
at least has some safety here, he knows that there are
two slayers here to protect her, and Angel. She'd be
alone in New York."

"Giles." Faith began.

"Giles is right." Angel said coming out of the stacks.

"Damn it Angel do you have to do that?" Faith asked

"Sorry. Came in through the sewers." Angel said
approaching the table. "Part of my confidence in
Willow's safety did hinge on the fact that Spike would
think twice before hurting her here in Sunnydale."

"So what do we do?" Faith asked, "We can't tell her
she can't go."

"I've thought about that." Angel said, "What if she
doesn't go alone?"

"I don't see how." Giles said cleaning his glasses.

"We have two slayers." Angel said, "Would the Council
let one go to New York? Assuming its okay with Faith."
He finished glancing at the girl.

"I'll go to New York but I still don't think."

"I can try and convince them to allow it. But without
a watcher it could be difficult." Giles interrupted.

"Try." Angel said.

"I'll make some calls." Giles said and headed for his

"Angel is it really necessary?" Faith said, "I mean
you said he cares about her."

"What if that changes." Angel said.

"Fine. I gotta go." Faith said and headed out the

Angel headed back into the stacks hoping that this
plan would work. He didn't want to think that Spike
would hurt Willow but he didn't want to take the
chance either.
