Part 2

“Good morning Willow. I have something for you today, that is, if you think you are up to it?” Dr. Kent said brightly as he strode into Willow’s private room. As he did everyday he headed for the thickly curtained windows and pulled the drapes wide open allowing the sun to fall directly on the redhead’s face. Willow didn’t flinch as the bright light struck her eyes. Dr. Kent carefully schooled his features to mask the deep concern he felt for the small young woman.

In the first few days after Willow awoke from surgery the nurses had reported that she had been her normal cheery self. She was extremely concerned about the rest of her friends and would submit to the necessary tests only after she had been assured of their well being. Dr. Kent had expected that. Most patients who had severe mental and emotional trauma spent the first week or so in deep denial. They literally didn’t even accept the trauma as their own. Eventually the memories and emotions would become too much to deal with and the patient would break down and be forced to deal with the trauma that had occurred. As was usual with rape victims Willow had initially blamed herself although that phase hadn’t lasted very long with her. Dr. Kent credited the two older men who professed to be her brother and her fiancé with that miracle. Although the psychologist assigned to Willow had been surprised at her willingness to spend time with two large and intimidating men. Dr. Kent had a feeling it had a lot to do with the strong relationship vibes he sensed between the two men. Willow wouldn’t sense them as a threat to her.

What concerned the psychologist, the two men and Dr. Kent the most was what happened after the blaming had stopped. Willow had gone blank. That was the only way that Dr. Kent could think to explain it. If asked to raise an arm or fingers or try to wiggle her toes she would comply without comment but if asked a question about her feelings or even the weather and she would simply stare past the speaker with no light in her eyes. She reminded the doctor of a robot he had seen in a movie once, commands it could obey but when asked to think for itself it simply couldn’t comply.

Dr. Kent had finally asked the staff psychologist to discontinue treatment of Willow as he saw that Willow not only wasn’t going to respond to him but also that she flinched every time he entered the room. William, the blond man, had explained that the men who had assaulted her where military. The psychologist had spent seven years in the marines. Apparently some of the manner still existed. After assuring the therapist that he held a valid social work certificate he had thanked the man for his time and escorted him out. That had earned him one brief very fleeting smile from his patient. It was the last recorded emotion that she had shown.

Shaking himself from his thoughts he crossed the now sunlit room to the bed and dragged the covers from the girl’s form. She blinked. He picked up the brush that lay on her nightstand, the one that she hadn’t used in over a week since Angel had stopped brushing her hair for her demanding that she do it for herself. He held the brush where she could see it.

“I know you hate being in that bed all day. If you want to get up today you need to look presentable. Brush your hair and I’ll let you get up for a few hours.” Willow’s eyes flickered to the brush and then back to his face. Silently she opened the hand she had automatically curled into a fist at his arrival. He placed the brush into it and turned to retrieve her surprise from the hallway.

He looked at the wheelchair with some distaste. He always hated it when he presented them to his patients, they always saw it as a defeat, as the end of the road. None of them ever saw it as the chance at freedom that it was. He determinedly plastered a smile on his face and pushed the wheelchair into the room.

Willow had rolled onto her back and raised the bed until she was sitting in a slightly reclined position. She had brushed her hair until it shone. He eyes dropped to the wheelchair he was pushing and filled with tears.

“None of that. You are a smart girl Willow, think past the emotions, think what this really means.” He let his brief flare of anger with her show. They had all been so busy being gentle with her that they had forgotten the first rule of dealing with someone in shock – shock them into feeling again. It worked with difriblerators he reasoned that it should work with Willow’s emotional deadness. It was a gamble. This time he won.

Willow’s eyes dried up and she looked at him with a tiny smile on her face, it was forced and far from genuine but it was there. She didn’t even stiffen when he lifted her from the bed into the wheelchair.

“I guess you know how to use one of these from the last time you were here so all I am going to say is: no wheelies in the hallway.” Her eyes sparked briefly at his joke but then they clouded over again. She turned from him and wheeled herself over to the window where she stared out into the sun. Dr. Kent perched on her bed and watched her until he had to go do rounds. She never moved and he wasn’t sure she even blinked.

“What’s wrong with her?” Buffy paced the small waiting room where the gang met every Monday night to discuss Willow’s condition with Dr. Kent. “Her injuries are healing and she’s doing fine moving the wheelchair around. I thought when she could get out of bed she would stop moping.” Buffy jumped slightly as both Angel and Spike growled.

“Buffy why must you speak before you think?” Giles pulled off his glasses and started to clean them. “Willow is not ‘moping’ as you so elegantly put it. She is suffering from severe emotional shock. She simply cannot resolve the emotions brought about by her…attack.”

“I know, I know. So why didn’t that therapist talk her out of it? I mean she knows it isn’t her fault.” Buffy threw herself into a chair.

“Listen chit, it was only thanks to poofalus that she even stopped blaming herself.” Spike half rose out of his chair before Angel clamped down on his shoulder forcing him to remain seated.

“I know. I’m sorry guys, I just hate this. My friend’s hurting and I can’t do anything to stop it or fix it. Hell I can’t even beat the crap out of whatever is hurting her!” Buffy ran her hands through her hair actually pulling out several strands in the process.

Xander opened his mouth as if to say something but then fell silent frowning slightly. Cordelia noticed his look and moved to take a seat next to him lightly resting a hand on his arm. Since Anya had regained her powers she had found it necessary to leave Sunnydale before the energy distortions of the Hellmouth interfered with her demonic abilities. She and Xander had parted without much grief but most of his friends noticed that he had become much more thoughtful thanks to his time with the demon. Perhaps it had something to do with listening to her tales of her vengeance on unfaithful men. Whatever it was the wise cracking Xander of the past was gone.

“What?” Cordelia’s soft voice broke into his thoughts causing Xander to jump and smile at her sheepishly.

“Just thinking about something. Remember how when she was in a coma two years ago we all spent time talking to her? And then she woke up? I was just thinking that maybe that’s what we need to do this time too. Just keep talking to her until she wakes up.” Xander dropped his eyes and stared at his hands as he trailed off.

“That’s exactly what we have been attempting to do this week and although we have had some slight success it does not appear to be enough.” Dr. Kent laid a hand briefly on Xander’s shoulder as he entered the room. The young man had been a faithful visitor, every day bringing Willow things from their past, from her favorite chocolates to a replacement Barbie. They had all made time to see Willow although Buffy and Giles had found their time limited as the purple-eyed demon from a month ago had made a reappearance. Angel and Spike where there the most only leaving when chased out by the dawn.

“First I have asked someone to join us tonight.” Dr. Kent held the door open for Willow to wheel herself into the room. She made no notice of her friends and stationed herself so she could watch out the window facing the hallway as the spoke. “As of this morning Willow can be moved from the ICU to a private room on the rehabilitation ward. Her lung is continuing to hold stable, her hip dislocation has healed properly and the internal bleeding hasn’t reoccurred. Her wrist will simply heal in time. If she is able to manage the wheelchair she is scheduled for release at the end of the week.” He held up a hand to forestall the excited cheers he could see coming from Buffy and Cordelia. “She will continue to need direct care however. I can arrange for a 24-hour private nurse…” Angel and Spike’s angry growls cut him off. He simply cocked an eyebrow at them having figured out their peculiarities the week before.

“She’s staying with us.” Angel nodded at Spike and himself. “The mansion is wheelchair accessible and there are facilities for caring for her there.” Spike’s features twisted as he recalled exactly why there were handicap facilities in the mansion.

“Very well then. You will have to make arrangements for transporting her to psychical therapy or perhaps I can recommend someone to provide them there. As I was saying. The only major physical injury that remains is the paralysis. I am still unconvinced that it is permanent.” Giles noticed that he spoke directly to Willow as he made that statement although she gave no sign that she had heard. “However we have no choice but to simply wait until the swelling dissipates and the healing that will occur takes place. The thing that remains a concern is her emotional stability.” As Dr. Kent began to detail Willow’s condition she suddenly swiveled the chair to face him. She glared at him for a moment and then wheeled herself out the still open door.

“Willow…” Xander had reached for her as she passed him but the doctor caught his hand and restrained him from going after her.

“No. That’s the biggest response I’ve gotten from her all week. As I was saying the nurses and I agreed that we had allowed Willow enough time to sort through the emotions tied up with her trauma and that now it was time to begin to force her to move beyond them. We started treating her as normally as possible this morning by insisting that she brush her hair if she wanted to get out of bed. It is our hope that by insisting on normal actions we may shock her back into feeling normal emotions rather than the guilt/fear/desperation/helplessness cycle that she is in now.”

“You would like us to assist you in this treatment?” Giles asked placing his glasses back on his nose and mentally drawing up a list of the things that Willow would need if she was to be moving to the mansion.

“I think it would be best if we were all consistent.” Dr. Kent nodded. As the others in the room agreed he wished them a pleasant evening and took his leave of them. Cordelia waited until the door shut behind him before she exploded.

“How dare he? He can’t possibly know what sort of things she is dealing with. I mean we are all used to having awful things happen to us but they are usually caused by demons and evil nasties, to have a human hurt us is even more of a betrayal!” Cordelia was pacing now, waving her arms around and letting her eyes flash with anger.

“Wait Delia. He may have a point. I remember there was this woman in the village where I lived when I was still mortal. The English soldiers that raided us one summer had killed her husband. She acted a lot like Willow does. Our healer said that she had gone away inside herself and that she needed someone to call to her to bring her back to herself. But there was no one in the village who really knew her enough to call to her. So we let her just…exist in our midst until she died. I really think she willed herself to death.” Angel was looking thoughtful, as much like the broody vampire he had been until recently.

“And this is going to help Willow how?” Cordelia sneered.

“I think the problem was that there wasn’t anyone in my village that she cared enough about to come back for, but that isn’t true for Willow. She has plenty of people here that she cares about, we just have to call to her and ask her to come back to us. Remind her of everything that we need her to do with us, that type of thing.”

“You’re saying that I should barge into the house and drag her to the mall and force her to go with me to Victoria Secrets to help me bra-shop?” Cordelia choked out around her disbelief.

“And Giles should bring his books over and research with her. Xander should play country music and moan about his love life, Buffy should ask her to help repair the crossbow bolts or sharpen stakes. We need to remind her why she has to come back…why we NEED her to come back.”

“What about you and Deadboy Jr.? What do you guys need her for?” Buffy muttered once again without thinking as she mulled over the fact that she actually had no idea how to repair the fletching on her arrows as Willow had always taken over that particular chore.

“Hmmm. I suppose pretending that I lost my soul and asking her to perform the restoration is out of the question…” Angel trailed off as the other’s stared at him. “What?”

“A joke? You made a joke? After 80 years of brooding you chose NOW to make a JOKE?!” Cordelia was off on a rampage again while Giles quickly covered his mouth with his hand and had a coughing fit.

“Actually Angel has the correct idea. We will not help Willow by becoming depressed ourselves. Keeping our own spirits up is just as important as working on hers.” Giles fell into lecturing mode in order to keep the laughter at bay.

“Seriously I will brood while in her company. She always seems to find it her personal duty to remind me that I am not the same person as Angelus and interrupt my brooding.” Angel reflected with a wry smile as he realized just how good the redhead was at that particular task.

“And you?” Buffy turned to Spike. She swallowed a grin at the look on Spike’s face. She knew exactly what Spike’s job was going to be and she was enjoying the look of terror he had stamped on his face.

“I’m going to have to tell her how much I need her in my life…because I love her.”

Behind the mask of indifference that Willow was showing to the world her mind and emotions where spinning in turmoil. Her logical, analytical mind kept telling her that what she was doing wasn’t healthy and that she should be focusing on the positive aspects of her situation. It had already coldly analyzed her treatment at the hands of the Initiative and accepted that the events had happened and then had regulated them to the proper memory vaults. Her mind wanted her to move on and to get back to her life. Her emotions were a different matter.

From the moment that she had realized that she might be paralyzed she had been struck with an overwhelming fear. She had broken down crying at first and was held by Angel and Spike as the anger and grief over her injuries ran its course. And although she had initially been devastated when Dr. Kent brought her a wheelchair she was still able to remind herself that there was no garuntee that the paralysis was permanent. She knew that months of rehabilitation could make the difference. It was the conversation she had overheard between two nurses that had caused her near catatonic state.

“She’s such a lovely little thing to have that happen to her.”

“I know, it’s disgusting that there are people out there who can do such things.”

“Is Dr. Kent going to tell her? About the scarring?”

“I think he’s waiting until the results of the paralysis are fully known.”

“She would have made a good mother…”

Willow’s mind had processed their words and then recalled exactly what was done to her during the rape. She remembered a great deal of pain and the feeling of something tearing inside her. She was also relatively sure that the men had not been the only things to penetrate her. The end result it seemed was that she wasn’t going to be having children. At first that thought didn’t really bother her, after all what was the chance that she would ever have a man interested in her again? Cripples don’t make the best bed-partners. Sure Spike had said that he loved her but he believed that he was going to die and that can do strange things to a person. Besides he had spent nearly a century caring for Drusilla and she doubted that he wanted to bind himself to another helpless creature. That was why when Angel told Dr. Kent that she was going home with them she had fled. She didn’t want to see the disgust in Spike’s eyes when he realized that he stuck with taking care of her.

She could deal with Angel wanting to care for her. He would see it as another part of his redemption. That was fine, she knew that he would happily shoulder the burden of caring for her and a part of her felt a little joy at the notion that she would be helping him earn forgiveness if even indirectly. But Spike wasn’t interested in earning forgiveness. He was interested in mayhem and plots to take over Sunnydale for his own purposes. She knew he wouldn’t be thankful to be dragging her around after him for the next few decades. In addition she couldn’t bear the thought of hurting him with her presence. She knew that seeing her in a wheelchair would bring back his own stint as a handicap citizen. She was one of the two people who knew how frightened and angry he had been during that time. Emotions that would resurface with having to see her in the same situation day after day.

There was no question that she couldn’t allow Spike back into her life. Eventually her friends would stop coming to see her as well if she just kept ignoring them. She knew that Buffy would find it too hard to keep up regular visits and Cordelia would probably head back to LA soon. Xander might be a bit more persistent but if she was living with Angel he wouldn’t come around too much. And Giles would have to be there for his Slayer so he wouldn’t have much time to spend with his research partner. Angel was the only one she really had to worry about.

Willow knew that all rape victims went through a stage of blaming themselves for their attack. Hers was relatively brief thanks to Angel.

“It’s all my fault. I know better than to walk through the park alone. I should have gone with Buffy, then none of this would have happened.” Willow choked out around her sobs burying her face in her pillow. An ice cold hand grabbed her shoulder and gently flipped her onto her back. Angel’s chocolate brown eyes, dark with fury, glared into her tearfilled emerald ones.

“Don’t you dare. You walked through the park because you knew that Spike’s mark kept you safe from everything supernatural, you weren’t counting on humans.” He growled slightly as his demon tried to push forward, angry that Willow would even think of blaming herself.

“But I didn’t even fight them off that much. I would have done better against a demon!”

“Well then I guess all your arguments about how Angelus’ return wasn’t my fault don’t apply to you? Remember I didn’t fight him off either.” Angel played his trump card.

“He was stronger than you and…” Willow stopped as she realized what he was doing. “Okay so they were stronger than me and there were a lot of them and they even managed to beat up Spike. So I guess I really can’t blame myself for this one.” She grumbled and turned her face into her pillow again. Angel just grinned.

As much as Willow would have loved to wallow in self-blame her conversation with Angel had made that impossible. She knew he was right and she certainly couldn’t blame herself for the way she was dressed or anything else. No she knew exactly where to place the blame. Squarely on Buffy’s shoulders. That episode had lasted all of ten minutes before she remembered that Buffy hadn’t asked to be the Slayer and hadn’t even asked for her to get involved in the whole slaying thing. The blame then shifted to Spike. Which also wasn’t fair and didn’t last long given her feelings for him. She finally discarded the whole blame thing in favor of a deep grief for her lost children.

As the nurses’ conversation kept running through her head she realized how right they were. She would have been a great mother. Look at how she had cared for Xander for almost twenty years and she mothered Buffy whenever she came home banged up from patrol. She even mothered Spike when he was depressed about not being able to bite. She had never really thought about kids since she as convinced that her first love, Xander, would never notice her enough to give her a reason to have kids. She had worried about it a little with Oz since he wasn’t fully human and no children of his would be either. But it wasn’t until the choice had been taken out of her hands that she realized how much she would miss that part of her life. That deep grief and anger was what had started her current emotional turmoil.

There was also her fear of men to deal with. She couldn’t help it; she just flinched whenever a man came near her. Dr. Kent was all right but she was pretty sure that was because he was gay. Angel and Spike were okay as well for the same reason and because she had long ago dealt with the threat they presented as vampires and overcome it. Giles was too much like a father to make her feel uneasy and Xander too much like a brother but the first time a male nurse had come in to give her a bath she had screamed so hysterically they had to sedate her. Since then no men were assigned to her. In some ways she was glad that she was paralyzed and that she couldn’t feel anything below her waist, it meant that there wasn’t any chance that she would have to deal with a sexual encounter. She had the protection of being a cripple, which she doubted inspired lust in anyone. And even if someone was to be sick enough to try and rape a cripple at least she wouldn’t be able to feel it happening.

It was into this maelstrom of emotions that cold reality barged in. As soon as they had moved her to her new room Giles showed up with books in hand and her portable laptop. That purple-eyed demon was giving them new trouble.

Giles placed the laptop on the table next to Willow. He also dropped five dusty books there as well.

“Now where does this thing connect…?” He fumbled with the chord for the modem and looked startled when Willow stretched out her hand for it. He handed it over and watched as she plugged it into the appropriate terminal and then handed him the other end pointing at the telephone jack next to the bed.

Willow experienced a brief flash of pure rage when Giles showed up with research materials in hand. However, it was quickly smothered under her concern for Buffy. She knew that Giles wouldn’t have asked her for help unless he was truly desperate. And she had missed her computer. At least through the Internet she could still go anyplace she wanted. She pressed the button to activate the computer as Giles finished connecting it to the outgoing telephone line.

Two hours later Giles closed the third book and removed his glasses to rub his forehead. He could feel a migraine starting. Willow’s soft voice, rusty after a week of disuse startled him into dropping his glasses and knocking several books to the floor.

“When the demon was around before I found a couple of references to an Equinox celebration that had to take place over the Hellmouth but I dismissed them because there isn’t an Equinox in the middle of winter. I forgot that Christmas used to be considered an Equinox by several pagan religions. So I think…” She swiveled the computer so Giles could read the information displayed on the screen.

“Oh my.” Giles frowned as he read through the display. “If this site is accurate it indicates that they were attempting to perform a renewal ritual, which we interrupted, which means…”

“We’ve got very pissed off demons!” Buffy finished coming into the room once again covered in goo. “Willow do you mind if I use your shower?” Buffy asked trying not to drip on the floor. When Willow nodded the blond headed for the bathroom, a moment later there came the sounds of running water.

“I don’t see any mention of how to stop them…” Giles continued to skim the site.

“I don’t know if we should. The demons don’t appear to be of the ‘suck-the-world-into-hell’ variety. The ritual is just designed to fill their clan with strength for the next year. I think they are only attacking Buffy because she disrupted the ritual.” Willow slumped suddenly in her chair causing Giles to look at her in concern.

“Are you all right Willow? Perhaps I should call someone to help you back to bed?”

“It just never stops does it Giles?” Willow whispered in a very small voice. Giles rose from the table and knelt by Willow’s chair.

“No Willow it does not. But neither do we.” Willow sighed at his words knowing what he was trying to tell her but not ready to accept it.

“Bed? Please?” She held out her arms to him much like a little girl asking her father to carry her to bed. Giles forced down the lump that rose into his throat and leaned over to gather her into his arms. As he picked her up he saw Buffy exit the bathroom, he signaled her with his eyes and she nodded leaving the room and closing the door behind her. Giles gently placed Willow on her bed and drew the covers up around her. He turned to go but was stopped by a soft hand on his wrist.

“Stay? Until they come?” Giles nodded knowing she meant the two vampires who spent the nights watching her sleep. He settled himself back at the table and went back to reading about the ritual. Willow’s soft breathing made him believe that she was asleep until he heard her whisper, as if to herself.

“Research girl rides again.” Giles smiled at the soft note of pride that had worked its way back into her voice, perhaps Dr. Kent and Angel had the right idea after all.

“Welcome home, pet.” Spike shifted Willow slightly as he crossed the threshold to the mansion with her in his arms. “Would you like to see the bridal chamber?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her and attempted to leer. She giggled and slapped him lightly.

“Just put her on the couch and come help me with the rest of this stuff.” Angel muttered nudging Spike farther into the front room. He was carrying Willow’s wheelchair and a therapy ball. Spike grinned at his sire and obediently placed Willow carefully on the leather couch. He bowed to her and then went to retrieve the rest of her belonging from the car.

“Where do you want this?” Angel nodded at the chair in his arms.

“Just leave it here for now. I imagine I’ll want it later.” Willow shrugged as she stared at the redecorated mansion. The last time she had seen the place had been after Angelus had been sucked into hell and she and Giles had returned to destroy the statue of Acathla. The place had been very dark and spartan, Angelus hadn’t believed in comfort. Now the huge front room where Buffy and Angelus had fought was lit with numerous lamps and stuffed full of comfortable furniture. Although most of it was still black leather the place seemed more inviting. Angel placed the chair beside the couch and then headed into the ballroom that they had chosen to convert into a gym to drop off the therapy equipment he still carried. They had arranged to have a physical therapist come to the house to treat Willow.

As Angel was finding a place to store the therapy ball Spike entered with the mats which he proceeded to arrange in the center of the room. Angel watched covertly as Spike bent to his task giving his sire a wonderful view of his firm ass encased in the black jeans he wore.

“Stop staring and give me a bloody hand mate!” Spike glanced over his shoulder at the older vampire and wriggled his ass slightly. “If you’re good later I might let you touch.”

“Let?! Since when have I needed your permission boy?” Angel swatted at Spike as he joined him in arranging the mats.

“Since you got that soul Peaches.” Spike reminded him gleefully. That was one aspect of the soul that Spike actually appreciated. After Darla had returned sex with Angelus had never been anything less than a cruel torture for him. Their loving now was much more like the old days when he had first been turned. Spike was the first to admit that a little pain was a great turn on but he found that he enjoyed the tenderness Angel could show now.

“Bloody hell! What about Willow?” Spike’s heart tightened at the thought that listening to him and his lover enjoy each other might cause her to remember the rape and harm her emotional stability once again.

“I’ll be fine.” Spike’s answer came from a soft voice near the door. Willow had maneuvered herself into her wheelchair and started exploring the ground floor of the house. She had found the kitchen surprisingly modern and the library fully stocked with the necessary occult reading. She had then gone to find Spike and Angel and had overheard the last part of their conversation.

“Are you sure? We could switch rooms…” Angel offered not wanting to cause the redhead anymore pain.

“No. Really. It might even help to remember that other people enjoy themselves that way all the time. What happened to me wasn’t okay but someday I might want to have that sort of relationship again and knowing that you two are enjoying each other will help me heal that part of me that is still hurting.” Willow’s answer was firm and her voice didn’t waver. She was aware enough now of her emotional pain to be able to deal with it rationally and start the process of healing.

Two weeks ago when Dr. Kent had proposed treating Willow as normally as possible Spike had his doubts. After all he felt Willow deserved a bit of sympathy for everything she had gone through although he could see that approach wasn’t helping her resolve anything. So he had reluctantly gone along with the plan. That first night Giles had requested her help with some research. Although she had been upset during the session she had also shown the first flash of the old Willow. Over the next couple of days the nurses reported that as they asked her to do things for herself her emotional blankness was weakening. She actually asked to get out of bed and go for a walk outdoors later that week. Angel had deliberately brooded in her presence and she had responded by getting angry at him and lecturing him at length about what was and wasn’t his responsibility. And then she had broken down and admitted that she wasn’t really angry with him but was angry with the men who had hurt her. Willow had never really hated anyone before. She had despised Angelus but he was a demon, she was already conditioned to hate them, she hadn’t hated Spike or Dru. She’d actually been touched when she realized how long Spike had cared for Dru and vice-versa. Her anger and hate for those men was making her feel extremely guilty. Once she got that out into the open Angel was able to set her straight that she shouldn’t feel guilty for natural human emotions anymore than he should feel guilty for the things Angelus had done. Xander had shown up later that night with a Willie Nelson CD and a heartbroken expression. Willow got him to admit that he still cared for Cordelia but couldn’t see how she would ever want him again. That encounter led Willow to start examining her feelings for Spike and her fear that she would now repulse him or that she would be frightened of him in a sexual way. And when Buffy had come by yesterday with crossbow, arrows, fletching supplies and feathers in her hair Willow had actually giggled for the first time. She was far from completely healed but her emotional blankness had been broken. Now she was Willow again although extremely subdued and quiet.

“…moaner.” Angel finished grinning at Spike. Willow arched an eyebrow at him.

“You are?” She asked curiously.


“Angel said you were a moaner…are you?” She asked again her expression carefully innocent.

“Bloody wanker.” Spike growled under his breath turning away from his sire. An arm suddenly slipped around his waist and he was pressed up against the hard contours of his sire’s chest and pelvis. A tongue flicked his earlobe and he groaned.

“See I told you.” Angel released Spike grinning at the furious expression on his childe’s face. Willow placed a hand over her mouth to hide her giggles as Spike reached for Angel and began to chase him when Angel dodged. Living her was going to be good for her she decided.

“Hello? Anyone here?” A strange masculine voice from downstairs caused Willow to jump slightly. She shook her head and went back to her typing, it was probably just one of Spike’s movies turned up too loud. Since she had moved in with them a week ago Willow had come to think of the house as her home and Angel and Spike as her extremely older brothers. Thanks to Giles she had her computer and most of her things from her parent’s house and plenty of work to keep her occupied. Spike and Angel had remodeled the upper part of the house so that they shared a double bedroom at the end off the hall while she had a second double room across from them. The first room was her bedroom and living area and the second was her study with her computers and books. She had her own bathroom as well which was equipped for a handicap person. She jumped again as she heard Spike call her from the front hall. Saving her work she wheeled herself out of the study and into the upper hall. Looking over the banister she saw Spike and another man standing near the front door.

“What do you need?” Willow called down to him. Spike looked up and motioned for her to come down.

“This is Preston, he’s your PT guy. Remember? Your sessions are supposed to start tonight.”

Willow pulled back in dismay. She remembered now that Spike mentioned it. She had gone for a checkup with Dr. Kent yesterday and he had seemed pleased with the amount of healing her body had done. The swelling in her spine was gone and the bullet, although still inside her, was simply pressing on the outer fluid sack and hadn’t severed the chord at all. Willow was already starting to notice sensation returning to her legs and lower body. She had noticed this at first because she had been watching Spike and Angel curled up together on the couch reading some book when she had felt a familiar tingle arch through her body. That was her first indication that she was healing in more ways than one. But Dr. Kent hadn’t said anything about her therapist being male. Although she could see the rationale of that once she thought about it. This was a man that wasn’t going to be threatening to her since he was here in an official capacity and yet he was going to have to be very intimate with her body. Apparently Dr. Kent had decided to kill two birds with one stone. As she wheeled herself to the elevator Angel had installed at the far end of the hallway Willow searched through herself. By the time she arrived at the ground floor she had decided that she was ready to enter this new therapy and had to admit that it was time to allow herself to fully heal.

She wheeled herself over to the two men noting as she did that Spike had a concerned expression. He was obviously wondering if she would be okay with a strange man working with her. She smiled to let him know that she was okay with everything. She came to a stop in front of Preston and extended her hand.


“Hello Ms. Rosenberg, although I would prefer to call you Willow if I may?” He waited until she nodded and then continued. “So my name is Preston and I will be your physical therapist tonight. Would you care to show me the gym?” He extended an arm and waited until Willow, laughing, hooked hers through it and guided him to the gym. Spike watched them go his heart feeling much lighter than it had in previous weeks as he listened to her laughter.

“Dammit!” Willow swore as she bumped into the coffee table, knocking over the crystal lamp and sending a wave of agony through her lower body. She stifled a yelp and collapsed into a nearby chair. She dropped her crutches onto the floor and buried her face in her hands allowing herself to let her tears flow. A month had passed since Willow had started physical therapy with Preston. According to both him and Dr. Kent she was progressing much quicker than expected. Once she had gotten the cast off her wrist Preston had started working with her and crutches. Insisting that since she could once again feel her legs she should be able to move them he took her wheelchair away and replaced it with two steel crutches. It had taken several sessions before Willow could even balance on them and afterwards she cried from the painful cramps that wracked her legs as her muscles were forced into use again. Spike had been wonderful. He helped with all her therapy and massaged her legs when the cramps became overwhelming. However he was also unyielding in his determination that she was not going to fall back into her previous depression and she also was not going to miss her exercises due to a little discomfort. One thing Willow would admit was that Preston had put all of her fears of men to rest.

About the third week that he worked with her he had picked her up out of the wheelchair and placed her on the mat and then stretched out beside her. She had instantly tensed. Then she caught sight of Spike leaning against the doorjamb and relaxed knowing that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Preston had noticed her tension and relaxation and its source. He had casually asked Spike to go fetch him something from the car. Spike had complied leaving Willow completely alone with a strong, virile man for the first time since her rape. Preston had gone through a series of exercises ignoring the fact that she was stiff as a board and trembling. Eventually her body had relaxed since there was only so long one can continue to panic. The second she relaxed Preston had leaned over and kissed her full on the lips. He was a great expert at kissing and she had found that she enjoyed the experience. He had pulled away and grinned at her and then continued to teach her the exercises necessary for the strengthening of her legs. It was then that Willow realized that she wasn’t going to fear men for the rest of her life. She found that her feelings for men would return and that there was no shame or fear necessary in such feelings. She did not agree with Preston’s other decision to take away her wheelchair completely and force her to use the crutches.

There was a creak of leather and then a heavy body settled on the chair next to her. A pair of cool arms encircled her and held her while she gave in to her pain and weariness and sobbed.

“Hush pet. It’ll be all right.” Spike murmured as he stroked her hair and let her cry. Angel had warned him that she was close to a breaking point that morning and so Spike had made a point of being close by all day. Angel admitted that he was baffled by Preston’s insistence on moving her to crutches this soon when she was still obviously in pain from her injuries. He had expected that Spike would agree with him and was shocked when Spike shook his head and sided with Preston.

“Remember sire, I know what she’s going through. If she doesn’t use those muscles every day she’ll never get them strong again. The pain is a good sign. It means that the muscles are getting stronger. Every day there will be a little less pain until one day she’ll swing her legs over the side of the bed and manage to stand up to go to the bathroom without needing a crutch.” Spike explained as he turned his face away from Angel. A strong hand had cupped his chin and turned his face so that he was staring Angel right in the eyes. Angel had raised his other hand to wipe the lone tear that had escaped while Spike recalled what it had been like recovering from his injuries after the fire in the church.

“And I didn’t make it any easier did I?” Angel grimaced remembering his harsh treatment of his childe after he lost his soul.

“In a way you did. Because I hated you so much I pushed myself all the harder and I healed a lot faster than I would have if you weren’t there.” Spike reached up to lay a hand over the one cupping his chin.

“And that’s why you push Willow.” Angel had nodded his understanding and kept his mouth shut about the rest of Preston’s decisions.

“It’s too hard Spike. It hurts too much. Please let me go back to the wheelchair.” Willow whispered as pathetically as she could hoping that the blond vampire’s feelings for her would make him pity her enough to overrule Preston in that decision.

“Sorry pet. Can’t do that. If you go back to the chair you’ll keep finding excuses not to work harder and get back to where you were. I won’t let you quit.” Spike let her go as she jerked back from him and glared at him with hurt filled eyes.

“Sorry. Didn’t realize I was such a burden to you. I should have realized that you would want me better as soon as possible so that you can get me out of your house.” She began to struggle to her feet. Spike let her fight her way up not offering any assistance as she nearly fell again. She reclaimed her crutches and began to limp towards the stairs.

“You could pick up the lamp you knocked over.” He hated having to say those words but he knew that if she didn’t get used to acting normally she wouldn’t ever get her strength back. Willow whipped around and lost her balance. She fell heavily to the hardwood floor and Spike had to hide a wince as he imagined the bruise that she would have on her hip later. He had to fight with himself to keep from running over and lifting her from the floor and taking her upstairs to tuck into bed. Instead he crossed to where she was sitting on the floor trying not to cry and silently offered her one of her crutches. She glared at him again and dragged herself to her feet.

“I hate you.” She snarled at him as weeks of pent up frustration and anger flooded her senses. “You are probably getting off on my pain. You always did pick on me to hurt, you kidnapped me, threatened me with a broken bottle, tried to bite me and now you are laughing at my pain!” Her voice had risen as she let him have it. Spike didn’t move and didn’t answer her accusations. Willow limped over to the stairs and started to work her way up them. Spike shadowed her in case she should lose her balance again. Willow didn’t say anything until they reached the top of the steps. She turned to face him and pushed at him with the tip of one crutch.

“Get away from me. I don’t want you to touch me or be near me any more. Leave me alone!” With the final word she shoved hard enough to knock him several steps backward and overbalanced him so that he missed his footing and began to fall down the steps. He saved himself from a second stint in a wheelchair only by grabbing the banister. What hurt the most was that Willow hadn’t even checked to see if he was all right before she turned and stormed off into her room. The sound of the slamming door echoed through the house. Angel poked his head out from his room where he was napping.

“Willow? Spike? Everything okay?” Angel raised an eyebrow at his childe. Spike mutely shook his head as he forced himself to choke back tears. Angel swore under his breath and reached out to grab his childe and crush him to his chest. Spike gave in as he felt his sire’s strong arms encircle him and Angel’s broad hands began to caress his back. Angel picked up his weeping childe and carried him into his room. He lay down on the bed keeping his tight hold on Spike.

“Tell Daddy what’s wrong.” Angel hoped that his teasing tone would calm Spike enough to end the crying.

“She hates me.” Spike’s reply was muffled since his face was buried in Angel’s chest but his sire heard him.

“She’s just mad at you for pushing her. She knows it’s for her own good. She’ll settle down once she had a chance to think about it.”

“Hate hurting her. Want to hold her, tell her it’s okay, protect her…love her.” Spike’s rambling trailed off as he took a great gulp of unnecessary air. Angel continued to stroke his back.

“Will you accept me as a poor substitute?” Angel lifted Spike’s face to look at him and place a gentle kiss on his lips. Spike’s eyes showed his startlement, which was instantly smothered by a decades denied longing.

"Goddamn vampire!" Willow swore as she stormed into her room after shoving Spike from the top of the steps. She had turned away before she saw whether he fell or not but she hoped he had, hoped he'd broken something on the way down.

She smiled ferally as she pictured his perfect cheekbones shattered as he hit the banister on the way down. Her grin faded as she realized what she was picturing.

Her legs chose that moment to buckle underneath her. She grabbed for the chair near her desk and missed. She landed hard on her hip and elbow. She bit back the cry of pain that threatened to break out of her lips but she wasn't able to stop the tears that started to trickle slowly down her cheeks. She lay on the floor near her bed unable to stand or crawl onto it. She curled her arms around herself as her body shook with the force of her silent sobs.

It wasn't fair she told herself. After all the Initiative did to her she had expected sympathy, concern, pity even from her friends. Instead they all seemed determined to ignore what had happened and go on as if everything was normal. But it wasn't, for her. Angel and Spike should have realized that since she was living in their home and they were witness to her painful rehabilitation. One would think that they would be sympathetic to her pain and would give her a hand every once in a while. But Spike never gave her a moment's rest, he was always at her to work harder, to pick her glass up from the table and bring it to the sink.

He wouldn't help her pick up a lamp when she knocked it over; he simply handed her the dustpan and watched while she crouched on the floor with her legs shaking with cramps.

Why was he being so mean? She wondered about that for a minute her logical mind forcing its way through the jumble of her emotions to analyze the situation. Her sobs lessened as a fragment of a book she had once read flitted through her mind. She struggled to remember it.

She had been reading her mother's medical books a few years ago when she had first met Buffy, her mother thought she was interested in becoming a doctor when in fact she was trying to learn some skills that might help save Buffy if an enemy managed to munch on her. There had been a section on spinal chord injuries that she had gotten intrigued by for a while. If she remembered correctly there was a mention that the physical therapists who worked with these patients had to be careful since the patients would often come to hate their therapists when they were pushed to heal. In fact it was suggested that they routinely take a rotation with other therapists so that the patient wouldn't avoid exercises just to spite the therapist.

Willow sat up suddenly as something else she had read clicked into place. Muscle injuries were supposed to heal faster and more completely if the muscles were worked to exhaustion every day. While the patient slept the muscles would build themselves up using the stored energy from the day. In fact therapists were encouraged to push their patients as much as possible to affect the quickest cure.

Willow could see the logic in that but Preston hadn't really been pushing her as hard as the books suggested. He also hadn't rotated her through any of the other therapists.

A conversation she had overheard between Preston and Spike was starting to make sense now. Preston had been telling Spike that he couldn't see asking another therapist to take her sessions since she was still very nervous and tense around men and the other therapists that he rotated with were all men. Willow realized now that the fear of bringing back the emotions of the rape had kept Preston from pushing her as hard as he needed to. In fact Spike was the one who started pushing her until she wanted to scream at him.

The last of her tears dried up as she realized that Spike had known what Preston needed to do and why he couldn't. She frowned again remembering that Spike himself was well aware of what had to be done if one wanted to walk again. She also remembered that he had told Buffy that he had practiced walking in secret so that he could overthrow Angelus, probably the reason he had recovered so quickly.

And now he was pushing and goading her not out of any sense of sadism but out of concern for her. Which was probably the reason that she was out of the chair and walking on her own again so soon that it had surprised Dr. Kent.

Willow hung her head and groaned. She was an idiot. And she had behaved very badly to Spike. She really needed to go and apologize to him. She grabbed the side of the bed and dragged herself to her feet gathering up her crutches and forcing herself to ignore the dull aching in her legs. She grimily clenched her teeth and crutched her way to the door and stepped out into the hallway turning to head for Spike's room.

A low moan from Angel's room stopped her. She heard Spike groan again and she was flooded with guilt. What if he really had gotten hurt when she shoved him down the stairs. She moved as silently as possible towards the room feeling more guilty every time she heard a moan or groan from Spike. Angel was probably trying to patch him up from the sounds of rustling and thumping that were accompanying the groaning. Her hand was already on the doorknob when she heard Angel's voice groaning along with his childe's. The knowledge of exactly what was going on behind that closed door hit Willow with all the intensity of a truckload of bricks. Her hand didn't get the message however and continued to turn the knob. The door swung open silently.

Spike and Angel were face to face with the younger vampire kneeling on the bed while the elder stood next to it pressed against him. They were both naked and sweating, bathed in the afterglow of sex. Angel had his fangs imbedded in Spike's neck while the blonde vampire was clinging to his sire's wrist sucking the dark blood from his sire. Willow watched transfixed as Spike released his sire's wrist and nuzzled his face into his sire's broad chest. Willow dragged in a lungful of air when spots began to dance in front of her eyes warning her that she had stopped breathing while she stared at the two naked men in front of her. She shut her mouth with a snap and whimpered quietly deep in her throat as she saw the two men that she loved pressed against each other in perfect contentment.

She saw Spike tense as he tested the air and caught her scent. Two sets of amber eyes jerked in her direction.


Willow stood frozen in place as sire and childe pulled away from each other. Angel moved back from the bed as Spike threw a leg over the edge and moved to stand next to his sire. Willow couldn’t help noticing what a pair they made – light and dark. She also realized that Spike definitely wasn’t a natural blonde.

The realization of exactly where she was staring caused a fierce blush to cover her face. She ducked her head forcing herself to look away from the two men in front of her. She began to stammer an apology.

“S..sorry for interrupting.” She swung around intending to rush back to her room and lock her door until the incident could be forgotten but her legs turned traitor on her again and buckled.

Spike and Angel both reacted with vampric speed when they saw her start to fall. Angel grabbed her left arm as Spike grabbed her right arm keeping her upright. Willow leaned into the support they offered.

She began to blush again when she realized that she was pressed against two cold, hard naked bodies. She tried to pull her arms from their grasp but neither one was letting go. She squirmed trying to free herself but froze when she heard twin growls emanate from her supporters.

“Don’t bloody well do that pet.” Spike groaned trying to control his instinctive reaction to her struggles. He felt himself growing hard again as the little witch moved against him.

“Willow…” Angel groaned as he too was affected by the proximity of the redhead.

Willow risked a glance at their faces noting that both had shifted halfway to demon and that each was biting the inside of his lip. She immediately dropped her eyes back down only to be confronted with the evidence of their arousal.

“What was it you wanted little one?” Angel almost purred as he spoke to her, he could smell her fear and her arousal rising in the air around them. “J..just wanted to say sorry to Spike.” Willow mumbled from behind the curtain of her hair. Suddenly she firmed her jaw and straightened her head, turning so that she could look into Spike’s ice blue eyes. “Look, I know what you are trying to do and I wanted to say thank you.”

“What’s that pet?” Spike looked shocked as he remembered the anger burning in the redhead earlier.

“You just want me to get stronger and you are pushing me so I won’t give up…I should have remembered that you of all people would know what I had to do to be strong again.” Willow continued to hold her gaze steady, her voice was firm even though her legs were still trembling.

“Forgiven pet.” Spike ducked his head and kissed her chastely on the forehead. She smiled. Then the smile crumbled as she remembered what she had seen when she walked into the room. Tears threatened to fill her eyes as she realized that she was losing Spike to Angel. < Why do all the men I love leave me? >

“Leave you pet?” Spike asked totally confused. Willow jumped not realizing that she had spoken the words aloud.

“Love pet?"

“Yes love you stupid vampire!!” Willow snapped, the pain and anger that she had been feeling the past months overriding everything else for the moment. “I even told you when…” she faltered “when Walsh shot me. And now you are with him.” She turned to face Angel her eyes burning with fury. “And you! Leave Sunnydale without a word! Don’t say goodbye or thanks for the soul Willow. You never even knew and now you want him.” She wrenched her arms out of their grasp and stood there trembling with her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes sparkled with rage and tears. Neither vampire thought she had ever looked so beautiful.

“Pet. I do love you. I told you that night too remember? But after what happened with the soldiers I didn’t want to push you, hurt you. Tonight you pushed me away, I didn’t think you wanted me anymore.” Spike stroked the witch’s hair with a hand that trembled slightly. “I love you Red.”

“Willow, I didn’t know. When I left Sunnydale it was partly to get away from you…” Angel began before Willow cut him off.

“I already know that I drive men away, you don’t have to push the knife in deeper!” She whirled to leave and Spike shot a glance full of daggers at his sire. Angel growled and snagged the redhead’s arm pulling her around so that she was plastered against his chest.

“Listen Willow! When Angelus was free he was consumed with the need to destroy the Slayer…but he was also consumed with the need to have you. I didn’t understand it then but after Vamp Willow came to visit I realized he was sensing your power, the darkness of your soul that you keep in check…and he wanted it. When I came back from hell you were the only one who could look at me and not see Janna’s killer. You were my only friend. And then that night that I saw Vamp Willow at the Bronze and I thought that I had lost you…when I saw you at the library I realized something. I was falling in love with you.”

“You love the Slayer not me.” Willow stated clearly.

“No. I wanted the Slayer, in some way I thought her innocence would redeem me, she didn’t love me either. It was lust, passion, hormones whatever but it wasn’t real love. You were the one I loved. So I had to leave before I did something stupid and lost the soul again or lost the only friend I’d had in two hundred years. You even brought my childe back to me.” Angel finally let her pull away from his chest. She looked at him with tears in her eyes.

“I never knew. I love you too Angel.” She reached up a hand and caressed his cheek gently. “But what about…” she gestured between the two vampires her blush making it obvious what she meant.

“He’s my sire, the first and the only man I have ever loved.” Spike reached out and placed a hand against Angel’s chest.

“He’s mine and I am his.” Angel reached out a hand and covered the one resting on his chest with his own.

“And you are ours.” They both turned to Willow reaching out with their free hands to grasp hers. Willow hesitated only slightly before reaching out to join their hands. They pulled her towards them until she was crushed between two hard male bodies in a way that was so intimate that she forgot to breathe.

Her mind was going a mile a minute remembering some long forgotten facts that helped to make all of this seem sensible. According to her physics teacher a tripod is the most stable configuration in nature. A three-sided column will bear more weight per square inch than a square one. An equilateral triangle is the prime geometric shape and in Ireland where Angel was from the Celtic love knot had three strands braided together.

Spike and Angel shared a glance over the top of Willow’s head. Angel nodded and Spike bent to whisper in their witch’s ear.

“Red? You believe us don’t you? That we love you?” Willow hesitated before she nodded but Spike could feel the tension in her body that spoke more clearly than words that she was still afraid they would pull away from her. Willow gasped when the cold body behind her pulled out of their embrace. She desperately tried to shutter her heart against the pain she knew was going to follow when Spike told her that as much as he loved her she wasn’t what he needed in his life. When Angel pulled away too she felt as if her heart was bleeding. She couldn’t lose both of them at the same time. That was too cruel. Spike swept her up into his arms ignoring the startled yelp that she gave and carried her to the bed where Angel had turned back the covers to reveal black silk sheets.

Spike held her close to his chest as Angel untied her sneaker and drew off her socks. He shifted her in his arms until her legs where dangling in the air as Angel unzipped her jeans and slid them down her legs. She moaned as she felt the cold caress of his broad hands over her hips and across her thighs. Spike shifted again to give Angel access to her shirt. She had to bite her lip to keep from crying out when Angel’s cold fingers came into contact with her nipples, which tightened instantly. He unbuttoned her shirt with care and then lifted one arm at a time out of the sleeves until she rested in Spike’s arms naked except for her matching green silk bra and panties.

Angel bent his head and kissed her gently on the lips. She moaned against his mouth trying to push towards him, needing to feel him in her mouth. He pulled away to let Spike place her gently on the bed. She lay in the center of the black sheets with her fiery hair fanned around her face. Both vampires sucked in unneeded breathe as they gazed at the perfection that was Willow.

Willow whimpered at the loss of contact with the vampires and shifted restlessly on the bed. The feel of cool silk against her skin was driving her insane. Spike sniffed the air reassuring himself that the little witch really wanted them. The scent of her arousal was so strong that he believed a mortal would have been able to smell it. Angel slid onto the bed near Willow’s feet and began to place small kisses along the length of her legs. He would start at the ankles and slowly move his way up to her thighs and then back down. Willow arched every time he hit the apex of her thighs trying to drive him closer to her aching center.

Spike watched his sire as he crawled up the length of the bed. He’d always thought of his sire as a dark panther with that elusive grace that all predators seem to share. The image was never more appropriate than at that moment.

“Spike!” Willow reached out for the blonde vampire still standing next to the bed. She wanted to feel him against her. He smiled at the open need in her voice and moved towards the bed stopping close to her head. Kneeling on the side of the bed he began to trail kisses along the pale column of her neck moving up to taste the tender flesh of her earlobe. Willow moaned and arched off the bed as both vampires continued to kiss and lick their way across her body but never touch the areas still covered by green silk. She stiffened as a cold finger began to trace the curve of her breast while another one drifted along the waistband of her panties. She opened her eyes in time to see a blonde head ducking towards her right breast at the same time as a dark head moved towards her left breast. She screwed her eyes tightly shut and reached up her hands to twine her fingers into their hair. Both men allowed their demons to slip forwards so that they could pierce the fabric of Willow’s bra. Using their fangs they each shredded the area around her nipples so that the rosy peaks came fully into view. They allowed the demons to recede as each began to lick and caress the sensitive peak with their cool tongues.

Willow gasped and tightened her grip on their hair trying to push them closer to her arching teats. Spike complied and took the rosy peak into his mouth. Willow moaned as he twirled his tongue around the nipple while keeping up a gentle sucking pressure. Angel allowed his teeth to elongate and brushed the sharp edges against her other nipple. Willow cried out at the mixture of pleasure and slight pain the two men were giving her.

Angel swept his fangs across the nipple until it was red and sore from the repeated rubbing. Then he took it into his mouth and twirled his tongue across the angry redness soothing it with his cold tongue. He groaned when he tasted blood, he must have broken the skin at some point. He tried to pull away but Willow held him in place.

“Taste me.” She sighed to both vampires. Spike tore his head away from her breast and looked at her with lust crazed eyes.

“You sure pet?”

“Taste me!” She demanded forcing his head back down. Neither man needed another invitation. Willow cried out as two pairs of fangs sunk into her body. She had been bitten before but it had always been a painful experience, now as each vampire slid his teeth into her flesh she was wracked with the most intense pleasure she had ever felt. She felt the tightening in her womb that signaled her release. She screamed as one of the vampires let his cold fingers drift across her throbbing clit. Angel froze when the redhead came. He could taste her orgasm in her blood and he had to struggle for a moment to keep the demon from draining her

His blonde childe had also frozen locked in the same struggle as his sire. When Willow stopped shuddering and went limp from the force of her orgasm both men carefully withdrew their fangs from her and shared a deep kiss across her body. Willow watched as her lovers kissed, her blood smeared on their mouths. She felt herself grow wet and she ached for them to be inside her. She released her grip on Spike’s hair and pushed his head down towards her panties.

“You two had each other earlier. My turn now.” The vampires chuckled at the demanding tone of their mate.

“Yes dear.” They chorused. Spike moved down her body and settled himself between her thighs. Angel continued to stroke her breasts with his tongue and to trace swirling patterns on the tender skin of her stomach with his fingers. Willow arched and moaned as Spike trailed his cold fingers along the inside of her thighs. He stroked her clit through the silk of her panties smiling when she moaned again and thrust upwards. He slid his fingers under the waistband of the panties and slowly drew them down to her hips. She bit back a cry when she arched her hips to allow him to draw her panties down her legs.

“Pet?” Spike suddenly remembered that she had been complaining about her back bothering her earlier in the day. “We can stop if you’re hurting…” Spike trailed off as the witch glared at him desire turning her eyes almost black so great was her need. He shook his head and bent down to flick his tongue across her clit. She cried out and grabbed for his head with her hands. He continued to flick his tongue across her clit until she was writhing beneath him gasping his name and begging him for more. Willow screamed as she felt his cool lips close around her clit at the same time that a cold finger slid inside of her. Spike sucked and twirled his tongue around her clit as the finger moved slowly in and out just barely brushing her g-spot. Willow twisted wildly on the bed trying to drive Spike’s hand further inside of her.

Angel grinned against her breast, she didn’t realize yet that it was his finger inside of her driving her insane. He shared a secret glance with his childe. Angel added a second finger to Willow’s cunt as Spike began o nip at her clit with his blunt teeth. As Angel felt her begin to tense around him he nodded to Spike who smeared a finger with her juices and then slid a finger into her ass past the tight ring of muscle. Willow screamed out their names as she came her whole body jerking with the force of her orgasm. Spike swallowed deeply as her juices flooded his mouth.

When she fell back on the bed he drew his finger out of her ass and pulled his mouth away from her clit. He reached up and shared another deep kiss with his sire letting the older vampire taste Willow on his mouth. Willow watched then as Angel held up fingers dripping with her juices for Spike to clean. She blushed when she realized that both vampires had been instrumental in pleasing her. Before Willow had time to tense up again Spike had shifted until his prick was pressed against her opening. He swiftly bent his head capturing her mouth as he plunged inside of her. To his surprise she arched up to meet him as he slammed down into her. < Little witch likes it hard. >

He felt Angel move behind him as he slammed down into the witch again. Two cold hands spread his asscheeks before he felt Angel’s thick cock entering him. Willow watched fascinated as Angel slid into Spike forcing him to slid into her. She arched up to meet Spike pushing him back against Angel. Spike groaned as he felt himself pressed between his two lovers. Angel and Willow were controlling the whole thing both of them pushing him in either direction while he was lost in a sea of pleasure. Angel sped up the rhythm of this thrusts as he felt his childe tensing around him.

He knew Spike was about to cum and he wanted to make sure that all three of them came together. Willow arched up wildly as she felt her womb tense in anticipation of another orgasm. Angel growled his demon face sliding on as his balls tightened and he shot his cold seed into his childe’s ass. He dropped his head to Spike’s neck and bit down savagely welcoming the taste of his childe’s dark blood. Spike roared as his sire bit him and his own orgasm raced through his body. His demon also slipped forward and he sank his fangs into the witch’s breast. Willow came screaming her lovers names as Spike bit into her.

She reached up and dragged both of them closer to her until she could reach Angel’s neck. She sank her blunt teeth into his cold flesh as her orgasm wracked her body for the third time that evening. Angel’s eyes flashed as the mortal’s teeth broke his skin. When Willow released him Angel rolled off to one side of her while Spike rolled to the other. They both threw an arm across her body.

“Mine.” Spike whispered nuzzling Willow’s neck and grasping his sire’s hand.

“Mine.” Angel growled sucking on Willow’s nipple and tightening his hold on Spike’s fingers.

“Mine.” Willow sighed as she kissed first one vampire and then the other. The three lay curled around each other as they all fell into a contented sleep.

Willow slowly opened her eyes and stretched, yawning as she came fully awake. < Man, that was some dream. > She could almost feel her body tingling from the caresses of the two vampires in her dreams. She rolled over to get out of bed and bumped into something. Something cold, hard and definitely male.

“Oh goddess.” Willow’s eyes traveled the length of the chest she currently had her nose pressed against. < Angel > She reached a hand out behind her and felt another cold, hard masculine chest. < Spike > She started to shake. < It wasn’t a dream. Oh goddess I’ve made such a fool of myself. > They didn’t seem to be awake so Willow cautiously raised her head to peek over the edge of Angel’s ribcage. She slowly slid out from under the covers and raised herself on all fours in preparation to climbing over Angel and forgetting that this night had ever happened.

She squeaked in shock as two arms were thrown across her back and she was pinned to the bed. She gasped as a pair of amber eyes glared at her.

“Going somewhere pet?” She twisted her head desparate to escape Spike’s glare and found herself staring into another pair of amber eyes.

“Leaving so soon?” Angel’s sardonic baritone asked her.

“I was just going to…going to…” She struggled to find the right words.

“Run off before we could shag you again?” Suggested Spike from behind her. Willow shook her head frantically.

“ was just going to leave before you woke up and realized that you regretted everything and had to try to explain to me and…” Angel put an end to her rambling by pressing his lips to hers. As Angel kissed her Spike leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

“We don’t regret anything pet. And you aren’t going anywhere.” He began to nibble on her neck. From the hardness poking her in the small of the back and resting against her thigh she knew that neither vampire was lying. They wanted her. And she wanted them. The thin wall that had remained around Willow’s heart since Oz left trembled in the face of the overwhelming love from the two vampires.

It trembled and then it broke leaving her heart free to return their love. Willow sighed and burrowed into their arms. She nuzzled each neck in turn and then settled back down to sleep the first totally relaxed sleep since she had been captured.

As the tiny, flamehaired mortal slept two evil demons kept watch, their unbeating hearts full of love for each other and the gentle girl who had brought them all together.

The End
