Christmas Eve With Spike

Author: Spikedluv

Rating: NC17

Pairing: Willow/Spike (as it should be)

Spoilers: Nothing, really. Takes place during season 4.

Summary: Willow spends Christmas Eve with Spike.

Notes: Fluff, the whole fluff, and nothing but the fluff. ** indicate emphasis.

Feedback: It’s ALL about the feedback (and naked Spike)! Don’t make me beg, it’s not pretty.


Distribution: The Seduction of Spike, Soulmates, Willow’s Lil’ Secret, Shades of Gray, The BatPack Archives, Wacky Witch Willow, Rapture, and Shippers United. If anyone else wants it, please take it, just let me know.

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, just borrowing them for awhile. Everything belongs to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui Enterprises, Grr Argh, the WB, UPN and whoever else they really belong to, although I wouldn’t mind having a Spike of my own. Who would? The story is mine, though.

Thanks: Amanda, beta and grasshopper extraordinaire.

Dedication: Merry Christmas to all my ‘Net happy to have met you all!


Willow trudged down the steps that led to the courtyard outside Giles’ apartment. It was the afternoon of Christmas Eve, and she’d been roped into babysitting Spike. She wasn’t exactly sure how that had happened. Partly because she was Jewish and didn’t have any other plans for the evening. God forbid Buffy or Xander actually invite her to go out with them and their significant others, she thought uncharitably. And partly because she was a sucker, she knew. She just couldn’t say ‘no’ to people.
She shifted the bags in her hands, and knocked on the door. It was opened almost immediately, and Giles ushered her into the apartment.

"Willow," he took her bags from her, and set them on the table, "thank you so much for agreeing to stay with Spike. I hadn’t planned on attending this party, but, well, then...,"

"His bint called and said she’d be there," Spike tattled as he came out of the kitchen, a mug of blood in one hand, a box of Wheatabix in the other.

"Thank you, Spike," Giles retorted sarcastically, then turned back to Willow. "Are you sure you’ll be alright here all night?" he asked. "Alone with Spike."

"Yes, I’m sure," Willow said as she shrugged out of her jacket. "What’s that?"

"That? Oh, that," Giles turned to see where she was looking. "That is a Christmas tree. I thought perhaps you could decorate it, give you something to do, and the lights would be pretty."

"Thanks, Giles," Willow’s brow furrowed as she studied the three-foot fake tree. "You do remember that I’m Jewish, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, an’ how’s that Jewish-Wicca thing working out for you, pet?" Spike peeked over the back of the couch.

"Shut up, Spike," Willow muttered, her eyes still on the tree. She’d never decorated a tree before. She’d *seen* decorated trees before, at Xander’s, and Jesse’s, and Buffy’s houses, but she’d never actually decorated one herself. They did look kind of pretty, all covered with lights, and tinsel, and shiny balls.

"Well, you two have fun," Giles put his coat on, and gathered up his overnight bag and the garment bag that held his tuxedo. "But not too much fun. In fact, never mind. You," he looked at Spike, "don’t have any fun, just be good."

"Bye," Willow gave a little wave as Giles walked out the door and pulled it shut behind him, eager to be on his way.

"Good riddance," Spike settled back down on the couch. "You just gonna stand there all night?" he asked, when Willow didn’t move for several minutes.

"Huh? What? Er, no," she turned and unzipped one of the bags she’d brought with her. She pulled out a couple of tapes and set them on the coffee table before carrying the bag over to the counter to unload it. Soon, a box of popcorn, a bag of plain M&M’s, and a bottle of soda were sitting on the counter.

"What are these?" Spike asked as he sorted through the tapes. "‘A Wonderful Life’? ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’? Thought you were Jewish, pet."

"Those are classics," Willow retorted as she tossed one of the bags of popcorn into the microwave and set the timer. "That just happen to be about Christmas."

"Is that popcorn?" Spike asked.

"Maybe," Willow said as she got out a plastic bowl and a glass. She poured some soda into the glass, then recapped the bottle and placed it in the refrigerator. She opened the bag of M&M’s, and left them lying on the counter.

"You gonna share?" Spike asked.

"Maybe," Willow said. "You gonna stop picking on me?" she looked at him over the counter.

"Uh, maybe?" he replied, and Willow couldn’t help but smile at him.

"You’re...," she shook her head when she couldn’t think of what she wanted to say.

"Evil?" Spike asked hopefully.

"Annoying," Willow replied, pulling the bag of popped corn out of the microwave when it dinged. She opened the bag carefully and dumped the popcorn into the bowl, then added some of the M&M’s.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Spike yelled, horrified.

"Putting M&M’s in the popcorn," Willow said, picking up the bowl and her glass, and carrying them into the living room.

"I don’t want M&M’s in my popcorn!" Spike said, disgusted.

"Then don’t eat them," Willow said, as if she were speaking to a two year old, and placed the bowl and glass on the coffee table.

"Why would you do that, anyway?" Spike leaned forward and looked into the bowl of popcorn as Willow picked up one of the movies and put it in the VCR. "That’s disgusting," he took a piece of popcorn and dipped it in his blood, and then popped it into his mouth.

"Now *that’s* disgusting," Willow said, as she returned to the couch. "Dipping it in blood’s okay, but adding M&M’s isn’t?" she asked as she plopped down on the couch.

"Blood’s good," Spike said.

"So’s chocolate," Willow countered, kicking off her sneakers. She picked up the bowl, her glass, and the remote, and then leaned back and put her feet up on the coffee table. She started the movie; fast forwarded through the FBI warning, previews, and the credits; adjusted the volume; and set the remote down on the arm of the couch.

With the bowl of popcorn on her lap and the glass in her hand, she settled back to watch the movie. By the time the movie was half over, the bowl of popcorn was sitting on the couch between them, so that Spike could reach it easier. By the end of the movie, Willow was sitting cross-legged on the couch, leaning forward as she watched George Bailey find out that life for his family and friends would not have been better without him.

When the movie ended, Willow turned to Spike, "Wasn’t that a...Did you just eat an M&M?" she asked suspiciously.

"No," Spike said, around a mouthful of popcorn and M&M’s. He licked the melted candy coating off of his hand, and wiped it on his jeans.

Willow, eyes narrowed, reached out and wiped a trace of chocolate off of the corner of his mouth. She looked at the tip of her finger, and held it up to him, triumphantly.

"Chocolate," she said.

Spike stuck his tongue out and licked the remains of the telltale chocolate off of his lips. "Mmm, blood," he said with an evil smile and a raised eyebrow.

Willow felt a strange tingle in her belly as he licked his lips, then looked at her finger in disgust when he said it was blood. She was just about to wipe it off on his jeans when she remembered how manipulative he was. She sniffed her finger, and licked it. She smiled at him joyously.

"Chocolate!" she said. "You were eating the *disgusting* M&M’s!"

"Was not," Spike insisted. "Was an accident, is all. Grabbed a couple of ‘em when I took a handful of popcorn."

"Uh huh," Willow said, obviously not believing him. She picked up the remote and pressed rewind, and then carried her glass and the nearly empty bowl out to the kitchen.

"Wanna decorate the tree?" Willow asked, as she stood studying it.

"No!" Spike shuddered. "‘M a vampire, pet. You go ahead. I’ll just watch. I should get a picture of this. The Jewish-Wicca decorating a Christmas tree. What ever would your parents say, pet?" he goaded her.

"You said you wouldn’t pick on me if I shared my popcorn," she reminded him.

"I said ‘maybe’," Spike reminded her. "‘Sides, evil vampire. I lie."

Willow just rolled her eyes. "Fine," she huffed. "You just sit there, being all bored, while I decorate the tree."

"Oh, no, pet," Spike disagreed. "This is sure to be all sorts of entertaining. Really."

"Fine," she huffed again, walking over to the pile of decorations Giles had left out. She knelt on the floor and sorted through them. There were gold balls, strands of white lights, gold garland, and gold tinsel. Gold seemed to be the theme this year.

"Uh, Spike," Willow asked, "what goes on first?"

"How do I know?" he asked. "Hello, born in the 1800's, pet! They used candles back then."

"I think the lights go on first," Willow said uncertainly, glancing from the tree, which was looking bigger and meaner all the time, to the boxes in her hands. "Let’s have a show of hands," she looked over at the blond vampire. "Lights first?"

"Sounds good, pet," Spike lit a cigarette and took a deep drag without looking at her. Willow sighed deeply. This was supposed to be fun, making the tree all pretty.

She took the lights out of the box and looked at them, all wrapped up around the cardboard. She stood next to the tree and started to unwrap the lights, wondering if she was supposed to put them on as she unwrapped them. She tried that, but it was too difficult, so then she unwrapped the strand of lights and laid them out on the floor.

She wrapped the lights around the tree, and then realized that the electric prongs that she needed to stick into the outlet were at the top of the tree. With another deep sigh, she unwrapped the lights, and re-strung them, with the appropriate plug at the bottom of the tree. She nodded in satisfaction when she was done, and then plugged the lights in.

Nothing. She pulled the plug out and tried the other outlet. Still, nothing.

"They’re not lighting up!" she stomped her foot, disgusted with this tree trimming business already. "I hate these lights," she gave them a tug that threatened to topple the small tree.

"Careful there, pet," Spike said.

"Oh...shut up, Mr. I-don’t-want-to-help-decorate-the-tree!" Willow mumbled, jumping back as the small tree tipped over. She grabbed her hair and pulled on it in frustration. "Why do people put themselves through this?" she asked in disgust. "Stupid tree," she muttered, kicking at it.

"Here," Spike was suddenly there, standing the tree upright. "Maybe the bulbs aren’t screwed in tightly," he said. Willow glared at him angrily, her hands on her hips, her brow furrowed.

Cor, she was sexy when she was full of fire, he thought to himself as he automatically began to check the bulbs.

"Well," Willow was confused, "why would that make *none* of them work?"

"I think I heard somewhere that if one bulb goes out, they all go out," Spike replied distractedly as he continued checking the bulbs.

"Well...that’s stupid," Willow said, reaching out to help him.

Spike twisted a bulb, and the string of lights lit up. Willow jumped back and clapped her hands.

"Look!" she pointed. "It worked! Isn’t that pretty?" All of her anger and frustration at the lights was forgotten as she looked at the small tree. "Alright, lets put the other one on!" she grabbed the box and opened it. "Wait! You have to help!" she told Spike as he tried to sneak back to the couch.

"I don’t want...,"

"Here, hold this end," Willow handed him one end of the string of lights. Spike looked at it suspiciously.

"Why?" he asked. Willow just looked at him. With a deep sigh, he reached out and took the end she was pointing at him like a weapon.

Spike watched as Willow carefully unwrapped the lights. "You’re taking forever, pet," he said. "Here, just do this," he grabbed the package and started pulling the lights out.

"No!" Willow cried. This was her first time decorating a tree, but even she could see that, "You’re going to get them all tangled!"

Willow looked at the mess Spike had created with disgust. "You’re going to fix that!" she pointed at the pile of tangled lights.

"No problem, pet," Spike said. "Here, hold this end," he gave the end he’d originally been holding back to Willow.

Willow crossed her arms and watched him attempt to untangle the lights. Then she pulled the ottoman over and sat down.

"We’d already be done, if you hadn’t done that," Willow commented.

"Shut your gob," Spike muttered as he fought with the string of lights.

"‘Here, just do this’," Willow mimicked his earlier comment to her.

"You’re cruising...," Spike mumbled.

"‘You’re taking forever, pet’," she continued, ignoring him.

Spike took a threatening step toward her and Willow jumped, startled at his sudden move, and toppled backward off of the ottoman.

"I will beat you to a bloody pulp, if you don’t shut up," he towered over her. Willow, her heart beating fast, rose to her feet.

"Bring it on!" she put her hands up, her face a mask of serious concentration.

Spike jumped over the ottoman at her, and Willow screamed and ran from him, the same fear she had when she was playing tag with Xander and Jesse, and she knew they were right behind her, suffusing her body. Spike tugged on the light cord, and Willow jerked to a halt.

"Don’t you dare let go of that cord," Spike said as he pulled Willow toward him, and for some reason, she didn’t.

"S-Spike," she said, "why don’t you let me untangle the lights?"

"Why don’t we forget about the bloody lights?" Spike suggested, as he continued to reel Willow in.

"O-okay," Willow agreed readily. "G-garland next?"

"I believe I have to beat you," Spike said with an eyebrow waggle.

"Y-you can’t," Willow said.

"Then why’d you run?" he asked. "And why is your heart beating so fast? Your breathing so...labored?" he smirked, pulling her even closer, and leaning down to sniff at her neck.

"Uh, n-natural fight-or-flight reflexes kicking in," she stuttered.

"Scared o’ me, huh?" Spike asked with a smile as he straightened. "You should be," he frowned at her.

"Uh huh," Willow agreed, willing her heart to slow down. She hadn’t been afraid of him. Well, not that he would really beat her, anyway.

Willow took the lights out of Spike’s hands and put them beside the box of decorations. She pulled out a strand of gold garland, and wound it around the tree. While Spike watched, she pulled out the gold balls, and hung them, then opened the package of tinsel and draped it over the branches.

She stood back and looked at the tree. It was beautiful. She ran around the apartment and shut off all of the lights, and then came back into the living room and stood in front of the tree. It was really beautiful.

"That it is, pet," Spike agreed. Willow started. She hadn’t realized she’d spoken aloud. "Missing something, though."

"What?" she asked.

"The star. For the top," Spike told her.

Willow went back to the box and dug through it. There was no star.

"Maybe Giles doesn’t have one," she said.

"Gotta have one," Spike said. "Let me look." He looked through the box, and searched the floor around it, finally finding the star. He held it up.

"Ohhh," Willow said, reaching out to touch it. "Put it on!"

"I don’t wanna...,"

"Go on!" she gave him a little push. "Put it on."

Spike rolled his eyes and walked over to the tree. He placed the star on the top.

"Happy?" he asked Willow brusquely, as he walked back to the couch and plopped down upon it.

"Extremely," she said as she replaced the empty cartons and the tangled string of lights back into the box. "Now we can watch ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’!" she said as she stood up.

"Yay," Spike said.

"I’ll make more popcorn," Willow offered.

"Yeah?" he asked, consideringly. "You gonna put M&M’s in it?"

"Maybe," she said archly, smiling to herself as she walked to the kitchen.


When Spike realized that ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ was a cartoon, he’d gotten Giles’ bottle of whiskey down off of the bookshelf.

"What are you doing?" Willow asked. "You can’t just take that!" she sounded horrified.

"You’re gonna make me watch *that*," he pointed to the television, "I’m gonna need this," he held the bottle up, then uncapped it and took a swig, before sitting back down on the couch and reaching into the bowl of popcorn, snagging several M&M’s.

When the tape was finished, Willow looked over at Spike, who had a small smile on his face.

"Did you like it?" she asked.

"Huh? What? *That*?" he pointed at the screen, where the end credits were rolling. "It’s a soddin’ *cartoon*!"

"And you enjoyed it!" Willow insisted, partly surprised, and partly ecstatic to have something on the blond vampire.

"Did not!" he said.

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!" Willow said as she reached for the remote and pressed ‘rewind’.

"I bloody well...did...not!" Spike said.

"You...," she paused as she looked at Spike. "Is it a vampire thing?" she asked.

"Is what a vampire thing?" he asked, confused at the change in subject.

"Playing with your food," Willow teased. "You’ve got chocolate on the corner of your mouth again!" she leaned toward him, her hand raised, intending to wipe the chocolate off of his lips.

Just as her thumb reached his lips, Spike darted his tongue out to lick the chocolate off. Willow’s thumb brushed against his cool, wet tongue, and her breath caught in her throat. Spike froze, and was staring at her with bright, blue eyes. He pressed his tongue against her thumb, and Willow pressed back.

Spike drew her thumb into his mouth, his tongue laving it as he sucked on it. Willow moaned at the sensation, her whole body tingling at his touch. Spike gently bit her thumb, and Willow jolted out of her trance, pulling her thumb from his mouth, and quickly rising to her feet.

"I, um, I think you got it," she pointed toward his lips, and rushed over to the VCR to wait for the tape to finish rewinding.

"So, what are we going to do next?" Spike asked, the taste of Willow still filling his mouth, the taste of her, combined with the scent of her, overloading his senses.

"Next?" she asked nervously.

"Yeah, bring any other movies?" he asked casually.

"Uh, no," Willow admitted. "We can see what Giles has," she offered.

"Oh, yeah, ‘cause I don’t get to see those Time-Life series enough already," he mocked.

"Hey! Some of those are good!" Willow defended Giles.

"Right," Spike agreed, listening as her heart rate slowed.

Willow put the tape back in its box, then looked through Giles’ selection. "Oh, hey!" she held up a tape excitedly.

"What is it?" Spike asked.

"‘Armageddon’," Willow said. "Xander must have left it here after our last movie night. Wanna watch it?"

"Sure," Spike agreed. Whatever it took to get the witch back on the couch with him.

Willow put the tape in, then settled back down on the couch next to Spike. The movie started, and she snuck a look at Spike.

"How can you drink that?" she asked, as she watched him tip the bottle to his lips.

"Easy," he smirked at her. "You just wrap your lips around the end, like so," he showed her, licking the rim with his tongue before closing his lips over it. He removed his mouth from the bottle to say, "Tip it up, fill your mouth, swallow," and then started over.

He licked the rim of the bottle, and Willow felt her heart begin to beat quickly. He wrapped his lips around it, tilted the bottle, then swallowed, almost in slow motion. Willow felt her breath catch in her throat as she watched his adam’s apple bob.

"Wanna try it?" he held the bottle out to her, and Willow managed to shake her head.

"Too scared? That’s alright," he pulled the bottle back.

"I’m not scared! Just...doesn’t it taste...yucky?" she asked.

"Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it, luv," Spike held the bottle back out to her.

Willow reached out slowly and took the bottle, then took a small sip, letting the alcohol sit in her mouth before swallowing.

"Gagh!" she shuddered and made a face. "That’ burns!"

"S’posed to burn, luv," Spike said. "The first time. Tastes better the second."

"Yeah! ‘Cause it just ate off all my taste buds!" Willow handed the bottle back to him. "Not to mention my esophagus and stomach linings!"

Spike took the bottle back with a smirk and took a sip, tasting Willow with the whiskey. They both settled back to watch the movie, sneaking peaks at each other once in a while. When the movie was nearing the end, Spike smelled salt. He leaned forward and peered at Willow’s face, partially hidden by the hair she’d allowed to fall forward and cover it.

"You crying, luv?" he asked, confused.

"No," she lied with a sniffle.

"Uh, pet, I can smell your tears. What’s wrong?" Spike asked.

"This part’s so sad," she wailed.

"How many times have you seen this movie?" Spike asked.

"Five, counting this time," she sniffled.

"And you *still* cry at the sad parts?" he asked.

"Yes!" she looked up at him, her eyes red and watery. He felt a stab in his gut.

"Here," he grabbed a couple of tissues and handed them to her.

"Thanks," she wiped her eyes and blew her nose.

"C’mere," Spike lifted his arm, and Willow scuttled beneath it, leaning against his side as she watched the rest of the movie, every once in a while wiping her eyes.

When the movie was over, Spike set the recapped bottle of whiskey on the coffee table and picked up the remote. He pressed ‘rewind’, set it back down, and then leaned back against the couch, his arm still around Willow.

"Feeling better?" he asked.

"Yes, thanks," her voice was small. "Sorry," she said, feeling like an idiot.

"For what?" he asked.

"For crying."

"No need to be sorry ‘bout that, luv," he said. "So, I get to pick next, yeah?"

"Huh?" Willow looked up at him, her eyes still red-rimmed.

"Well, you’ve picked all of our activities so far tonight, that stupid movie with the angel, the soddin’ cartoon, decorating the bloody tree," he waved his hand at it, "and then this movie that made you all weepy! So, my turn to pick, right?" he nodded.

"Uh, okay," she agreed slowly. "What did you want to do?"

"Make out," Spike said.

"What!" Willow screeched as Spike picked her up and placed her on his lap.

"Make out," he repeated. "My lips, your lips," he reached out and brushed his fingers over her lips.

"You know," Willow tried to slide off of his lap, "I think that’s a, uh, really bad, er, id-idea," she finally managed to get out as Spike ran one hand up and down her hip and thigh, the other up her spine and neck to bury in her hair.

"That so?" he asked huskily as he pressed her head down and captured her lips with his. She was soft, and warm, and she tasted bloody delicious.

Willow moaned into Spike’s mouth. His tongue was cold, and hard, and he tasted amazing. Her hands cupped his face as she kissed him back.

"Okay," she croaked out when Spike pulled back slightly so she could breathe. Spike smirked sexily at her, and then recaptured her lips.


Willow lost track of time as she and Spike kissed. His one hand stayed buried in her hair, pressing her head to his, and the other lazily ran over her back, her hip, her thigh, squeezing and kneading, and then lightly tickling.

She fisted her hands in his hair, then clutched at his shoulders, the feel of his tongue against hers, tasting her, exploring her mouth, made her body ache. She felt moisture pool between her thighs as his hand ran over her body, squeezing her thigh just as he nipped her tongue. She moaned into his mouth and pressed her body against his, her soft breasts mashing against his hard chest.

And then he was pulling away from her. She groaned in protest, trying to reclaim his lips. Spike just laughed and stood up. He held her to him with his arms around her waist, but let her legs fall so they swung next to his. He then sat on the couch and laid back, his head resting on the arm, Willow lying atop him.

"Spike," Willow was breathing heavily. "I don’t think...,"

"I want to feel you against me," he whispered, his hands sliding down her hips to pull on her legs. Willow let her legs fall apart, and felt him pressing against her center.

"Oh, Spike," she groaned, her fingers clutching at his t-shirt as she buried her face in his neck. She sucked on the tender skin of his neck as she pressed herself against his hard cock. His hands tightened on her hips. Holding her, he lifted himself against her.

"Spike!" she cried out, her warm breath tickling his neck, her hand slipping beneath his t-shirt to stroke his back.

"Willow," he groaned as he rubbed against her, hearing her heart rate speed up, hearing her breath catch each time the head of his cock rubbed her swollen clit.

"Spike," her hand was in his hair, tilting his head back as she sucked furiously on his neck, her hips moving faster as she rode him. Spike’s hands snaked beneath her top, his cool fingers trailing over her heated flesh.

The feel of her mouth on his neck, the sound of her moans, and the knowledge that she wanted him as evidenced by the frantic bucking of her hips against his, drew him closer and closer to the edge.

"Willow, luv, gonna cum, Willow, please, need you to...oh, bloody fuck!" Spike cried out as Willow bit him when her orgasm slammed into her. He held her shuddering body and slammed himself against her, and then followed her over the edge.


When Willow recovered from her orgasm, the first thing she noticed was that she was lying on her back on the couch, and then she felt Spike’s mouth on her breast, and realized that her shirt and bra were missing, and then he sucked hard on her nipple, and she groaned and dug her nails into his bare back, and she realized that his shirt was also missing.

"Spiiike!" she cried out as he sucked one nipple and rolled the other between his fingers.

"Wondered when you were gonna wake up," he smirked up at her. "Bet dog-boy never made you cum that hard," he ground his hips against her still-sensitive flesh, and she moaned, her head tilting back. "This time," he promised, "I wanna see your face when you cum."

"No," Willow protested weakly as he began to undo her jeans. "We...just making out," she tried to push his hands away.

"That was before," he was breathing heavily, and Willow wondered why a creature who didn’t need to breathe at all would be breathing heavily. "I want to put my fingers inside you," he licked a puckered nipple. "You’ll be so warm, and wet, and tight," he groaned as the button slipped, and then he undid her zipper.

"Oh, god, Spike...shouldn’t," she groaned, trying to remember why they shouldn’t.

"And then I want to taste you," he suckled her breast, letting it go with a ‘pop’. "Lick you," he slipped his fingers beneath her panties, "suck you," his fingers dipped between her folds, "shove my tongue inside you," he slid one finger inside her.

"Oh, Willow," he groaned as she moaned and bucked her hips. "You are tight, baby. So warm and wet. I’m gonna give you another one," he slid a second finger inside her and curled them against her wall. "Like that?" he whispered as Willow moaned in pleasure, and rode his hand.

"Yesss," she hissed. "More, Spike, please, more."

Spike covered her lips with his, kissing her hard and fast, as he pumped his fingers in and out of her, the heel of his hand rubbing her clit. Willow’s hips moved faster, her fingers dug into his back.

"Spike!" she cried as she pulled away from his lips. "Spike, oh, goddess, Spike!" she screamed as her body tensed and she came, her juices spilling out of her body and over his hand.

Then Spike was between her knees, his fingers still pumping into her, curling against her wall and stroking her. He tugged her jeans down her hips with one hand, and then lowered his head to her, slipped his tongue inside her, and drank the juices that ran out of her. He placed his thumb against her clit and stroked it, faster and faster.

She grabbed his head and pressed it to her, her fingers pulling at his hair, digging into his scalp. Within moments, Willow’s body was once again tensing. Her hips bucking against his face and hand, she came with a scream.

Spike drank her essence, then rose above her, licking her juices off of his lips. He lowered his face to her, and she licked his chin, then kissed him, tasting herself on him.

"Wanna be inside you," he whispered against her lips, one hand holding him up above her, the other shoving her jeans down her legs. "Gonna make you feel so good," he teased, both hands going to her jeans and pushing them down. "Gonna make you scream," he sat up and pulled her jeans and panties off of her legs, then let his eyes roam over her naked body.

"Spike," she tried to cover herself.

"No," he pulled her hands away, then leaned forward and raised them above her head, resting them on the arm of the couch. He let go of her arms and sat back on his heels, gazing longingly at her sweet body, spread out before him like a banquet. "You’re beautiful," he said.

And at that moment, Willow felt beautiful. Her whole body was humming, and she wanted nothing more than to have him inside her, touching her again.

"Spike," she moaned pleadingly. With another smirk, he climbed off of the couch and kicked his boots off, and then shucked his jeans. Willow’s eyes widened in shock.

"Oh, no," she shook her head. "I don’t think...,"

"Don’t worry," Spike was between her legs again, his lips over hers, his cock slipping along her wet slit, his cock head bumping her clit.

"I-I don’t think I wanna scream," Willow whimpered, remembering the size of his cock, even as it stimulated her already-sensitive flesh.

"It’ll be so good," he whispered in her ear, his breath tickling her. He licked her ear, and then sucked on the lobe. Willow moaned, pressing herself against him. Spike took her neck into his mouth and she whimpered. He pressed his cock head at her entrance and slid it inside her, and then pulled back out.

With small thrusts, he moved in and out of her, letting her adjust to him, until she was writhing beneath him, mewling.

"Spike, please, oh, goddess, yes, Spike, more, please," Willow pleaded with him as he sucked on her neck and teased her with his cock.

"Hold on, luv," Spike whispered, and then drove into her. Willow cried out as he filled her, then wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his shoulders, and held on tight.

"Willow!" he groaned as he was completely sheathed in her tight, wet heat. "Willow, luv, you feel amazing. So hot. So bloody tight!"

Willow didn’t reply. She licked the bite mark she’d left on his neck earlier, and covered it with her mouth, sucking hard. And then she bit him.

"Fuck!" Spike jerked his hips. Willow kept her teeth on his neck, worrying the surface wound, and Spike pulled out, and drove into her again. Willow grunted against his neck, but refused to let go, only tightening her legs and taking him deeper as he thrust into her.

Around them, the loud booming of chimes filled the room as the clock struck midnight.

Spike frantically pumped into Willow, the feel of her around him, of her teeth on his neck, driving him. And then she was tensing, her teeth tearing into his neck, as her body shuddered and she found her release.

"Willow!" Spike roared her name as she bit him, as her muscles closed around him like a fist, and then his cock pulsed, shooting his seed inside her. Spike fell on top of her, limp and sated. Willow didn’t make a sound, just tightened her limbs around him, holding him closer.

Finally, she was able to speak. "That *was* good," she breathed, with a slight smile.

Spike groaned. "Very funny, luv," he said into her neck, then lifted his head. "Merry Christmas, Willow," he said. Willow smiled at him in satisfaction, her fingers running through his hair.

"Merry Christmas, Spike," she whispered, and then turned her head to look at the tree, which bathed the room and their bodies in a golden glow.

"Isn’t that beautiful?" she murmured.

"Yes," Spike agreed, looking down at her. "Beautiful," he softly kissed her lips.

the End
