Devious Will's Adventures Series

author : Spike's Serena


pairing : Willow/Spike

rating : probably no more than PG-13

summary : inspired by Cutthroat Island.  The adventures of the pirate named Devious Will.

disclaimer: Joss owns it all.



A long time ago, down south, in the Caraibean’s waters, lived a famous pirate known as the Devious Will.  Noone had seen him and lived to tell the tale.  The pirate and his crew were well know all the way from Cuba to Jamaica and all the islands nearby.  It was said that his ship hid in Bermuda’s triangle until the time came to rob another ship from its treasures.

But has nobody had met Devious Will and lived, he became more of a legend or a myth than reality.  All his exploit were signed in black ink, beautiful curved letters.  But still, except that signature, there was no other proof that the famous pirate really existed.  He became a story to frightened kids who didn’t want to go to sleep, just like the sandman.

Noone truly believed in Devious Will anymore, noone except a young writer.  Another Will.  The writer believed in the tales of the pirate.  He was bound to find out where he was hiding in order to become Will, the writer who wrote Devious Will’s adventures.  He was a long way from knowing in what kind of adventures he’d get once he’d know the legendary ocean prowler.

Many were those who tried to stop him from going into that crazy quest.  “He doesn’t exist,” some said.  “Devious Will is a myth,” others said.  But the ambitious writer didn’t listen to those who claimed to be his friends, but were mostly people who pitied the poor writer.

So one day, listening only to his courage and his thirst for knowledge, adventures and of course glory, he sailed away from the jamaican cost and headed right toward Bermuda’s triangle.

