Part 6

"Immortal? How can I be immortal?" Willow was flabbergasted.

"That, I am afraid I can not answer. None of us know why we are immortal. We just are." Khalil had spent centuries trying to find out, but when there is only one immortal born per century, it makes it a bit hard. It takes a long time to get any information together when you only get one new piece every hundred years. Fortunately, if there was one thing Khalil had, it was time.

"Great. Just fucking great. What else can happen. I mean, I'm nice. I help people. I help save the world on a regular basis. So why do these things always happen to me. My first boyfriend was a werewolf. My best friend is the Slayer. Why can't I just have one spot of normality in my life? Huh? Why?" Willow was starting to cry now. Spike came over and took her in her arms. He knew it was all a shock to her. He also knew how strong she was and that once she had had a good cry she would start to deal with it.

"Hey pet, look on the bright side. Now we can be together forever." Spike was trying to calm her down by pointing out some of the advantages.

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't use that name?" Willow had pulled herself together now.

"Shit, sorry Red." Spike looked suitably chastised. It had slipped out with out him thinking about it.

Buffy heard the apology and pounced "See Wills. I told you. He said sorry. He never says sorry. You got it bad, Spike."

"Get stuffed Slayer."

"Spike. Behave." Willow did not want Spike and Buffy to start fighting in the middle of the Shop. Who knew what they would break. Willow then
got up and walked over to Xander. "Xan? You OK?"

"Wills? You're alive!!" Xander had been so out of it, he hadn't realised that Willow had recovered.

"Yeah. Looks like I am immortal." Willow did not know he Xander would react.

"Gee. What a bummer. Having to look young and beautiful forever. How will you ever deal with it?" Xander joked. Joking was his defense mechanism
for dealing with things until he had had a chance to think about them.

Anya looked a bit sad at this. "You never tell me I'm beautiful." She knew Xander loved her, but he sometimes forgot to tell her.

"Anya, you are more than beautiful. You are above beautiful. You are the definition of beautiful. You make all other beauty pale by comparison. Can I stop groveling now, or should I keep going?" Xander did love Anya.

"You can stop. But remember where you were, we will pick up from there later." Anya then kissed him to show that all was OK again.

Khalil then got Willows attention again. "Willow. There are a few things you need to know now. Some of them are not for mortals, but some are. Did
you want your friends to know these things?" Khalil suspected he knew what Willow would say, but she would feel better having the choice.

"I don't have any secrets from them. They can stay." With that Willow sat down and indicated everyone else should as well. She had the feeling this was going to take some time.

Part 7

"OK. Where to start? The first thing a new immortal is usually told is to keep our existence a secret. Somehow I do not think that will be a problem with you. You obviously know how to keep details secret, don't you?" Khalil gave a wry smile. Willow had kept Buffy's secret for this long and now that she was dating a vampire she had more secrets to keep. Immortality would just be one more.

"Next is the good news. You are immortal. This means you are extremely hard to kill, but it is possible. You would not survive a nuclear explosion, but anything short of that you will. I will demonstrate how hard we are to hurt. Buffy, would you so kind as to get a sword."

"Uh, yeah. Sure." Buffy then went out to the training room and got one of the swords she sometimes used when hunting particularly strong vampires and demons. "Here ya go." And she handed to to Khalil.

Khalil did not take the sword, but instead asked "Buffy, would you please try and hit me with the sword."

"You sure? I mean, I could hurt you." Buffy did  not like where this was going.

"No. That is the point. You can not hurt me. Trust me, I will be fine."

Buffy was still not sure, but Khalil looked like he knew what he was doing. Buffy swung the sword, but did not use her full strength. It was still enough to hurt someone, however. What she was not expecting was for Khalil to put his hand out. The sword hit Khalil's hand with a clang.

"What? Hands don't go clang. Whassup?" Buffy was confused.

Khalil held up his hand. It was undamaged. "If you are prepared, you can make your skin as hard as steel. Harder even. With a bit of practice, and Willow will be practicing, any attack you can see cannot hurt you. Now if I my have the sword please?" Buffy handed the sword to Khalil. Khalil took the sword and the put his left hand on the tip. "Now the fun bit." and, as he gave an almost childish smile, he pushed the sword through his hand.

"OK Thats just gross." Xander exclaimed.

Anya just looked on, "Giles? I do not have to clean up his mess do I. I don't mind sweeping up after the customers, but I think he should have to clean up his own mess."

"It is all right, Anya. I will clean up after my self. I always do." Khalil reassured Anya. "Now I am sure you are wondering why I did that? And why I
am not screaming in pain? See the main thing about being immortal is that we have complete control over our bodies. That means that we can strengthen the skin, like I have already showed you, or" and he pulled the sword out of his hand, "We can heal almost instantly." He took Buffy's training towel that Buffy had brought in with the sword, and wiped the blood off his hand. His hand was as good as new. Not even a scar. "You will notice there is no scar. We do not scar, unless you want to of course. Some of us have kept scars to remind ourselves of particular battles, or people."

Khalil then muttered a spell under his breath and the towel was clean. "A handy little spell I picked up. Saves time on wash day" Khalil smiled and handed the now clean towel to Buffy. He then took the sword and with out any warning brought it down on Willows hand. The sword bounced
off with a clang, just like it had with Khalil's hand minutes earlier. "Fortunately, the body's reflexes are such that, once you are immortal, your natural state is one where you cannot be hurt. Still you need to practice this."

Willow looked at her hand with a little shock and a lot of wonder. She turned the hand over to look at it from all sides. She had not even felt the impact. "Wow. I should be pissed, but wow."

Spike was not as forgiving, however. He jumped up at Khalil. "Oi, watch what you are doing you wanker. You could have hurt her."

"Spike, my dear child, that was the point. She can not BE hurt now. She can still feel things, but anything over a certain amount of kinetic energy
activates her body's defenses. This means that. as immortals, we can get a paper cut, but not by a sword. Makes it easy to cut vegetables too" Khalil gave Willow a cheeky grin. Khalil decided he would have to start hanging around young folk more often. This was the most fun he had had in 300 years.

"Alright. And don't call me child. I am 126 years old." Spike was used to being the oldest one in the room, and did not like it that he no longer was.

"Spike. I am over 1500 years old. I am over ten times your age. To me you ARE a child. In fact America is still a new idea to some of the immortals.
At our last get together, at the beginning of the 20th century, we discussed it at some length. Some of the older ones, those who are old enough to remember Athens in her peak, think that this style of democracy will not last. As with most things, we agreed to just wait and see. It is a bit
hard to win an argument amongst our kind. The prevailing attitude is always 'Lets just let it run it's course and see what happens'. Makes it a bit
hard to get seem things done, like saving the world, when it needs it. Fortunately, people like our lovely Slayer here, are always on hand to
save the world, and I do not have to step in too often."

Buffy blushed at the compliment. She was not used to being told how lovely she was.

"Next, the issue of disease. You can forget about diseases. Your body's defenses destroys any disease before you will even know you have it.
this also works for poisons as well. So, I am afraid you can not take any more days off school, sick. You will also never get any older, as age is
a disease as well. So I am afraid that you will look as you are for ever. Forgive the very rude question, but how old are you?" Khalil knew that
modern manners made that a very rude question, but he needed to know.

"Uh, I just turned 20, last month. Why"" Willow wondered why he wanted to know.

"Part of your training will be in how to hide your real age. Fake ID's, that type of thing. I will also put you in touch with people who can do full history's on very short notice. Do you have any questions so far? Any of you?" Khalil knew it was a lot to take in, and expected them to be in shock initially, but to get used to the idea fairly quickly. Young people today were used to change and took just about everything in their stride.

" about children. Can I still have them?" This was probably Willows biggest worry. She knew Spike could not have children, but she
did want to have children one day.

"Yes we can still have children. We are still human after all. Just with out the ability to die. And as you get older that will seem more like a curse and less like a gift than it seems now. But we will get to that later, when we talk in private. No, the problem with having children is knowing that you will outlive them. Any children we have are mortal, which means that they will get old and die when you will not. And that is something that we all learn. All of the immortals have had a child at one time or another, myself included, and we have all watched them die. Some of us still keep an eye out on our family's, but as you get older they get too numerous to keep tracks on. Yes Buffy, you have a question?" Khalil asked Buffy, as she had her hand up.

"Yeah. What happens when a vampire tries to turn one of you?" Buffy was sure this must have happened at one time or another.

"You generally get two things. A very surprised vampire and an extremely annoyed immortal. As you know, when a vampire creates a childe, he drains their blood and then the prospective childe then drinks the sire's blood. Now with an immortal, when the vampire tries to drain our blood, he
never drains all of it. As the vampire is drinking our blood, our bodies produces more. This has caused the occasional vampire to try and capture one of us and an inexhaustible food source, but there is something they do not know. Our blood changes them. Never in the same way, of course, but it changes them. There are a number of different types of vampires around. The kind you fight, known as the demon-kin, the kindred, the forever and a few other types. If you would like we can talk about this later. We are also not the only type of immortals. There are the quickened, the mummy's, and the Cathayans. There are also demons, vampires and such that do not age either."

"The quickened are mortal until the first time they die. Then they engage in what they call 'The Game' until there is only one left. The oldest is rumored to be over 5000 years old. Our oldest is about the same age, which has been a topic of much discussion, I am sure you can imagine. The quickened are unique in that, when they behead another of their kind, that life energy, or Quickening as they call it, is transfered to the nearest quickened immortal who gains all of their power and skills. They engage in this 'Game' in pursuit of 'The Prize' which even they do not know what it is. I suspect that they will be in for a surprise, when the last of the quickened finds out he is not the last immortal at all. In fact I have serious doubts as to the existence of the 'Prize" as anything other than just the fact that they have the life energy of thousands of immortals all in one body. Admittedly this is still a lot of power, but it would not stop a group of any of the other types of immortals from destroying that one if they decided it was necessary."

"Mummy's are the amalgam of a modern soul and an ancient soul that has had a very powerful and extremely secret spell cast on them. This means they have a strange mix of modern knowledge and forgotten lore."

"Cathayans are from the Far East and are spirits that have returned from the dead with a purpose. They start out fairly weak, but they also grow
very powerful with age and experience."

"As with all people each of these groups have good and evil members. Just as ordinary humans can be good and evil and all stages in between, so can immortals."

"I am sorry, I tend to get in to 'lecture mode' when I get the chance. Was there any other questions from anyone?"

Giles spoke up. "Yes I have many questions and it seems that the longer you talk, the more questions you answer, the more I have to ask. Did you plan on staying in Sunnydale for a while?"

"Yes. Now that I have found out Willow is the immortal I was looking for, I will stay around and train Willow in everything she needs and also a few other things she may like as well." Khalil looked at Willow, "In 1500 years I have learnt quite a lot of magic. I could teach you some of it if you would like."

Willow liked that idea a lot. "Please. Oh I have a question. Am I the immortal from the 20th or the 21st century?"

"The 20th. You were born in the 20th century. The immortal from the 21st century will be born sometime between 2001 and 2100. We have no way of knowing when the immortal is born, but there are a few of us that get a feeling that draws us to the place where the next immortal is going to incarnate at about the time they incarnate. That was how I happened to be in Sunnydale when you incarnated. This is one of the rarest abilities amongst us, and the few of us that share it all get in touch when we feel it and see who is closest. That one then drops what ever they are about and finds and trains the new immortal in all that they need to know."

"OK thats fine. Another question. What is the mix of boys and girls?"

"About 50-50. Of the last 6, counting your self, 3 have been male and 3 female. As I said, there seems to be no pattern in it. At least none we have been able to see."

"OK Willow, your first lesson in what it means to be immortal. I know you are a witch. I want you to call a small flame. One like this" Khalil called a small flame, about the size of a match flame, in his hand.

Willow took a breath,"I have not had a lot of luck controlling my spells. I tend to be a bit, um, overzealous, I guess."

"That is all right. I will be here if anything goes wrong."

"OK here goes." Willow prayed to her Goddess and summoned a small flame in her hand.

"Good. Very good. Now make it bigger, about the size of a candle flame." Khalil was trying to show Willow how much energy she had access to, but
was going to work her up to it slowly.

Willow did as she was asked.

"Now make it bigger. About 2 feet high, but keep the heat contained within your hand."

Willow did as she was asked. Willow was so deep in concentration that she did not realise that this level of energy control should be well beyond
what she was capable of.

"Good. Now I want you to make it a bit bigger yet. About six feet should be about right."

Willow did as Khalil said. What Willow did not realise was that she now had a staff of fire six feet long and about two inches in diameter.

"Now I want you to get a good grip on the fire with both hands and memorise how it feels." Khalil was keeping his voice very calm and his look said to everyone else that they should not say anything yet.

Willow did as she was told. She now had a fighting staff made entirely out of fire, that was hers. She memorised it completely. The heft, the feel,
the weight. Everything.

"OK. Dispell the flame now."

Willow did. She looked at Khalil. "Wow, that was cool. But what was it supposed to teach me?"

Khalil smiled at Willow. "Call your staff again."

Willow did. She spun it, then through it up in the air and caught it.

"Now, Spike, how do you think a vampire is going to react to being hit by six feet of fire?"

Spike realised what Khalil had done. He had given Willow a weapon that no vampire in his right mind, or indeed an insane one, would try and take off Willow. As they were dead, vampires were very susceptible to fire. "They will fucking freak. We don't like fire. And a staff of fire is something to fear. Very good mate."

Willow was shocked. Not only that she now had a staff of fire, but also that she was not exhausted. After that much energy manipulation, she should be missing the same amount of energy herself. The very first rule of witchcraft was that the witch used her own energy to power everything.

Willow asked Khalil. "Khalil, why aren't I tired? I should be exhausted. In fact I should have passed out by now. Where is the energy coming from?"

The energy comes from you. That is the real lesson here. You have always thought on a mortal scale. Because you were a mortal. Now, are immortal. This means you now work on immortal levels, which are orders of magnitude larger than mortal levels. This is the lesson. Learn to think like an immortal. The only things you are not capable of are things you think you are incapable of."

Willow looked unsure. She was still to new at this.

Khalil could see this. So he tried a different approach. "I see you are having a bit of trouble with the concept. Look at it this way. As a mortal witch
you had a lifespan of, lets say 70 years. That means that you had 70 years worth of energy to use. Every time you cast a spell, you borrowed a portion of that energy. That is why you would feel tired. Because you would have to pay back the energy. Now, however you have a lifespan that could be measured in millennia. The oldest immortal is over 5000 years old. That means you when you cats a spell, the percentage of your total energy used in infinitesimal in comparison to your total lifespan. So that is why you do not feel tired. Because you have used the barest speck of your life force."

Khalil could see that he was in danger of overloading Willow. "I think that is enough training for tonight. I suggest you go out and relax. Do what ever it is that you do in this town. What do you do to relax here?"

Willow looked at Buffy "Bronze?"

"Bronze. Giles we're going to the Bronze. I will do a patrol after that, on the way home. Khalil, you want to come too?" Buffy was intrigued by Khalil
and wanted to get to know him better.

"Of course I would. I would be mad to turn down a lovely lady such as your self. And while I am many things, mad is not one of them. Rupert. We will see you later. Shall we my dear?"

Buffy blushed and took Khalil's hand. They walked out the door together followed by Xander and Anya, who were both suspiciously quiet for them.

Willow grabbed Spikes hand and pulled him up. "Come on Spike, you too. Bye Giles."

"Yes, goodbye Willow. Have fun tonight. You too Spike."

"Yeah. Later Watcher."

Part 8

The group of friends walked towards the Bronze. Khalil and Buffy were still holding hands. Spike noticed this and pointed it out to Willow. "I think our
immortal friend has the hots for the slayer."

Willow had noticed the compliments Khalil kept giving Buffy. "I noticed. He was giving Buff a lot of compliments when we were talking. I think it is cute. Buffy needs someone in her life. Someone who is as powerful as she is. And Buffy is very pretty. He would be mad to not give it a go. Ad he told us he is not mad." Willow said the last part with a smile.

"Not thinking of leaving me for the slayer, are you Red?" Spike knew Willow would not, but he enjoyed teasing Willow.

"No, of course not. I'm with you now. You're stuck with me." Willow could see the gleam in Spike's eye, so she knew he wasn't serious.

"Oh the horror. How will I ever survive." Spike then pulled Willow in to his arms and gave Willow a deep kiss.

Xander saw this and looked at Anya. "That should worry me, but for some reason it doesn't."

"I think they look good together. Like Khalil and Buffy. You notice the looks Khalil was giving her?" After 1100 years of giving revenge, Anya knew the looks that went on between people.

"No. I was too stunned about Willow. Our Wills, an immortal. What are we going to do? How will it change Willow?"

"It won't change anything. It just means that she is going to look like this forever. Although I should hate her for that. I was immortal once, even if I was evil. I know what it's like to watch people change and never change yourself. But I don't have that problem now. I'm human and I have you. I would not change that for anything, not even to get my powers back." Anya really did prefer to be human. She had not realised what she had been missing out on. Now that she was human, and more importantly, had Xander, she was happy for the first time in linger than she could remember. Evil does not love, as love is one of the positive emotions, and evil is about the negative emotions. Hate, greed, fear, things like that.

Xander looked at Anya "I love you. You know that don't you. I know I don't say it very often, but I do."

Anya look at Xander with a tear in her eye. "Oh Xander. I love you too."

"OK People if this got any more soppy, I would just have to puke." Spike broke the tension with his usual style. "Come on, lets get going." He then started walking off to the Bronze with Willow.

Willow muttered to herself. "Why do I like him again?" She then watched him walking off, paying particular attention to his ass. "Oh yeah, thats why". She then ran to catch up with him. This put Willow and Spike next to Khalil and Buffy, who were still holding hands. Willow made a note to corner Buffy and ask her what has going on. Turn about was so much fun. She would get back at Buffy for some of the comments Buffy had made about her and Spike.

The group of friends got to the Bronze. Khalil paid the cover charge. "Please allow me. I do not often go out, so this is my treat." No one argued with him. None of the group were in a very strong financial position, so it was nice to be with someone who did not have to worry about whether they had enough to buy that second drink or not. Which did not mean that they would abuse Khalil's money. But it was nice for a change. They all went inside and sat down at a table. It was then that they realised that they had not been stamped to indicate to the bar man that they were under 21.

Willow was the one to ask, "Khalil, did you do something to the doorman? He did not stamp us for the bar, and he knows we are underage, coz we come in all the time."

Khalil smiled and nodded "Yes. I did. The drinking laws in this country of yours are very strange. You are allowed to drive at sixteen. You can vote at eighteen, but you are not allowed to drink until you are twenty one. That does not make any sense. So I took care of it for tonight."

Buffy looked at Khalil. "You didn't put a spell on him did you?" While Buffy liked Khalil, she did not like the idea of him putting a spell on the doorman
for such a trivial matter, even if she did like the thought.

"No, I did not need to. I just gave him a picture of my friend here." and Khalil showed them a one hundred dollar bill. They all laughed at such a mundane way of solving a problem. They dealt with demons and vampires so much, they occasionally forgot that there were other ways of doing things. "Now who would like a drink?"

Spike was in first. "Scotch on the rocks. Or whatever they have that masquerades as Scotch in this place. I would sell my soul, if I had one that is, for a good single malt."

Anya was next. "Midori with lemonade for me."

Buffy and Willow liked the sound of that "Same for me" "Me too."

Khalil looked at Xander "And for you my friend?"

"Bourbon and coke for me."

"Right, I will be back anon." Khalil then headed off to the bar. He had seen the looks that everyone had been giving him when he took Buffy's hand, so he was giving them some space to talk. He would give them five minutes. Anything more would be suspicious and he liked them too much him to want to them to distrust him. He liked it here in Sunnydale, and he thought he might stay for a while. Also the fact that Buffy was a very pretty young woman did not hurt. But he could see that she had been hurt in the past, so he would take it slow. He had time, after all.

Meanwhile, back at the table, Willow had cornered Buffy. "So Buff, what's the sitch with you and Khalil? You like him? He seems to like you."

"Well, um, yeah" Buffy looked down shyly. "I mean have you seen him. That firm flat stomach. Those arms that just seem built to hold you, that smooth chest. Just look at him. He is hot."

Willow looked at Khalil, really looked. She had not really looked at him, having eyes only for Spike. She could see what Buffy was saying. Khalil was hot. "Yeah, I see what you mean."

"Red, luv. I do not like the way you are looking at him. You are only supposed to look at me like that." Spike knew Willow was not really interested in Khalil, but he still did not like the way Willow looked at Khalil.

"That's all right Spike, I was only looking. You're the only one I want." Willow then gave Spike a very sultry look and very obviously checked him out from head to foot and back again, a look that just oozed want. Spike felt a flutter in his groin. His Willow was a vixen when she wanted to be.

Buffy gasped. The heat coming off Willow when she looked at Spike was scorching. She was a little jealous of them. To have found a love like that was rare. Buffy had just about given up on ever finding love. She had not had a lot of luck in the love stakes. Her first love had turned evil, then good again, then left her. She was over Angel now. She knew why he had to leave and she agreed that is was for the best, but you never forget your first love. Then there was Parker, a mistake from start to finish. Then Riley. Buffy thought Riley could be the one, but Riley was not able to handle that fact that Buffy was stronger and a better fighter than him. When Riley had left to rejoin the initiative, the relationship was already dead, they were just going through the motions. The hardest thing with a relationship like the one they had was ending it. But Riley had done the only thing he really could. He left. It hurt, but Buffy felt it was for the best. It would have hurt more if he had stayed. Now Buffy had another chance, with Khalil. She was not going to hope,or have any preconceptions. She was just going to take it slowly and see where it ended up.

Xander also saw the look Willow gave Spike. "Damn Wills. You should license that look as a dangerous weapon. You could kill a guy looking at him like that. Least he would die happy though. Good thing Spike is already dead, or else we'd be carrying him out of here feet first. Now Buff, what are your plans with the K-man? Huh?"

"I do not have any plans. If he wants to go out, then I will. You know how my luck has been with men lately. I will just see where it goes. But I will not say no. I am unlucky, not dead." Buffy said with a smile. She lost the smile, though when she looked up at the bar and saw Khalil talking to Amber, one of the Cordettes from High School.

Khalil had been getting the drinks for the group from the bartender when he heard a voice, trying to be sultry but failing by a long mark "Hi there
gorgeous. How would you like to be the luckiest guy in the bar."

In 1500 years Khalil had come across many girls of Amber's ilk. For that was what Amber was, a girl in a womans body. "I thank you for the offer, my dear. But I am afraid I am already with someone." Khalil motioned over to Buffy with his head and smiled at her. Buffy smiled back.

Amber did not like coming second, particularly to Buffy. "What does that cow have that I don't?"

Khalil knew Amber's type. She had been popular in school, but did not realise that she was not in school any more and the rules were different. "Manners for one. Also she does not delude herself that she cares what others think of her. She is herself. If you tried it you may find yourself much more popular. You are a pretty young woman, but the attitude does not become you. Try being yourself, not what you think everyone wants you to be and you will find you are truly happy. Now if you will excuse me, I have my friends to return to. You may want to ask yourself if you have any friends to return to?" Khalil then picked up the tray of drinks and walked over to the table.

"What did you say to her? She looks like you gave her the secret of the universe." Xander did not like any of the Cordettes, after the way they had
treated Cordelia while they were going out, and after when her father had lost all of his money.

"In a way I did. I told her that she would be beautiful, if she learned to be herself for herself, and not for others, the she would be happy. It is something most people don't understand and never will. But I think she just might. She is at least thinking about it. Which is better than I had hoped Now who was it that wanted what. Scotch for Spike. Real Scotch as well. Laphroaig. From the isle of Islay. Enjoy. For the ladies we have Midori and lemonade. A bourbon and coke for Xander and a Laphroaig for me as well. Slainte." Khalil then took a sip of his scotch while the the rest drank theirs.

Spike noticed that Khalil did not have ice in his drink. "A purist hey? Well to each their own." There is two schools of thought on single malt scotches. Some people thought that is was bordering on sacrilege to mix anything, even water, with the scotch. Others thought that the water took the edge off the scotch and brought out the subtle flavours out of the scotch. This was one of those holy wars that crept up every so often. Neither side would ever understand the other side, but the argument was part of the fun.

"If you choose to sully this fine drop with water, then I can only pity you." Khalil said with a smile in his voice. He could see that Spike was a mixer,
where he was a purist.

Willow looked at them both. She asked Khalil "What difference does it make if he has ice in his drink?"

Khalil looked at Willow. It was one of those questions that could not be answered as the argument had no real basis in fact, but was purely one of
personal choice, and if he was honest with himself, was really a bit silly. "Ah the questions of the young. I am afraid I can not answer that, as you have to be a scotch drinker to understand. I will leave that part of your education up to Spike, although I am sure he will get it wrong." Khalil could not resist the mild taunt at Spike.

"Enough about the vagaries of scotch. and the people who drink them. We are here to relax and enoy ourselves. Buffy, would you like to dance?" Khalil held his hand out to Buffy.

"I would love to." Buffy and Khalil got up to dance. Anya and Xander followed them. Willow elected herself the guardian of the table. Spike sat next to Willow.

"How are you holding up, luv? Is everything OK?" Spike knew how Willow liked to hide how she felt when everyone else was around.

"I am fine. It is just a lot to take in. I will adjust though. It will be fine, really." Willow smiled then lifted herself in to Spikes lap. She then planted
her lips on his and gave spike a good hard kiss. "I am fine. And you are damn fine. You know that? With your help I will adjust to all of this."

"Just looking after you, luv. Why don't we get out of here. I will show you just how much I care about you."

Willow blushed. She knew what Spike had in mind. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. She got Anya's attention and indicate that she and Spike were leabing. Anya and Xander came back to the table and sat down.

"Later Wills." Xander was glad Willow was not dead, like he thought she was at the start of the night.

"Spike, make sure she gets plenty of orgasms, won't you" Anya said in her usual blunt manner.

Willow blushed and dragged Spike out before he could say anything.

Part 9

Willow and Spike left the Bronze, a couple in love. They headed back to Willow's place. Spike did not want their first time together to be in a dusty crypt. He supposed he would have to get somewhere a little cleaner. He would ring Angel in the morning and see if Angel still owned the mansion. If he did, then Spike would clean it up for Willow. Spike did not think Willow would appreciate him killing someone for their home, which was Spikes usual way of getting good accomodation.

They got to the dorm the Willow shared with Buffy. Willow put a red ribbon on the door knob, the signal they had worked out to let the other know that they should not come in, unless they were in to voyeurism.

As soon as she shut the door, Willow turned around and lept at Spike. She landed in Spikes arms and wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him. She put all of her love and want in to that kiss, letting Spike know exactly why she was here.

"Oh goddess Spike. I want you so bad." Willow did not want to pussy foot around. She wanted sex. Now. From where she was she could tell that Spike did too. She could feel his hard on through his jeans and here pants. "Take me Spike. Now. Make me yours."

Spike did not need any more urging. He turn around, with Willow still wrapped around his waist and laid them both down on Willows bed. He then unwrapped Willows legs from around his waist and took her face in his hands. He kissed he softly and said "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He then kissed her again, his tongue pushing it's was through her lips, seeking her tongue. Their tongues fought, Willow finally breaking off when she needed breath. Spike gave her a couple of seconds to breath, then kissed her again. In the mean time, he brought his hand up and caressed Willows breast through her top. Willow's nipple hardened at his touch.

"Oh Goddess Spike, that is wonderful." Willow put her hand on Spike's chest and ran her hand down, until she encountered his belt buckle. She undid the buckle, so she could get her hand inside Spikes jeans. She groped Spike through wish underwear, noting that he wore briefs. She had always taken him for either a boxers type of guy, or the type that would not wear underwear at all. Spike hardened even more under her touch and he groaned. He was almost come in her hand.

Spike nudged Willow forward and helped her to get out of her top. He also got her out of her pants at the same time, taking a moment to appreciate a very aroused Willow in her matching blue silk panties and bra. "Silk luv? How naughty. I approve. Now let's get you out of them."

"Not before you get rid of that shirt and jeans."

Spike slowly took his t-shirt off, putting on a show for Willow. He then very slowly unbuttoned his jeans and stepped out of them. Willow did not know how he had managed to get his boots off. She would have to ask him later. She then saw him in just his briefs, his cock standing to attention. Much later.

Spike laid back down next to Willow, again caressing her breast. He then reached behind her and unclasped the bra. Willow released her arms from
around Spikes neck long enough for Spike to take the bra off her. Spike then threw the bra over his shoulder. He then took Willows breast in his
mouth, swirling the nipple around with his tongue. Willow moaned and raised her chest to Spike's mouth. She reached her hand down and freed Spikes hard member from his briefs. She ran her hand slowly down the cold, hard shaft, cupping one of his balls in her had. Spike groaned into her breast.

Spike slowly stroked his hands down Willow's sides, catching her panties on the way down. Willow lifted her hips to allow Spike to remove the panties. She was no completely naked in front of Spike. She grasped his briefs and slipped them down his legs, getting to his knees before she could not reach any further. Spike reached down and finished the job. They were both now naked.

"Take me Spike. Love me"

"That is something you will never have to ask again luv." With that Spike kneeled down in front of her and ran his tongue over her sex. Willow
screamed. She was already wet, but if she had not been, Spike licking her folds would have made her so.

Spike then stood up and lifted Willow into his arms. He then got her to lay down on the bed. He carefully placed his turgid cock at Willow's
entrance and entered her. She gasped out in pleasure. Willow arched up to give Spike deeper penetration. Spike then pulled himself almost all
of the way out and thrust in again. He then started a rhythm that had them both on the brink of orgasm very quickly. He could tell Willow was
nearing the edge by her breathing. He slowed down, wanting to draw out the pleasure as long as he could. He would give a couple of long slow
strokes, them a quick one.

Finally Willow could take no more. She came with a crash, calling out Spikes name as she did. Once Willow started to orgasm, it sent Spike over the edge as well. He came, spilling his cold dead seed into Willow.

After they had both came down from the emotional high, Willow hugged Spike. "That was amazing. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Red. You have this to look forward to for as long as we both live, which looks like it is going to be a very long time."

Spike then glanced up at the Window, making sure that the curtains and blind would stop the sun. It was set up so that Buffy could sleep late
after a hard night slaying. Satisfied that he would not end up a pile of ashes in the morning, he looked at Willow. She was nearly asleep, the events of the day, and the lovemaking having caught up with her. "Sleep now luv. I'm not going anywhere." He then kissed her and watched as she slowly drifted off in to sleep. He put his head down next to hers and drifted off himself.

Part 10

Willow woke up, saw but satisfied. Spike was dead to the world. Willow giggled. that was true in more ways than one. Willow got up carefully, so as not to wake him. She stretched languidly. It had been a while since she had been worn out in this way and it felt good. Willow lightly padded over to the bathroom, needing a good wash. She started the shower, and once it was the right temperature, she got under the warm water. She washed herself and reached for a towel, only to encounter a hand.

Spike had been watching Willow for about 10 minutes, marvelling at just how out of it she was. When she reached for the towel, he caught her hand. "Morning luv"

"Spike. I did not mean to wake you."

"I woke up when you weren't next to me. I've been standing here for 10 minutes, watching you. Didn't you hear me?" Spike was smiling as he spoke.

Willow was stunned. How could she not have noticed. While she did not mind Spike standing there, what if he had been someone else. "I am sorry, but somebody wore me out last night."

Spike chuckled. "I don't remember hearing you complaining."

"Oh I'm not. In fact I want to do it again, but I have to meet Buffy and if I do not turn up she'll come looking for me. Do you want her to see you like that?" Willow knew Spike didn't.

"Gods no. It was bad enough when you cast that spell and I thought I wanted to marry her. I'm just glad I didn't end up sleeping with her. Which,
incidentally, I still owe you for. I'll have to think of a suitable punishment. Maybe something really evil like watching Xander eat." Spike did not know how Anya could put up with the human vacuum, let alone how he managed to earn enough to keep himself fed.

"Spike. That's my friend you're talking about. You shouldn't say things like that about Xander, even if they are true." Willow said with a giggle. "Now let me get dressed before Buffy comes looking for me."

They both walked back out into the dorm room. Willow went to hew drawers and got out another matching bra and panty set, this time in red satin. She put them on and opened another drawer looking for a pair of jeans and a top. Spike just drooled. Willow was truly beautiful, more so because she was unselfconscious about her body, at least around him. Willow figured that since she and Spike had had sex, then she had no reason to be self conscious about her body. From the look on Spike's face, she had nothing to worry about.

Willow found the pair of jeans she was looking for, a figure hugging black pair with would go with the light blue tank top she had bought on the weekend. She slipped on the jeans and the top. She then got a pair of socks out of the drawer. "Spike, did you see where my shoes went?" She had not watching where her clothes were going last night, having other things on her mind. She smiled, remembering the previous night's activity's.

"Over here, Red." Spike handed her sneakers to her. Willow put them on. She then leaned up and kissed Spike.

"Will you be OK until the sun goes down?" Willow knew Spike was trapped in the dorm until sundown.

"Sure, luv. I will just read your diary to keep myself amused." Spike joked.

"Oh no you won't." Willow reached under the bed, picked up her diary, and put it in her bag. She knew Spike was just joking, but decided that it would be better to remove the temptation, now that he had the idea in his head. "Watch TV or something. And I think I will take Buffy's diary as well, mister."

Spike laughed. There was very little he wanted to know less than whatever went on in the slayers head. "Sure thing luv. What ever you say. Now shouldn't you run along before the slayer comes looking? Go on, run along. I will be fine" Spike shoo-ed Willow out of the door.

Willow kissed Spike as she left. "Love you."

Spike returned the kiss. "Of course you do. And I love you, Red."


The Previous Night, Outside The Bronze

Buffy and Khalil had spent most of the evening on the dance floor. Khalil knew how to dance. Just another thing he had picked up in 1500 years, Buffy thought to herself.

"Well, my lady, I believe you promised Rupert that you would do a patrol after we had been to the Bronze. May I join you?" Khalil had had a
surprisingly good time. The group of friends had an energy that was contagious, and he was not feeling tired in the least.

"I don't know. It is dangerous. I wouldn't want you to get hurt." Buffy worried that she would not be fast enough to save her friends when a vampire attacked.

Khalil just looked at Buffy and cocked his eyebrow.

Buffy realised who she was saying this too and blushed. "Sorry. Forgot who I was talking to there. I'd love for you to come along. First we have to walk Xander and Anya home. I always feel better if I know they got home safely."

Khalil could understand what Buffy meant. She did not want her friends to feel they needed looking after, so she told a small lie. Just another case of the love for her friends that Buffy had. He could see why she was one of the oldest slayers and one of the most effective. A slayer was considered exceptional if she lasted a year. Buffy had lasted five, a record as far as he knew. Having a support group that knew what she was enabled her to stay in control and not give in to the malaise that almost always preceded a slayers death. Buffy's friends kept her grounded and gave her people she could talk to about the things she slay-ed. No other slayer had this, and it ended up costing them their lives.

Buffy called over to Anya and Xander. "Come on guys. Let's get you home so I can go patrol."

Xander and Anya nodded and followed Buffy and Khalil. They walked along in companionable silence, just a group of friends enjoying an evening walk, not the only thing in Sunnydale keeping back the forces of darkness. Every so often, it was good to just be a normal group of friends. They got to Xanders apartment and Buffy and Khalil waited until the were sure Anya and Xander were inside safely. Once they were sure, they walked off towards one of Sunnydale's many cemeteries.

Buffy walked a little ahead of Khalil, listening for vampires. She wanted to make sure that no vampires were around. They had been getting a little
uppity lately. They should never have had the nerve to attack Willow and Spike like they had. Buffy decided she would have to remind them who was in charge in this town. There had not been a vampire in control of Sunnydale since she had killed the Master. Angelus had not been around long enough to re-establish control of the various groups and Spike was not interested in ruling. He was too much of a slacker to be bothered. Mayor Wilkins also made sure that none of the stronger vampires stayed long in Sunnydale either. While he had been alive he did not like the competition, so he had encouraged the stronger vampires to seek territory elsewhere. Word had gotten out on the grapevine about what had happened to Wilkins and the Master, so the only vampires who came to Sunnydale were those that were created there, those that were too dumb to stay away and those that were trying to make a name for themselves but killing a slayer. None of them lasted long.

Buffy looked back at Khalil. "Quiet tonight. Guess they have all decided to stay in and watch the late show. Looks like this is a bust. We will just do
one more quick sweep them head home for the night."

Khalil nodded. He liked the professional attitude Buffy had when she was 'on the job' like this.

"Oh shit." Buffy swore.

Khalil rushed over. "What is it? Are you hurt?"

"No. I just realised that I have nowhere to go tonight. Willow and Spike will be back at the dorm room, and it is too late to go home to Mom's house and sleep in my bed there. I love Willow like a sister, but I'm not into voyerism." Buffy said with a smile.

"Then in that case, let me offer you a bed."

Buffy blushed, not sure what Khalil meant. He was cute, but she did not want to hop in to bed with him. At least not yet, she thought with a smile. "Uh, umm, that's OK. I can sneak in to Mom's house. I have done it before."

Khalil realised how his offer must have sounded. "Forgive me, I did not mean that the way it sounded. I only meant the bed. I have plenty of spare
rooms. I will be sleeping in my own bed, I assure you. Please do not be afraid. You are a lovely lady, but we have only just met. I am very old fashioned about such things. Even for such a lovely lady as yourself, I will be the perfect gentleman. Please accept my offer. I can even promise you a hot bath to yourself."

The hot bath is what did it. Living in a dorm meant there was no baths, just showers. And at home, in a house with three women, there was little chance of getting enough how water for a bath, as she was always the last one up. "Sold. Where are you staying?"

"Ah, that's right. You had already left last night, hadn't you. I have my own place that I am never far from. Are you finished patrolling for the

"Yes. Now you have me curious. Where are we going?"

'A little place I call home. A tower in the desert outside of Al Aqabah in what is now Jordan. Not far from where I was born. Come let me show you."
Khalil then cast his spell and swept his hand. The portal to his home opened in front of him. He motioned Buffy to step through. Buffy did and he followed.

Buffy was amazed. They were in front of a tower that looked as if it had been there since the world was created. She saw that at the base of the tower was a wooden door. Khalil opened the door and bowed. "Welcome to my humble home, please honour me by being my guest." Buffy did not know it, but Arabian custom was that once you had been welcomed as a guest, your host would fight to the death for you, even if you were mortal enemies outside his home. A guest was sacred and no harm would come to a guest while the owner of the house could prevent it.

Buffy could sense that this was a ritual greeting and accepted with a touch of formality. "I thank you kind sir." and stepped over the threshold.

Once inside the formality seemed to seep out of Khalil. "Welcome to my humble abode. It is not much but I call it home." Khalil was understating
things quite dramatically. The entry hall was about 60 feet across and was not even the entirety of the base of the tower. The entrance hall was
covered in very ornate Persian rugs, obviously hand made and practically priceless.

"Wow. Aren't you worried about someone breaking in? You did not even have a lock on the door." Buffy was overwhelmed.

"I do not need one. The door will not open for anyone else. So a lock is not required. Putting a lock on the door would just encourage the wrong type to try and enter. People always want to know what is on the other side of a locked door. No lock means no curiosity. Also the tower has a glamour on it so it looks like a ruin to anyone who is not with me." Khalil knew he was showing off, but he could not help it. There was something about Buffy that brought out the young man in him, even though it been one and a half millennia since he had been a young man.

"Now let me show you the bathing room." Khalil then led Buffy up to the bathing room on the top floor. The bathing room was forty feet across and
took up the entire top level of the tower. The bathing room was Khalil's one great extravagance, and he was justifiably proud of it. The bath was huge, more than 10 feet on each side. It was only about 2 feet deep at the shallow end, and eight feet deep at the other end. The tiles were in a mosaic design showing a scene from pre-Islamic Arabian mythology, showing Solomon the wise taming the djinn. Around the bath itself were many cushions and looking completely out of place, a Victorian brass towel rack, with a number of large fluffy towels on it. This was the bathroom of someone who was not in a hurry.

Buffy was speechless. She just gaped. She tried to say something, but all no sound would come out.

Khalil laughed. "I will leave you too it. On the towel rack you will find a robe in your size. A shameless waste of magic, I know, but as the centuries
go by you learn to pamper yourself. There is an enchantment on the rack that it will always provide you with whatever you need. The cupboard underneath will have what ever shampoo you wish it to have as well as any other oils and such as you desire. Pleas feel free to use them, that is what they are there for." Khalil excused himself and left Buffy to her bath.

Buffy was in heaven. If she had been a little bit in love with Khalil before, she was ready to marry him on the spot, if it meant access to this room. She took her clothes off and tentatively put her toe on the water. The temperature of the water was perfect. She lowered herself in to the water and realised that there was a seat at the end that was just the right height for her. She dipped her head under th water, so she was completely submerged. She then did a quick lap of the bath. When she came up at the deep end, she giggled. It was amazing having a bath that was long enough to allow laps. She then swam to the other end and reached for the cupboard under the towel rack. Sure enough, there was a bottle of her favorite shampoo. She smiled, wondering how it knew. She did not really care.

After a luxurious bath, Buffy reluctantly got out and dried herself off. She took the robe from the towel rack, and sure enough, it was an exact fit.
Some of the magic she had seen Willow and Giles perform was showy, but in her mid, this was a far more powerful magic. The days events were starting to catch up with her, so she left the bathroom and headed down to the bedrooms. Khalil was waiting for her on the stairs.

"You look lovely. You also look like you are about to fall asleep on your feet. Let me show you to your room." Khalil then showed her to a small room
with a soft looking bed. Once again, the walls and floor were covered in hand crafted Persian rugs. The bed had modern bed sheets and blankets on
for which Buffy was thankful.

Khalil moved over to Buffy and slowly moved to kiss her, giving her time to pull away if she chose. She did not, instead leaning forward to kiss him
lightly on the lips.

"Thank you. For everything" breathed Buffy.

"For you, my dear. Anything. Now you should get some sleep. What time would you like to be woken?" Khalil knew he could fall for Buffy, but wanted to only go as fast as she was ready to go.

"I have lunch with Willow and 12 in Sunnydale. Then I have lectures all afternoon. Ick." Buffy was not the most conscientious of students.

"Knowledge is a gift. Treat it as such. I shall wake you in time. Now sweet dreams." Khalil then gave her a quick kiss and left the room. Buffy
noticed that there was a night gown, again in her size, on the bed for her to use. Buffy put it on and laid down and drifted off to sleep, feeling the
happiest she had been in a long time.

In the morning she was awakened by a buzzing in her ear. She opened one eye, after the best nights sleep she had had in months. About a foot above her was a small woman, about three inches in height, with the softest feathered wings growing from her back.

"My lady. The lord sent me to inform you that it is time to rise. He would be honoured if you would join him for breakfast, after a bath if you wish."

Buffy was fully awake by now and she sat up. "Ah, yeah, thanks. Please tell him I would love to have breakfast with him."

"Of course my lady. If you need anything, please call me. My name is Soreya, which is the desert wind." Soreya the flew out the door.

Buffy got up and went to the bathroom. She had a quick bath and found her clothes on a bench. They had been cleaned and smelt of something she could not identify, but liked. Buffy then headed down to find Khalil. She went down one level and a voice called her from the left. She followed the voice and found Khalil in a balcony, overlooking the desert. It was early evening in Jordan (9PM) which meant it was mid morning in Sunnydale (10AM). The evening sky was awash with colours Buffy had never seen before. The only skies she had seen had been tainted with smog, but out here in the desert, the sky was still pristine.

"Wow, thats beautiful."

"Yes. Even after all this time, I still love to just sit here and look at it. please join me for a bite to eat." Khalil then indicated to Buffy to sit in
the other chair.

The table had a platter with some breads and rolls on it, with another plate laden with different jams and spreads. Buffy sat down and started to eat. She sat their with Khalil, neither saying anything, just enjoying each others company. Eventually her break was over and it was time to return to Sunnydale. Khalil summoned the portal to return and they stepped through.


Buffy was waiting for Willow at their usual table in the campus cafeteria. She would give Willow another five minutes, then she was going to go up to their room and see what was going on. The only problem was, she was afraid of what she would see. While she loved Willow like a sister, she did not want to see Willow and Spike having sex. Fortunately Buffy saw Willow coming in to the cafeteria. She waved at Willow, who waved back.

"Hey Wills. You look like you had a good night. You and Spike get down and make like the horny weasels?"

Willow didn't know where Buffy got some of the stings she said from, but she wished she would take them back. "Buff. Do you actually think those things up, or is it just natural talent?"

"What can I say, it's a gift. That and slayer strength. I'm just doubly blessed."

"Blessed is not the word I would use. Tapped maybe, but not blessed." Willow giggled and sat down. "While we are on the topic of making like horny
weasels, what is going on with you and Khalil? I noticed you dancing last night. You get down and dirty with him? You makin' with the hot monkey lovin'?"

Buffy was shocked at Willow. Then she realised that Willow was just throwing her words back at her. She shook her head. "No we didn't. And you tell me off for having wicked thoughts. Khalil was the perfect gentleman. He took me back to his tower in Jordan. You should see this place Wills. It has a bath to die for. The tub, no tub is too small a word for it, the pool was awesome. It was long enough to do laps in. I could spend eternity in that tub. I do not know what spells he has put on it, but it was worth it. Then we had breakfast on his balcony looking out over the desert. Wills, it was lovely. I think I could fall for him. He is wonderful. He did not push. He just let me know he found me attractive and let me make the next move. What do I do Willow? You know how much bad luck I have had with guys." Buffy was anguished. She liked Khalil, but she had made bad decisions in the past.

"I am glad you like him. You look good together. My wise and immortal advice?" Willow looked at Buffy to see if she wanted to know. Buffy nodded her head, giggling at the tone Willow had taken. "My sage advice, is this. Take your time. See what happens. Let it happen at it's own speed. If you feel it is going somewhere, let him know. Just remember that he may be fifteen hundred and thirty seven years old, but he is still a man. They have no clue. That is why we women are here, to look after them." Willow then broke up laughing. Buffy joined in.

"Thanks Will, oh great sage. I will remember that. Now dish about Spike."

Willow and Buffy spent the rest of their break chatting about Spike, Khalil and just about men in general. Two friends at perfect ease with one another.
