Making Plans

Series: Making a Princess Part 12

Author: Sylver


Pairing: W/D, S/H

Rating: NC-17

Spoilers: Series starts just after ‘Lover’s Walk’, and continues on from there, at this point we’re up to just after the episode, ‘Crush’

Summary: Drusilla rescues Willow from hell, but she wants something in return. Meanwhile, we find out what Spike’s been up to this whole time.

Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss, he is Zeus and I am merely a lesser being, like a nixie or sprite.

Distribution: If you want it, fine by me, just drop me a line first.

Special Thanks: To all the wonderful people who have sent me feedback, Kitura for reading through my ramblings to catch my goof ups, and my puppy, Aden.


 Willow watched out the back window as ‘Marion’ disappeared from view. She was free, but at the moment it didn’t make her feel much better. She was glad Cheryl hadn’t been killed. She’d had very few real friends in her life, but Cheryl had definitely been among them. Willow was vaguely aware that Drusilla was speaking to her, and holding her hand as their minion driver took them to an unknown location in the country. Looking out the window again, she noticed a thin blanket of snow covering the ground, despite the green buds that could just be seen, trying to break free of their frozen captivity. That was how she felt, like ice had frozen over her heart, keeping it trapped despite its efforts towards freedom.

 Drusilla watched Willow carefully, taking in her emaciated form, sunken cheeks and hollow eyes. The girl was in worse shape than she thought. This would delay things a bit. Willow would have to get her strength back before she would be of any use at all. She turned the girl’s head to face her, and began to sway slightly, like a snake hypnotizing its prey. With two fingers moving slowly back and forth in front of Willow’s eyes, she began to speak, low soft sounds, willing her to sleep as she pulled the girl deeper into her thrall, until finally she drifted into a deep dreamless slumber.

 Willow woke to find she was lying in a bed with a tray of food sitting nearby.  She looked at it, and almost laughed. On the tray were sliced lemons with sugar on top, toast with catsup, very runny eggs, and a jar of peanut butter with a spoon in it. Obviously Drusilla and whatever minions she had around, had forgotten what humans like to eat. Willow sighed, surprised to find she was feeling hungry for a change, and picked up the peanut butter, guessing that it was probably the safest.

As she spooned the stuff into her mouth, wishing they had remembered to bring her some water, she glanced around the room. It had a very old feel to it, with its hard wood floor and cathedral ceiling. Even the bed she had been laying on looked to be quite old, hand carved maybe a hundred years ago she guessed. The windows were covered with a heavy brocade fabric that was an ugly shade of green, but sufficient for keeping out the light. She pulled one corner back, and glanced outside to see a pen of sheep down below, huddled together for warmth in the darkness. She let the curtain drop back into place as she continued her perusing. She could see now that all the furniture was very old, but well cared for, and there was a layer of bric-a-brac covering every available surface, most of it tacky little cows. Still, the place had a cozy feel to it, despite the cows, like it was well loved. Willow wondered what room the owners had gotten to die in, and if that room felt well loved too. She couldn’t be in this room any longer; she felt dirty and had to pee, so she went off in search of a bathroom, hoping this little farm retreat had indoor plumbing.

The first door she opened as she wandered down the hall revealed another bedroom, sparsely furnished, but clean, a guestroom she assumed, closing the door again. The next door however, opened upon a boy’s room, filled with all the things a child would acquire during their journey to adulthood. Willow entered, holding her breath. The walls were covered with pictures of favorite sports teams, and various trophies for football and hockey lined the dresser. There were school books on the desk, and also a picture of a boy and girl at the prom. This room also had been recently cleaned, but it felt as if its inhabitant hadn’t been there in years. Instinctively, Willow opened the door to the closet noticing most of the hangers were empty, but inside she did see an pair of skis, bowling ball, comic books, and a tiny old pair of roller skates. She couldn’t look at any more. She felt tears streaming down her cheeks at the thought of never seeing her own son growing up. She shut the closet door and ran sobbing from the room, slamming the door closed behind her.

Once safely in the hall, she tried to compose herself, still needing to find the bathroom, but afraid to open any more doors.

“It’s the last one on the right poppet, if you’re looking for the loo.”

Willow turned to see Drusilla standing at the top of the stairs, watching her curiously. She still didn’t know what Drusilla wanted with her, but she didn’t want to think about it now. She obviously didn’t want her dead, or she already would be.

“Thanks,” Willow said, turning on shaky legs and walking further down the hall.

“Do you need any help? I’d be happy to bathe you,” she offered innocently, causing Willow to have flashbacks of all the times Spike had done just that. She flinched slightly as the memories flooded her mind. Spike, why had he never come for her? She thought he loved her, but he had left her in that place to rot.

“No thank you,” she said coldly, not wanting to go down the same path with Drusilla. She would rather spend the rest of her life alone than be hurt again.


 “Hello Spike,” said an icy voice from the crypt door.

 “Harmony, I thought I was only going to have to look at you while you were backing away,” Spike said, throwing the words from their last encounter back in her face, “What do you want Harm?”

 “Don’t worry; I just came to get my stuff. So you can go back to playing your little games with Drudzilla and the slayer.”

 “They’re not here, they left.”

 “Left, left, or back in twenty minutes left?”

 “They’re not coming back,” he said, suddenly feeling very tired.

 “Oh. Can I ask you something?” she inquired as she packed up her clothes.

 “What’s that pet?”

 “Why not me?”

 “Why not you what?” he said, starting to get irritated.

 “Well, first you fall in love with Drusilla, and she dumps you, then you fall for that girl you never want to talk about, and I’m guessing she dumped you too or else you’d be with her right now, and then you go and fall for the slayer, which is just kinda sick because there’s no way she can love you. But I did love you, I would’ve done anything for you, and you blow me off.” Harmony tried to hide the hurt in her voice, but it was still obvious.

 “I don’t know Harm; I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. And for the record, that other bird didn’t dump me.”

 “Then where is she?”

 “I don’t know, and I don’t want to talk about it.”

 “Figures. Tell me this though,” she began, stalking towards him and looking at him suggestively, “you still think I’m pretty right?”

 “Luv, as long as you don’t open your mouth, you’re bloody gorgeous.”

 With that he grabbed the back of her head, hard, forcing his tongue into her mouth, while his other hand ripped her top off her body.

 “Hey! That was hand painted silk!”

 “Shut up, Harm,” he said throwing her down on the floor.

 He bent over her, ripping her skirt off in the same fashion, but she knew better than to complain this time. Then unfastening his pants, he pulled his hard cock out, not bothering to undress, and rammed it into her. Harmony cried out at the sudden intrusion, her body filling with pleasure as he pounded into her.

 This wasn’t about intimacy, it wasn’t even about sex, it was about control. Spike’s life had been out of control ever since Drusilla had left him. He had been heartbroken, but then there was her, his redheaded goddess. She had filled the void in his life, completed him, until she was stolen away too. He had searched for her of course, using every demonic means he could think of, but he found nothing. Along the way he had come across Harmony, beautiful and painfully stupid. He never meant for it to be anything more than a one night stand, but the girl could do the most amazing things with her mouth, and he was a man after all.

 So the pair of them came to Sunnydale looking for the Gem of Amara. He figured with it he would be powerful enough to try some new means to locate Willow, involving much more powerful demons. But then the slayer had to go and ruin everything, and to top it off he got a bloody chip put in his head by those army yahoos the slayer liked to date.

The slayer, despite his own self-loathing, he felt his cock surge thinking about her. He ‘really’ hadn’t meant to fall for her, but something about her appealed to the demon in him. It was the way she loved to punish him, he guessed, and he deserved to be punished for failing Willow like he did. He wasn’t worthy of having her as his princess, what he deserved was having the slayer kick his ass for all eternity.

And so here he was, his life spun horribly out of control, feeling lost, hurt, and mad as hell, and he was taking every ounce of it out on Harmony who loved every minute of it. She raked her nails across his back, tearing at his last black T-shirt, and putting a large hole in it. ‘Bugger,’ he thought as he continued to pump his cock into her tight wet cunt.

“Ungh, Spike! Make me cum!”

“I told you before, Shut Up,” he said, placing his hand over her mouth as he drove into her. He was close. He closed his eyes, picturing Red’s face, as he always did at this moment. He felt her tight muscles clamp around his cock as her orgasm ripped through her, making her want to cry out, but unable to with Spike’s hand over her mouth. The feeling of her clenching his shaft was too much; he could feel his balls tighten as he came with a roar, Harmony milking every bit of his dead seed from him. When it was over, he collapsed on top of her, momentarily spent.

“Wow Spikey, that was great!” Harmony said as he rolled off her, remembering where he was, and who he was with.

“Get out Harmony. Get your things and don’t come back.”

“But we just had sex; I thought this meant we were back together.”

“You thought wrong, now get out.”

Harmony grumbled loudly as she grabbed her things, dressing quickly and walked out the door, leaving Spike alone with his thoughts, which always came back to Willow. He wondered if she was even still alive, but quickly abandoned this train of thought. If she had died, he would know somehow. She was still out there, somewhere. Maybe she was even still waiting for him, but he doubted it. It had been two years since that night in the alley. She could’ve been moved a dozen times or more by now, he thought. And even if he did know where she was, he wouldn’t be able to get her now, with his sodden chip. Assuming of course she even still wanted him. As much as he hated to admit it, the most likely reason he had been unable to find her was because she didn’t want to be found. ‘Yep,’ he thought dismally, ‘just another bird that wants nothin’ to do with you mate.’


 Willow stood before the bathroom mirror, barely able to recognize herself. Her face was drawn, and pale. Removing her clothing, she could see the rest of her body in similar condition. Her collar bones protruded unnaturally, and her once pert breasts were all but gone. She looked back up at her face in the mirror and saw hollow eyes staring out from under her lank hair, which was dull from malnutrition like the rest of her. She hadn’t realized it had gotten so long. There were mirrors at ‘Marion’, the unbreakable sort that always made you look slightly distorted, yet she hadn’t noticed how awful she looked, how dead.

She looked down and saw a strait razor setting on the edge of the sink, and thought it was strange that anyone would still use such a thing for shaving. Picking it up, she let it fall open; noticing the way the blade glinted in the light. She ran her thumb across its edge, slicing into herself, and then pulled the blade back watching the blood well up on her skin before sticking her thumb in her mouth. Still sharp, she thought as she raised the blade level with her throat. She stood that way for some time, the blade just hovering as she thought things over.

Her son was dead, all the people she had loved had betrayed her, and once again she was alone. ‘So be it,’ she said to herself, her words full of venom, as she slashed at herself, slicing away her long red locks. When she was finished she stood and appraised herself again, her hair coming just below her ears now. Her face and body hadn’t changed, but her eyes had. There was a fire in them again. She would make them pay, all of them. Dr. Scholten, her parents, her ‘friends’, and most of all Spike. She would make them suffer as she had. And with this decision, new life was breathed into her, a thirst that could only be quenched with blood.

 Willow descended the stairs wrapped only in a towel, still damp from her bath. She walked past a pair of minions who growled at her appreciatively, and headed straight for the kitchen. She was starving and could think of little more than gorging herself as she emptied half the contents of the refrigerator onto the table and went about making herself a sandwich. Drusilla came in the door then, not immediately noticing Willow sitting at the table, as she licked away the blood from her lips.

 “Mary now has one less lamb,” she giggled madly.

 “That’s funny, you should be a comedian,” Willow said, drawing her attention.

 “Oh no, your hair! What have you done you naughty girl?! You look simply dreadful!” Drusilla cried out.

 “Gee thanks. I cut it, I needed a new look.”

 “But how am I supposed to do your hair?” Drusilla whined like a child.

 “You’re not,” Willow replied simply.

 “But you’ll still do mine won’t you?”

 “Is that why you got me out of that place, to do your hair?”

 “Oh no, something much better than that. You’re going to help me get my Daddy back!”

 “You mean Angelus? Are you crazy?!” then remembering where she had spent the last two years, decided to rephrase her question, “Why should I help you get Angelus back?”

 “Because silly tree then I’ll help you get your Daddy back,” she squealed with delight.

 “You mean Spike?”

 “The stars told me how unhappy he was, so I went to see him. I wanted us to all be a family again, but he didn’t want to go. He made Miss Edith very sad. Then the stars told me where I would find you. You see, you are the one who is going to put our family back together!”

 “I so am NOT! Spike left me in that place! He forgot all about me! He’s been in Sunnydale for over a year, Xander told me so. He hasn’t even been looking for me!”

 “Of course he wanted to find you poppet, but he’s got a tinker toy in his head and now he can’t kill,” Drusilla said in a sing song voice, as if this was the most logical explanation in the world, “He doesn’t feel like a man anymore. Don’t you see, you have to help him, make him whole again.”

 “What the hell are you talking about?! No, you know what, I don’t even care. All I care about is payback, and if you want to help with that, fine. Otherwise, stay out of my way.” Willow said, taking a bite of her sandwich and washing it down with a gulp of milk.

 “Alright then little tree, I’ll help you, but first you have to help me get my Daddy back.”

 “And again I ask why?”

 “Because my Daddy knows revenge better than anybody.”

 Drusilla had a point. The worst that could happen is that Angelus would kill her, but except for her revenge, she had nothing left to live for anyway, so that wouldn’t be so bad. And Angelus could bring down death and mayhem like nobody’s business. Plus the thought of Angel losing his soul again would tear Buffy apart, especially when she found out how. The more she thought about it, the more she liked it.

 “Ok, I’ll do it.”


 The plan was simple enough; first Willow needed to fully recuperate. In the meantime, she would study magic using the books and supplies Drusilla had brought her. Then, when she was ready, they would go to see Angel. Willow would work some dark mojo on him, and she and Drusilla would fuck that soul right out of him. The best part was that she would get to be there when Buffy and Spike found out. She could hardly wait.

 Willow tossed and turned unable to fall asleep, contemplating her revenge. As she lay there, she heard a soft knocking on the door and looked up to see Drusilla standing in the doorway wearing a long white nightgown, and clutching her doll.

 “Miss Edith had a nightmare, can she sleep with you?” she asked, sounding like a small child.

 “Sure, come on,” Willow said, scooting over and lifting the covers for her.

 Drusilla climbed into the bed and immediately curled her cool body around Willow’s warm one. The contact made Drusilla sigh with pleasure; her hand trailing its way up Willow’s back, finally tangling in her hair. Willow’s green lamp like eyes stared into liquid brown ones, unsure of the way she was feeling. Drusilla sensing her trepidation smiled slightly and leaned in to kiss her. Her lips were soft and sweet, and very pleasant. Normally Drusilla liked things hard and rough, but if this was Willow’s first time with a woman, she could be gentle just this once.

 Drusilla sat up, slowly removing her nightgown, revealing pale flesh beneath. Willow sat mesmerized, unsure what to do, she was stunning. Drusilla helped her sit up, and removed her clothing as well, before kissing her again. This time the kiss was lingering, but still soft, their tongues probing, exploring. Willow’s hands began to explore as well, tracing their way across Drusilla’s pale skin, and coming to cup her soft breasts. She was so different, so feminine. With Spike it was all firm muscle tone and hard angles, pleasant but different. John hadn’t even been pleasant with his flabby muscle tone and sickening smell. But Drusilla was so soft, and smelled like something wild and fragrant, jasmine maybe.

 Willow bent her head, taking Drusilla’s nipple in her mouth and was rewarded with a gasp of pleasure. She experimented, alternating between tracing the sensitive skin with her tongue and gentle nips while her hand trailed over to her other breast, taking her nipple between two fingers and rolling it into a hard nub. Drusilla moaned low in her throat, encouraging Willow to explore further.

 She kissed her way down her tight belly, finding her way to her cool wet center. The smell of her arousal filled her senses as she gently separated her folds with one finger. A little bit unsure of herself, she poked out her pink tongue and ran it up Drusilla’s glistening slit. Dru moaned more loudly, her hips bucking up from the contact with Willow’s hot tongue. Pleased with the reaction, and a little more sure of herself, she plunged her tongue in deeper, making her hips buck up again. Then finding her clit, she sucked it into her mouth, before tracing it with her tongue and nibbling it the way she had her nipple. Drusilla felt the tingling start in her belly, she was getting close. Willow let herself go; all previous insecurity was gone as she began to thrust two and then three fingers into her sopping channel, driven on by Drusilla’s gasping and moaning. Suddenly her hips stopped bucking and her whole body began to shake as her orgasm hit her.

 “Ohh, Angelus!” she cried out, making Willow giggle.

 “Gee, no wonder Spike hates the guy so much,” Willow said, climbing her way back up Drusilla’s body, pausing periodically to kiss her cool flesh. When she reached her mouth, Drusilla gave her a bruising kiss, before rolling the two of them over.

 “My turn poppet,” she said before trailing her way down Willow’s body.

 ‘Oh yeah, this period of rest and recuperation is going to be tough,’ Willow thought to herself, and then all thoughts were gone and all she could do was feel.
