
Author: TigerLily


Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Disclaimer: Joss owns all; I own nothing. Blah…Blah…Blah…

Summary: Spike and Willow deal with the changes in their lives.

Spoilers: All of season 6

Archive: Bite Me…Please, Willow’s ‘Lil Secret (if anyone else wants it please ask.)

Feedback: Yes please.


Tara was dead.

Tara was dead, shot through the heart by Warren Meers.

Tara was dead and Willow had lost her mind from grief. She had gone on a vicious rampage using the darkest magicks she could lay her hands on and had hurt everyone she had ever loved.

She had killed Warren, she nearly killed Giles, and if Xander hadn’t reminded her of his unflagging love of her, Willow would have destroyed the entire world.

It had been sixteen days, sixteen days since Tara had been killed and Willow had gone mad. The magick had been drained from her by that final spell she had cast to bring forth the demon Proserpexa and since then she hadn’t been able to even float a pencil, not that she wanted to.

Unable to manage the grief she felt and the pain she had caused, Willow had checked herself into the psych ward of Sunnydale Memorial. After days of intensive in-patient therapy and a new regime of medications, she was ready to go home.

Willow stood on the sidewalk outside the hospital, not sure where to go next. Xander had been in daily contact with her and knew she was being released. He had promised to pick her up, but she wasn’t sure where she was going to go. She didn’t know if she would be welcome at home any longer, and since her parents had moved to San Diego, she didn’t even have their house to go to. Tears began to well in her eyes at the sudden feeling of hopelessness that struck her. She quickly wiped them away with the back of her hand and waved cheerily as she saw Xander pulling up in his new car.

"Hey Wills!" Xander said, getting out of the car and giving her a quick hug.

"Hi Xander, new car?" she replied.

"Uh…yeah, I had to replace the one that, uh…had an accident" he said not quite meeting her eyes.

"Xander, its okay for you to talk about what happened. I trashed your car, I’m sorry. I hope you can accept my apology."

"Hey, Wills, its way okay, I got a cool new ride out of it." He said smiling genuinely. Xander took her bag, popped the trunk and tossed it inside. "Shall we go m’lady?"

"Xander?" Willow asked in a small voice, getting into the car "Where are we going?"

He considered the little red-head in the seat next to him, she looked so forlorn. "If its okay with you, I was going to take you to my place, you can stay in my spare room."

"Buffy doesn’t want me in her house?"

"It’s not that," He stopped and considered his words carefully. "I spoke to your doctor and he thought it would be in your best interest to not stay in the house where Tara was…you know. At least for a while"

"Oh, okay"

Xander started his car and drove them home.


Spike sat in the cargo hold of the ship, his head cradled in his hands. For the millionth time since the demon had restored his soul he sobbed for the people he had murdered and tortured over the last century. He had gone to Africa to regain his soul, and now he was beginning to regret his decision. His motivating force had been Buffy, he wanted to be the kind of man that he felt she deserved, with his soul re-instated, he knew she would always deserve better than him, and it broke his heart.

A little while later, the ship shuddered as it pulled into port. Spike stood and looked out of the porthole. Sunnydale, home sweet home, part of him wanted to just hop another ship and keep running, but he knew he had to make some attempt at amends. Not sure how he was going to go about setting things right, he clambered up the ladder and into the cool night.


Willow stood in the wreckage of The Magic Box, tears silently coursing down her cheeks. The devastation was irreparable. The insurance company had written it off as part of the ‘earthquake’ that had damaged the police station and created the sink-hole in the cemetery. It constantly amazed her at the capacity of the residents of Sunnydale to shrug off the most incredible things as natural disasters. Anya would be receiving a substantial check as a settlement, but she was unsure if she was going to re-open the shop.

The guilt the young woman felt for the damage she had caused was nearly overwhelming, she had tried to speak to Buffy and the others, but the pain was still too new. They had been coolly polite, not willing to accept her apologies, she hoped that some day they would forgive her, but she didn’t really think they ever would.

"Bloody Hell" said a voice from behind her, startling her out of her reverie.

She turned to see Spike carefully picking his way through the rubble. She was startled to see him so gaunt; it looked as if he hadn’t eaten in days.

Spike looked at Willow and was shocked to see how pale and drawn she was. "What happened here Red?" he asked "It looks as if a tornado hit."

"No tornado Spike, just me." She answered, studying her feet.

"What do you mean?"

She looked up at him, her eyes haunted. "I did this, when Tara was killed, I went mad and nearly destroyed everything."

"Oh God pet, I’m so sorry" he said gently, touching her on the shoulder.

Surprised at the compassion in his voice, Willow looked deep into his azure eyes, "Spike…" she breathed "what have you done?"

Overwhelmed by the intensity of her gaze, the vampire dropped his eyes from hers. She reached out and lifted his chin, forcing him to look at her.

"I got my soul back." he softly said.


Just then a weakened beam crashed down a few feet from the pair.

"It’s not safe here," said Spike "Let’s go get a drink; it seems like we both have a story to tell."


The two had sat talking and drinking in the seedy bar for hours, catching each other up on the turns their respective lives had taken. Finally the bartender had kicked them out, but not before Spike managed to talk him into selling them a bottle to go. The unlikely duo had managed to stagger back to Spike’s crypt, where they found Clem, enjoying a bucket of hot wings and watching Baywatch.

"Ooh, hot wings!" squealed Willow drunkenly, grabbing the bucket from the demon and diving in.

"Hey!" said Clem jumping out of the easy chair, startled "Hey Spike! Good to see you, how was your trip?"

"Clem, it was revelatory" he slurred "now get out"

"Oh okay" the wrinkly demon said agreeably, "Just let me get my stuff" He quickly gathered his meager belongings and headed for the door. "See you later then," he paused, "Uh, Willow? Can I have my chicken please?"

"Huh? Oh sure." Willow said, licking her fingers and handing the bucket to Clem. "Thanks"

"No problem, see you around" he said and left.

"Y’know what? I don’t think I’ve been in here since you redecorated" said Willow, plopping into the easy chair.

"You should see the downstairs" Spike replied from inside the refrigerator. "Aha! I knew I left some here, I hope it hasn’t gone bad on me." Pulling out the bag of blood, he poked around the cabinets looking for a clean mug.

"You have a downstairs?"

"Yup, it’s all done up," he said popping the blood-filled cup into the microwave. "You wanna see?"

"Sure" she said, looking around. "Where’s the door?"

"C’mon" Spike said pulling Willow out of the chair, "It’s over here."

Pulling her by the hand, Spike led her to the hole in the floor on the other side of the crypt.

"Let me go down first, that ladder can be a little tricky" he said hopping down into the hole. "Okay pet, come on down" he called up "I’ll be right here."

Shrugging her shoulders, Willow stepped onto the ladder; she jumped a little when she felt strong hands at her waist, guiding her down. Just before she got to the bottom, those same hands lifted her gently up and set her down neatly on the floor.

"Sorry Red, that last rung is broken and I didn’t want you to trip."

"Thanks" she said turning in his hands to face him. Their eyes locked for a moment in the dim light. Willow found the new depth in Spike’s eyes fascinating; she had never gotten the opportunity to compare how someone looked with and without a soul before.

"You know, you are even more handsome with your soul than you were without it." She said then immediately slapping her hand over her mouth in horrible embarrassment.

Spike laughed a little at the red-head’s blush. "Thank you pet," he said leading her farther into the room. "Wait here, I’ll get us some light." He pulled out his Zippo and lit several of the candles that were scattered around the room.

"Wow" she said, awestruck "I would have never guessed this was down here." She sat down on the bed and bounced a little. "This is nice."

Spike came up and sat next to her. "Yeah, it’s amazing how well you can furnish a place with other people’s junk. I found the bed just sitting on the curb, the mattress and linens are new though."

Willow yawned and lay back against the soft comforter. "Goddess I am so tired" she said, curling onto her side and scooching up farther onto the bed.

She reached her hand out to her friend, "c’mere" she said sleepily.

Spike looked at the dozy red-head "Pet…" he demurred.

"Please," she said beseechingly. "Just hold me"

Unable to resist, Spike scooted up onto the bed and lay on his side facing her. She quickly moved closer to him and curled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her warm body and rolled over onto his back, taking her with him. She lay along him, her arm and leg flung possessively over his chest and legs, her head resting in the crook of his neck.

It seemed like forever since Willow had felt safe, and without even realizing it, the emotional barriers she had hastily erected began to fall away. Suddenly, a huge sob wrenched from deep within her and she dissolved into tears.

Her sudden rush of despair surprised the vampire. He pulled her even tighter into him and just held her. He stroked her hair and back, and whispered soothingly into the top of her head.

After a while, Willow’s sobs reduced to sniffles and then into soft snores as she slipped into an exhausted sleep. Spike smiled and resigned himself to being trapped for the rest of the night. He gently kissed her forehead and settled down comfortably to get some sleep himself.


For the first time since Tara died, Willow slid gently from sleep to wake instead of being pulled violently out by vicious nightmares. She languidly stretched and bumped into the cool, sleeping form of Spike. She pushed up onto one elbow and looked at the vampire. It looked as if he wasn’t sleeping nearly as well as she had, his eyes moved rapidly under his closed lids and a very pained look marred his chiseled face. Small unhappy mutters and moans spilled from his lips.

Willow was almost physically pained to see Spike in such torment. She reached up and softly touched his face, hoping to soothe him in his dreams. Suddenly a growl burst from deep within him and his face morphed into his vampiric visage. He thrashed out and struck Willow against her shoulder, knocking her onto the floor.

Cradling her wounded shoulder, Willow struggled to her feet. She cowered, frightened in the corner, she was torn, not sure if she wanted to try to wake him again or if she should just run. Her decision was made for her when his face smoothed and his growl turned into a heart-rending sob. She immediately was at his side, shaking him and calling his name.

His eyes snapped open and he sat bolt upright in the bed. Willow quickly gathered him into her arms, ignoring her new bruise, and gently rocked him, letting him pour his grief out onto her.

In time, Spike’s sobs subsided; he pulled away from Willow’s embrace and turned from her "You should go Willow; I’m not fit to be near."

"Don’t be ridiculous." She answered.

"I’m a monster Red,"

"Yes you are"

Spike looked up, startled at her rapid agreement.

"You’ve killed and tortured and hello…vampire. You’re a monster, and you know what, so am I, I’m a worse monster than you ever were."

"Now you’re being ridiculous."

"Really? Well blondie, I’ve tortured and destroyed and killed and guess what, I didn’t have the excuse of being a demon. I have my soul, I have a conscience and I conveniently ignored both when I flayed Warren alive. I am more of a monster than you ever were."

"Well, aren’t we a pair."

"Yeah, aren’t we a pair." Willow looked at her watch, and shook her head. "I have to go; Xander is going to be out of his mind wondering where I am. He’s barely let me out of his sight since…well since."

More than anything Spike did not want to let Willow go, partly because she seemed so vulnerable, but mostly he couldn’t bear the thought of being without her. She was an unexpected kindred spirit and the fragile friendship they had forged over the last 13 hours was worth more to him than anything he had ever possessed.

"Willow…don’t go" he said, taking her hand.

"I have to," she said, squeezing his cool fingers reassuringly, "Will you meet me later?"


"How about Willy’s? I can get a drink and you can get something to eat. You look like you haven’t eaten in days."

Spike smiled "All right, it’s a date, Willy’s about 8:00 o’clock?"

"8:00 o’clock. See you then." Impulsively, Willow leaned over and gave Spike a peck on the lips. Then she jumped up and ran out of the crypt.


Willow opened the front door to Xander’s apartment and stepped inside to a maelstrom of voices.

"We have to find her! She could be in trouble." shouted Xander.

"She probably just needs some time alone," said Anya "you’ve been hovering over her like a mother hen since she got out of the hospital, it must be driving her nuts."

"Anya’s right," said Willow interrupting their argument. "I just needed some time by myself."

"Willow!" cried Xander relieved. He ran to his best friend and hugged her hard. "Where have you been? Are you okay?"

Willow smiled and hugged him back. "I’m fine. I told you, I just needed to be alone for a bit."

"Well if you’re okay, then I’ll be going." Buffy said, rising from the sofa where she had sat silently.

"Buffy, please stay." Willow pled.

"Wills, I can’t, not yet, I’m sorry." Buffy replied, leaving without looking at her friend.

"Oh" she said sadly. "I understand." Willow said to the closing door.

"I’m leaving too," said Anya, "I have work to do." With that, she disappeared.

"Xander, will they ever forgive me?"

"I don’t know Willow, I hope so."

"Do you? Forgive me I mean?"

Xander dropped his eyes and studied the floor.

Willow sighed at his silence and went into her room.


Just after sunset Spike found himself on the front porch of the Summers house. He leaned against the railing, cigarette in hand and watched Buffy and Dawn go about their regular evening routine.

He reflected on the past he had with the Slayer. Never in his experience had he gone through such a spectrum of emotions as he had with her. He had started off hating her, then respecting her as a foe, then blind obsession and finally love. Now all he really could feel was shame. Shame for the horrible moment when he tried to force himself on her. He knew he couldn’t erase that event and knew she could never, should never forgive him for it. Strangely enough, knowing that he would never have Buffy was surprisingly freeing. He still was hurt deeply, and would always be, but he felt released from her spell.

Moving quietly, he opened the front door and peeked in, there hanging on the coat rack was his duster. He reached for his beloved coat and was brutally yanked inside by his wrist.

"Where have you been?" demanded Buffy. "And what are you doing?"

"What I’m doing, is getting my coat, as for where I’ve been, that’s none of your business." He said, yanking his wrist from her grip "Don’t worry Slayer, I won’t be staying."

"There’s something different about you." she said, looking closely into his face, her tone softening. "What’s going on?"

"Slayer…Buffy, please, just let me go."

"Not until you tell me what the hell is going on."

Spike rubbed his face with his expressive hand, trying to figure out what to say. "I need a fag, lets go onto the porch." He grabbed his duster and went out the front door, Buffy on his heels.

In the cool night air, the vampire pulled out a cigarette and his Zippo and lit it. Taking a deep drag, he steeled himself.

"I went to Africa," he began, then proceeded to tell Buffy his whole story. She listened without interruption until he finished.

"Wow" she said when he was done. "Your soul, wow."

"Yeah, wow" he repeated, crushing the cigarette out under his boot. "Now I’m dealing with a hundred years worth of guilt. The worst though, the biggest regret I have was hurting you. I’m sorry Buffy, I’m sorry I tried to force you."

"The word you are looking for is rape Spike."

"Rape you," he agreed "I’m so very sorry, I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I did want you to know that I never wanted to hurt you."

"You should go now." Buffy said coldly.

"All right" he said, stepping off the porch. "Buffy?" he said turning one last time. "Would you…would you tell the nibblet I’m sorry?"

"Yeah, I’ll tell her. Good night Spike."

"Good bye Buffy."


Willow sat in the dark bar, nursing a rum and Coke and waiting for Spike. He was running late, but she wasn’t worried, she was actually enjoying this moment alone. Her thoughts still ran rampant in her mind, but since she had unloaded on Spike the night before, they were much clearer, she knew what she had to do. She was still lost in thought when her friend slid into the booth across from her.

"Hullo Red"

"Hiya blondie, you’re late."

"Sorry, had something I had to do."



"What’d she say?"

"She told me I should go, got my duster back though."

"That’s good. Are you going to?"

"Going to what?"


"Yeah, I think so."

"Can I come with?"

"I was hoping you’d say that"


Spike was loafing against his car, smoking, when Willow came storming out of the apartment building. She plunked her bags down on the curb and flung herself into the vampire’s arms. He held her tightly while she trembled in anger and sadness, when she had recovered a little, she leaned back in the circle of his arms.

"He didn’t try to stop me." She said sadly. "He didn’t say anything when I told him I was leaving Sunnydale. Xander has been my best friend since we were five and he couldn’t even look me in the face."

"I’m sorry pet" said Spike, gently wiping the tears from her face. "But honestly, what did you expect?"

"I don’t know, I suppose I hoped he’d understand and ask me to stay. Or at least ask me when I was coming back. I guess I should have known better."

"It doesn’t matter now." Spike said throwing Willow’s luggage into the trunk of the DeSoto "Let’s go get my stuff and we’ll get out of here."


Spike opened the door of the crypt and stood aside for Willow.

"I think considering how little time we have before sunrise, staying the day here and leaving after dusk really is the smart way to go." Said Willow, tossing her overnight bag down the hole to Spike’s bedroom. "Besides, that gives us time to plan an itinerary."

"An itinerary?" Spike said incredulously, "Red, I was just going to get in the car and go."

"Well, yes, but which way? North, south, east, west? Well probably not west because of hey, the ocean, but still."

"Willow, you are amazing" he said helping her down the ladder to the bedroom. "Here we are, leaving town for good and you want to plan the whole trip like it was a family holiday."

"You think I’m amazing?"

"I’ve always thought you were amazing, resourceful, bright, beautiful, the whole package."

Willow blushed at his complements. "Thank you Spike. Um where’s your bathroom?" she asked looking around.

"Over there" he said pointing to a short passageway. "Go down that tunnel, you can’t miss it."

"Thanks" she replied and trotted off.

Spike pulled a large duffel bag out from beneath his bed and started stuffing the contents of his dresser into it. "You idiot" he thought to himself "what are you doing almost flirting with her, telling her she’s amazing and beautiful? It’s not as if you want to…" His head snapped upright as an unexpected thought invaded his whirling mind. Maybe he did want to…


Willow looked in the mirror, towel in hand. She had spent the last couple of minutes splashing water on her face trying to cool down. Between Xander’s insensitivity when she told him she was leaving and Spike saying such flattering things about her, she was a bundle of mixed emotions.

"Tara, baby, I wish you were here, I miss you so much." She whispered, leaning her head against the cool glass. Suddenly a soft breeze surrounded her, gently stirring Willow’s hair. Startled, she looked up into the mirror and behind her, surrounded by an ethereal glow was the figure of a lovely woman.

"Oh, my Goddess," Willow exclaimed, her eyes frozen to the image in the mirror. "Tara"

The figure smiled and her ghostly hand reached out and caressed Willow’s face. In her head she heard ##Goodbye Willow, I love you, be happy## and with a final spectral touch, she disappeared.

"Goodbye Tara, I love you." Willow gripped the edge of the sink and cried hard for her lost love. But it was a cleansing cry, one of acceptance, love and forgiveness, and when she was done, and her tears were dry, she felt stronger than she had felt in weeks.


Spike had kicked off his shoes and socks, stretched out on the bed and was reading a trashy novel when Willow came back into the room.

"You all right Red?" he said when he saw her face, puffy from crying.

"Actually Spike, I’m better than I’ve been in a long time" she said sitting down on the bed next to him and kicking off her shoes.

"That must have been a pretty fulfilling trip to the loo."

"Tara came to me. She told me she loved me and to be happy."

"Pet," Spike said, concerned "Tara’s dead, you know that don’t you?"

"Of course I do" she answered, arranging the pillows so she could comfortably lean against the headboard. "It was her spirit that spoke to me."

"Her spirit?"

"Uh huh, we had a pact, whichever of us died first would try to come back and say goodbye to the other." As she spoke Willow peeled off the light cardigan she was wearing, revealing a cotton tank top. "She kept her promise." She said wincing a bit as she tossed the bit of fabric across the room towards her bag.

"That’s nice Red," he said, not missing the wince. He looked at her carefully and saw a fresh bruise on her shoulder. "Willow, where did you get that bruise?"

"Oh, this?" she said touching the sore spot "It’s nothing, really."

"Tell me" he insisted.

She looked down and picked at her cuticle.

"Tell me" he repeated, firmly.

"This morning, you, um, you hit me."

"I what?"

"You were having a nightmare, and I tried to wake you up and you hit me and knocked me across the room."

"Did I hurt you?"

"Not aside from the bruise."

"I’m sorry Willow, you must hate me."

"No, of course I don’t hate you, it was an accident. Accidents happen, I forgive you."

Willow’s simple choice of words struck Spike strangely "You forgive me?" he asked quietly.

She heard the change in Spike’s voice and rolled up onto her knees to look at him. "I forgive you" she repeated firmly.

"No one’s ever forgiven me before."

"Well I do now" she said reaching forward and hugging the vampire around the neck.

His arms slid around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. She snuggled unresistingly into Spike’s chest and rested her cheek against his shoulder. Her soft hair and spicy smell were both comforting and intoxicating. He turned his face and placed a sweet kiss against her smooth forehead.

Willow was surprised by both the small intimacy and her visceral reaction to it. It was if that innocent gesture lit a fire within her. Suddenly, her heart rate increased and her breathing quickened. She looked up and found Spike gazing down at her, his face a mix of confusion and desire. Willow reached up and with her fingers, smoothed out the frown lines on his forehead and trailed down his cheek. Her touch finally lit on his soft full, lips.

When her fingers landed at his mouth, he watched, mesmerized as she leaned in and replaced them with her lips. The kiss was tentative at first, her lips moved slowly across his, testing him, testing his response to her boldness. He answered her test by gently grasping the sides of her face and sliding his tongue across her lips, asking for admittance. With a tiny moan, she opened to him, welcoming him inside. He dove into her cavern and encouraged her when she responded in kind.

With a gasp, she broke the kiss and dropped her head back in his hands, exposing the delicate skin of her neck to him. Without a pause, his lips traveled from her face, across her jawline and down her exposed throat. Moaning with pleasure, Willow’s hands found the back of Spike’s neck, and pushed him lower. He pulled the stretchy material of her tank-top down, exposing her pert breasts to him. The vampire trapped one of her nipples in his blunt teeth and captured the other in his calloused fingers. The slight pull of his teeth in combination of his rapidly moving tongue and his skilled fingers created a flood of warmth between Willow’s thighs and she moaned with delight.

Wanting to feel his skin against her, she pulled hard at the soft fabric of his t-shirt, yanking it out of the waistband of his pants. Spike released her breasts for a moment and pushed her gently away from him. Grabbing the hem of his shirt he pulled it over his head, exposing his broad chest, he then quickly grabbed the hem of her top and tugged it off of her.

Moving quickly, Spike grabbed Willow around her trim waist and pulled her off his lap, he lay her down on the bed beside him and leaned over her, looking into her eyes. With a smirk, he swept her skirt and underwear off of her in one quick move. She smiled and pulled him down onto her and into another passionate kiss. Her nimble fingers reached between them and unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his fly, releasing his straining member. Willow pushed his jeans down on his hips and with a bit of wriggling Spike was soon lying naked against her warm body.

Spike’s new conscience suddenly reared its head and a cold moment of clarity ripped through his lust addled mind. He lifted up off of Willow and looked into her flushed face.

"Willow, are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.

"Spike," she said, stroking his face. "I want you and I need this, and I’ll bet you need it too. So shut up and make love to me."

Seeing the sincerity in her eyes, he dropped back down to her and kissed her waiting lips. His hands moved skillfully across her chest and belly, fingers curved just so to create delicate tickly scratches along her torso. The sensation was deliciously tortuous. Willow’s hands gripped the sheets tightly as waves of pleasure washed through her. Her breathing began coming in fast pants and her hips began bouncing on the mattress.

Slowly, deliberately, Spike moved his hand between her parted thighs and with incredible delicacy began touching her engorged lips. The butterfly light touches were almost more than Willow could handle, her pants became moans and her erotically charged sounds filled the room. He delved deeper into her folds, seeking the jewel hidden within, when his fingers found the sensitive bundle of nerves, Willow jumped against his hand and he found his fingers coated with her honey. He smiled at her reaction and began manipulating the nub in earnest, in just moments she shouted incoherently and exploded in ecstasy. As she reached her zenith he thrust two of his large fingers deep inside her and pushed upwards, drawing her climax to an even higher peak. Finally, she collapsed, sweating and panting into the bedclothes.

Spike rolled between her perspiration slicked thighs and looked at his lover. Her eyes were open and full of trust, and a beautiful smile graced her orgasm flushed face. She reached down between their bodies and grasped his erection. He gasped at her touch and leaned into her hand. She stroked him, exploring his texture with her fingers, bringing him to an even higher state of anticipation. Willow gently pulled him forward, dipped his head into her wetness and swirled it around for a second, causing Spike to groan from the exquisiteness of the sensation. Finally, recognizing his need, she guided him to her entrance and bringing her legs up around him pulled him into her.

They moaned in unison as he filled her tight channel, her hips rose to his as he began thrusting deeply into her. Her arms gripped him tightly around his back, her fingernails digging into his shoulders; she loved the feel of his muscles moving rhythmically under his cool skin. Spike buried his face in the crook of her neck, drowning in her smell and filling his mouth with the taste of her skin.

It was just a matter of moments before Willow’s muscles began to twitch again with rebuilding arousal. Her hips began to roll, forcing Spike deeper into her with each stroke and rubbing her erect nubbin against his pubic bone. He increased his pace when he felt her passion build and her muscles clench around him. As her orgasm once again peaked, Willow flung her head back and howled as her release washed over her. Spike was just a step behind her and howled in concert with her as he released almost violently inside her.

They stayed tense and arched for what seemed an eternity, letting the powerful sensations of their climaxes flood through them and finally subside. Eventually, Willow relaxed back down into the mattress, bringing Spike with her. He dropped small kisses along her collarbone, then finally rolled off her and drew her against his chest, enfolding her in his arms. She raised her face to his and with one final kiss, they settled into a satisfied sleep.


The sun had just dropped behind the horizon when Spike flung the bags into the trunk of the DeSoto. Willow sat in the front, looking small and forlorn. He slid into the driver’s seat next to her and pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed him back then leaned against his shoulder and sighed.

"Where to pet?" Spike asked, running his fingers through his lover’s silky hair.

"Just drive Spike, just drive."

