Always and Forever
SEQUEL TO: I Want You To Need Me
AUTHOR: Trinity
RATING: PG-15, just to be safe
SUMMARY: Before Spike can tell Willow how he feels, she is kidnapped by someone from his past.
DISTRIBUTION: All you have to do is ask.
DISCLAIMER: All the characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer do not belong to me. They belong to Joss Whedon and the nice people at Fox. All I own is my idea.
FEEDBACK: The more you send, the more I write.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: * * indicate thoughts. Also, I know that the time in the story goes by very fast (e.g. Night very quickly becomes 4 o’clock). Sorry
about that, but I needed the ‘rescue’ to be at night for effect and I didn’t want Spike to be a crispy critter so that’ why I changed it. Please forgive
DEDICATION: To Nutmeg, because you rule and you wanted this story so bad and to Jessica (Strubie). Thanks for the help!

Always and Forever

Part 1

Willow ran into the building as fast as she could. Racing up the stairs, she
hurried to her room. The redhead opened the door and collapsed on her bed,
new tears replacing the old ones. *What have I done? I just told Spike I
loved him. Why did I do that? Oh Goddess, how could I be so stupid? He’s
probably out there, laughing at how foolish I am! Why did I tell him that?
He could never love me, I’m just nerdy ol’ Willow Rosenberg. Why would he
want me?* The redhead hid her face in her hands as she sobbed.


Spike sat outside on the same bench Willow had left him, stunned. * Cor,
she loves me. My little witch, my reason for living loves me and here I am,
sitting on this bench twiddling my thumbs like a nancyboy, when I should be
up there, shagging my Red ‘til she can’t walk for a week.* The vampire
reached into his duster pocket and pulled out his pack of smokes. He placed
a cigarette in his mouth. *I’m gonna go up to her and tell her how much I
love her.* Spike smiled as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.


Willow blew her nose for the thousandth time, as she searched for her
pajamas. “I know they’re here somewhere.” She said to herself. The redhead
was searching through her drawer when a knock at the door pulled her from
her hunt. Opening the door, she couldn’t believe who was standing on the
other side. Drusilla.
“Hello, dearie.” Drusilla smiled. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”
Willow shook. “What do you want?”
Drusilla’s smile soon vanished, leaving an evil glare in its place. “Ms.
Edith tells me that you were trying to take my Spike away from me. Naughty
girl. You shouldn’t take things that don’t belong to you. I’m going to
punish you.”
“I won’t let you in.”
“You don’t have a choice.” Willow was about to shut the door but found
herself unable to move. She felt her mouth moving and words come out but she
wasn’t able to stop herself. “Come in, Drusilla.”
Drusilla passed through the invisible barrier. She stopped in front of
Willow. “You need to be punished.” Drusilla picked the girl up and threw her
into the dresser. Willow’s head smacked against the hard, brass handles and
the world went black.

Part 2

Spike walked up the stairs and onto Willow’s floor. He couldn’t wait to
talk to her. *Bloody hell, I’m turning into Peaches.* He suddenly stopped in
his tracks, feeling a familiar presence. That’s when he noticed that
Willow’s door was open. He hurried into the room to find it vacant. Looking
around, he spotted blood on the dresser. *Willow’s blood.* The room had a
smell to it, like jasmine. A smell he recognized all too well.


“Giles, you need a life.” Buffy stated, as she looked at the growing house
of cards before her.
“I have a life, Buffy. There’s nothing wrong with what I’m doing. It’s very
relaxing.” As he said that, the top level of cards collapsed, causing the
entire house to fall to the ground. “Oh, bloody hell!” Giles cursed.
Buffy snorted. “You’re right, Giles. You do look relaxed…as relaxed as a
puppy about to be neutered.”
“I’ll have you know that -” The man was interrupted by the ringing of the
“Watcher. Red’s gone.”
“What do you mean she’s gone?”
“I mean I saw her go into her bloody dorm and when I went there she wasn’t
in her room. Her door was open and her blood was on the dresser. Someone was
“Do you know who?”
“Drusilla. I could smell her. She’s already gone and I’m guessing she took
Willow with her.”
“Oh, dear lord. Do you know where she went?”
“Bloody hell, if I knew that I wouldn’t be talking to you now, would I?”
“Okay. I’ll send Buffy to Willie’s to see if he’s heard anything. I want
you to come over here and we’ll figure out a plan.”
“Right then.”
Giles hung up the phone and began cleaning his glasses.
“Giles, what’s up? Who was that?”
“It was Spike. Willow’s missing. He thinks Drusilla took her.”
Tears welled up in the slayer’s eyes. “Oh God. Where is she?”
“Spike doesn’t know. He’s on his way here now. I want you to go to Willie’s
and see if he’s heard anything about Drusilla’s whereabouts or why she wants
“Okay. I’ll meet you back here.” Buffy grabbed her coat and left the house.


“Wake up.”
Willow stirred slightly and noticed her arms were numb and her head was
sore. She opened her eyes and saw Drusilla standing in front of her.
“How did the naughty girl sleep?”
Willow tried to move but her arms were chained to the wall. “What do you
want? Why are you doing this?”
“I want my Spike to come back to me. I want his heart to belong to me
“I’m sure if you asked him really nicely he’d come back.” Willow assured
Drusilla glared at the girl. “His heart is no longer mine. You fill his
heart. He loves you.”
Willow stared at her confused. “No, he doesn’t love me. You’re wrong. Spike
is not in love with me.”
“He is. He wants you. He needs you. You are his Princess now.” Drusilla
made a face as if the words she were saying tasted bitter.
*He loves me?* Willow couldn’t help but smile slightly. The smile angered
Drusilla and she grabbed Willow’s hair and pulled her head to the side.
Willow screamed in pain.
“You were thinking about MY Spike, weren’t you? Answer me!”
Willow whimpered. “I wasn’t.”
“Don’t lie to me!” Drusilla slapped Willow in the face. “He’s mine! You
weed, always taking from lovely flowers. You took him from me! Just like you
took my Daddy away from me too.” Drusilla smiled evilly. She grabbed a
leather whip from one of her minions. “Naughty girl must be punished.”
The sound of leather hitting flesh and Willow’s screams filled the once
quiet Crawford Street mansion.

Part 3

Buffy entered the Watcher’s place to see the entire Scooby Gang, save
Willow, gathered in the living room.
“Did you find out anything?” Giles inquired.
The slayer’s dismal face answered the middle-aged man’s question. Spike
felt his whole world shatter when he saw her face. *I didn’t even get to
tell her I loved her. What if she never finds out?*
“Spike, do you have any idea where she might have gone?” Xander asked.
The vampire sighed out of frustration. “I’ve already bloody well told you.
I don’t know.”
Buffy glared at Spike. “Okay, let’s not get testy. Going at each other’s
throats isn’t gonna help Willow. We need to think of where Drusilla might
have gone.” Buffy looked at the gang. “Okay, what do we know?”
“We don’t know much. Its daylight so Drusilla would already be inside to
avoid the sun.” The watcher turned to Spike. “You know her better than all
of us. Do you have any information that might be helpful?”
“Well, she doesn’t like sewers because she’s afraid of rats. She wouldn’t
stay in a dump. Dru doesn’t like to be alone so she would probably have
minions or she’d be somewhere familiar, somewhere she’s been before.”
“Do you think she’s already left Sunnydale?” Xander questioned.
“How do you know?” Anya wondered.
“I can still sense her.”
Giles stood up. “We should start searching the town. Buffy, you search
around the campus and the cemetery. Xander and Anya, I want you to go search
around the Bronze and near the outskirts of town. Spike and I will stay
Spike looked at the watcher as if he’d grown a second head. “You think I’m
gonna stay here with you while my Red is out there somewhere with my insane
ex-girlfriend? I think not.”
“Spike. It’s 4 o’clock in the afternoon and I don’t think Willow would like
it if she came back here and all that was left of you was a pile of ashes.”
Spike cursed under his breath.
“Everyone meet back here in 2 hours. Good luck and do be careful.” The 4
teens headed out the door, leaving a vampire and a watcher alone.

Part 4

Willow’s head hung, as did the rest of her body from the metal chains. Her
stomach was raw and bleeding from the whip. Drusilla was spinning around the
room, saying something about pigs and old cheese. If she wasn’t in the
situation she was in now, she probably would have laughed. The vampire
suddenly stopped spinning and clutched her chest, screaming in agony. “He’s
in pain! My Spike is in pain! His heart, it speaks, it screams!” Tears
rolled down her face, as she sank to the floor. “It wants you. It cries for
you, calls your name.” Drusilla rose from the ground and hurried towards
Willow. “IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!” She screamed. The dark vampire punched Willow
in her already bleeding stomach. Willow cried out in pain. She looked down
at her fist. “Pretty blood.” Drusilla continued her assault on the petite
redhead until her pretty blood covered the cement floor, and left Willow


“Did you hear that?” Anya asked her boyfriend. They had searched everywhere
but there was no sign of Willow.
“Hear what?”
“Listen. It sounds like someone screaming.” The two listened closely,
hearing faint screams in the distance.
“That could be Willow.” Xander grabbed his girlfriend’s hand. “Come on, I
know where that’s coming from.”
The teens ran followed the sounds of the screaming until they ended up in
front of an old gray building. “That’s where Angel, Spike and Drusi…” Xander
smacked his forehead. “Duh! Spike said she’d go somewhere familiar. Well,
she’s pretty cozy with this building.”
“I’m confused. Did she live here or something?” Anya hadn’t lived in
Sunnydale when Spike and Dru were an item so she knew very little about the
“When Giles had burned down the factory, Spike, Angel and Dru moved in
here. This is where Buffy killed Angel.”
“Buffy killed Angel?”
“I’ll explain later.” He promised. “I’m gonna see if I can see inside, make
sure she’s actually in there before we go back to the others. You stay
here.” Xander made his way to a window where he would not be seen by anyone.
What he saw inside made his stomach turn. Willow, being held by chains,
bleeding and being attacked by Drusilla. He wanted to go inside and kill the
undead bitch himself but he knew he’d end up dead and Willow would suffer
for it. He turned on his heel and moved towards Anya. “She’s in there. Let’s

Part 5

“So, what do we do?” Xander asked, after filling the worried group.
“We need a plan.” Giles commented.
“Screw the plan! Let’s just break through the bloody door!” Spike was
furious. He had heard what Dru had done to Willow and he couldn’t wait to
kill her. He also knew Willow didn’t have that much time left.
“I agree with Spike. From what Xander said, it sounds like Willow is in
serious trouble and we need to get her out of there before Drusilla kills
her.” Buffy said, searching through the weapon chest.
“Well, we can’t go in there half-cocked. We don’t even know how many of
them there are.”
Buffy looked at her watcher. “I don’t care how many vamps are in there. I’m
taking Drusilla down. Nobody messes with my friends.”
Spike jumped in. “Slayer, I’ll be doing the killing this time.”
“Fine.” Buffy faced the group. “Let’s go.” The Scoobies grabbed their
weapons and hurried to the mansion.

Part 6

Tears ran down Willow’s bruised face. *I’m gonna die. Oh, Goddess, I’ll
never know if there could have been anything between Spike and I. I’ll never
get to see my friends again. They’ll never find me, and even if they do I’ll
already be dead, or worse. What if Drusilla turns me? I don’t want to spend
an eternity with her! I don’t want to be bisexual or wear leather! I just
wanna be with Spike.*
Hearing a noise, Willow tried to raise her head to see what it was. She was
so dizzy that everything was a blur. The witch saw a blonde girl attacking
someone. *Buffy.* Not strong enough to hold, her head flopped down, but a
slight smile remained on her face.
Buffy moved in on the minion, striking him in the face with her foot before
staking him.
Giles and the others moved in behind Buffy, attacking the vampires that had
quickly filled the mansion.
Spike smelled Willow’s blood, and spotted her across the room. He moved
towards her, pushing the blood-sucking demons out of his way. Drusilla
stepped in front of him, blocking his path. “Spike, forget about her. I’ll
be your Princess. I was wrong about the other demon, luv. It’s you I want.”
Drusilla caressed his face.
Spike tore the bloody hand off of his face and let his vampire visage set
in. “Sorry, pet, but I don’t want you. The sight of you makes me want to
spew. I want Willow, not you, you loony slut.”
Drusilla’s lip trembled. “But Ms. Edith and I miss you and I miss the taste
of ashes.” Spike smiled sympathetically. “I’m sorry, ducks…” He pulled a
stake from his duster, “But ” He forced the stake into her heart and let her
fall to the ground, exploding into dust.
The vampire moved towards Willow, who stood silent, still bleeding from the
harm done by the crazy demon.
The group watched in awe as Spike unlocked the chains and laid the small
girl in his lap, arms encircling her.
Willow felt her limbs fall to her side as strong arms wrapped around her
and lowered her to the ground. She looked into the face of the man who held
her. “Spike.” She said softly, her voice hoarse from screaming. “What
happened to Drusilla?”
Spike stroked her face softly, tears coming to his eyes as he saw the
bruises and wounds that marred his Willow’s beautiful skin. “I staked her.”
“But I thought you loved her?”
“No, luv, I stopped loving her a long time ago. It’s not her I love.
It’s...” Spike stopped when he noticed Willow’s eyes shut and her heart
slow. “Willow?” She didn’t respond. Her heart was still beating but very
slow. “Somebody call an ambulance!” He shouted, weeping as he kissed his
lover’s forehead.
“I just called them. They’re on their way.” Giles stated, still reeling
from the obvious love the vampire felt for the mortal.
Spike held on to Willow as tight as he could. “The ambulance will be here
soon. Just hold on. Please don’t die. I love you too much. I can’t lose
He whispered to her, as sirens wailed outside of the huge building.

Part 7

Willow awoke to the sterile smell of a hospital. She looked down at the
hand she was holding to. Spike was seated in a chair next to her bed, with
his upper half resting on the bed. She saw the IV and the blood flowing into
her, flinching as she remembered how she got in the hospital.
Spike lifted his head and saw the redhead staring at her hand. He tightened
his grip on her other hand, and she turned to face him. “Are you all right,
Willow nodded slightly. “I was just thinking about something.”
She looked into the vampire’s worried blue eyes. “I was thinking about how
I got here. And something Drusilla had said.”
“What did she say?” He asked, not really wanting her to talk about what had
happened but knew she needed to.
“She said that the reason she took me was to teach me not to take what was
hers. She said that I had stole your heart. She said that you loved me. Why
would she think that?”
Spike smiled. “Probably because it’s true.”
Willow’s eyes widened. “What?”
“I love you. I love you more than anything. I’ve loved you for so long.
When you told me that you loved me too, I was so shocked. I didn’t think you
could ever love a soulless demon like me.”
“How could I not love you? You’re so caring and loving and sweet. So you’re
a demon? Big deal! This is Sunnydale! City of weirdness.”
The platinum blonde grinned. “So, you’ll be my girl?”
“Always and forever.” And with that they kissed, knowing they’d never be
alone again.
