
Conversations With Small People

Ghosts of their pasts appear to the Scoobies in the forms of their little kid selves
Rated PG13
Episode Stealer - BtVS S7 - Conversations With Dead People

The Hopie Chronicles

Rated PG13

Only Hope

The Fang Gang discovers a four year old girl who needs a family and protection from her own destiny.

La Bella

Wes is forced into a father role when his sister runs away from the Watcher's Council, and Hopie starts kindergarten

Things Unseen

Wes's baby is kidnapped from Lilah's womb by the Watcher's Council.

Thine Own Self

While Faith and Lindsey search for the demi-Faith, the Fang Gang discovers the result of Connor's birth

The Mommy's Little Capitalist Series

Rated PG
First there was Anya and Xander, and then there was Jenny Emmanuelle Harris

Mommy's Little Capitalist and The Perfect Costume

Xander and Anya help Jenny pick out a Halloween costume.

Dear Bearded Man

Jenny writes a letter to Santa Claus.

Why I Don't Wear Underwear

Jenny and Anya each have their own reasons for not wearing underwear.

Mommy's Little Capitalist Storms the Castle

Jenny, Xander, Anya and Buffy celebrate... Bastille Day? They bond over foreign holidays, capitalism, and the French language.

Listen Up, Fat Man

Exactly a year after asking Santa for a younger brother, Jenny tries to get the jolly man to take her baby brother back. Baby Snoopy Dancing and hijinks ensue.


1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20

A spell turns Angel and Faith into small children, and Cordelia and Wesley must take care of them until things can be turned around
"Babysitting Chaos" Challenge
Rated PG13
