Jokers' Apprentice

by Lore

Summary: Since sidekicks are all the rage these days, the Joker decides to take one of his own
Warning: insinuation of (underage) rape, child abuse,...

A crushed can of coke bounced of against the wall. The man that had kicked it was shivering. Huddled closely in his flashy purple coat. His wet hair clung to his face and he shut his eyes as much as possible to protect them from the rain.Only the tips of his white gloves stuck out from his pockets.

"Damn bat. For just once, one time can't he show up when I want him too. He's supposed to be the one being rained on, not me. But no. Damn bat can't show up the one time he has too." He pushed his hat further on his head, trying to keep it on his head. A loud sound accompanied by a flash of light might him jump out of a pool of water.

He shaked his head and straightened his collar, trying to cover his neck. There had to be some kind of shelter, somewhere, right? He could barely see where he was walking and felt something squichy under his foot.

The look on his face was priceless, but the terrible weather had scared away even the rats that usually scurried through the alleys.

He muttered further curses against the bat and tried to stay close to the walls, trying to find some kind of cover. It didn't help much and drops falling from the stairs and rooftops over him joined the rest of the rain in their attack.

The neighbourhood was filled with warehouses, but he didn't really feel like trying any of them out. You never know who you might meet, big nasty drugdealers, hobo's that stank hours in the wind, a little girlscout with twin tails, trying to dominate the world with her cookies.

No better to hurry up to his car. It would be just his luck if someone had stolen it. He rushed through the alley to his Jokermobile when he could hear the sound coming from right next to him. He stared up, unsure what to do.

His first thought was that it was a lovers squat right out of the Adams family. A boy and a girl were fighting, with swords no less. The girls black skintight outfit barely covered her body and her skirt was just long enough to hide her ass. The boy was dressed much more simple. A blue jeans with a leather vest over it.

There were several tears in the leather and it seemed the boy was having a problem with the rain coming down on him. He slipped and fell. The girl came at him with her sword but he rolled out of the way and kicked her in the stomach.

The clown stared at them with a smile on his face, his only regret that he'd left the popcorn at home. He stared at the gruesome sight, at the wicked long blade the boy put through her stomach and grinned when he pulled it out and drops of red mixed with the mud underneath them.

She was lying there, helpless and he heard her words.

"Please Richie, we were lovers once, spare me."

He couldn't see the boys eyes, but he saw his actions as the kid lifted his sword and swung her head of.

"Off with her head." he whispered a tad bit louder than he'd intended.

The boy turned around, looking up at him as he broke out in laughter. The boy seemed almost bothered in a private moment. Should I leave him alone with his corpse, he wondered for a second. But that's when it really started.

It was as if lightening strikes came shooting from the sky as if punishing the boy with their intensity.

The young redhead started shaking under the bolts and the clown was surprised to see the intense mixture of pleasure and pain on his face. So beautiful that one.

It seemed as if a drunken puppetteer was holding his strings and shaking him up as if he were doing the devils boogy.

But eventually the puppetteer let go and the boy fell on his knees. His head between his tighs as if he he were to drunk on whatever kick he'd just gotten to look up.

The clown got closer and picked up the womans head. Her dead eyes stared at him, caught forever in glare of disbelief.

"Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him well." He threw the head over his shoulder and headed up to the boy that was still trying to get up, holding his chest in pain.

The clown broke out in a wild aplause.

"Bravo Masterpiece, beautiful show."

The redhead stared up at him, muttering something

"I'm the Joker, but you can call me boss.

Chapter 1

The night was running in its final reaches. A few rays of sunlight were shining over the edge of the furthest buildings and even the man behind the mask knew it was time to give up. He stared at the sight and jumped down, ready to leave the bell tower.

He wasn't sure what it was that had kept him so long. There was a feeling in the air, of expectation, of something that was coming. Nothing had. As he dove down he felt the thrill of cold air touch his face. Something was coming, he was sure of it.

He'd sent the boy home hours ago. The child didn't understand it but was happy anyway. His wide dark cape hung loosely in the air, giving him an added block against the wind, slowing his descent. He let his fall go free till the last possible moment, enjoying the freedom of the drop.

When he got to his car, his skin tingled and his eyes grew heavy. Three nights in a row till the earliest hours. It was cold but his Teflon coated costume protected him from the breeze. And as the Batman left, back into the shadows, eyes stared at him, unsure of what to think.


The young redhead groaned as he stretched his muscles. He got up tilting the sheets up with him. He tilted his neck and moaned low and heavy. The carpet felt fuzzy under his naked feet as he moved up. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it over his lovers body. The early morning light made him flinch a second before he decided to leave the drapes closed.

Was that really him, that image awaiting him in the mirror. He wasn't sure. He stared at it. His neck arched as he felt the lips on his neck.

"It's a bad habit you got going there Red. Leaving me alone like that."

The kid let out a brief chuckle. "Sorry boss. I'm used to being up early. Can't seem to get rid of it."

The mans arms surrounded his middle, pulling him closer.

"Really?" he whispered the word in the boys ear.

Richie could feel his lovers chin rest on his shoulder and stared back up at their reflection.

"Is the plan still good?"

His lover nodded. "The Gugenheimer, this evening. We got to make it good Red."

Richies back tensed up as their flesh touched, shivering at the others cold skin.

"You're cold." he said.

"You left me cold."

Richie moved closer, sharing his own warmth with the mortal.

The man picked up a bottle of make up.

"We'll have to get you ready my dear."

Richie watched his reflection as the stuff was smeared all over his face.

"Already." he muttered. "I thought nothing happened till this evening."

"Course not love. We got to boost morale, let the flunkies know we're the boss. This is about show business after all. we can't let you go greet them half undressed now can we?"

"I thought you liked me undressed." A smirk entered Richies face.

"I do." the Jokers lips came closer to his ears again, nibbling softly on the tender flesh. "I just don't like to share."

Richie stared at the dark figure before him. His other half, the one the people would see of him. A dark face with red touches like fire on a shadowed background. All of it surrounding the place where his mask would come.

His sight grew to infrared when his lover and master put the mask on his head. Richie could see the red glow in the mirror. He liked the look of the other in the mirror. The one that looked back at him. The one that would never be weak, never be helpless, the one that his lover wanted.


Tim yawned slightly as he woke up. The housekeeper, Mrs. Macintyre was yelling at him, telling him it was time to get out of bed, his father was waiting for him. Tim covered his head in his pillow trying desperate not to hear her voice, to see the light. It was Saturday morning. Why couldn't they just let him sleep?

But his father didn't know about his night outings as Robin. He didn't have a clue his son had just spent the entire night helping out Batman. To make matters even worse, the man left shortly after they spoke a few words in the kitchen.

Tim took of his pajamas and started dressing. Unsure of how to put one foot in front of the other. He barely noticed his shirt was on backwards and he only changed it after the housekeeper mentioned it. She looked at the sleep in his eyes and gave him pancakes for breakfast, wondering if he was getting sick.

He yawned again as he headed up to Wayne Manor. It awaited him in the same sleepy mood that was still covering his brain. Everything was quiet, to quiet. Alfred accepted him and gave him a cup of coco. Tim held it in both hands as he drank it.

He rested back against his chair.

"Late night Master Tim?"

"Yeah." He yawned again. "Why can't I just tell dad that I only came home this late cause I was fighting

"Because young sir, he'd either think you're ridiculing him, or worse, he'd believe you..."

"And ground me for life. I know."

He let his head down on the table.

"I just need some sleep."


"Damn it, I can't believe he lets him get away with this."

The thug kept touching his throat which showed a bright red line. His friend laughed at his disbelief. It sounded like a donkey with a cough.

"You can't? Come on. This is the Joker we're talking about." He put his hand on his friends arm, stopping him from reaching out to his neck again. "What did you expect him to do?"

"But the bloated bastard nearly killed me? Both of us."


"All I did was tell Joker he could do better without some brat hanging around with the gang."

The second thug guffawed.

"Thank God he didn't kill you himself. Remember what he did to Marty when he insulted his painting? The kid's his latest hobby, how did you expect him to react?"

"But we've been with him since the beginning?"

"I know, that's why I can tell you only one thing." He increased his glare as his friend didn't listen.

"Look here Jack. All we have to do is wait till he gets tired of the boy. Until then... well, we just have to endure the agony.

A man was watching them. He sat there listening as they continued on about the upcoming football game. It was probably useless to stay any longer. He knew all he had to know from them.

The darkhaired man grabbed his coat and checked the location of his sword and other weapons.

"This was not of the good."

Chapter Two

People were spread all across the room, lying huddled on tables, they're faces cramped in an insane grin that spread all across. Some of them were even still shaking. He stared at some of the paintings on the walls around him.

"Like it?" A soft sensual voice whispered from behind him.

"Not really. I don't get it."

The Joker turned to the painting he was staring at.

A sock on a yellow background.

"I do. It's funny."

"Really?" Richie didn't believe it.

"Sure. It's like a sock. An evil sock that sends everyone off running for their mommies before smothering them with its viciousness."

"I still don't get it.

A violent backhand hit Richie straight in the face, forcing him back against the ground.

Richie held on to his nose, feeling the broken bones knit themselves together.

He wanted to apologize, but the Joker put a finger on his lips ans shushed.

"Never say sorry Red." He pulled the boy back up and held him close, embracing him and patting him on the back. "You've still got so much to learn my boy, so much."

"And you'll teach me."

"Most definitely."

The Joker pushed up his face and kissed him, his tongue touching first Richies lips, then the inside of the boys mouth. Laughing as he was tickled by the short electrical flashes of healing.

"All better now." He whispered. "Now lets have some fun."

"Fun Joker?" A deep dark voice came from above them.

"Does that include getting your but kicked?"

"Batman" one of the mindles thugs shouted needlessly

Richie stared up into the shadows above them. One of them broke loose and seemed to take shape. A darkly dressed man with a black cowl that was designed to make him look like a giant bat. The immortal smiled and got in front of the Joker, ready to protect his boss with his life.

The Joker looked sexy, the way that mixing bowl of rage and pleasure crossed his face."The boy Red, get him for me."

Richie turned his eyes and grinned

He grabbed a knife and got ready to throw it. The kid dove down on top of him first. Just as they'd expected him to do. They rolled across the floor and Richie stared at him from behind an evil smirk.


'Damn it.'

Batman knew he had no other choice. If he tried to protect Robin, the Joker could get away. He knew Tim could handle himself, consciously he didn't doubt that for a second, but in his heart he couldn't stop worrying for a moment, knowing the boy was there ... alone.

He battled the flow of thugs the Joker sent up against him. There were too many, he could barely stay up. From the back of his eye he could see Robin go up against the Jokers partner. A man, no more like a boy, completely dressed in red and black.

Damn it that guy was better than he'd expected.

The Batman broke loose from the thugs just long enough to shoot out a batarang, a last ditch effort to help out his young friend. Red took it right out of the air.

He could feel his breath fall still for a second. The Jokers men attacked him again just at that point. His last view was that of Red sending the batarang up to Robin. He wanted to scream, wanted to do anything but almost drawn amidst the flood of flunkies attacking him. The last thing he saw of his young student was Robins staff being knocked out of the boys hand, right before his sight was completely blocked.

"Robin!" he yelled.

He could hear the Jokers cackle and knew he had to act fast. But it was too late already. A smoke bom landed amidst them. By the time he finally managed to slip on his gasmask, the Joker and his goons had gotten away. He'd only been forced to close his eyes for a second and now all he had left were two of the Jokers men throwing their guts out around him.

'Where was Robin?'


Tim froze up when the Joker touched his face. He tried not to show his fear, but he couldn't help it. The mans touch itself made him feel dirty.

"Bring your brother to his room Red. We have to make him feel welcome."

Tim tried to fight, but he found himself unable to move, unable to do anything but just lay there as the older man put him over his shoulder.

He tried to look around, finding a spot of reference, anything to keep his mind busy on ways to get away instead of whatever the Joker might do with him.

All he could see was a dark corridor and a dirty floor.

The man carefully put him down on a big waterbed. Tim could see the childlike motif on the walls, teddybears and clowns.

Tim tried to move away, but he couldn't even get as far as an inch out of the position the man put him in. Locked in place by his own bodies inability to move.

"What are you doing to me?" he wanted to ask, but all that got out of his mouth was a blurred "What?"

"You're home now, little bro. Jokers going to make you feel right at home."

Tim stared up in horror, unwilling to belieive what was happening to him.

The man grabbed his legs and Tim hated his body for not pulling in as he wanted it to as his pants were pulled of. All he could do was shiver. The boy stroked his flesh, making his hairs stand up as he pulled of the shirt as well. Leaving him in nothing but his underwear. His strokes precise and slow.

"Joker says to get you ready. Baby has to wear his pajamas." Tim tried to think of anything but what the Joker might want him ready for.

"You might not like him yet, but Joker's got a cure for all the Bats madness."

Tim tried to ignore the mans voice. The touch of the teddybear tickling his nose, the boys hands on his body, turning him around as he closed the flap in the back of the full body pajamas.

"Soon you'll love him."

He heard the voice whisper. All Tim was left to do were silent tears. Once the syringe entered his arm, he couldn't even do that.

Chapter Three

Batman could feel the cold dread close in on his heart. After losing Jason he'd sworn never to allow another boy to fight at his side. Then Tim had broken in his life, in his heart, and he'd been helpless to put a stop to it.

He'd tried every possible resource he knew of and some he didn't. Anything to give him even the slightest lead on the Jokers location. But the man had dissappeared completely underground.

The Joker hadn't even taken anything else out of the museum, anything that could have possibly given them a lead. He'd tried to focus on the boy that accompanied the Joker. But the young man was as much of a mystery as the Jokers own unknown origin. From what little he'd found out, his actions at the Gugenheimer were not his first appearance. He'd been seen with the Joker for the past month. Ever increasing in violence, dripping with the Jokers insanity.

"Haven't had any luck bats?"

Who? Why?

He spotted the stranger almost instantly, but his gutinstinct warned him the man had allowed him to find him. There was something about the seemingly harmless man. He looked like no more than a student, a bit older maybe than Dick. Shy, young, defenseless. Caucasian, hazelbrown eyes with golden specks, refined bonestructure and a rather pronounced nose that fit strangely well into his face.

The man look like a bookish nerd at first sight, dressed in a wide sweater that was way to tight and loose pants that hid his legs, but Batman knew better. The clothes were a deception, making him look smaller than he truly was, the hair perpetuating a youth that was missing in his eyes. His moves were those of a cat, measured and precise. A predator and most definitely dangerous.

"Who are you?"

The stranger chuckled.

"I could pick some kind of nickname or whatever you call them, but I won't waste either your or my time with that kind of nonsense."

The man tilted his head, a gleam in those eyes.

"Benjamin Adams."

Batman stared in the hazel depth of the other. He knew the man was lying.

Yet...there was a warning in there as well, here there be tigers, don't ask questions unless you're sure you want them answered."

The stranger looked at him, feigning innocense. Then he sat, no sat wasn't the right word, he sprawled on the roofs edge.

"I think we might be able to help one another.

The caped crusader stared at the stranger, unsure what to believe. Was this one of the Jokers men?

"Two months ago a friend of mine came to Gotham. Nice kid, not all that perfect, but over all a good man.
The reason is complicated, this woman he knew had made him believe she'd killed a good friend of the both of ours. Since the guy was his mentor, the kid didn't take it well. He went looking for the bitch. The last thing I heard was that he caught up with her. Her body was found three days later."

Batman forced himself not to react to the casual way this stranger spoke about what was probably murder. No matter what the woman had done.

"Then right after the fight he disappears without a trace. He was supposed to call me, he told me, he would after seeing her, but he didn't. I checked it out, he didn't even return to his motelroom to get his stuff back. Not a trace since."

"But he showed up again? Didn't he?"

Batmans words came out calm and controlled.

"Yeah. He was wearing a mask, tights and facepaint, but I'd ... uhm seen him wearing little more than bodypaint once before ... uhm let's just say I recognized him on the spot."

"And he's no longer the man you knew before."

"Look here Bats. I know people can change, I know I did. But in this short a time? Those murders, some of the other things, ... all of it, none of it is him. At all. Richie's not perfect, he's been a thief, he's in the Game, but he was never like this. Not even at his worst."

Batman took a better look of the man, seeing the worry in his eyes.

"I want to know what happened to him, what's going on and if my guess is correct, so do you."

"Cause he might do it to Robin..."

He didn't say a word, but knew the stranger was right.

The both of them stared, the intensity of it enough to set fire.

"When this is over, you leave the city."

He gave the man a glare the likes of which would send any criminal in Gotham scurrying under a rock, but the
stranger just broke out in laughter and muffled. "Maybe."


Richie looked at Joker, his lover took his arm and helped him to the bed, making him sit down. He looked up at the boy that was already on the bed, staring at them both in fear. He tried to give the kid a reassuring smile and rolled up his sleeve.

When the syringe broke in, it gave a short prick before a dazed feeling started spreading from his arm upwards. He knew he was safe now, Joker would protect them. He laid back and listened to the words their master, their father whispered in his ears. Safetey, love, sanctuary, care... Richie closed his eyes, ignoring everything but Jokers presence, Jokers touch.

His brother tried to move away, but the cure still kept him strongly in place and Richie knew that soon he'd realise how much Joker loved them. Soon he'd never want to leave. He smiled and touched the childs leg, touching him, letting him know he was accepted by all, not just by Joker.

Joker nodded at him to continue as his touch went up.

Love and care and nothing would pull them apart ever again.

Chapter Four

Batman stared at the stranger in the back of his car. Even blindfolded, he wasn't sure if it was a good idea to take this man to the Batcave. But with his information, he might just find a way to find Joker and through him Robin.

He kept an iron grip on the steeringwheel and tried to concentrate on driving instead of whatever else that might happen. He'd blackened the windows of the car, making sure noone could see in or out but even that could possibly not be enough.

Robin shouldn't have been out there. What right did he have to take a child in danger every night.
He kept telling himself it was Tims own choice, but was it. The boy was only 15, what did he know or truly realise about the dangers they were facing.

He slammed his hand on the steering wheel.

"It's hard isn't it? You keep thinking if only I'd kept him safe. Sometimes, no matter what you do, it isn't enough."

The Batman snorted at the strangers words.

"I've tried protecting people, from others, from themselves, lately I thought I'd given up on that. Then MacLeod comes into my life and all of a sudden I'm back in full caring mode. It sucks. That nagging feeling of guilt that you could have, should have been there, that anything that happens to them shatters your heart. It's easier not to care."

"To just be alone?"It wasn't really a question.

Adams answered anyway.


But it's lonely, it's no real life, no real anything, just survival. "

"But what if he succeeds, if he makes him like ..."

"Like Richie? Then you help him over it."

"After what he's done?" Adams sat up straighter.

"He'll hate it, what he's done, he'll want to crawl away, to hide from himself, the world. But at least he'll get a chance for it."

"Yes the doctors up at Arkham ..."

"You won't take him in." The voice came abrupt, interrupting the silence with an angry tone.

"He killed people. Look, if he's acting under the influence of something, the judge will keep that in mind. But he can't just get away like that." "Why not?" The British undertones of the accent grew stronger.

"The law..."

The man looked almost pensive. Batman could see his skulked body in the mirror and wondered what he was thinking about.

"Sometimes a person has to change on his own, you can't always count on the law for that.


His leg was itching. It had been itching for several minutes now and the fluffy material of the pajamas didn't really help. Finally, almost desperately he tried to reach for it again. Surprisingly it worked. He tried to sit up, but dizziness swept over him. In other words, he could move but just barely.

He let his head fall back on the pillow. Almost completely exhausted from the effort.

What was wrong with him?

He'd tried to keep track of time when the Joker and his pal had brought him here, to check for a pattern for the drugs, to look for a moment, any moment for him to get away. But most of the time he'd been so dazed that even the idea of counting was too much for him.

All he knew was that he felt dirty, worse, violated.

He tried to lock out, but parts of it kept coming through every time he closed his eyes.

It all touched a place of him that he'd never wanted to be awakened. A hate and an urge to destroy the ones doing this to him. He wanted to kill the Joker and his little buddy for making him feel like this. He wanted to wipe that smile of their faces and then he stopped in his tracks and realized what he was thinking.
He crawled in a ball, trying to hide from that truth of what they were turning him into.

There was someone in front of the door.

He tried to get up again, but all he managed was fall on the ground. He couldn't even crawl out of the bed.He didn't see who was coming in, but he could hear the door sqreak as it opened. He tried to crawl back but he couldn't manage to turn around and get up. His head was spinning out of controll and he hit the floor again.
Someone kneeled down next to him, he looked up right in the face of Red.

Tim swallowed heavily and started shaking. The man ignored that and brushed his fingers through his hair.

"Did you fall out of bed, little brother. Poor baby."

Tim wanted to pull back from his hands, but he just couldn't.

"You shouldn't try to move little brother. You could hurt yourself."

Red pulled him up and managed to get him on the bed again.

"It's about time for your medecine" Red said in that strangely gentle voice of his. Tim trembled just thinking about it. He couldn't do anything,couldn't even concentrate long enough to make a plan to escape.

Red stretched his legs and plumped up the pillow before placing his head on it. Tim wanted to move his legs up to protect himself, but Red lay down behind him and prevented that. The man held him in an embrace as if comforting a child.

Tim just pulled his hands in front of his face, protecting his mouth.

"Joker loves us." the man whispered.

There was something he should know, something he should be doing, but instead the boy just fell asleep.


Batman stared at the screen in front of him. Even with Adams help he wasn't sure what to look for.
Any files on Red, anything the man knew on the boy, which turned out to be not all that useful.

Richie Ryan, age 26, from Seacouver Washington.
Minor criminal record as a juvie.
Nothing much since he was an adult.
One filing for assault that had been pulled in.
An atttempt at theft and vandalisme in a museum. He'd tried to steal a sword.

But like Adams had said, over all the boy was small pie. He was not the type that would join the Joker in the madness, the likes of which he'd been doing in the past month.

He'd called Alfred, asked him to look for information on the computers in the batcave again. He missed Tim.
Oracle had called him earlier, she said she might have a few possibilities, but there were way to many of those. Why did the Joker do this? Was it to taunt him, to hurt him, the way he'd killed Jason. The way he'd crippled Barbara to hurt Gordon.

Why couldn't the madman leave them all alone for once.

But he couldn't kill him, he couldn't do anything the likes of that.

Not him, never him.


Richie smiled as he held the child in his arms. Letting him sleep, knowing he was safe. He only looked up when he heard the door and Joker came in. The man was carrying a small case in his hands.

For a moment he wondered if he should wake the kid or not, but Joker shushed him and so he sat up instead.
The boy seemed so small, so weak, so positively cute. A strange protectiveness came over him.
He sat down on the bed and just watched as the joker got closer to them both.

That big grin on his face that both scared and aroused him.

The boys eyes opened though and he looked at them in fear. Richie wanted to console him, to tell him everything was going to be alright. But the boy just used the opportunity to roll up and get away from them.
That was absolutely the wrong thing to do.

Joker didn't like that!

Richie got out of the way as Joker grabbed the child, pulling him closer to his beautiful body. The boy had angered Joker, their lover didn't like it when his boys resisted.

It got him angry, real angry.

He wanted to warn the boy, to tell him to just let it happen, that it was safe, that nothing was wrong. All of that and more he wanted to tell the boy, but he didn't, staying silent because he knew that his words would only anger the Joker even more.

Joker grabbed one of the kids arms, the boy tried to hit him with the other, spitting in his face when the Joker grabbed that hand as well.

By that time the Joker was fuming. He grabbed the boy and pushed him down, grabbing his throat, making his face go blue. Blue like a smurf? It was funny in a way. But was that blue normal? Joker let go, see Joker didn't want to harm his boys, he'd never harm them if they didn't make him too.

"You're a bad boy, baby, you need to learn your lesson."

The boy still looked at Joker with insolent eyes. Touching his throat in pain.

"Are you trying to get me angry baby, are you?"

Richie froze, scared of their lovers anger, knowing what that anger felt like on the other side. He didn't dare to look in Jokers eyes. Didn't dare look at him at all. Would Joker be angry with him, for not learning his brother the way of things? He didn't dare take a step back, watching the lesson take place.

Joker knew best.

The boy fell on the ground trying to avoid the Jokers fists. He got a kick in his chest for his trouble.

Richie smiled, glad he'd been a good boy, he knew his place, he listened to Joker. Joker was happy with him.

Joker would keep them safe, Joker loved them. He only hurt them when they were bad.

When they refused to listen to daddy.

Joker pulled his belt out. It slapped first on the boys chest, flaying his pajamas open to the skin.
Then hitting the kids back, his buttocks, wherever the belt could reach.

Richie knew the boy couldn't die, it was why Joker had taken him. Richie had told him, told him about the vibe. Soon they'd have a big family, a family that would never die and keep Jokers legacy alive. No the child wouldn't die, he'd just come back, reborn.

But Joker wouldn't want him to be reborn yet.

Richie blocked out the sounds, he didn't want to listen. It brought him back to the bad place, when he'd been a bad boy, when Joker had to teach him.

No he just sat there, waiting for Joker to be finished. Watching as Joker finally stopped and placed the boy back on the bed, stroking him. Part of him felt jealous, but he knew that was bad. How could he deny anyone Jokers love, Jokers care?

"Look at what you made me do, at how you made me hurt you. Your skin is all red now. Red like a tomato. Not that that's such a bad color for you."

Richie felt ashamed in the childs place, the boy was full with bruises now, how could anyone still like to look at him now. But despite all Joker still looked at him with love. His heart was that big.

"I'm a good boy Joker." he wanted to say, but he stayed still, this was Robins moment, not his and he couldn't steal it away from him. He was a good boy after all.

Joker caressed the childs wounds, leaving the boy to moan under his fingers. Holding on to his little shaking body.

"Hush little one,everything's alright now. I'm not angry anymore. Hush little one, hush, I still love you."
His lips touched the child's and this time the boy didn't pull back, he just opened up.

Chapter Five

Methos grabbed the handle. Holding tight as his driver raced through the city ravines. The hooded man was getting more and more desperate as every possible hide out was proven empty or having the wrong prey.

This far they'd busted five gangs, and still they'd gotten nowhere.
Richie was still missing and so where the Joker and the boy. He wondered if he should tell the vigilante about what else he'd heard, why Joker would want to kidnap the little squirt. Batman thought it was about him, he was half right.

Just like Kronos, always the guy who never learned to guard his key pieces until they were in jeopardy, poor pieces I could never resists capturing his queen.

The computer was running again, even while the man was driving. Methos wondered if there were even a second that the man didn't think about the case. Was there?

He doubted it.

How likely was it that the man wouldn't exhaust himself before they were halfway through.

"One thing about this case doesn't make sense." The vigilante suddenly said.

Methos looked up, wondering what the man meant.

"I almost understand what a Parisian gradstudent like Adam Pierson would be doing here. You mentioned it yourself. Richie is a ..." The Bat hesitated for a second, as if unsure how to say it. "friend."

There was a funny tone in his voice as he finally got the word out.

"You knows Bats jealously is a very bad thing"

The Bat looked almost struck there for a second. The man was almost easier to goad than either Kronos or MacLeod was. Not surprising that Joker loved to play with him.

"What I don't understand ... "He turned around for a moment,changing the subject, which only amused Methos even more."Is why Joker would be interested in the likes of Ryan. He's a two bit nobody. Jokers goons are usually of a harder calibre. It could be just his insane sense of humor, perverting the innocent. But then there's the killing thing... the whole revenge."

He turned his eyes back to the front.

"Where did you hide the womans body Pierson? And why? Is Ryan more than his record?"

"It's none of your business." Methos tried.

"It's exactly my business Pierson."

The immortal didn't react to the mention of his name, Batman was only trying to goad him into revealing more about himself. The vigilante was good in that, for a mortal at least.


Joker was grinning broadly. The family was having a family breakfast in the kitchen and even baby had been able to join them. He was of course sedated and locked to his chair. But then again babies had to be taken care of.

Red was brushing babies hair, it had gotten all messed up last night. The boys face still had that nice red look to it. Ah how his boys would look after one another. He took a banana and peeled it. It went into a bowl, mixed with some of the happy drug he'd gotten from scarecrow. It would make his boys nice and suggestable. Making them listen to him. His sweet immortal boys, ready to live on in his legacy if anything ever happened to him. Soon he'd have a whole family. First Red, then Robin, then others they would find for him.

He spoonfed baby. The boy looked for a second as if he'd resist, but then he opened up like daddie had asked. Ah how quickly his boys grew up.


The more time he spent with this mystery man, the more he felt ill at ease. His usual methods did nothing to make the guy talk. Who was he anyway? Could he even be trusted?

His files said he was Adam Pierson, a British student who did his graduate work in Paris. Who had been doing that very same thing for over 15 years now. How was that possible? His files said he was a near genius, so why didn't he graduate years ago?

Not to mention the fact that he didn' look his age.

Who was Adam Pierson really and what skill was it that he used to hide his presence. Not just fysically, but mentally as well. It wasn't some kind of meta-human ability, he was almost sure of it.

Pierson was looking at him with that certain gleam, winking at him, when the man noticed he returned his stare. He gulped as he realized the man was actually flirting with him. How did he deal with this mystery man?
It wasn't that he had anything against gay men, but this ones blatant flirting and open house like behavior, made him plainly uncomfortable. His eyes fell on the mans leg as he put one on another, tilting back to take a better position for his sprawl.

Chapter Six

Richie sat on his bed, watching the door and the Batman poster taped to it. He threw a knife at the image. Creating another slice in the wood without even giving it a second thought

He threw a second, hitting the cape, but just as he callously threw a third, the door shot open.

The knife ended up flying less than an inch past Jokers ear, taking a bit of his green hair with it.

"Son?" the Joker asked deceivingly cordial.

Richie gulped.

"Yes sir."

The Joker grabbed him by the throat, nearly choking him. Richie grabbed for the hands almost unconsciously trying to regain his air.

"What the hell do you think you're doing you immortal punk." He hissed in the young mans ear.

"I was bored." Richie managed to stutter.

"Never ever throw knives at that door... not without putting up the darts board. Why do you think I gave that thing in the first place. It isn't to keep score you know. Children, no ideas how expensive a door can be."

He still held on to Richie although his face now looked cheerful.

Richie was grasping for air. His face was starting to turn blue.

"That is so not your color." he let the boy go. Richie fell on the ground, breathing deep, trying to regain his breath and crawl up as the joker looked at the door.

Richie couldn't say anything, he just nodded along with whatever the Joker said.

"Now what do I hear about my boy being bored?"

Richies face returned to his sulk, again remembering he was bored.

"When are we doing something? I'm all cooped up inhere with no one to kill and I'm really getting tired of it."

Joker grinned at Richies expression, Richie put his head in his hands and didn't care. He wanted to do something, anything.

"You want to play outside?"

Richie gave him a hopeful look.

"I guess a healthy boy your age, needs some fresh air every now and again."

Richie almost leaped up in joy at the permission.

"But be home on time, you know the story of the girl turning in a pumpkin and getting eaten don't you?"

Richie just grinned.


Methos followed the other man into the bar. Bats was wearing the kind of outfit that would have been retro ten years ago. Now it just looked ugly. Methos knew better than to believe the face he was looking at was the real thing.

He stayed in the Bats shadow, following in his every footstep.

"Hey Matches, who's the kid?"

The crowd greeted them rather jovially, but looked at him with a hint of suspicion.

"Just an old pal from Chicago. He's helping me out on a job."

Methos returned their weary glances, until they grudgingly continued their conversations. Listening to it, he was starting to regret coming along, not that he'd ever admit that. He should have gone with the Bats plan and stay behind. It was not as if his presence here was doing any good. He ordered a beer and poured it down before ordering another one.

They sat there for an hour, gaining nothing, when to make matters even worse, he started to feel an immortal presence ringing in his head. He was just recovering from the alcohol and kept his head down. Why let the other know who the immortal was, it wasn't as if he could just pick him out in the crowd.


Methos turned his barstool around. Of all the rotten luck, he recognized that voice.


"Friend of yours?"

Methos smiled at seeing the woman hanging on Corys arms.

Another helpless female bedazzled by Cory's wits.

Just great.

"That's one way of putting it." he muttered before looking back at Cory.

Cory put his arm around Methos shoulder, Methos tried to pull free, but the other immortal wouldn't let go of him.

"The doc and I go ... waaay back." He dropped down to a chair next to Methos. "So doc, how's Byron."

Methos knew it, he could have guessed that would have been this ones question. Oh god, he lowered his eyes.

"Who got him?" the thief asked almost sadly.


"Mac? Why? That's just such a waste..."

The ancient knew he really did not want to think about Byron now. He turned back to the bat. Wondering how much he was going to regret this.

"Malone meet Cory Raines, old friend, back from the old neighborhood."

"Always glad to meet a friend of the docs here." Cory ordered them a set of drink, sharing a round with the house while inviting himself to sit with Methos and 'Malone'.

"Glad to see you back in business doc.

I thought you retired."

"I did."

"Too bad, damn shame for the whole field." he turned to the Bat. "The doc here is the damn best safecracker I've ever had the pleasure of working with."

Methos sighed. Not that again. "Don't start."

"You should have seen him back in London."


Batman could barely suppress his grin as Raines tales grew taller and taller, increasing in danger and momentum with every new part. Not to mention embarrassing the hell out of Pierson while entertaining the crowd.

He recognized Raines from his files.

The man was a bank robber, a rather successful one at that, who fancied himself somewhat of a Robin Hood. Most often sending the money of his heists of to some orphanage or some other good cause. The man was probably insane but mostly harmless.

It made him wonder though, how did a guy like Pierson, who was supposed to be a simple graduate student, know a highprofile bank-robber like Raines?

He grabbed hold of his curiosity and made use of the relaxed atmosphere that Raines created with his stories, to eavesdrop on some of the other conversations. Unfortunately none of them knew a thing about the Joker and if they did, they did not mention it.

He was just about ready to make his exit when Raines fell still in the middle of a sentence. It was so short a moment that he could have missed it completely if not for the way both Raines and Pierson turned their heads to the door at the exact same time.

A boy came in, he looked barely legal and way too young to buy beer, let out be in a bar this late. Everyone tensed up as he came in, heading straight up to the bar. Some wondering who the hell he was, others whispering questions to their neighbors, or answering them with a fear in their eyes.

Batman almost expected the bartender to refuse him the beer, but weird enough the man poured one in and claimed it on the house. Worst of all the eight foot bear of a man was trembling like crazy.

Someone in the crowd muttered something about being skipped, but his pal grabbed his arm and hissed something in his ear. The first one quickly pulled in his head after that and did his best not to even catch attention with a wrong breath.

The boys mad grin turned towards Pierson and Raines. At first Raines was smiling, but then he caught sight of the madness in those young eyes.

"What the hell." Pierson held him back, taking a step forward.


"Methos." the boy grinned "Oh yes, you don't like it if I drop that in public. Now do you mister Pierson?"

"Richie please."

"We can't have the words oldest man revealed in public now can we?"

The boy emptied his glass and threw the pint up to the mirror behind the bar.

"What do you want Richie?"

"I don't know." The boy put his finger on his lip, touching it with his tongue as he opened his mouth. "I'm bored."

Pierson got up and the shy young man charade he'd held up before dropped away like one of Sherazades veils, leaving something deadly in its wake.

"What do you want?" A hiss, like that of a rattlesnake sounded in the question this time.

"Why lover? I think your Quickening would be a good place to start. Now wouldn't it."

The boy broke out in laughter, staring at Pierson's marble like face.

"The look in your eyes," the boy started laughing again. "As if I'd ever want to damage that body of yours." The boy took his finger away from his mouth, moving it from Pierson's chin up to the other mans lips. Taunting him.

The two men faced of, Ryan did not even back of when Raines sided with Pierson.

All Batman could do was wonder what the hell these people were talking about.

"Soon." Ryan promised, blowing a kiss farewell to Pierson before turning around.

Pierson went cold as ice, his eyes dark and unreadable

Chapter Seven

He could still feel Richies touch He moved his tongue past his lips still wet from the touch, retaining the sensation of the youths taste.

Soon he promised himself, soon.

"Methos?" he disregarded Raines disbelieving and almost reverent tone. He could not deal with it now.
The whole idea of being found out, once his worst fear, was now nothing more than an annoyance. Something that could wait till he had his more important business dealt with.

He still could not believe what he'd just seen, Richie, what he had become, what the Joker had done to him, turning him into a perverted image of his former self. He closed his eyes, remembering what he'd been told about the Jokers plans. Seeing them into action only made the horror worse.

He remembered Cassandra before and after his games. Only he had more time to make his effect on her more permanent. He had to make sure that the Joker did not get the same opportunity with Richie.

Raines grabbed him, forcing him to look at him, to pay him attention.

"You are Methos? The Methos." The way he almost put the name between huge connotation marks was too much for him. "God, I can't believe this."

"Then don't." His voice came out harsh, unforgiving, much harder than he'd intended it to be. This whole thing was getting to him. Maybe he should just back of, let the Joker play his games, use his pawns till they broke out against their master. But no, he couldn't do that to Richie. Not to him.


Methos pulled out his sword and put it at the younger immortals throat before he could say anything more.
"Just shut up about it."

He knew that the eyes that Raines saw where not those of Adam Pierson, they were the eyes of Death.
Raines lifted his hands as if in surrender as he took a step back.

Methos left the scene, Batman following behind him.


It tickled, it really really did. Tim started shaking uncontrollably, trying to avoid the feeling. But it kept following him mercilessly whichever way he turned.

He faced the eyes of his tormentor, begging him to stop. His wet body slipping as it looked for a hold on. Tim had no idea how long he'd been here, in this place, in this house. All he knew was that he wanted it to stop. It was horrible, constant touching, constantly brushing against his naked flesh.

But as the feather moved away from his body he also yearned for its strokes and almost begged for it to continue.

He moved his head along with the towel as Joker dried his hair. The Joker sat behind him, he leaned against the mans chest, his legs pulled up to his chest, held in a tight grip. The towel felt soft against his skin and he rested in the older mans arms. Searching comfort in the caress and finding warmth in the embrace.

"You want to please daddy, don't you Junior?"

Tim shivered, whether it was the cold or something else he had no idea.

"Yes daddy J." he whispered.

"I didn't hear you." The singsong voice stated, teasing him. While tickling his chest again.

"Yes daddy!" he repeated a bit louder.

"I still didn't hear you." The Joker continued the game.

"Yes daddy!!!" Tim's throat went practically hoarse as he shouted the words.

Joker pulled him closer

"Good boy."

Tim's head rested on his chest. Held close to him.

"Daddies have needs to you know." Tim just nodded.

"Will you do anything for your daddy?"

Tim nodded again.


The Joker pulled him up, on his lap.

"You know daddy loves you."

Tim just lay back in the others embrace. No matter how much it hurt.

Anything for daddies love.


Richie called through the relay system. The phones owner was staring at him, sitting stock-still in the corner till Richie told him he could move. An apple on his head. Richie had told him that if the apple hit the ground, the deal was of. The man had shivered at that, knowing that if he didn't do what Joker wanted, Joker would kill his wife and children. They only lived at Jokers permission. The mans care for their welfare was strangely funny. Especially considering what Joker had often made him do in order to insure their safety.

Richie poured himself a lemonade and opened the knife-cabinet.

The man sat frozen as Richie started juggling the knives, his heart seemed to stand still for a second as one of the knives came up at him, hitting the apple on his head.

It took some time for Joker to respond and Richie was about ready to skin the dog when the call finally came.
He jumped up, leaving one knife stuck in the kitchen board

It was a round about way to get things done, but better to loose some time, than to lead the enemy to the nest.

By the time Jokers car arrived to pick him up, his host was seven colors of pale, a sobbing shaking wreck of a human being. Richie propped the apple in his mouth, and finished him off by kissing him on the forehead.
The man started drooling as soon as he turned around.

Richie hummed along with the tune coming from the car. He opened the door and sat down next to his little brother who was tied up in the back of the car. He was glad and proud to see the boy had become a good boy so fast that he'd been allowed outside already.

But then he should have known, daddy always knew what he was doing.

"Methos is in town." He stated.

"Methos? What kind of parents would call their child after a breathmint. It's almost enough to kill them and give ground for insanity due to childhood trauma. Actually I knew a guy who did that. Poor bozo hung himself. " The Joker seemed to be thinking about it for a moment. "The fact that I told him I wanted his cell might have had something to do with it as well of course. "

"Joker, please you have to listen. This man is dangerous. He's Methos."


"He's 5.000 years old." Richie was dead serious. "I don't want him to hurt you."

Emotion rang through his voice. Joker brushed through his hair. "Don't worry kid, I'm far from dying."
"So he's old, so what? They always say the young have the glory anyway. And I plan to be that young."

"He's a genius, a master tactician of the highest order, a survivor."

Jokers grin took over his entire face.

Richie hesitated to say anything more. Knowing that for Joker all that was there now, would be the challenge.
For some reason that made him happy.

Chapter Eight

Methos looked up at the sky, the bat-symbol reflected on the clouds shadows. It waved along with the wind and he couldn't help but stare at it incredibly. Still not believing it was for real. Bats was getting ready to go after it. His muscles tensed, wound up, ready for battle. Methos looked at him and surprised himself.

"I'm coming with you."
It hit him with absolute certainty, he wasn't going to let the man go on his own. Not now, the Bat looked ready to break and he wanted to be there to catch him if he did. Richies life, Richies sanity depended on it.

Batman returned his gaze, his stance growing stronger as they faced of. Methos knew the man was taking his measure, trying desperately to get a hold on him. Even now the man had no idea what he was dealing with.

The game was old, familiar. Trust, distrust. Maybe he should have insisted on staying behind, then the man would have demanded him to come along.

He grinned, realizing that would have been wrong. The Bat would have figured it out for the trick it was. Not just that, he would have started to see Methos as the manipulator he was, distrust him even more than he already did. No better to change his tactics, to use the truth for once.

Batman was a warrior, not unlike MacLeod or Kronos in that respect. They all behaved as if battle was breeded into them. Their every step was proud like that of a lions. No ... like a panther. Soundless, fluid, dangerous. Good things in an allie, horrible in an enemy.

Methos stood back, watching him Ready to follow him as he left.


Joker stroked his fingers past the young mans face, holding the body in his arms.

"Rock now my baby, in a wheeltop. Hold onto me know, Batman will drop. Devils will guard thee, death be thy part. Rock now my baby, soon you will kill."


The commissioner was waiting for them. He stood in the shadows of his office. His face was pale, as if unsure of what to say. Batman approached him with a touch of softness in his moves. It was unfamiliar, yet expected. Like Kronos cradling Silas after one of the big mans pets died. Or when they had to kill one of the horses because it broke its leg.

The older man tried to say something, to force words out of his mouth that seemed to be stuck in his throat. When he finally got them out, the words were broken stuttered.

"I'm sorry my friend." Was all he finally managed to get out before handing over a tape.

The cowled figure stared at it. Touching it as if it were covered in acid. Methos couldn't see his eyes through the hood, but he recognized the look. Batman stared at the tape, turning cold as ice, giving a nice impression of going into a full brood.

"Oh come on. Not you too."

That's when Gordon noticed him. Methos just grinned.

"So Joker made his move."

They both turned to him as if wanting to shut him up for shattering the moment.

"And who might you be?"

"He's ..."

But before the Bat could give him away Methos gave Gordon his full attention. Catching his eyes with an ancient smoothness, making the man step back at seeing his eyes.

"You're the old man."

Methos gazed at him, urging him to contine.

"There were two tapes. One for Batman, one for ... the old man as he put it."

"Bloody marvelous." Methos held out his hand, waiting for the mortal to give him the tape.

"I'm taking a guess you've watched them both."

"Yes, we took copies as well."

Methos looked at the Bat, the man seemed ready to leave, probably to that cave of his again. the ancient immortal shuddered at the thought. There was a reason he tended to avoid caves, especially the ones with Bats inside of them. Besides, he thought, we don't have the time.

Knowing even then that he was just fooling himself.

"The game is speeding up Bats, if we don't catch up soon, Richie and Robin will only be the first.

"What game?"

Why didn't people just understand things the first time around. Patience had never been his strong point. Probably the main reason why he took so few students, he could barely bring up the effort to wait around as they bumbled through their first years of immortality.

"Jokers game, what else?"He grumped a bit.

"First he takes the pawns, a kill here, a kill there, just enough to pull your attention. Then as your keeping an eye on your bishop, he takes your queen right from under your nose. If we don't act quickly the board is on the ground and you're lying there, death in a ruined waste, wondering how the hell it could have ever gotten so bad.

Both mortals stared at him. They probably thought he'd gone insane.

"It's not the first time I play this game Bats, I think I even invented it. It's a game as old as time, the only thing changing is the players. I don't usually play on this side of the playing field. I've been him. I know him, like you never will.

Oh you can try and think like him, but no matter how far he drives you, you'll always fall a step short. Not untill you fall. And that ... my young friend is exactly what he's playing at. "

Methos turned away from the mortals.

"He may try and kill you, he may even think he wants to kill you, but really, he doesn't. Best guess he wants to make you him, maybe he even wants to end up in bed with you and you'd save the world a lot of trouble if you did. I don't know. I'm not sure yet. But the point is I can be him, you can't. Pray you never do."

Gordon snorted in disbelief, Batman still seemed unsure.

Time for the finishing thought.

"I did that once you know. Biggest success I ever had. Best fuck too. I took a good man, his name was Kronos. He was a farmer, a leader. I took his townsmen, his children, his wife, his cattle.... He came after me in rage. Claiming to be after revenge. Maybe he actually was. Then he stole one of my slaves and I had to punish him again. I killed the girl. Left her in his bed to bleed to death. By the time I was finished I looked him in the face and offered him myself as a brother. He took my hand and we spread an age of terror the world hasn't known since. "

The mortals just stood there, in full shock.

"Oh get over it already. "


'Iiiiittttsss Joker time." The Joker announced in a loud stretching voice. His face on the middle of the screen.
Batman clenched his fists as he saw the camera broaden its view and he caught a sight of Robin sitting on the ground. The boy was unmasked, his hands tied behind his back. Batman cringed at the sight of the bruises on the boys face. There were scratches on his chest and the boys eyes looked at him.

"Alright boys and girls. Tonight we're learning how to kill a redbird."

What was there to say when both Robin and the other boy broke out in grins at those words and Robin just sat there as the Joker pointed his gun at him.

Batman took a mental step back from the images. Watching Piersons reactions to them. The man seemed to just stand there, his face unreadable as it had been from the first time they met.

Robin was being killed as if it were a childrens show being played out and Pierson or Methos or whatever his name was, just stood there, calmly watching. An inch away from ordering popcorn to go with the show. How could that man be chewing gum as if nothing was going on.

The tape stopped at one gruesly instant as the camera pointed at Joker, watching him hold the gun, aim it at Tim and then ... nothing.

End of tape.

And Piersons face stood blank.


"Who are you?"

The word attacked him harsh, unrelenting. The boy had no idea how little it intimidated him.

"Who do you think I am?"

The Bat stared at him. As if wondering about him, unsure about what side he was on.

Good for him.

"I don't know. You're either a psychotic with delusions of being a mythological figure that barely anyone knows about."

Methos smiled, Batman's resources had to be better than he'd expected if the man had found out even that much.

"On the other hand, you could be some kind of metahuman or very long lived being who's been around since the dawn of time. I'm not sure which one of the two worries me more."


"One story I found equaled your name with death."

Methos nodded.


"Old reasons."

"When Ryan called you Methos, it made you react. You didn't like it."

Batman seemed to be waiting for some kind of reaction. Methos let him wait.

"You use other names in public. Has it something to do with the way Raines reacted to it? Are you afraid of reverence."

Methos snorted. "Amongst others."

"I don't know who you are. Methos. I've faced demons, real gods, beings with powers beyond comprehension. I met a man who was 800 years old."

"Ghul." Methos whispered. This time Batman ignored him.

"I have also faced lunatics who think they are all of the above.

You . you could fit into both categories."

"So that's your opinion? That I am either a delusional fraud or a demon?"

Batman didn't answer.

"Do you know what I think Bats?"

The masked man took the tape again, holding it as if unsure what to do.

"I think if you spent as much time watching that tape as you've been watching me . we would have already been heading for your little buddies hideout."

Batman became all held in anger. He was probably so used to holding in his anger that he no longer even realized he was doing it.

"The damn things an invitation Batboy. He's telling you exactly where he is.

You'd have known that, if you didn't let him make this personal."

The mortal wanted to deny it, Methos didn't even let him finish the first word.

"You know why he's going to win Batboy. Not because he's smarter than you. You're more than smart enough on your own. Not because he's got better weapons. I've seen your arsenal. Not because you can grasp his thoughts. You've beaten him often enough. Even the fact that he doesn't follow the rules while you do, is not the thing that's stopping you."

"Then why do you think he's going to beat me?"

"Because .my boy, you let him make this personal."

Batman wanted to interrupt but Methos held up his hand.

"Do you even realize what you were doing in there? You didn't even watch the video. Sure you caught what happened onscreen, but you didn't 'watch' it."

Batmans lip was twitching, ready to give the other man an earful about the whole thing.

"If you had, you could have recognized the scenery. I did and I'm not even from Gotham.
He's drawing you a fucking roadmap and you didn't even notice. How much more do you need?

Batman stood there, watching him.

"Who are you?"

"Do you really want to know who I am boy? I doubt it. I'm someone who knows the Joker, someone who's been where he is. I know what its like to be so bored by everything, by the slow steps of life. Until one day you fall of the ferry wheel and you look around and you just . get it. The whole joke. Life is a joke and once you get it, nothing means anything any more, other than to enhance the joke. You grab a baby from its mothers hands and drop it just to break out in laughter as its head crushes as it hits the soil and you see the brains come out of it like the meat of a pumpkin and you wonder why noone else sees it. " Methos grin stretched over his face.

"But being the only one who gets the joke gets boring, so you want to share the fun. You want to know who I am boy? I am Death. "

He turned around at the man, beckoning him to follow.

Batman still stood there.

"Then why aren't you with him now?"

"I got bored."

Chapter Nine

Joker was positively happy. His boys at his side, his men at his command.
Everything was going hunkadory.

He put his cake on the table. He sipped his finger in the frosting, tasting it for a second before he slowly placed the candles on top.

Oh everything was so hunkadory. He pinched Reds butt as he went passed him, and rearranged Juniors tie. Everything was ready for their diner guests. The table was set, the men were waiting with big guns, bombs and whatever that would cause the right effect of destruction and mayhem and he was gippy. Every moment he wanted to jump up and kiss someone.

He grabbed Juniors head and give him a loud smacker on the lips. The boy seemed so confused, beautifully dazed.

Poor boy, when that terrible Batman would come his past life would fade away and soon the family would be safe for all time. After today, none of them had to be scared of anything ever again.

He took a gun and placed it in Juniors hands. "Hold on for me will ya. Daddy's got things going on."

The boy almost dropped it, but held it upwards instead. Joker pushed it away as it aimed at me. "Bats you brat. Not clowns. How can you go on a hunt when you don't even know who to shoot."

Red was muttering something, Joker could vaguely hear something sounding like Eeny, meeny, mo ...

That boy could never pick between a Kalishnikov or a machine gun.

Both accessorized so nicely.

Oh he could feel the sunshine in his heart. He broke out in clapping. The sound of his hands slapping broke over the silence in the room.


Batman was brooding. Sure, some could call it deep thinking or shaded reflection, but Methos didn't fool himself with semantics. To him it was brooding, pure and simple. He moaned just looking at it. What was it with heroes and brooding, almost as if you had to pass brooding one on one to get an official hero-certificate.
Wasn't dealing with one of those dark overhanging forehead brooding types enough a century. Hell maybe this was hell, his punishment for his past crimes? They couldn't make him suffer that much, could they?

He stared at the hulking figure next to him once more. The tenseness in his shoulders, that gaze in those eyes, the way that cape flattered his figure. Alright already, there was something inherently sexy to the brood-thing, but come on. Enough was enough. All this 'thinking' was not helping the case.

The dark mans hand clenched around the wheel. His mouth didn't move, his face a veritable marble surface. It fit really, the idea, the myth that the Bat was becoming, didn't need to show emotion, it was nothing more than that. It didn't need feelings, or concern. It was the threat that lurked and it was exactly what Joker wanted him to be. Because there was nothing attached to it. No human being who cared about anything other than the two of them and the things they could play with. It was a marble statue that represented something bigger than life. Maybe every fear that the Joker had ever had. And that fear could be faced, could be laughed with, ridiculed with. If Joker were faced with the man, he wouldn't have a clue what to do, because he wasn't ready for it. But that, even this man didn't understand.

As Death, he had played with Kronos that way. He hadn't cared that Kronos was a man. He'd seen the image, the dark warrior, the protector. The things he feared in the eyes of one other man who might be strong enough to last. It had been interesting, it had been thrilling. And everyone surrounding Kronos had been nothing but playthings to mess with at his hearts content.

When the protector became his brother, protecting him, he'd bathed in the dark aura, letting it take him over, guarding him. And after a while Kronos had forgotten to be anything but what Methos had wanted him to be. His protectiveness, became overbearing. His caring became an obsession. That too had been thrilling at the start. But all too soon he'd grown tired. Bored. He'd tried to find other playthings, but the myth Kronos hadn't let him. He hadn't wanted to let him go, taking away his favorite toys, destroying them at his leisure, thinking Methos still liked it when he did that, showing his obsession that way.

The myth couldn't grow and the man had melted away a long time ago.

Sure, Batman was a mortal man, he didn't have the time, the chance to get as far and as bad as Kronos had. But for a mortal he was bad enough. For this man, a mortal lifetime might just be long enough to do whatever he wanted. Take whatever he wanted, become a fear not just to the darkness but to the light as well. And he didn't even know it.

"So Bats, what do you think.

A good old fashioned frontal attack or the old sneaky approach.

The masked eyes turned to him. Big black holes of nothingness. Was there really still life beneath them?

"You tell me." The voice had grown lower again. A sign of the masquerade the man was playing.

"Richie will know when I'm around. I can't avoid that."

The ancient suppressed his smile when the Bat didn't ask him why that was.


Up said the daisy, up and gone.
Flying, flies, everywhere sparks.
Daddy in a treetop, Red on a branch.
Everything is shaking, shivering wild.
Sparks were flying at his fingers

Fairies glittered before his eyes. So pretty, he couldn't grab them and push them and then they were flat and not pretty anymore and he dropped thme and

flying flies, all around.
Whispering sweet words of insanity.
Buzzing all around his mouth.
He could smell them with his ears.
buzzing Fairies.
Daddy was here, magic wands all around.
Sparks in his fingers
Dark shadows, chasing the fairies.
Daddy smile, please smile.
Dark demon bat everlasting bad demonbat.
Bad Bat, Evil Bat, making daddy all upset.
Scaring daddy I'll show you.

Daddy juumped the maypole, waving with his wand. Fairies flying all around.
Was that sparks at his fingertips. Up is down and down is up. Sparks all around.

Dead bat.

The wand raised, his fingers sparking ready for magic. Duck.


Batman stared down the gun at the eyes of his young student.

"Robin!!! No!!!!"

Chapter Ten

Methos lazily stepped up to the front door. His hand went to the door and he tapped it loudly. The wood almost croaked. "Joker dear boy, how can you possibly tollerate a place this dreary?" he whispered under his mouth. He tapped again, this time ringing the bell as well. If there was a trap on it, he'd survive. Might be nice to try electrocution as a way of death again. It was close enough to a Quickening. Though not quite. It didn't have that same panache. It's aftertaste was not as strong.

He rang the bell, and started tapping on the door.

A shave and a haircut, dum dum.

It opened and he almost hit the face of the man waiting behind it.

Methos broke out in laughter at the clowns perturbed face.


The clown seemed almost disappointed.

"Is this where the party is?"

Joker stood there with open mouth, probably wondering how his script could have possibly been messed up.

Methos walked right past him.

"I just love your ideas of home movies? Who's your director? You?"

The Joker wanted to say something, Methos didn't let him.

"Just that ... touch of childishness, I like it, very good show old chap. Only that blood"


"You could have done with a bit less splatter, gives a much nicer effect.

Over all though, I'd give it a B+ for trying."

Methos kept jabbering, never allowing the Joker a word in as he went further into the lions den.

A couple of goons stared at him, confused. Wondering what he was doing here. Joker had obviously not picked them for their intelligence. Methos seemed to ignore them as he grabbed a chair and made himself comfortable.

He barely acknowledge Richies presence, giving him a quick hi. Ignoring Jokers behavior as he brushed past the boys hand. He never lost him out of his eye though. Watching the restless behavior, that calmed down only when the Joker touched him.

'Programmed.' Methos couldn't help but think. The ancient wondered how far the Joker had gone. He remembered young sweet Caspian. The boy had been screaming, praying to protect his sister and then to watch as Methos and Kronos took her while they forced the boy to watch. He remembered the boys eyes as he fried the woman over a fire. Hearing her begging for mercy as she burned to death. By the time he pushed her flesh through the boys throat, there had been a madness in the boys eyes. A madness that had never quite disappeared.

"Nice work with the boys. A good upbringing always shows"

This was the first time that Methos was silent long enough for the Joker to get something in.

"Why thank you." The clown smiled, trying to get the upper hand.

"Say thank you Red."

"Thank you Red."

Richie sounded dangerous as he said those words, a tamed animal, leashed by the Jokers touch.

Methos faced his eyes and grinned.

He pointed at the camera, showing a sight of gunmen, shooting at the Bat.

"Well I guess the old fashioned ways are always good for a laugh.

Joker was quickly reaching up to a tantrum.


How dare that man!

"So what did you have planned for us?"

The clown turned his eyes to the camera, barely stopping himself from being to obvious, but the man still noticed. It was incredible, wasn't this guy even the slightest bit worried when he saw the gunmen shooting at the bat? But no. That grin never left his face.

"Well the old ways are always good for a laugh."

This guy was honing in on his territory, he was the clown here and he practically shouted out his claims on the title. Some of the thugs took a step back, probably recognizing the look in his eyes.

"Clown prince maybe, but I'm the emperor." the man stated death pan. Joker blew out.

"Kill him, kill everyone."

The thugs started shooting, but the stranger easily avoided them. His sword ready in one hand, his gun in another. Where did this guy get his toys?


The boy attacked the stranger. Joker hoped that he got out alright. He'd have to get him out of jail later. For now it was best if he just got Junior and took them the hell out of here. This guy was one head short of the Looney bin.

He whistled at bit as he walked through the hallways of the abandoned TV-sets. Things were exploding all around him.

"Junior. Junior!! Where are you?"

He could see the bat coming and smiled. Junior was still holding his gun. "Shoot him" he whispered in the boys ear. "He's going to hurt me."

The boy stood in front of him, protecting him with that magnificent immortal body of his. A body that would never decline under the rapid torrents of age.

The boy raised his gun, Joker could barely hold in his excitement as Junior stood in front of the Bat. This was going even better than planned.

Batman screamed, trying to stop the boy, heroic as usual.

A shot was fired. He waited to see the Bat fall, hit right in between his eyes. But it didn't happen.

What was wrong? He could feel the boy falling on top of him. He fell, Juniors blood sticking on his face and hair. he looked up at the stranger. At the gun in his hands.

"You can't do this!"

The man just grinned, his eyes hidden in shadows.

Joker crawled back.

Where was that Bat? Why wasn't he saving him from this madman?

But the Batman stood shocked and when he saw him there was fury in his eyes.

Joker crawled back even more, his back hitting the wall. "You just can't."

He could hear a loud gasp of breath, a shocked outcry of the Bat as Junior woke up in the Bats arms.


Batman had to hold him back, his boy was still there for him. Oh he'd always be there for him. Wonderful boys. He could see Red come running as well. Blood barely visible on the red of his shirt.

"You know I'm insane, mister stranger. I'm not in control of my actions, bad childhood and all that."

The man kept coming closer. He pushed him against the wall, just as expected. Now he'd be hit, possibly with the gun and he'd wake up at his familiar cell in Arkham again. Home sweet home.

What was that guy doing?

"I'll let you in on a little secret." The mans mouth came closer to his ear. "I was raised a slave."

A gun was put against his temple.

Joker swallowed heavily.

"You can't do this." he repeated again. "You're the hero."

"Whatever gave you that idea."

Joker barely heard the gunshot as the pain hit him and he fell in the pits of death. A smile of shock and surprise on his face.


Don't ask for questions, you might not want them answered.

It was an old saying, one that was all too often used in his line of work, but Batman had never understood it more than he did now as he rocked Robin in his arms. As he felt the blood caked on his skin. The boy still struggled against his hold, begging to get to Joker.

It hurt having to deny that despair in his voice, he hated the cause of it, the reason. All that happened. He hated it almost as much as he hated the ending of it all.

He could hear sirens playing in the background. The masked man let go of the boy for a second, giving him the chance to run up to the Jokers corpse. His eyes stood cold as the boy kneeled down next to Red, both of them shaking and sobbing only half aware of the rest of the world. Their reason for living lying dead against the wall.

Red took the boy in his arms. His lips touching Tim's skin. Batman wanted to look away from it, as Tim didn't fight the touches, but gave in to it instead. He gulped heavily, trying to grasp what had happened, what he could do.

He turned away and saw Methos silhouette in the shadows at the other side of the room. The reflections of the limited light in the room gave him a skull like outlook. Batman stared at him, only a single blink and the man was gone. Disappeared as if in smoke. Leaving him with the two boys, saddling him with the responsibility for both their wellbeing.

Two children, one a killer, a maniac, the other not yet.

He knew he could not separate them without losing Tim forever.

They hugged even closer as they saw him watch them.

Bullock and Montoya came in on the scene. Bullock whistled almost happily as he saw the Jokers corpse. Montoya hit him, grumbling against his good mood. Bullock stared at him, noticing the way he looked at the two boys.

The cop faced his gaze, then he eyed Montoya and the both of them helped him load the two boys in the batmobile. For a second the Batman thought he could see a small blue tattoo on Bullocks wrist, but he guessed he must have seen wrong. The two men nodded at eachother as Batman left.

>From the shadows a dark figure kept watch over them. The neonlight created a blue daze over one half of his face, in the darkness his eyes were shadowed.

"Soon love. Soon."


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