The Perfect Opportunity

by Angel Jade

Content: Slash, language, character death, violence.

Description: An injured Angel goes to Sunnydale to save Buffy from Darla but Spike and Xander find him instead.

Setting: Season 5 BtVS, Season 2 Ats, just after ‘Epiphany.’


His eyes kept closing on the way there. He was in no fit state to drive. He felt woozy from the loss of blood…the lack of blood. He was so hungry, stopping at a gas station and filling up on the nearest human actually seemed a good idea.

Not enough time. He had to get there before it was too late.


“It’s that little bitch isn’t it?” Darla cooed in his ear. “The slayer. My boy’s in love with a slayer.”

Angel winced as she ran her fingernails across his bloodied back. More lash marks than skin.

“I’ll make her go away.” Darla swore. “There will be no more thoughts of slayers or saving the world…just me.”

“She’ll kill you.” Angel murmured.

“Oh Angelus, I won’t go unprepared. I’ll have Dru and young William by my side. We’ll be a family again.”

“Little William can’t hurt humans anymore.” Angel said, taking great pleasure in ruining her plan.

“That’s a shame. I guess I’ll just have to make some more childer.” She smirked. “Your friends will do nicely.”

Angel thrashed against the chains again, listening to her laugh at his anger.

“We’ll get you any help you need, Darla.” A male voice said. “On one condition.”

“Anything, Lindsey.” Darla smiled.

“Make him beg some more, will you?” Lindsey asked.


Angel shook the scene from his head and concentrated on the road. He was almost there. He drove down Revello Drive and stopped outside 1630. Jumping out, he realised Buffy and the others might be a little shocked to see him.

Three steps and his world turned black; the pain, the stress and the exhaustion finally getting to him.


“Sod off you little whelp.” Spike moaned as Xander asked him yet another awkward question. “Why you so damn interested in all this?”

“Well, it’s this or silence. And I don’t like silence.” Xander pointed out.

“You…are a pain in the ass.” Spike said, poking Xander lightly.

“And you, are a walking corpse.” Xander replied, poking Spike much harder.

“If I could hurt you…” Spike broke off as he saw Angel lying down outside Buffy’s house.

“Yeah? If you could hurt me…?” Xander urged.

Spike broke into a jog until he reached Angel’s side.

“Is that Angel?” Xander asked, as he caught up with Spike.

“Angel?” Spike nudged his sire but Angel didn’t stir. Spike smelt the blood in the air. He removed Angel’s coat and saw the blood stained clothes that hadn’t been replaced properly.

“Oh shit. That’s bad.” Xander said, grossed out by the sight of so much blood. “Is he dead?”

“Is he dust?” Spike asked sarcastically.

“What’re we going to do? He needs help.” Xander said.

Spike stood up, his face hardening. “I don’t sodding care. Bastard deserves all he gets.”

“But Buffy…” Xander began.

“Fuck Buffy. She can take care of the pouf.” Spike yelled, walking away. “Why d’you care? The tosser made you as miserable as he made me, so leave him already.”

Xander hesitated before catching up with Spike. “I thought we were going to get some weapon’s from Buffy’s?”

“Nope, we’re going to get some weapons’ from mine. Buffy’ll never know we were here.” Spike said.

“Oh…okay. But yours is all the way…”

“Fine, you go get the weapons and Buffy can blame you for not saving Angel’s life when she gets back from hell or where ever they are right now.” Spike suggested.

“Maybe he was on the way here to warn us.” Xander said. “I’m going back. I’ll ring Cordelia and find out what’s going on.”

Spike groaned and followed him back. “Why’d I get stuck with you?”

“Because I drew the short straw.” Xander replied.


“No one’s answering.” Xander said, putting the phone down. He watched as Spike dragged Angel in. Xander looked around and found one of Spike’s blankets on the stairs. He draped it over the couch and Spike lay Angel down.

“Bleedin’ typical, this is.” Spike hissed. “He’s got the worst timing…”

“Buffy and the other’s can handle it. We’re here because we can’t help out.”

“Dunno why they can’t use me. I’m better than ‘em all.” Spike grumbled.

“They needed someone to look after Sunnydale while they went dimension hopping.” Xander explained.

“Yeah, second thoughts I’d rather be here. Even if it does mean babysitting you.” Spike said.

“Hey!” Xander warned.

Angel groaned and twitched slightly.

“I wonder who…”



“Darla. Blonde bint. Vampire. Angel’s sire. Angel killed her...” Spike reminded him.

“When vampires die, they don’t come back.” Xander pointed out.

“Well she has, because I recognise the scent.” Spike said. “It’s all over him.”

“Ew…that’s just nasty.” Xander said.

“Listen pet, how about we off ‘im while no one’s here. No one’s gonna know. We can put the car outside the cemetery…make it look like a vampire killed him…”

“Spike!” Xander warned again.

“Common. Like you care if he’s dead or alive?”

“But people I care about do.” Xander said. “And besides, he might have something important to tell us.”

“Yeah, right.” Spike said, sulking slightly. “He cares so much he came down to warn us. Missed shagging Slutty more like.”

“Shut it, Spike or I’ll kick you ass.” Xander said.

“You know, I think the slight pain I’ll get will be nothing compared to the mass relief I’ll have once I rip your heart out.”

“Beautiful, Spike. Should have been a writer.” Xander smirked.

“If you’re planning on saving his pathetic existence, you might wanna bandage him up.” Spike told Xander.

“Me?” Xander looked a little horrified.

“You wanted to help him.” Spike said.

“You’re his uh…He’s your sire.” Xander retorted.

“Childe, pet. I’m his fucking childe.”

“Thought Dru was your sire now.” Angel muttered, still half unconscious.

Spike threw Angel a look. “Only when I feel like it.”


“Yep, Darla whopped your ass real good. Good on her, I say.” Spike grinned.

“She’s after Buffy…” Angel whispered.

“Now? Darla’s here?” Xander asked.

Angel just nodded before collapsing back down on the sofa.

“Oh, this’ll be fun.” Spike smirked.

“I better warn Buffy, Spike you…” Xander thought about what he was saying. “On second thoughts, you tell Buffy.”

“Me? Why do I have to do everything round here? Sodding cheap labour.” Spike muttered as he walked out.

“You said it, not me.” Xander replied as Spike slammed the door. “You up to talking?”

“Mmm. Think so.” Angel murmured.

“What happened?”

“Evil lawyer firm brought Darla back human, Drusilla sired her again, she…did this, said she was coming here to kill Buffy.”

“Oh.” Xander nodded. “Buffy’s in a different dimension right now. In fact, everyone is. They went after a demon of some sort though a little portal that’s opened near one of the cemeteries.”

“Why?” Angel asked.

“It came here to get some ingredients for a spell to merge all realities or something life that. Can’t have it doing that.”

“I meant, why did you help me?”

“Oh…well, Spike didn’t want to, though you should have seen his face when he first saw you. Thought he was going to cry.” Xander said, noticing a small smile appear on Angel’s lips. “Then he said we should leave you. I was all up for that before I thought, hey…I’m a man now. Mature. And Buffy would have kicked my ass if she knew I’d left you there. So I convinced your son…”

“Childe.” Angel corrected.

“Same difference.” Xander dismissed. “And here we are. Great story, huh? I know one about a princess and a castle if you’re interested…?”

Angel rolled his eyes. “Are they going to be long?”

“Don’t have a clue. Buffy, Tara and Willow have gone in and Anya’s at our place looking after Dawn.”


“England. Left us all on our lonesome. Guess we’re old enough to fend for ourselves now.” Xander sighed.

Angel looked at Xander and smiled. Once the boy had hated him. Looked at him with venom and never resisted a chance to insult him.

Now Xander was a man. One that obviously didn’t hold much of a grudge anymore. Angel wished the same were true for Spike.

“Uh, Xander…?”


“Can I get some bandages or something? I’m gonna pass out.” Angel asked.

“Oh…yeah. Sure. I’ll go get some, wait right there.” Xander walked out.


Xander obviously knew how to dress wounds. Angel wondered if he’d seen his fair share at home but refrained from asking.

Spike walked in half way through and ignored the half-naked Angel being helped by Xander. He did, however, throw a bag of cold blood at Angel before going into the kitchen.

Angel tore at it with little care of who was watching. He was so hungry. Another ten minutes and Xander Harris would have looked appealing.

Xander averted his eyes. Watching someone drink blood was not a pretty sight.

“Did you find Buffy?” Xander called out.

“Left a note for her outside the opening. I wasn’t gonna risk my neck jumping through that thing.” Spike called back.

Xander shook his head and looked up at Angel. “There. All done.”

“Thanks.” Angel said, before easing back down onto his side. Every inch hurt but he forced down moans.

“So…guess we’re stuck here for now.” Xander pointed out. “This could be fun.”

“Who better to be stuck on their own but us, huh?” Angel said, smiling.

Xander grinned. “Cordy wasn’t joking when she said you’ve lightened up.”

Angel nodded. “Trust me, you have to have a sense of humour to work with Cordelia.”

“I get ya. Come on…I dated her.” Xander laughed.

Spike stood at the doorway, watching Angel and Xander talk as if they were old friends and frowned. He hated both of them. And he hated Buffy for putting him in this situation. And Darla for being a bint. And most definitely Angel for being such a pouf.

“Spike, are you going to sulk all day or come in and talk?” Angel asked, without even looking at the younger vampire.

“I’m not sulking.” Spike said, sulkily.

“Look, I’m sorry if me being here is uncomfortable…” Angel said, ignoring Spike as he rolled his eyes, “but Darla’s got it in for Buffy. She even talked about getting you to help her.”

Spike laughed. “Darla? Ask me to help her? Bint must have gone mad comin’ back from the dead.”

“She said she was going to make some more childer. Bring Dru with her.” Angel said.

“Dru.” Spike said softly. “She’d do anything the bitch tells her to.”

“It’s called loyalty, Spike.” Angel told him.

“It’s called insanity.” Spike corrected. “You and Dru are the only one’s who ever liked her.”

“Angelus.” Angel said quietly.

“Angel, Angelus…what’s the sodding difference?” Spike asked.

“Do you really need to ask that?” Angel asked, giving Spike a look. Spike looked away. He knew exactly what that had meant and he really didn’t want to go any further with Xander in the same room.

“Now that you two are done catching up, why don’t we sort out this Darla problem?” Xander said. “You say she came here looking for Buffy? Well, she may not be able to get to her right now, but she can cause enough damage here while Buffy’s away.” Xander said.

Angel marvelled at Xander’s quick thinking and logic. This really wasn’t the same boy. “Perhaps you and Spike should patrol.” Angel suggested.

“I’m not patrolling for her. Bitch is stronger than me.” Spike said. “And the whelp’ll only slow me down.”

“Why don’t you find her and pretend you’re gonna help her out?” Xander asked. “You can keep her busy.”

Angel gave Xander an anxious look. He knew Spike hated Darla, but Angel wouldn’t put it past him to join her just to get back at him.

“Spike’ll do it. He’s turned all good since he fell in love with Buffy.” Xander blurted out.

Spike’s eyes widened and darted to Angel. He waited for a response.

Angel couldn’t believe it. Spike was in love with Buffy. His Buffy. He looked at Spike with a blank expression. “Oh.”

Spike shifted feet nervously. He shot Xander an evil glare, which was ignored.

Xander just carried on. “Come on then, lets get on with something. I can’t just sit here playing nurse.”

“Xander’s right, we should do something.” Angel agreed.

Spike looked away. “Yeah…I’ll, um go and find the bitch then.” He went to leave.

“Wait, I think it would be better if you didn’t go out.” Angel said quickly.

“Make your mind up, mate. Am I going or staying?” Spike asked.

Angel knew Spike must have been feeling either very guilty or very scared. They were the only times Spike ever did as Angel asked. “She had no qualms about killing you before, she certainly isn’t going to have any now you’re…unable to bite anything.”

“Yeah, like it matters to you anyway.” Spike said casually. It wasn’t sarcastically, it seemed as if Spike was stating a mere fact.

Angel looked away. “Of course I care.”

Spike felt a funny feeling in his stomach but pretended not to have heard the comment.

“You ran me through with pokers…if I can forgive you for that, I guess I must care.” Angel said.

“He ran you through with pokers? When? How come you didn’t invite me?” Xander joked.

“Pre-chip, pet. Otherwise you know I would have let you come along.” Spike said.

“Okay, so now that that’s out, we’re stuck for an idea.” Angel told them.

“She’s not going to know where Buffy is, so we don’t have to worry about that.” Xander said. “I just think it would be best if we stayed here. She can’t come in with out an invite, right? So we’re safe.”

“Have to find her before she kills anybody else.” Angel said, trying to breathe slowly to ease the pain on his back.

“You okay?” Spike asked him.

Angel looked surprised to hear Spike ask, but nodded anyway. “They’re healing.”

“She bust you up pretty good.”

“She’s done worse to me before.” Angel told him.

“Yeah, remember the time she caught you and me…”

“Spike.” Angel cut in, casting a glance at Xander.

“Right. You and me…fighting. She caught us fighting and beat the crap out of him. I was fixing his fucking wounds for weeks.” Spike told Xander.

Angel smiled at the memory.

“You let her beat you up?” Xander asked. “No offence but she’s only small. You could have taken her.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Answers the question of why Xander never made it to university, doesn’t it?”

“Fuck you Spike.”


“You’re a pig.” Xander said.

“So everyone keeps telling me.” Spike replied, smugly.

“Darla’s older than me. She’s my sire. She’s stronger than me.” Angel told Xander.

“Oh. That must suck.” Xander remarked.

“You think it sucks having Darla as a sire, try having him for a fucking sire.” Spike commented.

“None of that was me.” Angel argued.

“Bollocks.” Spike retorted.

“You know Spike never used to talk like this.” Angel said to Xander.

“Shut up.” Spike warned him.

“When I first met him…” Angel continued, smirking.

“I mean it, fucking stop it.” Spike yelled.

“Please continue.” Xander begged, thinking that playing the two off each other could be a good thing.

“I was just teasing.” Angel said.

“Yeah, well don’t.” Spike said, angrily. “I’ve lost enough of my pride as it is.”

“It’s not that bad Spike.” Angel told him.

Spike snorted. “I’m hanging round with a slayer and her loser friends.”

“Hey!” Xander protested. “We may be losers, but at least we’re not dead.”

“Not yet.” Spike muttered.

“If he ever got that chip out…” Angel went to say.

“Tell me about it. We might actually have to start being scared of him.” Xander said.

“Let’s change the subject.” Spike suggested.

There was an awkward silence between them.


Xander was upstairs, pretending he had something to do up there. Things had become awkward between them. Only hours ago, the three rarely spoke. Spike held a grudge against Angel, Xander had despised Angel with a passion and Spike only spoke to Xander when he wanted to insult him.

Spike and Angel sat in the living room, talking over things they couldn’t in front of Xander. Things neither of them had wanted to bring up.

“You know I regret everything that happened.” Angel told Spike.

“No, I don’t know.” Spike replied, shortly. “You never apologised, you never even mentioned any of it.”

“You think it was easy?” Angel asked. “I had to kill my own Sire and fight against my own childer.”

Spike snorted angrily. “Had to? You’re delusional. No one fucking made you. It’s your own fault everyone turned against you. Your fault.”

Angel frowned sadly. “I hated leaving.”

“Well, we got over it.” Spike said, quietly.

“I thought about finding you again, but I was afraid you’d never accept me the way I am.” Angel muttered.

“’Course I would. I sodding idolized you.” Spike admitted reluctantly. “You’re my Sire.”

Angel sat, dumbfounded. It must have taken a lot for Spike to say that.

“Don’t look at me like that. Gives me the willies.” Spike joked.

“I’m sorry.” Angel said.

“Just kidding, mate. Don’t take everything so serious.” Spike said.

Angel shook his head. “I meant for before. Everything. I can’t take it back but…”

“Don’t.” Spike said. “You know me, I’m not one for big emotional scenes. Besides, it’s not like you can do anything to change the past. What happened happened. Probably won’t see each other ever again anyway.”

“I hope not.” Angel said.

“Thanks very much!” Spike cried, angrily.

“No…I meant I hope that we don’t end up never seeing each other again.” Angel said. “It might have been Angelus who spent all that time with you, but I remember everything. I’ve even missed you.”

“Missed me?” Spike laughed. “Sure you haven’t got a head injury there too, Peaches.”

“Don’t call me that.” Angel warned.

“Why? It suits ya.” Spike grinned.

“Fine, William.” Angel smiled back.





“Scourge of Europe.”

“I can still kick your ass.” Angel warned.

“You couldn’t kick my ass at a hundred per cent, let alone injured.” Spike challenged.

“Wanna bet?”

“Yeah, I do.” Spike retorted.

Angel stood and wobbled, before gaining a fighting stance.

“I was joking, mate.” Spike said, raising his eyebrows at Angel’s odd behaviour.

“I wasn’t.” Angel replied.

“I’m not fighting you. You’ve just been pussy whipped by your bitch sire, you’re in no fit state…”

“Chicken.” Angel taunted.

“Oh, fuck this. You’re going down.” Spike warned. Both men went at each other with fake brutality. Like drunk friends, they wrestled playfully. Spike managed to get a few dirty punches in but he let Angel win, feeling sorry for the pouf.

Angel landed on top of Spike and they stared at each other for what seemed like ages.

“Wondered why you were so keen to fight. Planned this all along, you bastard.” Spike smirked.

Angel smiled. “Maybe.”


Xander stopped pacing and decided it was worth going back downstairs. If the worst came to the worst, he could always put the TV on or maybe even go fix himself something to eat.

He crept downstairs, just incase Angel and Spike were having one of ‘those’ talks. They seemed to have a lot of issues and he really didn’t want to walk into the middle of them.

He poked his head into the living room and almost died with shock. Angel was pulling at Spike’s pants, trying to undress him and Spike really wasn’t complaining.

Xander couldn’t move…couldn’t talk. He just stood there, watching the vampires go at it.

Once Spike was half undressed, he started to help Angel with his clothes. Neither were being practical and were tangled up on the floor, clawing at each other like animals.

Impassioned kisses and forceful touches. Xander found himself growing aroused by the sight. He wondered if it was right, watching, but he couldn’t pull away.

Spike clawed at Angel’s back, making the older vampire moan in pain. In return, Angel pushed Spike down, pinning him to the floor.

Spike growled, but, as far as Xander could tell, he was as turned on as Xander himself. Probably more so.

Xander managed to pull away…he couldn’t watch anymore. This was Angel and Spike. Male vampires having sex.

Hot vampire sex…

No…bad sex. Not at all arousing.

Xander breathed and thought about it. This sick and twisted new feeling was probably just something he ate. But still. If he should happen to walk in…maybe somehow they would try and convince him to join in…

He took a big breath then stalked in.

Spike was impaled to the floor by Angel fucking him. It was Angel who saw Xander first. His eyes resembled that of a deer caught in headlights. Xander did his best ‘oh-my-god’ face.

Angel scrambled off Spike, who muttered a faint protest until he saw Xander. He grabbed for his pants.

“What the fuck?” Xander cried.

“Xander…” Angel said, standing up.

“I can’t believe you.” Xander said.

“I know this is…”

“You say you’re fucking injured and then you go humping Spike. I thought you came here to save Buffy.” Xander complained. He was doing well at keeping a straight face. He was laughing so hard inside. The two vamps didn’t know what hit them.

“Uh…”Angel stuttered.

“Listen pet…” Spike began.

“The least you could have done is waited.” Xander protested.

“You’re okay with this?” Angel asked, confused.

“No, I’m not okay with this. Why do you guys get to have fun while everyone else is either worrying or fighting?” Xander couldn’t believe they were buying this.

“I just thought you’d be more…” Angel was lost for words.

“Oh come on…you think I’m as stupid as I act? I know what vampires are like.” Xander said. That was partially true. He was really hoping this would somehow lead to sex…despite the big warning signs in his head. Something about it was turning him on and now there was only one thought in his mind.

Angel smelt Xander’s arousal but didn’t mention it. He wondered if the boy was messing with them. There was no way Xander Harris would be okay with this sort of thing.

“Why don’t we go and look for Darla now we’re all well again, ay?” Spike suggested, awkwardly.

Angel nodded, not taking his eyes off Xander. “Yeah…I think that would be a good idea.”


The walk began silent, all three men too shocked to start the conversation. Xander was preoccupied with thoughts of the other two naked and the possibility that he might be gay. Angel was trying to figure out Xander’s strange reaction. He wasn’t too sure about it. Spike was worried that Buffy would find out. And even more worried about what would happen between him and Angel now. It had been waiting to happen for a long time. Angel wasn’t the same Sire he once knew but he was still drawn to him.

Xander was the first to break the silence. “Where are we going to look? I mean, she could be anywhere right?”

“Graveyard I guess. Darla would check there first. Buffy patrols there after all.” Angel said.

“I reckon the Bronze.” Spike argued. “Bint likes parties.”

“Do you two always fight this much or only when you’re not fucking?” Xander asked.

Spike and Angel stopped walking.

“For fucks sake. Old habit okay? Not going to happen again, okay? If you’re so cool with it, stop going on about it.” Spike yelled.

“I’m cool with it. I think it’s great in fact.” Xander replied. “And so will Buffy.”

“You fucking dare.” Spike warned.

“I will.” Xander said happily.

Angel shook his head. Time for pay back. “We’ll do anything.”

Xander raisied his eyebrows. “Anything?”

Angel walked forward seductively and stopped only inches away. “Anything.”

“No we bloody well won’t.” Spike argued. Angel looked at Spike and pointed at his nose subtly.

Spike took the hint, breathed in, smelled the arousal and grinned.

“Or on second thoughts…”

Xander felt a little intimidated having them both so close. He tried to keep it going, his pride not letting him cave in and beg for sex just yet.

“How about it Xander? You up for a little ‘anything’?” Angel asked.

Xander chickened out and pulled away. “I’m not gay, alright?”

Angel gave Spike a knowing smile. “Sure you’re not. Didn’t mean to insult you there.”

“Fuck this.” Spike said, dropping the charade. He grabbed Xander and threw him over the stonewall of the cemetery.

Xander was suddenly very aware his ass was in the air and tried to stand up but Spike held him down. “Let me go, you bastard!”

“Spike, you’ll hurt him.” Angel warned.

“No I won’t, if I was hurting him, my chip would be going off wouldn’t it? He wants this. Lets fuck.” Spike grinned.

Angel sighed. “Everything’s about sex to you.”

“Look, Mate, you got me all hot and bothered back there, he’s willing, I’m willing…we’re going ahead with or without you.” Spike said.

“This is ridiculous. Let me up. I was messing around with you guys. I’m sorry, okay!” Xander said.

Spike laughed and let him up. “You’re the one who wants me, pet.”

“I don’t want you.” Xander bickered. “I love Anya.”

“I love Buffy.” Spike replied. “I’ll still fuck anything that moves. Well, anything except the bint.”

“Spike.” Angel warned.

“Don’t Spike, me.” Spike said. “You should hate her as much as I do.”

“This is fun, really, but lets go, okay?” Xander begged.

“No, no, no. You don’t get out of it that easily. Watching us turned you on. Is that what it is? You like to watch?” Spike asked.

“Okay, now you’re just being disgusting.” Xander replied.

“You’re the perverted one.” Spike retorted.

“You’re the one who’s dust when Buffy finds out.” Xander shot back.

“Fuck you!”

“You’ll never get that lucky.” Xander promised, snidely.

“Oh yeah?” Spike asked. He grabbed Xander and pressed his face into his, kissing him.

Xander pushed back but couldn’t get free from the vampire’s hold so he relaxed and let Spike kiss him.

He even let Spike unzip his pants.

Angel rolled his eyes. Spike and sex.


The situation couldn’t have been any stranger for the young mortal. Bent over a gravestone being fucked by Spike should have been a horrifying thought. Having Angel watching…that should be hell. But Xander was hard and very fucking horny.

Angel watched from the side. He was used to watching Spike fuck people. They had, after all, spent a lot of time with each other before he was cursed. But watching Spike fuck Xander was…different. Angel felt himself get hard at Xander’s moans and Spike’s grunts.

He walked closer and captured his childe’s face in a kiss. Spike didn’t stop thrusting as he pressed up against his Sire.

Angel gave Spike a wicked look before standing behind him. Spike groaned in anticipation as Angel positioned his cock before Spike’s ass.

With one swift movement, Angel tore into Spike with vampire brutality. Spike hissed in pain and pleasure as he came in Xander.

Xander pulled away, and stepped back, watching the two vampires fuck. He breathed hard both from exhaustion and shock. How was it possible that that had just happened?

Only yesterday the only gay thoughts he’d had in his head were memories of Larry. Now, not only did watching them turn him on, but he had just had sex with Spike.

No amount of reasoning was going to fix his messed up head this time.

Meanwhile, Angel came to a climax and pulled out. Spike collapsed to the floor, tired and spent.

The three men snapped their necks around at the sound of clapping. The seductive blonde stood behind them, her face a picture of amusement.

Spike clambered off the floor and they moved closer to each other.

“I’m impressed.” Darla cooed. “That was quite a show you boys put on.”

“Lets get this over with.” Angel said, harshly.

“Now, now Angelus. Don’t be rude. You wouldn’t want me to punish you again.” She said, her lips forming a slight smirk. “Besides, it’s been a while since I’ve seen young William.”

“Bint.” Spike greeted as if it were her name.

“Is that anyway to show respect to your grandsire, William?” Darla asked.

“Way I see it, you’re not my grandsire anymore. You’re more like my niece.” Spike smirked back.

“So little respect. You always were a terrible Sire to him.” Darla chastised Angel. “And what’s this? Fresh blood?”

“Not for you, lady.” Xander shot back.

“Ooh, feisty!” Darla smiled. “I like the feisty ones. Make good childer, don’t you agree Angelus?”

Angel flinched and shot a look at Xander. “Get out of here.”

“He’s not going anywhere. And neither are you, my boy.” Darla laughed.

“One of us is going to die and the odds aren’t stacked in your favour.” Angel growled.

“Maybe not.” Darla smiled. “But then again…” Hoards of vampires appeared from all around them.

Spike and Xander looked around nervously, but Angel stared right ahead. Darla returned the gaze.

“I hate to resort to this, Angel, but I couldn’t find your slayer. I guess I’ll have to do with killing you.” Darla told him.

“Minions.” Spike muttered. “Two master vampires against minions. You need a better plan that that, bint.”


Angel, Spike and Xander struggled hard against the hands that held them but there were just too many.

Darla smiled triumphantly. She grabbed Angel’s hair and forced him to look at her. “You still have a chance to save yourself, Angelus.”

“Fuck you.” Angel spat.

“No thanks, I don’t like sloppy seconds.” Darla smirked. She left Angel and stood in front of Spike who glared angrily.


“William…I know this is a tough concept for you to grasp, being impotent and weak, but you are a vampire. You kill humans, you don’t fuck them. You always were pathetic. We only kept you around to occupy Drusilla.”

“Remind me to thank you for that later.” Spike murmured.

“And as for you, little boy.” Darla smirked and pulled Xander away from the minions. “You’ll make a wonderful childe.”

“No!” Angel cried as Darla vamped out and bit down on Xander’s neck.

The boy struggled desperately against her but she held fast. Angel and Spike pulled against the minions. Xander slowly slipped away, the only feeling he had, was the cold bitter liquid pouring down his throat.


Buffy was tired and injured. Her friends trudged after her, equally exhausted. But they had, once again, saved the day. Dawn was at her friend’s house and Buffy was looking forward to getting home and relaxing.

That was until she heard a familiar voice scream. Picking up speed, Buffy followed the sound coming from the other side of the graveyard.

Willow, Anya, Tara, Giles and Buffy ran through the cemetery. They stopped as soon as they saw the mass of vampires. Buffy pulled out a stake. “Go find Spike.” She whispered to the others. “I can’t do this on my own.”

“Isn’t that him?” Anya said, pointing at the blond vampire.

“Hey, isn’t that…Angel?” Willow asked, trying to focus.

“Xander…” Anya broke into a sprint, leaving the others behind her. She’d seen the dead body lying on the ground.

Buffy was next to follow, a sick feeling in her stomach. He couldn’t be dead.

“Xander!” Anya cried out, forgetting she was in any danger.

“Anya, get back!” Buffy yelled.

Darla looked at the group of humans running towards them and smiled. “Just in time.”

“Buffy!” Angel cried out as he saw her.

Buffy knew she wouldn’t last long with that amount of vampires, so she attacked the ones holding Spike and Angel. Once the two vampires were released, Spike helped Buffy out while Angel went for Darla.

Willow and Tara began to cast spells on the side, setting vampires alight and levitating fallen branches and aiming them at the vampire’s hearts. Giles did his best to stake fallen vampires while Anya lay beside Xander’s body, sobbing.

Darla and Angel rolled on the floor, clawing at each other. Although she was still strong, Angel had an advantage over her now and used it. He didn’t hold back. Not now. It was his fault Xander was dead and she was going to pay for it.

“You can’t do it. You can’t kill me.” Darla laughed.

Angel raised a stake and her face fell. The wood plunged into her heart and she turned to dust beneath him.

Buffy killed the last of the minions and everyone gathered around Xander. Willow’s face crumpled and she buried it in Tara’s shoulder. Giles looked away, blaming himself.

Buffy fell to her knees in anguished shock. How could she have let this happen?

Even Spike looked upset. He felt Angel’s hand on his shoulder and turned round into Angel’s arms.

It was the first time Angel had seen Spike feel emotion like that. He realised to what extent Spike had changed since being chipped.

“He’ll rise. She made him feed off her. I couldn’t stop it, I’m so sorry.” Angel said.

“It’s my fault.” Buffy whimpered. “I left him here…I didn’t know…”

Willow collapsed, tears streaming down her face. Tara sank to the floor with her and tried to comfort her.

“I can bring him back. I’ll do a spell.” Willow babbled. “He’s not dead, he can’t be dead, there’s got to be a way to bring him back…I’ll find a way…”

“Sweetie…” Tara interrupted, softly. “He’s gone.”

“No!” Willow yelled. “I can curse him. I’ll give him a soul. It’s not too late.”

“I still have the ritual. I’ll fetch it immediately.” Giles said.

Anya sniffed. “No. Xander wouldn’t want to be a vampire. You leave him alone!” She hissed.

“It’s not your choice to make!” Willow yelled.

“Stop it all of you!” Buffy cried.

“Just fucking get the ritual. Before he wakes up.” Spike told Giles.

Angel frowned. Xander wouldn’t react well to discovering he’s a vampire, but it was the only way. His friends weren’t ready to let him go yet.

Giles walked away, hiding tears of his own.

“We better move him inside. He won’t rise until tomorrow night now; it’s too close to sunrise. We can prepare until then.” Angel said.

Buffy nodded numbly.

Spike and Angel picked Xander up and with grim faces, carried him away. The others followed. Buffy couldn’t help but think of a funeral march. She’d had enough of those to last her a lifetime.


Willow had stopped crying. At first it had been a relief to everyone, but the look of her face now scared all of them.

They even missed the crying.

She showed no emotion what so ever. Even Tara was beginning to keep her distance.


Angel watched the scene with the usual guilt eating at him. He blamed himself. How could he have been so stupid to let Xander go with them? Knowing that Darla was out for revenge, he was too busy thinking about Buffy. Too clouded by thoughts of Spike and Xander…


Xander was going to blame him and he knew it. Spike had never felt so bad. It was his fault, of course it was. He was too weak to beat the stupid minions. He only held Angel back…he should have been a better childe, tried harder to learn how to fight…but there were just too many.


He was the adult, the guardian. He thought of the young adults as his children. He would have died for any one of them. But he got careless. It was his fault. Giles was to blame because he should have known better.


How could she have left him behind? Even with Spike, something was bound to happen. And with Glory on the warpath. She was the slayer, she should have protected him. But she was too busy saving the world. Too busy to save her best friend.


What was the use in all the power in the world if you couldn’t protect your best friend? Her childhood friend, her one time crush…the boy she loved above all others. She should have stayed with him. She could have saved him…she wouldn’t have let him die.


It was Buffy’s fault. She should have taken him with her. Or she should have let Anya stay with him. Either way, Anya would never forgive Buffy for this. And now Willow was going to curse him. Xander was going to be different…he would be miserable and hate himself…and it was all Buffy’s fault.


Xander opened his eyes and began to panic. He struggled, dazed and hungry. He tried to move but he was chained to a chair. He looked around desperately and saw familiar faces looking back at him.

He glared at them, how dare they chain him up like this.

“Unchain me!” He yelled, trying to remember who they were. He saw the redhead. She started to cry and he cocked his head. “Willow…Willow…get me out of here. Come on, it’s me.”

Willow looked from the vampire form of her best friend, down to the ingredients ready for the spell. It was time.

“Buffy!” Xander called.

“Xander, it’s okay.” Buffy said, trying to calm the demon down.

“No, it’s not fucking okay! Unchain me now!” Xander yelled, violently struggling now.

“Quickly, start the ritual.” Angel said.

"Nici mort, nici de-al fiintei, Te invoc, spirit al trecerii. Reda trupului ce separa omul de animal!...utrespur acestui....Quod perditum est invenietur. Te implor Doamne, nu ignora aceasta rugaminte. Nici mort, nici al fiintei! Lasa orbita sa fie vasul care-i va transporta sufletul la el. Asa sa fie! Asa sa fie! Acum! Acum!" Willow chanted as Tara held her hand both in support and to strengthen the magic.

Xander growled angrily, realising what they were doing. “Stop it! Willow, stop it or I’ll fucking rip your throat out.” He threatened.

Then it hit him. Blinding pain that seared through his body, forcing the demon from the surface down into his dead heart. Xander’s soul was thrust back upon him. He screamed with the pain.

“Oh God, we’re killing him.” Buffy whispered.

“No it’s just painful.” Angel told her, remembering his own experience. “He’ll be a little disorientated at first…”

“What are you doing to him?” Anya cried.

The pain stopped as suddenly as it had begun and Xander breathed, his head bowed in exhaustion.

“Xander?” Willow called, carefully.

Buffy walked over and placed a hand on Xander’s shoulder. He jolted away and tried to get away from her. She pulled back, and covered her mouth in pained grief.

“Get away from me.” Xander muttered.

Angel tightened his jaw. Xander was reacting in a similar way to how he had. At least Xander would now have friends…if he could stand to be around them.

Everyone watched expectantly, no one sure what to say.

“You can untie me now. I won’t bite.” Xander said, sarcastically.

Buffy hesitated, before unchaining him. Angel and Spike moved forward just incase.

Xander sat there at first, wishing he was still chained. Because now he had to move and he wasn’t sure where to go.

“Xander?” Anya called, tears still falling.

Xander looked at her before looking away. “Don’t look at me.”

She went to touch him but he jumped up and ran. He was out the door before anyone could react. Buffy went to go after him but Angel stopped her.

“I’ll go. He needs someone who understands right now.” Angel said softly. “Spike?”

Spike nodded and followed his Sire out the door.


They found Xander in the graveyard. It was no shock…it was the only place he could go that was devoid of humanity. That was something he wanted to avoid at all costs.

“Xander…” Angel began.

“Go away.” Xander hissed.


“Don’t you dare say you understand.” Xander warned.

“I do.”

Xander snorted. “Maybe you do, doesn’t mean I wanna hear it.”

“Listen pet, this is pretty fucked up, but just be thankful you got a soul.” Spike tried to reason.

“Yeah, because having a soul while wanting to bite your friends is a good thing.” Xander said sarcastically. “I wanted to feed off my friends, how could you understand that?”

“You’ll get used to it. You’ll learn to control it.” Angel promised.

“I feel so…dead.”

Spike sniggered. “You think?”

Xander laughed bitterly. “Where am I supposed to go?”

“Your friends still care about you.” Angel told him.

“I don’t care. I can’t be around them. I’m not me, I’m not one of them anymore.” Xander whispered.

“Nah, you’re one of us!” Spike said happily.

Xander threw him a look. “Oh goody.”

“It’s going to take time, but you know you’re always welcome to come back with me…” Angel offered.

Xander thought about it.

“Yeah, come on. We’ll go live with peaches. Think about the sex!” Spike grinned.

Xander laughed. “Maybe…”

“You can go wherever you want.” Angel told him. “If you want to stay here…”

Xander shook his head. “I can’t. Not yet… I can’t be around them…”

Angel nodded.

“You need company of the dead kind.” Spike told him. “Fortunately, me an’ him specialise in that area.”

Xander looked at them. “Maybe…for a while. I just need some time.”

“You’ve got enough of that.” Spike laughed.

“Shit, I’m hungry.” Xander grumbled.

Angel smiled and offered his wrist. Xander looked at Angel like he was insane. “Not supposed to drink dead blood…are we?”

“Anne bloody Rice.” Spike muttered.

“You’re supposed to drink Sire’s blood when you rise. It helps you get strong.” Angel told him.

“But you’re not my…”

“He’s the closest thing you got, mate.” Spike said.

“I can, if you want me to?” Angel asked.

Xander shook his head. “This is fucked up.”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to…” Angel said.

“What does it mean?” Xander asked, interested by the idea.

“It means he gets to dominate you in bed.” Spike stated.

Angel shot him a look. “It does not…”

“Okay.” Xander said.

Spike laughed. “We got one fucked up family tree.”

“Here.” Angel offered his wrist again.

Xander hesitated before vamping and ripping Angel’s wrist open.

The older vampire hissed in pain. Fledglings never could bite properly.

Spike watched this with growing interest. He knew he should be sad, angry, annoyed, guilty…indifferent…anything but happy. First him and Angel had made up and now, now there was three of them. Better yet…it was Xander.

Angel had to force Xander off him as he was beginning to feel woozy.

Xander backed off, feeling a strong force run through his body. It was intense. He looked up innocently at Spike and Angel. “Are we going now?”

Angel nodded. “But only if you’re ready.”

Xander smiled. “Will I have to face Cordelia?”

“Not until you’re ready.” Angel repeated.

“You know, deadboy. You’re not bad…for a vampire.” Xander joked.

“Right back at you.” Angel said.


They hadn’t understood. They’d cried as he tried to explain. They’d begged as he left.

It had killed him to do it, but it was what he needed.

He hadn’t expected them to understand.

But even now, Xander felt guilty. He hated doing that to the friends he loved more than anything. But he was dead. His life was over. A new one beginning.

One that he was starting with the only others like himself.

“You okay back there?” Angel asked.

Xander was slumped in the back, staring ahead and not seeing anything. He snapped out of it. “Yeah.”

Spike looked round and sighed. “Pet, you’re obviously not okay.”

“I don’t need you both mollycoddling me.” Xander told them. “I’m coming with you so you can teach me everything I need to know and we can fuck through the better part of the day.”

Spike raised his eyebrows in surprise.

So did Xander. “Man, I’m horny.”

Spike laughed. “Comes with the territory, mate. Luckily, so does the amazing sex.”

“Guess I can’t complain then.” Xander muttered.

“I’m not taking you back for sex.” Angel explained. “I’m going to help you.”

“Nah, he’s taking me back for the sex.” Spike told Xander.

Angel smiled. “Like you’re complaining.”

“No complaints here, mate. Harmony wasn’t exactly the best fuck I’ve had. Least this way I get laid.” Spike grinned.

“Is he always like this?” Xander asked.

“Unfortunately.” Angel said, dryly.

“Never heard you complain before.” Spike teased.

“How can I ever go back…even before I died, I…how could they ever understand what I did. I don’t understand what I did.” Xander said.

“Buffy can’t exactly say anything. She fucked him. And Willow’s gay so she’s not exactly gonna make fun of ya.” Spike remarked.

“Pull over.” Xander said.

“Why?” Angel asked.

“I’m hungry and horny, pull over.” Xander demanded.

“Oh good. Another Spike. That’s all I need.” Angel muttered.

Spike grinned at his Sire. “Hey, two of us. That suits me just fine.”

“Why couldn’t he be more like me? It’d be nice to be with someone sensible for once.” Angel asked.

“Mate, if you had to live with another you, you’d go insane.” Spike joked.

“Am I supposed to want to kill humans? I thought I had a soul now.” Xander asked.

“You’ll feel like that for a while. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” Angel said.

“Just keep me away from Cordelia.” Xander pleaded.

“Hey, maybe she can join in. Nice little orgy…” Spike suggested.

“I like that idea.” Xander agreed.

“I can see this is going to be fun.” Angel rolled his eyes.

“Don’t worry peaches. Me and him will keep each other busy.” Spike winked at Xander.

“Not without me, you don’t.” Angel warned.

“See, he’s just as bad as the rest of us. He just pretends to be a fucking monk.” Spike told Xander.

Xander sighed. Everything was so messed up in his head. He had feelings he hadn’t had before. Urges that would have terrified him before. He was stepping into uncharted territory, but at least he wasn’t doing it alone. Spike and Angel may not have been his ideal family, but they were all he had now. And he planned on taking full advantage of their…hospitality.

And so the three drove back to LA, where the unexpected waited. Nothing would be the same again. Three very different vampires, two good, one chipped, one sensible, two not-so-sensible, but they had one thing in common…they were going to fuck non-stop for a very long time.


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