The Perfect Opportunity 2

by Angel Jade

Xander followed Spike and Angel into the hotel, his nerves eating away at him. Why he should be so afraid of a hotel, he didn’t know. Perhaps it was less to do with the hotel, and more to do with the fact he was going to be living with Angel and Spike. Vampires. Male vampires.

This was wrong on so many levels.

Spike walked in and had a look around, nosing though papers on Cordelia’s desk and poking his head in Wesley’s office. When Angel cleared his throat, pointedly, Spike simply flashed him a grin.

“When you’re quite done, Spike.” He said.

“Alright, peaches calm down. Where’s the bedroom, I’m up for some serious…”

“Geez Spike. You can’t stop for two minutes, can you?” Xander asked.

“Sleep. Some serious sleep, Pet. Not my fault you got a dirty mind.” Spike raised his eyebrows suggestively.

“Stop arguing and I’ll show you where you can sleep.” Angel said.

“Ain’t we sleeping with you?” Spike asked.

Angel threw Xander a questioning look.

“Whatever you want.” Xander said.

Angel nodded. “Spike, you can have your own bed. It’ll be bad enough when Cordelia finds out you’re here, I’d rather not have her walk in on us.”

Spike snorted. “You’re no fun.”

“I didn’t say we were going to sleep straight away.” Angel said suggestively.

“That’s more like it.” Spike said sarcastically and followed Angel up stairs. “Comin’ Pet?”

Xander snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at Spike blankly. “Yeah.”


“Nice place you got here. Bit Poufy but that’s ya style, innit?” Spike teased.

Angel shoved Spike hard and smiled as his childe landed on the large bed.

“Nice to see you still got a bit of Angelus in there somewhere.” Spike said.

Angel was on Spike before he could insult him anymore; pressing his lips against Spike’s to silence the younger vampire.

Xander watched with glints of yellow running through his eyes. Part of him (better known as the soul) wanted to wait for an invite. The other part? Wanted to get in there, and fuck both vampires raw.

Angel pulled away from Spike. “Strip.” He said.

Spike obliged as Angel walked over to Xander. “You want to join in?”

Xander nodded and watched with strange fascination as Angel got to his knees and began to undress the boy.

Spike grinned at the sight. “Now that’s a decent fucking porno.”

Xander closed his eyes as Angel’s mouth covered his erect cock, sliding all the way down. Before he could stop himself, his hand was in Angel’s hair, pressing the vampire down onto his cock.

Angel was surprised but soon adapted to the pace and continued to pleasure the youngest vampire.

“Aye, thought he was your adopted childe. Ain’t supposed to suck ‘em off ya know.” Spike teased, aroused at the scene before him. He now stood naked by the bed, waiting for Angel to continue.

Xander came with a strangled growl down Angel’s throat and pulled away.

Spike was by their side in a second and captured Xander’s face in a kiss.

Angel undressed slowly, placing his clothes neatly over a chair, before walking behind Xander and doing the same to him, being careful not to disturb the kiss too much.

Xander broke the kiss and looked at Spike. “It’s my turn to do you.” He said, smiling.

Angel marvelled at the change in Xander. Still the same and yet so different.

Xander guided Spike onto the bed into the position he himself had been in not so long ago.

Spike groaned as Xander thrust into him. He knew he should have mentioned lube to the boy.

Angel lay down beside them, taking in the view. He moaned as Spike’s hands clasped his cock and began to skilfully bring him off.

Xander pounded into Spike before coming loudly.

He collapsed onto Spike gasping needlessly. Spike groaned and shifted a little, the extra pressure on his cock becoming almost painful...he needed to cum

The oldest vampire glanced up and caught Xan's eye, who grinned evilly and rolled of the blond. As he moved he pulled Spike with him and ended up with Spike sandwiched between his two lovers facing Angel.

Angel gazed into Spike's eyes...seeing the need there he reached out and trailed a hand down the pale chest in front of him…as his fingers tangled in the short curls they found, Xander reached round and started to play with Spike's nipples.

The blond groaned loudly...he was as close to heaven as he was ever likely to get as Angel's finger's grazed the head of his cock Xander began to lick his neck. Spike was having trouble not cumming there and then...but he didn't want this to end.

Instinct took control of Xander, and while Angel was playing seductively with Spike’s cock, Xander vamped and bit down on Spike’s neck.

Spike moaned, the intense feeling of being bitten and played with at the same time, pushing him over the edge. His own face morphed and he came into Angel’s hand.

“Angel, I really have to speak to you.” Cordelia’s voice said, as she strolled in the room.

The three vampires froze, all looking at the girl with mortified expressions.

Cordelia stood there, horrified at first. She saw Xander’s face twisted into its vampire form and screamed.


“Cordy!” Xander cried out quickly.

Cordelia didn’t think, she bolted, heading for the stairs as quickly as she could.

Xander bolted after her, down the stairs, grabbing her before she could walk into the light cast through the main doors.

“Get off!” She screamed.

“Cordy, calm down!” Xander said, holding her more tightly than he realised. “I have a soul…listen to me…Cordelia…I’m fine!”

She looked at him with an angry glare. “Oh yeah, because you usually go round screwing Spike and Angel.”

Xander laughed. “Good point. But no…seriously, ring Willow. She did it…well, the soul part. Darla killed me.”

Cordelia still looked at little doubtful. “Why’s Spike here?”

“Because me…and him…and Angel are kinda…sticking together.” Xander said awkwardly.

“I take it you mean that literally.” Cordelia said, dryly.

Xander smiled. “Sorta.”

“I am so not happy with this. Does Spike have a soul?”

“Uh…not exactly. He has a chip though. Can’t hurt humans.” Xander explained.

“Tell Angel I’m outta here and if he ever wants to see me again, he can get Wesley to give me one hell of a raise.” Cordelia went to leave but stopped and looked at Xander. “It is you, though?”

Xander nodded.

Cordelia wrapped her arms round him. “I missed you…don’t have a clue why…but I did.”

“I missed you too Cordy.” Xander replied.

The human straightened herself up, smiled and walked away, leaving Xander in the lobby.

“Well, that went well.” Spike said, popping his head round the corner.

“At least she didn’t quit.” Angel added.

“And she didn’t try staking me.” Xander told them. “A big plus.”

“Xander?” Angel called.


Angel indicated to his own face.

Xander’s hands flew up to his face and felt the vampire ridges across it. “Huh. Should really get rid of these. I can’t believe she hugged me looking like this.”

“If you could see how hot you are right now, you’d believe it.” Spike grinned.

Xander looked down and realised he was still naked. “Shit.”


Through the day, Xander managed to get to sleep, curled between Angel and Spike, a position he once would have found disturbing.

Spike found himself brushing his fingers across Xander’s arms, revelling in the change of situation. Having Angel back in bed with him was one thing…but now Xander was there too. All he needed now was a bit of Buffy and he’d be one happy vampire.

Angel also remained awake, wondering…or rather, worrying about Xander’s future. The boy was going to have to come to grips with losing his friends one by one and never growing any older himself. Xander would find that no longer being able to face the light of day and never seeing his reflection ever again would hit him hard.

But Xander was strong. He didn’t seem it when you looked at him…but Angel knew the boy was stronger than most people took him for.

The three vampires were all happy for the first time in what had seemed like a long time.

But both Angel and Spike knew, this would only be the calm before the storm.


Days passed and the three vampires, despite their constant bickering, managed to stay together. Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn not only tolerated the two new vampires, but actually grew to like them. Angel even took them out to bars, making sure Xander was watched at all times.

But as happy as they were now, they had no idea who was watching them.

He’d been waiting for a long time for the kind of payback he knew would hit Angel right where it hurts. And now, it seemed, the opportunity had arisen.

Lindsey watched the three at the bar carefully. He didn’t recognise two, but Angel seemed to be getting on well with them, paying particular attention to the younger, dark haired man. Lindsey noticed the affectionate touching and hidden kisses and smirked to himself.

“That’s the one.” Lindsey muttered to his hired help.

“The kid?”

“Yeah…that a problem?” Lindsey snapped.

“No Sir. Not a problem.” The guy said quickly. “Is it human?”

“Most likely. You better check first.” Lindsey said, quietly.

“And then?”

“And then you follow the plan you fucking idiot.”


Angel watched the two vampires fall over themselves laughing and wished he’d reinforced his ‘you drink and neither of you are getting any tonight’ rule.

Xander was having trouble controlling his face and kept scaring the passers by. Spike found this hilarious and of course did the same.

“Why do I always have to be the adult?” Angel asked.

“’Cause you’re boring.” Spike replied.

“No, ‘cause you’re sensible and we’re…not.” Xander smiled.

“I’m sen-si-bib-le.” Spike objected. He began to veer of course into an alley and Angel followed him quickly.

Xander stood by the side of the road, watching as the blur of cars sped past his eyes. He didn’t see the black van pull up next to him, only heard the heart beats and realised he was hungry. When hands grabbed him, he began to panic. Growling, Xander thrashed out, but was stopped suddenly by a stick poking into his back and delivering a painful burst of electricity though his body.


Angel spun around at the sound of Xander’s voice. He let go of the barely standing Spike, letting him fall to the floor and ran back to the sidewalk, just in time to see the van accelerate off. He ran after it, managing to get quite close until a car swerved out the van’s way and slammed into Angel, sending him into unconsciousness.


“Come’on, wake up.” Spike’s voice called, a slight tone of worry in his voice.


“Yeah, it’s me. Come’on. Y’gotta wake up. We gotta go after the whelp.”

“Xander…I…” Angel sat up quickly and soon wished he hadn’t. His head pounded and he was sure something was broken.

“You’re okay…just give it time.”

“We don’t have time.”

“Who did it? Who the hell would want Xander Harris?” Spike asked.

“Maybe it’s not Xander they’re after.” Angel said solemnly.

“You?” Spike asked. “Isn’t me…I do owe some people but it’s not like the whelp is worth much.”

Angel shot Spike a look. “It can only be one person. He’s had it in for me for a long time.”


“Lindsey McDonald.”


Lindsey looked at the unconscious boy, chained to the chair in a dimly lit room and smiled. He grabbed a fist full of his hair as Xander began to wake and yanked his head up to force Xander’s eyes to his own.

“Wh…who are you?” Xander asked groggily.

Lindsey smirked. “We have friends in common. Lets just say…you’re kinda important.”

Xander’s eyes widened as he realised what position he was in. He began to struggle against the chains.

“Don’t bother. We know how to chain up a vampire.” Lindsey told him. “Kinda surprised you are one actually. Angel usually kills his own…now he’s sleeping with them.”

Xander swallowed. “Angel?”

“Tall brooding guy, double standards…stupid hair-do?” Lindsey joked. “Anyway, the guy’s pissed me off one too many times and now he’s gonna get his. He takes my girl away from me and I take his whore vampire away from him.”

“Hey!” Xander growled angrily. He silenced Lindsey’s hand hit him hard across the cheek.

“You be a good little boy and stay put. Soon as Angel comes for you, then we get to play.” Lindsey said, walking out, rubbing his fist from the slight pain.

Xander watched him go and struggled again, wondering if it was his own fault for not being a stronger vampire. If only Angel was there.


Angel was being helped to the door of the hotel as Lindsey strolled though, smacking the doors out of his way in a scene of melodrama.

Angel instinctively growled. “You’ve got about two seconds to tell me where he is before…”

“Nu-uh. How about…you shut the fuck up or your little whore’s gonna die…again.” Lindsey said.

Spike let Angel go gently and leaped over to Lindsey, on the human in a second.

“Spike don’t! He knows where Xander is!” Angel warned.

Spike let go, backing away slightly but not letting his game face fall.

“Listen to your boyfriend Spike. Here’s the deal, you do what I want, and your little vampire goes home.”

Angel shook his head. “Bullshit. I wouldn’t trust you…”

“Then he can die for all I care.” Lindsey smirked. “And trust me…he will. Either way, I’m gonna win here.”

“I doubt that.” Spike muttered. “You’re messin’ with the wrong family here.”

Lindsey raised his eyebrows. “Spike! As in Dru’s bitch…hated grandchilde of Darla and useless fuck of a childe to the equally pathetic Angelus?”

Spike laughed. “The very same.”

“What do you want, Lindsey?” Angel growled from the stairs.

Lindsey pretended to think things over. “Now that is a tough question.”

“Where do I start?”


“No way, not a chance.” Spike said stubbornly.

“I thought you might be a little reluctant, so lets put it this way. Sun’s almost up. And your vampire is sitting right next to a very large window.”

“What’s to stop us from beating a place name out of you?” Spike interrupted.

“But then who’s going to pull the curtains to? I’d hate to find a big pile of ash when I get back. So messy.”

Spike grabbed Lindsey’s collar and hoisted him in the air. “You’re gonna be in some serious pain if you don’t start talking.”

“Spike…he’s not joking, put him down.” Angel said, reluctantly.

Spike growled before dropping Lindsey and smirked when the lawyer struggled to land on his feet.

“So this is how it’s going to work.” Lindsey said, straightening his outfit out. “There’s gonna be a swap. You for him.”

“Like we said, no chance.” Spike said.

“Spike, let him talk.” Angel told his childe, walking carefully down the stairs on his still painful legs. “This is because I killed Darla?” Lindsey just stared at him. “Well, I wouldn’t have had to if you hadn’t killed her in the first place.”

“I saved her…”

“You damned her.” Angel spat. “I had no choice, she’d already sired one of my friends, she would only have caused more damage.”

“Sired?” Lindsey asked before it hit him. He smirked. “That vampire…she sired him? And let me guess, you got him a soul…oh this is so perfect.”

“You wanna swap…fine.” Angel said.

“Sodding hell Angel, he’s not gonna take you out on a fucking date, you know. Tell me you know what’ll happen if you go?” Spike asked angrily.

Angel nodded. “This is nothing to do with Xander, this is between you and me. So as soon as you’ve let him go…”

“Oh no, doesn’t work that way.” Lindsey interrupted. “You’ll come when I tell you to. You’ll receive further instructions. For now, stay here and screw your whole. I’ll amuse myself with the other one.”

This time Angel lost his temper and despite healing injuries, he lunged at Lindsey slamming him down onto his back, his hand closed tightly around the lawyer’s throat. “I suggest you don’t touch him, Lindsey. I really do.”

Lindsey tried to choke out a response but Angel had no intention of letting him.

“Because Spike here, he’ll hunt you down and make sure that anything that’s happened to the boy, will happen to you…threefold. Am I making myself clear?”

Lindsey nodded.

“Good.” Angel got off him, releasing Lindsey’s throat.

He gasped for breath before standing up and straightening his clothes once again. “You’ll be hearing from me very soon.”

Angel and Spike watched helplessly as he left. Spike went to follow him but Angel stuck his arm out to block Spike’s path. “No. No use in following him, he’s smarter than that. He’ll have people watching us, decoys and God knows what else.”

“We can’t just swap you for Xander. We’ll be in exactly the same situation, except no one left to think up the good plans.” Spike pointed out.

“You’re worried about him, aren’t you?” Angel asked.

Spike snorted. “The whelp? No!”

Angel smiled. “We’ll get him back, Spike. Even if it does mean a little sacrifice.”

“There will be no sacrificing of any sort.” Spike said sternly.

“Xander’s only got mixed up in this because if me. It’s not fair.” Angel said. “And who do you think is more likely to escape, me or him?”

“Yeah…you have a point.”

“I’m just worried about what he’s going to do to him.” Angel said quietly.

“He’s only human, mate. If it were Angelus, I’d be worried, but some poncy lawyer?”

“You really don’t know Lindsey, do you?” Angel asked. “He really has it in for me.”

“’Cause you killed Darla, I know.”

“And I kinda cut his hand off.” Angel added.

“Oh. Right. Well, still ain’t any reason to go ‘evil psychotic’.”

“He works for a devil worshiping lawyer firm.”

“Right…we should probably be worried then.”


Lindsey stood at the door to the warehouse, watching Xander. The boy sat with his head slightly bowed. Probably exhausted from all the struggling and screaming captives had a tendency of doing.

Xander’s head darted up as his newly improved senses kicked in. He felt anger boiling inside where fear usually would have been and growled.

Lindsey laughed. “Guess who I just saw.”

“You’re making a big mistake. You’re messing with the wrong vampires.” Xander said.

“Angel offered to take your place. Isn’t that just…beautiful.” Lindsey joked.

Xander felt his stomach flip. Angel had done that just for him? “And…”

“And I’m having my secretary call his.” Lindsey said. “Arrangements must be made. And besides, I so wanted to have fun with you first.”

Xander swallowed hard. “You’re going to trade?”

“Well, no offence…uh,” Lindsey waited for Xander to offer a name.


“Xander, but you’re of no use whatsoever to me…other than hurting Angel…and maybe having a little fun.” Lindsey explained.

“Trust me, you don’t want to piss Angel off. You ever met Angelus?” Xander asked.

“Haven’t had the chance yet. Darla used to tell me such stories though…of course I was more interested in the parts about her kicking his ass than anything.”

“Darla…” Xander looked a little confused.

“Your Sire, remember?” Lindsey asked.

Xander looked down. He remembered.

“You ever been in love, Xander?”

“I guess.”

“You can’t guess…you just know.”

“Well, I loved Cordelia…a girl who went to my school…she works with Angel now.” Xander said.

“Ah, the lovely Cordelia.” Lindsey laughed. “Wonder how she’s recovering from my trying to drive her insane last year.”

Xander stiffened his jaw but said nothing.

“And you loved her?”

“Sorta. And my best friend…I thought I loved her…and my girlfriend…ex-girlfriend.” Xander snorted. “Guess I’ve been in love a whole lot.”

Lindsey shook his head. “That’s not love, kid. You can’t guess. You love Angel?”

Xander looked, wide eyed at Lindsey. “No!”

Lindsey cocked his head. “Really? Thought you and him were all…close.”

“Well…” Xander began to turn red. “No, I mean…just ‘cause they’re vampires…and I am…”

“You screw them both?”

Xander looked away. “What’s it to you anyway?”

“Well, you see, I gotta hurt Angel. That’s what this is for. When I spoke to him earlier, I got the impression he loved you. And so did the blond British vampire. I thought maybe you’d be worth something…but you don’t even love the guy do you?”

Xander wasn’t listening. He’d lost it early on in the speech. Angel couldn’t possible love him. Or Spike…it wasn’t possible. This guy was evil, what did he know?

“Oh…you didn’t know Angel and…uh, Spike were hot for you, huh?” Lindsey asked. “Oh yeah…I know these things. You mean a lot to them and therefore you mean a lot to me.” Lindsey grinned. “I’m thinking, you might be pretty damn useful after all.”

“W…what, for the swap?” Xander asked, nervously.

“Yeah…but you didn’t really think I’d just swap you both, did you?” Lindsey laughed. “That’s no fun. And Angel…Angel can die knowing he did it all to save you and I don’t want that. I got something so much better planned.”


Angel stormed into Lilah’s office, having snuck past security and found a great way of throwing the vampire sensors. He just hoped Spike didn’t get hurt prating around downstairs.

“Angel.” Lilah smiled. A bittersweet smile, but a smile nevertheless. More than he ever got from Lindsey.

“You want me, you got me. Just set him free.” Angel said, stalking over to her desk and leaning over so she had to look up at him.

“Ah...yes, of course, just give me and name and we’ll have him released as soon as possible.” Lilah said, her heart skipping a beat. Was this really her opportunity to get Angel for the senior partners?

Angel faltered. “Xander. I want him released now!”

“Xander…? I need a last name. And some details…like are we talking jail or demon dimension here? And…”

“What?” Angel frowned. “Xander…your friend Lindsey has him somewhere and I want him released.”

Realization dawned. “Ah…I’m afraid you’re in the wrong place. As far as I know, Lindsey’s taking his holiday this week. Whatever’s gone on is either classified to me, or nothing to do with the firm…and I’d go with the latter. Nothing goes on here without my knowing.”

Angel watched her carefully. She wasn’t lying. For once. “My mistake.”

Lilah watched, slightly disappointed, as Angel walked out, taking her big chance with him.

“But if I find out you had anything to do with it…forget Angelus, I’ll hand you over to William the bloody. You can see just how much torture runs in the family.”


Xander’s head sung to the right as Lindsey’s fist connected with his jaw for the fifth time. He tasted blood in his mouth and realised how hungry he was.

“And you wanna know what he said after that?” Lindsey asked, pulling his fist back, ready for another. “He said, ‘you wanna swap…fine’. Which of course I knew would be his response. “ Lindsey landed another punch to Xander’s cheek.

“You know what I think?” Xander asked.

Lindsey smirked. “Enlighten me.”

“I think you’re jealous about the wrong vampire.” Xander said. “I think you wanted Angel. Is that why you’re so pissed off? Because he’d never love a piece of shit like you?”

“You know boy, you gotta big mouth on you.” Lindsey said, yanking a crucifix from his pocket. “Think we can fix that?”


Angel walked out of the building, signalling Spike, who’d kept everyone busy by darting around the room, refusing to be caught or staked. They walked out of Wolfram and Hart together, neither saying a word until they were far enough away.


“Apparently, Lindsey’s gone solo.” Angel said. “Lilah didn’t know anything.”

Spike looked angrily at his Sire. “Now what? We wait until he calls you? Since when did you let them make you play it your way, Angelus?”

Angel winced. “The only thing we could do is try and find out through contacts, but that could take…”

“Then we do it.” Spike said. “What’s wrong with you? Stop falling to pieces and get it together, mate. Xander needs your help.”

“Our help.” Angel corrected.

“Yeah well, not sure I can do much.” Spike mumbled.

“Spike, come on. You were right, we need to take action. We can’t wait for Lindsey.” Angel watched Spike carefully.

“You think he’s okay? I mean, worth saving and all?”

“I hope so.” Angel admitted.

Spike hesitated. “Yeah, me too.”


Angel watched as Spike kicked the crap out of one of the nastier demons. He was holding out on information, so Spike had decided to play his own way.

And who was Angel to stop him?

“Alright…this guy…he hired one guy…half demon, to kidnap someone…vampire I think.” The demon said, his arm having been broken, lay limply by it’s side.

“And?” Angel demanded.

“And rumour is, the human that did it, works for that lawyer company. He hired a warehouse, downtown.” The demon added.

“See, I knew you had it in you.” Angel smiled with fake sweetness. “Now you can show us.”

The demon pulled a rather doubtful expression, until Spike got a little more violent. “Yeah sure, I can do that.”


“You know what I really hate, Xander?” Lindsey asked, leaning on the wall not so far away from Xander, who was still tied to a chair, drops of blood covering his clothes.

“Angel?” Xander guessed, sarcastically.

“Well, yeah…but I hate people like Angel. People who believe they can make a difference. Save the world…” Lindsey snorted. “He thinks he can make a difference.”

“He can. Has.” Xander replied.

“Has he? Does anyone know about the hundreds of people he’s saved? Does anyone know about averted apocalypses?” Lindsey asked.

“For some people, it’s not about the fame and the money.” Xander said.

“Who do you think will care when he dies?” Lindsey asked.

“I will.” Xander replied, looking Lindsey in the eyes.

Lindsey laughed, “You will? That’s too bad. I was beginning to like you as well.”

“Damn, and there was me thinking we’re best friends.” Xander muttered.

The door behind them opened with a bang.

“Angel, you’re late.” Lindsey said, not even having to turn around to know who it was.

“Xander, you okay?” Angel asked, walking over with Spike at his side.

“Yeah…” Xander said, not bothering to hide the relief in his voice.

Angel grabbed Lindsey by the throat and hoisted him up, his grip tightening hard. “What was the point, Lindsey? Make me worry. That was your big plan?”

Lindsey tried to laugh but his throat was a little too constricted. “N…o…”

Angel dropped him, fully prepared to work the lawyer over to make Angelus proud.

“Actually, it wasn’t.” Lindsey said, hoarsely.

Spike untied Xander and helped him up, unconsciously checking the boy was alright. “Sure, you’re okay Pet?”

“Yeah, Spike. Just happy you finally got here.” Xander said.

Angel looked up as a small group of humans or possibly half-demons, walked in. “That’s cute Lindsey. A trap. Three vampires and you think we can’t escape…” Angel fell silent as a bolt of energy hit him. Lindsey smirked as the vampire slumped to the floor unconscious.

Spike moved to grab Lindsey but he was down before he could get close enough. Xander vamped out and watched the humans, ready to dodge the bolts. He managed to avoid a few, before joining his fellow vampires in unconsciousness.

“Like I said. That wasn’t the plan.” Lindsey said to himself.


Angel woke first, looking around angrily. He saw Lindsey watching him and growled.

“You recognise this, Angel?” Lindsey asked, holding up a syringe with some sort of chemical in it.

“It’s a syringe.” Angel replied sarcastically. “You a junkie now, Lindsey?”

The lawyer smirked. “I’m not surprised. The first time you saw…tried this, it was done orally.”

Angel frowned, not sure if he was thinking about the same drug.

“You don’t know what we had to give her for this information. What she wanted…well, I guess that’s not important. The partners gave it her without hesitation and we’ve been keeping this information top secret for a long time.”

Angel realised what Lindsey was talking about…realised what he planned to do…

“Yeah, see. Now you’re getting it.” Lindsey said. “See those two over there?”

Angel looked at the two unconscious vampires across the room, both chained up like him. He had to hide the fear in his eyes from Lindsey. The fear of what he was about to do to the two people he cared about more than anyone.

“I really hope Angelus doesn’t kill them. I think it’d be so much better if you came back and had to see them in pain…suffering.” Lindsey said, casually.

“This is between us Lindsey!” Angel yelled. “Let them go and I’ll do whatever you want.”

Lindsey smirked. “You already will. You’ll stay there like a good boy until the drugs kick in.”

Angel thrashed against the chains. There was no way he’d hurt them. Not again. Not the way he hurt Spike before. Not the way he intended on hurting Xander.

“Stop that.” Lindsey chastised. “How does it feel to know the ones you love are going to die slowly? I was able to save Darla from a painful death…not that it did me much good. Nothing’s going to save them. Or you.”


Wesley and Gunn jumped out of the truck, fully armed. They’d received a strange telephone message from Angel explaining everything. None of it made sense to them, but they had understood one thing. That Angel needed them.

They broke into the warehouse and came face to face with a number of guards.

Gunn groaned. “We don’t need this! We’re gonna be too late.”

“There’s nothing we can do Gunn. Lets just hope Angel’s handling things on his own.”


Angel struggled hard as Lindsey made his way over. He held the syringe by Angel’s arm and smiled as he inserted it into the veinless forearm.

“Lindsey, you don’t have to do this. Get your revenge on me…leave them out of this!” Angel begged. He couldn’t stand the thought of hurting them…not after they’d come so far…he couldn’t lose anyone else he loved because of Angelus.


Gunn managed to grab a stun gun off one of the guards and shot three of them down quickly.

Wesley gave him an impressed glance.

They were finally able to get to the door. They opened in, guns and weapons raised.


Lindsey spun around, not having expected company. He frowned angrily as he saw who was standing there. “You’re too late,” he said, backing away, the syringe in his hand empty.

“Get out!” Angel yelled. “Get them and leave…quickly.”

Gunn stormed over, stun gun pointed ready.

“Go on. Kill me.” Lindsey said. “Won’t make a difference…I’ll still get my revenge.”

“What do you mean?” Gunn demanded.

“He injected me with…the…drug…don’t unchain me!” Angel barked, as Wesley got too close.

“Oh dear God.” Wesley said. “We need to get out of here.”

“Why?” Gunn asked.

“He’s been injected with the drug we told you about.”

“The one that makes him go nuts?” Gunn asked.

“The very same.”

“Now, Wesley!” Angel yelled angrily.

“But he’s chained up…he can’t escape, can he?”

Angel pulled on the chains angrily, trying to pull them down.

“I wouldn’t like to stay and find out.” Wesley said. “You sort him out, I’ll get Xander and Spike.”

Gunn shot Lindsey, causing him to collapse in a heap while Wesley began to unchain the sleeping vampires. The movement roused them and they opened their eyes drearily.

“We need to get out of here immediately.” Wesley said, using his axe to break the chains around Xander’s hands.

“What’s goin’ on?” Spike asked. “You took your bleedin’ time.”

“We must hurry, Angel…” Wesley broke off as Angelus began to scream inhumanly. “Is now Angelus…we need to leave and let the drug wear off. It’s only temporary…but I don’t trust the chains to hold him.”

Now free, Xander, Spike and Wesley made their way back to Gunn and the unconscious Lindsey.

Xander watched Angelus warily.

Angelus smirked back. “Xander…so nice to see you joining us in the land of the unliving. Want me to show you how real Sire’s claim their childer?”

Spike stood defensively in front of Xander. “Get out, all of you. I’ll watch him.”

“Spike…are you sure? I mean…what if he…?” Xander said.

“Yeah, Pet. He’s not going anywhere. Get outta here. And kill that sodding lawyer before I get my hands on him.”

Wesley touched Xander’s shoulder, to pull him away and they left Spike and Angelus alone.

Angelus continued to pull at the chains, determined to get free.

“Don’t bother Angelus…you haven’t got the time…your soul will be back soon. Just be grateful you’ve had a chance to come out for a bit. Like taking a dog for a walk.” Spike smirked. “Like Angel taking his bitch for a walk.”

Spike laughed as Angelus thrashed against the chains.

“Look mate…lets just hurry up and get Angel back okay, some of us want to shag today.”

“You love him don’t you?” Angelus smirked. “Admit it to me…I know you, Will. Tell me the truth. You love them.”

Spike shook his head. “M’not admittin’ nothing.”

“You were so worried about Xander…adorable.” Angelus said, sarcastically. “You never were any good at being a vampire.”

“Hey, sod off!” Spike yelled back. “Killer of two slayers here.”

“But you fell in love with one!” Angelus smirked. “And now you love two vampires with souls?”

“Never said that.”

“You don’t have to. I know. I made you. There’s nothing I don’t know.”

“Yeah? Lead singer of the sex pistols? Come on…see, you ain’t as smart as you make out.” Spike grinned smugly.

“About you. Nothing I don’t know about you.” Angelus said.


“So you do love them?” Angelus asked.

“Yeah…so what if I do?”

“Angel will be so happy to hear that. Maybe a little too happy.” Angelus grinned.

“In ya dreams, mate.”


Xander sat with Wesley in the back, Lindsey in the front seat, while Gunn drove.

“You’re sure nothing happened?” Wesley asked again.

“Nothing…the guy was all talk.” Xander said. “I’m fine…my face kinda hurts, but I’m fine.”

“Cordelia was worried about you. And Angel of course.” Gunn said from the front.

“I can take care of myself.” Xander said. “Okay, maybe Angel and Spike can take care of myself. Nope, wait…there’s always some one around to save my ass at the last minute. Guess I should be thankful for that. This could have turned out nasty. Last thing you want is the guy you lo…live with going all evil.”

Wesley smiled wryly. “Yes, indeed.”


Spike had been there for hours, talking to his Sire…his real Sire. He managed to calm Angelus down, stopping him from breaking free. He even managed to make his peace. Sort of.

“Listen Angelus, things have changed. You haven’t been around. I loved Dru for a long time. Maybe you’re right, I’m not normal. But now I love Angel and Xander. As much as I hate to sodding admit it, I do.”

“And the souled-wonder himself loves you back. It’s like trying to watch an episode of that shit you always had on the television.

“Passions?” Spike’s eyes lit up. “Yeah…you’d sit there watching it with me, when you should have been out there killing the slayer…no way you liked it, right?”

Angelus smirked. “I’m a evil soulless vampire, Spike. I don’t watch Passions.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Sure.”

“Oh great.”


“Here we go again.” Angelus said.


“Time to be resouled. Just as I was getting back into having a body again.”

“Ah well, there’s always next time.”

“And you know, next time I’m gonna make you pay for that stunt with the crowbar.” Angelus threatened.

“Good on ya.” Spike said.

“Stupid fucking curse.” Angelus muttered as he felt everything go black.


Xander waited on Angel’s bed, feeling the sheets, lost in his own world. He’d never been so scared, being held captive by a loony lawyer. He’d been really scared of what Lindsey would do. If things had worked out differently, he’d probably be being beaten and raped by Angelus right now.

He wasn’t sure why that didn’t bother him as much as losing Angel would have done.

And so he waited patiently for them to return. Wanted them back in bed, at his side…the way it was supposed to be.

The two men…vampires…that he loved.


Spike helped a dazed Angel up the stairs, holding him tightly…more because he was relieved to see him as him again rather than for support.

“S’okay luv, almost there.”

“Spike…” Angel was finally gaining more focus. “Is Xander…okay?”

“He’s fine. No harm done. Bastard lawyer only hit him…wanted Angelus to finish the job.” Spike explained.

“And you…you’re okay?”

“Yep. Look okay, don’t I?”

“Yeah…you always do.” Angel smiled.

“Hey, keep it down. We’ll surprise the whelp.” Spike whispered as they neared the door.

Standing silently outside, Spike reached for the doorknob.


Xander looked up as the doorknob turned and he sighed, relieved, to see his lovers walk in. “Oh Thank God.”

“Xander.” Angel muttered. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I am now.” Xander said, walking over to them and kissing Angel.

Spike smiled. “Where’s mine?”

Xander grinned and kissed Spike happily.

“So, things went well?” Xander asked Spike.

“Yeah…me and Angelus…talked. First time we ever talked without him shoving me into a wall and…”

“It went well.” Angel interrupted, throwing a glance at Xander.

“Good…I was worried.” Xander said.

“You were worried?” Angel asked. “We…” He broke off, looking at Spike, not sure if the vampire would want Xander knowing.

“We were worried big time, Pet.” Spike said softly.

“You were?” Xander smiled. “Guess Lindsey was right.”



“Where is the little shit anyway?”

“Language, Peaches.” Spike said.

“I think…he’s tied up, naked.” Xander smirked. “In the basement, awaiting trial.”

Angel laughed. “Good. I have just the fate for our favourite lawyer.”

“But not now, right?” Xander asked. “I mean…we…I was thinking about this the whole…”

“Oh! No, after. We’ll deal with him after. Right now, all I want is you.” Angel said, his hands rushing up to the few clothes Xander wore and helping him remove them.

Spike smirked and began removing his own. “Now this is more like it.” When he was naked, Spike reached down and took his hard cock firmly in his hand...starting a slow even pull on the cool hard flesh.

After stripping Xander, Angel stripped his own clothes off. “Bed, both of you…now.”

Xander landed on his back, Spike on top of him, kissing erratically.

Spike felt Angel behind him, easing into his ass and he grinned. “Waste no time.”

“Wasn’t gonna.” Angel smirked back, holding Spike’s hips and thrusting into him.

“Need me to take care of the other side?” Xander grinned, feeling Spike’s cock pressing into his leg.

“If ya wouldn’t mind Pet.”

Spike nudged Angel back, and his Sire grabbed Spike’s hips and yanked him off Xander, leaving room for Xander to kneel before Spike and take in his length.

“Fuck, you’re tight, Spike…” Angel grunted.

“Helps if you use more lube ya sadistic bastard.” Spike said, playfully.

Xander took Spike’s cock down to the base and teased him.

“Hey…no fair. Play nice, Pet.” Spike chastised, running a hand through Xander’s hair and guiding him up and down.

Angel remembered being in the same position…or something like it not so long ago. He smiled at where they were now…he wouldn’t give up the two vampires beneath him for anything.

He continued to thrust into Spike until he came, clutching Spike as he did. Feeling his Sire on him, climaxing, send Spike over the edge and he came into Xander’s mouth.

They continued to play into the night, touching, sucking and fucking themselves into a deep sleep, heaped together in a warm embrace.


The next day, Lilah walked into her office and almost died at the sight she saw.


A muffled moan from under the gag was lost on her as she began to laugh hysterically.

Lindsey gave her an indignant grunt. He was naked; hands and feet tied to a chair, with only a gag to cover himself…and it covered the wrong area.

“Oh my God!” Lilah gasped. “I am so glad I work here. Let me go get the boss.”

Lindsey screamed into the gag, but it didn’t help, she was off to get the boss.

“Ah, Mr. McDonald. I hear you’ve been behind out backs. What luck we should find you in such a…position. Remind me to send Angel a fruit basket.”

Lindsey frowned. He was in. So. Much. Trouble.


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