My Sweet Valentine

by Lore

Warning: m/m and m/f/m rape and consensual m/f sex

Night was a weird time. A time of every day normality and overall weirdness. Spike could feel it as he entered the all night grocery store. He wasn't the only demon in the place, though he probably pulled a lot less attention than the huge chaos demon that was picking out some ribbons for her antlers. Yet side by side with that, and somehow ignoring it all, was a woman, late from work, who was checking the ripeness of the melons.

He shrugged it off and ignored the stares of the clerk as he passed a mirror while coming in. He could see the freckle faced boy grab on a cross lying on the counter in front of him.

Let him. He had better things to do than wonder about the business essentials in Sunnydale.

He repeated the list, softly muttering to himself.

"Let's see. I need beer, imported, none of that American piss they pass off as beer, Twinkies, Cheerio's and some smokes. And what else ... hmm ribbons red ones?"

*Where did that one come from?*

Taking another look around, he noticed how red everything was and the strong smell of chocolate in the air. Some fledgling vamps were staring at a lonely girl that was pacing through a set of Valentine


They practically screamed vampire. No wonder zitface was pissing his pants. He blew it off.

There were more important things.

He'd almost forgotten it was Valentine's Day. He reckoned he'd have to get something for the Slayer, if she'd even accept anything from him.

*Now what do you get the Slayer that has everything. A new crossbow? Some more stakes? A nice dagger? He could always give her himself wrapped up in a red ribbon.*

The vampire went down another aisle. Hmm, not a ribbon, maybe handcuffs, no wait we did that last week.


He looked up and saw a teenager dressed in black wearing a very tight fitting pair of leather pants walk back over to the girl looking threw the cards. Hmm leather...

He put his pockets as he went up to the both of them.


William sat in the chair, all jittery. He'd wanted to go out, only that soddin Poofter wouldn't let him. Damn bastard of a grandsire. Just cause Darla had told him she wanted some time alone with Dru. It was stupid that's what it was. But as head of the line, if Darla wanted something, she got it, no matter what he had to say about it.

He leaned into Dru's hand as she patted his head, brushing into her scent.

"Be a good boy my William and mommy will bring you something yummy back"

William grumbled as he grabbed Dru's hand, quickly kissing it

"Just bring yourself back, luv that's all I need."

She giggled, ignoring his words and blowing him a kiss.

"Something warm and sweet like snakes." She pulled away and went towards Darla. "Coming grand mum?"

Darla smirked as she held on to Dru just that tad bit too close. Her mouth at her grandchilde's ear, whispering something that made Dru cackle out loud.

He stared after them as they left out the door.

"Damn that witch, she better not touch my girl, or I'll..."

"You'll what..."

He stared up at Angelus who was leaning against the wall, aiming his lecherous glare at him.

The Poofter was smiling. Planning. William started to get up, but before he could get out of the chair, his grandsire was standing in the way. William glared up at him, Angelus grabbed him and threw him against the wall. That smile still on his lips.

"I will give her a welly up her arse."

"You will, will you?"

Angelus grabbed him by the throat pushing him up against the wall. Pinning the young vampire to it with the force of his knee.

"Yeah unless you want it first?" William grinned and put up his hands trying to push Angelus away.

Angelus left hand came from behind his back, he'd been hiding a pair of chains. Before William could say a word his grandsire had slapped his hands together, painfully forcing them behind his back.

"Hey, let me go, you Poofter."

William struggled against the chains, feeling them slice into his wrists.

But Angelus just smiled, and pulled the younger vampire over his shoulder, dragging him along like so much dead weight.

"Angelus stop being such a pansy and put me down"

William kicked out, trying to force a way out of Angelus' grip.

But it didn't seem like Angelus was planning any such thing.

William tried to get his legs under him as Angelus dragged him into the back room. He could feel something hit his back, his arms hurting as he stared up at his grandsire as the older vampire threw him on the bed.

He fought, crawling out of the way but Angelus wouldn't let him.

Pinning him down as he sat up on top of him.

"You will learn, boy, that Darla and I deserve your respect."

William spat in his face.

Angelus just licked it off, changing into his demonic face as he did so.

"Oh shit."

William refused to show fear, but could feel his insides rumble just at the gleam in the other's eyes.

"Get off of me you bleeding bastard."

Angelus hit him, his sharp nails cutting into William's cheek. William winced as he felt the others' nails rake down his shirt, ripping it as he went. He refused to scream, even as he felt his skin pierced.

Pulling the ripped shirt off of William, Angelus stared at the blood. He moved his head to William's chest and slowly licked the wounds clean.

William could feel his wounds heal under Angelus' harsh tongue, he could smell the scent of his own stolen blood. And as much as he hated it, he could feel his body react to his grandsires actions. Please make it stop.

*I don't want this.*

Angelus slowly moved down his body and yanked on William's pants pulling them off harshly. William tried to kick him, but Angelus was too strong. More than that, the bastard seemed to enjoy the struggle.

"Keep on fighting boy. I like it."

He then ran his hands over William's body pushing him over.

"I want you on your stomach boy."

William tried to crawl out of the way but Angelus' grip was too strong for him. The vampire just pushed his knees under his stomach, lifting up his ass.

With a deep growl Angelus smacked Williams ass hard.

"Count boy"

William bit his lips, staying silent. The open hand hit him again. The fingers wide open, the nails hitting deep.

"I told you to count"

"No way you bloody prick."

Angelus hit him a few more times, dragging it out, drawing blood.

"Well if you won't count, perhaps I can think of something else you will enjoy more," he smirked
Angelus quickly stripped off his clothing and knelt between William's knees. Running his hands down William's back.

Angelus then dipped his hand in the blood on Williams ass and slid it towards his hole, sliding his blood soaked finger into William.

"Why do you make me do this William?"


Spike shrugged of the memories and straightened up.

The boy was clearly pushing the girl against the wall. Spike didn't even hesitate about his own reaction to it and loudly slammed the freezer shut. Catching the punk's attention.

The girl went from staring at the boy's face to Spike, her eyes pleading him for help. Spike looked at them, grabbed for a beer, opening it as he kept his stare on them. Pretending he wasn't interested. Then he turned to the boy and changed to Game face.

Spike didn't even need to say a word; the boy just stared at him and ran off. The girl, if possible, broke out in an even worse tremble. Spike brought the beer to his lips and walked away. He spit the beer out and wiped his mouth, "Bloody hell. It's a Bud." Spike tossed the beer out without a second thought. He could hear small sounds of a crash as the bottle hit something in the dustbin. The other two vampires stared up at him. Spike just gave them the eye.

They backed of almost instantly, recognizing him. He smiled, as he smelled their fear.

He still had it.

He stared up into the empty glass of the fridge, just staring at the girl's reflection and the lack of his own.

The Big Bad.

He didn't go up to the counter; he just grabbed his stuff and left without paying. Grabbing for a box of chocolate before leaving out the door.


William's body shook up as Angelus entered him. It hurt, God it hurt. He could feel his own blood seep on his tongue as he bit on his lip, fighting the urge to scream out.

He wouldn't give in. Not now, not ever.

Not to the bleeding bastard who was going to rip his innards out if he went on like this. God it hurt and it ... it was amazing. He didn't want it to be. He didn't want to like how it hurt, how it made his bones feel, how it touched him and stretched him and made his blood rush in a mad fervor of hate.

Angelus' thrusts were slowing down, in and out. Then it was gone and he leaned over licking William's neck.

"Answer me boy."

William pushed his face in the mattress, refusing to show his eyes. Refusing to show his confusion. Angelus grabbed him again, one hand wrapped in William's hair, yanking him back, exposing his throat.

"I made your sire boy. That makes you mine."

"Like you're Darla's?" William spat out in anger.

Angelus rage poured through his body, and William gasped for breath as he felt Angelus' fangs enter his throat.

So much like Dru's, so unlike her insane tenderness.

He could feel his strength leave him as his cold blood left his body, so cold...

"You're mine boy, forever."

William nearly choked as Angelus put his own wrist in front of his mouth. He fought but Angelus wouldn't let him, forcing him to drink his blood. Sharing, ... but a forced sharing that was worse than the sex.

And it lasted, as Angelus only ripped his wrist away once he heard Williams moaning while he drank. Once he could hear William's need for it.


Spike wiped his mouth, clearing his head for a second before he pressed the doorbell to the Summers' home.

He expected Dawn to open. Or Willow. But instead he looked straight up to Buffy. A smiling Buffy.

As he stared up at her in confusion she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in, making him fall right up to her and into her kiss.

He dropped the bag of groceries and wrapped his arms around her pulling her even closer into a kiss, grabbing her tongue with a twist and feeling her body heat up under his touch.

She pushed him up against a wall, leering at the shared memory.

"Not another shirt." He muttered, though not really meaning it.

She just glared at him. Bloody impatient like always. But then that was why he loved her, the way she threw herself into everything.

He grabbed for the box of chocolate and gave it to her. She looked at him as if he'd gone crazy but he just smiled. She opened it, and took out a chocolate heart, letting it melt on her tongue as she licked it for a second. Spike bit his lip biting back a groan.

He reached for her again, the world sliding away as he licked a tiny spec of chocolate from her lips.
Feeling its taste mix with her own. Now that was his kind of sweet.

"My room." she whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear.

"What about Dawn?"

"She's sleeping at a friends place. I asked her too."

She answered his next question before he could even put it.

"Willow's with Tara."

"Is she now?" He let her slide onto him, supporting her body and feeling her touch. Then he grabbed her over his shoulder and dragged her upstairs.


"Now we can go."

"Go, where you git?"

William startled up as he heard Angelus' words. The older vampire was sitting up on the bed, grabbing for his boots. He was fully dressed once more.

Angelus just smirked and stared at him, at his naked body.

"Now that would ruin the surprise, now wouldn't it William my boy."

He threw William a shirt and some pants but William couldn't even start dressing, his hands still tied to his back.

"Are you at least going to untie me?"

"Why would I do that?

William unconsciously shrank as Angelus grabbed his hair, pulling the shirt over his head. His hands were hidden underneath, still chained. Then the older vampire took the pants, grabbing one leg and pulling it over, slowly sliding them up. William struggled as Angelus' hand lingered on his thigh, fighting the restraint of the shirt that held his arms even closer to his back..

"Angelus come on, I can dress myself. I'm not a baby, untie me."

Angelus just laughed as he pulled him along grabbing him by the shirt.

The coach driver knew better than to ask any question as the strange duo came out the door. He didn't bother to say a word about William's naked feet, the better for him.

William climbed into the carriage but had no balance and tumbled to the floor. Angelus reached down and yanked him up onto the seat, cradling him like a child.

"Remember that friend of yours. What's her name, Cecily."

*Not her.*

"The one you've been following for how long now?"

"Three months" William thought, but he refused to answer. He'd been planning to kill her slowly, painfully, keeping her for last. After all his other 'friends'.

Angelus ran his hands in William's hair almost lovingly. "How long boy."

"Three months."

He finally gave in. There was nothing stopping Angelus when he got an idea stuck in his head.

Angelus tongue brushed past his lips before he pulled William's face up, forcing the young vampires lips to his own.

William cursed himself as he opened his lips and returned Angelus' kiss. He hated the way Angelus made him feel.

It was sick, it was wrong, yet ... he felt alive as well. Truly alive.

He tried to move closer, pressing his body against his grandsire's. But Angelus pushed him against the other side of the couch. Smiling as he sprawled up on his side.

Angelus softened for a moment then pushed Will roughly away to the floor.

"Do not think for one moment that you can distract me from what I have to say and do, boy."

He pushed William down, pushing his head to the ground.

"She's pretty. Don't you agree Will?"

He held out a near perfect drawing of the girl. William wanted to make a grab for it, but even if his hands hadn't been tied Angelus wouldn't have let him come up.

"But she wasn't good enough for you. Still, every woman deserves a special gift on this day. " Angelus smirked.

William stared at him, curious about his grandsires plans, but bothered as well. Cecily was his, to do with as he pleased. It wasn't any of Angelus' right to get involved with that.

"Do you know what today is Will?"

William just snorted as he hadn't really kept up with dates since his death.

"Is that a no?" Angelus lifted an eyebrow and reached out to stroke William's cheek.

There was a small yip from under the seat. William pushed back and looked up at his grandsire.

"What was that?"

Angelus leaned down and slowly pulled a small puppy out from under the seat. It was small and fluffy, and for some reason he recognized it.

"Ms Cecily Thompson seems to find it's not up to her to walk her dog. She sent out her maid for that." He leered at William.

"Unfortunately the maid ran into an accident." He bowed over, as if whispering a secret. "Me."

"So what's the plan? You go up and knock on her door, give her back the puppy, and hope for a snog?"

William leaned back in the corner, desperate to stay up despite the movements of the couch.

"Something like that, my boy. Something just like that."


Spike pulled Buffy closer as he kissed her nose.

"I never get tired of that, pet."

She leaned back in the pillow, letting him fondle her breasts, her hands stretched out underneath.

He leaned in, letting one leg slide between hers. Then grabbing her hand as it came out to him. He brushed past her wrist, leaning in and licking past her neck, down to her breasts. He opened her shirt, leaving her skin wide open.

With a low growl he captured a nipple with his mouth and began to suck

He could hear her purr, her hands touching his back, her nails slicing in his skin as she whispered words that even his vampire hearing couldn't pick up.

Spike moved back up and slid his tongue into her mouth, sucking lightly as he slowly entered her. He gasped feeling her warmness surround him.

She grabbed his hand, pulling it along over their heads, dragging it on as they both moaned in pleasure. Then he could feel something slap together and looked up. Smiling as he realized what it was.

She'd locked them together, hand to hand.

"Luv, you don't need chains to keep me. It'll be hard enough to get me to leave without them." He smirked as he said those words.

She just grabbed his mouth.

He let her kiss him and slowly pulled out of her then thrust back in her hard and fast.

But she didn't let him lead for long, pushing them both around, forcing him underneath her and pushing herself on him. Rubbing past him, faster and faster.

Spike, panting, yanked on the cuffed wrists and pulled her down. He attacked her mouth while he slit his free hand down to her clit.

She was wet already, so greedy, so eager. That was another thing he liked about his Slayer. He fingered her clit slowly, enjoying her continuing moans as he pinched it hard and fast, sending her into and orgasm.

"I need you Spike. Please."

Need me to do what pet," he smirked and pulled his hand away bringing it to his lips and slowly licking his fingers one by one. She tasted like sandalwood and musk.

"Inside of me, now."

She couldn't get out more and moaned as his lips traced down her belly.


The driver didn't bother to offer Angelus any help in getting William out. He safely stayed on the carriage. Not that it would have kept him safe, but it was the idea of it. William could barely make out the image of the driver beating a cross as he let out his whip and left.

Angelus chuckled. "It's so hard to find good help these days." He turned and walked down the street whistling a merry tune.

"Come along now William."

As they reached Cecily's home, William noticed all the lights were out. "Not home then? Maybe we should come back later." He moved closer to Angelus, leaning against him for balance.

Angelus threw his arm around him. It was as if his elder could feel how much he didn't want to do this now. It didn't seem to bother him.

William stared at the puppy Angelus was holding in his other hand. The dog seemed to be sensing something was wrong.

"Don't worry Will, we don't need them to be home just yet but we do need hurry up before Cecily comes home. Don't want her not to see one of her first valentine gifts."

William just stood there, staring at his grandsire. The man seemed so self-assured, so ready to do anything he felt like. So free and unlike all the men he'd ever met before.

The bastard whom he hated, the monster he despised, and the one person in the world he hoped more than anything to become like and impress.

"Now Will, I need your help here, so I'm going to untie you. Will you behave?"

William didn't move. He didn't say a word. But Angelus seemed to know he'd be obeyed, no matter what was said, or not.

Angelus pushed William towards the door and lifted up his shirt, still holding the dog in one hand. He reached under the shirt, his fingers lingering for a second as he undid the manacles; they hit the ground with a clang.
William could feel the mud splat up against his legs, his feet felt every stone and crack underneath them. But he'd be dust before he let Angelus know that.

"Turn around," his grandsire commanded.

William turned slowly, rubbing his wrists.

"Better?" Angelus smirked and leans into him kissing his lips lightly, while thrusting the dog into his arms. "Good hold that."

Angelus reached into his back pocket and pulled out nails and a small hammer.

William wondered how he'd kept that hidden in his pockets, but didn't bother to ask. He just remembered the countless hours he'd spent watching this door, wondering if Cecily was home, if he could see her. Never daring to approach.

"Now hold the dog with its back against the door."

William stared, not feeling pity or caring for the dog. He simply found himself strangely interested in the dogs' eyes, in the fear in its eyes as Angelus slammed the nails through the animals' tender flesh.

One, two, three beats and it wasn't even a skull. Metal was easy that way. Metal like spikes, railroad spikes.
Would it be as easy to take a railroad spike and ram it through old George's ears like the bugger had joked about. Could be, might be interesting to try out.

The dog was screaming now, lashing out with loud yelps. Angelus gave him the last nail. William held it in his hand, feeling the comforting coldness touch his fingers. Let's see.

The dog screeched as it felt the nail pierce its back.

Angelus smirked and dipped his finger in the blood.

'Roses are red, Violets are blue
This pup is dead, so will be you.'

"What do you say Will, you're the Poet here."

William just stared at it in cold distance.

He hated this man; he loved him. He belonged to him.


Buffy was sleeping in his arms, cuddled up to him. Spike didn't bother to ask her for the keys to the handcuffs. He just brushed through her hair, enjoying the splendor of the slowly returning curls. He could smell her scent, so human, yet so wild and kissed her gently. She leaned further into him and he just let her, getting more comfortable with her spooned up to him.

He enjoyed the night, cause he could never know how long it would last. How long it would take for her to regret it and him. How long before she'd wake up and throw him out. But he didn't want to consider that, so instead he marveled in the moment Believing for a moment that when she'd wake up they could be in a normal relationship. That he could stay and wake up beside her in the morning and be welcomed at the breakfast table like a normal boyfriend.

There he'd said the word. He wanted to be a boyfriend. A partner. Something more than whatever he should call that he was now. She was starting to thaw though, letting him in her house, letting him set at least part of the pace. She'd asked the other women of the house to leave and it had been the two of them, and only the two of them.

And it was Valentines Day.


They could hear a carriage coming up in the street.

Angelus bent down and grabbed the manacles. William hesitated for a second, stunned for a moment as he was still staring at the dog. Angelus grabbed William's arm and dragged him into the bushes.

William could smell her. The rich sent of her perfume that announced her arrival. He could hear her scream as she saw the dog and as she heard its moans.

She just stood there, her hands in front of her mouth, as if she was barely capable of breathing.

Angelus slowly stood up.

"Excuse me miss, I was out for a stroll and I heard you scream, is everything alight?"

The girl that had once been the light of his life just pointed at the dog. Angelus pretended he'd only now seen the animal.

William still stayed back, hiding his face in the shadows, not wanting her to see him to soon. Not wanting her to recognize him, or not for that matter.

"My god, that's horrible. What sort of devil would do this?"

Angelus put his hand on her shoulder as if to comfort her and let her open the door. A maid came running up,
seeing them with the young woman.

"What happened? Please, come on in."

Angelus didn't wait a second and signaled at William to follow him.

Cecily buried her face into Angelus coat, not daring to look at the door where her beloved Muff Muff was nailed.

"Why would anyone do such a thing to Muff Muff?"

She gave an appropriate sniff, as she pulled back. Angelus gave her a handkerchief and she wiped of the appropriate tear.

"That poem. It was so awful. It reminds me of some horrible man I once knew."

William just stood back in silence, resting in the shadows. His eyes focused on Cecily who was regaining her cold composure. As if nothing ever moved this lovely statue of a woman, made of prime marble, both cold and untouched. She fell back on Angelus shoulder, seeing the rich clothing and refined behavior as a sign of class, not as the sign of the predator she'd allowed in her home.

"What is this mans name my dear?" Angelus stroked her back in a soothing gesture.

"William, good sir, but it does not matter for he was found murdered in the streets weeks ago. Good riddance at that." She said quietly as she moved to the couch, reluctantly pulling away from Angelus.

William didn't look at her, acting the part of the manservant that both Angelus and Cecily had pushed him in. And in that role he pulled the lady's attention as little as a rock would.

Angelus moved and poured Cecily a brandy.

"Here my dear, this should soothe your nerves."

Angelus turned his head towards William as he handed her the snifter.

"Boy, go see to her beloved Muff Muff."

William snorted and went to the door, going outside for a second and staring at the pup.

"Now what does he bloody well expect me to do?"

The pup had bled to death by now and William touched its head and open eyes, sipping his finger in the blood and tasting it. Somehow it wasn't all that different from human blood. Just a little bit less rich.

He heard a noise and moved back inside. The maid was lying on the ground; a pool of blood was forming under her dead body. Cecily was turned away in horror, desperate to get away from the old Poofter.

William smirked and locked the door.

Angelus cocked his head to William's entrance.

"Took you long enough," he gestured to the couch.

"Have a seat William. You remember Cecily."

William wiped the hair out of his face and looked at her. She smelled of fear. Her beautiful hair was all tussled up and she stared at them in a mixture of fear and loathing.

"You." She didn't seem to believe it.

"You ... you're dead."

"Dead as dreams, but not so dead as you will be my dear."

William could see how Angelus was aroused by her fear. He could almost imagine the smirk that would be playing on his elder's face.

"Now come out from behind that couch," Angelus paused. "or stay there and I'll come and get you."

It was obvious which option he wanted her to choose, which game he wanted to play.

That's when she ruined it all and fainted.

Angelus growled in frustration and stalked over towards her.

"Damn it William my boy, what did you see in this bitch?"

He picked her up and cradled her in his arms as he joined William on the couch.

"Sure she's not bad to look at, but so are statues and paintings. And those don't give you lip when you don't want them too."

Angelus continued to stroke her hair and face while he talked.

"Now what should we do with her? What games, what diversions could she possibly serve for?"

Angelus lips held a cold snigger that made William shiver up to his bones.

"I think we should cut off all this hair, save her from her vanity."

William stared at them in a distant awareness as Angelus took a knife to Cecily's hair. Cutting it slowly, ever so slow. But effective nonetheless.

The locks of hair fell on the ground besides her forming a mess of dark curls.

"Would you like to keep some Will, though Dru might get jealous."

William refused to answer. He just stared at Cecily's ruined locks.

Angelus glared at him.

"Answer me boy." He put down the knife and ran his fingers threw what little was left of her hair.

"I think we should wake her up."

*And make her see herself, taken by her demon suitors?*

"Why don't you give her a kiss like a prince in some fairy tale."

Angelus propped her up still in his arms, "Go on Will, I won't tell Dru."

William stared at her, at her neck that was so blatantly in front of him. He sat down on the sofa beside her and let his fingers brush over her head.

Her beautiful face and the slow rhythmic flow of her blood underneath her ivory pale skin.

He couldn't help his face changing at the thought of the blood. Angelus held him back, waving a finger at his impatience.

"A kiss William, sweetly on her lips, not her neck."

William growled slightly and turned back to his human face. Not sure what to do. He'd never been faced with the possibility of this actually happening. Dru was sweet and all, but it was usually her who initiated anything between them. This ...

Just when he leaned over her, she woke up, screaming as she saw his face looming over her. Angelus wrapped a hand around her throat and squeezed gently.

"Ah a screamer, I love it when they scream." he laughed maniacally


William felt himself pulled between wanting her blood for himself and protecting her from his grandsire. Cecily grabbed for her ruined hair, staring at him in fear. She backed of as she saw him get nearer. Scared.
As he kissed her, forced her, he knew this wasn't his kind of thing. Her fear merely revolted him, it wasn't a fight, and it wasn't anything.

"What's the matter boy? Isn't she pretty enough?"

Angelus held her still and ran his fingers down her throat tracing the vein in her neck

William reached out to her leg, sliding his fingers down her dress. No more. But Angelus gaze on him was unrelenting. He pulled up her skirts, feeling up her leg; his eyes remained fixed on Angelus who was watching him hungrily. He adjusted Cecily sliding her lower on his lap causing her skirts to slide further up.
She tried to struggle, but Angelus was too strong.

William traced up her legs with his lips. Tasting her on his tongue.

Angelus slid one hand into William's hair, gently rustling it up. His brown eyes filled with lust, pulling his hand away from Williams hair he roughly cupped the woman's breast.

His face changed, showing his demonic nature. Spike followed his lead and bit in as well.

He could feel her heartbeat lessen as her blood was drained out of her from two sources. The blood, so much blood, so good. Then something grabbed his head and he stared up at Angelus who'd pulled him up.

"Not yet." Cold shivers ran down his spine.

"I want you to take her first."

William glared up at him, wanting to refuse. But if he did ... there was rebellion and there was plain stupidity. Angelus would not accept it if he refused. Sure Dru might cry, but Will dared not carry the illusion that that would last too long.

"William." his tone was flat. William knew that he has to say or do something before Angelus decided to do something worse. Angelus pushed Cecily off his lap and onto the floor. She moaned weakly.

He reached over and pulled William towards him, kissing his lips in a possessive way.

"Why do you refuse this gift?"


"Spike why won't you accept my gift?"

Spike stared at the sweater he was holding in his hands. It was nice, red ... but a sweater?

"Ah pet, when have you seen me wear sweaters? I don't get cold."

"But," seeing her face go from all smiles to a frown. "I love it and will always treasure it."

He pulled it on to check the fit. It was tight. He was thanking god he didn't have to breathe.

She leaned into him, snuggling in the warm wool that made him glad differences in temperature didn't bother him.

"I have a gift for you, I just haven't picked it up yet pet."

He whispered the words in her ear as he stroked her hair


He felt hope spur in his heart as she looked at him with a glimmer of feeling in her eyes, almost childishly curious.

"Yup, but you are going to have to wait a bit for it."


Angelus pulled away from William, searching for an answer in his eyes.

"Do you want her boy? Do you want to feel her hot blood pumping through your mouth? Sliding down your throat ? Warming your heart and limbs..."

Spike could feel his mouth water at the thought of the blood. He could feel himself go hot, alive, yet he didn't want to admit it.

"No I don't think you do." Angelus grinned at William and moves slowly off the couch to the floor where Cecily lay almost unconscious,

She moaned softly as he picked her up.

"Since you don't want her William, I guess I'll have to take her instead.''

William jumped up as Angelus put his fangs in Cecily's neck. He could barely stop himself from fighting his grandsire. Instead he stared in shock, seeing her squirm in Angelus grasp. Seeing the older vampire do what he wanted to do.

Angelus let go for a moment, the girl was still alive, just barely. William could hear the faint heartbeat.

He wanted to knock the bastard's smirk of his face. But it was too late and Angelus was already returning her bleeding neck to his mouth.

Faintly William could hear the sounds of footsteps heading towards them. The door was slammed open and he turned around, staring at a group of men carrying torches as they barged into the door.

"Angelus. we have company."

Angelus ripped his fangs from the girls' neck and let go of her as he stood.

"Yes, I think you might be right. Looks like we overstayed our welcome. Lets go boy."

William took one last glance of Cecily and followed Angelus through the window.

Angelus was smiling as he ran, some members of a mob tried to stop him but he grabbed one and broke his neck before throwing the corpse as a weapon. William barely avoided it and followed his grandsire.

After what seemed like hours they finally lost the mob only then did they make their way back to the mansion.

Angelus grinned as he threw the doors open.

"So boy, did you enjoy yourself?"

William stared at him in shock. Sure the idea of being hunted and fighting back had been fun, but the rest of it?

"You will learn that playing with them first gives more flavor to the kill. Still it was a good kill, just not a clean kill, but a good kill."

He looked up and down Wills body.

"You're filthy go take a bath."

Looking at William who just stood there still in shock.

"Are you daft boy. I said now."

William just stood there with a blank expression on his face, he finally managed to overcome his shock and headed up the stairs. He stopped halfway.

"But she didn't even fight back."


"Spike?" He turned back to look at Buffy. She was sitting right next to him in the DeSoto, wearing a blindfold.

"Why didn't you try to kill me?"

He stared at her, stunned that she even needed to ask.

"With the chip not working. Why?"

"You know why pet." he continued driving. "almost there. no peeking."

"Well yeah, love and all that. But ..."

Spike pulled up to the curb and puts in park, he turns to her.


"How real can ... how can you love me. I ... I thought Angel loved me. I believe that Angel loved me as much as I loved him. But when ... without a soul ... he ... hated me."

It was clear she had to fight tears.

"How can you love me so much, let me ... how can you still stand me, while Angel ..."

He took up her hand, his fingers touching her face.

"I could ask you the same thing. Why didn't you kill me after finding out I could hurt you again? Why do you trust me?"

Buffy frowned." I don't know."

"I could be taking you somewhere to kill you now. Yet you let me blindfold you, make you more vulnerable... Why would you let me?"

"That's it I'm taking this off now," she reached up to undo the blindfold, his words striking just a hint of fear into her heart.

"Then why don't you?"

She touched the blindfold, but instead of taking it off she let her hand fall back on her lap.

"I don't know. It's not like you haven't had plenty of opportunity to kill me before Spike and besides I did bring Mr.. pointy. And... and if you killed me now you would be losing the best lay of your life," she smirked. "or un-life."

Spike smiled, even though she couldn't see it.

"So what's it gonna be, want to go home or pick what's behind door number two?"

"Ah well, it's not like I have anything better to do."

Spike slid the gear back into drive , pulling away from the curb.

After another 15 min of driving spike pulled over once again.

"We're here pet." he killed the engine and got out walking to the other side to help Buffy out.

The building seemed quaint. There were small gardens of flowers standing on the side of path up to the door and clean white window shutters. It was surrounded by a white picket fence and the mailbox had a nice angel-shape.

Spike led Buffy by taking her hand and rang the bell.

He could hear the vague sounds of animals inside. Dogs, cats, some mice.

Buffy twitched her nose. "My present is in a zoo?"

"Not a zoo luv," he undid her blindfold.

"It's a delicacy shop. For demons at least."

She looked disgusted at the very thought.

"What does this bother you, we could just leave." He turned away, pretending to leave.

"Wait what about my gift." She seemed so disappointed for a second.

"Well ... you know how all these little fuzzy critters are gonna end up as snacks?"

She hit him at that.

"Hey, I just thought you might like saving at least one."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, ... you pick one of the bloody critters, adopt him, whatever you want. And the little mongrel won't be eaten."

Buffy fell around his neck, kissing him.

"Did I tell you I love you yet?

He grinned, "Nope, can't remember you have."

He kissed he lightly and gestured to the cages pick something

Buffy wandered around the room, picking up kitten after kitten, puppy after puppy. She seemed to look sad and one moment there she even seemed to be ready to set up the Kitten Liberation Front. Then she looked at him and thank god for that, held of.

"Well luv, hurry up will ya, we don't have all night."

She finally picked up a little pup. The little critter looked up at her with dark brown eyes. It was short and white and knowing the breed, it would probably never get higher than it was broad.

Spike groaned at the sight of it.

*Please don't let her pick an ankle biter. *

But no matter his thoughts on the issue, it was too late. The moment she picked up the pup and it licked her on the nose, it was a done deal.

She looked cute though, holding the little critter in her hands, brushing through its fur.

"It needs a name luv. What about fang?" He walked closer to her, "Or killer, Cujo?"

"What about Muff Muff?"

He stared at her in shock.

Buffy laughed while the little pup squirmed in her arms. Before he could stop her she handed the pup over to him.

He held it for a second.

"Ah well, Muff Muff it is."

And the hell with Valentines past.


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