
By Lori

Chapter Six

"So Chief, how do you feel about hearing that your Dr. Pierson is a murdering bastard?"

"I think I'm dazed. The Methos Amy is reading to us about, is not the same as the Dr. Pierson who has been talking to me about Sentinel's and guides."

"We haven't met any other immortals except for this Adam."

"Kronos," Blair was quick to point out.

"Yes and he made no bones about being evil."

"It would be nice to meet some others. Imagine there are people alive who lived thousands of years ago. I wonder if any of the Chopec are immortal? What if an immortal became a Sentinel? Wouldn't that be fascinating?"

"Ease up Chief. Immortals alone are enough. Let's deal with them before we move on."

"You sound like you don't like immortals in general?"

"Like has nothing to do with it. I don't trust that much power in one person."

Jim sat in his chair, thinking. Amy was surrounded by immortals. Except her father Joe, who was a Watcher, Mac's Watcher. Now if there was an immortal he would like, this Mac would be him. But Amy didn't like him. She tolerated him. If he was a lot like Mac, did that mean she only tolerated *him*? He shied away from thinking why that troubled him, he just knew that it did.

"Chief, I'm bored. I can't go to work, and I don't have anything home with me. We can't leave the loft."

"Why don't we do some testing?"

"Because I don't want to do that either. I'm on edge from the stuff she was reading," he got up and started pacing the room.

Blair smiled. "You're on edge because she's sleeping in your bed and you're down here."

It stopped him in his tracks. "That is not true."

"She's not down here where you can talk to her and just interact with her. So you're bored. You're on edge, because, you want to be up in that bed with her."

"I'm bored because there's nothing to do."

Blair smiled. "Why don't you cook us a wonderful dinner. We ate breakfast late so we probably won't eat any lunch, and when she gets up, it will be time for dinner."

"What are you going to do?"

"I always have reading, and there is some stuff I have to put into my computer."

Jim grunted and went into the kitchen to figure out dinner.

Several hours later, everything was done. He had set the table and still Saunders slept on.

"Hey Chief, why don't you go up and wake up sleeping beauty and tell her dinner's ready."

Blair called in from his room. "I've got just a few more pages to read. Why don't you do it? By the time she's down, I'll be finished."

Jim stood there contemplating why he was so reluctant to go up those stairs. He took a deep breath, and found his heart thumping fast. Was he scared? Not exactly.

With slow deliberate steps, he ascended the stairs and stood next to his bed. She was sleeping soundly. Her arm was raised over her head, and she was on her side. Deep, soft breaths came out, sending a piece of her hair floating up and down on his pillow. He groaned, trying to summon the nerve to reach out and shake her awake. He put his arm forward and it just wouldn't move any closer to her.

"Saunders, wake up."

Her eyes fluttered open and stared at him blankly. Didn't she recognize him?

"Ellison." She yawned. Then she stretched. Then her eyes flew open, "Jeez, I must have really slept." Her face became a little red.

Good, he thought, maybe he wasn't alone in this. The awareness grew to oppressive proportions, as their eye stayed locked. The need to reach out and touch her became overwhelming. He had to leave so she could get out of bed and come down for dinner. Dinner. Right.

"I cooked dinner and it's ready."

"Okay," her voice was husky from non-use.

He groaned again, and went down the stairs. He heard her give a sigh of relief. Or was it just a breath? Had she been holding it? He smiled.
He started dishing out the food into bowls when Sandburg came into the kitchen.

"Jim, you're whistling."

He stopped short. "I was?"

Blair grinned and took a seat.

Saunders came in, looking a lot more awake, but she didn't meet his eyes. He didn't mind.

"Jim this stuff is great." Blair commended his friend. Then he turned to Amy. "He was working on this all afternoon. After you went up to take your nap, Jim was really bored." He turned back to Jim. "And we got a gourmet meal out of it." Blair smiled teasingly.

After dinner, Blair and Amy offered to do dishes. Jim went into the living room and turned on the television. He sat in front watching the set, but listening to the banter coming from the kitchen. They were so relaxed in each other's company, and he was feeling left out. He could go out and join them, but he knew that the laughter would end and the tension would drive Sandburg into his room, leaving them alone. That had to be avoided at all costs.

With the dishes done, the two joined Jim in the living room.

"Want me to read again?" she inquired.

Sandburg jumped up and gave her the book. This time Sandburg didn't sit next to her, but lounged on the other couch. She sat in the chair and propped her feet on the coffee table.

"Let's see, where was I."

She flipped the pages gently and started reading.

"Mira was talking with the elder."

She looked up, "Mira is the woman Methos loves."

Jim snorted. He didn't love the woman. He may have lusted after her, but that was not love.

"It was now the third year of our marriage and we had yet to conceive. I couldn't tell her that it was my fault. She would leave me. Children are a necessity to any village, and it would be legal grounds for me to put her aside, or vice-versa."

Amy looked up from her reading. "I'm not exactly sure of that translation. I'm saying put aside, but that is my own interpretation. It could be something else."

"Why was it Methos' fault?" Blair asked.

"Because immortals are sterile. None of them can have children."

"That's horrible. They must hate that."

"They do. I remember when I first met Richie, this girl came up to him and showed him this little boy and said that Richie was the father. Richie went along with her for awhile, because the thought of having his own family thrilled him. But Mac talked him out of it so he told her the truth, that the boy wasn't his, and they parted."

She seemed so sad.

"Who's Richie?"

"My best friend."

That was all she would say, then she went back to reading. Jim told himself, he could wait. He'd find out why she didn't want to tell them about this Richie.

"One day she stalked back to our home, or hut, and slammed her cloth,...jeez this is hard... down on the bed. Looking at me, she silently fumed. I asked her the problem, and she refused to tell me. I left and went to seek out my Sentinel.

"He was so different from his sister. He was quiet and never raised his voice. He tip-toed everywhere, as if the slightest sound hurt. I had seen him wince in thunderstorms. When the iron men...I think…where busy crafting, he would leave the camp. The sound the hammer made hitting the iron was too intense. These were my favorite times, when we were alone. I found myself growing more and more attached to him, and less to his sister. She was the warrior, he was the saint. We talked of books and learning. He was forever asking me about my chronicles. I taught him how to read and write, which we kept a secret. I told him of Darius, a monk, who was a great friend of mine who kept my books safe, as I wrote them. He lived in a monastery in Paris.

"I don't think my Sentinel enjoyed his fate in life. He took pleasure in me, but did not like using his gifts. He constantly would try and suppress them. Yet, when he wanted, his senses were used with great cunning. We escaped from wandering villagers, when all we desired was to be alone. He told me once that he was very glad I had come to the village. His bond with me, was much stronger than with the other. He believed, and he made me believe, that *we* were the destined pair, and the other was just...stop-gap, I think, maybe he's saying temporary...until I came. Maybe there is only one guide for the sentinel. He told me that the other was harsh and he yelled when he could have asked. Rezi had been uncomfortable with his former guide. This pleased me immensely."

Jim thought about what she was saying. One guide, one sentinel. Were Rezi and Methos preordained? Were he and Blair? It felt like it. Blair had seeped into his mind and heart as no other person had ever done. Not even his first wife. His only wife. Blair understood that he was self-contained. That he never showed his emotions. She had complained continuously that he never spoke what was in his mind or heart. Personally, he thought it was none of her business. But perhaps it was, and he just couldn't do it. It didn't feel comfortable. With Blair it was different. His guide pushed, but it was always for his own good, not because Blair needed to know the workings of his mind. He looked up at Blair, who was looking worriedly at him. He smiled at him and turned his attention back to Amy. Not Saunders anymore. He smiled at her too.

"As a team we worked, when the village was in danger, or just scenting deer during the hunt. My hand would always rest on his shoulder, giving him the balance he needed. Most days he lost himself within, two or three times. When his gifts were needed, he was unable to totally draw himself out. I had to urge continually, to remind him of what he was doing. Was he hoping for permanent escape?

"Several months went by and still my Sentinel refused to accept his lot in life. Mira, began to be jealous when I spent so much time with her brother. I called her a shrew and said that she never made me feel welcome. We had a tremendous fight, and I left her. I packed all my belongings and moved in with Rezi. He had not married, not wanting to be intimate with another. Feelings were something he avoided at all costs. He didn't want to become lost to those either."

Jim could relate to that. But he wasn't sure it had anything to do with being a Sentinel.

"He told me once that he had loved a woman, but during the consummation, he withdrew into his feelings and his guide had to come and rescue him. He said he was humiliated. She didn't understand and he couldn't explain it to her. He said he had felt so much that he couldn't let go. So he gave up on sex, and lived only for work."

"God, the poor man," commented Blair.

"There came a day, when Rikodius and his army rode close. My Sentinel warned me and was about to run to the village, when I prevented him. I told him to give me some time and I would divert the army. We went together into... the heart of... I don't know what he's saying here...the army, I guess. I found the leader's tent and my brother inside. We hugged and I told him of my new life. Introducing my Sentinel was difficult for the man was on overload... I think that's what he means...He covered his ears and was very pale. We stayed only a minute and then left. Two days later, Rikodius came to my village alone. We talked of friends and such, and then he left. He took his armies with him. I said nothing of what had been averted."

Her voice was getting husky, which sent shivers down his back. He knew that she wasn't trying to seduce him, but that didn't change the effect she was having on him. What she needed was something to wet her throat. That sent all kinds of tantalizing thoughts into his mind so that he abruptly got up and got her a drink. He brought it back and handed it to her. She set the book down and thanked him.

The phone rang.

Jim went over to answer it.

"Hi, Joe. Yes, she's right here. No, it's not too late."

He handed the phone to her. She smiled her thanks and the blood rushed from his head. He sank into the couch. Sandburg smiled knowingly at him. He scowled back, which made Sandburg smile more.

"Methos and Kronos are really gone?"

There was a pause as she listened.

"Gabriel called you?"

Who was Gabriel? Another immortal?

"No, you handle it. Bye."

There was a long pause and then she said goodbye.

"Turns out that Cassandra tried to fight Kronos, but was losing until Mac came and took over. They battled for awhile and then Methos sabotaged it."

"Sabotaged it, how?" Jim asked.

"Joe said that Methos set fire to the place. Now Mac and Cassandra are together and Methos and Kronos flew out of the states and are heading to Europe. The bad part is that Sandy is Cassandra's Watcher and he saw Adam Pierson, a Watcher, interfere in a fight. I don't know what he's going to do with that information."

"Who's Gabriel?" Jim asked gruffly.

"He was my teacher when I was at the Watcher Training School in Geneva. While I was there, he found out that Adam was Methos, because of Kronos. When Kronos confronted me, Gabriel saved my life by shooting Kronos and giving us a chance to escape. Kronos was, um, caressing me with his sword."

Jim got angry. "Caressing you?"

"He was taking the blade and running it all over my neck and chest. If I moved I was dead."

"Seems I owe Gabriel."

"Pardon?" she squeaked.

Shit! "If it hadn't been for him, I would have gone on for my entire life ignorant of immortals."

She looked skeptically, but didn't question him further.

"Why was Joe mentioning him?"

"Because Methos called Gabriel, asking him to take over the Watching of Mac and Cassandra in France. Gabriel called my father to let him know."

He didn't know what to say. She still had a puzzled expression, but he could wait until she figured out what was puzzling her.

"So Kronos is gone. I can go home."

His heart slammed against his chest. "No you can't. Adam said you had to stay here until it was over. It's not over, Kronos is still alive."

"But he just meant until Kronos was out of town."

"No he didn't. You gave your word that you would stay here, with me, until Kronos was dead and Pierson came back for you."

"Yeah, but..."

"No buts." He was adamant.

"So where am I going to sleep tonight? Remember, you don't have room for a semi-permanent house guest."

"You can have my bed."

"Absolutely not. I refuse. If I stay, I take the couch." She smiled triumphantly.

He then realized that he'd been had. She had no intention of leaving. She just wasn't going to sleep in his bed. He'd give in for now. For tonight.

"Okay you've got the couch."

Chapter Seven

She punched her pillow several times trying to get comfortable. It was no use. Her body wouldn't relax. The uncomfortable couch, combined with the three hours of sleep she got this afternoon, made sleep tonight impossible. Then there was the worry of what Methos was doing with Kronos. To compound all of that, there was Ellison, asleep up there, where she had slept this afternoon. The thought of her sleeping up there and him down here was ludicrous. He was way too big for this couch. The thought of them both sleeping up there tantalized her. Could she do it?

She turned onto her back. She put her hands behind her head and really thought about it. Would they each go to sleep on their own sides and wake up tangled together? Her breathing quickened. She'd be so embarrassed. Maybe he wouldn't even give the pretence of sleeping and ...would he take his own clothes off first, or hers? Maybe right now, he didn't have any clothes on. She groaned at the thought.

She turned to her side. These thoughts were counter-productive. He was probably up there sleeping like a baby, and thinking that he got the best end of the deal. Well, he was right. He did. She looked out the balcony doors and could see the moon. Did Ellison have a window up on his floor? She hadn't noticed. She flipped to her back again.

The stairs made a creaking noise. Her body stiffened and she listened intently. She could just make out the shadow of a man, as he came around and stood over her. It was Ellison. His hand grabbed her legs and picked them up. He sat down and put her legs on top of his lap. It was such an intimate thing to do. The dark hid their faces.

"Can't sleep Saunders?"

"I guess my nap was too long."

He was quiet. She could make out his profile, because he was looking out the window. What was he thinking?

"Did I keep you awake tossing and turning?"

"I was already awake, but yes, I heard you trying to get comfortable." He paused as if looking for something to say. "Will you tell me about what it was
like growing up with all those immortals?"

"Corey Saunders, or Coreolus, was the immortal who married my mother. She was his Watcher, but she was new and didn't know how to follow covertly when she was throwing up every two feet. You see Joe got her pregnant during training and she didn't know until she was already in the States. Corey noticed her right away and basically overwhelmed her. Before she knew what hit her, they were married and living in Wyoming with Dickon, or Rikodius, which is his birth name,"

"Wait, isn't he the guy that Methos mentions in the story?"

"Yup, he's the same guy. He owned a horse-breeding farm there, so Corey brought his new wife to live with him. Methos delivered me, because Corey didn't trust anyone else with his new mortal wife."

"Did your mother love Corey?"

"I don't know. She loved Joe. Corey wanted her; wanted the baby, so he took her. What she really felt for him is all conjecture."

She could tell that he didn't like what she was saying about her father, about Corey.

"So I grew up with Dad and Dickon as fathers. Methos came occasionally until about 1985, then he came more regularly. I found out later that he had joined the Watchers so he could get information about Joe and pass it on to Mom. Also, I was growing up wild, so they sent me to live with Darius during the summers."

"Darius? Wasn't he the monk?"

"Yes. He was a priest who lived in Paris. The first summer I hated it. The second summer, it was fun. The third summer I fell in love with him."

Her voice became soft with emotion and memories. "Everyone loved Darius. It's the one thing that Mac and I have in common, outside of Joe. Mac loved Darius as much as I did. Of course I was only a teen-ager, but I was full of wedding plans."

"You really thought a priest would marry you?"

"He was immortal. He could be a priest again after I died."


"He died."

She sunk into her memories of Darius. Gradually she noticed that Ellison was stroking her leg, very softly. She didn't even know if he was aware that he was doing it. She reached into the painful memories and told him about Darius' murder by James Horton, and Horton's murder of her own parents, doing nothing to hide the hate that filled her. She told him about how Mac killed Horton and how she came to Seacouver with the express wish to kill Joe Dawson, the one who gave Horton the assignment to kill her parents. Then her voice grew soft as she told him of Richie and everything he did to make her believe that Joe was a good man and not a Hunter.

A velvet blanket of intimacy descended over them. Under the cover of darkness they shared personal memories. Ellison talked of his father and brother, and their life together as one of battles and confrontations. He never placed blame on any one thing, but she could hear the hurt and confusion in his voice. She compared his father to Corey, who believed that she needed to fight better than any mortal so that she might stand a chance against an immortal if she ever had to face one. Ellison told her of how competitive he was with his brother and Amy said she was jealous because she had always longed for a brother or a sister.

On and on through the night they talked. He told her about his wife. And how she didn't understand him and about the subsequent divorce. Then he mentioned about being a Ranger and getting shot down in Peru. He kept caressing her leg, but his hand wasn't as soft as before. Each stroke was harder as his voice deepened with emotion. Amy listened closely realizing that he was now telling her something important.

"I was alone, everyone was dead. I had to survive. For eighteen months I was stranded in the jungle. A tribe of natives adopted me and, and..." he stumbled on his words.

The pressure on her legs increased. His one hand was rubbing up and down and the other had grabbed her ankle. She didn't move, afraid that she might break the spell.

"I became a Sentinel down there." He let out a gush of air. "I had a job to do and even though I was alone, I tried to do it. The Chopec were a group of natives that were being threatened by rebel forces and we were supposed to defend them. Alone, I aided them and that was when my new abilities came out. With their training I soon had control of my new gifts. I have to admit that if I could have gotten rid of them I would have. I had no control over my body anymore."

"Because you hadn't found your guide yet."

He took a deep breath. "After I was rescued, my senses returned to normal. I was so relieved. I quit the Rangers and began a job here at the Cascade PD. But I still had a hard time adjusting to the world again. My wife complained that I wouldn't tell her what was going on in my mind, and..."

"She complained? You had just gone through a harrowing experience. You had to deal with it as best as you could. She should have just stood by you and given you support, not be demanding."

"I don't know. She wanted to help, but I wouldn't let her."

"Was it because you didn't want to talk to anyone, or did she just grate on your nerves?"

"Both I think."

"So how did you get them back?"

"What makes you think I have them back?"

"Because of the way you said I became. You are still a Sentinel and Sandburg is your guide. The pieces are coming together. Like, why you let him come with us up into the mountains. I couldn't believe you let him get away with telling you what to do. Anyone with half a brain knows that you can't be made to do anything. But Sandburg said he wasn't going to let you do this alone, and you gave in. And then, why you have an anthropology student as a police partner. That has never made sense. You, who won't accept a real partner, allows a kid to tag along. That is not in character. Then the biggie, why Methos took such an interest in Sandburg. Now everything makes sense."

He was stroking her leg softly again. The storm had passed and he was calm again. She relaxed into the couch, enjoying his touch.

"It's just so obvious how close you and Sandburg are. I should have guessed as soon as I started reading the books. Why else would Methos give us those particular books to read. Why he wanted me to read them cover to cover. And mostly why he wants me to stay here while he's off trying to defeat Kronos. He's right, no one can protect me like you can. There is no place safer than with you."

"Why wouldn't you be safe with this Dickon you keep mentioning?"

"You see immortals can sense each other. There is this buzz that they feel when another of their kind approaches. So if Kronos were coming for me and I was with Dickon, he could find us right away. If we separated, then I'd be vulnerable. Yet with you, you can hear him coming and we could get away and he'd never know how close he was. It's like a one sided buzz. It gives us an incredible advantage."

As she talked he kept up with his caressing. Then her mind went blank. A knot started forming in her stomach. A warmth, spread over her, and her heart began to pound.

Suddenly he picked up her legs and stood up. "I better let you sleep. It's past three in the morning."

He stood over her and looked steadily into her eyes. His were in shadow so she couldn't tell what he was thinking. Then he bent down and gave her a gentle kiss. "Good night Amy."

And he walked away. She put her hand up to her lips. It had been too fast. She wanted to call him back and tell him to do it better, longer, anything to bring him back. They had talked for over four hours. Under the cover of darkness she had let him see her soul, and he had let her glimpse his.
Hugging the knowledge deep inside, she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning she woke up to the chatter of voices in the kitchen. The smell of coffee permeated the room. Memories of the previous night's conversation hit her, which caused a smile to spread on her face. He confided a lot about his life to her. She was brimming over with emotions and she didn't know how to hide them. Never before had she felt things like this. When she fell in love with Darius, it was because of his goodness, his mind, all these things, but it had nothing to do with the man. She was too young to understand the man beneath the image. With Richie, it was a carefree kind of love. She knew he would always be her friend, whether they shared a bed or not. They stopped when both realized that it wasn't necessary to their relationship.

Then she remembered that Ellison was a Sentinel, just like Rezi. But not like Rezi. Ellison was strong, a real warrior. Sandburg for all his youthful exuberance wasn't weak either. Despite his inexperience on a horse, he still made it up and back without mishap. He deserved a lot of credit for that. She heard footsteps and saw Ellison bring her over a cup of the coffee.

"Good morning."

She saw that he was safe, back within the cocoon of indifference. But that was okay.

She smiled. "Good morning. Did you tell Sandburg that I now know?"


She flung the covers off and noticed his eyes on her legs. Was he thinking about the way he caressed them last night? She took the offered cup and raised it to her mouth. After taking a sip, she stood up and walked over to the table. Sandburg was already seated.

She smiled at him and sat down. He immediately stared questioning her about Methos and Sentinels and she had to ask him to slow down. Her mind didn't work very well on only four hours of sleep. After breakfast they asked her to read some more. She showered first and then joined them in the living room. Again, her bed was gone. Getting comfortable. She opened the book and started to read.

This time Sandburg's interruptions were even worse. Now that she knew about them, he was able to question everything she read and compare it to him, to the bond he shared with his Sentinel. Ellison didn't contribute, he just sat back and watched.

"But Amy," Sandburg argued. "Do you really think the ritual suicide was necessary? I mean I don't think Jim would go mad if I wasn't around."
Amy wanted to laugh at his innocence.

"Back then, the gift of heightened senses came from the Gods. They didn't understand about physiology like we do. All a sentinel knew was that he could do things no one else could and possibly lose themselves as a result. I would imagine anything that intense is scary and they needed someone very close to their soul, that they trusted implicitly, to help them."

She looked at Ellison.

"I don't know if I would go mad. I know at first I was floundering, and maybe if you hadn't shown up I *would* have gone crazy. I don't think I could function as a cop, without you. That's why Simon has let you become my partner in the first place."

"Does he know about you being a sentinel?"


"So even he can see and understand your bond. Bonds between men were very strong back then. It's kind of too bad, that it's not like that now. Dickon told me that in the olden days, women were nothing. They were possessions, like horses or a good pair of boots. A man did not rely on a woman to watch his back. Men and women were not partners. Women were servants. So when men wanted someone to talk to, to share dreams with, to talk over politics with, he spoke to other men. Women didn't understand that kind of stuff."

"Why not?"

"They hadn't been brought up that way. As they did the chores and they heard men speak, they would let it pass through them. Men needed, as they do now, to bond, really bond to someone. Dickon bonded with Corey. They were together for two thousand years, until Horton killed Corey. Methos bonded that way with Rezi. Because they were Sentinel and guide, it became more intense. Rezi needed Methos desperately. He was too weak to function on his own. I'm not sure I believe the one guide for one Sentinel theory, although I suppose it's possible. But I do believe that a very strong bond is needed. A bond of nylon, not of string. We go through our lives making lots of bonds. Most are of string, but some are of something much stronger, more durable, and they are the kinds that last."

"Like Jim and me."

"Right. Even Richie and Mac have a nylon bond."

"Richie and Mac?"

"Yes, they're teacher and student. Mac is a powerful immortal. He has made it his life's work to learn everything he can. He has traveled the world looking for teachers. For instance he studied samurai sword techniques from a master in Japan. He studied martial arts from May-Ling Shen in the 1780's. He was with a Dali Lama learning spiritual enlightenment a hundred years ago. That's what I mean about making it his life's work to learn. Now he has Richie. Richie was a street-wise punk who broke into Mac's antique store to rip him off. Instead of pressing charges, Mac and Tessa took him into their home and made him a part of their family. When Richie died his first death, Mac began teaching him all about what it means to be
immortal. The game, the Prize..."

"What game?"

"All immortals have to fight each other to the death. That's why they carry swords. The only way to really kill an immortal is to cut off their heads. Then the loser's Quickening goes to the victor. They battle each other until there is only one left. He or she gets the prize."

"There are girl immortals too?"

"Yes Sandburg, there are women immortals too. Cassandra is one. Mac's girlfriend Amanda is another."

"I thought he had Tessa."

"She died when Richie had his first death."

This sobered them some.

She went back to reading the journal. She must have read for about fifteen minutes before it dawned on her exactly what it was she was describing. The magic spring that Methos had taken Mac to after the dark quickening. Her hands shook in her excitement.

"I had been with the tribe now for ten years. Mira had now officially taken another husband. She was happy in this new arrangement, and I thought that this would ease my sentinel's mind. But it did not. He was still troubled, both by bad dreams and times where he would be lost within. I talked with the elders and they suggested a pilgrimage to the well of cleansing waters. Maybe his soul needed purification. With three others we walked two weeks westward, towards Paris. How I longed to go all the way there and see Darius, but knew that it wouldn't be possible.

"The shrine was a large monument with stone pillars like the ones I had seen in Greece, a thousand years ago. Guards were set up, and several priests of an unknown religion were hovering nearby. Bitak conversed with a man at the door, who then told us to come back the next day after our mid day meal. We could have the waters then.

"Rezi was quiet, although I don't believe he was afraid of what would happen. Later that night I asked him more of what we would experience the next day. He said that when he first became a sentinel, he had to come here to cleanse his soul of evil. It was a ritual that all holy men had to partake. One had to enter the water and then all the evil was pulled out of the body and thrust into the netherworld. Rezi admitted that he hadn't seen or felt anything happen, put the priests assured him that all evil had been eliminated. Armed with that knowledge, he went back to his village, and his position as its Sentinel and guard.

"The elders had decided that the reason Rezi was discontented was because evil had taken hold of him and that it had to be driven out. They had also said that I would have to experience the waters also. The thought made me very nervous. I knew just how much evil resided in my soul and became afraid that the waters would take away everything that was me. Was there any goodness left in my three thousand year old body? I didn't think so.

"The next day, only Rezi was allowed in the shrine. I waited outside for him, very impatient to see if the experience changed him. There was an anxiousness about me that communicated itself to those also waiting. They all misinterpreted it to mean that I was afraid for his welfare, when in reality I was afraid for myself. What if Rezi now was able to recognize the evil within me? Would I be made to sample the waters too? The thought began to terrify me. When Rezi returned, he looked and sounded the same. Then he made me go in, alone.

"I descended the many steep stairs. At the bottom, a large room held a few tables, no chairs, and a small well of water. I have never understood or trusted magic, and a magic well, designed to rid the body of ill humors, was the most fearsome of all. I would surely die. I slowly went to the edge. I was alone with my demons, and all the evil that was such an intregal part of me. The water in that shallow pool was still. It beckoned me in, but my body would not move. The pull on my senses was almost overwhelming, but my fear of death was more so. Evil was not something that could be discarded by a bath. It had to be worn away through good deeds and compassion. My decision was made. I went up the stairs to the blinding sunlight. To my surprise, I had been in there all night. Not once did I ever mention that the holy water never touched my body. Whether the sanctity touched my soul or not, I cannot say. I did not feel different from before. If anything can turn me into a good man from an evil one, it would be the purity of my sentinel's soul.

Amy looked up at the two men. Even Sandburg was motionless. She felt a shiver go down her back.

"I don't think I want to read anymore." She set the book down.


Later that afternoon they had a visitor. Joe came to give them an update. He sat down and asked to have Ellison retrieve two guitars from his truck.

"Knew you'd be going crazy without both your horse and your guitar."

Ellison gave her a look and went down to get them. She knew he didn't want to miss anything. So as soon as he came back, she started grilling her father.

"Okay, tell me everything that's happened so far."

"I told you that Adam and Kronos have gone to Europe, but what I didn't tell you was that Methos is systematically reuniting all four of the horsemen."

Her eyes widened.

"They first went to get Silas, and then to Romania to break Caspian out of an insane asylum. Now we think they are going to France."

"Has Gabriel been keeping you informed?"

"Yes, although Mac has called twice. He told me that Adam left a pack of matches for him to find in Caspian's cell."

Amy gave a satisfied smile.

"But that's all I know. So have you heard from Dickon?"

"Nothing. I called him once, but he didn't even know it was going on. He said he knew it was bound to happen, but not that it had started."

"Is he stretching the truth?"

"I don't think so," Amy answered.

"So why was Adam in Cascade?" Joe asked her.

"He didn't tell me. Do you have an idea?" Amy was wondering if Methos had told anyone about Sentinels.

"Gabriel had one."

"Really, what?"

"He told me that after we all left France, he stayed with Adam and they were doing some research. Adam was very upset over you having been accosted by Kronos, and he said time was running out."

"Time was running out? For what?"

"Finding the Sentinel."

"What?" She carefully avoided looking at Ellison. "Exactly what did Gabriel say?"

"He said that Adam spent a lot of time hacking into every data base he could find trying to find a clue of where he could find this particular Sentinel. He had two false trips and came back very discouraged. That's when he said time was running out. Kronos was going to get you if he couldn't find the Sentinel. Then one day he disappeared. Gabriel had no idea where he went. That was about six months ago. Gabriel said that a bunch of chronicles disappeared with him. He was under the impression that Adam found the Sentinel."

"Do you know what a Sentinel is?" she asked with feigned amazement.

"No idea."

"There's no record anywhere, in any of the chronicles about Sentinels?"

"I have never heard the word before. I think it must be some kind of shaman or religious teacher, or something. I think Adam needed a way to stop Kronos and this Sentinel was somehow going to help him."

Amy sat back. Her Dad was telling the truth. That was all he knew. But Methos was searching all this time for a particular Sentinel, for Ellison. Why? The wheels were turning but nothing was computing. She really wished she could tell her father about Ellison, but it wasn't her secret to tell. She had kept Methos' identity a secret a long time before he agreed to let her father and Mac in on it. Richie only just recently found out. He was very cautious and Amy believed that Ellison was just as tight with his secret as Methos.

Joe must have realized that the conversation wasn't going to continue so he picked up his guitar case and took his instrument out. He started tuning it.

"Make an old man happy?" he asked with a hopeful look.

With an apologetic glance at the other two men, she took out her guitar and joined her father. They jammed for awhile, and Amy lost herself within the music. Why was Methos purposely searching for a Sentinel? How did he know that there was one around to even find? She looked over at Ellison and found he was staring at her. She smiled at him and wonder of wonders, he smiled back. It was a soft smile, full of unspoken emotion.

She followed her father's lead, and played songs that he had written or just loved. He played the love song he wrote for her mother and tears gathered in her eyes. How she wished her mother was here, right now. Would she have liked Ellison? Liked Jim. The named felt funny. Every time she thought of the name Jim, Horton came to mind. The one person she hated above all others. Last night, he called her Amy. Could she get used to calling him Jim?

Joe broke in on her thoughts.

"Thanks for humoring an old man."

"Old man? You're less than a hundred. Now Methos is the old man. Even Dickon can qualify for that title. But you? Hardly."

She saw Ellison stiffen. He nonchalantly got off his chair and headed for the door. Amy kept talking to her father, hoping to distract him from Ellison's movements. But Joe was a trained observer, and couldn't be fooled.

"What's up?" Joe asked.

A knock sounded at the door, so Ellison opened it.

"I'm Richie Ryan. I'm looking for Amy..."

She set the guitar down and ran to the door. Shoving Ellison aside she opened it further.

"Richie!" she squealed and she flung her arms around him.

"What a welcome. Maybe I should go away more often." He hugged her and then stood back.

"I stopped at Joe's and Mike said he was here."

"Hi Rich. Amy and I, we were just jamming."

Richie strode past Amy and walked directly towards Joe. "So what's going on with Mac. Mike won't tell me. I tried Dickon and even he wouldn't say."

"Did you actually talk to Dickon?"

"I called this morning. I think I woke him up, because he didn't sound like himself. We talked for awhile and all he'd tell me was that Mac was with,"
and he gave the other two men a side look. "Adam."

Amy reassured him. "It's okay. They know about immortals and Watchers and Methos."

"Then why am I the last to know?"

"I'm sorry Richie. But Methos' identity was his own to divulge. For some reason he didn't want to tell you at first."

"When he took Kristin's head, he could have told me then. But no, he had to wait until I bought into the fake Methos."

"I am so sorry."

"So does Mac still have his head?" Richie redirected the conversation back to his teacher's dilemma.

"As far as we know Rich, there hasn't been any battles." Joe answered.

Richie sunk into the couch.

"So what in the hell is going on? I mean Mac disappearing and leaving me this note to come back and take care of the dojo for him? Jeez, what am I supposed to think."

"A little of Methos' past came out and Mac isn't handling it very well." She looked over at Joe. "Neither is he for that matter."

Amy looked over at Ellison. He was still standing by the door and he didn't look very happy.

"Ahh Richie, let me introduce you to my friends. This is James Ellison and Blair Sandburg. They're cops that I work with."

"You're staying with co-workers? That doesn't sound too smart."

"They're the best body guards around."

"Dickon knows you're here?"


"Can I talk to you privately?"

She looked over at Ellison. She didn't think it would really be private, but...

"Sure Richie. Let's go into the kitchen."

Ellison sat on the couch and leaned back. With a pointed look at Amy, he closed his eyes. He was telling her in everything but words that he intended to listen in. Well, hell. She supposed she could tell him no, but she had no secrets.

"Okay Rich, what's up?"

"I want the real reason you're here. I don't believe the excuse that they are the best bodyguards around, and I don't think Joe does either. I think you would be safer with an immortal around who could sense if Kronos comes calling. Why don't we just leave, hop on my bike and just drive? We could head anywhere."

"I thought Mac asked you to take care of the dojo?"

"I'll get someone else. Please?"


"I can't believe Dickon is letting you stay in this situation. You belong with him or me."

"I'm not leaving here."

"No matter what I say?"

"Nothing will induce me to leave yet."

A strange look came over his face. "So it's like that."

His words caused a twist in her gut. "Like what?"

"I wondered why he was so unfriendly when he opened the door."

"He didn't know you. Remember, he's guarding me."

"But his look got meaner after you wrapped your arms around my neck. He doesn't like me. Could he be jealous?"

"You are being ridiculous."

A cold sweat was forming all over her. She knew he was listening. Yet she couldn't tell Richie to shut up, he thought they were talking in privacy.

"Have you slept with him?"

"That is none of your business," she exploded.

"Well maybe you should. It might calm you down some. You know, get rid of that nervous tension you're carrying around. Tonight just climb into his bed. Wait, where did you sleep last night?"

"On the couch. This is none of your business," she reiterated.

"And tonight?"

"Richie!" she squealed.

"Just climb in his bed. I bet anything he won't tell you to leave. Look at you, you're blushing." He was really enjoying her embarrassment. She was going to kill him the next time they were alone.

"If you're going to harp on this, I'm going to go back into the living room."

She moved so she could see into the living room. Ellison was still lying there with his eyes closed, but he had quite a grin on his face. Embarrassment warred with fury and she stormed out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. She was mortified. Ellison was listening to Richie telling her to seduce him. Splashing cold water on her face, took away some of the heat, but did nothing for her inner turmoil. So why was this different? Why had the decision to sleep with Richie been so easy at the time, yet with Ellison so damned difficult? Was she afraid? Afraid of what? Bonds. She was afraid of becoming connected to him. Her bond with Richie was light, happy, that of close friendship. With Ellison it would be a lot more intense. He was more intense. He was older, had been through more, but he wasn't four hundred or two thousand. He was mortal. She knew he was capable of strong bonds. Look at Sandburg. Those two were as tight as men could be. It was a bond of reliance, survival but had evolved into friendship. Just like Dickon and Corey.

This wasn't getting her anywhere. She wasn't going to think of this anymore. She flushed the toilet, and washed her hands. With her hand on the doorknob, she realized that she was still nervous about going into the living room. She walked down the hall and saw that everyone was gone, except Sandburg. He had her guitar in his lap, and he was lightly strumming it.

"Jim walked Richie and Joe out to their cars. I don't know what you and Richie talked about, but Jim listened to every word and it sure did make him happy. Couldn't believe it when that sour face of his started beaming. What did you guys talk about?"

"It was nothing."

"Yeah, nothing," he said with disbelief.

"I'm going to my room. I think you and Jim need to talk."

"No, please stay?"

Sandburg smiled. "No way am I getting involved in this."

He sat her guitar down in its case and went into his room. There was no place she could hide. How was she going to face him? Her face got all red again. The door opened and Ellison walked in. Too late.

He looked at her and she tried to swallow. It got stuck in her throat.

"I think Richie and I understand each other now. He's not a bad kid. How old is he?"

"Twenty two. He's a very young immortal."

"Mac is his teacher, and Joe is Mac's Watcher. Right?"

She nodded.

"I like your Dad. I think we'll get along fine. Although Richie says I'm going to have trouble with Dickon?"

That surprised her. "Why?"

"Because I had problems with him and he's just your friend. Now Dickon thinks he owns you. He makes all your decisions, pays all your bills, and you
don't jump unless he says okay."

That pissed her off. "It's not true."

"Which part? Does he pay your bills?"

"Corey left me all his money, which let me tell you is an awful lot. I have no interest in deciding which stocks to buy or sell. I really don't care if my mutual funds have matured or not. So Dickon takes care of all those hassles. All the money belongs to me, and any kids I might have in the future. However, if I die without issue, without blood issue, all the money goes to Dickon."

They were going along nicely. He had steered her mind away from their mutual attraction. She had forgotten her shyness and the need to hide from him. Then he suddenly introduced it again.

"Are you going to crawl in my bed tonight?"

Her eyes flew up to his.

He continued. "If you don't, I'm going to carry you up the stairs and dump you in it."

"No," she was aghast.

"However, whether I stay in it, will be entirely up to you. He looked steadily at her, not saying another thing. She squirmed in her seat, and couldn't maintain his stare.

"I'm going to start on dinner now." Then he went into the kitchen.


The evening flew by rapidly. She read some more from the journal. Sandburg still interrupted her every few lines, which slowed the story down. Ellison kept yawning, trying to be subtle about wanting to go to bed. All she could think about was how horses yawned to show superiority over the others. She wanted to tell him that, but refrained, because she didn't want to bring up the subject of bed at all. So she kept reading and Sandburg was too excited to see any of Ellison's hints.

Finally Ellison had reached the end of his patience. "Sandburg, go to bed."

She was so embarrassed. Sandburg gave Ellison a knowing smile and then left. He said a very quick good night to her.

Then just as he got to his bedroom door, he turned around and said, "Have a nice night."

She blushed, but he didn't see it, because he closed his door, loudly.

"Are you going to walk up those stairs willingly, or do I have to carry you?"

"I can walk."

She got up and started up the stairs.

"Your bag is already up there. I moved it this morning."

"I have to go to the bathroom," it came out in a rush.

"Shouldn't you take your pajama's with you?"


She opened her case up and took out her shorts and a T-shirt. She ran back down the stairs to the bathroom. When she came out, Ellison was wearing only a pair of boxers and sitting on the bed.

She looked at him in the eyes.

"I don't know why you're so nervous?" he said.

"Nylon. I'm afraid of nylon."

He nodded. "Me too Saunders. Now get in. Maybe tonight we'll be able to sleep."

She got in and he covered her over. He walked over to the lights and turned them all off. Then he got in on the opposite side.

She felt the bed shift with his weight and she scurried over so she was at the edge of her side. She didn't want to touch him by accident. He lay on his back, with his arms against his side. She curled up in a ball facing the other way. She closed her eyes, but she could hear him breathing. God if she could hear him, hers must be deafening.



"How do you turn off your senses? I mean, what if you don't want to hear me breathing, or Sandburg's heartbeat?"

"I concentrate on something else. But I like to hear Sandburg's heartbeat. It sooths me. I know he's safe and when it's regular it has a very calming influence over me. But your breathing? I don't know how to stop listening to that. It tells me almost what you're thinking. There is a definite difference between nervousness from fear and nervousness from embarrassment. And when you're mad, which has happened quite a bit, there is almost an echo, I can't explain it, but it's there. You are very intense and every emotion comes out as you breathe."

"God. Can you do that for everyone?"

"I can for those I know well."

"But you don't know me well at all."

"I don't know. This argues that I do. I know your scent, the sound of your heart, and the feel of your tears."

She remembered how he touched her tears and ran them between his fingers.

Then she felt those fingers in her hair. There was a slight tug and she could hear the strands as they moved across his hand.

"It's so soft," he whispered.

"Baby shampoo." Her voice cracked.

He shifted, but the movement in her hair stayed constant.

"You're breathing faster."

"So are you."


Should she turn around? If she did, he'd kiss her, and if he did that... Her gut filled with tension, with indecision, with longing. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stop the feelings he was invoking from swamping her. Slowly she turned her face and he was there in an instant. His hand was buried in her hair, squished against the pillow.

He was leaning on his side as his head lowered to hers. She clung to him, drowning in sensation.


When they caught their breath again, she was entwined around him. He lay on his back and she had her head on his chest.

"Your heart is still beating very fast."

"It may take me all week to recover."

She made swirling motions with her fingers on his stomach. Where had the nervousness gone? He was so beautiful.



"Are you still afraid of nylon?"

"Not at this moment."

"I feel it."

She picked up her head to look at him, not understanding.


"The nylon bond. It's not string anymore."

Chapter Eight

Jim decided that since the immortals were supposedly in Europe, it was probably safe for them to go grocery shopping. They hadn't planned on Amy's presence, so there just wasn't enough food in the house. The other two were ecstatic about getting out of the apartment. Blair was a bit quiet on the trip, but in the store, Amy's good natured teasing opened him up. At times he felt like a parent, watching two mischievous youngsters try and out do the other. Then Amy would send him a certain look that would dry his throat and make his heart pound. Then she'd change into the little girl again.

When they returned to the loft, he thought he saw a movement in one of his windows. He told the others to be quiet, and took out his gun. They took the stairs and Jim, in the lead, made for his door. It was not only unlocked, but ajar. He sniffed the air.

"There's a woman in there," he whispered.

"An ex-girlfriend perhaps?" Amy asked with a teasing glint in her eyes.

He wouldn't dignify that with an answer.

Using his foot, he nudged the door open. His jaw dropped. Perched on the couch was the most provocatively dressed woman, he had ever seen. She had a black skirt on which barely covered the essentials. A half shirt, which was riding up, giving a hint of curved flesh underneath. Her position on the couch spoke an invitation to any male who saw her.

Amy leaned up to his ear. "She's had a thousand years to perfect that look, don't feel bad."

An immortal. Definitely not Cassandra, she was in Europe. This must be Mac's girlfriend, what was her name?

"Are you boys going to stay out there all day?"

Amy picked up the groceries and slid past him. He could see her fighting a grin. The little minx was enjoying his discomfort.

"Amy? Do you need to wind them up before they'll move?"

Summoning all his will, he moved into the loft. Sandburg followed close behind.

"Amanda, let me introduce you to my friends. The one with the gun is James Ellison. The other one is Blair Sandburg."

She walked over to Jim. "You won't need that," and she rubbed her hand down his arm to the gun. "I promise to go quietly."

He jerked his arm away from her. No one touched his gun. Amanda, her name was Amanda. He wouldn't forget that in a hurry.

"So you're MacLeod's girlfriend?"

As soon as he said the name, she transformed herself from the feme-fatale to a woman with a mission. She walked from where he stood over to Amy, who was just finishing putting the food away. He hadn't even noticed her bringing in the rest of the bags from the hall.

"Amy. Tell me everything," she commanded.

"What do you know?"

"I know that the witch has Duncan by the balls."

"You're jealous."

"Of course I am. His balls, and everything else, belong to me."

"I thought you left with that Cory Raines guy?"

"I didn't stay with him long. I wanted to make MacLeod jealous and it didn't work. He just let me go like he always does."

"I'm sorry Amanda. Have you been to see Joe?"

"No I came here first."

"How did you know to come here?"

"Methos called me in Paris. He told me what was going on and asked me to stop here and make sure you were still here with them." She pointed to Jim. "He also said to flirt with Jimmy boy and make you jealous."

Jimmy Boy!

"But I can see it's not needed."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Amy didn't look so amused anymore.

"Methos said that you might need a little push, but I can see Jimmy has things well in hand." There was a slight purr in her words.

"Also, I'm supposed to spar with you. He said you were out of shape and needed a challenge. You've been playing with mortals for too long, and you've gotten soft. You need someone you can break an arm or ribs with."

"As long as you don't break hers," Jim was quick to say.

"She's suffered worse."

What kind of upbringing did she have? This bordered on child abuse. He was starting to get mad.

"Jimmy, why don't we move your furniture, so we can have room to maneuver?"

"Listen, it's James, or Ellison or even Jim, but not Jimmy."

Amanda ignored him.

He tossed a look to Sandburg, who was still adjusting to Amanda. "Going to help me Chief?"

"Sure Jim."

After the furniture was out of the way, she turned to him. "Come on Jimmy," she taunted.

Fueled by anger, he came after her. She neatly dumped him on the floor. How did such a little woman move so efficiently?

"I've had a lot more training than you big boy, and you're going to have to do better than that to even beat Amy. She's out of practice and soft, but she can still clean the floor with you."

He'd be better prepared this time, and he tried to use his Sentinel abilities to gain the upper hand. They circled each other, getting the occasional jabs and kicks, but he wasn't able to defeat her. She never left an opening. Suddenly Amanda did a flip and locked Ellison's hand behind his back and twisted it.

"If you had been immortal, I would have broken it by now."

Ellison couldn't move. He gritted his teeth, feeling the pain and humiliation that he could be bested so easily.

"Lesson number one, Jimmy. Don't let anger fuel your fight. Two, I've had a lot more practice than you at this kind of thing. I was fighting men double my size during the War of the Roses."

And that was supposed to make him feel better?

Amy walked over to him. She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss full on the lips.

Now that made him feel better.

"Move, it's my turn." She smiled wickedly, "Jimmy."

He had to stifle his laugh. Both women knew how to push his buttons. He gave in gracefully and moved to the side, next to Sandburg.

"Okay Saunders. Let's see how soft you've gotten."

The two women circled and Amy appeared to be waiting for Amanda to make her move. Soon Amanda obliged. She twisted sideways and sent her foot out, but it connected to air. Amy moved and landed a hit across her back.

"Nice footwork, " Amanda complimented.

Again they circled and Amy faked a move, which Amanda didn't buy, but which she used to throw Amy off balance. No hits were exchanged, but Amy had to back up and get her feet totally under her again. Around and around they circled, neither gaining the advantage, and neither winning. She glanced over at Ellison and Amanda used that to send her to the ground.

"Never lose eye contact with your opponent."

She reached down and helped Amy to her feet.

Jim was impressed. Amy really was good. She used moves he had never seen before, and Amanda was testing her to her limits. While Amy was breathing heavily, Amanda heart rate hadn't increased at all. Then, like a coiled spring, Amy bent and kicked and her foot landed to the side of Amanda's head and she went down. Amy was grinning from ear to ear.

"Dickon taught me that. He said to use it on Mac, when I was feeling depressed or something. He said it would wake up the Highlander for sure."

Amanda sat up. "Well it put me to sleep."

Amy was still grinning and soon Amanda was too.

He never would have dared to try such a lethal move. He didn't understand their kind of sparring. Amy must have recognized his discomfort.

"You see Ellison, I couldn't stop sparring until I had knocked Dickon down. I didn't have to kill him, although he preferred that I did. Mostly I just had to get the upper hand."

"Has Mac been giving you lessons?" Amanda asked.

"He did for awhile. But his sanctimonious preaching got on my nerves. It just wasn't worth it. When I moved down here to Cascade, it gave me the perfect excuse to end the lessons."

"Was he mad?"

"He's always mad at me. I didn't notice anything different, if that's what you're asking."

Just then he heard a move in the hall. Listening carefully, he could make out the slow lumbering walk of a man with a cane. It must be Joe. Maybe he had more news. A knock came to the door.

He went over to answer it.

"What happened to all your furniture?"

"Amanda happened to it."

A big smile spread across Joe's face. Amanda walked over to him, also with a soft caring smile on her face.

"Joe. Happy to see you."

"So where's that two bit hustler you left town with?"

"You mean Cory Raines?"

He nodded.

"I wanted to make Duncan jealous. All I did was drive him into the witch's bed."

"Don't worry, he'll be back. So why are you here?"

"Just because I left with another guy, doesn't mean I don't care if this Kronos takes his head or not. Any news?"

Joe sat down on the couch, which was against the wall. The others crowded around him.

"Let's see. Gabriel said that Mac and Methos connected on holy ground. Methos told him that Kronos has bred a virus that can wipe out all of
humanity. One vial is attached to a bomb at a park and Mac had to go diffuse it. Gabriel followed Mac and saw him do just that. When they go back to the hotel, Cassandra was gone. Kronos had taken her."

Amy gasped.

Amanda smiled. "Hope he takes her head."

Joe continued. "That's all we know for now. Methos told Gabriel to follow Mac, so that's why he wasn't around when Kronos nabbed Cassandra."

"I knew Methos was on my side," Amanda added.

"Wonder why he told Gabriel to stay with Mac?"

Joe shook his head. "Methos is a devious son of a bitch. He could have had several reasons for just that one order."

"So now we know that Kronos has Cassandra and is using her for...for what?" Amy asked rhetorically.

"To make Duncan come rescue the witch," was Amanda's guess.

"So you think Kronos wants Mac to come to their lair?" Amy asked amazed.

"It's the most likely reason." Joe admitted.

Jim had to add, "Or maybe he's trying to discredit Methos in Mac's eyes." Then he wished he hadn't said anything. Amy stiffened and tears filled her eyes. Damn, he was thinking like a cop. Amy needed reassurance, not painful conjecture. He wanted to comfort her, but didn't know how. Amanda went over to her and put her own arm around Amy.

"You know Methos well. He must have planned for just this contingency. He always has plans within plans. And Mac is smart. Duncan won't be fooled by Kronos' little tricks."

Jim was tired of the furniture against the walls. It reminded him of when Naomi decided to redecorate. That thought gave him chills. He didn't want to spar with Amanda anymore and he definitely didn't want Amy to either. So he made everyone help push it back. Then Joe suggested bringing out the guitars. Sandburg went to get his own and the rest of the afternoon they listened to music.

Sitting back, he let the music wash over him. Amy really was good. In this respect he could see the similarities between father and daughter. From what she said, they had traveled a rocky road. He couldn't imagine hating someone enough to kill them in cold blood and know that the person was your natural father. It must have been hell for her.

Sandburg was having quite a time of it. He and Amy played some current tunes. Each trying to out do the other in picking esoteric songs. They actually sounded nice together, and he could see himself ten years from now, still sitting back listening to them play while he was doing paper work or something. Thinking of a future with her was frightening, but thinking of one without her, scared him shitless.

The five of them went out for dinner. With Amanda's sexy persona totally missing, Sandburg opened up and started grilling her for information. He wanted to know everything. She laughingly told him about her numerous lovers, and to tease Jim, she told them how she spent centuries making a living as a thief.

As he sat there and listened to what she was saying, he slowly realized that he didn't like her either. So far the only immortal he liked was Richie, and ironically, he was the only one to have had an intimate relationship with Amy. He was beginning to dread meeting Dickon. This immortal was the one who meant the most to Amy. She might cry and worry about Methos. But there was a bond between her and Dickon that was as strong if not stronger than the one they had forged together. If she had to choose between them, he would lose. He just hoped that Dickon wouldn't inflict that upon her. There had been only one reference to Rikodius in Methos' journals, and that hadn't been too nasty, he reassured himself.

After dinner, Joe borrowed Sandburg's computer and logged on to check his mail. He had received one from Gabriel.

"Let's see. Mac was challenged by both Caspian and Silas simultaneously. Mac ran to a bridge, where Caspian and him engaged and Mac won. As he took the Quickening, he jumped off of the bridge. Silas screamed and ran all over looking for him to wash up. Gabriel went back to the hotel, hoping that Mac might contact him. That's it."

"I can't believe that Kronos sent both of them out after Mac. That breaks the rules. All battles should be one on one." Joe shook his head.

Amanda was very quiet.

"I better get moving. It's a long drive back."

"I'll follow you," Amanda told him. She patted him on the back. "You know, just for protection."

"I don't need you to protect me," he sounded offended.

"I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about myself."

They all laughed at her mock seriousness.

After the two had gone, Amy lay down on the couch with her head in Jim's lap. He had his hand in her hair, massaging her scalp, feeling her hair as it slid across his fingers. She talked more of the interpersonal relationships between Mac and Joe, and then Mac and Richie. The lull between sentences became longer, and finally she drifted off to sleep.

Sandburg had been quiet.

"What's the matter Chief?"

"I'm just surprised at how close you two have gotten. It didn't take very long."

"Not as surprised as me."

"Do you have any plans for when this is over?"

"Nope. I'm taking it one day at a time."

The two men were quiet, but Jim could see that his guide was not relaxed.

"Something is bothering you."

"I feel like you don't need me anymore. She can be a real partner to you in everything." He was quiet a minute. "And no one will question her
suitability as an police officer."

"I didn't know that you felt inadequate as my partner."

"Face it Jim, I'm not a police officer. You are always protecting me, not letting me get too close to active duty. Plus, she knows about sentinels, so she can be your guide."

Jim felt Amy stir. Oh boy, Sandburg was going to be upset that she heard about his insecurities.

She sat up and pinned Sandburg with her eyes. All traces of sleep were gone.

"Did I hear you right? Were you trying to find a way out of your destiny?"

He didn't answer.

"What have I been reading to you? What has Methos been trying to teach you? Are you dense?"

She stood up and sat down next to Sandburg, never once turning her attention from him.

"I have lived my entire life with men who are so close to each other that I swear that their souls are entwined. Today's mores have given that a dirty connotation, but I don't care. They belonged together. I see the way you two act and now recognize your bond for what it is. I understand about these bonds because of the way I've been brought up. I don't feel threatened by them; in fact they give me a feeling of security. I would never do anything to come between you and Ellison. Your bond is sacred. Even if I hadn't read Methos' chronicles, I would know this. He depends upon you for so many things. You don't see it, and I don't think that he even sees it, but I do. I think it's wonderful. It would kill me to see anything come between you two and I'd fight tooth and nail, to make sure nothing ever did. You know Sandburg, I'm very good at fighting dirty. It's a part of survival and I learned that from the best. If you ever try to leave Ellison, you'll feel the hounds of hell on your back, cause I know he will never let you go. I just wish you understood that."

"Dr. Pierson told me that very few women would understand the dependence between a sentinel and a guide."

"He's right and you should thank your lucky stars that you've have met such a one. Besides, I have no interest in being his guide. Maybe I'm supposed to watch your back while you tend to him."

Jim felt the warmth spread throughout his body. Maybe Amy was finally able to convince his guide just how needed he was. Heaven knew he wasn't very good with words, and he'd had difficulties letting Sandburg know how he felt. Amy might be the glue that held them together, forever.

Sandburg looked almost shyly at him.

Jim added to Amy's argument. "I couldn't have said it better. You know I can track better than anyone, so don't try to leave." Then he looked at Amy. "The hounds of hell?"

She shrugged. "I think you can be persistent when you want to be."

He gave her a look, which Sandburg must have interpreted as his cue to leave. With a mumbled good night, he left the room.

Jim held out his hand and Amy grasped it within her own.

Chapter Nine

Amy felt the bed shift as Ellison was sat up in bed, totally alert.

She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Someone is outside the door, carrying donuts, and pastries. I can smell them and hear the man's heartbeat. But, he's just standing there, not moving."

He got out of bed and threw on his pants and a shirt. He took his gun out and went down the stairs. Amy was positive that if someone wanted to hurt them, they wouldn't bring donuts and just stand outside the door. She looked at the clock and saw that it was only seven. She yawned and got up to put her own clothes on. As she was stepping into her pants, Ellison threw open the door.

"Who the hell are you?"

Recognizing the bellow, Amy squealed and hopped down the stairs. "Dickon!"

The man slid past Ellison and the gun as if it weren't there. He carefully set the boxes down and held his arms open for Amy to run into. She hugged him tight, and then he reluctantly let her go.

"Well, Little Bit, it's over. All of Methos' plans worked. Three horsemen are dead, and the Highlander, Cassandra and Methos have escaped with their heads."

He looked at Ellison. "I brought breakfast."

Sandburg came out of his room. His hair was a mess and his clothes were rumpled. Amy watched Dickon look at him, and saw his eyes soften.

"So you're the guide? Methos has talked non-stop about you."

He went over to shake his hand. Then he turned to Ellison.

"You have any coffee? I'm dying for some caffeine."

"Dickon this is James Ellison and that is Blair Sandburg."

"Yes, Little Bit, I figured that out."

"Then why are you so rude to Ellison."

"He's going to take you away from us. It doesn't exactly endear him to me."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"It's not where you are physically that's important. It's the bond. From here on out, your first loyalty will be to him. That will never change. I think it's called leaving the nest. I don't know, I've never had a child before."

Tears gathered in her eyes. "I love you, that will never change."

"It already has. You just haven't seen it yet. Give it time, the bond may be made of silk now, but soon it will harden to steel. And be as strong as the blade you carry."

Ellison went into the kitchen for coffee. As it was dripping, he grabbed a donut. Sandburg shuddered at the box and went in the fridge for something else.

"So Dickon, tell us everything."

"Methos called me last night to say that it was all over. He told me to come here and explain everything. He's not up to company now. He needs time to grieve. Little Bit," he turned to her sounding serious. "He had to kill Silas."

She nodded sympathetically.

"And Mac? Is their friendship over?"

"I don't know which way the Highlander will go. They're barely on speaking terms now. But with time, all may be forgiven or at least accepted.
Methos intends to travel some then return to Paris and continue at Salzer's bookstore. That watcher friend of yours will continue to help him with his research.

"What, has Gabriel taken Don Salzer's place?"

"I think so. They work well together. Methos trusts him."

"Is Mac coming home?"

"You'll have to ask Dawson about that."

The four of them sat at the table and ate the pastries that Dickon had supplied. Amy excused herself to go shower and change into her jeans. When she came out, Dickon was reading from a chronicle. But, not the Sentinel ones, he was reading the one about her.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Reading Methos' journal. I've never been privileged enough to even see one. Do you think I can resist when I see my name in them? The guide brought it over. He said that you refused to even talk about what was in it. That made me curious."

Ellison smiled at her. "He's reading to us, how you got the name Little Bit."

She had heard the story a million times, so she decided to call Joe.

"Hi Joe."


"Dickon's here, he says it's all over. Have you heard from Gabriel?"

"Nothing. But I haven't logged on this morning yet. I just woke up."

"Yeah, us too. Dickon surprised us."

"So what happened?"

She briefly repeated what Dickon had told them.

"Are Mac and Methos friends?"

"I don't know. Somehow I doubt it."

"How is your other father?" There was a slight jealous note to his voice.

"He's fine. Taken with Sandburg, from what I can tell. Doesn't like Ellison."

"How can he not like someone who's so protective of you?"

"I have no idea," she lied.

"Since it's all over, why don't you all come up to the bar tonight and we can play?"

"I'd like that. I'll see if Sandburg and Ellison can make it too."

She disconnected and returned to the living room. Dickon was still reading.

"Dickon?" she began.

He looked up from his reading.

"Why was Methos looking so hard for a sentinel?"

The question burned in her gut.

"It was a prophecy given to us eight hundred years ago. We just never took it seriously until this fall."

"What was it?"

A pit was forming and she was afraid of the answer.

"The prophecy said, that a Sentinel would take away from Methos and myself, a woman we both loved. As time went on and sentinels became extinct, or so we thought, we forgot about it. It wasn't until Methos heard about Kronos accosting you in Switzerland that it came back to him. You are the first woman we have both loved. We freely admit it. Prophecies have a way of becoming fulfilled at some time or another. So Methos decided that if a Sentinel was out there and he could be used to keep you safe, that would enable him to confront his own demons and destroy them once and for all."

Amy sat back thinking.

"Little Bit. We will not interfere. What you do from here on out is your choice."

He went back to his reading. Amy looked up at Ellison. He was gazing at her steadily. There was no wavering, just constancy. It really wasn't up to her anymore. The bond was there, whether it was steel as Dickon said or nylon as she had described, its presence was tangible. She wouldn't, couldn't, deny it any longer.

"When I called Joe," she interrupted. "He asked us if we wanted to go to his club tonight. What do you think, Jim?"

Dickon smiled.


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