Camp Killalot

By Karen

Dawn stared at the boy before her

"No way!"

Connor was likewise stunned as he stared back at the girl. He had seen the occasional picture of Buffy and had pictured her sister as another version of her but slightly smaller, if that was humanly possible, but the girl before him stood just an inch or two below him in height with long dark hair swinging to her waist. The moon broke from behind a cloud and he caught his breath as the largest and bluest pair of eyes he'd ever seen were revealed. Dawn was also very impressed with Angel's son, not least because he was still standing before her in nothing but a pair of very, very, tight jockey shorts

Let's give it up for hot summer nights and no jammies! If he takes after his father I so get what Buffy saw in him now!

They both looked around as the blonde haired boy they had both forgotten in the fight came up to them and pointed with a shaking hand at the demons lying on the floor

"Wh.what are they?"

Dawn and Connor exchanged quick looks and were suddenly all business. They both reached out and took an arm spinning the boy around and marching him away. Dawn slanted a look at Connor

"We'll head for my cabin. We need to talk."

Connor nodded his eyes scanning the darkness all around him


Dawn led the two boys up the steps to her dorm and banged on the door

"It's me, let me in."

Marcie's voice floated through the wood, slightly muffled, but still ringing with smug malice

"Me who? You could be anybody, I think we'd better just keep the door locked until we know we're safe."

Dawn closed her eyes and ground her teeth and then tried counting to ten. Twice. Nope, damn all help; she still wanted to kill the blonde viper. Connor placed his hand on her arm

"Step back."

Dawn grabbed the other boy and pulled him out of the way as Connor stepped back and then gave one powerful kick just above the lock on the door and it sprang open. Dawn grinned as she marched past him dragging the unfortunate rescuee

"Nice job."

Connor shrugged and followed her taking the time to close the door and push a pine unit in front of it to serve as a temporary barricade

"It's in the blood."

He winced as he turned from the door and the screaming that started when he'd kicked the door open intensified as the girls saw a half naked boy with a sword walk towards them

"Do they have to do that?"

Dawn rolled her eyes and shoved the blonde haired boy at the girls crowded at the back of the hut

"No. Everybody shut the hell up. He's a friend, he won't hurt you."

Marcie stepped forward and Dawn cynically noted her jammie top had managed to slip a few buttons exposing all of her chest down to the tops of her nipples as the girl said breathlessly

"He can make us do what ever he wants. Dawn, how could you let him in here?"

Dawn giggled as the girl clutched her hands to her bosom and put a touching quiver in her voice as she finished speaking

"Marcie, get over yourself. He's like a second cousin or something and he would never touch a skank like you. Go be elsewhere."

She turned her back on the group of teenagers and rejoined Connor saying loudly

"Sorry about that, but that's what you get with someone who's cup size is bigger than her IQ."

She ignored the squeal of outrage behind her at the remark and hauled her trunk out from under the bed "There should be something in here to fit you. I grabbed a couple of Xander's tops and some sweats of Spike's. Hah! Here you go!"

She turned round to Connor and held out a bundle of clothes

"Take what fits you best and dump the rest back in the trunk."

Connor nodded gratefully and quickly found a pair of loose sweat pants and an old Sunnydale High sweatshirt. He pulled them on and leant towards the girl now sitting on the bed carefully wiping down her axe

"What did they think I would do to them?"

Dawn cut an exasperated glance at the girls huddled resentfully at the back of the hut and huffed

"God, I don't know. Rape and pillage maybe?"

She raised her voice slightly

"In their dreams!"

The chill factor rose considerably at the other end of the room and Dawn's grin widened unrepentantly as she patted the bed beside her

"So, what's your deal? How come you got shipped off to Camp Brainfreeze?"

Connor sat next to her and stared morosely at the floor

"My Dad thinks I should be mixing with other kids. He got this idea that the stuff we do isn't right for a kid my age and he wants me to have a 'normal life'"

Dawn laughed again and pushed her hair out of her eyes

"See, I don't get that. I mean, Hello? Son of a vampire, sister of a Slayer, the good ship Normality sailed a long time ago."

She wriggled back on the bed and crossed her legs resting her arms comfortably on her knees smiling into Connor's eyes as he followed her and copied her position

"Buffy sent me because I have to think about college this year and she thinks that spell in camp will look good on my application. You know, go team spirit."

Connor nodded gloomily

"My Dad says I have to learn to talk about something other than killing and prophesies. I don't see why, it's not like he ever does."

They smiled into each other's eyes for a moment longer and then Dawn said

"And here we are not twenty four hours after they dropped us off and we're up to our asses in the underworld. You gotta love our lives."

Connor grinned back at her

"He's going to be very upset about all this. I'm allowed to fish but that's it. No hunting or killing anything."

Dawn leaned forward and patted his arm

"That's cool. I'll hunt, you be bait."

She glanced behind her at the young people by the wall and then satisfied they were ok, and more importantly out of earshot, said

"So, any idea what's going on?"

Connor frowned and shrugged helplessly

"None. I woke up because I sensed that someone was missing from the cabin but that's all I know." "Yeah? How'd you do that?"

He flicked a quick glance behind him to make sure no-one could hear and said quietly

"I could hear that there was only ten people breathing when there should have been eleven."

Dawn's eyebrows shot up

"No way! That's just so cool!"

Connor found himself blushing under her frank admiration and for the first time in his life allowed himself to relax and completely be himself with someone outside of his father's family and friends. His blush deepened as she leaned forward and caressed his ear with her whispered breath

"I'm really glad you're here. Supernatural powers are so what we need right now."

She leaned back and he greedily sucked in a breath of her scent. Chocolate and peaches. He became aware he was grinning goofily at her, just like his Dad grinned at Cordelia sometimes, and that she'd just asked him a question

"I'm sorry? What did you say?"

She looked at him strangely but opened her mouth to repeat the question

"I said.."

Their heads snapped round as something crashed against the cabin door and the girls began to scream once again. The two teenagers jumped off the bed and Dawn cautiously peered out the nearest window. She drew her head back in a hurry as another thump echoed against the cabin door

"Shit! I can see at least twelve more of them and from the looks of things they've all come armed and ready to party."

Connor stared back at her grimly and then they both leapt to the centre of the room to stand shoulder to shoulder as the door gave with a crash. For a moment the doorway was filled with bright moonlight and then darkness descended and flooded towards them screaming for blood.


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